Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Hogwarts’ Bimbo Swots (Harry Potter)

A/N: Hogwarts' Bimbo Swots was originally written in two parts in April and August of 2020. I'm compiling it into a one-shot for ease of reading here and now.

Summary: Hermione and Daphne get punished by their big, strong Professor. Cho Chang joins in later on.

Themes: Threesome, Dom/Sub, Rough Sex


As Daphne Greengrass and Hermione Granger sit there in the quiet classroom, neither so much as looks in the other's direction. This isn't out of embarrassment or shame, nor sir… t-they just don't like each other one bit! After all, that dislike for one another was what landed them in this detention in the first place.

The two have always been competitive, academically speaking. Granger was Number One in their year, but Daphne was close behind. While she'd never managed to beat Hermione in the overall ranking each semester and end of year, she'd always been just a hair's breadth away, constantly stalking along behind the muggleborn, nipping at her heels. As well, there were assignments and tests and essays that Daphne HAD managed to outscore Hermione on, small victories here and there, even if the driven brunette bookworm STILL managed to somehow take it home, year after year.

So yes, they were rivals… and not the friendly sort, either. Their latest confrontation had turned physical. They'd gone too far, been caught by this year's DADA Professor, and been put in detention with the man. Said man who was even now seated behind his desk at the front of the classroom, barely paying either of them any mind… until suddenly, he speaks up.

"You know, you've both lost your respective Houses a ton of points due to this little tiff between the two of you."

Hermione gasps at that, while Daphne flushes just a tad. The brunette bookworm o-obviously cared about points more than Slytherin's Ice Queen. I-It wasn't like Daphne cared what anyone in her House thought of her anyways. No matter that both Tracey and Astoria's disappointed faces crossed her mind when they found out that she had singlehandedly let her obsession with Granger ruin their House's chances of winning the House Cup this year.

"But more than that… this will have to go on your permanent records."

This time, Daphne gasps too… though Hermione's gasp is even louder, covering up the Greengrass Heiress' wide-eyed reaction… or so Daphne wished. Regardless, Hermione rises from her seat, planting both hands on the desk she'd been sat at as she leans forward.

"B-But Professor! I can't… I can't have fighting on my permanent record! That's worse than being expelled!"

For Daphne, the feeling is almost shared, but for a different reason. A true princess of Slytherin House, Daphne really can't have everyone knowing her as the witch who got caught brawling like a… like a commoner. She and Hermione had engaged in some vicious hair pulling indeed when their opening salvo had been to disarm each other in unison.

That's why, Daphne rises from her seat as well. Neither witch acknowledges the other, but they still manage to approach the Professor's desk in lockstep. As they do so, a wicked smile spreads across Daphne's lips, while a pouty bout of puppy eyes crosses Hermione's face. Daphne ends up leaning forward over the Professor's desk, blouse tastefully unbuttoned at the top, just enough to show off some of her luscious, massive tits.

Meanwhile, Hermione perches on the edge of the Professor's desk and bats her eyelashes at him, shorter-than-regulation skirt slightly hiked up to show just a hint of tasty, tanned thigh. Both of them are willing to do this much, if they can get their little tussle struct from their permanent records~

"Professor~ Surely you wouldn't let something as silly as this hurt our future prospects?"

"Granger just got a little out of control. I was defending myself. Is self-defense punished now?"

Granger shoots her a dirty look, but Daphne only has eyes for their Professor. So does Hermione, a moment later, when said Professor stands up, displaying his full height and reminding both young witches of the fact that, before becoming the DADA Professor, he was a fully-trained Auror. More than that, he was a fully trained Auror in his prime, this little stopover at Hogwarts just being a sabbatical. It showed in his big, strong physique, and Daphne finds herself licking her lips right alongside Hermione as both girls imagine the training regimen that he probably puts himself through, day after day.

Crossing his arms over his chest, the Professor snorts derisively at the two of them.

"I'm not some little boy, to be impressed by you putting on a show, girls. A pretty little Veela once tried what you're trying now, and after I was done with her, she bought herself a collar and begged me to let her stay under my desk, even during office hours."

Both Daphne and Hermione blush at his matter of fact tone, the two witches easily able to imagine it in their heads, even briefly fantasizing about it, not that either would ever admit it. They aren't that kind of girl… but this is important, isn't it?

Hermione is slightly faster than Daphne, and before the Slytherin can react, the brunette's pretty fingers go up to her blouse buttons, beginning to undo them. Daphne can only stare, wide-eyed, as Hermione takes it far beyond where the Ice Queen herself has gone so far. Of course, Hermione freezes up for a second a moment later, when the Professor plunges his fingers between her puffy, pouty lips right as she's trying to say something seductive.

Hermione instinctively slurps at the Professor's digits, even as she pauses in removing her blouse.

"Do you know why everyone lets you talk as much as you do, Miss Granger? I suspect it's because they're imagining these lips of yours being used for more important matters, such as sucking their cocks or kissing their cunts."

Hermione's eyes widen and her blush intensifies, even as she keeps on slurping. She's not like that, r-really, she isn't! B-But… do people really think of her like that?"

"Ten points for having perfect little cock pillows, Miss Granger."

Before Hermione can even comprehend what she herself is doing, her blouse is half off, and the Professor looks undeniably impressed by her tits. Though that's not how he refers to them.

"My oh my. What a delicious pair of big, tanned udders. Big enough to keep a nursery fed if I had to make a bet. Hm, maybe THAT'S the reason everyone does what you say and lets you boss them around. Perhaps they're thinking you'll let them have a taste of these Grade A, One Hundred Percent Good Girl Milk Jugs if they impress you with a good mark on their tests."

The Professor reaches out then, and grabs her tits… no, her udders. As he plays with her milk jugs, albeit without removing her red, bikini-cut bra, Hermione's blush reaches down her neck and across her chest as well, the brunette utterly red at this point as she bites her lower cock pillow hard, now that his fingers are no longer occupying her mouth.

"Twenty points for each tit, Miss Granger. A remarkable pair of specimens, to be sure. Honestly, I wonder how the Gryffindor boys can even stand up straight when they have both you and Lavender Brown gracing them with your fat racks."

Hermione squirms in embarrassment, but nevertheless, when his hands leave her body and he looks at her expectantly, she moves to keep stripping… only to stop when he holds up a hand.

"Keep the bra on. Otherwise… continue."

Hermione just nods, blushing profusely and ducking her head in humiliation. Her skirt comes off next, followed by her red, bikini-cut panties… and then she's all but naked in front of the Professor, who circles around her for a moment, nodding his head in admiration. And then…


The brunette squeaks, mortified as he slaps her big, fat badonkadonk, causing her thicc cheeks to clap together.

"No wonder everyone always lets you lead, Miss Granger. They get to see this ass bounce and jiggle all the way to their destination."

Of course, Hermione blushes even more when he circles back around to the front of her, and she realizes he can see the tiny brunette lightning bolt that her bush has been trimmed down to, the manicured landing strip right atop her mount, right above her otherwise shaved twat. When he glances down at it and then gives her a raised brow, Hermione whimpers and squeaks out a justification.

"I-It's for luck!"

He just chuckles, thankfully choosing not to grill her on it further. Instead, he mauls her ass, hefting and spanking her behind, bouncing it in his grasp as Hermione finds herself gasping and moaning, writhing in place at his strong, experienced touch. She's getting close to an orgasm already, and j-just from her touching her like this o-of all things!

"You know, in my experience, the school swots always have the most bimbo-like bodies… you tend to prove that rule, Miss Granger."

Blushing, Hermione squeaks and tries to deny it, though the words barely leave her lips before she's feeling smug and proud as he gives her points for her ass, thighs, and legs. The Professor catalogues every part of her body, awarding Gryffindor points for her perfect figure, and despite Hermione being HIGHLY embarrassed and perhaps a little humiliated… she also can't help but be happy, even pleased with how he's praising her form.

Of course, eventually he runs out of bits to praise…


When her big, strong Professor gives an order, Hermione Granger follows it like the good girl that she is. Which is why the brunette bookworm is left where she is, standing there wearing nothing but her red bikini-cut bra, her arms clasped behind her, just as the Professor ordered of her. It's Daphne's turn now…

As the Professor stalks towards her, Slytherin's Ice Queen stands tall and proud and defiant. Or rather, that's how she sees herself, internally. In truth, she's fidgeting and squirming and blushing just as much as Hermione did, she's just not willing to admit it. Just as she's not willing to admit that she's been caught staring at Hermione's nearly-naked form multiple times at this point.

Regardless, she's not some commoner to be pushed around, and Daphne steps forward to meet the Professor, to make sure he knows it.

"I-If you think you can just toy w-with me like you did Granger, you've got a-another thing coming, P-Professor! J-Just because you're bigger and stronger than me, doesn't mean I'll let you push me around!"

The Professor just smirks at her, as if he's seeing right through her. But then, what is there to see? She's being perfectly honest! Or so she thinks. In truth, Daphne isn't being honest with anyone… least of all herself.

Chuckling, the DADA Professor just shrugs his shoulders.

"Of course. You're a noblewoman after all, aren't you?"

Daphne's eyes widen slightly, and her back instinctively straightens.

"T-That's right! I'm the Heiress of the Most Ancient and Exalted-!"

"Which, Miss Greengrass, is no doubt the reason that you're built like a bimbo, just like Miss Granger."

As the Professor decisively and derisively cuts her off, Daphne lets out an indignant gasp… but he's not done, smirking at her, staring at her knowingly, those eyes of him seeming like they can read her like an open book…

"The last heiress I dealt with demanded I initial her ass so everyone would know who she belonged to. A real spitfire, to be sure."

She… who could he be talking about? Daphne ruthlessly tamps down on the spark of jealousy at his words, full on ignoring that she's barely pushing on the tip of a massive iceberg, it's true size hidden beneath the ocean waves of her lust. She's not like that, not like whoever he's referring to, s-so it doesn't matter, a-and-!

As if reading her thoughts, the DADA Professor shrugs.

"But you're not like that, are you? So… you're free to go. You've lost your points; you've served your detention. Shoo."

How… how DARE he?! Nobody dismisses a Greengrass like that, certainly not Daphne Greengrass! She's going to make him eat those words! Reaching up without thought, Daphne begins to strip down, just as Hermione did. Unconsciously, she turns it into a full-blown striptease for her Professor, wholly without meaning to. She's doing it instinctively, a bimbo witch submitting subconsciously to the powerful, well-built, virile wizard standing before her.

Meanwhile, the DADA Professor simply crosses his arms and watches her, though not without encouraging her… like when he gives her points for her lips like he did Hermione, and then her tits as well. Not to mention the rest of her. She SHOULD be getting more indignant, but she's unconsciously obeying instead, not even realizing that she's hefting her breasts up, swaying her ass in a figure eight, clapping and twerking her butt cheeks in something like a savage, primate mating dance.

Daphne loses complete control of herself for a time, the Professor's words of encouragement and appreciation washing over her, combined with the pleasure that earning back those House Points brings. R-Really, Daphne couldn't care less about the points… b-but Tracey and Astoria would be happy, so that was g-good. It wasn't like having the Professor reward her points made her f-feel good or anything.

Of course, eventually she's done, having shown off just as much as Hermione… and it's then that Daphne comes back to herself, recovering from her stupor and realizing just how… just how much she just humiliated and embarrassed herself. That was NOT how a noblewoman was supposed to act… right? Even if the Professor had mentioned having another heiress get his initials tattooed onto her ass, it wasn't like all pureblood witches were sluts for a powerful, virile wizard like their DADA Professor. D-Daphne certainly wasn't!

It doesn't help that Hermione is staring at her open-mouthed and shocked though. Daphne scowls, ready to growl at Granger to shut up, even though Hermione hasn't even said anything yet… but before she can do so, their Professor decides something else is in order. Namely, that it's time for them to kiss and makeup.


There is no warning, of course. One moment, the two mostly naked witches are staring at each other, or rather, Hermione is staring in wide-eyed shock, while Daphne is coloring quickly and growing more agitated by the moment… and the next, their Professor has pushed Daphne into Hermione. There's a shriek, followed by a squeal, and then the two are mashed together, huge tits pancaked against each other.

Hermione's hands go to Daphne's tits and Daphne's hands close on Hermione's tanned ass as Gryffindor stares at Slytherin and Slytherin stares back at Gryffindor, now mutually shocked. And then habit kicks in and they scowl at each other.

"You tripped me! On purpose!"

"What?! You fell into me! It's not my fault you're a klutz you stupid Slytherin!"

But even as they start accusing each other of creating their current situation, their bodies are being far more honest, actually writhing against one another. And their faces are quite red and flushed, while thicc thighs slip between long, creamy legs. Suddenly, Hermione has Daphne in her grasp, the Slytherin Princess struggling helplessly when Hermione's thigh slips between her legs and she's suddenly hefting up Daphne's creamy tits, looking somewhat malicious as she grins wickedly.

"Look at these royal udders. You're such a snob, Greengrass, but really, you out to be milked like a cow."

Daphne sputters, having a hard time coming back with a response at first, what with how Hermione is squeezing her massive tits and tweaking, twisting, and tugging at her nipples. As Daphne moans and gasps, Hermione leans forward and whispers harshly into her ear.

"You're just a pair of slutty princess tits, Greengrass. And that's all you'll ever be."

Perhaps that's exactly what Daphne needs to hear, or perhaps she would have recovered and flipped things around regardless what Hermione said next. Regardless, between one moment and the next, the two's position is reversed as quite suddenly, Hermione is pinned down on a nearby desk, gasping and squealing indignantly as Daphne squeezes and mauls her ass.

"Shut up! You and your hippogriff butt have no room to talk, Granger!"

Spanking Hermione's behind and making her fat ass cheeks bounce and jiggle together, Daphne hisses down at Hermione, returning the brunette's insults right back to her.

"You clap these cheeks of yours just by walking, pretending to be a goody two shoes while your ass claps and jiggles like a centaur mare in heat!"

Hermione whines, her ass just as sensitive as Daphne's tits… but before either of them can do anything else, the Professor makes his presence known once more.


Delivering hefty smacks to both of their perfect backsides at the same time, far harder than Daphne's swats to Hermione's ass, the Professor draws indignant squeals from both girls as he lets out a sigh and shakes his head.

"You're both worse than I thought. It's obvious I'm going to have to deal with you two personally, just like every other delinquent witch I've had to handle. I thought you two merely misguided… but it's worse then that. You two are a pair of depraved, debauched bimbo sluts, aren't you?"


Spinning about, Hermione pushes her big tits against the Professor's chest and glowers up at him, glaring aggressively.

"H-How dare you! J-Just because you're our Professor doesn't mean you can t-talk to us like this! W-Who do you think you are?!"

Daphne's not far behind, squeezing in right alongside Granger and taking up even more of the valuable real estate that is the Professor's broad chest as she too pushes her rack against him and glares. After all, she's Heiress Greengrass! She's beyond reproach… right?


Another pair of mutual smacks later has the two witches squealing once again as the Professor turns the spankings into harsh maulings of their respective backsides, snorting derisively as he looks down at them without a single ounce of worry in his eyes.

"I'm not one of the little boys that you both like to boss around so much, girls. That's forty points from both Gryffindor and Slytherin for backtalk."

Neither witch is stupid, they quickly recognize that's all the points their respective knockers earned them.

"It's obvious to me now that you two need to be treated differently. So, I'm going to treat you the way I treated certain chronic law breakers as an Auror."

Pulling his hands back, pulling away from the both of them, the Professor begins stripping off his robes. Hermione and Daphne both freeze up and can only stare, wide eyed, as their DADA Professor does a lewd play, like Clark Kent turning into Superman… though only Hermione really has that frame of reference to make that connection. For Daphne, it's as if the court wizard from all the stories has turned into the big, beefy, hulking barbarian that always kidnapped and held the princess for ransom.

N-Not that Daphne had ever fantasized about being said princess or being kidnapped by a beefy barbarian or anything like that. She c-certainly hadn't ever fantasized about being a damsel in distress, beholden to the whims of a man. She was a strong, independent witch, and she didn't need no man! But… that didn't necessarily mean she didn't WANT one.

Slack jawed at the sight of him, it's really not either of the girls' fault. After all, they've never seen such a big, strong, virile man before.

"Though… I can't FORCE either of you to do anything. If you want, you can walk out that door right now, and go on to live the lives of delinquents, until your naughty behavior lands you in prison. Perhaps I'll even be the one to put you there. However, if you want to turn things around… then I'll expect your full cooperation, here and now. Unless, of course, you think you can do better alone?"

Hermione's a good girl, and she's already smashed up against his chest again, his now-bared chest as he gropes her ass again. She's a good girl… but she can't help but snuggle up against him and think that maybe she just deserves to be punished… Daphne's not much better either, her gorgeous body crushed against the thuggish barbarian commoner, drinking in his scent as she realizes that she's going to be utterly defiled and destroy by… by this brute, like all of the stories, like what proper pureblood women were all warned about, growing up.

Then, reality kicks in and the both of them huff and puff and scowl and scoff at their DADA Professor. Of COURSE they can do better alone! The two witches continue to hold that belief as they drop to their knees right then and there in front of their Professor, only to reach out and simultaneously hook their fingers into the waistband of their boxers.

Their momentary pride and self-confidence, as well as their arrogance, are all unanimously shattered when they yank said boxers down, only to realize that the HUGE bulge they'd been seeing, a fat club of cockmeat to be sure… is actually him being soft. Both Hermione and Daphne shiver in delight, even as they try to mask their breeding queen tendencies behind indignation that he's still not hard.

Hermione is the first to act, shoving Daphne out of the way and taking front and center stage as she begins to use every tool in her arsenal to work over the Professor's cock. She's certainly a good girl… but the Professor hit the nail right on the head. This school swot DOES have a bimbo body, and she's quite skilled at making use of it. If not for this, then what for?

Except, no matter how hard Hermione tries, no matter how much she uses her fat udders, her glorious tanned milk jugs, no matter how much she uses her cock pillow lips and her dexterous hands… she can't get him off. She can't even get him fully hard. She gets him maybe a quarter of the way there with her tongue and her mouth and her breasts before Daphne growls and shoves her aside.

"You're useless, Granger!"

As Hermione pouts mightily but is forced to acknowledge that in this instance, Daphne might be right, the Greengrass Heiress takes her turn… and figuratively falls flat on her face in failure as well. She does everything Granger does, but better, or so she feels in her head. And to be fair, much like Hermione did, she makes SOME progress before her efforts seem to reach a cap that she can't surpass.

Both of them are wearing facades, in truth. Hermione is like a hungry wildcat behind her good girl mask, while Daphne is an eager succubus, pretending to be an icy princess. And yet, both of them can't do anything alone… in the end, they look at one another and come to the same realization in the same moment… they're going to have to work together.

After all, how long has it been already, and even with their individual efforts, the Professor is only half hard at best… and already beginning to lose some of his chub? Their DADA Professor is a true MAN, with a massive, manly, monstrous cock. He's got a real bitch breaker, and both of them know it… just as they know, deep down inside, that they're both bitches about to be broken by it.

But he can't very well break them on his cock one after the other if they're not even capable of getting him fully erect, now can he?! In the end, the succubus princess and the good girl wildcat end up working together… and what a team they make. Pressing up against each other, using their tongues on either side of the Professor's cock, they work him over with all the tools in their arsenal, from their pillowy lips, to their fat tits, to even their eyes.

Both of them stare up at their DADA Professor as they FINALLY work together, cooperating with one another instead of competing for the first time in… ever. He smiles back down at them both approvingly, even though he keeps his arms crossed over his chest. Daphne and Hermione would NEVER admit it, but his approving smile sends thrills of satisfaction through both of them. Even if they also secretly wish he would give them head pats for a job well done, wanting to feel the powerful wizard's hands atop their heads, the pressure of his palms and the sensation of his fingers curling through their hair and scratching their scalps gently.

Working together, they get him all the way erect, marveling at the sheer SIZE of his cock as it finally stands at full mast before them. Together, the naughty, bimbo witches finally earn their reward.

"Good girls. Normally, I wouldn't be giving you both anything this early… but I've rarely had students who make such excellent progress so quickly."

Hermione and Daphne both shudder in soul-deep satisfaction at the Professor's words, while at the same time completely missing their current state. They don't realize it, but they're cheek to cheek right now, tits half-smashed against the other's, mouths wide open and begging for it… and lewdest of all, their fingers interlaced between their bodies as they hold hands in anticipation of what's to come.

Their reward, when it arrives moments later, is a one-man bukkake. The Professor's load is more than enough to pair their faces and their huge tits white, while leaving plenty left over to fill their greedy mouths to the spilling point. They drink and they slurp, and they swallow their Professor's delicious, viscous cum… and before they know what's happening, they're cleaning each other off with their tongues as well, moaning at one another as they flush and blush, their eyes going heavily lidded.

It takes a long moment for them to realize what they're doing, but just as they come back to their senses, AGAIN… the Professor gives them no time to pull apart or even to so much as scowl at each other, let alone spout more insults towards one another. Instead, he grabs them and lifts them up with ease, throwing them onto the large bed he's transfigured his desk into while they were distracted with cleaning each other off.

Staring up at his huge frame with wide eyes, realizing that he's still fully erect even after cumming once and now they're about to experience the breaking on his cock that they've both been dreading and anticipating for some time now, the two witches don't even have time to agitate and irritate one another. Of course, if you asked either of them, they'd deny that they were biting their lips and holding each other tight. Certainly, Daphne would deny that she was prying Hermione's thicc booty wide like an offering to this magical GOD standing before them.

But their denials wouldn't make their actions any less true…


Staring down at them, stroking his ridiculously huge cock, not even looking lightheaded despite the amount of blood that must have been flowing into the thing, the well-built Professor snorts in amusement down at both bimbo swots.

"Is that really how you're going to present yourself to me? As silly, horny little sluts?"

Of course, being told that they're nothing more than silly little girls is offensive… and even as they sputter and deny it, Hermione is lifting Daphne's legs up, spreading her thighs just as Daphne has spread her ass cheeks, leaving them stacked atop one another. Daphne has Hermione's ass spread open and Hermione has Daphne's cunt exposed.

It makes for an amusing, if slightly ridiculous sight, what with them scowling and growling at him, all while presenting themselves to him. All while they're shaking their hips back at him enticingly, Hermione shaking her PHAT cheeks while Daphne wraps her legs around Granger and arches her back. Both glare at their Professor, until he steps up and without even climbing onto the bed, cock slaps Hermione's backside, drawing a wanton moan of lust from the brunette, while Daphne's glare turns into a jealous mewl.

"Twenty points to Gryffindor for this fantastically bouncy booty, Miss Granger. Heh, for a smart, studious witch such as yourself, your body sure looks like it was made to keep men warm, you know."

Hermione's latest indignant gasp is cut short when the Good Professor stretches her pussy wide open around his cock, slowly penetrating her inch by methodical inch. Shrieking, the brunette bimbo bookworm claws at the sheets on either side of Daphne, while the Professor reaches out and gets a good grip on her curls, maintaining it until every last inch of his massive, monstrous member is buried in her sopping wet, stretched twat.

Only once he's hilted inside of her does the DADA Professor let go of her hair, causing Hermione to slump over Daphne, gasping into the Slytherin's shoulder. She mumbles something that no one else can hear, but the Professor snorts and gives her ass a light swat as he stays buried in her cunt.

"What was that, Miss Granger? If you have something to say… share it with the class."

Hermione snaps, twisting her neck around and scowling at him over her shoulder.


Rather than being the last of her declaration however, that seems to be what breaks the dam within her holding everything back. Turning back around, Hermione arches her back and moans up to the ceiling as she continues to shriek and scream. What follows is an altogether LEWD confession, about how the brunette bookworm has LONGED for someone to gag her with cock or muffle her with pussy.

How she's always wished that a big strong wizard like the Professor would use her curls as reins while fucking her throat whenever she started lecturing. She further goes on to say that every time she's been a little know-it-all, it's because she's wanted those she was telling off to just BEND her over the nearest desk and go to TOWN on her, fucking her until she couldn't even think straight, let along walk straight.

Then the Professor tells Daphne to quiet Granger down a bit, and really, it's not Daphne's fault that she uses her tits to do it. It's just what works best. Honest. But then Granger is sucking and slurping and biting her way out of her pillowy prison and Daphne's chest proves not quite up to the task of handling the brunette as those brown eyes of Granger's snap up and meets Daphne's reddened face.

"Fuck, I love your fat fucking princess tits!"

Daphne's blush intensifies, and the Slytherin Princess hurriedly shoves Hermione back down. But not before the Professor heard, and he grins wickedly, leaning over them both. His eyes bore into Daphne's, but his words are for Hermione.

"You know, Miss Granger… while you're currently nursing from Miss Greengrass, it's Miss Greengrass who's holding your cheeks open, presenting your baby-bearing body up for me to defile. Your snobby aristocratic rival is spreading you open, letting you drink from her teats while she offers you up as a broodmare for a big, strong, stud."

Perhaps a little breathless, Daphne nevertheless knows when it's her turn to interject, looking down into those brown eyes, that are even now looking back up at her from betwixt her tits.

"You like being this big brute's breeding bitch, Granger?"

It's supposed to be snide and mocking, but it really comes out throaty, sultry, and altogether playful… and in that moment Hermione breaks, shrieking into Daphne's own milk jugs as her eyes fully roll back in her head, tongue swirling around one of Daphne's nipples. The brunette bookworm spasms and seizes up for what feels like an eternity, but is really only a few minutes, at the end of the day.

It's still an awfully long time to be orgasming, and Daphne is almost worried for her academic rival by the time Hermione stops cumming around the Professor's big fat cock. As he pulls out of her, as he pulls out of Granger's half-conscious, drooling form, Daphne shivers in delight, knowing that now… it's her turn.

However, the Professor decides that Daphne is going to get something different. With Granger rolled off of her and recovering on the other side of the bed, the Slytherin Princess soon finds herself straddling the Professor's form as he lays back and watches her from above. Wide-eyed, Daphne gulps as she crouches above the truly mammoth-sized member that the DADA Professor is sporting, realizing that she's soon going to have a cock that makes some centaurs look bad shoved up inside of her.

Taking hold of it with both hands, Daphne lodges it against her cunt lips and then lets go, preferring to bring her arms up to her pillowy tits and squeeze her little hands into fists as she begins to try and impale herself on the Professor's cock in a distinctly unladylike way. But then to be fair, there was no such thing as the cowgirl position when it came to noblewoman. A true lady was supposed to just lie back and take it. Sex wasn't about pleasure for a Pureblood Heiress, or at least it wasn't supposed to be. It was supposed to be about duty, about getting pregnant and popping out a brat or two to continue the family line.

That was what Daphne had been raised her entire life for, and while she was certainly about to get fucked and creampied and possibly even bred by her DADA Professor… she was certainly NOT prepared for how good it was going to feel.

It's while this is all going through her head that the Professor decides to rock his hips up, causing Daphne's eyes to widen to the size of saucers as he impales her on at least a quarter of his truly massive cock. Daphne howls and her body betrays her, hips rolling eagerly to take in more and more of his shaft, hands unclenching from fists in order to maul her own tits some as she begins to ride him like a greedy concubine.

She can't help but make a show of it as more and more of his member disappears inside of her, stretching her cunt nice and wide, bulging out her trim abdomen quite lewdly. Playing with her tits, raking fingers through her hair, she does everything on instinct, all while her greedy pussy milks him just as hungrily as Hermione's did.

Speaking of Granger… as Daphne begins to lose control, shrieking and squealing and screaming her ecstasy, their Professor reaches over and gives Hermione a sharp smack to her upturned bubble butt, waking her up. The following order to help keep Greengrass' voice down is one Hermione tries not to show eagerness for.

To start with, she was j-just trying to muffle Greengrass with her tits like Daphne had done to her when it was her turn, so while are they suddenly kissing? Why is she suddenly mauling Daphne's tits with both hands, while is she nibbling and suckling at the Ice Queen's throat and whispering that Daphne looks just right at home being bred by a big brute like Hermione had been, like some… s-some uppity princess? It all feels so right… as does what Hermione does next.

In a surprising display of strength, Hermione mercilessly corkscrews Daphne the rest of the way down the Professor's cock, almost mind breaking her right then and there while delivering spanks to her creamy bottom. Really, it's quickly becoming too much for the Pureblood Noblewoman. Knowing that she's being sandwiched between these two… c-commoners, both of whom are enjoying her lewd body without reservation.

Fuck, she's kissing GRANGER of all people, and both Granger's and the Professor's hands are all over Daphne, from the Professor groping Daphne's ass while thrusting up into her from below, to Granger's hand tracing the bulge in her abdomen represented by the Professor's cock buried deep in Daphne's womb by this point.

Funnily enough, it's not any particular act itself, nor is it anything Hermione or the Professor says… rather, it's the sudden stark realization that amidst all the pleasure, this brutish man has busted right through Daphne's cervix and invaded her most sacred place, her womb… and she didn't even notice. No, more than that, in the pursuit of more pleasure, out of a desire to let him have his way with her and breed her… Daphne didn't even CARE that he'd conquered her womb. He'd already conquered the rest of her, after all.

With that, it's Daphne's turn to break, her eyes rolling up in her head, her tongue fully lolling out of her mouth as she goes crazy cumming over and over again on their Professor's cock. Hermione captures her tongue with her own, kissing Daphne once more to silence her squealing shrieking screams, but all in all, Daphne is too out of it to even notice, full on ahegaoing right there atop their Professor's dick.

Of course, even after Daphne finds herself peeled off of his cock, even after he's fucked her silly just as much as Hermione… both of them recognize one simple fact. Not counting the bukkake, he still hasn't cum yet. Despite all the talk of breeding, they haven't made him cum. It's in that moment that the two really realize… they're just getting started.

That's something that the Professor affirms a moment later when he casually lifts Hermione up into the air and drops her down onto his cock in a full nelson, his powerful arms sliding under her legs and then back behind her shoulders and head, his hands lacing together through her hair as he buries his cock in her twat, Hermione's face contorting in fresh pleasure, taking on a truly ridiculous and humiliating expression, not that she cares.

Daphne ends up joining them by licking at the place where Hermione and their Professor are joined… and that's just the first instance of the two witches working together to pleasure the powerful wizard who's so thoroughly turned them into his cock hungry whores. The next several hours are filled with more of the same… just as Daphne and Hermione both end up filled with cum again and again over that length of time.

Getting creampied by their Professor just becomes a part of the experience, truth be told, a novelty that never loses it's luster, but certainly happens more than enough for it to not be any grand, amazing moment after the umpteenth time it happens. Daphne and Hermione end up cooperating with each other like never before, just like their Professor clearly intended, both of them eager to extract his seed from his massive bitch breaking cock and his hefty, churning ball sack.

At a certain point, they grow so close to each other in their team up that they stop caring WHERE the seed even goes, so long as they manage to extract another cum load, so long as the hot, delicious, life-giving cum at least goes to one of them. The Professor turns them both into breeding sows, and they love it, they love him… they just want more, the two of them, there's no doubt about it.

So, when he gives them their new uniforms, consisting of chokers in their house colors, tied off blouses and short little skirts, while letting them keep their thigh highs… neither Daphne nor Hermione complain. Even if 'giving them their new uniforms' actually consists of 'stuffing them into them right then and there'.

Things end with both sluttily dressed schoolgirls cuddling up against him as Harry's aging potion wears off and the Room of Requirement turns from the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom to a nice, cozy den. Despite his earlier display of utter confidence as an aged Auror and Professor, Harry's smile is more tentative and hopeful as he looks to his two girls.

"… So, did you have fun?"

Hermione eagerly purrs in Harry's embrace, while the Princess looks away, biting her lip in a sexy pout until Harry just laughs and drags her against his chest. In response, Daphne arcs her back, moaning as her brute manhandles and enjoys the feel of her body against his. Finally, reluctantly, Daphne speaks up.

"It was fun… but it's my turn next, right?"

Harry's smile is kind and genuine as he gives her a nod, while Hermione giggles and nods as well, both of them looking at her expectantly. Having them both on board, Daphne's eyes go wide at the possibilities, and… and… well, they're HER commoners, her Barbaric Gryffindors, not that she'd admit to Hermione that she considered her anything other than her rival. Her nipples are tightening beneath her tied-off blouse just thinking about it.

Of course, before Daphne can say anything, the Room of Requirement's door suddenly swings open and deposits a red head. Susan Bones had been just behind the Room of Requirement's door, having convinced the room to let her peep by thinking very hard about wanting to watch Harry, Hermione, and Daphne without entering.

Ah, but you can't fool the room forever, and as she'd tried to stand up, her legs weak, trying not to stare at the monster between Harry's thighs, the door had swung open and she'd fallen inside, only for the door to somehow swing back around behind her and close shut, leaving her in the Room of Requirement, alone with Hogwarts' hottest threesome.

Sports bra struggling to contain her huge breasts, exercise shorts soaked through and not just from sweat from the run she'd been on before noticing the threesome making their way up to the Room of Requirement, Susan blushes as red a crimson as her hair color, even as she takes in the reactions of the trio she'd just intruded upon. Only Harry is visibly surprised by her appearance, looking completely flabbergasted, a far cry from the confident Professor he'd so easily portrayed during the roleplay mere moments before.

Daphne and Hermione, meanwhile, look upon her with hooded eyes and knowing smirks… and Susan can't help but feel like she just found herself stranded in a shark tank. Of course, for the Hufflepuff… that feeling only turns her on all the more…


There's a smirk on Assistant Instructor Cho Chang's face as she bends over, stretching in such a tantalizing way that the only other person in the workout room will just HAVE to look at her and acknowledge her greatness. There's no denying it… Cho is a perfectly fine, exceptionally hot piece of ass, and she knows it too. Back in her Hogwarts days, she may have struggled to acknowledge it, at least early on.

But graduating from Hogwarts and immediately getting picked up by the Tutshill Tornadoes to play Quidditch professionally had done wonders for the gorgeous Seeker's confidence. Now, looking back, Cho could realize that she'd been a hot piece of fucking ass as Ravenclaw's Seeker, and she'd caused more than a few crashes in her time on the Pitch by accident. These days, she was an even hotter piece of ass as Captain of the Tornadoes, and it wasn't an accident anymore when she flaunted her body and caused her rival Seekers to slam into the ground at high speeds.

Of course, even a drop-dead gorgeous bitch like her needed a break, every once in a while. She was on top of the world and had just led the Tornadoes to a Quidditch League Cup. Every witch wanted to be her, and every wizard wanted to be with her. Of course, she was untouchable. At the height of her prime. There was no way Cho was going to settle for anyone but the best, not when she was universally regarded as the best Professional Seeker in the world.

… And if that word 'professional' felt like an asterisk next to her accomplishment, if there were rumors spread by her old classmates muttering about how she was only the best because a wizard with green eyes, messy black hair, and a faded scar on his forehead hadn't gone Professional… well, they were just jealous. Cho knew exactly how good she was, and she didn't need to prove anything to anyone!

Which was why she'd decided to take this sabbatical, leaving the post- AND pre-season training to her Vice-Captain while Cho herself went back to her roots, taking on the open Assistant Instructor position at Hogwarts under Madam Hooch. So far, it wasn't bad… but there was one point of irritation for the absolutely gorgeous, stacked, sexy Chinese bombshell.

And he was in the workout room with Cho right fucking now. How 'lucky' the DADA Professor should feel that she would deign to spend her time in Hogwarts' workout facilities, new and recently installed, with him. Of course, Cho hasn't failed to notice how big and cut the new DADA Professor is… for a white boy, anyways.

What's really surprising… and also quite vexing for the gorgeous witch, is the fact that he's really not paying as much attention to her as he should be. Having entered the workout room ten minutes ago, Cho has been going through her pre-workout stretches, like any sane athlete would. As she stretches, she's been making sure to… draw the eye, so to speak. It was instinct more than anything else at this point. If you've got it, you want to flaunt it. After all, you never know how it might help you out on the pitch.

And yet, Cho has gotten good at knowing when a man is paying her the attention and respect her body and status deserves. However, instead of feeling the heat of an intense gaze, or perhaps hearing the DADA Professor mess up his own workout from distraction, she felt a distinct lack… like she was being ignored.

Which, in her constrained sports bra and tight little exercise shorts, wasn't something Cho was used to experiencing. She'd had professional instructors, wizards who'd been in the sport of Quidditch for decades, drop their weights on their feet and not even feel the pain as they watched her stretch.

It was irritating, but at the same time, ever so slightly intriguing. Was he just going to ignore her the entire time? With a grunt, the DADA Professor secures the barbell back on the rack, having finished another set of reps. Then he sits up and grabs more weights, adding them on. As he does so, he speaks up, much to Cho's surprise, idle chit-chatting at most.

"Seems that you've been putting my students through their paces, Ms. Chang. I've never seen them more exhausted in my class then they are after flying lessons are done for the day."

Cho smirks at that, making sure to jut her chest out in the Professor's direction, though it's not as impressive as her buttocks and thighs, even as she begins to work with weights of her owns. Though, she sticks to dumbbells, combining them with a yoga routine of her own design that both works every part of her extremely fit body.

"Of course, Professor~ They need to learn what the real world is like, after all. Not every problem can be solved by running to daddy, after all!"

The big, strong, muscular DADA Professor inclines his head in agreement to that, even as he goes back under the barbell and starts lifting again. He surprises her by continuing the conversation while doing so, showing impressive lung capacity, and breathing control in the process. He doesn't even sound winded!

"Some of them… the boys in particular, seem rather distracted afterwards as well, Ms. Chang."

This time, there's a hint of reproach and disapproval in the Professor's voice. Like… like he's blaming h-her or something! Cho scoffs at that and flips her long, straight black hair back over her shoulder as she sniffs haughtily for good measure.

"Perhaps these boys just need to find their focus then. I was certainly never distracted like that, nor have I ever needed to use such tactics to… to…"


Letting the barbell drop back onto it's rack again, the Professor lifts himself up into a sitting position on the bench and gives Cho a singularly unimpressed look, before pulling a simple magical photograph from the pocket of his loose sweats.

"Is that so, Ms. Chang? Because I believe this begs to differ."

Confused but not quite worried just yet, Cho takes the magical photograph. Sensing a new person has grabbed it, it resets to the beginning of it's loop… and Cho gasps at what she sees staring back at her. It's her back when she was the hottest little piece of ass in Ravenclaw before she became the hottest piece of ass bar none in the Quidditch Scene.

In the photo, Cho watches her younger self bring a suspiciously familiar head of messy black hair to her perfectly perky tits, a smug look on her young face as she does so. In the presence, Cho blushes profusely, and tries to haltingly explain.

"I… y-you need to understand, this was back during the Triwizard T-Tournament… everyone knew the Fourth Champion had to have c-cheated to get his spot. All I was t-trying to do was wring a confession out of him so Ceddy would have o-one less distraction…"

Her explanation was perfectly sound and logical… but even as Cho spoke, her breath is quickening, because in the photo before her, the loop is still continuing on. It hasn't reset yet. Instead, she watches her past self sneak a hand under the Fourth Champion's belt, leaving the present Cho Chang to sputter and blush and shudder from memory.

"A-All I was trying to do was make him fess up! I-It's not my fault he turned out to be so… so… BIG!"

Unfortunately, that's not the end of the loop either. The magical picture is almost a magical video of sorts, to Cho's shock and growing embarrassment, as she witnesses her younger self being so very l-lewd and unladylike. In the picture, Ravenclaw Seeker Cho extracts the Fourth Champion's big fat cock from the confines of his pants and strokes it up and down, her face the picture of surprised, depraved excitement.

Not that the Fourth Champion sees any of her expression, given that she's still pressing his face into her cleavage all the while, one hand jacking him off while the other pushes him down, nearly suffocating him. Of course, that doesn't last for long. Eventually, younger Cho's expression morphs into one of frustration, clearly directed at herself. The Fourth Champion's cock is just so big and girthy, it's impossible for her to handle one-handed, unlike her Ceddy.

Present Cho flushes, a little mesmerized as she essentially watches her younger self give in to temptation and ultimately drop to her knees in front of the Fourth Champion, both hands coming up to his cock and double fisting it right before her as she stares at it, wide-eyed and open-mouthed in pure awe and lewd reverence.

Even as younger Cho's hands turn into a blur, jacking off the Champion's dick… it's still not enough to cover the full thing. The anticipation builds, and present Cho can only get more and more eager to see the big finish that she remembers… only for the loop to restart back to the beginning on the magical photograph before it can happen.

A disappointed, altogether involuntary sigh leaves the Professional Quidditch Player's pillowy, fat lips as she pouts mightily for a moment before doing her best to school her expression. Handing the picture back to the Professor, she just shrugs her shoulders.

"L-Like I said… it was all for Ceddy…"

The raised eyebrow doesn't go down, as the DADA Professor produces ANOTHER photo for her, leaving Cho to wonder just how big those pockets are as she takes this one next, prepared to see herself in a compromising manner once more. Even being prepared… it doesn't make it any less embarrassing.

The next photo takes place just before the First Task of the Tri-Wizard Tournament and showcases her younger self having cornered the Fourth Champion in the locker room, where he'd been changing before heading over to the Champion's Tent.

"I-I wasn't trying to m-make him late, or anything like that… I d-didn't want to cheat Ceddy out of his win by getting the Fourth Champion d-disqualified… I was just trying to… d-distract him. To keep him from being better than Ceddy…"

And distract him the past Cho does, once again escalating things to an eventual handjob that has her on her knees, double-fisting his cock with all her might. This time around, the magical photograph's loop contains the money shot as well, and the Cho Chang of the present, Assistant Instructor and Captain of the Tutshill Tornadoes can't help but flush in both jealousy and arousal as she watches her younger self get positively plastered in the Fourth Champion's cum.

The loop ends with younger Cho rocked back and trying to wipe cum from her eyes, completely flummoxed and utterly dazed by what just happened as the Fourth Champion slips by her and out of the locker room to make his way to the Champion's Tent. Flustered as all hell, the Cho hands the photo back to the DADA Professor as it resets and begins showing off her misdeeds once more.

… In response, he hands her a set of three more photographs. Cho's mouth goes dry, while also paradoxically watering, the Chinese bombshell of a Quidditch Player shuddering in anticipation of what was likely to come. This was only the beginning, wasn't it? One by one, she takes in the next three magical photos and the stories they show.

After the first task, younger Cho had cornered the Fourth Champion again. That was the first time she'd deep-throated that glorious white cock of his, unable to hold herself back.

"O-Out flying a dragon like that d-deserved a reward… I-I was sure that a good b-boy like Ceddy would understand that…"

The next picture in the grouping of three is set during the Yule Ball, off in a back corner of the Hogwarts Gardens. In this one, the Fourth Champion almost seems to be the aggressor, with the way he's kissing Cho and groping her ass through her expensive dress at the same time. But present Cho knows better, she remembers that night quite well. How her date and boyfriend of the time, Cedric Diggory, had spent the entire evening drooling over that French witch, Fleur Delacour.

It wasn't proper to speak ill of the dead, and Cho still missed her Ceddy each and every day… but she remembered how she'd noticed that the Fourth Champion wasn't experiencing the same… effects of the French bitch's veela allure that practically every other young wizard in the hall was experiencing. She remembered sneaking glances in his direction until he noticed her, remembered effectively fleecing him from his date and thinking at the time that if the Patil Twin he'd brought to the Yule Ball didn't want him to be stolen, she should have fought harder for him.

It had been Cho who lured the Fourth Champion out into the courtyard and behind the bushes, and it was Cho in the picture who pulled away from Harry, only to spin around, flip up the back of her dress, and bend over a nearby bench, using two fingers to spread open her pussy lips in an offering for him.

… Watching their first time together is definitely doing something strange to the Cho in the present, the Cho who has built her entire reputation as a badass, gorgeous femme fatale of a Quidditch Player around being this untouchable, unapproachable bitch. To the point that she'd reclaimed the word 'bitch' for women everywhere to mean something cool and kickass. She OWNED the title of 'Badass Bitch' in the Quidditch World.

In the photo though of that night at the Yule Ball, her younger self owns 'bitch' in another way as she gets bent over and fucked hard and fast by the grunting, panting Fourth Champion. And even though she's sure it was his first time, he's a complete natural with that big fat cock of his, driving her to orgasm after orgasm before finally unloading inside of her. The sight of him creampieing her causes the Cho Chang of the present to flush and look up at the watching DADA Professor.

"I-it wasn't bareback breeding, even if it m-might look like it. W-We took precautions!"

There is no response, nothing verbal anyways, and Cho finds herself averting her gaze from his more judgmental look as she instead turns her eyes towards the final of the three pictures. It's just over the Second Task, and her younger self has once again cornered the Fourth Champion, though in no time at all, she's the one 'cornered' and showing off her flexibility, as he grabs her by the ankles and spreads her legs up into the air and then back, pinning them to her sides while fucking her with aggressive, grunting thrusts.

"I-I had to… I couldn't let a Hogwarts C-Champion, even if he weren't l-legitimate, g-get seduced by some… some frog-eater with h-huge milkers!"

He fucks her hard and cums inside of her again, and then the photo ends and Cho is left staring at the DADA Professor, flustered and embarrassed. The strong, independent woman who had stepped into the workout room has been stripped away. Her identity as Professional Quidditch's best Seeker in the biz feels like nothing in the face of this.

… And he's not done, either. As he takes the last magical photo back from her, it becomes obvious it's NOT the last photo by far when he pulls an entire sheaf of pictures and hands them over to here for her to look through.

Luckily, the pictures skip over the rest of her Fifth Year… admittedly, after Ceddy died, she really wasn't in the mood for, well, anything for a little while. But then Fifth Year had rolled around and…

The first Sixth Year photo has her younger self down on her knees alongside Hermione, the two of them utterly topless and staring at a one hundred percent preggers-inducing, slut-breaking, bitch-taming CAWK of epic proportions. Sputtering all over again, the Cho Chang of the present scowls up at the DADA Professor, once again growing as affronted as she was at the start.

"This was definitely not my fault whatsoever, Professor! We needed a way to study DADA! They didn't always have a strong… and capable… wizard like you at the helm! Back in my Sixth Year and Hermione's Fifth Year, the Ministry of Magic had installed a total shrew of a witch as the DADA Professor! And she didn't know ANYTHING!"

Building up a full head of steam, Cho continues onwards, even as her eyes dart back down to the photo, where her younger self is beginning to take matters fully into her own hands… with Hermione's help, of course.

"H-He was the only one we could turn to, the only teacher we could count on! And h-he refused to help! S-So of course we… we worked it out!"

Her Sifu, that was what Cho had taken to referring to him as in her head, that year. Stupid Sifu, so ornery and belligerent and prone to disagreement! Luckily, her ancestors had known just how to get all those arrogant, high-and-mighty, brawny, muscular warrior-teacher types to take them in as disciples. Cho flushes, faintly wishing the magical photos had sound as well, as she watches her younger self taking Sifu's cock all the way down her throat.

Stupid Sifu, fucking her throat, making her jaw stretch wide like that! And look what he did to that bossy, big-tittied white girl too! What kind of normal man can handle two women and bust a load like that?! Was he TRYING to get them both pregnant with quintuplets?! Cho remembered the encounter like it was just yesterday. She remembered Sifu telling them both afterwards that their skills were 'adequate' but also 'needed proper refining' and she remembered him telling them to go get him a couple of sandwiches while he thought best on how to 'train' them. Sifu was such a jerk!

Of course, that's not the end of it. The rest of the pictures of Cho's Sixth Year involve more of the same. Lots and lots of magical pictures, all showing her and her Sifu in a variety of… of incredibly lewd positions. It'd been so easy that year, to just… succumb to Sifu. Ceddy was dead, but Cho had to admit, she'd sort of gotten over her precious white boy by the time the next school year had rolled around. She'd done her crying, and she'd put it behind her. It was what Ceddy would have wanted.

Now, if he would have wanted Cho to go ahead and get plowed silly by a much stronger, much manlier, much bigger (if you know what I mean) white boy so soon after his death, Cho couldn't have said. B-But it wasn't like she had much of a choice! Sifu wanted her, and what Sifu wanted, Sifu got! All for the sake of DADA Lessons, of course. Cho NEEDED to prepare for her NEWTS after all, even if she'd gotten an O on her DADA OWLs the year before.

Of course, the magical photos don't just involve Cho and her Sifu. They also involve other women, other witches really, and Cho blushes as she remembers each and every threesome, and some foursomes, that took place between her, her Sifu, and the other witches desperate for 'private lessons'. Ugh, stupid Sifu! He had to know he was too much for those poor girls… they weren't trained disciples like she was!

Not to mention, stupid Sifu was so damn virile that he'd wrecked her for all time! I-If she tried to sleep with a nice normal boy, her pussy would almost certainly snap his cock off with sheer strength! That was, in fact, the real reason Cho had never gotten into another relationship after graduating from Hogwarts. The untouchable, unreachable badass bitch at the top of the Quidditch World… was in fact pining after a crush from her school years, the big dicked white boy who'd so thoroughly rocked her world.

By the time Assistant Instructor Cho Chang is done with the photos from her Sixth Year, she's touching herself. Belatedly realizing this, the bombshell of a woman hastily pulls her hand back from her soaked through crotch, blushing profusely and thrusting the sheaf of magical photos towards the DADA Professor.

"I-I did what I had to… f-for my NEWTs prep! S-Stupid Professor… j-just as cruel as Sifu was, throwing my past in my face like this…"

Her accusatory tone is completely at odds with her countenance, but Cho just isn't ready to give up the last remnants of her bad bitch façade quite yet. And then the Professor reaches into those impossibly large pockets one last time and pulls out another sheaf of photos that can only be from Cho's Seventh and Final Year at Hogwarts.

… The Year of the Rival.

Taking them shakily, Cho isn't surprised by what she finds. In her Seventh Year of Hogwarts, with Ceddy's death two years behind her, Umbridge finally gone and a competent if harsh teacher like Snape serving as DADA Professor, along with the fact that the Ravenclaw Quidditch Captain had finally graduated… Cho had made Ravenclaw Team Captain.

At the same time, a certain white boy who just so happened to be quite similar in appearance and personality to both the Fourth Champion from her Fifth Year, and her stupid Sifu from her Sixth Year, had been made Gryffindor Team Captain. Needless to say, the Slytherin and Hufflepuff teams weren't worth talking about that year, which left only one Team Captain to be Cho Chang's Rival.

Everyone knew she was destined for greatness. Everyone knew Cho Chang was going to go on to play as a Professional Seeker. By the end of the year, she'd already had her public offer from the Tutshill Tornadoes, in fact. But at the same time… that didn't stop her Rival from beating her in every possible way.

It started with the very first game of the year, a game between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw. Cho had been so confident of her team and their chances of winning that she'd taunted the Gryffindor Team Captain, telling him he didn't stand a chance. They'd made a bet, off-handedly… winner got to do whatever they wanted to the loser after they won.

Cho had agreed, of course… only to be shocked silly when none of her techniques, the techniques she would in fact go on to perfect and refine as a Professional Seeker, were enough to throw her Rival off of his game. Because her Rival wasn't just Team Captain like she was, he was also Seeker like she was. In the end, he'd managed to sneak the Snitch right out from under her within thirty minutes of the game starting, cleanly cinching the win for his team… and for himself as well.

Afterwards, the big white brute didn't pin her down and fuck her, like would have been his right. No, Cho could have handled that. Instead, he'd made her wash his big, brutish body in the Prefect's Bath, where just about anyone could have walked in. And… and he'd made her use her precious, silken hair to do it as well.

Cho in the present watches all of this happening in the first of the magical photographs. She watches as her Rival discovers something truly humiliating about her… the fact that she's lactating. He drinks from her, long and hard, and Cho in the present blushes as she remembers it. She didn't even lactate until he was around, her damnable Rival! That entire year, she'd been perfectly fine until she was in his presence, and then she was leaking through bra, blouse, and robes alike like there was no tomorrow! Like her body was priming up for a breeding!

Of course, that first night, he hadn't even fucked her. He'd sucked on her titties and made her wash him, made her touch HIM… but he hadn't even CUM that night. She had, though Cho was loath to admit it at the time. She'd cum a few times from him drinking her breast milk. Regardless, he didn't fuck her, and it came to a close.

And it would have actually come to a close, if Cho hadn't come back for more. In the present, Cho sputters a little.

"I-I… I had to! I had to try to avenge my honor! I wasn't going to get another chance o-officially!"

As it stood, a Hogwarts Quidditch Season was only Six Games. Each House Team got to play three games, and whoever got the most points across those three games won the overall Quidditch Cup at the end of the season. In fact, by winning so fast against her in the first game of the year, her Rival may have damaged his chances of winning overall… if the Slytherin and Hufflepuff Teams that year had been worth jack shit. Needless to say, the Gryffindor Team had gone on to kick serious ass in it's other two games that year and had won the overall Quidditch Cup quite handedly. But that was neither here nor there!

Fact was, Cho wasn't going to get another official game against her Rival! But she couldn't exactly leave it at a loss, now could she? How could she ever look herself in the mirror again once she was a Professional Quidditch Player if she looked back and had such a terrible record versus her Rival?! So, she'd challenged him to a one-on-one Seeker Duel. First to get the Snitch takes all, with the same private terms of their first bet.

… Needless to say, she'd lost. And she'd kept losing, again and again and again. One might have thought this would have taught Cho Chang humility, but in the end, she'd just gone out into the world and found that not a single one of her fellow Professional Players could match her Rival in any way… that had fed into her ego, turning her into the badass bitch she had such a reputation for being these days.

But the story told in the magical photographs of her Seventh Year is one of total and utter defeat, not a woman on top of the world. Time after time, her past self challenges her Rival to new competitions with new angles… and time after time, she loses, again and again. He's not nearly as nice about it as he was after that first, official defeat either.

Once Cho goes back for more and more, her Rival doesn't hold back any longer. He fucks her every which way, downright breeding her, though she never actually ends up getting pregnant. Up against the wall, on the floor of the Ravenclaw Locker Room, even on the Quidditch Pitch itself, later in the year when everyone gets tired of watching the nonstop Seeker duels happening between her and her Rival, and it's just the two of them flying around late at night. He'd win, and then he'd pin her down and fuck her right there on the grass, until she was squealing for mercy and screaming his name at the top of her lungs as she came again and again around his big… fat… cock…

The DADA Professor is still watching her as Cho kneels there in the middle of the workout room, staring down at photo after photo, face flushed with both arousal and humiliation.

"I… I was d-defending the other girls of House R-Ravenclaw from him! I'd heard about how my Rival had a half a dozen witches at his beck and call from every house. Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff… but it was j-just me from Ravenclaw. If they hadn't had a strong woman like me to distract him, Rival would have gone on to conquer all of those poor girls!"

Not that she was truly afraid of that, of course. Strong men seeded and bred strong women. Soft little things like her housemates at the time would probably have passed out before the first half-hour. Of course, the Professor just cocks an eyebrow again, and Cho blushes. One of the last photos reveals the lie to her words, showing her gorgeous bod, her fit, toned physique, pinned beneath both her Rival… and a naked Looney Lovegood.

It wasn't like Looney had even a chance of dominating Cho under normal circumstances, but her Rival had insisted that Cho 'apologize with her body' for bullying Luna. And so, Cho had been forced to do so, having just lost another bet with the well-hung stud. Looney had riven Cho's face for hours it seemed like, the pixie-like blonde girl having WAY too much stamina for her little body.

It had been humiliating more than anything else, Luna nothing more than a tool for her Rival to debase and degrade Cho with some more. But at the same time, it WAS a Ravenclaw girl that Cho hadn't 'protected' or 'defended' or what have you…

Tossing that magical photo away from herself in disgust, Cho is left with the last and final photo. The magical picture starts with her past self on her knees and is quite the perverted masterpiece, even Cho has to admit that. Past Cho is on her knees, while her Rival, the big white boy she's gotten fucked seven ways to Sunday by all year long, is holding the Quidditch cup in the air triumphantly, a big wide grin on his face and his other hand fisted in her hair.

She's very visibly bred out, leaning against his thigh with a thick, creamy nut from his big fat cock staining her hair, her face, and all over her body. His cum is just about everywhere, and his softened monster of a member is hanging from the top of her head, all the way down to the hollow of her throat.

Swallowing thickly in the present, the proud and mighty Captain of the Tutshill Tornadoes shudders in near orgasmic delight at the pleasurable memories the photo invokes. There's no debauchery IN the photo itself, just the aftermath of her Rival's victory over the rest of the school Quidditch Teams, as well as his more personal victory over yours truly.

As she tears herself away from the final picture, it's then that the Assistant Instructor to Madam Hooch realizes she's now between the big, muscular DADA Professor's manly thighs. His monster cock is half-hard and tenting his magical tracksuit bottoms right before her eyes… and he's gone back to his workout, lifting the barbell without a word towards her, now that he's fully laid out the depths of her depravity, now that he's proved to her that he knows who and what she REALLY is.

Unable to help herself, lost in memories and nostalgia and desire, Cho leans forward, gently sniffing up his musk… and then all but lunges to close the rest of the distance to his crotch, pressing her face against the massive bulge of his cock, macking and licking at the Snitch-sized cockhead through the fabric. At the same time, her hands scramble to grab at his waistband, and she hurriedly pulls the Professor's pants down so that his huge, thick monster prick can fill her vision, his hefty ball sack below it clearly churning with the cum she so desperately craves.

This… this big, ivory-skinned ape was almost certainly going to turn her into his personal fuck pig, but Cho would be damned if she went down without a fight!


Of course, in this case, 'a fight' translated to 'deep-throat his entire cock and skull fuck yourself silly' for the incredibly turned on, horrendously aroused Seeker. Flipping herself over onto her back, she crab walks herself back onto the DADA Professor's cock. This isn't because she wants him to see her neck bulge as his cock stretches it wide along with her jaw, or anything like that. No, it's just so Cho can give herself a way to keep her eye on the prize.

Like two white Snitches, the Professor's hefty balls sit there, pressed against the bench beneath his cock. Staring at them longingly, Cho slams herself further and further down the Professor's member, crab walking backwards further and further as she chokes and gags and gurgles up a storm. But just because she's asphyxiating herself on his glorious member doesn't mean she's going to stop. Not until-

She reaches his balls, and presses her nose into his nut sack, and Cho's eyes proceed to roll up in her head as she cums on the spot, gurgling moans leaving her stuffed, fat, pillowy lips along with the drool and saliva and spit bubbles being produced. She almost wishes she was wearing a choker, because she's sure it would be snapped by now. But Quidditch Bad Bitches like herself didn't wear chokers, they didn't wear anything that marked them as the property of a man.

That was about to change for Cho Chang because a moment after her lips reach the base of his cock and her nose reaches his balls, the Professor sets the barbell back on it's rack, sits up, and grabs her by her neck with both of his impossibly strong hands.


Cursing, he cums a moment later… and Cho spasms and shakes, orgasming and squirting all over the room, both through the fabric of her workout shorts, and the soaked fabric of her sports bra. She's been lactating all over the place since she started seeing the photos from her Seventh Year and her body remembered her instinctive reaction to her Rival. It was the same with the DADA Professor…

Even holding her throat, he can't keep her from blasting off of his cock thanks to the sheer velocity and viscosity of his cum load. Cho flops more than blasts though, causing her to collapse onto the ground on her back, right beneath his cumming member. His seed coats her face and her sports bra-clad tits, and her exposed, toned belly. He cums all over her, and all Cho can do is lay there and moan and giggle in pleasure as the Professor has his fun with her.

And have his fun he does. The next thing Cho actually comprehends after finally recovering from her self-imposed skull-fucking, is that there's a familiar bulbous cockhead pressed against her twat. She's all folded up now though, flipped over onto her front with her legs bent backwards at the knees and her hands behind her head, gripping tightly at her ankles. She doesn't even remember taking up the pose, but the Professor must have done it for her, and long-buried instincts of obedience and submission towards the Champion, her Sifu, and the Rival are rearing their ugly head.

As Cho holds herself in that humiliating yoga pose, the DADA Professor has both hands on her ass and is squeezing HARD. And then, he's inside of her. Cho tries to contain herself; she really does. It's… it's shameful, to let herself break so quickly. And yet… and yet, unable to help herself, the Chinese Witch is soon taking a page out of the playbook of her Japanese neighbors. Her eyes roll back in her head, her tongue lolls out of her mouth, and the great Cho Chang ahegaos right there on the floor of the workout room as she's soundly and seriously FUCKED from behind, like the horny little bitch she truly is, deep down inside.

The Wizarding World's best Professional Seeker is no match for Hogwarts newest DADA Professor. Soon enough, he has her squeaking and squealing and squeeing, turning her into a fuck pig just like she knew he would. Again, and again, he slams home into her hungry, clenching twat. Again, and again, Cho Chang cums around his big, fat cock.

Her mind frays, and then eventually snaps under the pressure as she's totally and utterly fucked. As she's plowed silly, Cho squeals and moans in equal measure. She doesn't say anything, all of the words that could be said have already been said. All she can do is hold on for dear life and try to ride it out as the Professor goes to town on her body in a way only the Champion, her Sifu, and the Rival have managed to do before him.

It's as he finally cums inside of her, that Cho's mind becomes so beleaguered and dazed and confused that it loops right back around to crystal clear clarity, finally. As he fills her with his load, Cho realizes something very, very important, even as dazed as she is. And in the wake of that realization, along with the Professor pulling out of her sucking cunt, even as it does it's best to keep him inside of her, milking him of every last drop of his seed, Cho finds her voice.

"Y-You… y-you… you're them! I-it's always been you!"

The Fourth Champion in her Fifth Year. Her Sifu in Sixth! The Rival in her Seventh! They've all been… the same person! And somehow, he's gotten older than her, he's aged decades! And now he's the new Hogwarts DADA Professor! The epiphany sees new life in Professional Quidditch Player Cho Chang as the Professor picks her up off the ground, hauling her up onto his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

Even sweaty and bred, Cho musters up some last minute defiance, some fight and protest to her as she wiggles and squirms and beats her fists against what might as well be a twelve pack of abs.

"I'm n-not your breeding sow, you s-stupid fat-cocked jerk! I'm NOT!"

Of course, then Cho Change, Professional Quidditch Player, catches sight of the Professor's cock, still hard and bobbing as he lowers her down a handful more inches off of his shoulder. Cho screams indignantly as the stupid jerk puts it right back in her throat… but she also doesn't bother trying to resist the urge to suck at it lovingly, even as she gags and gurgles all the way back to the base, only this time turned upside down and draped over the Professor's shoulder while he walks out of the room with her fat pillowy lips wrapped around his shaft in an Olympic style half-sixty-nine.


Waking up the next morning, Harry lets out a yawn and stretches, only to come in contact with the firm yet feminine body of the gorgeous Chinese Witch curled into his side. Cho is still asleep for the moment, though he's sure she'll be waking up soon enough. The aging potion has worn off, so it's now just 'young beefcake Harry' rather than 'DILF beefcake Harry', as all of his girls have taken to categorizing him.

Though, he's feeling another body pressing into his other side that gives him pause. Blinking, Harry looks down and notices that Hermione's got a possessive grip on him as well, one leg thrown over his hip as she cuddles close, having snuck in at some point during the night while he and Cho were asleep. Snorting derisively, Harry shifts enough so he can get his hands in position. And then…


Harry casts spank! It's super-effective! A grin spreads across Harry's face, both at his own inner joke, and at the way Hermione and Cho wake up with matching feminine squeals, their asses jiggling delightfully from the impact, even as they realize where they are and what's going on. Cho gives Hermione a dirty look, Hermione glares right back at her, and then they both look to Harry for final arbitration, like always.

It reminds him so much of his Fifth Year, specifically the good parts of his Fifth Year, that Harry can't help but laugh. Then, he shifts his expression to one of disappointed seriousness as he looks at both of them reproachfully.

"So then… my disobedient disciples have come back to beg me for another lesson, have they?"

Both women flush. Cho pounds a small fist into Harry's chest to no effect and looks away, averting her gaze.

"S-Stupid Sifu… I… I didn't…"

Hermione, meanwhile, scowls cutely and pouts mightily as she crosses her arms under her chest rather than over, an instinctive move to make herself more adorable, but alas, that pleasure attack hasn't been effective against Harry for years now.

"I-I'm not disobedient! A-And I'm fairly sure I've learned all I have to l-learn! I just…"

Harry raises his eyebrow at Hermione, and she trails off, blushing profusely. After all, she and Daphne had tried to go at it, and how had that ended for her? He doesn't say anything, but he can tell what Hermione is thinking all the same. She'd TRIED to take down her EVIL RIVAL… they were just too evenly matched, that's all.

Cho, meanwhile…

"Stupid S-Sifu trained me too well! T-This is the only place I can get a challenge, anymore!"

And be properly fucked and bred by a real man, but Harry just smirks, able to read the subtext that Cho 'forgets' to tack on at the end. Still playing his part, Harry crosses his own arms over his chest and stares them both down. The two witches fidget and squirm, before both look down at once upon catching movement from his crotch. His swelling cock has both of their mouths spreading nice and wide and watering in anticipation.

Making a show of nodding decisively, Harry lets out a put-upon sigh and proceeds to reach out, uncrossing his arms in order to grab a fistful of both witch's hair.

"It seems I'll have to retrain BOTH of my fool disciples from scratch…"

Neither protests. They're too busy sucking his massive monstrous member together within moments of his words to do so. Harry, meanwhile, is all too happy to just lay back, relax, and enjoy his morning to the fullest extent.

As he does so, however, his eyes do catch a little bit of movement on the far wall. The far wall, which is full of magical photos, just like the ones he'd thrust in Cho's face earlier as part of their fun. Covered from ceiling to floor in the photos, the wall started out as a Hall of Fame for his conquests… but has kind of become a mural to his legend at this point, going so very far beyond just 'Hall of Fame', when it was literally hundreds if not thousands of magical photos by now.

One in particular catches his eye and brings a smile of remembrance to Harry's face. Back during his and Hermione's Fifth Year, and Cho's Sixth, Hermione had been getting him into some of the Muggle Entertainment he'd missed out on by being the Dursleys' punching bag all his life. Then, she'd ordered some costumes over Christmas Break…

There, in the picture, is Hermione cosplaying as Lara Croft, and Cho cosplaying as Chun Li in a beautiful black dress. Fuck if they don't both look absolutely gorgeous getting wrecked by his cock in those sexy as fuck outfits. Hm, did he still have those, somewhere? Would it be that difficult to recreate the costumes with magic if he didn't?

… Fuck it, Harry knew what they were doing for the rest of the day. Just as soon as Hermione and Cho got done with his morning wood, and they could all get breakfast. You didn't fuck all day long on an empty stomach, after all…

Still, he was excited to see Hermione and Cho dressed up again. Maybe he could grab Daphne too, to play a third character. Either way, one thing was for certain. They ALL had a full day ahead of them.


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