Contract Summoner

Chapter 27

What happened next was horrifying. Anyone who was outside my room in the hallway, or outside my window would have heard my screams of pain.

It was nothing compared to what I felt being slowly burned alive. Nothing compared to being stabbed, blasted with magic, or bitten by a giant wolf. It felt as if every atom of my being was being blasted with the most pain inducing thing imaginable. I lost all senses except for the ability to feel my body be overcome by this unnatural feeling.

I couldn’t feel the connections to any of my summoned creatures, each of them disconnected from me, even Agnox. Waves of cold and heat eventually replaced the pain. I had no idea how long it all lasted, just that it did.

Eventually it all stopped, I was breathing heavily and only my sense of feeling existed. I was laying on something, but couldn’t tell what. The floor?

I started to worry about what caused this. Surely this isn’t only because I gained level 10 right? Was I attacked?

I felt something on my shoulder, and tried to move away from it, but my body wouldn’t comply. It shook me and I started to regain my senses slowly.




“Hey! Wake up!” The voice belonged to an older gentleman, he was shaking me and in my broken doorway stood two others, who seemed to avoid coming in, holding their noses.

I blinked and groaned loudly.My throat hurt like hell, and when I tried to speak, it came out as a hoarse whistle.

“Oh shit he is alive!” The older guy said.

I then almost passed out at the smell, as it was my last sense to return to me. It smells like a dump! What happened?

I looked around and saw that I was lying in a pool of black goop. Obviously the source of the smell. The worst part was all over me, seeping into my clothes. Thank god I wasn’t wearing my robe, otherwise I wouldn’t dare wear it ever again.

I started to sit up and a wave of nausea stopped me from standing up all the way. I looked at him with a questioning face, I tried to speak again but couldn’t. Luckily he picked up on my expression.

“I heard you shouting from in here. I’m in the room across from you. You were screaming for over 10 minutes. It took me a little longer to find someone to help get in here. Are you alright?”

That explained why I couldn’t talk right now.

Several little blinking lights were near the edge of my vision, I had no idea what they were, but I ignored them for now. Not blue boxes, that’s new.

I nodded to his question, since I am unable to talk.

“Alrighty, let's get you out of that goop and to a doctor.” He turned to the doorway with more people showing up to see what was going on. “Hey, all of you get your asses in here and help me with this man!”

“No way, how can you stand the smell!”

“I worked as a trash truck driver for 30 years, this isn’t even the worst smell I smelt. Quit being pussies and one of yall grab an arm.”

A woman came in, and after swallowing a bit of bile, she helped me up and out. The walk to the medical ward was long and slow. Luckily halfway there I could walk on my own. I was still covered in goop, so I was rushed into a side room to change and clean up.

Once I stripped and looked down at my body, I saw I looked amazing! My scars still remained, but what once was a mildly shaped body, is now a guy with abs and muscles. Any minor imperfections were gone from my body also.

I went over to the mirror and saw my face was slightly different as well. I wasn’t bad looking before, but now my jawline was more noticeable. My hair even seemed thicker and the years of law school were no longer apparent in it.

I walked out of the bathroom with a patient's gown on, since that was all on hand at the moment. I flagged down a nurse and motioned for a pen and paper. I was quickly given a marker and a white board. I wrote down ‘Gloria’ and they soon rushed to find her.

As I waited, I started to feel better, much better in fact. The pain I felt slowly faded out of my memory and the only reminder was my inability to talk. While I waited I took a glance at the blinking light in the corner of my vision. When I did a couple of blue boxes appeared.

Congratulations on acquiring Level 10!

Your physical, mental, and spiritual self is now at the ‘Beginner’ Rank! All skills, abilities, and spells can now increase to the ‘Apprentice’ Rank.

Class upgrade available!

Two new Skill slots available!

New spells available!

Stats gained per level increased:

Intelligence -> 3

Wisdom -> 2

[This is not retroactive and only applies to Levels 10 and onward]

You may select a Tier 1 Spell

You may select a Tier 2 Spell

You have 5 Unallocated Stat points

Synchronization with The System has improved by 10%

Wait, so what just happened to me was getting Level 10? Does everyone go through that? Fuck, I need to warn Leo and Captain Franks!

I would still want to wait till I had a professional look at me, I felt amazing physically, but something still felt off. Nothing bad, but like something inside me kept moving and I couldn’t tell what it was.

I then started to panic. My summons! I looked inwardly and only found Agnox there. “Agnox?” I asked mentally to him.

“The Monkey lives! Praise Morth- I mean uhh, shit, I can’t use that one anymore can I?” Agnox responded gleefully.

I groaned. “I thought you were going to stop that? Do you know what happened to me?”

“Not really. I have never seen a rank improvement that bad before.”

“What do you mean? Rank Improvement? Infernals do this too?” I asked him.

“Yea, when you reach the first level of any rank, just like skills, your body improves and your class gets an upgrade. Our guys normally have a headache or get really tired, but you practically exploded. I was worried you were going to die. I mean, I was inside of you! What would have happened to me?”

“Thanks for worrying about me Agnox.” I said flatly. Why was mine that bad?

I was going to go through my other notifications, however Gloria walked in. “Mathew! You look completely fine?” She was confused looking at me. “Did you get a haircut? I was told you almost died and expelled black stuff. However you look fine to me. What’s going on?”

I pointed at my throat then started to write. ‘Level 10 did this to me. Agnox says it’s not normal, however I feel fine minus a weird feeling inside me where I normally feel my mana.’

Gloria nodded. “Well I am going to look at you still. Lift your gown so I can listen.” She said, pulling out a stethoscope.

She gasped a little bit seeing my abs. “I didn’t know you worked out. Why do you have such a high strength score Mathew? I thought you were a mage.”

I shook my head and wrote down, ‘Level 10 changed my body for some reason.’

She continued to check out my body and vitals. Everything seemed to be in perfect shape. My heart rate was normal, my body didn’t hurt, and even my leg moved when she hit it with the little hammer.

“Alrighty let’s take a look at your throat, open wide for me.” She said, pulling out a wooden stick and light. She looked around a bit, holding my tongue back with the stick.

“Looks like the effects of people who sing for a long time, or go to concerts. You were yelling loudly and for a long while weren't you?” She asked

I smacked my mouth to remove that wood taste and nodded.

“Alrighty, well you are not allowed to talk for a day or two, and luckily for you I normally prescribe tea with honey as well to soothe your vocal cords. I don’t think you will have a problem with that.”

I smiled at her and gave a thumbs up.

“Well, off you go, if anything else is weird you let me know. If this happened to you, I worry about other people. I will let Captain Franks and my medical staff know and to spread word that Level 10 might hurt people temporarily. In a couple of days come back so we can do more tests on you. I need your voice to hear your opinion and will schedule time slots to use the machines here.”

I was given some lost and found clothing and returned to my room with the promise in two days I would get a full body scan done. Sadly since I couldn’t talk, I couldn’t summon Wispy or Jeffery back. Luckily our deal understands my inability to do so, otherwise I would be in trouble.

Only Agnox was my company along with the few more blue boxes. I opened them up and took a gander at everything.

Class Upgrades Available:

1) Infernal Master:

Increase output of Infernal Magic by 5%

Fire Resistance 10%

New Infernal Spells unlocked

Familiar ‘Agnox’ will receive bonuses due to your Infernal Choice.

2) Summoner II

Increase Max summons by 2

Decrease summoning time by 10%

Agnox was right, I did have an Infernal upgrade option because of him. However they were not bad. On paper, the Infernal Master upgrade was far outclassed by Summoner II. The only things that stopped me were actually the names and the idea of future upgrades.

“Agnox, do the upgrades I pick now matter down the line? Will the choice I don’t pick appear later?” I asked him mentally.

“No clue, I don’t know anything of that, just that you get upgrades. The choices given are always influenced by a multitude of things. Class, Titles, Achievements, stats, even your skills and spells all affect them.”

With that sort of thinking, I was betting that the one I don’t pick won’t occur later. I also imagine that the one I pick will receive an improved version later on. For example how I have Summoner II as an option.

It was a tough choice, I won’t lie, however I selected the second option. Only because I had a feeling I could gain another familiar following that path. Only one blue box left.

Title Acquired: Top 10

You are one of the first 10% of your race to acquire level 10

+10% to base primary stat: Intelligence

This was the first thing I acquired that gave a base percentage boost to a stat. My mind exploded with possibilities of what it could mean down the line. I remembered I had stat points to allocated and opened my menu. My intelligence currently was 43, and my max summons was 7. I wasn’t worried about Intelligence for a while. If Level 10 put me just under 50 with titles, then by Level 100, I should be over a thousand.

A glance told me that Top 10 rounded down, which made sense. I saw my new achievements also were already applied as well.

I couldn’t let myself become too unbalanced. My body feels stronger, but it didn’t transpose to my stats it seemed. With my new interest in throwing daggers I put two points into Dex, Two points into Wisdom and 1 point into Vitality. I can put future points into Intelligence, no use making me super vulnerable in battle.

All that was left were upgrades for Staves and Agnox. I looked at Staves first.

Skill Upgrade Available: Staves

1) Bonker: Double modifier with melee attacks

2) Caster: Double modifier with magical attacks

That was a simple and easy choice. I selected the second option and moved toward Agnox.

Familiar Upgrade!

Your Familiar ‘Agnox’ has reached Level 10 and requires an upgrade. Pick one of the following:

1) Infiltration: Agnox’s ability to stealth around and observe others is increased. He will gain 1 new skill that aids him plus a new spell.

Increase to Dexterity and Wisdom per level

2) Fire mage: Agnox’s fire attacks will increase in damage and effect. He will gain 2 new spells and a new ability.

Increase to Intelligence and Wisdom per level

Fucking sucks I don’t get to know. Wait, don’t I have a new submenu that shows me? I brought up his Submenu.

Name: Agnox Age: 47 Level: 10

Race: Imp [Grade G] Class: Familiar

Stat Total

Strength: 10

Vitality: 10

Dexterity: 15

Endurance: 10

Intelligence: 20

Wisdom 15

Skills 6/8

Fire Magic | Novice 9

Stealth | Novice 8

Reading | Beginner 4

Necrotic Magic | Novice 6

Negotiations | Novice 4

Perception | Novice 9


Fire Bolt | Novice 9

Necro Bolt | Novice 9

It was a limited view, but I finally knew what my Familiar was capable of. However, someone was not happy about that.

“Hey now Boss, whatcha looking at? I can tell you saw my menus, how much did you see?” He asked harshly

“Enough to help pick your upgrade.” I responded mentally.

“You could have just asked. No need to invade my personal space.”

He was right, I should have asked, but I still wanted to know for sure what he was capable of. To be honest it wasn’t much at all.

“I’ll make it up for you. You can pick your upgrade.” I said mentally.

Agnox gasped, and without seeing him, I couldn’t tell if it was fake. “Really?”

“Sure” And I explained the two choices to him. He seemed conflicted.

“Oh those are both great, and very typical for Imps. Luckily, I have an idea of what to expect from the two.”

“Oh? Do tell.”

“The first will make me a spy/assassin down the line. Depends upon further upgrades. The skill will help me stay hidden or help me observe others. However, the skill will count to my normal count. The spell should be invisible.

As for Fire, it’s pretty self explanatory. More explosions, fire, and damage. I honestly won’t be upset with either of them, though I am your only source of fire damage and scout. So pick your poison Boss.”

Shit, I was hoping he would pick for me, I am starting to hate this! Wispy and Frosty more or less had the same paths each. Frosty being an assassin who strikes at opportune moments, and Wispy for his high damage and explosions.

However one aspect of the spy path Agnox mentioned I liked. I had the Share Sense ability, and with it I can see what he sees. With his increased ability to scout ahead, it would work wonderfully. Plus invisibility would be perfect so he can stay out and about, but also remain unseen.

“Going with Spy, last chance to change my mind.”


Agnox has acquired the Skill: Lock Picking

Agnox has learned the 3rd Tier Spell: Invisibility

I whistled at the spell. “3rd Tier? I don’t even have that.”

“Upgrades give cornerstone rewards for whichever path you pick. They are normally really great and help out in the long run. Remember that higher tier spells take longer to increase in rank, so I doubt this will become Beginner rank in even a year, unless I use it to its fullest potential.”

“Makes sense, your knowledge seems very mismatched.”

I could feel Agnox shrug. “It’s just things I have picked up over time. Listening to demons here or there, and the one time I was given access to Morthrus’s personal bed chambers. I acquired the perception skill for a reason.”

Gross. “That reminds me, what was the item you got? I haven't seen you carry anything around.”

“Are you going to make me tell you?” He asked.

I thought about it. The only way I could make Agnox less annoying and more useful without having to force him, was to be nice, but I couldn’t be stupid.

“I just want to know what it does, is it useful?” I asked.

“Oh yea, it works great with both the spy or fire upgrade, hence why I didn’t care which you picked. Since you picked my Spy path, it can be used as a weapon for stealthy attacks if needed. You sure know how to take care of your favorite Familiar boss.”

“Agnox, you are my only Familiar.” I responded flatly.

“Exactly! That makes me your favorite.”

I didn’t bother responding. The only thing left were my two new spells. I didn’t care about the new spells that I could have, I didn’t want to be tempted by them either, I picked two spells I wanted and needed.

Ritual of Health and Frozen Shield

I wanted a Storage Bag, but without Crow we had no real tank anymore, plus we won’t be fighting fire based creatures, and I imagine a future upgrade will give me the choice to resist fire damage over time.

Hopefully in two or three levels I can get another Tier 2 spell and I will grab that one for sure. I imagine I get a Tier 1 spell next level, so I can grag Blazing Edge then, unless one of the other choices seemed nicer. For now, I don’t want to worry about it, best to stick to my plan.

Only thing left to do was look at all my new items. I went to my bag and fished them all out, except the chain whip, which was sitting on my table still. It was heavy and I didn’t want it to accidentally tear a hole in my bag.

Blue Ring [Common]

Increase Mana Regeneration by 7%

Ritualist Tools [Uncommon]

As a user of rituals, you find yourself frustrated at only having one of each kind. These tools allow you to make any ritual not count toward you, however they only last for 24 hours.

When creating a Ritual using these tools, it takes three times as long, due to having to do it by hand.

Infernal Chain Whip [Rare]

Links of black metal that end in smaller and smaller chains. This weapon is used by those who demand respect from those under them.

Requirements: Infernal summonable creature, Infernal Spell List

Deals Bonus fire damage.

The Blue Ring seemed like a typical low tier item. A minor increase to mana regeneration wasn’t bad, I could give it to Park or Marcus, who would need it more than me though. For now I would keep it.

The Ritualist Tools were interesting. It was a small box full of paints, chalks, and other items for engraving. When I held them, I knew how to use each tool, but didn’t want to test them out yet. One extra ritual would be fantastic in the future if I plan to sell the rights to use my rituals.

Wait, can we transfer credits? I haven't even tried that yet.

I opened my menu back up and looked at the shop submenu for any ideas, and nothing there showed any inkling of trading. I started to think really hard about new submenus. ‘Transfer, Marketing, Trade, Sh-’

New Submenu: Trade

Can only trade with people you physically touch with, try not to make it weird.

Well that’s nice, and it makes me wonder how many submenus there are.

The knowledge of them could be useful and valuable. I doubt everyone knows about them, though overtime word would get around. A timed resource, currently rare, but in the future will be common and cheap.

It reminded me why the color blue was used by royals. The color blue was very difficult to have. Also why it’s my favorite color still to this day.

I opened all my menus to look at everything I had so far, a smile across my face at all the progress I have made.

Name: Mathew Age: 27 Level: 10 Exp: 18,520 / 22,250

Race: Human [Grade G] Class: Summoner Profession: Contract Scribe Summons: 1/7

Titles: Lawyer, Practitioner Summoner, Solo Boss, Top 10

Achievements: First Quest, Professional Profession, Survivor, Hellish Experience, Godly Experience

Health: 713 / 713 Health Regen Per Hour: 224

Mana: 1750 / 1750 Mana Regen Per Hour: 555

Stat Base Modifier Total

Strength: 10 4 14

Vitality: 12 4 16

Dexterity: 12 4 16

Endurance: 11 9 20

Intelligence: 24 19 43

Wisdom 23 11 34

Unallocated Stat Points: 0 Credits: 1,517

Submenus: Abilities, Agnox, Inventory, Options Terms and Conditions, Quests, Skills, Spell List, Store, Trade

Class: Summoner

A Summoner is a magic user who specializes in summoning creatures to fight on their behalf. Whether it be elemental creatures, an army of forest critters, or a large monstrous wolf, you can summon them to fight for you. Use them wisely, and a Summoner can take down strong foes alone with their summons.

Profession: Contract Scribe

A scribe is one who writes. Whether it is letters, financial documents, or the new laws of a King. A Contract Scribe is one who specializes in law binding documents. This profession makes any deal of any sort legally binding within the eyes of The System. No mortal can break a contract you officiate.


Share Sense | Novice 1

You can perceive surroundings through the senses of your Familiar.

Lasts until deactivated

No mana cost

Loss of own Senses while active

Rally | Novice 1

You call upon your allies and party members to rally together. Counters any mental debuffs such as fear or confusion.

This ability can only be used by party leaders and only once per day.

Skills 6/8

Knives | Novice 9

Your ability to wield small bladed weapons has improved through combat. 9% increase to damage with these weapons.

Writing | Beginner 1

Ink Stains, hand cramps, and long nights are something you are used to. This skill helps alleviate those things. Improved writing by 33%

Scribes Hands: You can write faster than before. Speed increases with Rank [Applies to Rituals]

Tactics | Beginner 9

Every fighter must stay wary of the battlefield. +19% damage or healing to all allies you give orders to when they follow the order.

Battlefield Overseer: You are the eye that watches every back of every ally. Gain the Party Submenu.

Negotiation | Novice 7

The art of coming to an agreement in a deal is one that every Salesman, Lawyer, Business Owner, and Thief should master

Increase Negotiations of going in your favor by 7%.

Staves | Beginner 0

Your ability to wield Staves properly has improved. +20% to damage when casting

Caster: Double modifier with magical attacks


Ice Bolt | Beginner 8

A bolt of Ice that leaves a cold sting on your opponents

Lingering Cold: Your attacks leave a frosty mark slowing down those hits.

Range: 50 Meters

Casting Time: Instant

Mana Cost: 20

Frozen Shield | Novice 1

A layer of frozen magic covers your body protecting you from damage. Any fire damage will melt the shield instantly

Range: Self

Casting Time: Instant

Mana Cost: 30 mana per Minute

Summon Frosty | Beginner 3

A small Elemental of Ice is called from the frozen wastelands to heed your commands. Dies quickly in hot environments and is immune to the coldest of environments

Melting Dagger: Frosty gains the Stealth skill and any attacks from Stealth deal bonus damage.

Range of Summon: Unlimited

Casting Time: 30 Minutes

Mana Cost: 250

Summon Wispy | Beginner 7

Summon a Wisp to fight for you in combat. Wisp level and prowess is related to spell level. Wisps are fragile creatures and stay near their summoner for protection. They also shed a bit of light.

Beam Attack:

By spending mana, you can charge a larger and stronger attack from your Wisp.

Range of Summon: 10 Meters

Range of Attack: 50 Meters

Casting Time: 10 Minutes

Mana Cost: 200

Summon Agnox | Beginner 0

Summon your familiar, Agnox.

Summon Object | Beginner 4

Summon an object you can see within range to your hand.

Translocate: You can choose to summon the object to another spot within range

Range: 10 Meters

Casting Time: 1 Second

Mana Cost: 45 Mana

Conjure Chains | Novice 4

A single chain materializes with one end attached to your body. You can manipulate this chain with your mind.

Range: 5 Meters

Casting Time: 1 Hour

Mana Cost: 50

Bind Summon | Novice 5

Bind a creature to serve under you. The ability to bind a creature is done in two ways. The first by force. The second is through agreement.

Range: 30 Meters

Casting Time: Instant

Mana Cost: 250

Summon Creature | Novice 3

Summon a Creature based on the environment you are in. Creatures summoned this way are magical constructs and are typically not useful for combat.

Range of Summon: Unlimited

Casting Time: 1 Minute

Mana Cost: 100

Ritual Of Health | Novice 1

Increases the regeneration of health by 10%.

Lasts till dispelled, or another ritual is created.

Range: 1 Meter

Casting Time: 30 Minutes

Mana Cost: 200 Mana

Ritual Of Learning | Beginner 9

Increase skill progression while inside the ritual by 24%

Lasts till dispelled or a new Ritual is created.

Mass Learning: Increase the affected area to 10 Meters

Range: 10 Meter

Casting Time: 30 Minutes

Mana Cost: 300

Ritual of Trapping | Novice 4

This Ritual traps the first creature that steps within it. The stronger the ritual, the better chances of a successful trap.

Lasts till dispelled or a new Ritual of Trapping is created.

Range: 1 Meter

Casting Time: 10 Minutes

Mana Cost: 300


Staff of the Free Wolf [Unique] Novice 8

What once represented a wolf forced into submission by a stronger power has changed through a contract. This staff represents a physical agreement between Mathew McGonalds and Jeffery

The staves rank upgrades over time through use. Current rank: Novice 2

+2 to any Leadership Skills

Grants Summon: Summon Jeffery

Deals 20 Necrotic Damage

Summon Jeffery

These infernal creatures love to fight. A fully grown Infernal Wolf can use it’s horn to its full potential causing it’s enemies to be inflicted with curses.

Range of Summon: Unlimited

Casting Time: 45 Minutes

Mana Cost: 300

Robes of the Scribe [Uncommon]

Comfortable cloth that breathes easily and easy to clean! While offering little to defense, these robes are the mark of a Scribe. Has pockets.

+3 to Intelligence

+1 to Wisdom

2% Reduction to Physical Damage

15% Reduction to Physical Damage

Silken Slippers

Super soft to wear and feels like walking on a cloud. These slippers give a bonus to movement speed and resistance to stick traps such as webs.

Summoners Amulet [Common]

An item that any summoner worth his two front teeth would own in his or her early days. Grants an additional maximum summon at one time.

Steel Throwing Knife

Crafted by Hennessy Campbell

This weapon is made for throwing and as such has a penalty when used in melee combat.

Range: 15 Meters

Damage: 10 + Dexterity

Infernal Knapsack [Uncommon]

Crafted by Becca Alamonoi

This Knapsack is designed to withstand the highest of temperatures and can keep even ice from melting within. This bag has the added benefit of being recognized by the system and is integrated with your Inventory Submenu.

10% Fire Resistance while equipped

Weight reduced by: 23%

Blue Ring [Common]

Increase Mana Regeneration by 7%

Ritualist Tools [Uncommon]

As a user of rituals, you find yourself frustrated at only having one of each kind. These tools allow you to make any ritual not count toward you, however they only last for 24 hours.

When creating a Ritual using these tools, it takes three times as long, due to having to do it by hand.

Infernal Chain Whip [Rare]

Links of black metal that end in smaller and smaller chains. This weapon is used by those who demand respect from those under them.

Requirements: Infernal summonable creature, Infernal Spell List

Deals Bonus fire damage.

I closed all of the boxes, and started a pot of tea. I have come so far in this new way of life, and it’s only been three months. Thankfully I am not forced to fight anymore right now. Here in a week or so, we would be traveling to the nearby cities to help out, and start trying to rebuild our ways of life.

I was worried what is to come, and where my place in life would be here now. Lawyers wouldn’t be as needed until legal systems are re-created. Could I help do that? My profession makes it so any contract or deal I make is magically binding. However could that be done on laws?

There were also the plans of selling my rituals and enchantments. Dollar bills and raw resources are going to change in worth drastically. Not to mention how Dungeons can be re-harvested for materials, so Credits are going to be the only thing worth it in the long run.

The shop has two functions, though the second one isn’t noticeable unless they have experience in business. The shop acts as a ‘baseline’ for everything priced. Why sell a healing potion for more than what someone could get at a shop? Unless that healing potion was better.

It’s both convenient and prevents monopolies. No one organization could only sell healing potions and drive up prices, because the Shop submenu can’t be removed. At least, I don’t think so.

I never saw anything in the shop like my Ritual of Learning, and the only benefit from my other Rituals is convenience. I could rent them out like bowling shoes. No bad example. Rent them out like cars? Better.

My pot started to whistle and I took a long drink. It hurt my throat a bit, but at the same time soothed it. I have a long way ahead of me, luckily I have a unique situation. If I stay smart about it and stick to my plan, I should have a place in this world. Either as a fighter of Dungeons, A lawyer, or a businessman.

For now, I need to get stronger. I won’t let someone else like Madison die like that. I am disowned by my family, but I am still a McGonalds. McGonalds don’t bow before someone stronger. Generations of Politicians, Lawyers, Money Makers, and the occasional Officer in the Military ensured our families blood ran thick and strong.I just would make due myself, like I always had.

I looked at my tea and a small thought of my brothers appeared. I wonder what they are all doing.

Mark, Luke, Aaron, John, and Abraham. I hope you are all dead as well. Wonder if Daniel is with Mom and Dad, looking at the crazy shit we are doing. I frowned. Well, not Luke, I still need to run him over with a tank for stealing my ex. I imagine General Dritzka would let me borrow one.

I finished my cup of tea and opened a book to read. It was one of the last M&M books Crow left for me, and I had one goal to achieve with it. It took only twenty minutes before I smiled gleefully.

New Skill: Reading | Novice 1

Books, Tomes, and other items full of weird markings. Luckily you understand them!

Your ability to read is increased by 1%

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.