Celestial Swordsman – Danmachi OC

Chapter 65 – Monster Horde and Moytura

"Monster horde approaching!"

"Ah shit, and right at the final stretch too." I mutter under my breath.

As the Udaeus had been killed a week before by the Freya Familia, the final room before we left 'White Palace' was swarmed with monsters.

Peluda, Loup Garou, Spartoi, Skull Sheep...

Holy shit there was a lot.


"Haru! I love you!"

"Mmm, thanks."

"So this is a level 7... interesting. I thank you, Haruhime."

Finn, Ais, and Tiona then leap toward the front lines, bodies glowing from Haru's magic as several monsters instantly burst into ash from their attacks.

Seems like our Renard likes using her prized magic, or maybe it was just the years of frustration of needing to keep it hidden being released.

Anyways, as she knelt on the ground from the decrease in mind, Riveria then passes her a mind potion.

"Sorry about them, Haruhime."

"I-It's okay, Miss Riveria. I am a supporter after all."

Turning to my side, I see that Ariel's eye is twitching.

"That damn Amazonness broad, 'I love you' my ass! She looks quite surrounded, no? Maybe I can send some lightning over there. Yeah, she should be fine getting hit, right? She's a level 6 now after all."

...I guess she's a little bit of a yandere, huh?

Well, I'll leave her to herself, I want to get some action too, after all.

"Husband, Alise, Celty. Let's go."

And Ryuu seems to agree with me.

Unsheathing both short swords from my back, I then leap into action, following Ryuu as she begins slashing the closest Spartoi, her sword emitting a blue flash with each strike, a visual effect of her skill, Aero Mana.

Breaking off to face a group of three Peluda, I can't help but grip Zephyr Blade and Alf's Melodia more firmly.

Not in fear, but in excitement.

After all, I haven't 'danced' with these babies in quite a while.

My swords coming alight with stellar magic, I begin to chant Elemental Orb as I twist sideways, releasing an arc of stellar magic that bisects two of the monsters.

Bending close to the ground, I complete my rotation while shoving Alf's Melodia into the throat of the last monster.

Three Peludas... dealt with in less than a second.

My entrance to the battlefield seems to have drawn quite a bit of attention as the surrounding monsters all start heading toward my position.

Well... time to try 'that'.

It has been quite a bit of time since the Ikelos Familia was destroyed and where I learned of a new way to attack with my sword.

Being the silly me, I had forgotten this was a fantasy world, where martial arts techniques can break through the realm of reality, at least the reality I'm used to, that is.

I had already seen Ryuu, Alise, and especially Kaguya do so multiple times, sending ranged attacks with only their slashes.

After being able to infuse stellar magic into my sword, I thought I could do the same.

But it was different.

Just a crutch I used to imitate the true thing.

Once again, I thank you Dix Perdix for showing me the answer.

The answer to becoming stronger.

My swords glowing gold from the stellar magic, time seems to slow as I swing them both down at the approaching horde.

I had to put my all into this swing.

If my last attack was putting my entire arm into it, this time it would be my entire body, my entire being and soul.

Each stat I've gained through my adventures, each morning spent doing the same swing, every calculated movement of each muscle...

Taking the accumulation of my status, my technique, my talent, and of course, my determination, time resumes.

A shockwave- no, a torrent of pure power erupts from both blades, cleaving through not only the monsters in front of me but also carving into the ground.


Umm, there was no one behind them, right?

I really hope not.

It takes all my willpower to finish my chant as I stare in awe at the power I had unleashed.

I know I hadn't put everything into it like that before, but what the hell?

Isn't that a bit too insane!?


A ball of crackling pale blue lighting hovers over my head as I survey the damage.

Within the sea of monsters, there were now two giant fan-shaped barren areas, completely empty save for the ashes, magic stones, and drop items.

Oh, and the blood.

A lot of blood.

Sensing the monsters racing over to fill in the gaps, I let loose a barrage of lighting attacks, frying every monster upon contact.

"-Arvelia. Holy shit Sirius! That was crazy!"

Alise then lands at my side to see the swathe of destruction.

"You took out a good chunk of them, but leave some for everybody else, yeah?" She says before kissing my cheek.

"Uh, sure sweetie." I respond.

Hearing a sonic boom, I see a twister carve into several monsters, their bodies flying into the air.

Seems Ais is having fun with her temporary boost in strength.

"Actually, know what? Do that again. I wanna one up those Loki guys, especially since they're acting all smug with Haruhime's magic." Alise then says with a pout.

"Haa, yes ma'am."

Now, I know this... what to call it, 'pinnacle slash'? Does wonders against multiple opponents... 

But how will it fare against a singular strong enemy?

Well, I guess I'll find out tomorrow against Balor.

----- Finn POV - 4 Hours Later -----

Sitting in the main Familia tent, I go over the information from today's journey.

I was able to personally confirm the power of a level 7 thanks to Haruhime's magic, just as Tiona, Tione, and Ais were able to fight at level 6 for a short while.

I really must do something to thank the kind Renard girl. 

Thanks to her, I now knew my next goal.

Level 7... if level 5 is to signify first-class adventurers, then level 7 would be the realm of legendary-class adventurers.

The realm of heroes.

Yes... I must reach it.

It was also fun, as childish as it was to admit.

Swinging my spear with such strength with ease...

Mmm, perhaps I should focus on my own strength a little more.

In fact, with his speed of growth, I should look to Sirius for inspiration.

Seriously... those swings were not something he should be able to do.

Although I'd only seen Ottar fight a few times, it was even stronger than that.

And Ottar was able to cleave chasms out of the earth!

Yeah, Riveria had called him the second coming of Alfia the Silence, the 'incarnation of talent', after seeing his brief stint yesterday.

But after today, with those sword attacks, while constantly firing his magic orb...

Calling him the second coming might be an insult.

Yes, he was strong enough to carve his own legend.

And to think he's only level 5...

Gah, it makes my thumb ache just thinking about it.

But that's not the greatest thing I learned from today... No... that was being able to witness the full Astraea Familia in combat.

While I had seen them multiple times before, only now was I able to truly see the efficiency of their 'teams'.

Growing together, in both chemistry and strength.

Even if the initial struggles are tough, a perfect combat cell would be forged from their trials.

Haa, I'm envious that they had implemented such a system and used it for so long.

Well, I suppose I should do what I always have done.

Learn and apply.

"Raul, can you call in Tiona, Tione, Ais..."

Now, those three are wonderful frontline fighters, but who would fit the bill for their rear attacker?

Ah, well, although she was a bit behind in strength for now, she should catch up pretty soon.

We all had faith in her after all.

"And Lefiya please."

"Sure thing captain!"

Now, I'll use this to experiment.

After all, the efficiency of this 'team' tactic might only be usable by the Astraea Familia for unknown reasons.

Well, if it's camaraderie, while we fall behind them as an entire Familia due to our size, those four already have good chemistry with each other that doesn't lose out to the Familia of Justice.

"Hey, captain!" Tiona says with her trademark smile.

"Captain, do you want me to ask the other three to leave? It can be just you~ and~ me~"

Haa, Tione... 

Trailing behind the two Amazon twins are Ais and Lefiya.


"I've called you four here to talk about the expedition, and possibly about dungeon explorations in the future."

They all focus after picking up on my serious tone of voice.


"Now, did you all watch the Astraea Familia in combat today?" I ask with a smile.

"Y-Yes, captain. T-They fought in groups, right?" Lefiya says.

Even after being with us for over a year, she's still a bit uncomfortable, huh?

"Exactly Lefiya. They've been doing so since their conception, and as a result, each team has grown together to form a cohesive unit. Which was what you saw today. Now, I want you four to do the same, at least for the rest of this expedition."

The four widen their eyes in surprise before Lefiya starts to move her hands around in a panic.

"B-But they're all so much stronger than-"

"Do you doubt my decision, Lefiya?" I say sternly, cutting her off.

"No! It's just..."

I see, so she has an inferiority complex.

Well, maybe this 'team' thing will be able to help with that too.

"Lefiya, you're the best option for being the fourth member. They would need a backline member, and behind Riveria, you are the best in the Familia in terms of firepower. You are also already close to them relations-wise, so we'd have no issue regarding your team affinity."

"I-I understand."

I send a glace toward Ais.

With how much Lefiya admires her, some simple words of support from her would do wonders for the Elf girl's confidence.


She tilts her head in confusion, completely oblivious to my unsaid request.

Haa... yep, I think I keep seeing more benefits to this with each passing second.

If anyone can bring Ais some emotional maturity, it would be these three.

"Lefiya, we all have faith in you to become Riveria's replacement. You are by no means weak. And if you think you are, take this opportunity to grow stronger." I say.

Looking dazed for a moment, Lefiya then sits up straight.


Seeing a fire of determination growing in her eyes, I smile at her.


"Wait, so if we're a team like Haru and Iris, will we be sharing a tent?" Tiona asks with an excited smile.

Hmm... well...

"I don't see why not."

"Yippee! Sleepover! Let's go set up our tent, girls!"

Tiona then runs out, dragging Lefiya and Ais in each hand while her sister follows behind her, shaking her head in exasperation.

Yeah, things should be alright... right?

----- Sirius POV - 1 Day Later -----

Our pace through the dungeon has been constant, much to the thanks of Finn and Lyra's planning, and we were now clearing through the 49th floor, Moytura, home to the monster rex Balor.

How they organize everyone... It's really quite amazing.

Once adventurers are unable to easily deal with monsters on a floor, they are demoted to supporters, and once those supporters are unable to keep up with the force, they are left behind in the safe zone.

The journey each day is a larger distance, but by cutting off the 'deadweight', the expedition force becomes proportionally faster and more efficient, ensuring that our pace remains the same.

'A chain is only as strong as its weakest link' and all that.

For this reason, I was a little worried about how our newbies would do as supporters down to the 50th floor, especially Lili, but it seemed they were doing quite well.

Everything was going smoothly.

And from what I could see, Finn had adopted our 'team' tactics using Ais, Tiona, Tione, and Lefiya.

Mmm... they make a good team.

Although Lefiya had some problems in combat, needing to be saved by her teammates, that's to be expected of a regular mage.

And it's exactly that vulnerability that we aim to remove by teaching everyone concurrent chanting.

Still, even though she's quite defenceless, her title as Thousand Elf isn't for nothing.

The ability to use any magic used by an Elf... and with that base magic power...

She's a glass cannon for sure, but an extremely powerful one.

Ariel, you have a tough road ahead of you to keep up with your rival, at least in terms of firepower.

We were currently being attacked by a large pack of Fomoire, with the level 4's forming a front and a couple of our first-classes carving their numbers, I was designated to mage duty.


Raising my arm forward, I send a barrage of wind blades to demolish a group of monsters that were about to make contact with the front line.

"Did you really have to raise your arm?" Riveria asks.

Glancing to my side, I see that the High-Elf is giving me a blank stare, with Gareth and Finn looking on in amusement.

"Uh, no. But it looks cool, doesn't it?" I say.

"Haha, the lad's right! It's one of the rewards of being such a strong adventurer!" Gareth says.

"Well, after my stint yesterday, I don't think I can comment on any childishness." Finn adds while scratching his cheek.

"Exactly! It's a man's romance!" I exclaim in agreement.

Riveria then brings her hand to her forehead.

"I swear, you're all children. And you're a father now! How can you be so immature in the dungeon!"

"Eh~? But I need to keep my youth, right? I-"

Interrupting my words, a roar echoes through the floor, the ground under our feet vibrating from the noise.

"Hm, I guess our favourite monster rex finally decided to show itself. We should clear out these guys so there are no interruptions." I say, my tone in serious mode.

Get it, 'serious'? Sirius?


"Indeed." Riveria says sternly.

With that as the signal, we all jump into the action, with Ryuu and Alise to my left joining in.

Making sure not to use too much stamina or mind, I cleave through monster after monster, leaving a trail of ash in my wake.

It doesn't take long for the monsters to be completely dealt with, leaving the supporters to pick up the piles of loot while the rest of us convene as the gigantic monster rex looms on the horizon.

"So, Alise, you guys wanted to take out Balor, right?" Finn says.

"If you still don't mind!" Alise says while sheathing her sword.

"Not at all, even for us it's still a difficult task. We'll be sure to keep any monsters from interfering. So? Who's going to be taking that guy on?" Finn replies.

"Ah, that'd be Sirius!"

Finn nods his head in understanding, and when Alise doesn't elaborate further, his eyes widen in shock.

Hehe, it's always funny when that guy is surprised.

Riveria and Tiona immediately start vocalizing their disagreement once they catch on.

"Alone? You can't be serious!"

"You're a level 5! No way you can take that thing down!"

Ah, but they forgot one crucial detail.

"Who said I'd be fighting it as a level 5?"

Realization flashes across their faces just as Haru joins the group.

"A-Are you sure about this, Sirius? That thing looks really strong..." She says, her ears twitching in worry.

Lightly ruffling her hair, I try to relieve her worries.

"Don't worry, I'm strong. Plus, I'll have everyone else ready to save me if something goes wrong."

"If you're certain..."

I can tell by the lack of her usual excitement in her green eyes that she still had a lot of doubt.

Well, words can only do so much, I'll erase any fear with my actions.

She then begins chanting Uchide no Kozuchi, this time without Kokonoe active as I'd be the only one receiving a boost.


The light penetrates my body, filling me with boundless strength and endless untapped potential.

Tightening my hand into a fist, I feel the pure power of that simple action.

So this is level 6...

I'm excited.

Unsheathing my sword, I lightly swing it to the side, the air whistling at the speed.

Oh yeah.

"Husband, do be careful." Ryuu says with worry.

"Yeah, if I have to come to rescue you, you're never gonna hear the end of it!" Alise adds on.

Giving my two wives a nod and a smile, I start running toward my next adventure.

Wait... even Ottar couldn't beat this thing alone, right?

If I win here... won't I be the strongest in Orario?

Well, I wouldn't mind that at all~

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