
"My Pop-Pop Moe, My Hero" by Samantha Small, age 7 and a half.

Hello, Chummies!

Due to circumstances akin to an act of god outside of my control (my car battery exploding before an extremely long car trip) today's scheduled update is being postponed to tomorrow for the sake of my sanity in writing. Apologies for the inconvenience, and I hope you all have a lovely day.

To satiate you, here is a mini-update.


-The Author

"My Pop-Pop Moe, My Hero" by Samantha Small, age 7 and a half.

Miss Greene asked us all to write about our favorite heroes, but I don't have any favorites because I don't care about superheroes. Instead I asked Miss Greene and she said I could write about my Pop-Pop Moe instead. Yay! My Pop-Pop Moe is the bestest, most special person in the whole world. He is my super-duper favorite. Some people might think it's weird that my hero is my Pop-Pop, but I don't care. He's the best and I'm going to tell you why.

First, Pop-Pop Moe is super, super brave. He grew up in a place called Queens, which is really far away from here. I heard him say that when he was little, some mean people didn't like him just because he was Jewish. But that didn't stop Pop-Pop. Nope, not one bit. He was brave and strong and he didn't let those mean people bother him. That's what being brave means, it's when you do things without letting mean people bother you about them.

Also, my Pop-Pop is very smart. He's an engineer, which is a fancy word for someone who makes stuff, like buildings and bridges. But not with Lego bricks, like I do. He uses math and science and stuff, and he works a lot on dams, which sounds like a word I'm not allowed to use. I also think he worked on the Ben Franklin Bridge! He didn't tell me that, I just think he worked on it.

Pop-Pop Moe is also really good at fishing. He takes me fishing sometimes, and he knows all the best spots. He can catch the biggest fish, and he taught me how to put a worm on a hook. I feel bad for the worms sometimes but he told me that they don't feel pain so I guess it's okay for them because it means we get to eat. He likes to go fishing for flounder! One time he caught a flying fish but we had to throw it back. I don't really like flounder but I do like fishing.

The best thing about Pop-Pop is that he loves me. Even when I forget things, or when I can't sit still, or when I talk too much. Even when I can't do the shabbat prayers right and mix up the words. He always gives me a big hug and says it's okay. And that makes me feel safe and happy.

My Pop-Pop Moe is really old, but he's really fun. He tells me stories about when he was little, and he listens when I tell him about my day. He's the bestest friend I could ever ask for. And that's why he's my hero.

I know some kids have heroes that can fly or lift cars or have laser eyes. But my hero is better than all of them. He's my Pop-Pop Moe, and I love him very much. And I think that makes him the best hero in the world.

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