Celestial Swordsman – Danmachi OC

Chapter 95 – Hephaestus and Reward

The night had passed in relative peace, with Alise, Ryuu and I celebrating a completed quest in bed, indulging in the familiar sense of privacy of our own room.

Mmm... it was quite nice...

Anyway, with my soul rejuvenated, I was ready for the busy day ahead.

As for what was on the agenda?

Well, that would be receiving our reward and getting my divine sword looked at, which I decided to just call Nike's Sword.

It's simple, but it gets the point across.

And I wasn't the only busy one.

The rest of the familia would be dealing with unpacking the carriages, finding a place for the villagers to move into, moving them in, and getting them settled.

That... would be quite difficult, but luckily, there were still a few vacant mansions on the outskirts of Orario, most of which belonged to Familias who were either killed during the Great Feud or those who fled from it.

That said, they were all in need of some maintenance, so we would probably be commissioning the Goibniu Familia for some repairs.

Alise would also be registering Sophie as an adventurer later today.

And after all that... well, we would probably spend the night at the bar, celebrating.

In fact, we might even see the Loki Familia there too, as knowing them,  they would probably be keen to celebrate the good news.

"Sirius. We're here." Mother Astraea says, breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Ah right... they probably won't let me meet her right away, right? Maybe I should try for Tsubaki first." I say.

We were currently in the Hephaestus Familia home, which also functioned as a smithy.

Different from their shop in Babel which sold already-made products, it was this place that specialized in orders, especially unique ones.

And a divine blade from a missing god?

That certainly qualified as unique.

Going over to the receptionist, we asked for Tsubaki, the Hephaestus Familia captain, to take on a request of ours.

Of course, we wanted the Goddess herself, but such requests would be turned away with a kind smile at the desk.

After being guided into one of the private waiting rooms, Mother Astraea and I sat in silence.

A silence that was soon broken with a slam.

"Celestial Sword! Long time no see!"

It was way too early to be this loud...

Feeling a slight headache, I could only sigh at her violent entrance.

Tsubaki Collbrande.

Captain of one of the two greatest smithing Familias, she was a level 5 with admirable skills both in combat and in craftsmanship, and the only Half-Dwarf that I knew personally.

Though... personally might be a bit much, as I've only met her at banquets and our joint expedition.

"Guess the rumours about you guys coming back were true, eh? Well... what can I do for you?" She says.

Well, no need to beat around the bush.

"We were hoping to commission Hephaestus for a request." I say bluntly.

The air seems to cool as Tsubaki's previously boisterous personality winds down.

"Uhm... that might prove to be... difficult. After all, Hephaestus isn't one to take on any old request, you know!" She says apologetically.

I already knew that.

"Sorry, but it's not something that your usual smith can do. So please." I ask.

Staring at me with one eye, eventually, Tsubaki concedes.

"Haa... fine. But don't get pissy if she says no! And expect to pay a shit-ton if she accepts!" She says.

Being led by the captain up a secluded flight of stairs, just before we reach the large metallic door, the sounds of a scuffle echo from behind.

"You lazy excuse for a Goddess! Get! Up! Off! The! Couch!"

"No way! I was just getting to the good part! Let me finish the story!"

"No! You've hardly even left this room since descending! If all you wanted to do was read books, why did you even leave Tenkai!?"

"Huhu~ Guarding the Sacred Flame is no simple task, Hephaestus!"

"Why do you look so smug!"


"Uhh... is this a bad time?" I ask after a moment of stunned silence.

"No, it's just... Hephaestus happens to have a guest staying with her." Tsubaki responds.

"...I see." I say listlessly.

Looking over to Mother Astraea, I notice that she's wearing an odd expression.

One of surprise and joy.

"Do you happen to know the guest, Mother Astraea?" I ask.

"Hmm... indeed I do. You could even call us friends. But to think that lazy girl descended..." She says with a small smile.

Another friend of Astraea, huh?

Let's hope this one isn't as... difficult to deal with as Artemis was.

Really... that Goddess needed to get laid. Bad.

"Well... should we just knock?" I ask.

"Nah. Hephaestus rather you just barge in than knock. As long as you don't bother her when she's working, of course." Tsubaki says before opening the door.

"What do you mean-!? Huh? Who are you?"

Looking at the couch, I was met with the sight of a small woman, so small, I would even say she looked like a girl if it wasn't for the... weapons, she held.

Jeez... just like Demeter, her back pain must be killer.

Aside from that, she definitely had the beauty befitting a Goddess.

Shining blue eyes, black hair tied into twin tails, and a dress that was likely a size too small.

And also... there was the headache I felt.

A familiar headache.

Despite her petite stature and childish behaviour, she was someone important to the story.

...I couldn't imagine why, though.

"...I'm Sirius Lovion, also known as the Celestial Sword. And you?" I ask respectfully.

Even though she looked like a bratty child, this was a Goddess.

An existence deserving of respect unless they lost it due to their actions.

"I'm Hestia! A newly descended Goddess who- Ah! Astraea!"

Cutting her introduction short, Hestia then ran over to Mother Astraea, who was still standing in the doorway.

...Well... I wasn't here to meet a newly descended Goddess anyway.

"Sorry about her. While she has a kind heart, she is... well, she's just like that."

Turning to the new voice, I instantly notice the shoulder-length crimson hair and the eyepatch covering her right eye.

This must be Hephaestus, the Goddess of smithing.

Though I swear Hephaestus was a dude in mythology.

"No worries. I've... met my fair share of characters." I say.

"I bet you have. So? Did you want to make a request of me?" She asks quizzically.

Right to business, I guess.

"Yes, I was hoping you could perform some maintenance on a weapon of mine. I... don't think anyone else can do it." I say.

"Ah, right. Your katana. Infinite Eclipse... was it? That was a fun one. Anyway, come let me take a look." She says.

"Ah. It's... not that one."

I then look over to Mother Astraea for confirmation, who was currently being smothered by Hestia, and getting a nod, I then pull out the wrapped blade I had strapped to my belt.

Handing her the blade, she raises her eyebrows questioningly before carefully unwrapping it.

"T-This is! Astraea! Did you know about this!?" Hephaestus says after revealing the blade.

"Indeed I did." Mother Astraea responds calmly.

"T-Then... you! Where did you find this?" Hephaestus asks me.

"Ah, well..."

I then went on to tell her about the ruins, how we found the sword, and everything in between.

Both Hestia and Hephaestus seemed to perk up when I mentioned Nike.

Maybe they were friends?

Then again... they've been living in Tenkai for centuries, so maybe everyone knew everyone up there.

Well, not my problem.

"...I can do it. I won't be able to change the blade's form though... I know you are privy to single-bladed weapons." Hephaestus then says after some consideration.

"That's fine. I wouldn't mind trying an arming sword anyway." I say indifferently.

I was actually kind of interested in what new techniques I could find with a dual-edged sword.

There'd be better thrusting techniques, right?

"Alright. In all honesty, there won't be too much to do as far as metalworking goes. So I should have it done in... let's say a week?" She says.

"...That sounds good. And the payment?" I ask.

"Hmm... while it's a commission from me, it's also only maintenance... let's say, 5 million valis?"


"Y-Yep! T-That sounds good!" I say with twitching eyebrows.

"Calm down Sirius. With the reward we'll be receiving later today, that will be nothing." Mother Astraea comforts me.

"Y-Yeah. You're right. Speaking of... I should probably get back. Mother Astraea, did you want to stay here with your... friend?" I ask.

"I... think I will." She says after a moment.

"Yeah! How about we all have a nice meal together! You know, to celebrate our reunion!" Hestia says.

"You just want to weasel your way into another free meal, don't you?" Hephaestus says accusingly.

"Ehehe~" Hestia says sheepishly.

...Was she really a Goddess?

----- 1 Hour Later -----

"And this locker here contains your reward. I should mention, that for your great contributions, the School District has increased the portion given to you."

The guild receptionist then gives us a bow before leaving.

"Well? Who wants to do the honours?" I ask the group.

Next to me were Alise, Kaguya, Lyra, Noin, Ais, and Lefiya.

As I had guessed, their achievements from Dragon Valley were enough to push them over the edge, and they had both levelled up.

Hmm... maybe I should spar with them after this.

After all, it takes a while to get used to the jump in strength, even more so for them, as they were stuck at their previous level for years.

"Me please~!" Alise says.

Walking up to the locker, which was better suited to be called a vault, she then pulls out the door dramatically.

...Only for it not to budge.

"Huh? What? Is it... stuck?" She says questioningly.


"U-Umm, Alise... you need to unlock it first... with the key..." Lefiya says.

"Oh..." Alise says in response.

I could only facepalm as I watched Alise's face slowly turn a brighter shade of red.

With her enthusiasm muted by her embarrassment, Alise slowly opens the door, this time using the key to unlock it first, revealing a pile of coins, gems, and even a few weapons and books that I could only assume to be grimoires.

"He... Hehehe." Lyra chuckles ominously.

I couldn't tell if there were dollar signs in her eyes or hearts, but she looked a little... dangerous.

I should grab something for Ais and Lefiya before she takes it all.

"Lefiya... when is your birthday again?" I ask.

"Huh? Umm, it's in a few weeks... Ah! Y-You're invited, of course!" She stammers out.

A few weeks, huh?

So I should probably get started on her swordstaff soon.

I already had an idea as to what materials would work, so I just needed to find someone to make it.

I knew that Lenoa was the best magic item and staff crafter in Orario... but it was also meant to be a sword...

Maybe I could ask her and a smith to work together?

Meh, I'll just ask about what works best later.

Hmm... Lefiya doesn't need anything specific, so just some valis should be fine, but... Ais only has one magic, doesn't she?

While it's powerful on its own, it's always good to have another weapon.

Maybe she would get a healing magic, like me.

So a grimoire for her.

That should be fair, right?

Moving out of Lyra's way before she ripped me apart, I walked over to my two disciples with their portion and handed it to them.

Now... what should I-

"Sirius. I can't have this." Ais says with a frown.


"What do you mean?" I ask.

"I've tried grimoires a bunch of times, but... they never work." She says while shaking her head.

'Never work'?

While that's not unheard of, a grimoire not working usually only happens to people who don't have a magic, signifying a lack of magical talent.

But Ais was definitely talented with her wind, even before she started training with me.

"Why don't you just try it?" I say.

"Mmm... fine." She says before opening the grimoire.

"Lefiya, be ready to catch her." I say.


Receiving no answer, I glance over to the brunette to see her staring into her sack of valis with a gleeful smile.

...Was she always so... materialistic?

She did hang around Lili a lot during our trip... did she pick up some bad habits?

Luckily, it seems that Ais' words were true, as nothing happens even after she flipped through the whole thing.

"I told you. It doesn't work." She says indifferently.

"Hmm... well here, why don't you pick something else out?" I propose.

In response, Ais only shakes her head.

"I don't need anything. Getting stronger was enough of a reward." Ais says with a shrug.

"Are you sure?" I ask.


Well... more money for me, I guess.

With Nike's Sword and Lefiya's likely costly swordstaff, I will definitely need it.

"Well, how about you two get changed into some training clothes? I bet you're just as curious about your new strength as I am." I say with a grin.

Understanding the meaning behind my words, Ais grows a small smile as her eyes shapen in anticipation.

Lefiya as well, although more veiled, was clenching her fist in excitement.

Jeez, they really were quite battle-hungry.

Was this because of me? Or was it just their nature...

Hmm... probably a little bit of both, if I'm honest.

Seeing the two off, I turned back to the vault to see if everything was ready to take back.

"Oh, Sirius! Look at this!" Alise says in excitement.

She then shows me a... tree branch with a tag wrapped around it.

Why the hell was that here?

For decorative purposes or something?

"Uhh... that's great, sweetie. Were you thinking of-"

I stop talking as I take another look at the branch, this time noticing the strange feeling I got with Magic Sense.

This seemingly normal tree branch didn't seem to be normal at all, as it was overflowing with magic.

"What is that?" I ask after a moment of silence.

"It says it's some kind of branch from an Elven sacred tree! From... Wishe Forest, it says. Ryuu's sword was made from something like this, so it's a really good material!" She says with a smile.

"Wishe Forest, hmm?" I say.

I swear I heard that before.

When did I-


Wishe Forest... that's Lefiya's homeland.

Is this fate or something?

"Hey Alise, you mind if I take that?" I ask.

"Hmm... sure, but you'll have to give me a reward tonight in return~" She says while wiggling her eyebrows.

"Sounds good." I respond.

"Really!? Then you'll even do-!"

"Could you two shut up? I'm trying to calculate our earnings here and I don't want to hear about your love lives!" Lyra says with a shout, cutting off Alise.

Handing the branch to me, Alise sends a glare over to the pink-haired Pallum.

"Tsk. She always gets so bitchy when it comes to rewards and money." She grumbles.

"What'd you say!?" Lyra shouts.

"Nothing." Alise lies.

Ignoring their squabble, I turn my gaze down to the branch in my hand, its surface slightly warmer than the ambient air.

Well, it seems that I found the main material for Lefiya's swordstaff.

And with the drops from Dragon Valley... did I even need to head into the dungeon at this point?

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