Canon Fodder


Sunday I had to meet my dad for lunch. Nejire and Toru were left in my room. Both passed out from the night of fun. I wasn’t quite sure what to do with the 3rd year girl, but Toru seemed to get a lot of pleasure from watching, so I decided to let whatever happened, happen. 


My dad introduced me to the girl he had taken to the festival as his girlfriend. I was more than happy for him. He had been depressed for 10 years, and once the man that took his wife away was dead, he became someone new. I wasn’t about to hold my breath that he had changed for good though. Depression wasn’t simply won over by a single event. I guessed his new girlfriend was around more because I was out of the house. For all I knew they had been having an office romance for years, and that was why he worked so much. 


I was happy for them and by the time I got back home the girls were gone. I talked to Toru over the phone. She was shy about things, but did say she had fun. Her parents were all over her though. Buying her things to show how proud they were. 


With that out of the way I did something I hadn’t done in a while. I relaxed. Going to a mall I bought a video game console and some manga. Some people recognized me and I took a few pictures, but it was a simple Sunday. Spent by myself. Gathering my thoughts for what I wanted to accomplish. 

I decided I would stick around MHA until I had killed the last few people on my list. I felt fairly confident in my strength for the time being. I planned to kill as my Villain Slayer persona. And when I did that I would use all my ninja skills. Not just hold back to physical strength and my quirk. Then after that I would go to One Piece. Let the happy go lucky world be like a vacation for me after dealing with the path for revenge I was setting. 


When Monday rolled around I felt better. I got to class and everyone was excitedly talking about their weekends. 


“What did you do after the festival, Weston?” Momo asked. “I wanted to introduce you to my mom. She was pretty impressed.”

“Sorry, I went to my room. I was pretty beat up.” I handed her my phone. “Put your number in. Call me next time.” She smiled and started messing with it. “I went to a party with the 3rd years.” 


“What?” “No way” “What were they like?” Those around me asked. Toru looked at me, I assumed she was nervous about what I would say. 


“I live in the boy’s dorm. So one of the 3rd year’s stopped by and invited me. They were nice,” I said. “But I ended up leaving. Midoriya beat me up pretty good.” 


“I’m the one with the broken limbs,” he said. His fingers in casts were all the visible damage he had. 


“You did that to yourself. I’m starting to think you like it,” I said. The class laughed and he denied it, but it was a better atmosphere than we had in a while. 


“Where’s the Vice-President?” I asked, noticing him not there. “He’s usually yelling at us by now.”

The classroom quieted. “His brother was attacked,” Momo said behind me. “By the Hero Killer.” 

“Who?” I asked. I had to play dumb, but I didn’t remember him showing up so early. Although Ida’s brother being attacked was familiar. 

“The Hero Killer. Showed up a little after the Villain Slayer. But the Hero Killer has killed a lot more,” Mina said. The pink girl was quiet as she talked about it. “They said he had killed over a dozen, and injured another 20 heroes.” 


“Jeez, why haven’t they caught him?”

“No idea,” Mina said. “Ida is with his brother in the hospital. It happened during the sports festival.” 

The room was quiet. I was surprised to get a quest. 


My Hero Academia Quest 3: Protagonist's Path

Defeat the Hero Killer



Quirk Evolution



My eyebrows raised. Excited by the idea of it. A smile splitting my face, my bad mood was gone as I thought about what my skill could evolve to. Aizawa soon walked in, bringing everyone’s eyes to the front. 


“I hope you all had a good weekend,” he said. People mumbled replies. He noticed Ida’s desk was empty, but moved past it. “A few items today. First, those of you that did well in the Sports Festival have received your employment offers. We call these Draft Nominations. These employers are interested in helping with your future development. I will be passing out offers to those that received offers later.” 

“Who got them?” Eijiro asked. He was one of Bakugo’s buddies. 

“I don’t think it’s appropriate to single people out. But mainly those that were in the tournament. The higher you ranked, expect to get more offers,” Aizawa said. There were a few grumbles but people didn’t interrupt as he kept talking. “Moving on, we will also have you all choose your codenames. Which will also be your hero names.” 


There were loud cheers in the room as people actually jumped in joy. I didn’t see the point in the celebration but the class was all for it. 


Aizawa spoke up again. “This is related to the draft nominations. Though many of you did not get offers, I still expect you to intern so that you can get some real world experience. Because you will be in the real world and in costume you will need a codename for the general public to call you.” 


“If you don’t know what you would like your codename to be, that is fine. Placeholders are welcome for the time-” 


“Like hell!” A woman’s voice said as she walked in the door. It was Midnight. My dominatrix beauty. Still in her black corset, thigh high leather boots, garter belt and leather strap whip I couldn’t help but picture her out of it. Large chest, milky thighs, she was easily the hottest teacher at the school. 


Midnight nudged Aizawa out of the way. Taking her spot in front of the class podium. She stared at all of us as she explained. “It is important to get your hero name correct the first time. This is when fan clubs are formed. You all already have a following after the sports festival. So this is your debut. You need to go out into the real world with a name. What is the first thing all parents do after you are born? Give you a name. You didn’t get to pick it then, but you get to know.” 

She had a point there. I was starting to see the draw. “What name do you want people to shout out for help? What name do you want villains to get scared by? What do you want the girls yelling as you walk past?” She sent a wink my way with the comment. 


“You all have the rest of class to come up with a name that suits you. I will be the judge and jury,” Midnight added. “You can change it, but I don’t recommend that. Oftentimes the name will grow on you, or you will grow to fit the name.” 


We were all soon writing ideas down. I had too many to count. Archer was stuck in my head so Danger Zone sounded fun since I could make the area around me hot or cold. But I was also leaning toward Shinobi. It sounded badass, and I didn’t think it was taken. 


I had a trove of ideas. Since Americanized superhero movies were over a century old I doubted anyone knew about them. There was The Punisher. Gambit sounded awesome. Rogue would be good. Maverick was sweet, but too volleyball inspired for my taste. Some people began submitting theirs.

They had chosen names like Red Riot, Tail man, Sugar man, Earphone Jack, Cellophane. That one guy had Tentacle chosen, which I thought was a little weird that the censors let it through but whatever. I decided I was thinking too hard on it. 


“Shinobi?” Midnight asked. “You need a name related to your power. Just because you look like a ninja in costume, does not make you one.” 


“I can do ninja stuff,” I said. But honestly I really shouldn’t show anything I knew from Naruto World. “I got it, Twilight.” 


“Ummm no, that’s too close to my name,” she said. 

“It’s an homage, like you let that Red Riot guy do for Scarlet Riot,” I teased. 


“There is a difference, I am here, and he is not. I say no,” Midnight said angrily. I was relieved. I doubted I could get vampires out of my head if she had said yes.  


“Hmmm what do you suggest then?” I asked. 


“Well you make things hot and cold…” she said thinking. 


“Hot and sour chicken?” I asked. 


“No, shhh,” she said, eyeing me. “How about Desert Tundra.” 


“Give that one to Shoto. No, I want something simple. 1 word that explains it all. Frost? Boil? Frostboil? Ooooh, I’m getting close. The Night King. Too cold. The Dark Knight. Ooooh that’s good. I’m a genius. Hmmm maybe shadow something. Rising shadow. Too dark. Ugh something that rolls off the tongue. Gambit, Rogue, Magneto, Beast, Sub-Zero, Pyro, Heatwave, Feverdream, Hoarfrost, Wonderman. I already have 2 W initials. I’m basically a hero right there….” 


“Where the hell are you coming up with these names?” Midnight asked. “They’re good.” 


“Internet,” I said. I began to pace back and forth. “I got it, Shinobi.”

“I said, no,” Midnight said angrily. 

“You’re no fun,” I retorted. “Fine…Frostwave it is.” I thought about it for a second. “Actually now that I say it outloud I kind of hate it. How abou-” 


“Enough, you’re Frostwave,” Midnight growled. She wrote it down on the paper. “It’s official.” 

“But you said it was important. I’d hate to pick the wrong one.” 


“For you, I don’t care,” she said. “It’s official. You’re Frostwave. Now sit down.” 


“You’re a bully,” I said, sticking my tongue out as I sat down. She rolled her eyes but chuckled. I was fine with the name. 


“You know,” Momo whispered. “All those names reminded me. You did promise us an explanation on your other skills.” I inwardly cursed. They hadn’t pushed after I made the shadow clones so I left it. “I expect an answer.” 

“Fine,” I grumbled. “After school.” Looking at Toru I changed the subject. “What name are you going with? Because I have suggestions.” 

“Let me guess, Ghost Girl?” Toru asked. 

I put on a shocked look. “Get out of my head.” 

She giggled but showed me her choice written on a piece of paper. ‘Invisible Girl’. “Not all of us can be dramatic like you, Frostwave.” 


“Not everyone has my skills,” I said. “You should know that.” I winked and I could almost see her blush. 



“I have this skill called chakra,” I admitted to the trio. We were in the 4th floor training room I liked to frequent. “Chakra is a separate energy in my body that I can manipulate. I have trained with it for years.” 


“So you made those clones with it?” Momo asked. I nodded. “But how? They were living breathing yous.” 


“Not really living or breathing. More like…constructs. They can see, hear, and think. Do some minor actions. They are called shadow clones, because I use my own mind as a basis. But it’s the difference between a real body and a shadow. Where I am detailed, my shadow is simply an outline. No features or details that can set it apart.” 

“But you’re talking about a robot,” Momo said. “No computers involved though. Simply poof and you have more arms and limbs.”

“It is not an easy technique to learn,” I said. “Or without cost. Chakra is not natural. It is my own…quirk. Like yours Momo. How does it make any sense whatsoever that you can make something? Turn one thing into something else.” 

She frowned but nodded. “Fine, let’s say it’s possible,” she said. “You said it really isn’t a quirk. How did you learn it?”

“I…ate a fruit,” I decided on. “At a bazaar in Calcutta. It was from a man wearing bright colors and had a monkey on his-” I was cutoff by Momo. 


“Cut the shit. How really?” She asked. 


“I don’t know. What? I don’t,” I admitted. “But I have an idea.” I pulled the Chakra Absorption skill scroll out of my status screen. I hadn’t used it much at all since I hadn’t been in any fights. Not against people that had chakra anyway. 

“This skill allows people to absorb chakra. And use it. I have a theory that it is possible for people to learn. You absorb chakra. Then potentially it would take root in your body and you could learn to use it. But I haven’t proven it because you are the 1st people I am showing.”

I handed it to Momo since she appeared to be the most interested. She opened the scroll. “Why is it a scroll and not a book?” 

“No idea,” I said. “Just the way it works. So are you interested?” Momo frowned but nodded. “Good. But I will take the scroll back when I need it. There is no guarantee you can learn it. And of course, I want all of you to give me your solemn word, you won’t tell anyone about it.” 


“I promise,” Momo said. 


“Same,” Tsuyu said. 


I looked to Toru. “You know I can’t read your face, right?” I asked. 

“I know. I’m thinking. Is this how you do those…things…you know?” I nodded. I guessed she meant extra pleasure in the bedroom. “Cool,” she admitted. I breathed a sigh of relief. I thought she was hesitating. “I want to learn.” 

“Good. You can borrow that. We have a week until we go to our internships, so review it and let me know if it actually works.” I thought this was as good of a place as any to find out for Saeko’s sake. I went back to practicing with my quirk as they read the scroll together. 

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