Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Wonder Slut (DC Comics)

A/N: Wonder Slut is a very old fic written in two parts back in March-April of 2017. Compiling it now into an easier to read one shot here!

Summary: In the distant past, the original Wonder Woman had a glaring weakness: Bondage. This is a modern reimagining of that long gone kinky idea.

Themes: Bondage, Dom/Sub, Gangbang


Andy was only in it for the money. He didn't have a choice. That's what the young gangbanger told himself anyways. Currently, the young man's terrible life choices found him down at the docks helping off load some sort of illegal good for his bosses. A guy had to live though right? His life had been one long stream of disappointments, and at this point Andy was done giving a fuck what anyone else thought about him.

Of course, that 'fuck 'em all' attitude was immediately put to the test when a gale of wind suddenly sped through the area and the ground shook and cracked as a woman suddenly appeared in their midst. All of the men, a large group of around twenty thugs, leapt back at the appearance. They were right to do so, and Andy felt the blood draining from his face as he took in the new arrival.

Wonder Woman stood in all her glory before them, legs spread wide, hands on hips, and a cocky smile across her face as she took in the stunned criminals. She was wearing her usual outfit, and Andy was confident he was not the only man who was a little turned on from the way her costume strained around her assets, and the way her leotard showed off pretty much all of her legs. Still, their lust mattered little when the body they were checking out was fucking Wonder Woman's.

They were all fucked, and Andy was about ready to turn tail and run, when suddenly their crew's boss pulled a gun out and pointed it at the heroine.

"Get her you idiots, or we're all as good as dead anyways!"

Then he began to fire, and the others began to react. The boss wasn't wrong, if they ran without the product, they'd probably all be hunted down and taught a lesson. They'd be lucky if it only included broken bones. And if they got caught, they might not survive the trip down to the station, as the boss' boss had men in the police department to deal with potential snitches. It seemed idiotic and stupid, but Andy didn't see another way out of this.

Most of the other men clearly didn't either, as they started pulling out weapons or balled their hands into fists and began approaching the beautiful buxom heroine. She'd just finished deflecting the last of the boss' bullets when the first thug reached her. Then, she was fighting against them all and from what Andy could see, she was winning. Andy looked around, a grimace on his face. He had no desire to get in close with the incredibly strong heroine, but he didn't even have a knife on him. Couldn't afford it.

There was a chain nearby though that caught his eye. He wondered for a split second where it'd come from, he didn't think it'd been there earlier. Andy ultimately decided not to question it, instead lurching for the long thick chain and grabbing it up. Right, he wasn't some cowboy or anything, but whipping a long metal chain wasn't rocket science right?

His first swing missed the heroine by a mile and almost hit one of his comrades as said man was thrown clear by one of Wonder Woman's kicks. Turns out, it was harder to whip a long metal chain than he thought. And he grabbed the heroine's attention too, which was so not good. As Wonder Woman turned and focused on him, he swung the chain again. Her hand came up instinctively and to his shock and seemingly hers as well, his chain actually wrapped around her wrist.

She braced herself and began to pull and Andy winced, tensing up and bracing himself as well, one hundred percent expecting to be thrown clear by the woman's super strength. He even shut his eyes right before she pulled fully, waiting for that rush of air as he was flung, only to find nothing happened. Cracking his eye open after a moment he found something fairly odd and just a little comical happening before him.

Wonder Woman had an expression of panic on her face as she struggled against his chain where it held her wrist in bondage. But her strength was no more than a normal woman in that moment, and it wasn't nearly enough to pull Andy off his feet or even partially dislodge him. All of the men around them stood confused and shocked, but Andy seeing success, tried to replicate it fast. He ran forward, the rest of his chain in hand, and encircled the seemingly weakened heroine's neck quickly, wrapping the thick iron chain around her throat and pulling it.

It was immensely satisfying to watch her collapse to her knees, still struggling, but utterly futilely as he held her captive. In that moment, Andy had an epiphany.

"Holy shit, her weakness is bondage! Guys! She loses her powers if you tie her up!"

It seemed insane as Andy held the most powerful woman in the world captive using a simple iron chain, but it also seemed to be an inescapable fact, and the other guys in his crew began to actually believe it, laughing as they moved in, making humiliating and degrading comments to the heroine currently on her knees struggling to breath. The boss shouldered his way to the front of the ring and took charge as usual.

"Loosen up a bit boy, don't want to kill the bitch quite yet do we? You, grab that lasso off her belt and hand it here."

Andy did as he was ordered and watched raptly along with the other guys as the boss took hold of Wonder Woman's Lasso of Truth and unwound it, seeming quite focused in his work as he began to tie the heroine up with her own lasso, wrapping the seemingly endless golden rope around first her wrists, and then up around her neck so that her arms were forced up over her head and behind it, pressed against her neck.

This had the absolutely delightful effect of causing Wonder Woman's huge chest to push out even further, her spine forced straight as she knelt in considerable discomfort. Andy pulled off the chain once they had the powerful heroine fully bound in her own lasso. Everyone just kind of stood around for a bit before one of the thugs asked the obvious.

"Uh, what next?"

The boss snorted as everyone looked to him, but Andy only had eyes for the woman in front of him, leaving him the only one to notice what looked like the start of an aborted eye roll before her face morphed into righteous anger.

"Release me at once! This is utterly foolish if you, you're only making things wor-"

The boss cut her off with a loud slap that had her head turning with the force and a pained gasp escaping from her lips. And yet, Andy thought she was panting a bit weirdly, almost like she was excited. The boss sneered down at her.

"Shut up slut. 'What next?' heh. Answer is obvious. We fuck her of course."

Wonder Woman gasped at that, her eyes going wide while all around her the thugs cheered at the idea. Andy had to admit, he was pretty excited by the idea as well, but something still felt off to him. The boss reached down and grabbed the front of the bound heroine's costume, pulling it down so her tits bounced free to the enjoyment of all the men around her.

"Lookit this Wonder Slut, not even wearing a bra. She wants to be fucked bad, you can tell. Bet she goes around hoping some man will take her in hand like this and fuck her like she wants to be fucked. Well, we'll give ya what ya want sweetheart."

Wonder Woman stared at the boss balefully, but it didn't stop him from laughing and reaching down to tweak her nipples, causing her to gasp again. Then he straightened up and focused his attention on Andy.

"You, boy. You took her down, technically. So you get first dibs. Mouth, cunt, or ass?"

Andy's eyes went wide as saucers at that. Holy shit, how did you make a choice like that? Looking down at the glaring but silent Wonder Woman, Andy's attention was drawn to her face and tits more than anything else. It was every man's dream to nut on a face like hers wasn't it? Was it any choice at all then, really?

Stepping forward and trying to exude a sense of confidence he wasn't really feeling, Andy slipped his cock out of his pants, already half hard from everything up to this point, and grabbed a fistful of Wonder Woman's curly raven hair, bringing his cock to bear and rubbing it against her perfect face and those full pouty red lips insistently.

"C-c'mon slut, suck it."

He was a bit surprised when she actually opened her mouth and did it, wrapping her lips around his bell end as he pushed forward into her mouth. Holy shit, he had his cock inside of Wonder Woman's mouth. She was utterly helpless and completely at their mercy and it was a pretty heady feeling. It took every bit of willpower Andy had then and there not to just cum in her hot wet mouth as her lips suctioned down around his length.

As he gripped her hair in his hands and began to fuck the bound heroine's face, the guys around him were crowding in, some pulling their own cocks out and beginning to jerk off, all watching raptly.

"Holy shit she's actually doing it…"

"Man, Wonder Slut is right yeah? Fucking whore is getting off on this."

Wonder Woman moaned around his cock and Andy watched as her cheeks sucked in lewdly as she opened her eyes and looked up at him. That's when it became too much for the poor guy, and he grunted, his release starting then and there. The topless heroine didn't let his length leave her mouth, gulping down and swallowing every last drop of his seed before releasing him.

He pulled out of her mouth and was immediately pushed aside by one of the other men. Before that one could occupy her mouth however, Wonder Woman gave them all a sultry grin, her eyes wide in fake innocence.

"I wonder what you plan to do with me."

That brought the thugs up short. This was not usual heroine behavior, and they all felt a small inkling of doubt and fear. What was really going on here? The boss came to the rescue again though, stepping forward and grabbing the golden lasso currently binding her down.

"Lasso o' Truth they call it. Brings out the hidden secrets doesn't it? Turns out, she really is a super slut. Well Wonder Woman? Am I right? Did ya come down here hoping we'd catch you, tie you up, and fuck you?"

The topless heroine slut moaned as he spoke the humiliating words, and once he was done she nodded, seemingly unable to resist her own lasso's effects.

"Uh-huh… I wanted your coooocks. Pleeeease, fuck me!"

With a laugh, the boss released the lasso and stepped back, crossing his arms.

"You heard her boys! Everyone gets a turn with the super slut!"

Things just escalated from there. Andy watched, his hand wrapped around his already spent cock and his brain doing its damn best to commit what was happening in front of him to memory as Wonder Woman was thoroughly used and degraded. The train on her mouth was one thing, but then they maneuvered her up and cut a hole into her leotard to expose her pussy and cunt. Soon enough the slutty heroine was bouncing up and down on one cock while two more slid into her mouth and ass from opposite ends.

And she was happy to do it, from what Andy could tell. Who knew fucking Wonder Woman was the world's biggest slut as well as the world's strongest woman? It was surprising, but also kind of fucking awesome the way she actively participated in her own gang rape. The Lasso of Truth was a powerful fucking thing and Andy hoped he'd never have it around him. If it could bring this out of Wonder Woman, what would it bring out of him?

"Holy shit, she's fucking cumming!"

Andy blinked and refocused his attention only to see that yes, Wonder Woman's eyes had rolled back in her head as her mouth hole was plugged with a huge cock, and her body was shaking from a particularly intense orgasm. It seemed to give the boys a new found purpose, and the fucking from them on got rougher, more energetic. By the end of it, every man had gone twice, and though Andy never got a turn in her cunt, he did get to nut on her face and tits after a second incredibly enthusiastic blowjob from the Wonder Slut.

All the thugs stepped back in a sort of unspoken agreement as they all tucked their softened cocks away and zipped back up. Everyone was sort of just staring down at the defeated heroine. Now that it was over and they were finally coming off of the adrenaline high, the actual ramifications of what they'd done were hitting them.

Kneeling in front of them, seeming half out of her mind in pleasure was Wonder Woman, one of the most popular superheroes on the planet. Her costume was torn and defiled with cum, and so was her body. She was practically covered in their semen, a veritable bukkake that even extended to her hair where a few had jerked off using her raven locks. They'd all just fucked Wonder Woman into the ground. What now?

"… We gotta kill her."

That came out of nowhere, and everyone turned to the man who said it, eyes widening. Some seemed to contemplate the idea, others were immediately against it.

"Kill her? Fucking kill Wonder Woman? Dude, I'm all for fucking the slut, especially when she's half-willing, but this is WONDER WOMAN! She like, saves the world on a regular basis. We kind of need her, don't we?"

The first man scoffs at that. "Need her? Fucking bitch is just a two bit ho riding on the rest of the Justice League's shoulders man. The world has Superman; why the fuck does it need a woman weaker than him?"

A random fucker decided to interject at this point, and Andy was getting a bit dizzy trying to keep track of the conversation.

"Eh, maybe they can like, make super babies down the road and we'll have a next generation to protect the Earth and shit. That's a good reason to keep Wonder Tits around ain't it?"

"No, it's not! Because you guys need to stop missing the smaller picture for the bigger one! We just fucking raped Wonder Woman after tying her up with her own lasso! We let her live, she might go on to save the world, but we're all personally going to be fucked!"

"We could keep her instead… like a sex slave or somethin'? Or even sell her to the highest bidder. Plenty of bigger bad guys than us that would jump at the chance ain't there?"

Andy cleared his throat and decided to interject, even if he knew he wasn't very high on the totem pole. He figured he could score points with his suggestion.

"Shouldn't we uh, shouldn't we ask the boss what to do? He's in charge here right?"

There was some grumbling and some of the thugs muttered 'kissass' but all of the men looked around for said boss upon the reminder that they did in fact have a leader. Except he was gone, and Andy's brow furrowed as he realized the boss' car was gone too. What the hell, when had he left? Now that he thought about it, Andy couldn't remember the boss partaking in the gangbang. He would have thought the man would have used his position to claim first dibs on one of her holes in order to avoid sloppy seconds, but he hadn't involved himself at all. Is that when he left?

"Where the hell did the boss go?!"

"Your 'boss' was smart enough to leave while I had my fun. I'll have to thank him special later!"

Wonder Woman's voice had every thug spinning around to face her, only to find her lasso of truth no longer bound her, and was instead coiled in her hand, ready to be used. The super heroine stood in the same stance she'd arrived in, legs spread apart and hands on her hips. Even though she looked more like a used up whore in Wonder Woman cosplay than an actual heroine, she exuded menace and danger from every ounce of her body.

She laughed openly at the dumbfounded faces on the thugs around her, and Andy had to bite back a whimper. "Did you guys really think I'd have a weakness like that? Tie me up and I'll suddenly be powerless? Everyone would know, are you kidding me? I'd never be able to stop any real threats if that was an actual thing. It's so cute how you gangbangers think you've figured out something no super villain has ever managed. You get it into your tiny little heads that you've beaten me and can have your fun."

"It works for me though, I do admit I have a bit of a bondage kink and you boys satisfy that rather well. But unfortunately, fun's over now. Time to face the music. I believe I'll start with the ones who suggested killing me."

The wide grin on Wonder Woman's face was what finally did it. The thugs broke ranks, dropping weapons if they had them, and scattering in every direction. Andy did the same, eyes wide in fright and legs pumping even as his loose cargo pants threatened to trip him up every step of the way. He was out of breath in moments but he kept moving, hoping that maybe he'd be the lucky one and escape. Not noticing the shadow over head until it was too late.


Diana arrived at the Batcave to find Bruce, still dressed as Batman, already seated at his computer and working. The beautiful woman had stopped off to take a quick shower and change into a clean costume before meeting him here, but she was still surprised by his speed. After all, ten minutes ago he'd been helping her round up and arrest those thugs that she'd let use her body. Her boots clacked along the floor and she saw the moment he twitched, signifying he knew she was there.

Of course, him being Batman, that was probably more for her benefit than anything, and he'd more than likely known she was there the instant she entered his airspace. Biting her lower lip, the woman known around the world as Wonder Woman stepped up and then slowly sank to her knees, her arms coming up with her hands turned palm up, her golden lasso offered up. Of course, Bruce ignored her at first, as was his right. Diana merely stayed where she was, perfectly still.

When she'd first come to the World of Man, the Amazonian Princess had learned much. More importantly, she'd learned that most men could be safely put in two categories, good and bad. It really was that simple, despite all the shades of grey that could show up in between. But after the first time a super villain had turned her own lasso against her, Wonder Woman had learned something about herself as well, even as she'd broken free and beaten him down.

In that instant of perceived helplessness, her pussy had moistened. At first, Diana hadn't really understood what it was she was feeling. She'd had sex with a couple good men and found it to be relatively lacking, especially compared to the trysts she'd had with her sisters back on Themyscira and the rebellious orgies made up of the younger more free thinking women she'd been part of growing up. It was not until that moment where she'd been bound by a bad man, restrained with her own lasso as he gloated over her, that Diana had felt something.

Eventually she was forced to admit to herself that it was arousal. The feminist icon enjoyed being tied up, it was as simple as that. Even more than that, she discovered she enjoyed being humiliated and degraded as well. Diana Prince eventually came to realize that she had a full blown rape fetish. Of course, she was still Wonder Woman. She was still a heroine. It made it rather difficult for the woman to find the release she suddenly craved, when her desires warred with her sense of responsibility.

Until she'd met Bruce, Diana had despaired of ever being able to truly enjoy herself. Bruce Wayne was not a good man or a bad man. Bruce Wayne was a great man, and after saving the world at his side countless times, Diana Prince had realized that if she could trust him with the world, she could trust him with herself. He had been surprised at first, when she'd asked him out on a date, but she'd seen the look in his eyes. He was pleased at the idea.

When she'd taken things a step further and offered herself in her entirety to him on that first date, Diana knew she'd finally caused the great Batman to hesitate. He'd asked her if she was sure a few dozen times and seemed entirely wary of some sort of trap. But when he'd finally accepted that she was being completely honest about her desires, he'd attacked the problem with the single minded ferocity he did everything else.

She was his now, and as he finally turned from his computer to regard her silently, Diana felt her cheeks heating up under his gaze, a full body blush beginning to start growing from her face down her neck. Having his eyes on her always turned her on. It was part of what made her enjoy the gang rape as well, knowing he was there watching every moment of it. After a moment, Bruce let out an amused sigh and shook his head at her as he reached out and took the lasso from her outstretched hands.

Standing, the well-built man stepped behind her, grabbing her nonresistant arms and pulling them firmly behind her back to tie them up and secure them there.

"My filthy little Wonder Slut. What am I ever going to do with you?"

Diana bit her lip as the degradation caused her to grow all the wetter. She loved it when he debased her like that, knowing he meant it with such absolute affection and out of these sorts of situations, he had such respect for her. The fact that Bruce could throw a switch like that, differentiate between Diana the Slut and Wonder Woman the heroine, that was what made him truly great in her eyes.

Still, she didn't answer him, staying silent except for when he gave her half-bare ass a spank once he was done restraining her. That got an involuntary gasp from her even as Bruce grabbed her by her dark hair with one hand and traced a finger across her tiara with the other. He circled around to in front of her again and pulled her head back so he could look down into her eyes.

"Tell me what you want."

A simple command and Diana answered easily as she looked up, right into his eyes, locking gazes with him.

"I want to suck your cock. Please, let me suck your cock."

The words came easily, influenced by the lasso. Diana could resist her own weapon, even break free if she needed to, but with Bruce she wouldn't lie. In point of fact, Diana loved being forced to tell the truth, loved just giving into the slightly manipulative effects of the golden rope.

Bruce let out another chuckle and reached down, doing something with the crotch of his costume right at her eye level that allowed him to pull his cock out of its tight confines. He was already painfully hard, and Diana reflected, even as he let his huge length flop down across her face, that she was probably at fault for that. Her eyes went cross eyed as they tried to take in the thick prick between them, laid out as it was along her nose and across her forehead, his balls resting on her chin.

The Amazonian woman, at this moment nothing but a wanton slut, could not resist licking along the underside of his cock now that it was in front of her. She kissed up and down until he pulled back, using her grip on her head to press the tip of his dick against her lips. They opened readily and Diana took her lover's, her master's huge length down her throat readily, practically inhaling him as she eagerly suctioned her lips down around his girth.

She heard him let out a grunt as she swirled her tongue around the underside while bobbing her head up and down as his grip relaxed, giving her more control. Diana used it to take things slowly, enjoying servicing the glorious cock in front of her that was currently attached to a glorious man she loved with all her heart. Eventually, Bruce pulled back and took Diana with him, eventually falling back into his high back computer chair and letting her come to a rest between his legs as she continued to lavish praise on his long thick meat pole.

Diana moaned around the length currently plundering her throat, sending vibrations down his girth that caused Bruce to let out a groan of his own, his cock jumping in her mouth and pulsing in a way that told her he was close. And so she drew back, dialing things back until he'd calmed down a bit. Bruce allowed this, letting her keep him on the edge for some time as she slowly and sensually sucked on his cock, using every bit of experience she'd learned from her years in Man's World to make the act as pleasurable as possible without tipping him over the edge.

Eventually though, he grunted and Diana knew her lover was getting close to his personal limit. If she let him hit that, he would turn into every bit the dominant man she knew he could be, grabbing her hair roughly and choking her on his prick until he came bucket loads down her throat. Diana had enjoyed that version of Bruce's lovemaking more than once, and she was almost inclined to let it happen again. However, she'd already engaged in a wonderful rough little gangbang earlier.

With slight regret, Diana slipped her mouth off of Bruce's cock, the head of his length slipping out from between her plump lips with a plop as she slowly stood, arms still bound behind her. It made this next part a little harder, but Diana managed all the same, climbing into Bruce's lap, his chair made to bear the weight of an Amazonian Princess and himself after a couple… mishaps. It held firm, even as he placed his gloved hands on her hips and guided her down so that her own covered crotch was rubbing back and forth against his thick angry cock.

After a moment, he reached between her legs and pushed her leotard to the side, exposing her naked juicy pussy to his eyes and more importantly to his cock. Diana gasped as he pierced her core, pushing up into her easily and letting her push down to impale her slit on his length. More than half of him was inside of her drenched cunt in a single instant, a testament to just how fucking wet the Amazonian was at this point.

She felt Bruce pulsing inside of her still, the only thing holding back his climax at this point was the man's considerable willpower. Just another aspect of the caped crusader that Diana loved, how strong he was in so many different ways. Looking into his eyes, Diana leaned forward and pressed her forehead against his even as she began to slide up and down on his huge length. It felt like it was splitting her apart anew each time, yet it was the most heavenly pleasure she'd ever experienced.

Both of them were panting with exertion now and Diana moved forward just a bit more to kiss her lover on his lips, capturing his mouth with hers and wrestling with his tongue as she bounced up and down in his lap, her own release getting closer and closer with each thrust up into her hot center. When Diana finally did come, it was glorious and she screamed her ecstasy to the heavens, inadvertently breaking her bindings as she brought her arms around to wrap around Bruce's upper body.

Leaning forward as she shook, she buried his face in her chest, even as she felt him lose his battle of control as well, his huge length finally releasing its pent up load of cum deep inside of her womb. It set off another series of mini orgasms that wracked Diana's body with spasms again, before she finally calmed down. They were left panting together on the chair as Diana rested against Bruce's muscular, masculine body. After a few moments, he pulled her up and she helped him by floating just a tad to deal with her weight. Repositioning her across his lap, he leaned over and kissed her soundly on the lips. Diana smiled and hugged him, returning the kiss and nuzzling into his neck as they cuddled.

Yes, there were good men and bad men and great men. Diana's secret was that she loved to be ravaged by the bad and honestly thought the good were a little boring. But the great men, like Bruce Wayne, those were the real treasures. She was so damn lucky to have snagged one up, a man that would cater to her darkest desires and basest instincts. She wouldn't let him go for the world.


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