Daddy Academy

Chapter 21 Reprint

Chapter 21 Reprint
PS: Ask for recommendation, ask for collection.

The socks that Zhang Tan bought for Xiaobai are very elastic, and Xiaobai wears them just right.

After asking her to put it on, she threw it away with holes, but Xiaobai was reluctant to put the broken socks in his trouser pocket and said that he would take them back. This is her little cutie.

Zhang Tan immediately moved away from her. He had just kicked the ball, and his socks were stinky. In Xiao Bai's own words, they were stinking.

"Goose, goose, goose~~~" Xiaobai saw Zhang Tan exaggeratedly pinching his nose and walked away, laughing like a goose call, and raised his hand to ask for a wash.

"Go on your own."

Xiaobai stepped on the small stool and stood by the sink and started to wash his socks.

The children are quick and quick, and at first glance they are familiar.

After washing the socks and drying them on the balcony, Zhang Tan and her went downstairs to play football.

The second child who came to the school was the little fat Luo Zikang, the one who fought with Xiaobai.

Luo Zikang wanted to join in, but Xiaobai mercilessly murdered him.

"What do you want to live in, you melon child, don't come here..."

I was stunned that Luo Zikang didn't come over, so he could only watch, not play.

But other children can join when they come, but Luo Zikang is not allowed.

"I want to play too." Luo Zikang shouted unconvinced.

Xiaobai's voice was even louder: "You play with a shovel! Climb away, you melon child, you can't play."

Although he was a little bigger, Luo Zikang was stunned by Xiaobai, and his aura was too different.

At seven o'clock in the evening, the staff gathered the children to play games together, and Zhang Tan and Xiaobai also stopped working.

Xiaobai didn't finish his mind, he made an appointment with Zhang Tan to continue to play tomorrow, and then went to play games with the children and watch TV.

Zhang Tan returned home, took a shower, and when he came out, he heard the phone ringing, and the caller ID was "Tang Yu", and he immediately thought of this person's related information.

One of his former girlfriends, the ex-girlfriend, had already broken up.

Zhang Tan ignored the phone and hung up after a while.

He does not intend to continue to communicate with these friends, but intends to reorganize himself and start a new life.

Sitting on the sofa, according to memory, thoroughly cleaned up the phone address book.

After doing this, he turned on the computer and checked the video posted yesterday.

At first glance, I saw that the comment area was full, and then glanced at the content. It was no longer a "balcony" or "boundless mana".

"Although I like the movie "The Chaser", the author's point is quite reasonable. Based on such an analysis, it seems that this movie is really simple."

"Thank you author, I seem to understand."

"The audience only cares whether they are happy or not, and they don't care whether there is any connotation or not."

"If the box office is high, it means that there is no connotation. If there is connotation, it means that there is no market. There is always something to say."

"Good analysis."

"Love love."

"Thank you, I was laughed at."


321 reviews, mixed.

Zhang Tan never thought that it would get rave reviews. "The Chaser" is so popular right now. Instead of boasting with the crowd, talking about it's "bad words" will definitely offend a large number of people.

However, as long as you speak objectively, you will always attract a rational audience.

The number of plays has reached 6, the barrage has exceeded 500, there have been more than 1000 likes, more than 800 favorites, and more than 100 retweets.

Overall, such data in just one day has already met Zhang Tan's expectations, which is very good.

Most importantly, there are more than 4000 followers who follow the "Stunning" account.

"I've seen many views in this movie analysis on other websites. I thought the author was plagiarizing, but I found out that the author's account is also amazing. It should be the same person. I didn't expect it to be made into a video. The analysis is more detailed and comprehensive. , good good, pay attention."

This is someone who found the analysis article he wrote on the film review website, which is the prototype of this video.

Thinking of this, Zhang Tan opened the film review website, found the film review he wrote earlier, and added a sentence to remind everyone that there is a more comprehensive analysis video on the Xili Li website.

After doing this, Zhang Tan began to sweep the list, that is, check other popular videos of the film and television channel, see how others do it, and learn from each other's strengths.

At the same time, he found that many newly released videos have only a single digit number of views and a poor number of comments. This is the normal state of a new UP master, and he, the first video can have 6 views, probably the main reason It's not the quality of the content, but the light of the subject matter, that is, the hot spot. Just look at how popular "Chasers" is now!On the tuyere, even a pig can take off, but a fat pig can't, it has to be a flying pig with good content.

After making a small summary, Zhang Tan started to make the next video. The movie was the one I saw yesterday. It's called "The Difference of One Thought". Art films.

In Huaxia, it is rare to be able to make a good urban romance film.

As a major theme of movies, romance films are of course a lot of them, but there are too few good romance films, and they have all been badly shot and rotten.

Some people have concluded that Chinese love movies have two major characteristics, derailment and abortion. It seems that without these two points, it is not youth and love.

Too vulgar.

"One Thought" does not have these problems. The whole film is fresh and a little sad. This is what the general public's youth and love should look like.

Zhang Tan wrote the video script first, and then recorded the content. It took Saturday night and Sunday one day to make the second video and post it on the website.

With the first experience, Zhang Tan has perfected many details this time, such as the content introduction, how to write more attractive, such as video tags, etc. Everything starts from the details.

By 6 o'clock in the evening, the second video had more than 1 views and more than 100 comments, much better than when the first video started.

Everything needs a process of accumulation, and there is no hurry.

Zhang Tan's mentality is much better than the first time. He doesn't refresh and check the data from time to time, and the website is closed. What should I do?

At the same time, Weibo film critic V "Ban Xian'er" is preparing the content of a new issue.

He has more than 800 million followers on Weibo, and there is a team behind him. He publishes a content every two days, with pictures and texts.

Usually at this time, the first draft of the new content has been published, and this time it was the same, but the draft did not pass the test. "Half fairy" Yang Jinxian is very strict about content, and he has a keen sense of content and the market.

He used to run the Weibo account by himself, but then he slowly started it, and after accumulating fans, he formed a team so that he could have more time to think about the content.

The longer you do it, the more good ideas and new content start to dry up, and the more time it takes to prepare a material.

Yang Jinxian was worried about the content and brainstormed with the three team members who wrote the manuscript.

"A new issue of content will be released at eight o'clock in the evening, and we are still at a loss. No matter how fast it is, it is impossible to make it in time."

Yang Jinxian was very worried. This was the first time he encountered this situation. He looked at everyone without a trace. Everyone's thinking had become rigid, and they needed to introduce new blood.

Someone suggested: "Otherwise, just use our manuscript? The quality is almost the same, it's better than not posting content."

Yang Jinxian is also a little moved. He can strictly control the content, but now the time does not allow, there is no time.

At this time, another member said: "I saw a movie analysis video on the XiLiLi website. It's very innovative. Can you learn from it?"

Yang Jinxian immediately asked, "Which video?"

Several major websites in China, including the Xi Li Li website, all pay attention to the film and television section in them. This circle is said to be small or large, and those are the well-known ones.

"Let it go and see."

"Forget the well-known UP masters, it's meaningless."

"It's a new guy and this is the first video he's made."

The speaker put the phone on the table and faced Yang Jinxian.

"Analysis of "Chasers"?" Yang Jinxian said, "Let's take a look."

After watching half of it, Yang Jinxian was already very moved and wanted to learn from some points of the video, but after watching it, he changed his mind. On the one hand, it was too late to write the manuscript.

He thought about it and said, "Can you contact the author, we will use his content in this issue, and ask him what the price is."

Zhang Tan didn't expect anyone to contact him.

He made his own dinner and was about to go downstairs to have a look. Before leaving, he couldn't hold back. He wanted to see the effect of the video just released, but he saw the consultation sent by Yang Jinxian's team.

The other party introduced his own situation and asked if he could quote his content and what he had to pay.

Zhang Tan specially found the Weibo of Yang Jinxian, the "half fairy", with more than 800 million followers, such as fake replacements.

He thought about it and replied: "I like the content of Ban Xian'er very much. This analysis video can be authorized for you to reprint without paying a fee, but the author and my UP account must be clearly written in a prominent position."

On the other end, the staff looked at Zhang Tan's reply and said to Yang Jinxian, "He's a man who understands."

Yang Jinxian: "Tell him there is no problem. Let's be friends. If you need help in the future, we will do our best."

With Zhang Tan's authorization, everyone should quickly convert the video into graphics.

Seeing this, Yang Jinxian said, "Don't repost, just repost the video."

So, the latest issue of "Ban Xian'er" released a video of Zhang Tan.

"What's the matter? Why did Ban Xian'er post a video this time? And he didn't do it himself."

"Friendly push? Banxian'er is getting lazy."

"Amazing? The voice is so warm."

"It's really good."

"Finally, I saw a person who knows how to do it. There are too many people who play "The Chaser". It's not that they can't do it, but they can't be blind."

"It's no wonder Banxian'er pushed this video, it's really good."

"This is an amazing new UP master on Xiaoyu's website. I've seen it and was about to recommend it."


By 10 pm, Zhang Tan's video data on the Xili Li website began to skyrocket. It has to be said that with more than 800 million fans, the recommendation effect is amazing. Even if only 50 people watched this night, it was still 50 views. .

Weibo and Xilibili website are compatible with each other. When you click to play the video reprinted on Weibo, the relevant data will be counted on both sides, and both parties will recognize it.

Before going to work the next day, Zhang Tan was thinking about this, turned on the computer to check the data, and was shocked. The number of video views of "The Chaser" had risen to 43, and the number of fans following him had skyrocketed to more than 8!

It all happened overnight.

Moreover, the official recommendation information came from the account text message. In view of the rapid rise of his data and the good quality of the content, the XiLiLi website will recommend his analysis of the video of "The Chaser" to the film and television channel on the homepage.

(End of this chapter)

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