Canon Fodder


“And the 1st place winner of the Class 1 Sports Festival is Weston Watanabe,” Midnight said. I squeaked by with the points from the 1st and 3rd event. Todoroki was 2nd and Midoriya was 3rd. 


We were standing on 3 staggered height platforms at the center of the arena that a cement whale guy made. People cheered and we waved. Recovery Girl already saw me and Midoriya so I was feeling a lot better. 


“It is I, All Might!” The deep voice boomed as he jumped from outside the arena and landed in front of us. “I am here with the medals!” He said with his cocky laugh. For someone on death's door he was sure using his powers a lot. But I knew it was important for him to save face. 


All Might put the medals around our necks, saying some words to each of us one by one. When he got to me I was surprised by his words for some reason. 


“Weston my boy, I too have lost many in the fight against villains. Just know you are never alone. You have all these friends to lean on in your times of need.”


“Thanks All Might,” I said. And meant it. Though I was feeling like an adult sometimes and a pissed off kid at other times. I really did have friends in the class. Which was nice to be reminded of. 


He addressed the crowd then. “Though many of you did your best to stand where these 3 are, they were able to use their strength to surpass every obstacle. The next generation of heroes will surely sprout from the seeds planted today. And to that I say, Plus Ultra!”


Cheers rang out and we were finally released. I wore my medal with pride. Heart bandages on my face I was sure I looked a fool but it was fun walking into the crowd. Shaking hands. High fives. Taking selfies. Even the people that stopped to talk about the ones they had lost were welcome. I eventually found my dad. He was all smiles as he hugged me. 


“I’m so proud of you,” he whispered. A grin from ear to ear as he locked eyes with me. I patted him on the arm. Unsure what to say. “And that speech. Brought a tear to my eye. I never knew you felt that way.”


I could have said something snide, about him not caring. But I pushed it back. That was immature Weston. “Glad you stayed. I noticed you brought someone with you.” 


“Right of course. This is Mai. We work together,” father said as he pointed at his date. 


“Nice to meet you,” I said, shaking the woman’s hand. She was petite. A little younger than my dad. But not by much. 


“It’s nice to meet you. Your dad has told me so much about you. But now I feel like I’m meeting a celebrity,” she said shyly. A big smile on her face. 


“Did you want to grab dinner?” Father asked. 


“I can’t,” I said sadly. “I made plans with friends. How about I stop by for lunch tomorrow?”


“Perfect,” father said. “You need any money?”


“I’d never say no to that,” I said. He passed me a few bills and was on his way. More people stopped me but it eventually got to be too much. I made my way back to my apartment. I knew Toru and I had talked about going all the way. But I wanted time alone. 


In all honesty I had expected a quest to pop up before going up against Midoriya. I was a little worried it hadn’t. Had I done something right or wrong? Was there a right or wrong? Was the System or whatever confident I’d go forward without quests? 


I was having fun. But what was I really doing there? Training? Or living? Escaping my other problems? I still didn’t know where the hell I was. Why I was being sent to different popular manga. And I simply kept going along with it. But it wasn’t hard to guess why I was. 


I had been a middle aged do nothing. I had a wife and kids. And that was all I had to my name. I had more exciting events in a couple of days in each of these worlds than I ever had back in my old life. No inhibitions. No commitments. I left when I wanted and went where I wanted. 


But where was it all leading? I was getting stronger. Would I be able to keep that strength? Was one of the doors in the room an exit? Would I die behind one of the rooms and stay dead? 


I didn’t know the answers. So many questions. I had let the memories of these other me’s run things. And for now I was fine with it. There were still plenty of people that needed to be brought to justice. Still plenty of villains that had no qualms with killing people like my mom. 


I was brought out of my thoughts by a knock at the door. Getting up I wasn’t too surprised no one was there. “Are you naked already?” I asked. 


“What?” An unfamiliar voice asked. I looked around the door and saw a woman I didn’t know. She had light blue hair that was down to her waist. The air itself was wide with curves at the bottom of it. She wore a slight smile as she stared up at me with her hands crossed behind her back. 


“Sorry. I must still be tired. Who are you?” I asked. 


“I’m Nejire Hado,” she said. Her wide cheeks dimpling as she smiled at me. “I heard you were staying in the boys' rooms. But wanted to see for myself.”


“Oook?” I asked. “Why’s that?”


“Oh I’m a third year student. We finished our own sports festival earlier. But we heard you won yours. We were curious if you wanted to join our after-festival party.”


“Sure,” I said. “What should I wear?”


“Anything not your costume,” she said. I looked down and she was in simple street clothes. I walked back into the room. Storing my costume in my screen I changed clothes and was soon out the door. 


“You sure look familiar,” I said. “Do I know you from somewhere?” I was sure it was the manga but I couldn’t remember. 


“I’m sure you’ve seen me around,” she said. We went down a level to a recreation area. There were some billiard tables, dart boards and other bar games. 


A good 20 students sat around. Sipping beer, joking, and relaxing in large chairs or standing around. I recognized one guy right away. Perfect jaw, blonde wave of hair that would look good on Johnny Bravo, and black eyes. He was one of the Big Three of the school. One of the strongest kids in UA. 


I remembered him from the manga. He was strong. He had Kitty Pryde powers, where he could pass through objects, but didn’t suck at them. He waved at me and Nejire as we walked up. 


“Mirio Togata,” he said, shaking my hand as I walked up. 


“Weston,” I said. “Thanks for the invite.”


“No problem. We all wanted to get eyes on the winner of class 1. Sorry we didn’t introduce ourselves. Been kind of busy preparing for the festival.”


“No problem. Busy myself,” I said. “So is this a tradition for you guys?” 


“Yep. We are all class 3-A,” Nejire said. “Been together for years. But sounds like your class gets to deal with a lot more drama than ours did.”


“Just unlucky I guess.”


“I heard you beat that super villain they sent after All Might,” Nejire said. The cute girl had an inquisitive look as she stared at me “Was it as strong as they say?”


“Honestly, I’m not sure. I gave it my all. But I don’t remember much of the fight,” I admitted. 


“Still. Would have been good to be there to help,” Mirio said, clenching his fist. 


“Eh there is plenty of drama out there. Don’t need to add more to it,” I said. I got a text from Toru. 


-Where are you? I’m at your room-


-I’m at a party with the 3rd years- “Hey, you guys mind if a friend comes?” I asked. 


“The more the merrier,” Mirio said. 


-Want to come? It’s at the rec room the floor below-


-omw- she sent. It wasn’t long until she was walking in. She was wearing street clothes. A long skirt with a simple T-Shirt that said, ‘All Right!’.


“Guys, this is my friend, Toru. Don’t be scared, she’s not a ghost…you’re not a ghost, right?” I asked as she came up. The group around me laughed as I said it. 

“I am going to beat you up if you keep introducing me like this,” she grumbled. 


“Finally, another girl,” Nejire said. “There are so few of us in my class. Were you in the tournament, Toru?” 


“I was. Did you not watch?” 


“No, we had our own Festival,” she said. “Are you 2 dating?” She asked, unashamedly as she looked between us. 

“No, just friends,” Toru said. Her shirt was shaking as she shook her head. 


“So cute,” Nejire whispered. “Be careful. If you don’t lock him down, someone will swoop in and take him.” I gave her an odd look. I thought that was a little forward, but she gave me a flirtatious smile as I locked eyes with her. “I love your top,” Nejire said to Toru, changing the subject. 


“Thank you, I-I love your hair. What is that color?” Toru asked. 


“Periwinkle,” Nejire said, throwing the hair back. 


“She asked the color,” I said. “Not the name of the Victorian child possessing it.” 


She gave me a stunned look, but then burst out laughing. “No, that is the name of the color.” 


“Sure,” I said, feeling a little more comfortable in the room. 


Nejire giggled, touching my shoulder. “You’re funny.” 


“Don’t tell him that. He will beat the joke to death,” Toru said. “Trust me.” I was about to make another ‘didn’t see you there’ joke but was interrupted as a large group of girls walked in. They were being led in by a skinny dark haired man I didn’t recognize. 

“Ugh, here we go,” Nejire grumbled. 

“Ladies, let me introduce you to the mighty class 3-A,” the man said. He stood in front of the girls like a captain of a cheerleader squad. The girls were all scantily clad, and ranged in age from my age to early 20s. They eyed the people in the room hungrily. “Don’t be shy. There is beer in the fridge. More fun stuff in the bathroom,” he said. Grabbing the hand of a girl he pulled her to him as she giggled. Heading to the bathroom as the other girls began blushing and walking to those in the room. 


“What’s uh going on here?” I asked Nejire. Mirio walked over to a couple girls. Smiling big as he put his arms over their shoulders. 


“Groupies,” Nejire grumbled. 


“You guys have groupies?” Toru asked, confusion in her voice. 


“Oh yeah, lot’s of them,” Nejire said. “You 2 didn’t know? How cute,” she said with a sad smile. “You saw it today. People go crazy for this festival, and they go more crazy for heroes. All of us will be known as big name heroes soon enough. So of course we attract these kinds of people.” There were girls already making out or touching muscles of the other guys in the class. There were even a few girls from class getting in on the action with the girls. 


“Want to get out of here?” Nejire asked. I couldn’t help but nod, kind of in shock. MHA had always been very timid. I didn’t think there was a side like this to it. We walked out, dodging by Mirio as he used his skill to go past a girl’s shirt and bra, massaging her breast directly. 


We stepped out and Nejire continued. “We are basically celebrities,” she admitted. “By next year’s festival, everyone will know your name. You’ll start attracting girls or boys that like that. Cape Chasers. Mask Manics. Hero Hoes.”


“And the school is fine with it?” I asked. 


“Not for 1st years. But next year, yes. They used to ban the Cape Chasers completely, but then heroes would graduate. Get all this attention, and do dumb things. Party too hard. Make a bad name for the school. They prefer we do this sort of stuff now. Helps lead into the real world,” she admitted. We were in the stairwell going up, back to the boy’s dorm. 


“So the rumor that Endeavor has like 40 kids…” 


“Probably true,” Nejire said as we walked in the hall toward my room. “Sorry, didn’t mean for this to be a shock. Parents must have left early. We usually only have parties with outsiders after big events like the festival.” We stood outside my room. I caught myself and unlocked it. The 3 of us were soon inside. 


“Uh what are we doing here?” I asked. 


Nejire looked over at me, her gaze had changed to a more predatory one. “Those idiots down there go after whoever they want. Anyone that will let them,” she said. She stepped forward, putting her hand on my chest. “I prefer to have the champions.” My eyes widened as she leaned forward, kissing me. I pulled back a little. Looking to Toru. 


“We are dating,” I said, trying not to get excited, and put up a strong front. 


“I know,” Nejire said. “You 2 have not been quiet in your room. Lots of rumors going around.” She eyed Toru. “And of course, one of your neighbors has strong ears. There aren’t too many secrets in the school. Your neighbor shared one about you, that I want to see myself.” The periwinkle haired girl reached down to my crotch, grabbing my erection. She bit her lip looking up at me with a heated hunger in her eyes. 


I turned to Toru, but with no facial expressions on her face, I didn’t know what she was thinking. I decided to go with the flow. Releasing the floodgates, chakra poured into my dick. Casting a Lust Aura around us I leaned forward kissing Nejire. She moaned in my mouth as my hands went to her firm ass. 


Out of the corner of my eye I noticed Toru’s thighs begin to rub together as her invisible hand grabbed her breast. My dick reached it’s full length as I picked Nejire up. She wrapped her legs around me feeling the lust I was causing. I moved her to my bed. Our tongues entwined as she moaned. My dick pushing into her thigh as she lifted her lower half into me. 


“Are you joining or watching?” I asked Toru. She squeaked, hesitating then moved over to the bed. 

“Watching for now,” she whispered. 


“What about you?” I asked. “All the way? Or play around?” 


“Damn, you’re confident for a 1st year,” Nejire whispered. Licking her lips. “I want this thing inside me.” Her waist pushed up against my dick.

“Protection?” I asked. 


She shook her head. “On the pill.” A smarter me would have worried about STDs if she was so forward. But teenage me didn’t give a fuck. 


“Alright, but only I get you after this,” I said. 


She giggled. “If you can make me scream like I’ve been hearing your girlfriend scream, you can have exclusive access.” Her eyes sparkling mischievously as she studied me. 


“Toru has been getting the beginner’s course,” I said. Sitting up I took off my shirt and began unbuckling my pants. “I think you could use the advanced.” Nejire giggled again. Taking off her own pants her eyes bulged as she stared at my large dick. 

“Holy fuck,” she whispered. 

“Don’t worry, I’ll be gentle,” I promised. My mouth moving to hers she was brought out of her fear as my hands channeled Pleasure Touch. She began to moan. Lifting up her shirt to allow me access to her chest. 


Licking her nipples I noticed Toru’s skirt was ridden up as she apparently played with herself. Still on the bed the invisible girl simply watched. Her hand in her shirt, her other playing with her lower lips. She was finding out how much of a voyeur she actually was. 


“Stop teasing,” Nejire moaned under me. I had been sliding my dick up and down her pussy lips.

I smirked at her and began to slide in. I felt like she wanted it rough though. I parted her and she screamed out in pain and joy as my dick entered her sopping wet hole. As I entered all the way she came loudly. Screaming out she breathed in and out deeply. Her fingers digging into my chest as her body shook. 


“Holy fuck,” she grunted as I stayed buried in her. “Holy-fuck,” she moaned again. Then she was staring into my eyes. I could practically see the hearts form in her pupils as she studied me. Then she was pulling me down. Kissing me hard as I began to piston in and out of her. 


Shallow thrusts at first while her tight hole got used to me. I upped the Pleasure chakra causing her to yell out with every short thrust. Nejire’s eyes fluttered as she began to pull her nipples. Moaning louder she came again. Her whole body jiggling as her mouth opened in a soundless cry. 


I began to really fuck her then. My tough abs pulling me all the way out then slamming in she cried out once more. Wrapping her smooth legs around my hips she looked down, watching me impale her over and over. My strong thrusts pushed her head into the wall next to the bed. Nejire pushed off of it, trying to take all of me. 

Another orgasm went through her. Stronger than the last she began to squirt on my abs. I didn’t stop as she tried to push away. My strong fingers holding her in place she stopped fighting. Simply taking it all as I plowed into her. I increased the chakra in my dick once more. If I wanted her to have no one else, I needed her to not feel the need. 


After a few short thrusts she was cumming again. “How are you doing this?” She grunted as her eyes closed.

“I’m just that good,” I said. Moving my mouth to hers to seal it I enjoyed her tight pussy. It squeezed, convulsed, and drenched my dick as I took everything I wanted from her. My mouth never leaving hers, she was quickly a moaning mess. Letting me do what I wanted she took it all. Accenting the lovemaking with her own orgasms. 


When I felt she had enough I stopped the Endurance chakra. Speeding up I felt it build then pulled out. Jerking off onto her my semen coated her chest. She moaned, but her eyes were distant as I came huge spurts onto her. I groaned as the pleasure left, then looked to my actual girlfriend. 

She was laying down on the bed. Her fingers in her pussy as her legs lifted her lower half up. I guessed she wasn’t watching anymore. I moved over. Pulling her hand away I buried my face in her pussy. Toru screamed out and came hard. My hands holding up her lower half she kicked as a powerful orgasm went through her body. 


When it finished I continued licking her clit causing spasms to run through her body. As she finished reacting I set her down. Staring at where her face was, I smiled big. 


“Enjoy yourself?” I whispered as I draped my body over hers. 

“Yes,” she admitted since she couldn’t nod. “That was…I want it in me.” 


“And protection for you?” I asked.

“Pull out. I’ll get on the pill. But I want it, now,” she said. I hesitated, but was a weak man. Moving over her body I lined myself with her pussy and slid in. After a few inches I found her hymen. I poured a huge amount of pleasure touch into my dick. She came hard as I broke through.


“Oh my god,” she said as her hand lifted up her shirt. I latched onto her nipple. Keeping myself in the same place as she came. When she finished she asked, “Is that normal? Thought it was supposed to hurt.” 


“Again, one of my skills,” I said. “I can make you feel more pleasure than you thought possible. Look at her.” I looked over to Nejire. She was asleep with a smile on her lips. 

“That was hot. Do that to me,” Toru said. I nodded, moving up to her mouth I kissed her as I pushed in. 


“Fuuuuckk, you are big,” she groaned.

“You’re so tight,” I noted, but kept going in. I didn’t stop until I was buried in her. 


“You did it,” she moaned. Wrapping her legs around me. “You fit,” she moaned as she kissed my neck. “Now, take me.” 


I nodded. Increasing the lust aura around us I redoubled the pleasure touch. I began to fuck her with all I had. Not gently like I had with Nejire. Toru wanted this much more. Pulling out our sexes collided with a loud slap as she came again. My hands moving to her tits I pulled her nipples toward me. Guided by touch as I used them like handles to keep her in place. 

She screamed my name as I used her for everything she was worth. My dick always moving in and out. There was blood at the base of my dick, but it was a surreal view to see my large member bury in her and disappear. Skirt ridden up I explored her invisible body. I never thought I would be doing something like this. A part of me really felt like I was fucking a ghost. 

But as her pussy convulsed and poured liquid on my dick I knew she was really there. My lips finding hers she scratched my back and bit my lip. Lost in her own lust as I made her cum over and over. 


It happened slowly, just a little bit of skin. I missed it at first. But then she came again and more of her showed up. Her skin almost glowing as she forgot everything else while I fucked her. I slowly realized what was going on, redoubling the pleasure I was sending to her. 


She came louder and harder as soon as I did. Slamming into her cervix she took it all and like a wave spreading from her crotch she appeared. Her perfect tits, stomach with a little extra padding, small hands, nice breasts and perfect face appeared. I couldn’t help but move my face down kissing her. 


Toru moaned in my mouth as I did. Never stopping as I jackhammered into her. She raised her legs up allowing me to get inside her further. I pulled back and she was still visible. Grabbing her hand I lifted it to show her. Her eyes widened and she turned invisible again. 


“Damn,” I said, stopping for a moment. 

“What happened?” She asked.


“You came so hard your power stopped working,” I offered. “Or you’re tired. No idea.” 

“Make it happen again,” she ordered. I nodded. More chakra in my dick I pounded into her. My hands were coated with it. I lifted her ass so I could go in and out while sitting on my knees. Her head lower on the bed she was quickly back into it and came. Again skin appeared. She moaned. Grabbing her arms I pulled her to me. 


Toru straddled my legs as I pushed and pulled her to me. She let it all happen. No fighting as I used her like an onahole. It turned her on more as my strength took all I wanted from her. Another powerful orgasm moving through her body, she became visible again. 


“You’re beautiful,” I said. She had tears in her eyes. Nodding as she kissed me. 

“Cum in me,” she pleaded as she pulled away. 

I groaned, turned on by the idea, but shook my head. “No, I like you too much.” She moaned but nodded. Her mess of greenish yellow hair matted down with sweat as I continued to use her. 


“Then cum on me,” she said. I nodded. Speeding up I dropped us back to the bed. Groaning in her ear as I went all the way in and out until I felt it build up. As I pulled out she began stroking my dick expertly. Her visible hands gripped on it hard as she moved up and down the shaft. Then I was spraying on her. She lifted up her shirt again, letting me hit her tits and stomach. Moaning as I did. Her hand going to my balls to pull them while I came made me shoot out another large streak of cum that went from her nipple to her skirt.


We stared at one another for a bit. It had been a fun time with her. All building to this moment. And I could honestly say I wanted her more. Not some simple fling, but I wanted her to be mine. She smiled up at me cutely. Her big eyes a little moist. I leaned over, kissing her. She reciprocated as we made out again. I eventually pulled away, ready to go again.  


“That was very hot,” Nejire said. Moving over she looked between us then licked a glob of cum off of Toru. I groaned watching as she moved to another. Toru blushed but appeared to like it. Her legs shaking from excitement. I suspected that since they didn’t have any resistance, simple things that they normally wouldn’t do, turned them on when I used my Lust Aura. Reina and Hina weren’t interested in one another because they could resist the aura. 


“Again?” I asked the girls. 


“Do me from the back,” Nejire said. Turning around she stopped licking cum off Nejire to reveal her round ass. 

I moved over and lined myself up. Toru was turning invisible again but I beckoned her over. She sat on her knees. I kissed her as I began to slide into Nejire. The long haired girl moaned as I entered. My hand moving down to Toru’s pussy I played with her clit as our tongues explored one another. 


Nejire came after a few thrusts. Cursing loudly. “This is the best dick,” she moaned. “Cum in me this time, please.” I looked to Toru. 


“Do it,” she whispered. I nodded. My hands moving to Nejire’s ass I really started pounding her. 


It was a long night. Toru was hurting too much to go again, despite me promising it would feel good. She made me fuck Nejire again and again. Watching as she played with herself. Nejire passed out between each session. Toru was then on me. Kissing me as she played with my dick. It was an odd experience, but I had a lot of fun. 

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