Canon Fodder


“You think he’s safe out there by himself?” Nami asked. Her long nails scratched my chest as she laid on top of me. 


“Chopper’s fine,” I said. My hands in her shirt I was massaging her large globes with chakra. “Have these gotten bigger?” 


“I think so,” she said as she gasped. I stuck my face in her shirt to check but found myself licking her nipple as my hand in her pants pulled her ass into me. She was cumming again soon. Covering her mouth her body shook over top of me. My teeth nibbling her nipple I kept the Pleasure Touch Chakra flowing as I kneaded her ass and breast. 

When she let out a sigh I pulled my head out of her shirt. “Had your fill yet?” I asked. 

“No,” she said, lifting her shirt and sticking my back inside. I chuckled, turning us over. My dick digging into her thigh she gasped as I continued to push the boundaries. Hands moving closer to the crack of her ass, dick moving to her wet pussy. I was still clothed, but she was mostly naked. 


C cup breasts, perky nipples, firm ass, smooth abs, red hair tied back, she was gorgeous and all mine as I explored her. “What else can you do?” She moaned out as another orgasm began to build. 

“Make other parts of my body feel like this,” I said, increasing the chakra.


“What other parts?” She whispered. I looked up at her through the neck hole of her shirt. She bit her lip looking down at me. Pulling out of her shirt I made a motion to my dick. It took her a minute to understand what I was pointing at. “Is that…” 


“My dick? Yes,” I said bluntly. 


“Ca-Can I touch it?” She asked nervously. 

“If you want,” I said, growing excited. “You’ll have to do the work though.” I sat on my knees as she stared at it. Shrouded in my pants she didn’t quite know where to start. Eventually her shaking hands moved to my belt buckle. Slowly she opened the buckle then button and pulled the fly down. Her breath catching she reached inside. Grabbing the base I let out a pleasurable moan. It always felt so much better when someone else was touching it. 


She pulled it out and her eyes bulged more. “I-Is that supposed to go inside me?” Nami squeaked. The full 11 inch veiny dick was rather red from all the heavy petting we had been doing. It looked angry. 

“I have a skill to make it better. But yes, it can,” I said. Nami gulped but growing bolder she stroked it. 

“Do you w-” She tried to say but was stopped as a loud whistle sounded out. And I got another notification. 


One Piece Quest 7.1:

Defeat Priest Shura



Reject Dial


“Fuck!” I said. In an instant I stuffed my angry dick in my pants as I ran out the door. It didn’t take long till I was on the deck. Chakra filling my body I saw the culprit immediately. Chopper had blown the whistle that was there to call the sky knight. In front of him was a Skypiean. 


He was tall, white wings at his back, thin mustache on his lip, black hair, thick pants, and a jacket. There was a large joust in his hand and he sat atop a giant vulture. The bird was fluttering next to the ship facing Chopper.

I didn’t hesitate. Pulling my Seastone Jitte out I jumped at the man on the flying bird. He turned his joust toward me, but was too late. I kicked him off the bird with all my strength. The bird squawked as I slashed at it with the water coated Jitte, but it flew out of the way. 


“Someone with some balls,” the man said as he stood back up. I jumped from the deck to the altar top where he was. Hefting his joust he pointed it at me. 


“Whatever you fairy fuck. What the hell are you doing here?!”

“I am here to give you your own trial,” the man said with a sneer on his lips. “Like your friends are going through their own, you need to be put through one.” 

“I fucking hate trials,” I said. “Which one are you? Thin mustache trial?”

The man scoffed as fire shot out of the tip of his joust. I raised my Jitte. The water hissing as it turned to steam I wasn’t up for playing. Jumping to the side I dove at the man. Our weapons crossed but I knocked his weapon up. Punching him with all my strength I hit him in the gut and he staggered back. Back on him I swiped away his joust head again before he could point the tip at me. 


Within his guard I began to cool the area rapidly. Our breath misted out as I sharpened the slowly solidifying Jitte. Slicing hard it struck him in the side. Blood spurting out the foe yelled out as he rolled away. He continued to roll, falling off the temple edge. I ran after him but the giant bird had swooped in to grab him. 


“Pussy!” I yelled. 


“I thought you needed help,” A voice said. I turned to see the sky knight I remembered. An old man in armor, he had a long beard and deep drooping eyes that bore into me. He rode a large polka dotted pegasus-like animal. Instead of a horse head it had a bird’s. 


“Gan Fall!” My opponent yelled from his bird. The old man turned. “What are you doing here?” The priest Shura yelled. 


“I was called,” the old man said. 

“You were to never set foot here again!” Shura yelled. 


“I go where I am needed,” the old man said. Leveling an identical joust the men on the winged beasts stared at one another. 

“Fuck that, he’s mine,” I said. Running up the side of the ship I jumped up landing on the polka dot pegasus bird thing. 


“I can handle this,” the old man said. 

“Same,” I said. “Just get me to him.” He grumbled but kicked the side of his mount and we flew at the opponent. The priest gritted his teeth and did the same. Growling he leveled his joust and the distance closed quickly. I didn’t wait though. Jumping from the back of the bird I channeled water chakra into my Jitte making a giant bat. 


Between the 2 men I swung down, smashing the priest and his bird with all I had. They were both knocked out with the blow. Spitting up blood the 3 of us fell to the water below. Instead of hitting the water I landed on the mount of Gan Fall. 


“Well done young man,” the old guy said as he flew us back to the ship.

“Thanks for coming. I bet he would have run or kept shooting fire from where I couldn’t get him,” I said. Dropping the sea water from the Jitte I stored it while accepting the quest reward. 


One Piece Quest 7.1: Complete

Defeat Priest Shura



Reject Dial



A palm sized snail shell appeared in my hand. I knew what dials were, but I couldn’t remember what a Reject Dial was. The old man landed us on the deck of the ship. 


“Weston, the ship,” Chopper cried out. I looked around and there were burns from the joust of the priest. 


“It’s fine, we will fix it,” I said. 


“I’m sorry for blowing the whistle,” he added. “I got scared.” 

“That’s fine,” I assured. Patting the top of his hat I added, “You did well. I doubt I could have gotten to him if you didn’t.” He still cried but appeared a little better. “So who are you again?” 


“I am the sky knight,” the old man said as he got off his mount. “I ran into this group earlier, and gave them my whistle to call me if they needed anything.” 


“Right right,” I said remembering. “You’re the old god here, right?” The old man jerked as if struck. 


“I…was, how did you know that?” He asked. 


“Doesn’t matter. So you gonna stay to help us?”


“Help you?” Gan Fall asked. “I am simply a knight now. A mercenary.” 


I frowned. “We know you aren’t simply that,” I said. “Stick around. I’m sure you will want to be a part of what’s to come.” 


“What’s that?” Gan Fall asked. 

“Gonna take down the current god,” I said with a wide smile. The man stared at me in stunned silence.


“Oy! You guys alive over there!?” Zoro yelled from the shore. 


I moved to the railing. “Yeah, find anything?!” 


“Not-” Zoro was stopped as more yells came from the opposite side of the lake around us. 

“Nami, Robin! I am here to save you!” Sanji yelled. He and the others were on a small boat heading toward us from a river that fed into the lake. Usopp, Luffy, and Cricket barely fit on the small boat.

“Thank you, my prince charming!” I yelled back. 

“Ew Weston, just die already!” Sanji yelled back. Usopp, Luffy, and Cricket chuckled as they headed toward us. Sanji dropped the others at the temple altar then he went to pick up Robin and Zoro. The blonde and green haired men were yelling at one another by the time they got back. 


“What happened to the Merry?” Usopp asked as he noticed the fire damage. 

“I’m sorry Usopp,” Chopper cried. “I tried to stop this guy but he set it on fire. Weston stepped in before it got worse.”

“It’s fine, Chopper. I’m glad you’re okay,” Usopp said, but I could tell he still worried about the ship. 


“You guys look like you had fun,” I told Luffy. He and the others that had been with him were pretty beat up. 


“Yeah, we fought this ball guy, he was dumb and fat,” Luffy said. “Forget that. I’m hungry!” 


“We were just attacked on the ship,” I said. “Maybe we should move to the land so the ship doesn’t get in the middle again.” 


“Yosh, let’s go camping!” Luffy yelled. It didn’t take long for the other’s to get on board with the idea. 


“Robin,” I said pointing up. She smiled and tore a vine off a tree for me. I caught it and was soon swinging across the water yelling my head off. It didn’t take long for all the other guys to do the same. Then I had to run back and drive the rest over with the small boat the Luffy’s team had stolen. 


Sanji soon had a fire going as he cooked in a large pot over top of the flames. The other’s sitting around it in a circle I decided to throw a debriefing. 

“Alright, first, Luf-” I stopped myself knowing it was useless to ask the captain. “Sanji, what happened? Why were we taken away on a…”


“Shrimp,” Nami offered. 


“Right, shrimp.” 

Sanji took a long drag from his cigarette. “We technically crossed into sky island illegally. Since we did, they had the right to make us die by trial. They took you all, then made us try to get you. We went through the Trial of Balls. This guy made exploding balls and could sense our moves, so he was tougher than normal.” 

“Right,” I said, remembering the meatball shaped foe. “Robin, Zoro, find anything?” 


“No,” Robin admitted. “We didn’t run into anyone. There were some rubbled buildings, but everything was too old to learn anything from.”

“Damn, okay. For those of you who don’t know. This is Jaya,” I said. “At least the part of Jaya that held the city of gold.”

“What!?” Luffy yelled excitedly. 


“Are you sure?” Usopp asked. 

“Cricket, Robin, you still have those maps?” I asked. Cricket pulled the Skypiea map he had shown us, Robin found the Jaya map from her pack. I lined them up showing that the maps made a skull. “Cricket, you said that your ancestors last words were ‘the city of gold must have sank’, did he have any other last words?” 


“What do you mean?” 


“I mean, look at these maps. They form a skull. I seem to remember Noland saying something about the city of gold being in an eye,” I said. 

“Uh yeah,” Cricket said. He dug into his own pack pulling out a thick tome with handwritten notes. He dug through it. “In my research when he talked of the city Noland said the city of gold was in the right eye.” 

“Alright. This is a skull. This large cove is the left eye. Then the right eye….” 


“Is where the city of gold is,” Nami said excitedly. 


“Exactly,” I said. “Any of you see anything you recognize?” 


“We headed Southwest and found the large cove,” Robin said. 

“We did?” Zoro asked. 

“Yes,” Robin said in a flat tone. “I told you that at least 10 times.” 


“Are you sure? I thought we were going North.” Robin glared at him, mumbling under her breath. I chuckled, Zoro was known for getting lost easily. 

“Okay, so we are…here? Just North of the city of gold?” I asked. 

“Yes,” Robin said. 


“Perfect,” I said. “So I think we all know what needs to happen tomorrow.” I put the pencil I had used to mark the map behind my ear. 


“I don’t,” Luffy admitted. 

“Yeah, me either,” Usopp and Chopper added. 

“Tomorrow, we head South…to the city of gold…to steal all the gold,” I said slowly. 


“Ohhhh, yeah, let’s do that,” Luffy said. 

“What am I doing here then?!” Gan Fall asked angrily. The old man got up yelling at me.

“You’re helping us,” I said. 

“I’m not helping you steal this gold, or whatever it is,” he said.

“Why not?” Luffy asked, surprised. 


“Because this land is run by God Enel,” he said. “He knows everything that goes on around here. He will simply kill whoever he wants.” 


“He’s right,” Sanji said. “We saw his divine judgment before going on the trial. A large lightning bolt shot from the sky. Gan Fall saved the girl that it was aimed at.” 


“Oh right,” I said. “That’s annoying. Well if he knows everything that’s happening, why hasn’t he just divine judgmented us?” The crew and I all looked up to the sky, nothing happened. 

“Don’t say something like that!” Nami cried. “He will hear you!” 


“Dang, I thought something would happen,” Zoro said. 

“Na, this god guy isn’t a real god. He’s just a normal person like you and I,” I said. “Strong yeah, but no god.” 


“Then how does he do it?” Usopp asked. “Is he in the sky watching us?” 


“We are in the sky,” Luffy said.


“The sky of the sky,” Usopp corrected. Luffy nodded as if that made sense. 


“Okay, you guys said that ball guy you fought could predict your moves, right?” I asked. Sanji and his group nodded. “He knows how to use Observation Haki. You remember me talking about that, right?” I looked down the line. Luffy had a distant look. “The magic from the book.”

“Oh right,” Luffy said, following. 


“So that guy you fought could sense your spiritual energy. You weren’t able to get the drop on him because he knew every move you made. How did you beat him in the end?” 

“We trapped him and pummeled him,” Sanji said. 


“Good, that’s how to do it,” I said. “This God Enel guy has the same skill. But on a much bigger scale. Where the guy you fought could probably only sense around him. Enel can sense for miles. Thus when someone pisses him off he could use his power to smite them.” I couldn’t help but look up. Others joined. 


“Stop looking up!” Nami yelled. 

“Sorry,” I said. “So, he isn’t a god. He just knows Haki.” 


“How do you fight it?” Luffy asked. Intrigued for once. 

“Learn your own haki…the book,” I said. Luffy frowned in disgust. “Attack randomly? Trap them? Over power? It can be done. It’s just difficult.”

“Alright, my head hurts,” Luffy admitted. “Enough talk. It’s getting dark out. We need to have a party.” 


“A party?” Robin asked. “There are bad guys all around us.” 


“Robin, Robin, Robin,” Usopp said, shaking his head. “It’s not your fault you haven’t been with us long. But of course we need a party.”

“What about god?” Nami asked. 


“I think we already proved he isn’t listening,” I said. “Bonfire?” I asked. Zoro nodded and we went into the woods grabbing huge logs. It wasn’t long until we had a huge bonfire going. Sanji made more food. The group began yelling like they didn’t have a care in the world as the alcohol was passed around. Another Straw Hat party was quickly underway.

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