Contract Summoner

Chapter 24

Morning came too soon. I double checked all my summons' health and ensured none of them needed to be resummoned. I also summoned my chain for the third time since acquiring it. It was an hour long summon, and sadly didn’t count as a ritual. Luckily the Mana cost wasn’t too high, and it was somewhat useful.

The chain appeared wrapped around my torso, but I couldn’t feel it at all. It never restricted me in any way. The chain could reach out to 5 meters which was fairly distant. I couldn't grab anything with it, but it could wrap the end around things such as doorknobs or bags. It also could be used as an improtue weapon, but it didn’t really have any force to hurt anyone after some experimentation.

The chain was about as strong as I am, just more flexible due to the chain links. It almost looked like a snake with the way it moved around me. I won’t lie as it took a while to get used to having an extra limb, even now having it out made my brain itch. It didn’t have any feeling to it, so if it got broken, I wouldn’t feel any pain.

For safekeeping I only left Jeffery out for now. He bumped into my leg while we walked. I liked to imagine he too was worried about today.

We all agreed to meet up at the North Gate. I wasn’t the first to arrive, Leo and Madison were both there talking. Madison waved at me as I approached.

“Morning Mathew, did you sleep okay?”

“Eh, the pill helped, but I still feel bad. Like the morning of the bar exam.”

Leo shuddered. “Don’t remind me.”

“How about you two?” I asked.

Madison rubbed at her arm. “Not well. Luckily Leo couldn’t sleep either, so we just talked a bunch last night till we fell asleep.”

Leo crossed his arms. “Oh yea, you got to sleep in your bed. I slept on the floor. I left my keys in my room and Crow sleeps like a rock.”

“I offered you to join me.” Madison pointed out.

“Nope, not going to touch that with a 15 foot pole. We already talked about that missy.”

“Oh please. My brother slept in my bed when he had nightmares all the time. I don’t see the problem.”

I really don’t think they should be talking about this infront of me.

“When he was four! I am 26 and an adult. Knowing my luck, the FBI would bust down the door, and arrest me with no questions. People question our friendship enough as it is, don’t want them to think I am a Pedophile.” Leo protested

“Okay you two, really?” I asked

“It’s something people question, I am tired of it. Madison is just a good friend. I care about her yea, but it’s nothing like the rumors.” Leo stated.

At that perfect moment everyone else was showing up except for Crow.

Becca looked around for him. “Where is our meat shield?”

I shrugged. “He normally is late. Probably slept in or had to do something last minute. We are not in too much of a rush. Is everyone ready?”

Everyone gave nods or verbal confirmation. Ten minutes went by and we heard Crow before we saw him. The sound of metal on asphalt and the clinking of his shield on his armor stood out. A few moments later we saw him come around the corner of a building.

“Hey sorry I am late guys. I needed Hennessy to help me get in this thing, way too many straps.” Crow said.

I shook my head in disbelief. How can he walk around in that it looks like it weights a fuck ton.

Becca slapped his back. “About time you showed up Tin Man. We would have sent a search party, but anyone and their deaf grandmother could hear you a mile away.”

“Yea, stealth won’t be an option in this raid sadly. I think if my Heavy Armor gets up higher I can get an upgrade to help with that, but for now it’s still Novice.”

We helped load some supplies into his bag. While doing so three vehicles rolled up to the gate. Each one was painted with forest camo, it looked like the one Captain Henderson picked us up in.

Only the second one had a gun on top with a soldier manning it. From the first one the driver hopped out.

“I have orders to escort a group of nerdy Role Players. I assume it’s you all?” Captain Henderson said with a bit of a smile.

We were a bit taken aback by this. “Why are we getting the 5 star treatment now?” I asked.

She shrugged. “Orders are orders, I think it has to do with the lack of Imps showing up the past few hours. We were told to get ready for the worst. Our goal is to get you in that portal alive.”

I looked at everyone else. It sure beat walking the entire way there. Plus if General Dritkza ordered it, then it must be either a sign of trust or distrust, either way I can’t not accept it.

“Well everyone, looks like we get to ride in style.” I got in the first vehicle and we all started to load up.

The ride there was quiet and bumpy. There wasn’t much to discuss, we all knew our plans. Jeffery seemed to enjoy the ride however, too large to sit in anyone's lap, he got a window seat in the back.

When we arrived near the base of the mountain there was the large glowing red portal just like last time. We all climbed out of the trucks and grouped up.

I took a deep breath. “Alrighty everyone, this is it. Let’s go.”

Captain Henderson put a hand on my shoulder. “Hey Mathew, I know it doesn't mean anything coming from me. I hope you all make it back alive.”

I looked up at her. “No, it does mean something coming from you. I plan to make it back, you still owe me that rug.” I smiled at my own joke.

When we approached the Portal, a blue box appeared detailing the Dungeon.

Quest: Infiltrate the Infernal Dungeon

You have been asked to defeat the local Infernal Dungeon. The Dungeon has become stronger from an unknown reason and as such you are the final hope to end it once and for all. As such you have been asked to form a strong team. Given access to the best resources and people to aid you, prepare yourselves or increase your odds of death.

Defeat Infernal Dungeon: 0/1

Discover what happened to Team 1: 0/1

Rewards: 300 Credits, Increase reputation among Base Leadership, Class item [Common], Unique Ability [Uncommon]

Dungeon Rating: Novice +

Dungeon Level: 7

Dungeon Size: Medium

Dungeon Reward: Tier 3

Bonus: Restore dungeon to default rating: 0/1

Note: This dungeon has undergone an upgrade. All rewards are improved by one stage. Bonus objective granted.

I let out a whistle. “Well we are in for a big haul everyone. Let’s start the preparations.”

Doctor Gloria started to cast her buffs, while I summoned the Tree Sapling. I mentally sent it into the portal and kept an eye on it with the Party Submenu. I couldn’t use Share Sense with the Sapling however I could see if it is attacked as soon as it is seen. We waited 5 minutes and the Sapling was never attacked.

While we waited I modified the options of what appears during battle. I couldn’t get distracted here, so only important notifications would pop up. I knew enough about them that I didn’t need resistances or weaknesses to show, Agnox told us what we needed to know. If he told the truth.

“Alrighty everyone, Agnox told the truth about the starting room. Let’s go in.” I said. I knew he couldn’t lie, however it didn’t hurt to be safe.

As the group leader, I went in first. Everyone followed behind me. Once inside the Party Submenu changed slightly, adding the quest objectives to my vision. I quickly removed those, since it just took up more visual space.

According to Agnox, all Dungeons had a starting room, this was the only true safe place until the Dungeon was completed. A room that is 30 meters by 30 meters is about 10 meters high. This way any sized group has room to prepare here, instead of outside the portal.

“Oh god what’s that smell?” Madison asked, holding her nose. “Smells like wet socks, wet dog, and wet ass all at once.”

Everyone else didn’t smell anything. “Oh it must be your increased Perception skill Madi.” Crow said. “It’s probably further in where the smell comes from. Which will only get worse for all of us.”

She gagged slightly at that thought. “I can officially say, this is the worst Dungeon ever.”

“It’s only your second one, and the Gobling one smelled bad too.” Leo said.

“Just you wait. When you puke, I will hold it above your head for years to come.” Madison said with a laugh.

I looked up at the ceiling and saw some black chains dangling down from the red rock that surrounded us. They looked similar to my own chain. Creepy.

We only had four Healing Potions, but both Leo and Gloria could cast Heal Ally. While Gloria had higher regeneration, and could support several casts, Leo also only had two spells, and his smite was a game changer for us.

It dealt Holy damage, the only damage type that really hurt these Infernal Creatures. He was our Ace with that spell, and it will increase with power with each increase in grade. I only hope it would increase between fights and not wait till the end of the Dungeon.

The temperature in the room was hot, and it would only increase the further we went. Luckily as a Novice Dungeon, it wouldn’t become unbearable for us, just a hot summer day at noon. I won’t lie and say already I had a bit of a sweat going on, I never liked the summer heat.

Jeffery was already out, and I willed out a small furry creature. The Infernal Squirrel I summoned forever ago has sat inside my mana for a long while. Today it will be useful. “Alrighty little guy, go scout ahead, come back if you see anything like Agnox.”

The only inclination that he understood me was that he scuttled down my body and went down the connecting hallway.

“If he comes back, we move forward. 10 minutes, let's wait. Marcus, you sense anything?”

“No, my Tremorsense isn’t that far, I can barely sense anything outside the room. I can assure you, we are the only ones in here.”

I nodded and after 5 minutes my Squirrel died. “Shit, okay obviously something up ahead. Little guy just died.”

“Are you sure it didn’t just fall into lava?” Becca asked.

“It’s not a smart creature, but we can’t be too sure. Crow and Leo upfront.” We all lined up behind our two tanks. We slowly made our way down the hallway. Everyone was on edge waiting for the first sign of anything hostile. The hallway was sloped downward, and every step increased the temperature ever so slightly. Or it’s just the anxiety and stress.

Soon from above a barrage of firebolts rained down on us. Several burns of pain crossed my body and I wildly threw Ice Bolts up in retaliation. Everyone who had a ranged attack let loose their own attacks and several Imp bodies fell to the ground.

None of the Experience or aftermath of this Dungeon would show till we complete it, so no blue boxes to inform me of any progress. However a quick glance told me all the Imps were Level 1. We paused to see if anything worthwhile of loot dropped, but sadly nothing.

“Well that was a warm welcome.” Becca said.

“And they were only Level 1, be ready for more.” Leo said from upfront. A quick glance showed that everyone was good on health and only was missing a small fraction for the squishier people. A few more Imps were along the way, but they easily died in a couple of attacks each. Eventually we came across a fork in the hallway. If Agnox was right, we go left first. That’s the prison.

Crow and Leo moved left first, but we had Marcus at the rear. His Geomancy build made him the best contender for rear guard, along with Jeffery.

It was a short hallway, and we could see it open up into a larger room once we made the turn. Ahead we could see a single tall figure that looked like Agnox if he was human sized, but lacked any wings.

He stood there with his arms cross looking at us. A quick glance told me enough that alone he wasn’t too much of a problem.

Pitruddix, Level 5, Demon Warden

“So the little fucker lived eh? I guess he was a horrible squealer once you tortured him enough eh?” Pitruddix said.

This was something we hoped for. They assumed we captured Agnox and forced the information out of him somehow. However in the long run the result was the same. They knew we knew all about them.

I could feel his eyes settle over me and his eyes widened a bit. “Oh a Summoner, so he was contracted instead. Well our mistress will enjoy you, Mathew.”

After he said my name, he drew a large bastard sword and shouted “Get them!”

We were still halfway in the hallway, with our frontliners a bit more spread out. Luckily we can use that to our advantage!

Several Imps were blasting us with Fire Bolts, and I was even more thankful for the fire resistance I had, every little bit would count in this Dungeon. I threw bolts of Ice around and occasionally threw a knife if one got close enough.

Pitruddix closed in on us and leaped over Crow and Leo, completely ignoring their attempts to stop him. His blade fell down onto Park and a large wound covered his torso. I hesitated too long and prayed the plan would work, “Bind Summon!” I shouted while pointing at the Demon.

Our contest of wills instantly took place, however it was short lived. A fire bolt hit me in the arm knocking me out of my spell. He turned and glared at me with death in his eyes. A feeling I am not used to and took a step back in fear.

“You!” He attempted a strike at me with his sword, however a rock covered fist punched him in the side ruining his attack. He obviously was well trained and quickly counter attacked Marcus who barely shielded himself with his rock covered fists.

I attempted the spell again, “Bind Sumon!” However nothing happened and a small notification showed up but I didn’t have time to read it. I already assumed it mentioned that I couldn’t bind him for some reason.

Most of the group was focused on the Demon, only Becca and Gloria were back enough in the hallway that they were not in any danger. I however, still was. He slashed down at me with his sword, the hot pain going through my shoulder as he cut into me was horrible. I dare say it was as bad as when the Alpha Wolf bit me.

I fell down to the pain, and saw my health went down an entire quarter. Just as he was about to attack a second time Crow’s voice was heard over everything else. “Taunt!” As soon as he casted the spell, I saw him activate one of his abilities and held his shield up with both hands. It was Hunker Down, and I knew the Demon wouldn’t be able to hurt him much.

After which a yell from Leo and a blinding light fell toward Pitruddix. “Smite!”

The Demon recoiled from the attack and almost had a tinge of fear across his face. He couldn’t attack me anymore, and was temporarily forced to fight against Crow, as were all the remaining Imps still in the air.

The Demon seemed to grow annoyed with us. “Flaming Edge!” His sword was covered in flames and he started to wail into Crow.

“Steal Life!” The demon shouted and wails of pain came from the further inside the room. The few wounds on his body slowly sealed back up. Mentally I realized exactly what we were in for, and we were severely underprepared.

“Give up now and your deaths will be quick. You can’t kill me while I have prisoners under me.” He said while slowly attacking Crow. Soon the effects of Taunt will end, and he would focus back on me or someone else. Chains surrounded him as Park was healed from Gloria, and I felt the effects of her healing on me soon after. It was then I realized something, Madison was missing. I risked glancing around and she was nowhere to be found. Fuck she was just here!

Panic filled me and I gritted my teeth. I mentally commanded Jeffery to go find Madison and help her while taking out any Imps along the way. The warden was right in front of me, and I only had a single spell to attack him with, which would do little against him.

I was starting to see in real time the weakness of my class. I relied on others to fight, and now I was fucked. I couldn’t risk Wispy or Agnox yet, as I needed them for the last two fights. I moved away from him and started to cast Ice Bolt through my staff to ensure a little bit of extra damage it would grant.

“Leo, keep at him with smite. Marcus, you get in there too. Becca, keep at those Imps. Crow, don’t let him hit anyone else!” I commanded my team, praying for that bonus from Tactics would help more and more.

The effects from Taunt soon ended, and he turned away from Crow and glanced around at us. He had made a poor move and put himself in the middle of our group, and Becca just took out two more Imps which he was relying on for support.

“Fine, you want to die, then let me welcome you to your eternal suffering. Nova Flash!” He shouted and a wave of heat was released from him pushing us all back. Burns seared over my skin, however nothing compared to what I felt back near the Lava.

I looked up and saw Leo was the only one still attacking him. He turned toward Leo, “And an Unclaimed Diviner who thinks he can win? You will die first.” He raised his blade to strike Leo who I saw had less than a third of his health.

“Leo no!” I reached out to cast another Ice Bolt which didn’t seem to phase him at all. A figure jumped from nowhere and started to punch him several times.

“Flurry of Blows!” She shouted as she hit him five times in the chest. I glanced in the direction she came from, which behind her was a single humanoid figure carrying a sniper. He racked it and aimed it toward us, not carrying to properly brace it.

“Fucking bastard, I told you a thousand times. Nothing stops red blooded Americans.” As he shot the demon in the head a large hole pierced through it.

I thought for sure that would have killed him. However a raspy voice was heard.

“Steal….Life” The hole closed a little bit, but it remained. I was shocked at what I was seeing.

“Explosive Shot!” A second, louder, shot was heard and sheared off the demons right arm by removing his shoulder. Pitruddix fell to the ground still. Only two or three Imps remain, which Becca quickly killed them all.

I looked over to the Sniper and realized it was the Team 1 Captain, Staff Sergeant Falkwreath. He looked horrible. Only a pair of trousers remained as clothing, which made me wonder where he got the gun from. All over his visible body was several cuts all of which were either scabbed over, or still bleeding. Realizing Pitruddix was dead, he dropped his gun which faded into nothing before it even hit the ground.

Summon Gun? I am feeling more and more personally attacked and I blame Becca for it.

Gloria rushed over to Falkwreath and started to heal him and bandage him up. I looked over at Madison. “Why did you leave us in the fight?”

Madison held one of her arms and looked like she didn’t want to talk about it. “I chased one of the Imps and saw….well I saw he was still alive. The others….It’s bad Mathew. They are dead, but what I saw.” She didn’t keep talking but just looked down.

Leo came up and put an arm around her, and looked up at me. I took a deep breath and turned toward Falkwreath. He was slowly recovering, but not even Glorias healing was making good progress. Shit, are his wounds permanent?

I walked over and knelt down next to him, I realized then he only had one eye. “Oh it’s the green horn! I guess I lost that bet.” He chuckled.

“Where is everyone else?” I asked, afraid of the answer.

His face took a look of guilt and dread. “Gone. No need to go back there for now, I’ll be sure their families know they died spitting blood in that Demons face. A true Marines death.” He looked up and closed his eye. “Mathew, can your team really beat them? That bitch with the chain, she killed one of us in one swipe with it.”

I looked over at all of our health and mana bars, everyone had a varying degree of injury, but nothing Gloria and Leo can’t heal. “We are going to try, any advice for us?” I asked.

“Lots and lots of bullets, and a priest. Looks like you have half of that here.” He smiled at Gloria. “Although, she is more of an Angle.”

She scoffed and slightly blushed. “Oh stop it, I am neither. Just a Doctor who will uphold her oath to healing others. If that means helping to stop the bad guys, then so be it.” She looked over at me and winced. “Mathew, are you okay, you look like you did back in that bed.”

I looked down at my hands and saw they were pink with exposed underskin. However I only felt like I had a sunburn. “I feel fine I think? I’ll get Leo to heal me up, and hopefully that will fix it.”

I didn’t go straight for Leo and walked back to where the Prisoners were held. Around a corner I saw tables, tools, and a few dead bodies chained to the wall. Most of them are just starting to decompose. Only one of them was human. The rest were Imps or demons. All dead.

It took me a moment longer, but I saw the amount of blood that I mistook for the red stone of this place. Madison went in here, free’d that guy, and then came back to fight? I hope Leo can help her, she will need it. Shit I might need help after seeing that.

It was my first true sight of horrible gore and death. Creatures just fade away after a gattle leaving behind loot. But this was something I never saw, not ever. It removed any and all doubt that these Infernal beings could be good. At least the ones inside this Dungeon.

I walked back and sat down next to Leo. He glanced over at me and put a hand on my shoulder, both to comfort me and to heal me. The little bit of pain I felt was gone before he even touched me, the cold void inside me was worse.

Becca and Marcus stood guard as they had taken the least damage in the fight. Only two Imps came by to check what was going on, both quickly killed.

I took a glance at Gloria’s mana and winced. She used almost half of it. Next fight we are going to need her to take it easy and let Leo do most of the healing after the fight.

I glanced over at the sniper. “You okay staying here by yourself?”

“Pft, no. I am going with y'all.” He slowly stood up, wincing the whole way.

Gloria scolded him. “No sir. You are staying here, or you can leave through the portal. I don’t condone it, if you keep this up you won’t recover at all, magic or not.”

“Then Doc, you better do your best to ensure I don’t get hit.” He smirked but still sat back down.

He looked down at his body and a flash of regret went across his face. He looked up to me, “Alrighty I will make a deal, I will cover the rear, ensure nobody escapes but you all. If I have to come and save you again, then you owe me a 24 pack.”

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