
Chapter 8.5

smallfry09: Thanks for the warm welcome, guys. And for the new moniker – Bloodhound. It’s got a nice ring to it. I promise tomorrow’s patrol with Gale will go smoother. No monkey bars in sight, right?

jamjam808: inshallah, bee. just remember, you’re not alone in this, okay? ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و ♡ we all have your back.

blink_twice: yeah bee we got you dont worry about it you did good today

jamjam808: exactly, we’re all in this together. and i’m looking forward to our patrol tomorrow, it’ll be a breeze. (。•̀ᴗ-)✧

FUZZBUCKER96: let’s not get all high school musical on this shit. bee, you did good. but remember, ain’t no such thing as a breeze in this gig. especially not with gale, she’ll probably have you picking up trash and planting trees and shit. just remember to keep your guard up, aight?

jamjam808: pb, you’re just jealous cause you’re stuck with ramp instead of me. (ノ≧ڡ≦) but yeah, bee, i won’t deny there might be some community service involved. it’s part of the job, y’know? helping out where we can.

HotGoss: awww, don’t scare her, pb! 🙂 gale’s a tough cookie, but she’s got a heart of gold. and we’re all here to support you, bee! you’re gonna do great!! 💖💖💖

eaglesfan05: Don’t listen to Playback, Bee. Gale’s a great mentor. You’re in good hands.

FUZZBUCKER96: alright well fuck y’all

blink_twice: yeah gale is super cool youll have fun i promise

HotGoss: and don’t worry about the community service, bee! 🙂 it’s all part of the superhero gig! we’ve all been there – even pb! 😜💖

PUPPET_GIRL: Exactly, Bee. We all started somewhere, and community service is part of our duty as heroes. You’ll do great tomorrow, just take it one step at a time.

FUZZBUCKER96: aight, i get it. gale’s the best thing since sliced bread and i’m just a hater. but yo, bee, remember this, k? ain’t no one in this chat got your back like i do. and if you ever need a break from all this shit, holla at your boy, yeah? my dad knows a guy that runs this dispensary in camden, shit’s straight fire. i’m talking that real carolina reaper king jawn dawg.

blink_twice: i dont know what those words in that order mean pb

Xroads: Translation: “Extremely good weed”

blink_twice: oh ok thanks

jamjam808: pb, you’re one to talk about breaks. you’re the one who needs a break from your own ego. (∩❛ڡ❛∩) but yeah, bee, if you ever need anything, just let us know. we’re all here for you. °ʚ(*´꒳`*)ɞ°

eaglesfan05: I know it’s decriminalized and that most of us aren’t technically minors. But please don’t forget that Bloodhound is just 14, and should not be smoking weed at this stage in her development.

FUZZBUCKER96: killjoy

smallfry09: Thanks for the reassurances, guys. And don’t worry, I’m all for community service. Making the world a better place, one trash bag at a time, right? I’ll do my best tomorrow. And, uh, no thanks on the weed. I think my parents would kill me.

FUZZBUCKER96: its ok i know a guy that can fix that too.

smallfry09: I’m not going to read into that.

jamjam808: good idea ( ་ ⍸ ་ )

PUPPET_GIRL: Just remember, Bee, we’re a team. We got your back. PB, stop being weird to the newbie.

Xroads: It’s a pleasure to have you aboard, Bloodhound.

FUZZBUCKER96: fine, fine, i’ll shut my trap. just remember to take it easy some times aight? ain’t no need to be a hero all the damn time. dont make a habit of breaking your hands and all that.

blink_twice: haha pb is right you dont have to be a hero all the time just when it matters most

PUPPET_GIRL: I’ll debrief you on protocol on the unlikely event that you run into an actual criminal, tomorrow. For now, you just go home and get some rest, Bee.

blink_twice: see you tomorrow bee get home safe

FUZZBUCKER96: what 14 year old girl uses the word moniker

smallfry09: I can still read this chat! And my mom’s a librarian!

smallfry09: Who’s the lady in your avatar, ma’am? She looks pretty cool.

PUPPET_GIRL: Oh, that’s Lady Pureheart from the “Shadows of Atlantis” series. She’s a total badass, one of my favorite characters.

smallfry09: Oh, I’ve never heard of that series. What’s it about?

PUPPET_GIRL: It’s a really cool adventure series that explores the existence of the lost city of Atlantis, blending history and myth. Lady Pureheart was an ancient defender of Atlantis who woke up in our time. She’s on a quest to find out what happened to her city.

smallfry09: That sounds pretty interesting. What’s so special about Lady Pureheart though?

PUPPET_GIRL: Well, Bee, she starts off believing her only purpose is to serve the long-dead ruling class of Atlantis. But as the series progresses, she discovers that she was made as a “perfect knight” and decides to explore life outside of being a soldier. It’s a really powerful journey of self-discovery.

PUPPET_GIRL: Plus, she’s got this unique blend of stoicism and compassion. She’s a warrior, through and through, but she’s also deeply empathetic. It’s an interesting balance that you don’t often see in characters.

smallfry09: That does sound pretty cool, ma’am. I’ll have to check it out sometime.

PUPPET_GIRL: I think you’d really enjoy it, Bee. And if you ever want to discuss it, I’m always game.

PUPPET_GIRL: By the way, you don’t need to call me “ma’am” in casual conversation like this.

smallfry09: I’ll keep that in mind, Mrs. Puppeteer. Thanks for the recommendation.

PUPPET_GIRL: Of course, Bee. Always happy to share a good book.

PUPPET_GIRL: Is there any special meaning behind your pic?

smallfry09: I just like soccer. Sorry! Nothing interesting there.

blink_twice: i like ramen noodles lots and lots you guys know the place downtown they got the best ones

PUPPET_GIRL: That place does have some good ramen, Blink. But have you tried their udon? It’s seriously underrated.

FUZZBUCKER96:: man, y’all out here talkin bout noodles like they the holy grail or somethin. give me a good ol’ cheesesteak any day. ain’t nothin beats that, i swear on my mama.

FUZZBUCKER96:: steves prince of steaks on roosevelt is where god rests his weary soul.

blink_twice: oh i never had udon before puppet i will try it next time and i like cheesesteak too play its yummy

smallfry09: I’m more of a hot dog person myself. Nothing beats a good dog with all the fixings.

PUPPET_GIRL: I wouldn’t have pegged you for a hot dog person.

smallfry09: Were you expecting fish, or raw steak?

PUPPET_GIRL: I’m not sure, I just don’t think it was hot dogs.

blink_twice: did you know that texas tommies are from around here and not texas i think

FUZZBUCKER96:: what on god’s green earth is a texas tommy

smallfry09: Hot dog with cheese whiz and bacon.

blink_twice: hot dog w

blink_twice: never mind lol

FUZZBUCKER96:: that sounds about as appetizing as chewing on a shovel, and i’ve eaten some nasty dirt before.

smallfry09: Are we ever going to let that go? And besides, I don’t eat Texas Tommies, they’re gross.

FUZZBUCKER96:: what kind of hot dog do you eat then. bratwurst? blood sausage? the kinds where they sort of inject the cheese in before the vacuum sealing so you bite into one of them and get a burn on ya lip from a nasty blister of cheddar popping on you like a great big pimple.

FUZZBUCKER96:: i think mr hebrew national should be executed by the state for that one.

smallfry09: …Big bacon cheese dog from Wawa.



blink_twice: hahahahaha

FUZZBUCKER96:: trying to get all uppity like you’re above the texas tommy… you know who you are deep down pooch! you crave the thunderous pop when you bite into it – the saline tang of the pink flesh!!… oh! yes! Please -I’m Getting Hungry Already

blink_twice: are you okay

blink_twice: ive never heard you say the word saline before

blink_twice: what does that mean


smallfry09: It’s a big word for – G-d damnit.


FUZZBUCKER96:: you all lack culture

FUZZBUCKER96:: im gonna go drive to steves now

blink_twice: hey bloodhound why did you censor god is it a religious thing

smallfry09: It is! It’s a Jewish thing. I can explain more later if you want.

blink_twice: ok if you want i was just curious

blink_twice: im hungry now i think im going to go get ramen ok bye

PUPPET_GIRL: You know what? I’m going to go to Wawa now and try one of those. I’ve never willingly opened up the hot dog warmer.

smallfry09: :dogsob:

FUZZBUCKER96:: wait shouldnt you be keeping kosher or some shit. how many violations is a big bacon cheese dog. thats like five different ways of breaking kosher in a single meal. do they stack or multiply or is it a diminishing returns sort of thang.

smallfry09: :dogsob: :dogsob: :dogsob:

smallfry09: I think I’m going to go get dinner too.

FUZZBUCKER96:: yo, i swear to god, i saw a squirrel today that was the size of a damn poodle. like, i’m talkin’ about a whole ass philly squirrel on steroids, man. shit was wild.

jamjam808: subhanallah, pb, you sure it wasn’t just a really small poodle? (¬‿¬)

smallfry09: It’s not uncommon for people to mistake animals, especially from a distance. I once thought a raccoon was a particularly large housecat.

jamjam808: see, bh gets it. maybe philly’s got a secret poodle problem we don’t know about. (^_−)☆

eaglesfan05: Regardless of the size of the squirrels, Playback, our focus should be on the safety of the neighborhoods. Did you notice anything else unusual during your patrol?

FUZZBUCKER96:: nah man, just that buff squirrel. i mean, unless you count miss jenkins’ cat stuck in a tree again as “unusual”. but that’s just tuesday for her so its about as unusual as me missing the toilet at 3 am.

PUPPET_GIRL: I’m glad you’re keeping an eye on the neighborhood wildlife, Playback. Let’s not forget our main task, though. We need to be on the lookout for any signs of criminal activity or potential threats.

blink_twice: yeah like that time i saw a pigeon with a bread necklace it was so funny i laughed so much

FUZZBUCKER96:: that pigeon was rockin’ that bread necklace like it was on the damn red carpet or somethin’. i swear, these rittenhouse animals got more swag than half the people i know.

eaglesfan05: While these anecdotes are amusing, we should remember why we’re here. We have a responsibility to ensure the safety of our community. Let’s keep our focus.

blink_twice: yeah ramp you’re right i saw some graffiti today i didn’t recognize it was a snake i think or a worm maybe

FUZZBUCKER96:: oh shit, a snake? or a worm? man, blink, you gotta get your eyes checked. those two ain’t even in the same ballpark. but for real tho, i’ll keep an eye out for any worm/snake graffiti on my next patrol. i’ve got the worm/snake situation on total lockdown.

eaglesfan05: Good, Playback. We should all be alert for any new tags or signs of gang activity. This could be something, or it could be nothing. But it’s better to be safe than sorry.

HotGoss: don’t be such a wet blanket! we’re all doing our best, and a little fun never hurt anyone! 💖

Xroads: I believe there’s merit in both perspectives. We must remain vigilant, yes, but also keep our spirits high. It’s a delicate balance. So, about this graffiti, Blink. Was it just one location, or multiple? Let’s keep our eyes peeled. 🙂

HotGoss: oh, cross, you’re always so level-headed! 😍 blink, let’s keep an eye out for that graffiti on our next patrol, okay? maybe we can figure out what it means together! 🌸🌸

blink_twice: ok i will look for it again next time i go out i didn’t see it anywhere else just the one place

smallfry09: I saw someone trying unsuccessfully to beat up the Drexel Dragon while I was with Rampart. Is that notable?

PUPPET_GIRL: Sadly, no.

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