Celestial Swordsman – Danmachi OC

Chapter 64 – Expedition Start and Uchide no Kozuchi

The journey was going smoothly, incredibly so.

Well, that was to be expected.

How could a force aiming for the 59th floor have trouble in the upper and middle floors?

With the level 2 and 3's taking the lead on these floors, our newbie team was able to show off their teamwork.

Although I could only see Finn and Riveria's faces a few times, I could tell they were impressed with the girls.

Oh, just you guys wait.


Turning my head, I see a black fish speeding towards us, floating slightly above the ground.

A Voltimeria, a rare monster that's viewed as the strongest monster on this floor, save for the Amphisbaena.

With a black-purplish fish-like body made of stone and a single eye on its forehead, it's known for its endurance while using its fangs to deal damage and is nearly as strong as the Goliath.

Yeah, I don't think these guys can deal with it, at least without taking some losses.

Luckily, it was speeding toward me rather than the, as Bete would so eloquently put it, 'weaklings', so I wouldn't need to break formation.

"Calm down, I got it."

Hmm, it's not going 'that' fast, so I shouldn't need to dirty my blade.

Quickly chanting Elemental Orb, I concentrate the fire element into a spear in an instant, the flames burning blue as the moisture in my hair evaporates from the heat.

Just as the monster floats over land, I release it.

A flash of blue arcs through the air, a moment later piercing the Voltimeria's head, causing the monster to burst into ash, leaving its magic stone and fin as loot.

A drop item, how lucky~

Pocketing the loot, I suddenly feel the familiar powerful presence just up ahead.


The front of the force soon comes to a halt as Finn and Riveria make their way to the center of the group, the Pallum climbing atop the cart, overlooking the entire force.

"As discussed before, the Astraea Familia will take care of the Amphisbaena. The level 4's are to stop any monsters from interrupting while the first-class adventurers will be watching over the battle. We'll be resting for the night on the 28th floor."

"Yes, captain!" A myriad of shouts responds to Finn.

Jumping down, he then joins the rest of us first-class adventurers that are watching the white monster rex.

"So? I'm assuming you wanted to deal with this for the sake of a level-up." Finn asks.

"And you'd be right, Finn. Girls! Come on over!"

Responding to Alise's call, Haru, Iris, Ariel, and Lili reveal themselves, faces stern and focused in preparation for their upcoming challenge.

I can see that Finn and Riveria are surprised that they would be the force dealing with the Amphisbaena.

It makes sense, after all, their group consists of a level 3, two level 2's and a level 1.

Not exactly a sight that inspires confidence facing a level 5 monster whose environment makes it a level 6.

"S-Surely they will be receiving some assistance, no?" Riveria asks.

"Of course not, well, aside from you, Riveria. I was hoping you could freeze over the lake as soon as the fight begins." I say.

"I was planning to do that anyways, but, and excuse my rudeness... are you insane? No matter how good their teamwork is, they cannot overcome such a gap in power!" She responds.

"Don't worry, you should know we wouldn't let them take on a challenge they have no hope of overcoming." I say.

"You think they have a chance? Are you-"

"Riveria, let them go."

Both of us turn toward Finn at his interruption.

"You agree with this, Finn?" Riveria asks.

"It's not our place to meddle in another Familia's matters. Besides..."

He then looks down at his hand with an excited expression.

"My thumb is throbbing."



What the fuck does that mean?

"Haa, I see. But I will be stepping in if I see that they are in danger, another Familia's matters or not." Riveria accepts with a huff.

So easily!?

I-I guess this is just a Loki Familia thing?

Well, not my problem.

Turning to face the four adventurers, I give them each a pat on their head, with Iris quickly swiping away my hand.


"So, are you four ready?" I ask.


"As ready as we'll ever be, Sirius."

Ariel and Lili respond, while the other two nod in agreement.


I then bend down to meet Haru's eyes.

"Now, are you nervous to reveal it?" I ask.

"A-A little."

Scratching her ears, I see her frown transform into a small grin.

"You don't have to be nervous. We gave you the go-ahead because we're strong enough to protect you now, and even more importantly, you're strong enough to protect yourself. Be proud, and show them who is the greatest support magician in Orario."

Her eyes narrowing in determination, she gives me a beaming smile.

"Yes, Sirius!"


They're ready.

"Alright, Riveria will freeze the lake for you, that will also mark the start of the battle."


Haru then begins chanting her Kokonoe, causing the Loki executives to raise their eyebrows in question.

After all, they hadn't seen her use this magic the entire way down.

Well, they were soon to be in for a shock.

Now show them how it's done, girls.

----- Finn POV -----

Seeing the four girls of the Astraea Familia prepare to face off against the Amphisbaena, I can't help but doubt what exactly was going through the Astraea Familia's heads.

But I held myself back.

Lyra was smart, as was Alise and Sirius.

They wouldn't let their members fight an impossible battle.

And then there was my thumb, pulsating hard enough to send shivers down my spine.

I always trusted my instincts and intuition, it's what got me this far, and my thumb has never once been wrong.

It either feels bad or good.

Bad like during the Great Feud when Evilus tried to destroy the dungeon, or good like when I first met Tione, Tiona, and Bete.

Luckily, I was currently feeling the latter.

So I could tell... I was about to witness something amazing.

"-my name is Alf!"

Extreme cold erupts from Riveria's staff, as the lake in front of us soon turns into an icy plain.

Quite dependable, my High Elf comrade is.

I then turn my attention to the four girls that would be facing the now enranged monster, particularly the golden-haired Renard.

While I was by no means a magician, I had fought alongside Riveria, one of the greatest mages of this era, for decades.

So I knew, the amount of magic power being used by her spell... it was astounding.


Golden light erupts from each of her tails, soaring through the air before connecting with their comrades.

My thumb throbs even harder.

I had been watching the 'newbie' team of the Astraea Familia the entire day, enraptured by their teamwork that demonstrated collective experience, and the Renard swordsman had only shown one singular support magic that protected her allies with barrier magic.

So what was this?

Suddenly, my senses of being a level 6 could feel it.

The other three, with the golden light surrounding their bodies, had grown stronger.

Incredibly stronger, as if they had boosted their-



Level-boosting magic...

To think they had something like that.

While I would need to confirm, from what I could tell, there was no difference in raising the level 1 Pallum to level 2 and raising the level 3 Elf to level 4.

She... even as a level 2, this girl... Haruhime I believe her name is, is likely the greatest support magician in the world.

Haa, I'm envious.

Sirius then turns to us, and I could tell that only Gareth and Riveria knew exactly what had just happened.

"So? I see you're all surprised. Our little Haru is quite amazing, isn't she?"

A confident stance, but I could see his gaze was probing our faces with narrowed eyes.

Ah, so that was it.

While he had revealed it out of either trust or confidence in their strength, he was still seeing if we would be a problem.

While an asset like her would be an amazing addition, I was not stupid enough to oppose the Astraea Familia for my greed.

"It was smart of you to not release this information to the public. Something like that... well, it will definitely make waves." I say.

"Yeah, I'd appreciate it if you kept silent on it though. While we're able to stop anyone that wants her, it would be troublesome." He responds.

Twin Blade, Iris I believe her name is, then launches a multitude of compressed water blades, cutting into the Amphisbaena's spine as the three level 6's of the Astraea Familia watch on in interest.

"Whoa! Iris' magic wasn't that strong before! What was that magic!?" Tiona asks.

"Yeah... it's not only their magic, every aspect of their strength has increased. It almost reminds me of-"

It seems that Tione didn't take long to get the answer, she's a smart girl after all.

Now, if only she could calm down with her affections...

"-A level up. You're exactly right, Tione." I finish her thought.

Riveria then breaks out of her shock.

"T-That's absurd! I-Is there a limit?"

"Nope~ it works for every level, or rather, at least up to level 6 as for as we've tested." Sirius responds.

"And how many can she cast that on at once?" Riveria asks.

"Sorry, that's a secret~"

Giving her a wink, Sirius returns to watching the battle before being interrupted by Bete and Ais.

"Wait, nobody's gonna explain shit? What the fuck is going on?" Bete ever so eloquently asks.

"Mmm, Sirius. How did they get stronger like that?" Ais asks.

"You guys don't get it yet? Ah, well, I guess it's natural, it's a first of its kind after all."

He then turns to face them.

"Uchide no Kozuchi... a level boosting magic, just as Tione said. Although it's a bit better than a level up, as their stats don't reset to 0, but rather remain the same for the next level."

Their jaws drop to the floor as Ais begins to tremble.

Oh dear, I don't know whether she's motivated or upset, but both would lead to trouble later on.

"Quite the magic, huh? But the mind usage definitely makes up for it."

Tiona speeds over to Sirius, her fist clenched in anticipation.

"Ooh! Can I try! Please~ I want to be a level 6!"

"With the secret out, it's not like we'd stop you. But it's up to Haru. She'll be a supporter after this, so I doubt she'd refuse."

Hmm, to be honest, I want to try it out myself.

But that's for later.

I should take this time to see exactly what the youngest members of the Familia of Justice are made of.

"Sister! Let's do it together!" Iris says.

"Yes~ Collapse." Ariel responds.

As the ball of thunder explodes across the Amphisbaena's chest, Twin Blade rushes in with a crazy amount of speed, even momentarily surpassing a level 5.

Must be an acceleration skill.

And paired with that water magic... they're all strong.

I then look toward the last member, a fellow Pallum, shooting crossbow bolts with absolute precision next to the mage.

To the average onlooker, she would be viewed as the weakest link.

And as far as strength goes, they would be right.

But I could tell... I use my intelligence and observation as my sharpest weapons, of course I could tell.

She was like me.

She was what made this team possible.

Although she didn't have the level of charisma I had, she didn't need it with them as they held absolute trust in each other.


I'll be watching you, 'Lili'.

The Amphisbaena then releases its blue fire breath toward the mage, an attack that she and Lili easily dodge.

The only issue is that the blue fire was heading right towards us.

"Riveria-" I say, only to be cut off by Sirius.

"No need."

Sirius then steps forward with his sword drawn, facing the oncoming attack.

"Damn lizard. Those girls better make good use of this gift."

Holding his black katana in his right hand, just as the torrent of flames reaches him, he slashes at it sideways.

I remained on the defensive, spear ready to block the attack, after all, what could a sword slash do against flames?

Nothing, right? 

Just cut through it and change nothing about the current predicament.

But in the next moment, the stream of blue fire was stopped in its tracks.

No, stopping isn't the right word, it was reflected, shooting back toward the monster rex even faster than it was originally.


Was that a skill?

Reflecting attacks... no, I think I'd seen him do something similar during our last expedition.

Magic reflection...

He truly is a monster.

Looking over to Riveria, I see that she's come to the same conclusion, her face set in a slight frown.

It's to be expected that she'd be upset, an ability like that is her worst nightmare after all.

A deafening boom resounds throughout the cavern followed by the Amphisbaena screaming in pain.

"Huh. I would think it'd have a little more resistance to its own attack." He says.

"To be fair, husband, I don't think it expected to have it used against itself."

"Hmm, I guess so."

Taking advantage of the distracted state of the monster, the group all launch their greatest attacks simultaneously, aiming for the base of both necks.

A flash of silver from the Renard, reminiscent of Yamato Rindou's famous sword skills, a giant lance of blue lightning, an explosion of pressurized water...

The combined barrage proves to be too much for the monster rex's defence as it soon bursts into ash.

To have their weakest four members be able to take out the Amphisbaena with only minor injuries...

Simply astounding.

So this is the Astraea Familia... I'm glad we're on good terms.

----- Sirius POV -----

Seems like there were no issues with their battle, although Haru was dead tired from mind usage and Iris was bleeding all over.

Nothing fatal though, both thanks to her abilities and Haru's barrier magic.

Seeing Haru stumble, I launch myself over to catch her before she fell.

"D-Did we do it?" She says with a dazed expression.

"Don't set flags like that. Yes, you did a good job, now get some sleep."

Nodding her head, she falls unconscious in my arms, her head resting on my shoulder.

Sending the four streams of Aqua Corona I had in wait to the girls, Haru's pale complexion gains some colour as Iris' various cuts become healed.

"Haa~ Thanks, Sirius." Iris says.

"No problem. You all did great, take a rest once we get to the next floor if you need it."

"But what about our tent?"

"I'll set it up for you, we hardly had anything to do today anyways."

"If you're sure..."

"I am. Ariel, Lili, how are you two?" I ask while turning to the two.

"We're great! That fire attack helped us a lot!" Ariel says with her signature wide grin.

"Yeah. This thing's second firing mode is pretty strong."

Glancing over at Lili, I'm pleased to see that she's not upset at her lack of damage dealt.

She's strong in will, knows exactly how to use her own strengths, and is just as smart as Lyra.

It's good she has such a reliable mentor to look up to as adventurers like her are often overlooked in Orario.

"Well, let's get going!"

----- Haruhime POV - 5 Hours Later -----

Opening my eyes, I try to get up, only the notice the arm wrapped around my torso.

Looking back, I see that Ariel is fast asleep next to me, with Lili and Iris snoring away in their own beds.

I guess I took quite the nap, huh?

At least we finished our goal before that though.

I just hope defeating the Amphisbaena was a feat worthy of a level-up.

Not feeling tired in the slightest, I slowly release myself from my girlfriend's hold and crawl my way to the tent door, picking up my sword on the way.

Safe zone or not, we're in the dungeon, after all.

Closing the door behind me, I look over the surroundings.

We had set up camp on the rocky platform at the entrance of the floor, giving me a clear view of the landscape of giant trees and winding streams.

A 'Great Rainforest' indeed.

My nose then picks up the scent of burning wood, and if I listened closer, I could hear the familiar pop of a campfire.

Making my way over, I'm glad to see Sirius tending to the fire, with Tiona and Ais sitting with him.

"You had a good sleep, Haru?"

Jumping in surprise, I let out a breath to calm my beating heart.

I hate when Sirius does that, he could at least look at me before calling me out!

"Yes, I did. How long was I asleep?"

"Five hours or so. Anyway, you must be hungry."

He then puts a stick over the fire with what looks to be a sausage on the end, or some kind of meat.

"Ah! Haruhime! Come sit with us!" Tiona says.

"Umm, sure." I respond.

Walking over, I sit between Sirius and Tiona.

"Hey, hey, can I ask you a favour?"

Nodding my head, Tiona pumps her fist in jubilation.

Tiona is a fun girl, her smile reminds me of Ariel a little bit, always being happy to lighten the mood.

Whether her peppiness is natural or not, I respect her for it.

"Tomorrow, on our way to the 38th floor, could you give me a level boost?"

Glancing over at Sirius, he shrugs his shoulders.

"Don't ask me, it's your magic. I'll just need you for the 49th floor, but that's the next day." He says.

"Umm, okay. Sure I can, Tiona."


She then engulfs me in a hug before freezing as her arm touches my breasts.

She then looks down at her own with a deadpan expression.


I... guess she is a bit worried about her size?

Feeling a tap on my shoulder, I turn around to see Ais staring at me intently.

"U-Umm, do you want to try my magic too?" I ask.

"Mmm." She responds.

"I-I don't mind!"

Her face relaxes, showing off a small smile.

"Thank you, Haruhime."

Ais, that girl... she's a bit odd, but she's nice, and she's strong.

Feeling a bit uncomfortable on the jagged tree trunk, Sirius then stands up and spreads out the blanket he was sitting on to share with me.

"Thanks, Sirius." I say with a smile.

"No problem, you did really well, uhh, I guess technically yesterday." He says.

"Yeah! You were moving around really well for a level 2!" Tiona says excitedly.

"Mmm, your sword skills were good." Ais says along with them.

Feeling my face heat up, I grab ahold of my unconsciously wagging tail to not further embarrass myself, I know that Sirius loves to tease me about that.

"I-It's nothing special... especially compared to the others in my Familia."

"Don't be like that Haru. You're still growing and getting stronger, right?" Sirius says.

"It's only your third year of adventuring... you should be proud." Ais adds.

"Yeah, what Ais said! Plus, you're already like the best teammate with your magic, so everything else is just extra!" 

My embarrassment growing at their kind words, I hide my face with my tail.

"Haru, your ears are twitching." Sirius says with a smug smirk.

Hwa!? No!

"Oh! They are!"

"Mmm... cute."

Uuu, so embarrassing!

I want to go back to Ariel.

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