Contract Summoner

Chapter 26

Morthrus did not seem happy at all. Before she looked content or angry at us during the battle. Right now, she looked horrified and completely pissed off.

“You can’t be here in my domain God! This land belongs to the Demon Lords! You can’t be here according to the laws!”

King looked over his shoulder and laughed. I felt his laugh through my body. “These humans are recently under the protection of The System. This one's regret called me to him, and I have answered his call. Our purpose outweighs the laws of this novice dungeon. I have claimed him, and now he will fight you to prove his regret is real.” King looked back to Leo. “I suggest you don’t lose.”

King put a hand on Leo’s shoulder. “Your heart is heavy, I give you my blessings. As my first in this new world, I give you a title. Bear it so all know you regret your past, and that you have learned from it. Show your worthiness to not yourself, me, or those around you. You stand now for those you allowed to fall.”

King vanished as if he was never there, a blink taking longer than the time it took him to disappear. I had forgotten my initial plan to leave, the feeling of sorrow filled my heart, and all my past actions came into the forefront of my mind. I looked back to the tunnel I was about to run down, then I turned back to my companions.

Leo racked his shotgun and I saw it looked completely different. What once was a gun used for hunting ducks, or scaring a possible robber, now looked like a weapon of war. Wood was replaced with bone, and gray metal was replaced with silver. At the end of the weapon was a crescent blade that looks like it once belonged to an axe.

“Morthrus you took my friend from me, I regret not being strong enough to defend her. I won’t let anyone else die here. SMITE!”

I was confused since Leo was nowhere near Morthrus to fire his gun. However buckshot didn’t come out, instead a ball of silver light was shot and hit Morthrus. Leo ran toward Morthrus and called out. “Help me finish her guys! Banner of Battle!”

A ghostly image of a banner hovered over Leo and I sent out mental commands to Wispy, Agnox and Frosty. Leo is right, let’s end this.

Marcus started to whirl around a rock, building up momentum. Park started to thin out the Imps in the air along with my own attacks.

“Remove any traces of doubt or fear, fill them with the heart of a lion, Bolster Courage!” I heard Gloria shout as she collapsed into Becca’s arms. Shit, that was the last of her mana wasn’t it? Time to make this count.

“Leo, please tell me you have a new fancy spell or ability with that AWESOME gun?” Crow asked standing next to him.

“Oh, it does something awesome, but I can only do it once a day. Can you guys keep her still so I can be sure it hits?” Leo asked shooting more Imps out of the sky. It seemed he could fire endlessly. However I saw his mana ticked down slightly for every shot.

They all looked at me. It took me a second for them to realize I should give the orders due to Tactics. “What he said. Marcus, save your attack for when Leo is striking as well. Frosty will join in with Leo. One last go, we all die or live together.”

I didn’t know why, but the regret of almost leaving them behind to save myself pushed me forward to sticking it here as a last stand. Maybe it was Leo’s banner or Gloria’s buff. Right now I didn’t care, we were ending this here, for Madison.

“You might be his Chosen human, but you just acquired your powers, they are all Novice 1, while I had eternity to increase all of what is mine to their maximum potential!” Morthus shouted as she whipped her chain at us over and over. Crow took a few lashes, but his high defensive stats kept him nice and healthy.

I blasted her with Ice bolts with Wispy and Agnox both beside me attacking. Chains enveloped her as well from Park, followed by his debuffs. She tried to run away but Crow was there next to her before she could.

“Taunt!” Crow shouted while also grabbing her in a bear hug. However it only lasted a second, apparently highly resistant to the spell.

“Let me go! You want to die with your female friend? FINE! Infernal Aura!” Murthos conjured a ring of fire surrounding her, causing Crow to let her go or risk being burnt up.

Frosty was the first to strike, landing a direct attack between her wings, sadly he perished within the fire that surrounded her.

Only two left, can’t let Agnox die, but I need Wispy’s damage.

It was then Marcus chose to strike as well, sending the rock down from above. The attack knocked her down onto the ground. Leo saw his opportunity and rushed in, heaving his axe-gun above his head.

“Holy Cleave!” His blade grew slightly larger, and the edge seemed to become sharper as he brought it down onto her neck. It was the strangest feeling, even though I was several meters away, I worried that the blade would still cut me.

Decapitating her, Leo let out a yell of anger. Her head rolled toward me, stopping at my left foot. I could see her last expression, one full of fear and regret.

I looked up ready to fight more Imps, an Ice Bolt ready to be cast. I then realized they had all stopped moving. It took them only a second to realize she was dead, and then chaos ensued.

“We are free! Quick everyone, escape!” One Imp said.

Soon they all flew down the tunnels except for the one that spoke. He flew next to Agnox, and I saw them exchange a few words before they both floated over to me.

“We thank you Summoner for freeing us from the Succubus. As payment, we will leave your base alone. We wish to explore our new world. If we see you again, we won’t kill you.” With that he flew off.

“I don’t like how he only specified killing.” I muttered, fatigue from the battle slowly overtaking my body.

“Eh, you win some, you lose some. Just be glad they weren’t trying to kill you for most of the fight. If they were, you all would be a pile of ash right now.” Agnox said.

I looked at him with a raised eyebrow, “What do you mean?”

“Well, I might have snuck off in battle to speak with a few of them. Made a behind the back deal, and because of it, I get my personalized reward.” Agnox said with a devilish grin.

“I remember our deal.” I said, sitting down. I almost pulled out my healing potion, but remembered I gave it to Gloria for Madison.

“Of course, mind if I look around for it?” He asked.

I waved a hand, watching Leo walk over to where Madison laid. Agnox took that as permission and zoomed away.

Madison was lying still on the ground, the dagger still in her back. Leo knelt next to her and closed her eyes.

“I regret letting you die, but our Oath will remain Madison. If I find your mother and brother, I will protect them with my life.”

We all let Leo have his moment and rested. The battle was over, and we won.

Captain Henderson watched the eight people enter the dungeon and she wanted to run in with them. However, orders were orders. She had her own task out here.

“Dungeon Eye to Home Base. Over.”

“This is Home Base, has Team 3 entered? Over.” The voice of Captain Franks responded.

“Confirmed. Permission to proceed to phase 2? Over.”

“Permission Granted. Over and out.”

Henderson put the walkie talkie on the table and started to bark orders to the handful of people around. Guns were mounted, temporary walls and barriers were established, and two additional cameras were as well to replace the temporary ones that were there previously.

Everyone wanted Team 3 to succeed. Everything was riding on them doing so, however precautionary measures must be taken. If they somehow lost, and the Dungeon became stronger, video evidence would be taken to show how horrible it was to allow such things to occur.

It wasn’t long after everything was set up that a naked man walked out of the portal. He was carrying a rifle and looked ready to attack before Henderson cried out. “Hold your fucking fire! That’s Team 1’s Leader! Medics!”

Four people ran up with Captain Henderson to the Marine. “Oh Sergeant Falkwreath, are you alright?”

He smiled at her. “More than alright Captain, I am alive. Those eight were already moving in when I left them. I guess I don’t have to watch the portal alone eh?”

Henderson shook her head. “We have it from here. The medics are going to take good care of you. Captain Franks will get a summary later, you rest now. You look like you went through hell.”

“Bah, a Marine is trained to go to hell and live to tell the tale.” He said with a chuckle. He was escorted to the medic tent that was set up.

About half an hour went by, and nothing has yet to happen. I don’t like how long this is taking, I think we should go in. She thought to herself. However, orders were orders. General Dritzka would have her head if she disobeyed them, she was on thin enough ice as it was.

She pulled out a walkie talkie. “Reporting for our ten minute call. All still clear. Over.”

Captain Franks responded. “Copy that, 20 mikes and you are authorized entry. Over.”

“I am requesting early entrance, I understand we were told to wait, however I have a bad feeling about this. Over.”

“Negative on that. General gave his order. Have some faith in them. Over.”

Henderson bit at her lip in worry. She couldn’t get the image of Mathews body on the hospital bed out of her head. The regret of leaving him alive accidentally like that festered up for the past several minutes. However, he was not alone, she would have to place faith in that.

“Copy that Captain. Over and out.” She put the device back on the table and walked down to the edge of the perimeter. Two Airmen saluted her as she walked over.

“You two go take a break. Get some water in you and rest up. I have a bad feeling shit is about to hit the fan.” They both quickly went to take that break, not questioning such an order.

Captain Henderson hefted her sword and rested it nearby and looked over her menu. Trying to distract herself from the worry in her gut.

Name: Henderson

Age: 33

Level: 7

Exp: 4,900 / 6,750

Race: Human [Grade G]

Class: Swords Woman

Profession: Captain




First Quest, Professional Profession, Survivor, Leader



Health Regen Per Hour:




Mana Regen Per Hour:






























Unallocated Stat Points: 0

Credits: 67


Abilities, Inventory, Terms and Conditions, Quests, Skills, Spell List, Store

Ever since acquiring her class, she has wanted to enter that Dungeon herself. Even more so with her Level 7 ability that makes her even faster with a sword in her hands.

Suddenly shrieks and yelling removed her from her thoughts. Dozens of Imps flew out of the portal. Shit, did they fail?

Gun fire, arrows, and spells were shot into the growing mass of Imps, several of them fell to the ground dead, but none of the imps flew at the soldiers. They all flew up and over, heading away from the portal, and in a direction that didn’t head to the base.

“Scout teams 1 and 2, follow them!” Captain Henderson shouted. “Invasion Team on me! We are going in!”

It took only a minute before nine people all ran up to the portal, however the notification that popped up stopped her, then she laughed for the first time in a long while.

“They fucking did it. Medic teams, let’s go!”

Infernal Dungeon [Completed]

Dungeon resets in: 99:23:57:23

Henderson and all the soldiers and medics walked into the Dungeon and were met with seven walking figures, with one being carried by Leo.

Henderson walked up with a smile, but when she saw Madison’s still body in his arms, it faded. Medics still rushed forward applying healing spells and other buffs on everyone.

“I’m…” Henderson couldn’t say the words. There was nothing to truly say.

Leo shook his head. “It’s okay, I got her. Take care of the others.” He then continued walking out of the portal.

Henderson looked to Mathew. “Any others in there?”

I sighed deeply. “Only a dead traitor. Here in a few days I want to talk. After the funeral and everything, that kinda takes priority.”

She nodded in response, “Of course, let’s get you all out of here. I am sure you have been through a lot.”

I was the last to exit the Dungeon. The difference in lighting caused me to shut my eyes for a second to readjust. When I opened them, I was greeted by a blue box.

Quest: Infiltrate the Infernal Dungeon [Completed!]

You have been asked to defeat the local Infernal Dungeon. The Dungeon has become stronger from an unknown reason and as such you are the final hope to end it once and for all. As such you have been asked to form a strong team. Given access to the best resources and people to aid you, prepare yourselves or increase your odds of death.

Defeat Infernal Dungeon: 1/1

Discover what happened to Team 1: 1/1

Rewards granted:

300 Credits, Increase Reputation Among Base Leadership in addition to the following:

Class item: Blue Ring

Unique Ability: Rally

Dungeon Competed!

Bonus: Restore dungeon to default rating: 1/1

Dungeon Rewards:

1,000 Credits

3,000 Experience

Profession Item: Ritualist Tools

Infernal Chain Whip

Spell Upgraded:

Conjure Fire -> Conjure Hell Flames

Combat Summary:

4,000 Experience Gained

Staff of Free Wolf -> Novice 8

Knives -> Novice 9

Tactics -> Beginner 9 [Can not increase higher due to Level]

Negotiation -> Novice 8

Staves -> Beginner 0 [Upgrade Available]

Ice Bolt -> Beginner 8

Summon Frosty -> Beginner 3

Summon Wispy -> Beginner 7

Summon Agnox -> Beginner 0 [New Submenu Unlocked: Agnox]

Summon Object -> Beginner 4

Conjure Chains -> Novice 4

Summon Creature -> Novice 3

You have acquired the experience to increase to Level 10, do you wish to level up?

WARNING: Increase to rank should be done in a safe place and not in a hostile environment, do you wish to proceed?

Yes / No

Achievement: Hellish Experience

You have conquered an evolved dungeon, due to your resilient nature to overcome this difficult experience you have been awarded this Achievement!

+5 Endurance

Achievement: Godly Experience

You are one of the first of ten people on your planet to be in the presence of a god. Due to this experience you have been awarded this Achievement!

+1 to all stats

I gawked at the biggest blue box I had yet. It was almost too much, and yet I wanted more. I selected no to the level up, wanting to wait till I returned to the base before doing that. I imagine the others all have similar rewards.

I glanced back over to Leo and Madison. I first noticed the change to his class. Unclaimed Diviner has been changed to Paladin of Regret. His Level was 9, so either he wasn’t yet 10 or he was like me and is waiting to increase it.

I looked at her still body and felt even more horrible at what happened. It is my fault she is dead. Leo and I brought her here, and I allowed her to join the team and fight. As cocky and full of bravado as she was, she was a good friend. I would really miss her.

I walked over and put a hand on Leo’s shoulder. “Come on, let’s take her back. We can do things properly for her. She deserves it.”

Leo nodded and we all headed back. Leaving behind all the airmen and soldiers to take care of things and start looting the Dungeon. I wasn’t too worried about claiming what was ours. After all, I had a contract with General Dritzka.

Once we returned to base, Madison’s body was taken to be properly taken care of, while the rest of us were sent to share what happened with General Dritzka and Captain Franks.

We shared everything that happened to us. Including seeing King, the God of Regret. They didn’t believe us at first, but looking at Leo’s new class convinced them in the end. All of us were depressed and full of guilt due to Madison’s death. Even after Franks and Dritzka left, we just all sat there together in silence.

I closed my eyes in thought of what is coming up next. I had the option to level up, but I didn’t want to yet. It didn’t feel right to do so. There was no urgent rush now, we had beaten the dungeon. I would wait till after the funeral before I did anything. Talk to some people and decompress all that happened.

“So, now what?” Becca asked aloud.

Nobody answered for several moments.

“We move forward.” Leo said. “We all do, even me.”

Move forward huh? Guess I am used to that. After my brother, my parents, now Madison.

“Guess we do huh?” Crow said.

“You still have to leave with your dad, don’t you?” Park asked.

Crow nodded solemnly. “I promise to come back in a couple of months. My dad and the convoy need me, and I made a promise. I rather not break it, otherwise what’s the point of making a promise?”

“Well, we will miss you big guy.” Becca said. “When you come back, you can see how big my bear gets.”

“I’ma stay till the funeral, it wouldn’t be right to leave before it. So I have just a couple of days.” Crow said.

“So, did everyone else get the two achievements?” Marcus asked. “To think, Gods are real.”

Everyone nodded. “It was weird being near him. I just remembered all the things I feel bad about ever since then. Even now I still do.” Gloria said.

“Same here.” Crow said.

“So Leo, what does your new class do?” Park asked.

“It’s a Paladin. Smites, auras, and a healing spell. My gun got upgraded and counts as a holy weapon. Other than my title, I have the same two achievements you all got. It’s going to take work, but I have to get stronger.” Leo said not looking anyone in the eyes.

“My sister and Madison are both dead because of me. I can’t let that happen again to anyone I care about, that includes all of you.” The room became silent again, and soon we all left.

It was two days later we held a funeral for Madison. She was cremated at Leo’s request. He planned to carry her ashes and give them back to her mother and brother when, and if, he finds them. Leo was hopeful, however I had a small sliver of doubt that they were both alive.

After the funeral, we all saw Crow off. Becca ended up crying, as did I. Two people who helped me get this far are gone. Crow can come back, and I hope he will. As the convoy drove away, I wished I talked to him alone and confessed my thoughts in the dungeon. I just never had the courage to do so, I was so ashamed of myself.

Gloria returned to her duties as a medic, however she really enjoyed being on the front lines as she described it. She felt she could make a stronger difference that way and plans to join us on more missions or requests from General Dritzka.

Park, Marcus, and Becca went about their normal activities for now until we go back out as well. However since they don’t have anything directly useful like Doctor Gloria, they were told to perform guard duty, but were given a week to rest.

Leo and I were the only two who were allowed to do as we please for the time being. Leo spent most of his time alone in his room, however I saw him once or twice at meal times. He has been figuring out what his class means, and the strings attached to it.

After the funeral I was feeling more awful than before. The one thing that I spoke out against and a reason I hated some people here was being left behind, yet I almost did the same thing. “Some hypocrite I am eh?” I asked aloud to nobody.

I took a sip of my tea looking at nothing specific in my room. It was the first time I had the chance to relax like this and figure out myself a bit more. I didn’t want to level up to 10 just yet, I didn’t feel like I deserved it.

I had a funny feeling that being near a Level 100 being did something to everyone on a level deeper than the physical. It has been three days, and I still feel the regret of my past actions, even before The System took over. The main act being giving in to my parents requests to appease them and become a lawyer.

A knock at my door broke me out of my own thoughts and I glanced at the clock before opening the door. Standing was Captain Henderson in normal clothing. It was odd seeing her outside her uniform.

“You are late, come on in. I have tea if you want some.” I said opening the door a bit more for her to come in.

“Sorry, I forgot which building was yours. Also yes, I would love a cup of tea.”

I poured her a cup and sat it at the table before sitting across from her. She was watching Wispy float around the room.

“Do you always leave him out? I thought he was easy to kill?” She asked, taking a sip of the tea.

“His presence calms me a bit. It’s no real effect, but Wispy was my first spell and summon. He holds a special place in my heart. How’s the tea?”

“It’s good. So what did you want to talk about? I thought you wouldn’t want to ever talk to me again after leaving you to die.”

I scratched at my face stubble. I got lazy about shaving so it’s been growing in. “Well I wanted to apologize for being a hypocrite. In that dungeon, I almost ran away leaving people behind. Madison was already dead, and I didn’t want anyone else to die as well. I honestly thought running was the best solution. It’s exactly what you did with me, but I keep thinking of the ‘what if’s’.”

Henderson nodded understandingly. “It eats you up if you don’t come to terms with that guilt. You can’t change what happened, but I apologized to everyone, including you. I still felt like shit. However, I made a promise to not do it again.”

“Sadly Madison is dead and I can’t apologize for almost leaving her body behind. The others will be upset, mainly Leo.”

“More than likely. Brown has yet to talk to me even to this day. It’s what happens when we make mistakes.”

I sighed deeply. “I keep thinking that if I did run, what if Madison wasn’t dead like me? We would have just left her to Morthrus. I don’t think she would have survived, or she could have been tricked for revenge.”

“Who knows, I had similar thoughts as well. You can’t let those eat you up though Mathew. Learn from your mistakes and move forward. Surely this isn’t the worst mistake right?”

I didn’t say anything, and that answered her question.

“Well if you want suggestions, start with Leo. He will be the hardest to talk to I think, or the easiest.”

“Fair enough, I was thinking the same. I have no idea what his new class and obligations mean. One of the few times I talked to him since he mentioned he has rules with his class. Which is odd, but the books Crow had and their paladins are very similar.”

“I heard Sergeant Thomas has been hounding him for information, but Leo has yet to give in and tell him anything other than mentioning a God. A literal God. If it wasn’t for everyone confirming it, I wouldn’t believe him.”

“It was an experience to say the least. Agnox said such things exist, but to see one was weird. He was the God of Regret, and ever since then everyone around here has been very regretful. Not saying it’s a bad thing, but is that the power of someone at Level 100?”

Henderson took a long drink of her tea. “Only way to find out is to get there. There have been reports of several people acquiring Level 10. You didn’t hear that from me by the way, the government is trying to keep itself on top. With the internet being down and some satellites and cell towers no longer working or destroyed, it’s hard to do so.”

“Yea, any clue when we are going to go back to exploring the nearby cities and helping them out?” I asked.

“Soon, I say another week or two. Use the time to relax. I know you were not a fighter before all this, and you need to take breaks. Start with Leo and work your way around. If you need anything you can come talk to me okay?” She put her cup down and stood up to leave.

“Also Mathew?”

I looked up at her. “Yea?”

“I also suggest talking to Brown when you can. If you do, let him know I want to talk to him.”

I nodded. “Sure thing. See ya.”

She left and I leaned my head back and closed my eyes. I was mentally preparing myself for what I needed to do.

“Pssst, Boss. Can I come out now?”

I heard in my head. Ever since Agnox acquired Level 10 himself, he has been able to talk back to me mentally while within me.

I pushed him out with my magic and he stretched. “So how did it go?”

“She gave good advice. How are things on your end? Can you select your upgrade yet?” I asked.

He shook his head. “Nope, I think you have to do it, but probably need Level 10 yourself. We have the time, let's do it! Get stronger, faster, and sexier!”

I rolled my eyes at him. Ever since we defeated Morthrus he has been less obnoxious, and I have been warming up to his nickname for me.

I looked at the time and had a couple hours till dinner. I knew Leo would be there and it was the best place to start. “Alrighty let’s take care of this then we are going to find Leo.”

“What about dinner?” He asked angrily.

“After that.” He frowned but didn’t fight back.

“Menu.” I said bringing up the blue screen. A pop up appears asking if I wanted to Level up. “Yes.”

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