Correcting the Villainess of the Academy

Chapter 152

The woman’s face was shrouded in a black veil, making it impossible to even guess her outline.

Well, it’s not like I have x-ray vision, so I guess that’s expected… but can she see in front of her?

Maybe that’s why it feels so out of place.

I obviously don’t know her face, and I can’t remember a voice that sounds young and feminine at all.

But there’s this strange familiarity I feel. Even though she’s just a stranger, not even a sister.

…Could she be a criminal from the wanted poster? A warlock? A demon agent?


There’s no way I could know she’s on the wanted list without knowing her face. And feeling a sense of familiarity towards trash like that makes even less sense.

“Um, excuse me… if you could stop looking at me like that…”

Did the woman sense my gaze? She opened her mouth slightly and spoke in a shy tone.

“Believe it or not, I’m a servant of the divine… so that kind of approach is… a bit…”


There was indeed a particularly solemn atmosphere in the building. I guess that’s exactly what it was.

“Uh… I apologize.”

“A-ha-ha, it’s fine… my attire is a bit… unusual, isn’t it?”

The woman raised her head again and said in a bashful voice.

“I don’t like sunlight very much… the kids were a bit scared of me at first… but now they’re used to it…”

The woman brushed off something she didn’t want to expose… perhaps something like burns?

Did she get injured somehow? I’ve seen many people with various injuries since coming to this city…


I subtly turned my gaze down to check the magic measurement device I had brought along.

It’s often malfunctioning in urban areas, rendering it almost useless, but for one-on-one encounters like this, it’s quite a useful tool.

And the needle on the gauge isn’t moving at all.

That means no magic is detectable in this close vicinity.

If the woman held some kind of evil, the needle would surely twitch from any raw energy leaking out.

So she’s at least not a demon or a warlock…


I need to push the conversation further anyway.

“…Is that so? What a pity. It’s such a lovely day.”

“Heh, it’s fine. One can’t only find peace and rest under the bright sun. Sometimes, you can find truth in such dark places.”

With a light laugh, the woman shook her head. Now that I think about it, her way of speaking really does feel quite religious.

“Speaking of which, how come the weather is so nice here? The other areas of this city are always shrouded in terrible smog even during the day.”

“It only clears a bit when the easterly winds blow. Once the wind dies down, this place is not much different from the other areas. Thankfully, the situation here is better, which is why I settled here…”

The woman shook her head.

Then she raised her finger slightly, pointing westward.

“Could you take a look over there?”

I turned my gaze to where she pointed.

As the gentle breeze stopped, the toxic mist, which had been pushed away earlier, began to seep back into its place.

A massive, dark gray wave loomed, higher than the factory smokestacks, swirling ominously in every direction.

It felt like observing the shadow of death looming over the city.

“Seeing the city covered in gray always breaks my heart. It’s such a tragic sight…”

The woman murmured with a forlorn voice.

“Who can survive that horrid pollution? This disaster is nobody’s fault but ours—the greed of humankind.”

She then turned her eyes toward the children who were playing tag and giggling.

“That’s partly why I like children. They’re blameless. Just pure beings filled with untainted innocence, unlike us adults who have tainted our bodies and minds…”

“I was wondering about something…”

I had almost forgotten in the midst of our chat.

Now that we’re talking about kids, there’s a question that’s been on my mind.

“Is there a woman called the one without eyes?”


The bewildered woman immediately bowed her head to the ground upon hearing my question.

So I guessed right.

“How did you know that nickname…”

Then she spoke in a voice that almost faded away.

“Children can be pure, but sometimes that makes them a bit mischievous when giving nicknames…”

“I heard about it yesterday in Area A. I happened to stumble upon someone who sometimes looks after the kids.”

“…Every parent in this city is just tired and worn out from life. They’re too busy worrying about their next meal to care about their children. I’m just helping a little.”

The woman said, shaking her head while trying to brush off her embarrassment.

“You seem to have many curiosities. Are you a guest from outside?”

“That’s right. I came up from the South looking for a job.”

“We get quite a few guests like you. Rather than decreasing, the number seems to be increasing day by day.”

The woman nodded.

“Just to secure one little ration can, people are fighting for space, and in their struggle to breathe for survival, they end up poisoning themselves. How can life be so pitiful? Is this what hell on Earth feels like…?”

By now, there were traces of moisture in the woman’s voice.

“The divine doesn’t desire such an unfair world. They didn’t grant the power of magic for someone to monopolize wealth and honor. The power that should’ve been used for the good of all has turned into this because of individual greed and selfishness. At this rate, it may be better to return to the world as it was in the beginning…”

“The world as it was in the beginning?”

“Before men and women were separated, before humans split from monkeys. I’m talking about when we were all one. And to be one is to mean complete equality. Not a world where some suffer while others enjoy wealth and power. Seeing it from that perspective…”


Before I knew it, our conversation had turned into one where I was listening to the woman’s long sermon.

“Oh my, has it already gotten so late…”

The woman seemed startled as she checked the time upon hearing the heavy chime of a grandfather clock.

And the curtain of mist, previously seen in the distance, was now approaching even closer than before.

“I’m afraid I’ve kept you too long. I’m really sorry…”

“…It’s fine. It was quite a meaningful time for me as well.”

“Heh heh, thank you for understanding.”

Then the woman stepped forward, saying:

“In return, I’d like to give you a gift.”

“A gift?”

“Yes. Could you extend your palm? Just one hand…”

With a kind voice, the woman prodded me again.

What is she trying to do?


Her voice carried no sense of malice, just pure goodwill.

After a moment’s hesitation, I held out my palm obediently.

After all, she doesn’t really seem like someone I need to fight against… and if she tries anything suspicious, it could serve as evidence.

The woman carefully placed her hand on top of mine.

I felt a slight warmth through her gloves. Yet, an uncomfortable tingling still lingered.

“Just hold on a moment…”

The woman whispered.

I remained tense, just in case.

But after a few seconds passed, she gently pulled her hand away.

Then she took several steps back and clasped her hands together as if nothing had happened.

“Alright, done.”


Looking puzzled at my palm, the woman added in an awkward tone.

“It’s nothing special. I just infused some good energy into you.”

“Good… energy?”

I didn’t feel any magic, nor even a hint of energy at all!

“I know it sounds strange. But after just one night, I’m sure you will understand my heart.”

Since I remained silent, she added defensively.

“And… can I ask one thing?”

“What is it?”

“If you have a good dream tonight… please come back to see me.”

“A dream…?”


The woman nodded confidently.

“I’ll always be here. Tomorrow, the day after, and so on…”

“…I’ll do that.”

“Hehe, thank you. I feel so happy to talk to a kind guest after a long time. There’s something so delightful about conversing with a sentient being…”

The woman looked to the west.

“Hurry home now. The mist will be coming back soon. I need to start my afternoon prayers…”

“Understood. Well then…”

As I turned to say goodbye and head out, I suddenly heard a voice grabbing my attention from behind.

“…Um, wait a moment.”

“…What is it?”

As I turned back, the woman spoke in a hesitant tone.

“Have we possibly met somewhere before?”


Good question. I’m curious too.

I felt my blood run cold.

Was this feeling of unease not just something I felt alone?

The woman slightly tilted her head, waiting for my answer.

I took a moment to calm my thoughts and responded.

“…I’m not sure. I can’t tell because you’re covering your face. If you remove that veil, I think I could tell.”

“Hehe, you might seem like a mischievous person behind that innocent façade…”

The woman covered her mouth with a shy smile.

A soft yet firm refusal.

It seems like there’s nothing more to dig up today.

“…I should get going.”

I bid her farewell and walked out the front door.

As I walked away and glanced back, the woman was still standing there, watching me as if to see me off.

Blending into the shadows like a protective color.

Then, in the next moment.

With a wave of dense fog rushing in, she completely vanished from sight.


I was lost in thought the entire way back.

The meeting with that woman filled my mind.

She was kind. She empathized with the woes of the poor and didn’t just stop at words; she took action to help them.

Even with my lack of knowledge in that area, I couldn’t help but think that someone true to their faith would be someone like her.

But still…


I unfolded my palm, which I’d shown to her earlier.

“…This feels suspicious.”

Perhaps it’s because I met someone while chasing a heretic that I feel this way. Of course, her bizarre appearance also plays a part.

I recalled all the things she said earlier.

“Good dreams,” “infusing energy,” “be sure to come back.” All can be seen as passionate preaching.

But there was something about that prior sermon.

It felt overly sweet, but am I just imagining it?

It felt like she was scraping away the sorrows of those who cannot become magicians.

Even I, who is somewhat part of the magician society, felt that way.

So it goes without saying how much more the lower-class insensitive folks, bowing to them for life, must feel the same.

Above all, there was that strange sense of familiarity the woman seemed to share with me…


It’s essential to investigate further.

The woman maintained a shy yet assertive demeanor throughout. She even explicitly asked me to return and find her.

If she were truly trying to hide her identity, there would be no reason for her to say such a thing.

If by chance she’s from the suspicious side… it wouldn’t be a good idea to reveal my identity or press too hard in the conversation. She could vanish if she senses any danger.

Fortunately, the beginning wasn’t too bad. I’ll need to approach this step by step.

Lost in my thoughts, I walked through the misty streets, and soon the flickering sign of a sleazy motel came into view.

I climbed the familiar stairs and headed to my room.

“Why are you so late?”

The moment I stepped in, I heard someone’s voice, slightly gruff.

Jin Yeseo was sitting at the vanity, not even turning to look at me.

She was wiping off the soot from her face and combing her disheveled hair.


That scene has become quite natural by now.

“While wandering around, I realized that District B is wider than I thought.”

“Really? Did you find anything?”


I shook my head.

“But I did meet her.”


“You know, the one without eyes.”

“Oh, that…”

Jin Yeseo, who was about to respond, seemed to recall something and broke into a mischievous smile.

“Are you now boldly coming back after having an affair right in front of your wife?”

“Oh come on… just tell me what happened today.”

“Pfft… fine. I heard that today, the headless corpse count rose to five…”

Jin Yeseo and I exchanged the information we had gathered.

After a quick wash-up, I was planning to lie down by the window.

But as I was about to take a seat, Jin Yeseo eyed me and spoke.

“Hey, wait a moment.”

“What’s up?”

“Are you going to sleep there again?”

“And so?”

“Isn’t it too uncomfortable?”

“Of course it’s uncomfortable. Is that even a question…”

Jin Yeseo shot me a glare that felt almost deadly.

“But why are you sleeping there again?”

“Well? I can’t just sleep in the same bed with you.”

“Hey! Are you saying that now…? Ugh, forget it…”

She seemed poised to yell at me but sighed deeply before speaking again.

“…You’re sleeping in the bed tonight.”

“Out of nowhere? Why?”

“How can I let my hard-working husband sleep in a chair after running around all day?”


I looked at her with a slight annoyance, demanding an explanation.

Jin Yeseo flinched slightly, as if surrendering.

“…Fine. It’s not like you have to if you don’t want to. Honestly…”

Isn’t she getting a little obsessed with this? She knows I don’t like it but insists anyway.

“…Alright. We can alternate sleeping arrangements. I don’t want to owe you that much. You sleep in the bed tonight.”

“Then what…?”

Considering how insistent she is, I might as well not refuse.

I stood up again and headed toward the bed.

As soon as I closed my eyes, Jin Yeseo’s voice faded into a dreamlike blur.

“Even after all that, you still won’t take that off…? Truly tenacious…”


-…Ahn, ugh…


Jin Yeseo, leaning against the chair, blearily opened her eyes.

A muffled sound could be heard through the wall, echoing softly in the room.

– Haah, ugh… more, more…


It came from the adjacent room. There’s no way for soundproofing in these cheap motels.

The sounds of two people lost in ecstasy.

No matter how disinterested she may be, she could still guess the meaning behind that beast-like panting.

With a slightly heated voice, Jin Yeseo mumbled.

“So vulgar… disgusting…”

Even plugging her ears didn’t seem to work.

If her back hadn’t been pressed against the chair, she would’ve fallen asleep long ago and wouldn’t have to listen to that disgusting sound.

Realizing her foolish decision a bit late, she regretted it.

Soon the noise subsided, but she had been wide awake by then.

After tossing and turning, Jin Yeseo finally rose from her chair.

She then turned her gaze toward the bed.

The man lay there, still as death in the position he first fell.

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