Canon Fodder


“Why do I have to stay behind?” I asked angrily. 

“Because you’re the only one that can walk on water,” Nami said. “We need you here to help get the ship off this altar.” 


“Well let’s postpone the plan then,” I said desperately. “Captain, come on. I want to see the city of gold.” 


“Then get the ship down,” Luffy said. A look of adventure on his face. “I’m sure there will be plenty of gold left.” I frowned. I didn’t much care, but I knew Luffy, Robin, Chopper, Cricket, and Zoro would have the tougher time with it at the city of gold. Sanji, Usopp, Nami, Gan Fall, and I were left to get the ship down. I couldn’t remember what happened to the group I was stuck in, but I doubted it was as exciting as the other’s. 


“Fine,” I said. The group headed off toward the city. We soon had the wings and tail that we used to fly up the Knockup Stream off of the ship. Then the men were pushing the ship off the altar. It took a lot, but we got it. Landing hard on the water Usopp cringed, but the Merry looked fine. 


The stream that Sanji’s group had traversed to get to us flowed toward us. We used Usopp driving the small boat they had ridden on to push from the back. I was at the front pulling the boat with ropes. Luckily I had all that practice from Boa Hancock’s ship. 


“Faster horsie!” Nami yelled from the deck. 


“I’m going as fast as I can,” I grumbled as I continued to pull the boat as hard as I could. “Why don’t you get down here?”

“Nah, Gan Fall is telling us his backstory,” she said. 


“Which one?” 


“Where he was the god here then 6 years ago God Enel deposed him,” she said. 

“Ah, okay, I’d rather be down here,” I said. Bored I looked through my Status Screen. 



Weston Watanabe


Current Quest:

Free Skypieans


World 1:

High School of the Dead


World 1 Quest:

Save Takagi


World 2:



World 2 Quest:

Bring Kei to Life


World 3:



World 3 Quest:


World 4:

One Piece


World 4 Quest:

Free Skypieans


World 5:

My Hero Academia*


World 5 Quest:


Passive Skills:

Memory Meld


World Lasting Physique +


Protagonist Path


Usable Abilities:

Status Screen


World Escape






World Store



Give and Take Quirk



Increased Intellect



Chikyugi Necklace



Seastone Jitte



Doorway ID



Chakra Absorption Scroll



Arm and Leg Weights

Stored (3)


Hero Costume



Reject Dial














“Hey Nami,” I yelled back. “I got something interesting.” I pulled the Reject Dial out of the screen. The palm-sized snail shell was white and looked simple enough. “Ask Gan Fall what this does.” Throwing it back to her, Gan Fall was soon at the front of the ship. 


“This is a Reject Dial!” He said. “They are very dangerous. If someone hits it. The Dial will reflect back 10 times the strength of the blow.” 


“10 times?” I asked excitedly. I thought it was a 1 for 1. “Awesome.” 


“You have to be careful,” Gan Fall said. “If you have this on your body when the blow reflects back, you will receive the full force of the increased reflection.” 


“Ugh,” I mumbled. Then again it would be a great trump card. Especially in worlds I wasn’t too confident in like MHA and Gantz. I might have to incorporate it in my hero suit somehow. The group did a demonstration on the deck and it took some effort for them to give it back. 


I simply kept walking. We eventually came to a branch in the stream. Sanji told me to take it since they came from a different way and he wasn’t sure if the Merry could fit through it. After another hour we were finally out of the area that had been Jaya. On the sky sea once more I let out a sigh of relief as the lightning struck. 

Turning quickly I was blinded by the yellow light. Nami screamed and I was running to the ship. Jitte in hand it became coated in seawater almost instantly as I jumped to the fore deck. In the air I noticed God Enel on the Going Merry sheep head. He was a tall man. White skin, he had a head wrapping on his head and about 1 foot long earlobes that drooped down to his chest. Shirtless, attached to his back was a weird ring with 4 golden drum-like circles spaced along the gold band. 


On the deck Nami, Usopp, Gan Fall surrounded a burnt Sanji. His skin charred from the lightning bolt. I landed on the deck, chakra pouring into every part of my body. 


“Oy jackass! What do you think you’re doing?” I asked. 


Enel slowly turned his gaze to me. “I have been hearing some very annoying things from you lot,” he said. “Thought it best to prove I do exist.”

“I’m not talking about that shit,” I said pointing my Jitte at him. “Get off that seat. That’s the captain’s spot.” The man had a bored look on his face. He didn’t react as I dove at him. Putting all of my strength behind it every muscle was used as the seawater went at the unsuspecting Devil Fruit user. 


I felt immense joy seeing his face bashed and bloodied by my strongest hit. His eyes widened in surprise as the weapon didn’t pass through him. As the man that ate the Lightning-Lighting Devil Fruit he could turn into lightning and attack with it. He must have not known about seastones though. 


Enel went flying toward the water with the single blow, but I had made the mistake of hitting him on the land side. Hit with all of my might he went over the water and landed on the real soil. I cursed as I leapt toward him. My water blade came down toward him but he shot up as he turned into lighting. 


He appeared on a branch overhead. “What is that?” He asked angrily as he stared at the Jitte. 

“Wouldn’t you like to know, weather boy,” I said with a sneer. My body primed and ready to go I dodged as a lightning bolt streaked at me. Dodging behind a giant tree I ran up the trunk. Coming around it where Enel was the Haki user was already gone. 


“Fucking Haki!” I yelled as I dropped to the ground. Another streak of lightning came out of nowhere, barely missing me. 


“Show yourself, coward!” I yelled. He didn’t. I cursed jumping back to the boat. “We have to go, now!” 


“On it,” Nami and Usopp said as they ran to the helm. 


“You actually hurt him,” Gan Fall said. I bent down picking up Sanji. 


“I did, but he could come back,” I said. Opening my shop I bought more seastone rocks. Tossing them to the ground I said, “This will nullify his devil fruit powers.” Taking Sanji into the kitchen I laid him on the kitchen table, it was probably where he would heal the fastest since he was a cook. I was soon helping Nami and Usopp open the sails and get us moving. We looped around the island until we were as close as possible to where the city of gold should have been. 


“Why are you taking Sanji? He needs to rest,” Usopp said. 


“Trust me. We will need all of us for this fight,” I said, throwing him on my back. We were soon running out to the island. I was regretting not giving everyone Seastones. 


For some reason I thought the fight would be simple. Luffy would swoop in and safe the day since lightning doesn’t affect rubber. But no. There was always a bunch of pain and anguish before he brought out his true strength. 


Eventually we came to where the city should have been. There was a large beanstalk that went from the cloud ground way up into the sky. The physical cloud had grown over the city like a layer of protection. As we ran to the beanstalk we heard the fighting below. 


Finding a hole cut in the cloud I grabbed Nami and jumped down. She screamed in my ear but I was too focused to care. Absorbing the shock as we landed on another layer of cloud I dropped Nami and Sanji. Ahead were the ruins of the city of gold. 


A large temple at the center. Buildings turned to rubble all around us. There was no gold to be seen. The beanstalk passed right by the temple and continued down. In front of us were Cricket, Zoro, Robin, and one of the Vayan natives. The man with the Mohawk. 


In front of them stood Enel. He had a staff made of gold in his hand. Usopp and Gan Fall soon flew down on the polka dot horse thing. 


“Looks like we are all here,” Enel said as if he planned it all. I began to walk toward him. Jitte in hand. 


“Any idea where Luffy is?” I asked. 


“Nope,” Zoro said as he stared the final boss down. 


I noticed the giant snake in the distance. It was a few hundred feet long. It was twisting and turning in the air as if it was having a seizure. 


“Nevermind. Usopp, Nami, go in the snake. Luffy’s inside,” I said. 


“What?!” Usopp yelled. “How can you tell?”


“Because he isn’t here and that snake is acting weird. Just trust me. Gan Fall they’ll need your bird,” I said. Usopp and Nami were soon flying off on it as Gan Fall joined the line facing Enel. 


“Looks like all the important players are here,” Enel said. He still had a big bruise where I’d hit him on the side of the head. 


“I didn’t think a god could bleed,” the native Vayan said. 


“I did that,” I said proudly. Throwing seastones out at our feet I added, “if you want to hurt him. Just hit him with these.” Enel sneered. Then put on a bored look. 


“Why do you fight?” Enel asked. “You all should know it’s useless. Everyone in Skypiea will die today.”


“They will? “ I asked. “Why?”


“Because I’ve come to the decision that it is useless. Look at this island of Earth. Something that is treated more valuable than life itself here on Skypiea. You all have fought for it for generations. And why? Below us, this patch of Earth is nothing. Worthless. That is why I will destroy this land. And all you people that do not submit to me and my rule. After that I will go to the land below and take over there as well.”


“Wow. You’re dumb,” I couldn’t help but say. “You really think you’re something special down there? You’re nothing. One of many. You’re a big fish in a little pond here. Down there you’ll be in the ocean. Swimming with the sharks.”


Enel kept up his bored look. “You, I will enjoy killing. But what about you others. You’re strong for making it this far. I want strong people in my new regime. Tell me. Which of you will submit?”


I looked around. “Which of you will help me kick this guy's ass?” People took on their fighting stances. Cricket, the Vayan, Zoro, Robin, and Gan Fall all willing to risk it with me. 


I cast 3 shadow clones. Changing spots with one I ran at Enel. The man learned his lesson and cast lightning. Striking my clones. My real body jumped at Enel slicing at his head. Enel raised his golden staff blocking the attack. I let out a sigh when no lightning traveled up the water to me. 


Enel twisted the bow staff expertly. Knocking the Jitte out of the way. To my horror Enel grabbed me and all went white. 




“Weston! Wake up!” Robin yelled. She slapped me across the face again. 


“Ow ow I’m up. Fuck!” I said as my eyes opened. “What?!”


“We have to push the beanstalk to the West,” she said quickly. I got up. Looking around I slowly remembered. Enel had made an airship and was getting away. I had to knock the beanstalk West to knock it down. 


Stumbling up I noticed a large section cut out of the West side of it. My body screaming at me I got up and began running toward the stalk. Pouring chakra everywhere I sped up again. 


My friends were all beat up around me. Tired and ready for this to be over. Luffy was fighting at the top of the stalk somewhere. Giving his all. While I was sleeping. 


I pulled up my status screen. My Jitte was gone somewhere. Cursing I pulled the only thing out I could. The Reject Dial appeared. Jumping up the rubble of the building around me I poured all my strength into the bean stalk. Pushing the dial into it. The beanstalk didn’t budge. 


I prepped myself for the pain and pushed the activation button. The force of 10 times my strength was let out in an instant. My bones creaked. Muscles tore. Blood shot out of ruptures in my skin. But a huge section of the beanstalk was blasted away. 


I was thrown back by the force. My body not answering me. I landed on the white fluffy clouds below. Bouncing up I lost my breath. Groaning as I landed again I looked up. Watching the beanstalk wobble. Then slowly begin to teeter over to the west. 


I watched it, catching my breath as it fell. Then a loud bell rang out from somewhere above. Clear as day it gonged. A surprisingly beautiful sound as it rang over and over. Falling with the beanstalk far out of my sight. 


Then in a resounding boom the stalk fell to the ground. Shaking the earth as it bounced up then headed straight for me. I tried to get up but feminine limbs sprouted around me. They worked in series rolling my body out of the way. The stalk just barely missed me but I kept rolling. 


When I came to a stop the other survivors were around me. “Thanks Robin,” I mumbled as I tried to recover from the dizziness. 


“You’re welcome,” she said. A small smile on her lips. 


“You’re good with your hands,” I noted. “Guess I should feel lucky you didn’t use your feet to kick me away.”


“I was tempted,” she said. We smiled at one another. I looked around. There was the Jayan crying next to me. I tried to get up. But I was too sore. I settled on laying there. 


“What’s up?” I asked. “That beanstalk your god or something?”


He looked at me angrily for a moment, then laughed. “No, the bell. Long ago. When this land was below. My ancestors made a friend. A friend named Norland Montblanc. He went home. But ringing the bell was a sign between my ancestor and Montblanc that we were still friends. Still waiting for him.”


“What a coincidence,” I said. “That guy laying on the ground next to you is Cricket Montblanc. He said he had an ancestor named Norland Montblanc.”


The Jayan had a confused expression cross his face. Then he was waking Cricket up. It wasn’t long until both men were crying as they talked. Catching up with their knowledge of one another’s ancestors. 


“You really can hear the Haki,” Robin said. 


I looked up at her, unsure what she meant then remembered my lie. “Yep. I hear a lot of stuff.”


“Then where is the poneglyph you promised me?” She asked. 


“Around. I can’t remember exactly though. I need help,” I said. 


“Why am I not surprised?” She asked. 


“What? You started a rebellion to look at a poneglyph last time. My request is pretty simple in comparison.”


“Guess you have a point there,” she said. “What do you want?”


“Help me sit up,” I said. “I’m tired.”


She chuckled. Leaning down, she grabbed my hands. “Be careful. I’m injured.”


“Yeah yeah,” she mumbled. Dragging me over to a rock she threw me next to it like a sack of potatoes.  


“Your bedside manner is atrocious.”


“So I’ve been told,” she said. Her cold gaze staring down at me. “Poneglyph?”


“Follow the beanstalk.  It’ll be at the end,” I said. 


“Should have known,” Robin said. Bending down she surprised me by kissing me on the lips. Quick and simple. “Thanks.” She got up. Turning around she headed away. But I noticed the blush on her cheeks. Looking around again I noticed Nami wasn’t there. Letting out a sigh I fell asleep. 

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