Correcting the Villainess of the Academy

Chapter 151

Zzirit zzirit. A unique sense of discomfort spreads from the part where Jin Yeseo’s flesh touches me. It soon climbs up my arm and begins to wrap around my body.

Although I’m wearing a mask, it’s not unbearable, but it’s still unpleasant.

I want to rip away that discomfort right now, but I can’t.

Since Jin Yeseo loudly shouted and waved her hand, all the unknown women in front of me direct their attention towards us.

At a glance, they look quite tough, and they seem to have built a decent rapport with Jin Yeseo.

If I were to coldly reject my wife, who was happily greeting me like this… it would be obvious that chaos would ensue.

“They’ve been taking care of me. I can’t tell you how kind they are…”

Taking advantage of my startled expression, Jin Yeseo grips my arm more tightly, leading me along. Her face is still beaming with a bright smile.

Now that I think about it, isn’t this the first time I’ve seen her smile like this?

I’ve only ever seen her with a face full of annoyance or twisted in pain, so it feels a bit refreshing.

However, the problem is I can’t figure out what she’s truly thinking.

Just this morning, hadn’t she complained and stormed out at me?

Pretending to be a married couple should remain just that—pretense. What on earth is the reason to brazenly flaunt our relationship in a setting like this?

Along with her, dozens of gazes pour in from all directions.

But somehow, those stares don’t feel kind.

Rather, I can’t shake off the feeling they’re filled with disdain, like I’m some pitiful fool…

“Is that guy?”

“Did he wear that just to enjoy the nice air by himself?”

And soon, loud-voiced, brash women start whispering, roasting me.

“My goodness, while leaving his wife, who trusted him and followed him here…”

What is this?

Shocked, I looked down at Jin Yeseo.

“Huh? Honey… why are you looking at me like that?”

Long lashes, big, bright eyes peeking through her messy bangs, finely shaped features, and those lips that look as if they’ve just bitten into a juicy red fruit.

She’s smiling brightly, and even dirt can’t hide her beauty; it’s astonishing.

I heard from Seonghun that many male students were particularly eager to approach Jin Yeseo at the beginning of the semester.

Of course, Jin Yeseo said she passed them all onto the student council, but seeing her like this, I can roughly guess the reason.

However, only now, in this situation, I realize the hidden shadows of a sinister and cunning plot behind that smile.

Tsk tsk… He looks fine on the outside, but the person is just…”

“How did such a good bride end up with that guy…”

“You brat! Live properly. You’re a young man…”

I’ve really been had.


The start was truly something that could be called the worst.

Not only had I been ruthlessly toyed with for a night, but I also had to wander the streets in a disheveled state, covered in dirt.

However, looking back, it wasn’t entirely bad.

In fact, there were some aspects that felt refreshing.

Hmm hmm~

At dusk.

It was time for the city to be shrouded in orange mist once again.

This was how Jin Yeseo felt while returning to that cheap motel from yesterday.

She felt so good that it was to the point where she couldn’t help but hum a tune she normally wouldn’t.

Just then, Jin Yeseo turned her head to the side.

She had already uncrossed her arms, but they were still walking side by side, matching their pace like a married couple.

Only, the man was walking as if he were a bit out of it.


Jin Yeseo struggled to keep the corners of her mouth from rising involuntarily.

She felt like she must have sounded quite gruff.

Having been surrounded by dozens of fierce women and receiving harsh criticism, it was only natural for such a brutish man to be spaced out.


I barely stifled the laugh that was trying to bubble out.

He had seemed so frightening just last night, but now he looked just like a drenched puppy.

Seeing him like this even made him seem a bit pitiful.

It was my first experience of the lower class, but it wasn’t that bad at all. Most importantly, the women were surprisingly kind.

My goodness… to leave such a wife alone…

While being kind to me, they poured scorn on the husband who had driven his bride to the streets.

Using their strength, I had even managed to deliver a delightful blow to that scoundrel, so there was truly no room for complaints.

Hrum… sometimes this isn’t so bad. People are unexpectedly nice… I guess I had a bit of prejudice.

There was no response, but that didn’t mean Jin Yeseo needed to stop talking.

“Our husband’s been getting a lot of hate? They say the man is so unreliable that he’s making his bride suffer like this.”

“But I’ve been on your side a lot. He’s not really that terrible. If you get to know him, he’s a nice guy. Did you hear? What can I say? If you get scolded, I get scolded too. We’re ‘married’, right?”

“Honey, why so quiet? Don’t just stand there. Say something, okay?”


The more silent the man became, the more Jin Yeseo’s mood soared higher.

Then abruptly, he stopped in his tracks.

With a sharp glance at Jin Yeseo, he snapped out,

“Hey. Can you stop?”

“What for?”

“That ‘honey’ thing.”

“Why? You said we are married. So I’m diligently fulfilling my duties as a wife, right?”

Jin Yeseo retorted innocently.

While observing him closely, she realized another fact.

Despite having brought it up herself, the man was accepting the term, which implied a deep relationship, with discomfort.

Honestly… after forcing it on me first… if a woman like me calls him honey, he should be grateful enough to offer his thanks…

She was still playing the role of an unwilling wife.

This was the only means she had to mess with a man who couldn’t be tackled by any means.

Since she had the justification, there was absolutely no reason for Jin Yeseo to give up that title.

“It would have been fine if you just happily called me in front of everyone.”

“There could be people watching here too.”

“Exactly… oh please, whatever…”

The man shook his head in irritation. That aftertaste somehow felt reminiscent of yesterday’s loneliness.

He changed the topic and spoke again.

“…So, did you hear anything?”

“Well… it wasn’t much different from what the old man said yesterday.”

Recalling her conversation with the women, Jin Yeseo shook her head in satisfaction.

“In the early morning, they said the smog grows stronger, so you should absolutely avoid going out. If you lose your way, you’ll never find it again. It seems the increasing number of lunatics is also due to the toxic mist…”


“Yeah. Recently, there was even a case where a man was arrested by the Security Bureau for cooking and eating his newborn daughter. There seem to be a lot of cases like this. They say it’s strange how normal people turn like that overnight…”

Then, the man halted and spoke.

“Wait. Those symptoms…”

“I get it. I felt the same. It feels similar to that guy the newspaper talked about.”

…is there anything like an item found at the scene? Something like the ornament I showed you.

“I tried to pry a bit, but he didn’t seem to know anything beyond that.”

“Is that so…”

“Yeah. And also they said that to find a job, you should go over to District B. Thankfully, it’s in better shape than ours. But that doesn’t concern us…”

“District B… District B…”

The man mumbled as if recalling something.

“Tomorrow, I should check that side out.”

“What? Are you really trying to find a job?”

“As if. I planned to check it out eventually. Plus, it’s right next to District A, where corpses have been floating down the drains, so there might be something there. Even if the zones are separated, the sewers all lead to one place.”

“Is that so…”

Jin Yeseo looked at him and asked.

“Hey, this time did I actually help?”

…it’s somewhat better than yesterday.

His reluctant words felt partially accepted.

Jin Yeseo couldn’t hide her happiness.

Before long, the lodging where they stayed yesterday came into view from a distance.

Phew… I wonder what Seoyeon would say if she saw me like this…

The excitement she’d felt diminished slightly.

Jin Yeseo let out a small sigh.

If my dear junior found out about last night’s escapade… she would be so sad, right…?

She reaffirmed her resolve not to let Baek Seoyeon know about this.

However, for some reason, she no longer felt the same fear she had from yesterday.

Was she already adapting to this abnormal daily life?

Or perhaps it was because she’d discovered that the fierce man had a somewhat foolish side to him.

As she approached the familiar motel lobby, the plump landlady at the reception discreetly made a gesture towards Jin Yeseo, away from the man.


As Jin Yeseo approached her, the landlady handed her something.

In a low voice, she whispered.

“Men are oblivious to these things. You need to take care of yourself. If you need something, just let me know…”

Turning back, Jin Yeseo revealed a confused expression as she opened her palm.

A small, vitamin-like object wrapped in plastic.

…What is this…?

She tilted her head curiously as she looked at the object.


On the third day since arriving at City No. 1.

This time I walked towards District B, switching directions from yesterday.

The Yeonjeongmun, the dead man in the pigsty, the cult symbols, the burnt orphanages, the missing nun, the corpses washed away in the sewers every day, and the unpleasant toxic mist.

A series of events seemed to be trailing off endlessly.

Unable to ignore the weeping claims of the grieving widow, I accepted a request, thinking there might be something that could tarnish Yeon Minha’s name… but somehow, it feels like I’m in deeper now than I was at the start.

I lowered my gaze to the manhole cover, which was blocking the sewer.

The various sections of City No. 1 are separate, but the sewers are all connected. Perhaps they even connect to the capital.

That means… it’s an ideal way to plot schemes and spread them while avoiding the public eye.

If nothing comes from today as well, I might have to consider crawling down there myself. Or if worse comes to worst, I could disclose my identity and seek cooperation from the local Security Bureau…

Lost in those thoughts, I continued to walk.


Suddenly, a dramatically different scene unfolded before my eyes.

The toxic smog that shrouded the city had vanished. Only warm sunlight and a cool breeze lingered in the air.

The once gray roofs revealed their true colors.

Along with sounds of chirping birds and the lively shouts of children racing through the alleys.

What is this?

Even as I stepped into the scene, I felt utterly bewildered.

Having only left one section, it resembled a different world.

How could there be such a difference…?

“Hey! It’s a monster!!”

While I was deepening my exploration of District B, a shrill voice rang out behind me.

I turned to see a small child pointing at me, yelling at the top of their lungs.

The finger was clearly pointing in my direction.

Calling me a monster out of the blue? Not all kids are innocent, I guess. Maybe I should take back what I said yesterday.

Or perhaps that kid was actually the strange one.

A few kids rushed over and instantly surrounded me. Rather than fear, their curious gazes felt brighter.

Each one had a small treat like biscuits or candy in their hands.

Is someone taking care of them? If so, could it be…

“Hey kids, can I ask you something for a moment…”

But as soon as the little ones heard my voice, they skedaddled away.

“Eeek! The monster talked!”

“Run! It’ll eat us!”

These little brats.

I laughed heartily and chased after the fleeing children.

Navigating through the walls, their small frames slipped in and out of view.

Finally, emerging from an alley, I found a quaint clearing and a building made of red bricks.

Without hesitation, the children opened the gate and dashed into the arms of someone standing there.

“Sister! The monster… a monster is chasing us!”

“You brats. Didn’t I tell you not to say that to just anyone? And it’s dangerous to venture out far, remember? Seriously…”

The owner of that voice was gently stroking the child in her arms while scolding them sharply.

Then finally turning to look at me, she offered a late greeting.

“The kids don’t know any better… I apologize for their behavior.”

I found myself momentarily speechless, staring at the woman.

At a glance, she had a peculiar appearance that exuded an aura of solemnity.

A black hat resembling a hood kept her face entirely hidden with a veil hanging down.

Dressed in matching black outerwear that enveloped her, she also wore white gloves. Not a single strand of hay could be seen.

She appeared even more out of place against the warm sunlight.

Her clear voice hinted at a young woman, but why…?

“Um… customer?”


Snapping back to reality from her curious question, I finally replied.

…No. They’re just kids, so it’s understandable. I wanted to ask them something, but they ran off…

Hehe… Thank you for understanding.”

As the fully covered woman raised a hand to her lips, simulating a smile, I felt a strange, indescribable sensation wrap around me.

What could this be?

Is it the sudden encounter with clear skies after being in a city filled with toxic smog? Or the discovery of a strangely dressed woman in a gloomy building?

…That might be worth contemplating, but they aren’t the initial triggers of this doubt.

Rather… the woman before me, whose face and voice I couldn’t see, felt too familiar and comforting.

As if we had known each other for decades.

No, perhaps for centuries or more.

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