Contract Summoner

Chapter 8

“What do you mean he is dead!” The shouts of Leo could be heard across the entire building.

Captain Henderson kept a stone like expression on her face, “As I said, the Wolf Pack Leader threw him to the side, I saw the blood, and if he wasn’t dead upon landing, he would have bleed out.” Not a total lie, she was aware Airman Brown was able to get off a cast of Heal Ally, however it did not prevent bleeding, something Mathew surely died from.

“So you left his body? What sort of soldier are you! What happened to no soldier left behind?” Mentally wincing Henderson stated a line she has said too many times in her own opinion.

“I had more people under my command than Mathew. You wanted me to risk their lives and my own over a body we can retrieve tomorrow?” Henderson looked over and nodded at the Airman who was stationed in her office to help her. He also was there to spy on her, however that Airmen was loyal to her, and would not say a word.

Captain Henderson allowed her face to falter to reveal some true emotion. Leo however was skeptical, but at the same time realized most of what she said was standard. “What's the truth Captain Henderson?”

“I ordered everyone to follow through with the quest that popped up. Steve-O got injured before we fought the Pack Leader. During the final fight, we were overwhelmed. Mathew did his damndest and he is dead. He got caught out, we were not at full strength. What I did was a calculated risk, and to be honest I assume he would be the least likely to die. Damien or Sophia were higher on that list in my mind.” Henderson pulled out a small notebook from her desk. It looked old and dirty. She flipped to about a third of the book, some pages with dark brown stains.

“Leo, have you heard of a Memory Book?”

He shook his head, looking at it curiously. “What is it?”

“A book officers of war sometimes keep. It has the name of every soldier, civilian, and sometimes enemy that were killed by their actions or actions not taken.” Pulling out a pen, Captain Henderson wrote down a single name, Mathew.

“I promise you Leo, we will get his body back, you are more than welcome to help. I actually put your name in for the team to do so. Along with Crow and Madison. I understand you four are somewhat a close circle.” Captain Henderson stood and gestured for Leo to leave. Closing the door behind him Captain Henderson sat in her chair, reflecting on the recent events the Military has taken action in. She pulled that book out again along with a bottle of scotch.

“Mathew, may you be remembered, and I promise to bury you with the fur of that Pack Leader bastard.” Taking a shot, Henderson allowed the feeling of the strong beverage to wash over her, allowing her to feel something again for the first time in a long while.

Leo slowly walked to his bedroom murmuring angrily the entire way. Slamming the door closed he began yelling. “He can’t die! We promised to get revenge for Isabella.” Leo punched the wall leaving a small impression where his fist hit. Gaining level 3 recently sure meant a lot. Compared to his old body, Leo was almost an entirely different person physically.

Leo opened his menu and took a look at a single submenu, Oaths. That was the only thing that proved Captain Henderson was a liar, or Mathew was the luckiest bastard alive.

Oath of Revenge

You have made an Oath to seek vengeance for your sister Isabella. Failure to uphold his oath will bring upon divine punishments.

All members who swore to aid you in fulfilling this oath: Crow, Mathew, and Madison

“Captain Henderson, for both our sakes, let us hope Mathew was lucky. Because if I find out you lied, a new Oath will be made.”


Name: Mathew

Level: 3 | 530 / 600

Age: 27

Race: Human [Grade G]

Class: Unknown [Grade Unknown]

Profession: Contract Scribe

Titles: Lawyer

Achievements: Professional Profession, Survivor

Health: 53/240

Mana: 81/385

Strength: 10

Vitality: 11

Dexterity: 10

Endurance: 11

Intelligence: 18

Wisdom: 17

Unallotted Stat Points: 0

Submenus: Abilities, Inventory, Terms and Conditions, Quests, Spell List


Knives | Novice 3

Your ability to wield small bladed weapons has improved through combat. 3% increase to damage with these weapons.

Writing | Novice 2

Ink Stains, hand cramps, and long nights are something you are used to. This skill helps alleviate those things. Improved writing by 6%

Tactics | Novice 1

Every fighter must stay wary of the battlefield. +2% to all allies you give orders to when they follow the order.


Summon Wisp | Novice 5

Summon a Wisp to fight for you in combat. Wisp level and prowess is related to spell level.

Wisps are fragile creatures and stay near their summoner for protection. They also shed a bit of light.

Health: 30

Damage: 9-11 + Int

Range: 7 Meters

Cost: 70 mana

Casting time: 10 Minutes

Remains within 1 meter of Summoner

Ice Bolt | Novice 2

A bolt of Ice that leaves a cold sting on your opponents

Damage: 7-12 + Int

Range: 11 Meters

Cost: 29 Mana

Casting Time: 1 Second

I sat with my back against the warm stone wall, looking over everything. My only two options for damage are my Wisp and Ice Bolt. Luckily my Ice Bolt seemed to have ranked up, more than likely during the fight.

To get out of here, I will need to kill the Pack Leader, plus any others that are down there. I risked looking back over the edge to count what was all down there, focusing to see them better.

Infernal Wolf Pack Leader, Level 5

Alpha Infernal Wolf, Level 3

Infernal Wolf Minion x2, Level 1

I sat back down and decided to do some math. Pulling out my knife, I started to etch things into the stone to help keep track of numbers. Currently my mana regeneration per hour is 15.2, which isn’t much. To fill back to full I would need to wait about 20 hours. I opened the Quest to see if it showed how much time was left.

Quest: Who Let the Dogs Out

The nearby Infernal Dungeon has tainted this den of Wolves. Clear them out before more are created. You and your party are unable to leave this cave till the Infernal Pack Leader is slain, or 24 hours have passed.

You have been abandoned in the cave. In 8 Hours, the Infernal Dungeon will cause the cave system to flood with lava, you will die.

Reward: How you survive dictates reward.

Failure: Death

Time Remaining: 7 Hours, 59 Minutes, 12 Seconds

Sweat started to form on my palms and I gulped down in nervousness. This was not good, now that I think about it, it was much warmer than before the fight. Back then, it was like a nice summer day, warm, but not hot. Now, it felt like it was the devil's armpit.

I sighed and closed my eyes leaning against the stone, I started to calm myself and think. I need mana to get out of here. I can use the Ice Bolts to maybe take out the weaker ones, along with my Wisp. That Alpha is the only real problem. If only I didn’t get caught out!

I need mana and fast, I will have to dedicate every fiber to mana regeneration. No movements, absolute focus to ensure both my mana, and even my health have the highest chance to regenerate over time. I have 7 hours. That puts me at 106 extra mana. That’s enough for 3 Ice bolts.

I sat like that for an hour, the entire time the wolves were jumping up, trying to get to me. The constant sound of claws on stone almost annoyed me, however I eventually found a nice quest place in my mind. It was a time before I became a lawyer.


“Mathew, you need to study harder!” It was my mom, she was looking over my most recent test which I got a B- on. I didn’t even study for it, knowing I would pass at the very minimum.

“Sorry mom, I’ll try harder next time.” I wasn’t being honest, I didn’t care about the grades. I had more important things to focus on. Video Games were a new passion of mine.

“Why can’t you be like your other siblings? They are all A+++ students! It’s those damn video games isn’t it? Why can’t you have a productive hobby! Your brother, Issac, was tearing apart computers to see how they worked when he was your age!” She was about to call my Dad.

“No!” I panicked and then went back into perfect child mode. “No Mom, no need to call Dad. I’ll do better I swear. No more video games anymore. I’ll even start working on a better hobby.” I wasn’t technically lying, but I wasn’t happy about the fact I couldn’t play video games anymore.

She seemed to think for a hard moment then relented, “Fine, but just because you are the youngest of seven dosn’t mean I will spoil you Mathew. Last chance young man.” I gave her a hug and headed upstairs to my room. I went to my bed and laid down groaning inwardly.

I remember this day more now than ever for some reason. It was the day I decided to go into law study. Become someone who could loophole and debate against any law that existed. Become someone feared in the courtroom. How naive I was, I had no clue how courts really worked back then.

I was happy back then, so much happier being my own person, why did I give it up? I knew what I told myself, but what prevented me from surrendering? I sat there in the cave and wolves fully tuned out of my mind at this point to where I forgot about them.

I realized then the reason, I was alone and weak. I had nobody to rely on other than myself. That was then and this was now. Starting today, I will become a Contract Scrime and Summoner. I will no longer be alone, for I shall summon armies to my heed.

Suddenly a wave of heat burned me and broke me out of my trance. I could see the lava pools start to bubble, I was running out of time.

I checked and saw I had 7 hours left, time to start grinding on these Wolves. I summoned my Wisp and commanded it to start attacking the younger wolves. I was banking on a level up, and fast.


Level Up!

It took all of them minus the Pack Leader, but I made it to Level 4. I quickly put both points into Wisdom, increasing my mana regeneration even more. After that I opened my Spell List to take a look and figure out which spell to get.

Ice magic:

Tier 1:

Frozen Touch

A layer of ice remains where you touch your enemy, slowing them.

Damage: 2-5 + Int

Effect: 5% decrease in movement

Range: Touch

Cost: 20 Mana

Casting Time: 2 Seconds


Control Ice

This spell allows you to turn water into ice, and vice versa. Starts off with 1 cubic meter in control size.

Effect: Turn Ice into Water, or Water into Ice.

Range: Touch

Cost: 15 Mana

Casting Time: Channel


Tier 1:

Bind Familiar

Bind a creature into your service via Contract. Requires Ritual Magic.

Cost: 250 Mana


Summon Object

Bind an Object via touch and you can summon it back to your hand so long as it is within sight.

Cost: 10 Mana

Range: Sight


Create Contract

A spell that lets you automatically create a contract with a snap of your fingers. Writing depends upon Writing Skill.

Cost: 5 mana

Ritual Magic:

Tier 1:

Ritual of Mana

Increases the regeneration of mana by 10%

Cost: 75 Mana

Range: 1 Meter

Lasts till dispelled or a new Ritual is created.


Ritual of Learning

Increases the speed of abilities or spells increase in rank.

Cost: 65 Mana

Range: 5 Meters

Lasts till dispelled or a new Ritual is created.


Ritual of Trapping

The first creature that steps into the Ritual area will become trapped for 10 seconds.

Cost: 100 Mana

Range: 1 Meter

Lasts till dispelled, a new Ritual is created, or a creature is trapped.

I was torn between the Ritual of Learning or the Ritual of Trapping. One would trap the Pack Leader letting me escape, the other however, would increase how quickly my skills ranked up, which in turn would let me kill the thing quicker.

I thought back to my memory, and selected the Ritual of Learning. The flood of information was so much more than either of the previous spells I selected. I quickly got to work on drawing out the ritual on the ground using my knife to sketch it into the stone. I only had 6 hours at this point, and needed every second.

I had a crazy plan, but right now crazy is what I needed. I would have my wisp attack the Pack Leader while I was in the ritual. Meanwhile, I would focus on regenerating mana letting my Summon Wisp spell level up faster. When my mana was high enough I would cast an Ice bolt. Every hour I could cast one. Sure my Wisp dealt very little damage, but over the course of a few hours, it just might be enough!

Soon as I finished the Ritual of Learning, a blue box appeared.

Ritual of Learning

Mana Cost: 61 Mana

Effective area: 5.3 Meters

All skills in the area will improve by an extra 16%.


Note: Any previous ritual currently active will be deactivated

I hit the confirm button and started to work on my plan. With my Tactics skill giving it an extra 2% damage output, I only had hopes that my plans would work. If not, then I was going to be turned into ash. Nothing for anyone to find if they come back for my body.


It’s been six hours and the temperature was only increasing the entire time. I stripped all my excess gear down only some pants and shoes at this point. My Wisp was doing great work while I sat inside the Ritual. Each attack dealt less than 10 damage. On the flip side, it was consistent, and the Pack Leader seemed only more enraged as I whittled down it’s health.

Summon Wisp was now at Novice 8, each attack was dealing on average 12-13 cold damage at this point. The occasional Critical or Weak Spot were encouraging toward my morale and gave me hope, but I had roughly an hour till I was dead.

I took another look at the Pack Leader and it seemed to be breathing heavily. I started to wonder why it just didn’t leave? Surely it was smart enough to know it can’t get to me. What was motivating it to do such a suicidal thing? Pride? Perhaps it was really just that dumb.

I sat there letting my wisp attack it more when a scary thought appeared in my mind. I had a quest to kill it from The System. Could it have a quest to kill me? It would make sense, the only reason why I am risking my life is to possibly stop the magic of the dungeon from spreading further, in turn saving a bunch of people.

It could easily be doing the same in its eyes. Killing me and letting the counter fall to release the taint of the Infernal Dungeon! That solidified my resolve to kill this mutt once and for all. I breathed deeply and readied myself to end this here and now.

I stood at the edge of my safe area and readied an Ice Bolt in my hand, and willed my Wisp to hold an attack as well. We would attack at the same time, directly in it’s horn. “Hey Mutt!” It looked up at me and snarled it’s teeth. It lurched low reading for one last attempt to reach me. We both knew this was going to be the last attempt on both our sides.

The magic in my hand started to hurt and I willed myself to hold it a bit longer. “I am Mathew! You couldn’t kill me last time, and look at where I am! Above you! I have done nothing but pepper you with attacks, and you just sat there like the BITCH you are and took it!” Wait for it, I wanted no chance to miss. All or nothing, here and now.

“You want me? Come on, show me what you got. I bet you can even make it halfway up here!” My heart was pumping as if I just ran a 10km marathon. Fear was hidden in me, deep down. However, between that fear and the outside world was a new emotion that overwhelmed me. Desire. Desire to survive. Desire to win. The same desire I had in many court cases, and here it was the same.

I will not look weak to the opposition. I shall overcome the odds and come out victorious! The Pack Leader lurched upwards and I launched the Ice Bolt and willed my Wisp to attack the horn as it lurched upwards.

Ice Bolt dealt 31 Cold Damage to Infernal Wolf Pack Leader. Weak Spot! Critical! Resisted!

Wisp dealt 49 Cold Damage to Infernal Wolf Pack Leader. Weak Spot! Critical! Resisted!

Infernal Wolf Pack Leader dealt 140 Slashing Damage to You. Critical!

I fell backwards as the Pack Leader soared over me and into the wall. We both laid there, unmoving. I quickly checked my Health and started to laugh loudly in joy.

Health: 2/305

Never had I been so happy to see that little blue box.

Combat Summary:

Infernal Wolf Pack Leader: 600 Experience

Level Up!

Question Completed: Who Let the Dogs Out

Due to your wits, bravery, and some luck, you have completed this quest.

Rewards: 1200 Experience, 150 Credits, Profession related item [Rare], Title: Solo Boss, Achievement: First Quest

Quest Acquired: Select your Class

Level Up!

Summon Wisp has reached rank Beginner 0. Please Select an Upgrade

Ice Bolt has reached rank Novice 6

Tactics has reached rank Novice 5.

Ritual of Learning has reached rank Novice 3.

New Submenu: Store has been unlocked.

7 unallocated stat points remain.

There was a flood of emotions, questions, and two small bags appeared in front of me. I was about to open my menu and apply my new stat points when a rumble in the ground reminded me where I was.

I quickly gathered the small bags and put them in my backpack. I looked back where the Pack Leader was, and a few items were left there.

“Shit item drops!” I quickly put them in my bag, only one of them was too large, a long black stick. I just threw it down below as I pulled out some rope to get down safely. I can’t have a broken leg at this point. I quickly made my way down and picked up my new walking stick and hurried out. As soon as I made it to the chamber where Steve-O was cursed I could see lava start to make its way up the caves.

I thought I stopped it from happening! Was I too late? I somehow found the energy to pick up my pace and started to run out of there. The scratch the Pack Leader left me hurt like hell, but something told me that the lava would hurt much worse.

It didn’t take much longer till I saw the exit to the tunnel. Daylight flooded the way in and was like a lighthouse to a ship lost at sea in a storm. I abandoned all safety for myself to risk getting out quicker. Sprinting at this point the sound of rushing lava louder than the internal screams of pain.

As soon as I made it out of the cave I lurched to the side scrambling far from the mouth of the cave. I spared a glance back and saw no lava exited the cave, instead it pooled right there at the entrance. It was almost like an invisible wall was there, preventing the lava from leaving. It was an amazing sight, one I was able to only enjoy for a short moment before exhaustion and pain took over and I fell over blacking out.


Leo stood at the gate guarding the exit and entrance to the base. This was the closest one to where the Infernal Dungeon was. Here very shortly, Captain Henderson, and others will meet him here to go and find Mathew’s body.

Leo however knew his friend was alive, and was waiting to see him come out of the forest line any moment now. Pulling out a rag, he began to wipe down Lucky. A new pastime of his, to ensure the weapon stayed in perfect condition. It also was a nervous habit as well, showing that he really was worried that Mathew could be dead.

He heard footsteps coming from behind him and turned to see everyone. Crow, Madison, Captain Henderson, Sophia, Airman Brown, Damien, and even Steve-O were here. The latter only wished everyone farewell, since he was still not in any condition to fight.

“Alrighty everyone, this is a body retrieval mission. You all know your battle positions. Lets bring Mathew home okay?” Everyone solemnly nodded. Suddenly an alert from one of the guards men was heard.

“Injured man approaching! Stop where you are and state your name and business!” Several guns and spells were readied to be launched at the possible threat.

Standing at the edge of the tree line was a man covered in blood and no shirt. He leaned on a long black walking stick to keep himself upright. The sunlight glistened off the three bloody claw marks on his chest and other small puncture wounds that covered his body.

Nobody that was there to leave that day could believe it. If it wasn’t for the voice that spoke out, “I am Mathew, and I believe someone owes me a fancy wolf rug for my fireplace.” Falling forward, Mathew collapsed on the ground.

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