Celestial Swordsman – Danmachi OC

Chapter 94 – Return to Orario

"Can I keep the spear?" I ask.


 My question was met with a swift rebuttal from Artemis, who was holding her hand out in wait.

"...Pretty please?"

"I said no."

My second attempt didn't work.

"Fine. I'm not a spearman anyways."

Grumbling to myself, I reluctantly handed her back the spear.

"But why did you need that thing anyway? It's not like the average person can wield it or anything." I say to the Goddess.

Slowly wrapping the spear, she eventually answers my question.

"It's... my way to find my promised one." She eventually says.


"Haa... you're still going on about that, Artemis?" Astraea says disapointedly.

"It's fated!" Artemis says with a pout.

Seeing such an expression on her face, I couldn't help but admit she looked cute.

...But she had only shown me frowns mixed with disgust since I killed Antares.

"But how would a spear help with finding your 'fated one'?" I ask.

Tracing her hand across the shaft of Orion lovingly, Artemis takes a moment before responding.

"...The traits required to wield Orion... they are not so much the traits themselves, but rather the traits of my Orion." She says.

"...I'm afraid I don't understand." I say.

"Basically, Orion can only be wielded by my fated one, and it just so happens that my fated one has those three special traits... At least... It should have only been wielded by my fated one... Tsk." She then shoots me a glare.


I think I get it now, why she was pissed at me.

I must have given her false hope or something, or maybe she was angry that the weapon only her lover was meant to use was held easily by me.

...Or maybe she's just a massive tsundere?

"Husband. Stop those impure thoughts." Ryuu said coldly, interrupting my thoughts.

The heck?

Is she some kind of psychic now?

But yeah... seeing how Artemis didn't even want to cast her gaze at me... she definitely wasn't a tsundere.

"Well... good luck with the love life... I guess..." I say.

"Thank you for your kind words." Artemis responds with a nod.

Hmm... should I tease her a little?

I mean, she keeps herself outside of Orario, so it's not like I'll have many chances to do this...

"Well, when you do find your chosen one, you can come to me for some tips." I say with a wink.

Artemis' eyes turn wide in shock before narrowing into an intense frown.

"I truly hate that Orion got used by an individual like you. At this point, I'm worried that it's been corrupted by your dirty mind." 

Though she said such harsh words, I could tell by the slight blush on her ears that I got her a little flustered.

Wow... she really is quite innocent, huh?


Unfortunately, it seems that Ryuu didn't enjoy my little prank as much as I did.

Turning my head, I saw that she was looking at the ground, her face dyed pink as her lower lip trembled.


Well... I could handle the pinching when she looked that cute.

----- Alea POV - 1 Day Later -----

"I hope we can meet again, Astraea." The blue-haired Goddess says calmly.

"Indeed. But to do that, you have to visit Orario." Astraea responds.

"Hmph. If only it wasn't such a disgusting city."

"It's gotten better since the last time you came. Ishtar's even been sent back to Tenkai." Astraea says.

"...Really? That promiscuous bi- Ahem. Well... I suppose I can stop by."

"I will keep a few rooms open for you. Goodbye, Artemis. Be safe."

"I will."

And with that, we were off, with me riding with Papa on his horse.

I was a little worried about what he'd do once we got back home because he really seemed to love horseriding.

I even caught him going out at night to ride across the fields, but he bought my silence by giving me some candy he picked up on the journey.

With the vacation coming to an end, I lean back into Papa's chest as I reflect on the past few months.

This world... was dangerous.

Extremely dangerous.

I couldn't keep track of the number of times I nearly peed myself when a monster ambushed us, and don't even get me started on Dragon Valley!

But thankfully, I was also able to learn just how strong Papa, Mamas, and my entire Familia were.

They really were like heroes out of a fairytale, and each time Papa slew a monster, I couldn't help but get excited for myself to learn that.

After all, he promised to teach me more than he was now after I got a falna.

And I also learned that this world was sad.

People died, and villages were destroyed, by humans and monsters alike.

It's not like things like that didn't happen back on Earth, but something like that would get national headlines, where everyone would be shocked before mourning their loss.

But here... that was just everyday life.

The danger... the sadness... it was a little scary.

But at the same time, this world was also beautiful.

I don't know if it's the absence of people, or something to do with magic, but the scenery everywhere we went was stunning.

And the nights! Oh, the nights!

They were like nothing else.

'A blanket of stars' was the only way to describe it.

Back in Japan, it was hard to see even one star light up the night, unless you went somewhere out of the way like Miyazaki.

So while I was breaking the rules a little with my bedtime... sometimes I couldn't stop looking up.

But luckily, it seemed that Papa was on my side.

I mean, just a few weeks ago, I had stayed up long into the night with him, both of us sitting at the campfire while we drank hot chocolate... how Papa wrapped me up in a blanket before placing me on his lap... the beautiful night sky, the stunning snow-blanketed hills...

That was probably my favourite night on this trip, and I fell asleep in Papa's arms with a wide smile.

...And also a little bit of drool, which he teased me for once I woke up.


Suddenly, I'm shaken out of my thoughts as Papa suddenly jumps off the horse.

"Stay there, Alea. Monsters ahead."

As if waiting for his words, the next moment three giant wolves start running at us from the forest. 

Watching the beasts get closer, Papa just stands there while leaving his sword in its sheath.

"Husband? Your sword..." Mama Ryuu says.

"Don't need it." He says in response.

The next moment, he held his hand forward as the familiar golden light of his magic wrapped around his hand.

But it didn't stop there.

The golden light concentrated on his palm, before slowly forming a katana in his hand.

And from how firmly he was gripping it, it didn't seem like a simple illusion.

So Papa could do things like this too...

Now holding a weapon in his hand, he makes short work of the monstrous wolves.

But... for some reason, he felt... slower than usual.

In fact, he hardly moved at all, but rather waited for his attackers to come to him.


That wasn't Papa's style at all.

He was the type to move in and slice monsters up before they could know what happened.

Was he sick or something?

With Papa getting back onto the horse with me, we continued down the dirt road as if nothing had happened, with the surroundings set in a serene silence, save for the few cicadas that chirped here and there.

But soon enough, my curiosity becomes too much to bear.

"Papa... how did you do that magic sword thing?" I ask.

"Hmm... well, it's hard to explain it when you don't have your own magic, but basically... it just happens." He says with a shrug.

That didn't help at all.

And to voice my complaint, I pinch his legs with all my might, just like Mama Ryuu does.

"Hahaha, all right, all right. It really is tough to explain though." He says.

"Just try something better than 'it just happens'." I say with a pout.

"Hmm... While I normally infuse my magic into my sword, you know how I can coat it, right?" He says.

I nod in response.

Of course, I do.

That's how he can make his sword dulled and bouncy whenever we spar.

"It's a little harder, but I can do it without the sword by using my imagination. But that wouldn't help much since it's just an outline, so I have to pump the inside full of magic to give it shape. Like a balloon!"

Papa... they don't have balloons in this world.

"But Papa... that sounds harder than just using your sword like usual." I say.

"Yep! It is!" He responds.

"Then why did you do it back there with the wolves?" I ask.

"Well... because it's hard? Your Papa's pretty strong, you know. I need to have a challenge somehow." He says.

Oh... I see.

What's that word... Ah! Level cap!

"Is that why you waited for them to come to you?" I ask.

"Yep! That's my smart girl." He says while playfully ruffling my hair.

"The Leon guy... while he wasn't stronger than me, he did have a few skills I wouldn't mind picking up. Especially his prediction. Wouldn't it be cool if Papa just stayed still while the monsters ran into my sword?" He asks.

Well... it might be cool... but I like it better when he moves around.

"Hmph. Papa just wants to do that to be lazy!" I say, my pout deepening even further.

"Oof... those words hurt Papa, you know?"

Good! Serves you right!

I then cross my arms, my posture conveying my dissatisfaction in an unchanging manner.

...At least until Papa started tickling my sides.

Dammit, even with the increased growth rate, I still giggled like a baby whenever he did that.

Wel... it's not that bad, I guess.

----- Sirius POV - 1 Week Later -----


Fucking finally, we were back.

Since we came in later at night, there were no grand crowds to greet our return.

In fact, if it wasn't for our Familia's reputation, we probably would've had to wait for the morning to get into Orario.

But there were no such problems, and after a nearly three-month-long journey, we were finally back.

There were still more than a few things to do, such as getting the village refugees settled, heading over to the guild for our rewards, and unpacking the caravan, that could all wait for tomorrow.

Because tonight was a time to rest.

Looking around at the familiar plot of dirt of the training ground, I feel a smile naturally form on my face.

While the carriages were comfy, and the campsites had a certain allure, nothing beat the comfort of home.

I mean, the passing scenery was great and all, but the stability one felt from familiar surroundings was even better.

"Huam~! We're gonna head back to Loki now." Lefiya says while rubbing her eyes.

"Yeah, sure. Just come back here tomorrow so we can give you your reward." I tell her.

She gives me a nod before turning back, dragging the similarly sleepy Ais along with her.

Those two... they've really grown quite close.

Especially after the village.

It seems that Ais had found her own source of comfort.

"Ah, and you two."

They both turn their heads at my words.

"You did really well. I'm proud of you." I tell them.

I hoped my smile was enough to convey my pride in their growth.

Physically, Lefiya had gained a new magic from Ryuu that would be useful in battle, while Ais had started on the path to a new realm of swordsmanship.

But that wasn't necessarily what I was thinking of.

Rather, it was their emotional growth.

Lefiya, who had gained confidence and pride in her own abilities.

And Ais, who had learned to lean on her comrades, and not die a lonely death for the sake of her vengeance.

Only a quarter of a year had passed, but these two looked completely different.

If I could explain it... it was as if they had changed from girls to women.

...Not in that way, of course.

But that reminds me... Lefiya's 15th birthday was coming up, right?

Hmm... with the new riches from the quest reward, I could definitely commission some sort of spellblade or swordstaff for her.

Maybe I could find a good material on the newer floors?

Yeah... that sounded like a good plan.

"T-Thank you, teacher. It's... all because of you." Lefiya says with a bow.

But I could tell she enjoyed the praise if that big smile was anything to go by.

Even Ais, who still had trouble showing her emotions, had a grin on her face.

"All right, now get going. I'm also interested in how much you grew."

And if my guess was correct... they would be entering a whole new realm of strength.

But that'd have to wait until tomorrow, I guess.

----- Finn POV -----

Leaning back in my chair, I let loose all the pent-up stress of the past few months.

While I trusted Sirius, the Astraea Familia, and Lefiya and Ais themselves, a big part of me did worry that something would go wrong.

It was the place where that monstrosity was sealed, after all.

And with Ais' 'issues'... well, it seemed my worries were for naught.

But that wasn't my only source of stress lately.

The dungeon... it truly was difficult.

We had yet to go down past Balor in these past months, as without the Astraea Familia's assistance, and without Ais, our battle power was not enough to defeat it handily, without the fear of any losses.

And as the captain, losses were unacceptable.

But the Loki Familia had kept busy during these times, taking many quests here and there to grow our savings, as well as grow our individual strengths.

And now with those two back... perhaps we could try confronting Balor on our own.

Especially if their rate of growth continued throughout their journey.

But alas, while I was curious about the two's exploits, as soon as they arrived at the Twilight Manor, Loki had whisked them away to her room under the pretense of a level-up.

But I knew she really wanted to get them undressed.

Sometimes it was a bit... trying, to have a Goddess like her.

But she loved her children and would fight tooth and nail for any of them.

Now that I think about it-


Such a shout resounds through the halls.

Loki... while I had decided to stay up, that was not the case for most of the Familia.

To think she would scream like that when she knew how scary Riveria was when someone woke her from her sleep...

But considering the circumstances, I suppose it's only natural her excitement would need a way to be released.

To think that Lefiya was now a level 4-


...I suppose I will have to begin a meeting, huh?

----- 10 Minutes Later -----

"...I see that the journey was fruitful." I say, breaking the silence throughout the room.

Inside my office were myself, Ais, Lefiya, Riveria, and Loki, who happened to have a handprint on her cheek.

I wonder if that was from Lefiya and Ais due to the Goddess'... eccentricities, or if it was Riveria's revenge for waking her.

But considering the redness... it might even be all three.

"Really... this was out of my expectations. Well done, you two." I say.

Really, it was marvellous.

I had hoped for them to achieve a feat worthy of a level-up, but this... 

Well, it was fair to say that the Familia's strength had increased quite a bit.


Name: Ais Wallenstein
Level: 5 --> 6

Strength: B753 --> I0
Endurance: C635 --> I0
Dexterity: S945 --> I0
Agility: S925 --> I0
Magic: S976 --> I0
Hunter: G --> F
Abnormal Resistance: G
Swordsman: G --> E
Spirit Healing: H --> G
Magic Resistance: I


Sword Saint's Disciple - When using magic and wielding a sword, can temporarily use the Magic Swordsman development ability. Increases stats when wielding a sword.




Name: Lefiya Viridis
Level: 3 --> 4

Strength: C652 --> I0
Endurance: D575 --> I0
Dexterity: A825 --> I0
Agility: B707 --> I0
Magic: S996 --> I0
Mage: G --> F
Abnormal Resistance: H
Swordsman: I


Fairy Canon
Spellblade - Enhances magic when in close combat and increases stats when using magic.


Arcs Ray
Fusillade Fallarica
Elf Ring


...Sirius wouldn't be opposed to opening a school of some sort, would he?

Not only did they both level up with a good amount of stats, but they also gained a new skill.

Sword Saint's Disciple... I guess even the world acknowledged Sirius' skills with the blade.

"Well, you certainly made some great progress, but I do wonder how this came to be. Would you mind giving me a repor-"


I'm interrupted by Lefiya's yawn, after which she immediately covers her mouth in surprise.

"Ah! S-Sorry captain!" She stammers.

"It's fine, actually, how about you tell me about it tomorrow? After all..."

I then glanced over to Ais, who had ended up falling asleep on the couch.

Well... it was quite late.

"You two can head to bed. It seems you need the rest." I say to them.

"Hehe, if you need some help getting to bed, I could always-" Loki says with a creepy smile.

"Loki." Riveria sternly interrupts her.

With Lefiya dragging the still-sleeping Ais with her, I was left alone with the two other leaders of the Familia.

"...It really is quite insane." Riveria says after a moment.

"Indeed, but... I'll be sure to put it to good use. Besides, did you notice?" I say in response.

"I'm not in the mood for riddles, Finn." Riveria complains.

"...Lefiya changed. And so did Ais." I answer for her.

Before Lefiya would always avert her eyes when they met with mine. 

She would stutter with nearly every word, and her shoulders would slouch anytime she was around us executives.

But now... her eyes were clear, holding a firm determination.

And Ais, while it was harder to notice due to her tiredness, seemed... brighter.

I really am curious as to what happened back there.

"At least that brat kept his promise to protect them." Loki says.

"And more than just protect them, he also allowed them to grow in more ways than one. Perhaps... we owe Sirius and the Astraea Familia a favour or two." I say.

While I would rather reward them, the Astraea Familia was monetarily in a better position than us, and between their four level 6s, they had more than enough mentors to train any new members, so it would be best to leave the favour open-ended.

"Well, that's nice and all, but I will be heading back to sleep. A sleep I expect not to be interrupted." Riveria says while glaring at Loki.

"Ehehe~ Well, if you're that worried, maybe I should just join you-? Hey! Where are you going?"

With Riveria and Loki taking their leave, I place the two new status sheets back inside my binder before opening another journal, this one being the plan outlining our Familia's next expedition to the 60th floor.

We had the specially ordered coats and boots for the biting cold, and we had ordered more than a few thermal tents and heat lamps, so we were ready.

But with this new, unexpected increase in strength... I would have to make some changes to the plan.

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