Contract Summoner

Chapter 23

I knocked on his office door. “Come on in.”

He wasn’t wearing his normal Uniform, instead was wearing what looked like a leather jacket and other pieces of armor.

“Oh Mathew, I didn’t expect you to return till tomorrow. Is everything alright?”

I sat down. “Yup, yesterday we all leveled up, everyone is above Level 6. We came back a day early so we can work on our new abilities and spells. Plus Becca got some crafting material.” I said not lying.

He nodded. “That’s wonderful news. Did anything interesting happen?”

“We came across another Area Quest. This time a Dryad. Able to summon plants, since three of us have a fire based attack, and with Doctor Gloria as our support, it went very well.” I gestured to him. “What’s with the new armor?”

“The crafters have been busy. Becca isn’t the only Leatherworker. It’s better than the manufactured stuff we had before, by leagues. General Dritzka is paying for sets to be made for the three type of fighters. Heavy, Medium, and Light.”

“That is very interesting. I imagine the constant attacks from wolves and other creatures that are hunted help with that.”

“Very much so. You will also be happy to note we rescued the escapee from the Infernal Dungeon.”

“Wait? Really! What’s he saying about the inside? Did Agnox tell the truth?”

Captain Franks held up a hand to stop my questioning. “Unfortunately, he isn’t the best mentally. Any questioning goes horribly wrong and our best people are on his recovery. Soon as anything new occurs you will be the first to know.”

I nodded in understanding. “Since some of us don’t have any armor made through The System, Madison, Becca, Marcus, and Gloria will need something. If you can get us a couple of sets, like you have, for them, that would be great.”

Franks nodded. “I will see what I can do, you will know by tomorrow. Anything else?”

I shook my head. “I just want to go sleep in my own bed now. Thanks for everything by the way. You’ve been helping us out and I don’t think I’ve said that yet.”

He smiled. “You are very welcome, Mathew.”

I returned to my room and threw my stuff onto the table. Before I let sleep take me over I pulled out a piece of paper and pen. I looked at the blank paper for several moments mulling over what I was going to do.

“I trust them to know, but I don’t trust them enough to not share. This can be great to experiment the limitations of my contracts as well.” I sighed realizing I was alone, and had no interest in bringing out my summons.

I shook my head and steeled myself. It’s just like before, paperwork that needs to be done. I can always add a part that I can end the contract whenever I want. Plus I imagine Leo will like this.

I put pen to paper and began to write. It was well past midnight before I was finished. I looked at the final draft and nodded approvingly. “A little crude, but thanks to that Knowledge Book, I know for a fact this will work.”

I washed off my ink stained hands and headed to bed, not even bothering removing my new slippers.

I sipped at some fresh and hot tea. “Damn I missed this stuff. I wonder if there is a tea spell I can get. Infinite Tea should be the enchantment or spell!”

Wispy was floating nearby, aftering being summoned this morning. He was lighting up the room with a blue tinge along with the fluorescent lights. Everyone, minus Becca, was in the meeting room right now. She was busy crafting with the Living wood and we were waiting on her.

I nodded to Crow who was sporting a new shield. “I take it things went well with your Dad?” I asked him.

He scratched the back of his neck. “Yea I was going to bring it up. After the Dungeon I won’t be with you guys anymore. I made a deal with my Dad. I finish this Dungeon, then I am with his team.”

I nodded solemnly. “I understand, we will miss you buddy. You are a key part of this team who will be hard to replace.”

Everyone else agreed and Park put a hand on his shoulder. “Who knows, maybe we will all get tricked into a contract with the Dungeon Boss and are forced to stay together forever.”

We all looked at him, annoyance on all our faces.

“What?” He asked innocently

I sat the cup down and pulled out a small stack of papers. “I was going to wait for Becca, but we can start this without her. I have here an agreement. This is insurance for all of us. I based it off a typical NDA, and removed a bunch of the unnecessary parts that quote our old laws and just added parts like ‘In the name of The System’ instead. So once we all sign this we can get started.”

“Mathew, do you not trust us?” Gloria asked.

I wiggled my hand. “I do, however this is more of a test of something else. You three don’t know this, but I received a book that informed me how The System and its Laws work. With that, I know contracts have the ability to prevent you from speaking something you said you wouldn’t. Through a Contract, that is. This prevents all of us, from sharing information about each other, or our world with the Infernals inside.” Plus a few extra parts, but they don’t need to know about that.

“Oh, that’s it? Why didn’t you just say so.” Park said grabbing the pen and signing without reading.

“Really? Not even going to read it?” Leo said half jokingly.

“I have two Lawyers present, that has to account for something right?” Park handing the pen back to me.

I just shook my head. “I suggest reading the contracts in the future. However if we all just want to sign and move on, that is acceptable.”

Everyone in the room signed, and I noticed Leo seemed to be impressed at it. Hopefully this prevents him from being a worry wart about us sharing information with each other.

A blue box popped up for me and whoever signed each time, showing me that it was working.

I picked up a marker and walked over to the white board. “Alrighty who wants to go first?”

“Shouldn’t we wait for Becca?” Crow asked

“Well we are going to have to write everything down. Plus I am 90% sure she will sign once she realizes we all did as well. We can do it while we wait on her.” I said.

“Why don’t you go first Mr. Level 9,” Madison suggested.

I shrugged and started to write on the board

Mathew, Level 9




Contract Scribe


Lawyer, Practitioner Summoner, Solo Boss


First Quest, Professional Profession, Survivor

Health: 623

Mana: 1555













Abilities: Skills: Spells:

Share Sense [Agnox]

Knives | Novice 5

Writing | Beginner 0

Tactics | Beginner 5

Negotiation | Novice 7

Staves | Novice 5 Ice Bolt | Beginner 3

Summon Frosty | Beginner 1

Summon Wispy | Beginner 5

Summon Agnox | Novice 7

Conure Chains | Novice 1

Summon Object | Beginner 0

Bind Summon | Novice 5

Summon Creature | Novice 2

Ritual of Learning | Novice 9

Ritual of Trapping | Novice 4

“Holy fuck mathew, how do you have that many spells?” Park said.

“Yea you have 10 spells, and are only Level 9. In addition, you didn't get a spell till Level 2.” Marucs pointed out

“My Class gave me the one that resulted in Agnox, plus I get a spell every Level. Didn’t your classes give you an extra spell?”

Everyone shook their heads. “Only an ability plus a spell slot. Doctor Gloria has us beat with 5 spells currently, with Marcus and I at 4.” Park pointed out.

“Alrighty that’s all my stuff, who is next?”

Doctor Gloria raised her hand “You forgot about Jeffery actually.”

I nodded and fixed my mistake adding Summon Jeffery | Novice 5.

“Is nobody going to question his Mana?” Crow asked. “That’s a lot.”

“But my health is low. I imagine you have probably two thousand HP by now.” I said.

“Just under 1900 actually,” Crow said proudly.

“Well since we are on the topic of your health, why not do you next?” Madison suggested.

He nodded and opened his menu to point things out.

Crow, Level 8







First Quest, Professional Profession, Survivor

Health: 1864

Mana: 480













Abilities: Skills: Spells:

Shared Pain | Beginner 0

Block | Beginner 0

Hunker Down | Novice 1

Shields | Beginner 2

Clubs | Novice 9

Heavy Armor | Novice 7

Outside Knowledge

Mining | Novice 4

Taunt | Novice 6

“Alrighty, I bet Leo or Doctor Gloria have the second highest health,” Park said.

“Yup Leo,” Madison said

“I’ll bite, I think it’s Leo as well,” Crow said.

“Eh, I think Doctor Gloria,” Marcus said

I smiled. “Sounds like those two go up next on the board. However I have a question. What is Outside Knowledge?”

“Oh that, it’s a skill I got since I kept guessing how The System works. It gives me a 1% bonus to being right about something related to The System. It doesn't rank up though.”

“So a title?” I asked.

He shrugged. “No clue, I stopped questioning it about five minutes after I got it. No clue if it has ever mattered or not.”

I nodded then pointed at my business partner. “Leo you next, big man.”

“Do I have to?” He asked.

I was hoping he would play along.

“We don’t need everything. Just the important bits. Come on I plan to share mine. Plus Mathew shared his. Please?” Madison asked.

He thought about it for a moment but nodded. “Fine, but this better be worth it. I don’t have much anyways.”

Leo, Level 8


Unclaimed Diviner





First Quest, Professional Profession, Survivor

Health: 910

Mana: 995













Abilities: Skills: Spells:

Lucky The Shotgun | Beginner 2

Guns | Beginner 2

Axes| Beginner 0

First Aid | Novice 7

Medium Armor| Novice 8

Unarmed Combat | Novice 3

Heal Ally | Novice 9

Smite | Novice 1

“Wow you were not kidding. We really need to get you claimed by a God.” I said and a few people raised eyebrows while Leo facepalmed.

“Something I wanted to keep secret, thanks Mat.” Leo flatly said.

I winced. “Sorry man, just pretend I didn’t say anything guys.”

“Well that answers my question about your class.” Park said.

“No, it’s fine. Not much to say.” Leo said, crossing his arms.

“Wait, Gods are real?” Marcus asked. “That’s impossible, they were not real even before The System came to be.”

“Neither was Magic.” Leo protested.

Marcus was about to say something, but didn’t.

“According to Agnox, Gods are not what we think they are. They are people who became Level 100 and mastered a certain thing. Axes, Light, Fire, Books, Necromancy, and those are just examples. One of those will claim Leo sooner or later and when that happens he gets abilities and spells themed around that.”

Everyone nodded seeming to understand except for Marcus who apparently didn’t understand. We moved on to Doctor Gloria while Marcus kept mulling it over.

Gloria, Level 6


Aura Guardian






First Quest, Professional Profession, Survivor

Health: 970

Mana: 935













Abilities: Skills: Spells:

Chanting | Novice 4

First Aid | Beginner 6

Inspect | Novice 6

Medicine | Beginner 3

Biology | Novice 6

Reading | Novice 7

Heal Ally | Beginner 7

Invigorate | Beginner 4

Iron Defense | Novice 5

Holy Blessings | Novice 3

Bolster Courage | Novice 1

“Looks like Leo won that bet.” Park said smiling to himself.

I nodded looking over her numbers. Dang she has more wisdom than my Intelligence, and still 3 Levels lower.

“I suppose most of your skills and spells are from working as a Doctor in the Medical Wing?” Marcus asked.

Gloria nodded. “Yes, and they all prove very useful, even my new spells will work wonders in the medical field. I can’t wait to get Level 10 and see how I can help more people.”

I moved to the next area. “Who is next?”

Madison raised her hand. “I’ll go.”

Madison, Level 8







First Quest, Professional Profession, Survivor

Health: 970














Abilities: Skills: Traditions:

Fiery Fist | Beginner 1

Flurry of Blows | Novice 8

Fire Nova | Novice 1

Unarmed Fighting | Beginner 4

Sprint | Novice 9

Perception | Novice 7

Dodge | Beginner 1

Jump | Novice 6

Flaming Hands

“Weird, that’s the first class to not have mana or spells. I wonder if there are other classes like that.” Doctor Gloria pointed out.

“Yup, I’m special. Also I know a guy who I spar with who has no mana either. He is a martial combatant class that transfers any weapon skill separately from skills. He only has two: Knives and Swords, but it’s a start. He essentially has 7 Skills if you think about it.” Madison said.

“Well if he is that great we can replace you with him.” I said, smirking.

“Hey not fair! I have worked my ass off to be useful.” Madison pouted.

“Yes you have, and I wouldn’t replace you with anyone. Next?”

“I suppose I’ll go next.” Park said

Park, Level 6







First Quest, Professional Profession, Survivor

Health: 780

Mana: 890













Abilities: Skills: Spells:

Dark Sight | Novice 3

Dodge | Novice 5

Knives | Novice 2

Perception | Novice 9

Cooking | Novice 3

Stealth | Novice 6

Curse | Beginner 1

Chained Movement | Novice 4

Shadow Bolt | Novice 9

Affliction | Novice 1

“Hold on, you have the cooking skill? Since when?” Crow asked.

“Ahh yeah. When I first got here I volunteered in the kitchen to earn my keep a bit. Got it there.”

“Hey Park, can you get that better? I would love to eat not Military packaged food while we are out and about in the future.” Madison said.

We chuckled at that.

“That leaves Marcus.” I said and started to write down his information

Marcus, Level 6








First Quest, Professional Profession, Survivor

Health: 850

Mana: 890













Abilities: Skills: Spells:

Tremorsense | Novice 2

Read | Novice 7

Physics | Beginner 5

Knives | Novice 1

Study | Novice 4

First Aid | Novice 2

Create Rock | Beginner 5

Stone Fist | Novice 3

Shift Earth | Novice 1

Sand Blind | Novice 1

We began talking tactics of everyone's spells and how to fight until Becca showed up. Most people received upgrades from the recent quest which just amplified our current tactics tremendously.

It wasn’t long before Becca came strutting into the office a large shit eating grin on her face. “What is up guys. I see a fuck ton of numbers on the board, is it my turn?”

She walked in and behind her a small animal followed.

“Um Becca what’s that behind you?” I asked curiously.

“Oh Woody? That’s just my SUMMONABLE CREATURE.” She declared lifting up a small bear cub made of wood.

I almost spat out my tea, almost. “How did you get a wooden bear as a summon?” I asked.

“Why? Jealous?” She sassily said. “If you must know, it’s from that seed. I planted it this morning and I was given an option of which creature to get. I chose a bear cub. He is only Level 1, but I can resummon him with a few bits of Living Wood. Better be careful Matty, I might steal your thunder.”

I rolled my eyes. “Alrighty Master Summoner, what are your numbers?”

Becca, Level 6







First Quest, Professional Profession, Survivor

Health: 850

Mana: 825













Abilities: Skills: Spells:

Aim | Beginner 2

Forest Presence | Novice 4

Multi-Shot | Novice 1

Bow | Beginner 2

Inspect | Novice 5

Leatherworking | Beginner 4

Acrobatics | Novice 4

Fletching | Beginner 2

Summon Arrows | Novice 3

Summon Woody | Novice 1

I put the marker down and a blue box appeared in front of me showing my Writing skill went up a level. I quickly updated it and sat down with my tea.

“Alrighty it’s time to strategize and plan. Let’s bring out our spy.” I brought Agnox out with a thought. The process at this point was easy and smooth to do.

He appeared to be laying down in the air with his eyes closed. “Oh? You need me huh? What if I don’t want to help?”

“Agnox, I am in a good mood today. So I will ask nicely, but only once. Please help us plan to take out the Infernal Dungeon.”

“What’s in it for me?” He asked.

Other than me keeping you locked inside my mana for eternity? “Well I want you to work as part of the team for once.” I said.

Agnox just pointed his nose up higher. “Nah, that sounds like something dumb Monkeys do.”

I gritted my teeth. “Well there must be something you want from the Dungeon, a personal item you left behind perhaps? If you help us here you can have 1 item we get as loot or find along the way.”

He opened a single eye and looked at me. “Any item?”

I paused for a moment. “Do you have something in mind?”

“Maybe, no clue if it’s there or not. Afraid I will steal the good stuff?”

“Agnox, I would like to know what you want from that dungeon.”

He rolled his eyes. “You are no fun. Can’t you let it be a surprise, I promise it isn’t a slave.”

I narrowed my eyes. “It better not be a slave. No living creatures.” I held up a finger before he could speak. “Or undead, or robots, or magical dudes, or elementals. I think that’s everything.”

“I was going to say it wasn’t a creature of any kind. It’s just a really cool weapon that only you or I can use. It works only with Infernal magic. It’s called Infernal Trident. Think of it as a staff, but for the magic users who are both cool and sexy.”

“No more calling people monkeys, or other improper names?”

“I swear, scouts honor!” He held up three fingers.

“How do you...Nope don’t care enough. You can have that one item that is from a monster drop or if it’s something we find. Nothing from a quest reward or a drop from the boss.”

“Deal!” He said without any hesitation.

You and Agnox have made a deal.

I don’t like how eager he sounded.

“Alrighty, now I am in a good mood as well, so I shall refer to you eight as weak humans from now on. I do hope you enjoy your new titles.”

A few groans and we were soon writing out all the weaknesses, abilities, and powers from the enemies we might face. It was the end of the day, and Becca told us to visit Hennesy at the Warehouse. All the stuff we wanted was finished, so we went as a group there.

There in the middle of the crafting area was my Ritual of Learning still active. Inside was someone sewing and another person sharpening a sword. I guess Hennessy found someone to help him.

“There you lot are. Come on over here!” Hennessy shouted from his table.

We walked over and saw a few items on display with two sets of armor behind him.

“Most of this is for Crow and Leo. However I had time to whip up a few extra special items for you all. Can’t let my number one customers die, right?”

Crow received a full suit of armor that made him look like a mix between a knight and a football player. Leo on the other hand looked like a football player since his armor just covered the less mobile sections like torso and legs.

Crow also sported a new Mace, while Leo received a new double bladed axe.

“If I don’t get a proper class, I will not be against an axe themed class. This looks awesome!” Leo said while looking his axe over.

“Is it too late for that enchantment Mat?” Leo asked

I shook my head. “I plan to pick up more long term spells after this Dungeon. I promise it’s on my list.”

Considering I plan to live my life on enchantments. It’s going to become a very popular one.

Hennessy nodded at the compliments. “Thank you kindly. I have a couple of knives for everyone, and throwing ones for you Mathew. I have some simple armor plates for those who are sporting the Military gear still, my stuff is better than the plates they use since The System magic mumbo jumbo makes it that way.”

“I saw Captain Franks with some on. I know a few of us are going to want some, like Marcus and Gloria, although the lighter sets.” I said

He nodded. “We have plenty of lighter sets, most of the soldiers prefer the medium sets. I ran out of those quickly.”

We all were snagging items and I saw Becca have several new arrows, no doubt tipped by Hennesy. There were a couple of items left on the table, mainly a shield and sword.

“Who are those for?” I asked.

“Oh, those are mine actually.” A female voice said behind me. We all turned to see who it was.

Captain Henderson stood with a hand on her hip. “Hey Mathew. Holy fuck you are already Level 9? What are you killing out there man.”

I took a glance at her Level, which was 7. “Goblings, Wolves, Giant Living Trees, and the occasional annoying Imp. I thought you were on probation?”

“Oh I still am, but I was able to sweet talk Hennessy here into some gear for myself.” She said as she picked up the shield and sword. “Great work as always. Thanks!”

“You can thank Mathew and his Ritual. Speaking of which, can you move it? The current spot has a horrible draft and several people complain about it, all whining. It would make my ears stop bleeding if you did that for us.” Henessy asked.

I shrugged. “Sure, hopefully it will rank up when I cast it again. Every little bit counts right? Be safe Henderson. Those imps are weak, but I promise you they are crafty.”

“Sure, I will keep that in mind.” She walked out and I started the half an hour casting of the Ritual.

“Ritual of Learning!” I said, finishing the cast. A blue box appeared and I was just going to close it on instinct since I assumed it would only become Novice 9, however that wasn’t the case.

Ritual of Learning -> Beginner 9

[This spell can not increase in Level until you acquire Level 10]

Upgrade available: Ritual of Learning

Mass Learning: Increase the affected area to 10 Meters

Personal Tutor: Increase progression by an additional 5%

“Holy fuck!” I shouted looking at the 11 Level jump for the spell. “How!”

“What’s the matter?” Crow asked.

“It’s Beginner 9 now. It was only Novice 8 when I last casted it.” I stammered.

“Huh? How? You only just casted it once.” Crow said trying to look at my Blue Box, but failing to do so.

I looked at Hennessy. “How many people have been using this?”

“Oh, a couple dozen. People use it all the time, and a few people use it to train new skills like First Aid whenever it is free.”

I blinked realizing how the spell increased in Level. It’s not from casting, it’s from being used! If being used is how it ranks up, then Mass Learning is the way to go.

I selected it and luckily the Ritual automatically accepted the upgrade, so I didn’t have to cast it again. Several people saw the Rituals increased size and were all soon moving their stations to it.

“Oh that’s mighty handy. You have no idea what you’ve done Mathew. The amount of work that we can finish has increased exponentially!” Hennessy exclaimed.

“Well you can enjoy the 24% boost to progression for skills.”

That just made people move faster inside the circle, several people fighting for a spot. I wonder how much people will be willing to pay to use this?

I waved a hand at the thought for now. They need it, and I can create a demand. Once I finish the Dungeon however, then I can start charging for it.

We pursued some other crafters who were more than happy to offer free stuff to me. Most things that were made I couldn’t or didn’t use. However, there was an Alchemist who had just started his profession. While he didn’t have anything useful to me at the moment, he had potential.

Most of his creations were potions that had both a positive and negative effect. Just shows how priceless my last two potions are for now.

We left and went our own ways. Tomorrow is the big day. I sat in my room drinking tea to keep me calm. Jeffery was laying down on the floor resting. Both Wispy and Agnox were floating in the air, the latter talking my ear off.

“Are you sure I can’t convince you to let me enjoy a possible last night out and about?”

“No Agnox, I know you will cause problems, even if I tell you not to, you will find a way or complain.”

“You know me so well already! That means we are friends, Mathew. Do friends deny each other a possible final night to eat a bunch of yummy food!”

I rolled my eyes. “You already told me you have a bottomless pit for a stomach. You don’t even need food to survive, my mana does that remember? I can read the contract you know.”

“Oh? So when did you get the Reading skill then?” He said smugly.

I threw a balled up towel at him and missed horribly

“Careful, wouldn’t want to hurt me.”

Don’t tempt me.

Everyday, I regret agreeing to that blasted contract. However he has proven useful several times, and certainly pulls his not insubstantial weight during a fight. I just hope overtime he becomes at least bearable.

“Agnox I want to know, are you actually going to help in the fight tomorrow?”

He stopped moving in the air, but remained floating. “More than likely. What makes you think I won’t? You kinda can make me.”

“Right, but you tricked me into this contract.”

“To escape eternal punishment from a smoking hot Devil.”

“And you constantly are a nuisance to everyone verbally. I just want to be sure you even want to fight.”

He flipped over and mocked laying down in a bed and kicked his legs in the air slowly.“Aww you do care about me!”

“Kinda, but right now out of need, not want.” I let that truth settle in the air.

“Oh and I just want to be bound to a Level 9 Summoner who didn’t know how to properly summon till he was told by me?” Agnox said, now looking at me directly.

“Like I enjoy being tricked by a rude Imp. Do you think half of what I’ve done is what I wanted?” I put my teacup down, too frustrated to drink it.

“To think, I thought you had at least three brain cells to rub together. Guess I was wrong, did whatever big General Dritzka tells ya? What about Mommy and Daddy monkeys? Do what they said too?”

I slammed a fist into the table, a wave of anger I haven't’ felt in forever washed over me. “I don’t do what they tell me to do Agnox.”

“Then why even do this? Who cares about the people here. We can easily walk away Mathew. You have no obligations to be here.” Agnox floated next to my shoulder. “We can leave, and with your fancy rituals and enchantments, we can ensure a decent life, if not a rich one.”

My eye twitched. Why should I care?

I took a deep sigh and relaxed myself, I almost let those emotions come back again. I picked up my cup and looked into the tea, remembering my younger years. Dozens of private tutors, fancy clothes, political meetings, and anything I wanted at a snap of my fingers. I could have it all back again in this new world. Power means everything, even enough to become a God.

However, that’s not me, at least not today. A business is one thing. Thinking I just deserve it is another. A lesson my brother failed to learn, but one I learned from his mistakes.

“Agnox, you don’t know me. I don’t know you. However, I feel you should know getting me mad isn’t smart, nor effective.”

“Oh? Big talk from the guy who relies on others to fight.” Agnox pushed more buttons to antagonize me.

I closed my eyes. “Agnox, I would normally just Unsummon you, but I am tired of your antics. You tricked me once already, and I won’t let you do it again. Making me angry isn’t how you win against me. My brother learned that lesson the hard way.”

“Ooo what did you do? Kill him? Or did you just tell Mommy?”

“Actually I did kill him.” I said flatly.

That made him stop for a second.

“Damn, and I thought I was evil. What did he do? Kick sand in your face?”

For an Imp from another world, he knows a lot about Earth. “That isn’t for you to know. However I went through two years of lessons to control my emotions. You won’t be able to trick me Agnox.”

“Pft sure, I’m not afraid of you.”

I raised an eyebrow. “Really?”

I saw the slight fear in his face for just a moment. “Why do you care about me anyways? I am just another fodder for you until you find something stronger to replace me with when I die.”

“Is that how Familiars are normally treated?” I asked.

“For us low level guys, yea. We get summoned, carried around till we level up a bit or our Summoner dies. Most Summoners use their summons as meat shields or disposable fodder. Since they can just be resummoned, or a new Familiar can be contracted.”

“I thought Summoners can’t put their Familiars in harm’s way? It’s in the contract.”

“Sure, but Summoners don’t know everything. They say ‘Go attack the big bad guy’ and then suddenly it’s just green imp paste on the wall.” Agnox said with a slight bit of worry on his face.

“Well I wouldn’t do that to you, or my Summons. Granted I can resummon them, and I know at the end of the day if I had to choose them or someone who stays dead, I pick the person who can’t be resummoned. However, when it comes to you, I know you can’t come back. I never had a plan to have you offed off.”

“Why is that? I imagine Morthrus would offer you a decent deal for my head.”

“She’s an evil Dungeon Boss. Why would I make a deal with her?”

“Power, wealth, sex. The three classic things she offers to others in trades. Primarily sex.”

I shook my head. “I gave those up forever ago, mostly.” Helps when you picked a shitty law degree and donated money for your own peace of mind.

Agnox scoffed. “Right, and I can’t fly.”

“It’s true, part of my change in person involved all three of those going away to a degree. Plus all my previous wealth is gone now. I only have whatever Credits will be worth eventually.”

“Ahh Credits, the thing that makes the world go around.”

“If she offers me anything I will refuse it, outside of straight up leaving and nobody dying.”

Agnox started to pick at his nails. “She would be lying, we can’t go back.”

“Then you are safe.”

“Hey Mathew.”


“Do you think I can stay out tonight?”

I sighed. “I don’t know. Why should I let you?”

“Well, if I die tomorrow, I want a real night's sleep for once. Being inside your mana is nice, but actually being out is nice sometimes.”

I looked up at him and thought for a moment. Either he is up to something, or being honest. If I question him, and he is being honest, that is bad. If he is up to something, but I say nothing that is bad.

“Just don’t leave the room. I don’t want someone to hurt you.”

He waved a hand. “Didn’t plan on it, but that’s a good idea. I don’t want to run into the big guy from the buffett again.”

That got a chuckle out of me and I started to get ready for sleep. I took a pill we were all given to help us sleep. Something soldiers took according to Franks. Sleep took me over quickly and memories of the past became that again, memories.

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