Contract Summoner

Chapter 7

As soon as we entered the cave, everyone had a blue box appeared.

Quest: Who Let the Dogs Out

The nearby Infernal Dungeon has tainted this den of Wolves. Clear them out before more are created. You have 24 hours to complete the Dungeon

Reward: Profession based item [Uncommon], 500 Experience, 100 Credits

Failure: The area will become more dangerous, and the chance of death.

“Fuck me sideways with a pineapple.” Brown muttered under his breath.

This was not good, and now more questions stood than answers. What were credits? Why did this appear? Are we going to die?

Henderson seemed unfazed. “Hey, everyone heads on straight. You can bitch after you die or we leave here, that’s an order.”  Damien however did not agree, “I think we should stay here and leave, come back with reinforcements.”

Sophia nodded in agreement, “If it was only the one or two, that be different. We have no clue how many are down here, and they have a Pack Leader, which I am assuming is stronger than the Alpha’s.”

Brown seemed hesitant but spoke his mind, “Captain Henderson, they have good points, let’s just come back.”

She shook her head no, “Nonsense, read the text. If we don’t end it now, more Infernal wolves will spawn. That means more in the wild to encounter. Either we kill the least amount now, or we risk fighting more in the future. Which is it? I will allow a vote to be cast majority rules.” We took a vote. Sophia and Damien voted against. However, Steve-O, Henderson, and I all voted for. Brown was the only one who didn’t vote.

“Brown, you are the deciding vote, either it’s a tie or not.” Sophia seemed to almost plea with him, but he shook his head.

“Won’t matter, Henderson, as leader, counts twice in her vote, so it’s for.” He seemed conflicted with the results.

I put a hand on his shoulder, “Don’t worry I will be sure to keep an extra eye for everyone.” He smiled back at me and nodded.

“I am adding to the quest reward, whoever gets the killing blow on the Infernal Pack Leader gets first dibs on the loot, plus a week's rest at base, understood?” Captain Henderson spoke with an authoritarian voice, but even I could see the slight fear in her eyes. Suddenly the blue box re-appeared.

Quest: Who Let the Dogs Out

The nearby Infernal Dungeon has tainted this den of Wolves. Clear them out before more are created. You and your party are unable to leave this cave till the Infernal Pack Leader is slain, or 24 hours have passed.

Reward: Profession based item [Uncommon], 500 Experience, 100 Credits

Bonus Reward set by Party Leader: First dibs on any loot drops, plus a week’s rest at your base of operations.

Failure: The area will become more dangerous, and the chance of death.

I blinked, how did she do that? I wasn’t the only one as we all looked at her confused, even herself seemed surprised, but bounced back quickly.

“Damn right I’m the party leader, move out everyone.” She stood next to Sophia and led us deeper into the cave.

We slowly pressed on down into the cave. It didn’t take long before the natural sunlight was no longer present. Our only light sources were my Wisp, the flashlights, and a few glow sticks. As we slowly walked I couldn’t help but think that we were not meant to be here yet.

Before I knew it, we found our first encounter. It was the one we fought earlier plus two more, all level 1. We quickly dispatched them and left any loot behind, we could pick it up on our way back.

“Huh, maybe it won’t be so bad, if these three were that weak.” Steve-O thought aloud.

Sophia groaned and cursed him. “Curse you Stevey, you doomed us. You tempted not only Fate but the System itself. I honestly half expect a box to appear to confirm it.” Either luckily or not, the box did not appear.

“Bah, we are fine, we are not level 1 anymore girly.” With that we pressed onwards.

We came to the next area finding our next fight.

Alpha Infernal Wolf Level 3

Infernal Wolf Level 1 x3

The Alpha was much larger than the other three wolves. It’s horn had an eerie black glow around it, which I made a mental note to avoid.

“Steve-O, fuck you.” Was the last thing Sophia said before we were attacked. We quickly broke into battle formations as the Alpha started to charge toward us with it’s horn down ready to pierce the first person it could.

Sophia was ready and bashed it to the side, causing it to move to the side a little bit. Steve-O took advantage of this, slashing into it with his two long daggers. Each swipe leaving behind open wounds pouring out black blood.

Henderson, Damien, and Brown were each fighting an Infernal Wolf of their own. Henderson wailed with her club, while the other two used knives to keep them at bay till someone with a real source of damage could finish them off.

I decided to help Sophia and Steve-O out and commanded my wisp to attack the Alpha from my safe distance.

Wisp dealt 9 Cold damage to Alpha Infernal Wolf.

I noticed a lack of frost on it’s fur that the attacks normally left behind, but disregarded it for now. The Alpha turned to slash at Sophia, who in turned used her shield to keep it’s attacks at bay. Steve-O again getting a flanked attack in, but was too careless.

The Alpha swiftly moved to pierce him with it’s horn. Steve-O tried to dodge it, but was too slow. The Horn left a long gash on his chest, causing him to fall over in pain. I read the damage and gasped.

Alpha Infernal Wolf dealt 25 Necrotic damage to Steve-O. Cursed!

“Shit, Brown get over here on Steve!” I shouted as Captain Henderson finished her wolf and took the attention of the one Brown was fighting. The horn was no longer glowing, but that Cursed status effect had me worried.

I commanded my Wisp to attack the Infernal Wolves to help get Henderson over on the big guy as quick as possible. It only took three more attacks from my wisp before Captain Henderson was wailing on the Alpha Infernal Wolf. Each hit caused the Alpha to get pushed to the side from the heavy weapon hitting it.

Captain Henderson dealt 20 Bludgeoning damage to Alpha Infernal Wolf

Captain Henderson dealt 17 Bludgeoning damage to Alpha Infernal Wolf

Sadly, the attacks were not enough, it quickly dodged a third attack, thrusting forward with the horn on its head.

Alpha Infernal Wolf dealt 30 Piercing damage to Captain Henderson.

Infernal Wolf dealt 15 Piercing damage to Damien.

Wisp dealt 16 Cold damage to Alpha Infernal Wolf

Steve-O fell to the ground, and I stopped looking at the damage notifications and started to attack with Ice Bolts. By my third one Brown was healing Steve-O and Damien killed his wolf. Brown shouted over to me, “Mathew, save your mana!”

Shit he was right, I was being reckless. I needed to save mana for the final fight with the Pack Leader. I notice Captain Henderson wail a few more times, but in return receiving only a single claw attack from the Alpha. Henderson was not looking good and suddenly seemed to grin as she ran forward at the creature. She heaved the weapon over her head yelling out only two words. “Crushing Blow!”

The sound of bones being crunch was familiar to me, but to this degree was an entire new level. The Alpha was dead after that attack, it’s skull nothing but mush and blood. I realized Steve-O was right, we were not level 1 anymore.

That’s when I remembered Steve-O was injured and looked over to see Brown bandaging him. It did not, in any way, look good. The area around the wound was black and his blood was like ooze. “What's wrong with him Brown?” “Whatever that Curse effect is, it prevents my healing. Luckily I think he will live, but he is out of any future fights.” Brown finished up applying bandages and we took a breather.

Combat Summary:

Alpha Infernal Wolf slain: 50 Experience

Infernal Wolf x3 slain: 50 Experience

Summon Wisp is now Novice 5

New Skill acquired: Tactics | Novice 1

Your constant awareness of the battle field and directing your teammates correctly has awarded you this skill.

Henderson closed her box first. “Rest up, I’ll keep watch for now, in a little while Damien will take over. We need to finish this sooner now that Steve-O is injured. Hopefully the next fight is the last everyone. Make every bit of resting count.” She walked over to where the cave continued and sat down.

Ensuring everyone else was okay, I went and sat down next to her. “Hey, what was that back there? Was that a spell?”

“Why so you can steal my move?” She laughed lightly at her own joke.“No it was an ability. It uses mana, but is still a physical attack. I got it during the last fight actually, right when my club skill got to Novice 5. Apparently when you get a martial skill up to Novice 5, you acquire an ability tied to it. Crushing Blow for club users.”

I opened the new skill looking it over at the mention of Crushing Blow.

Tactics | Novice 1

Every fighter must stay wary of the battlefield. +2% combat buff to all allies you give orders to when they follow the order.

I smiled a little, “The next fight should be about 2% easier than you thought. My new skill is one that lets me passively buff allies who follow any order I give.”

She looked aghast at me, “Pft, what did you get to Novice 5?” However she did seem very curious.

“My Wisp spell. It seems getting a spell to novice 5 got it? But that makes zero sense.” I was thinking then I realized something. My wisp counted as an ally, does it also get the 2% increase it’s damage? I really would need to test that when we got back to base.

“That’s totally not broken at all, as Thomas would say. He mentioned buff abilities like yours, but I think you and I both realized your wisp should count toward that.” She huffed in annoyance. “Damn casters and their overpowered asses.”

“Sure, but I would love to be able to fight up in combat like you. Swinging that thing around like a mad man, or in your case a mad woman.” She apparently liked the thought of that as she seemed to think and consider it.

“Just maybe Mathew, but first we need to beat this Pack Leader. I’m tapping out, rest up. We will need you for the final fight.”

After an hour’s rest we packed up and headed deeper in the cave system. We left Steve-O to head to the entrance to wait for us there, he would be much safer and could warn everyone back at base if we died.

It wasn’t long before we came upon the largest of cave rooms. Everything had a red shade to it, as something in the back of the room gave off natural light from the floor. The air here was hotter in temperature, and before we went in, we took off any excess clothing or gear to prevent overheating in battle. We started to creep in the large area keeping an eye out for any dangers. The first thing I noticed were the ledges sporadically surrounding the edges of the large area.

I was worried if something might leap down on top of us, but Damien nudged me and pointed to the other side where the glow was coming from. Laying down in the center was a very large Wolf. Easily the size of an SUV or maybe bigger.

It’s horn was the same size as the Alpha’s, but only because it seemed to have been broken. We could easily see it didn’t come to a point, but rather stopped flatly. Was it already injured?

I focused on it trying to gage it’s level.

Infernal Wolf Pack Leader, Level 5

“Shit guys, it’s level 5!” Sophia started to panic but Henderson put a hand on her shoulder.

“Sophia, without you we all die, you are our tank. If it gets passed you, we all die. Do you understand? You are to be the unbreakable wall you were meant to be.” Henderson gave her a solid peptalk and seemed to have strengthened her resolve.

The Pack Leader stood up stretching, as if it just woke up from a nap and walked a bit into the open area, it was then I realized it was lava giving off the glow. That explained the heat! I could see several other wolves standing behind it still, not moving. Why won’t they attack us?

Henderson tightened her grip and let out a war cry before charging forward, “FOR EARTH!” Only two seconds behind her did everyone else run forward, Brown and I staying behind, but jogging closer to be present in the battle.

War Cry Buff applied, increased battle prowess during this fight.

Another hidden skill of Captain Hendersons? I didn’t have time to think about it, but I wouldn’t let that be the only buff in this battle. I started to bark orders so everyone could receive my skill.

“Sophia, keep his head busy, ensure nobody gets hit by his horn. Damien and Henderson, flank it and find a weak spot! Brown, keep Sophia alive, if she goes down, our only source of defense is gone.”

I willed my Wisp to attack the Pack Leader in the head.

Wisp dealt 9 Cold damage. Resisted!

I frowned at that notification. Crow and Thomas warned me of this. Damage resistances, where creatures can take less damage from certain types of damage.

“Avoid Cold damage, it’s resistant to it!” I didn’t think anyone else used cold damage, but I felt it was important to share. I took a glance at my mana and quickly did some math.

I spared a glance behind the Pack Leader and saw the other wolves seemed to be waiting. Waiting for what?

“Crushing Blow!” Henderson shouted, landing a solid hit on the Pack Leaders head, right near the base of it’s horn.

Captain Henderson dealt 45 Bludgeoning damage. Weak spot!

The thing fell down not moving for a moment. Did her finishing move end it there? How much damage did we do that I didn’t notice? That’s when the Pack Leader stood up, letting out a low pitched howl.

Infernal Wolf Pack Leader has entered Phase 2 of combat.

“I AM GOING TO KILL THIS SYSTEM FUCKER” Brown shouted. Realizing that it is following more cliche video game logic.

The wolves that were behind the Pack Leader jumped into combat and I spared a glance at them all.

Infernal Wolf Minion x5

Infernal Wolf x2

Alpha Infernal Wolf x1

I started to give out information to my team, “Eight in total, 1 Alpha, 2 normal ones, and 5 minions. The minions are probably super easy to kill, I will take those, Damien and Brown work on the Alpha. Henderson is to take out the two normal ones. When you kill your targets, help a friend. Sophia don’t die that’s an order”

Everyone seemed to hear me and broke apart. Sophia was not happy but she dropped her weapon to use both hands on her shield to keep the Pack Leader somewhat occupied and away from everyone else fighting.

Captain Henderson quickly took down one of the Infernal Wolves before it could do anything, her club really packed a punch. Damien was dodging the Alpha letting Brown flank it with a few good stabs from a knife. I willed my wisps and shot out a single Ice Bolt to help think out the minions.

Wisp dealt 18 Cold damage.

Wisp dealt 16 Cold damage.

Ice Bolt dealt 16 Cold damage.

Wisp dealt 20 Cold damage.

Wisp dealt 21 Cold damage.

I quickly took down three of the minions before they could do any real harm. The other two got behind Sophia and started to nip at her calves causing her to falter and the Pack Leader knocked her to the side.

The Pack Leader was in charge for a reason, it was smart. Seeing Sophia down, it looked over to me, and started to charge. It’s head down ready to strike me with it’s broken horn. I panicked and started to run away, but sadly the thing was way faster.

I attempted to jump to the side to dodge the attack, and somehow did it enough to only get grazed by it on my leg

Infernal Wolf Pack Leader dealt 50 Slashing damage. Bleeding!

Shit that hurt! I rolled across the ground, and turned as the wolf started to charge at me again. I put my arms up as instinct when someone stood in front of me. It was Sophia!

“Mathew, get back!” I could hear Brown yell as a healing spell wafted over me, but my blood still poured out from the gash it left me.

I was able to get up and started to scramble away from where Sophia was, but the little ones were on top of me at that point.

Infernal Wolf Minion dealt 10 Piercing damage.

Infernal Wolf Minion dealt 9 Piercing damage.

Luckily my wisp was still up and after two attacks from it and another Ice bolt both were dead. I was not feeling good with all these wounds. I looked around at everyone else and saw that the Alpha and another Infernal Wolf was still alive.

“Henderson, help Sophia! Brown, take the last Infernal Wolf from Henderson and then help Damien!” I gave orders and I directed my Wisp to help out Damien against the Alpha, trusting Sophia and Henderson could take care of the Pack Leader till we were done.

Just as my wisp dealt two attacks on the Alpha, I heard Sophia scream and a thud. The Pack Leader launched her into the wall, and apparently was not moving. “My Crushing Blow is still on cooldown, Mathew help me out here!”

I directed my Wisp to attack the Pack Leader once again. Sadly Captain Henderson lacked the defensive ability of Sophia and was quickly knocked to the side. That once again opened the way for the Pack Leader to charge at me.  This time I was not fast enough. It pounced on me, and grabbed me in it’s stinking maw.

Infernal Wolf Pack Leader dealt 100 Piercing damage. Critical! Grappled!

“Mathew!” Someone shouted and our battle formation broke. I couldn’t see anything happen as I was currently being shaken side to side

Infernal Wolf Pack Leader dealt 20 Piercing damage.

Infernal Wolf Pack Leader dealt 20 Piercing damage.

Wisp dealt 10 Cold damage. Resisted!

Infernal Wolf Pack Leader dealt 20 Piercing damage. Bleeding!

For some reason my Wisp was still alive and attacking the thing. “This is how I die huh? In the mouth of a giant mutt?” Was all I could think before the healing magic from Brown enveloped me.

“Use your fucking knife Mathew!” I heard Captain Henderson yell out, and my brain body followed the command. I was somehow able to get the knife out of it’s sheathed and started to stab at anything within reach. It just so happened to be an eyeball.

You Dealt 50 Piercing Damage to Infernal Wolf Pack Leader. Critical! Weak Spot!

The Pack Leader did not like that whatsoever, and whipped it’s head to the side throwing me high and against a cave wall. The warm feeling of Brown's healing spell washed over me as the last notification floated in front of me before everything went dark.

Terrain dealt 50 Bludgeoning Damage to You, Knocked out!


I slowly stirred to the sound of scratching on stone. My head hurt worse than when I finished law school. Myself and classmates getting drunker than...well any normal drunk. More scratching drew my attention, making me remember where I was and I sat up quickly.

A dizzy spell took my head, but I was able to see I was high up. I realized then I was on one of those ledges I was worried about at the start of the fight. Suddenly the sound of stone being scratched was heard again and I looked down to see what was causing it.

Down below was a very pissed off Infernal Wolf Pack Leader. I scrambled away from the edge, close to the wall as I could. Why was it still alive? Where were my teammates? I tried to look around the cave and found nothing but a few dead wolves. Did they get out? Wait, did they leave me alone here?

I started to panic, I was alone, against this giant wolf. I was going to die. Maybe they will come back right? They have to. I just need to wait. Surely they come back with more people. Leo wouldn’t let them abandon me!

But what if they thought I was dead? Why would they come back for a dead man? I wasn’t a soldier, the phrase “No man left behind” didn’t apply to me did it? I could hear the wolves attempt another jump up at me. Mocking my demise reminding me where I was. Why should I die here? Surely there is a way to get out?

I opened my menu and started to take stock of everything I had. I needed a plan and I needed one fast.

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