Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

The Quarian Initiative (Mass Effect)

A/N: The Quarian Initiative was a commissioned fic originally written in six parts from June-November of 2018. It's also a little odd in that the first part was written in First Person while the next five parts were written in third person. Either way, hope people enjoy!

Summary: A story involving the Quarians using cross-breeding to repopulate their race and get back their immune systems!

Themes: Latex, Pet Play, Dom/Sub, Partner Swapping/Swinging


My name is Maximillian Alexander. Yeah, I'm one of those humans who gets to have two first names. Not something to necessarily be all that over-excited about, at least in my opinion. In the end, I prefer to go by Max more than anything else. I'm just another guy, who got a little lucky when it came to trading the right stocks in the galactic market.

If not for my dad scrounging up every credit he could so that when the time came I'd get sent to the Citadel for my education, well… I probably wouldn't be anywhere near as well off as I was today. And it wasn't for Commander Shepard and her people fucking the Reapers up something good, as well as saving the entire galaxy from extinction, I wouldn't even exist today.

All in all, other people played as much a part in this as I did. But that's not to say I didn't make all the right moves to get here. Early retirement in my line of work might have seemed a little silly, given just how successful I was. But in truth, the Reaper War had changed me. It'd changed the galaxy, in a way. There was no such thing as military and civilian when it came to the Reapers. There were only the victims, and the survivors.

I was one of the survivors, but that didn't mean I was completely whole anymore. The horrors of what I'd witnessed in the fight for existence had… altered me, irrevocably. I couldn't do what I did before, couldn't see the numbers and how best to manipulate them for a profit like I did before. Not after everything that happened. It just felt so… pointless.

With the Reapers vanquished and the war for our very survival over, everyone was trying to rebuild. Be they humans, Asari, Turians, Salarians… anyone and everyone had something to fix, something to replace, something to recover from. But none more than the Quarians. Seriously, that poor alien race had been getting the short end of the stick for centuries longer than the Reapers had been a thing.

I'd… always had a soft spot for Quarians. Maybe it had to do with the human mining colony I was born on having a small Quarian population. My first friend was a Quarian, though these days I had no idea where he was in the great big galaxy. Like I said, my dad had gotten me off the colony and shipped to the Citadel as soon as he possibly could. He'd told me not to look back, and then gone a step further by never contacting me, not once.

I didn't hate him for it, even if I missed him and everyone else terribly. Wasn't easy, trying to raise a son by yourself while also working sixteen hour shifts in the mine. Dad had given up his life for me… and I liked to think I'd done him proud. All the same, I blamed my early years for the fascination with the Quarian species. I blamed the Citadel for it's melting pot qualities for bolstering that fascination.

Put bluntly, I had a fetish for latex. And, though I'd never call any of them that out loud, I maybe had a little fetish for suit rats. So yeah, when the call came, I answered it. When the Quarians decided to bolster their numbers and work to recolonize Rannoch via a cross species breeding program, I signed up as soon as I could. Humans were one of the few species biologically compatible with Quarians, apparently. That made us perfect, even if only a handful of our race was interested in giving up everything for the deal the Quarian Admiralty Board was offering.

But then, I most definitely was. A retirement package like the one they were giving me was nothing to laugh at, but the chance to fuck Quarian babes day in and day out? You know, I'd never met a Quarian I didn't consider fuckable. There was no fat or out of shape Quarians. Maybe there would be, in the future. Maybe some of my Quarian children would be the first ones to achieve obesity, as silly as that sounded.

Lives as hard as the ones they all had to live on the Migrant Fleet didn't allow for weak Quarians, didn't allow for lazy Quarians. They all had to work hard, harder than I'd probably ever worked in my life, at least physically. And that meant every last Quarian I'd get to fuck on this cushy little gig would be fit as a fiddle and ready to bone.

Yeah, I was excited. It was-

A ringing sound suddenly goes off through the shuttle I'm sat in. I'm the only one in the passenger section, but then, I'm pretty sure I was one of the first to sign up for this gig. Listening carefully, I smile as a Quarian female speaks over the comm.

"Greetings, and welcome to the Habitat. You will be arriving shortly, and your orientation will take place immediately. If you have any questions or concerns, please direct them to the handler put in charge of you. Your needs are our needs. Your desires are ours to fulfill. You are the future of the Quarian race. You mean more than you could ever know."

Well, maybe not. Grinning wickedly as I get a little hard in the groin area, I can't help but think that my own opinion of myself is pretty high. Still, it's nice to be appreciated. Only a few moments later, I feel the shuttle dock with the station that will be my home for the next however long. Perhaps forever, if I can swing it. I'd have to see though.

As soon as the light overhead goes from red to green, I unlock my webbing and stand up. Moving over to the door, I feel slightly empty-handed… but then, that's kind of the point. Everything would be provided for me. Everything. I didn't get to bring anything on this little trip, because the Habitat was completely sanitized. If I wanted something like say a picture or the like, they would have it made on the Habitat itself, and added to my environment on my request.

In fact… the door before me hisses open, and I step inside the first of three small rooms.

"Please remove all clothing, jewelry, and accessories now."

I hastily do so, not at all caring about embarrassment or the like. I was far too excited to get to the other end of this segmented hallway, and the process had already been explained to me very clearly. A bit of mild discomfort was nothing compared to what I was aiming for. Once I'm naked, my clothing tossed down a chute, likely never to be seen again, a scanner runs across my body.

After a moment, there's a ding and another green light, before the next door hisses open.

"Please close your eyes. Decontamination beginning in three, two, one."

Doing as I'm told, I grimace a little as the air becomes… well, harsh. This is basically the Quarian's version of a sanitation room, but so much more. Every bit of bacteria, every single thing on my body that isn't ME, is removed from my flesh. Hell, even some bits that ARE me are probably removed, though they're so microscopic that I don't even notice beyond the mild discomfort.

The decontamination continues for several minutes, starting and stopping in fits and bursts. I keep my eyes closed the entire time, even as I'm aware that I'm scanned several times until finally another ding sounds out.

"Please open your eyes and walk forward."

Doing so, I find myself in the last small room. There's no voice this time though, just a side panel that slides away to reveal some basic clothing for me to put on. Manufactured within the Habitat itself of course, so it's perfectly fine. None of the outside, save for me, gets in. Chuckling lightly, I get dressed quickly and tap a button on the side of the last door. It opens up with a hiss just like the previous two, but this time I'm disgorged into a bigger room, one with a table and a chair.

There's a pad on the table, of course. Taking a seat, I eagerly boot it up.

"Welcome to the Habitat, Maximillian Alexander. While you have gone through a rigorous set of tests to make sure you are suitable for life here in the Habitat, now is when we will see to YOUR needs. Please answer the questions before you, so that we may best pair you up with a Quarian that matches your desires in a partner."

Don't need to tell me twice. As I answer the questions on the pad before me, I hold nothing back. In all fairness, it's not like I'm exceptionally dark when it comes to this sort of sex stuff. Not looking to be cruel or abusive or anything like that. But I won't like, I can be a kinky fuck when it comes down to it. Hopefully, they've got a female who wants what I want.


Stepping through yet another doorway an hour later, I find myself in an actual domicile, a living space that looks quite modern and well outfitted. It also looks empty, but then that's no surprise given the voice in the ceiling had just gotten done telling me I would be waiting for my first live-in roommate to arrive shortly.

This was my place, basically. Whichever female Quarian they assigned to me would just be visiting, though she would also be living with me until I'd knocked her up or we were deemed incompatible. Hopefully the latter didn't happen. That was the point of the last hour I'd spent sat in that chair after all. Letting out a sigh, I make my way over to the window, happy to at least be able to stretch my legs.

Standing at the viewport, I look down at the world below. Rannoch looks beautiful, not unlike Earth in the end. It's green… ish. The Geth hadn't over-industrialized the planet or anything, much to the surprise of the Quarians, from what I understood. They'd actually gone out of their way to preserve as much of the Quarian culture and history that they could. Bit odd, maybe, but not if one considered the fact that the Morning War had turned out to be some kind of accident. Well, not so much an accident as completely unnecessary.

All in all, I wasn't too big on history or anything like that. I was here for one reason and one reason only. And as a door on the far side of the room suddenly dings, I turn towards it and grin, striding over with a bit of pep in my step. Good, she was finally here. I was about to meet the first Quarian babe I'd get to impregnate. I could scarcely wait!

Opening the door, I stop. I stare. My smile doesn't necessarily fade on my face, but it does become a bit frozen as I look upon the Quarian before me. She's hoodless, I notice that first. But then, that's to be expected. Hell, I wouldn't have been surprised if she was naked, given what we were here for. But then, she's not naked and that's partially WHY I'm surprised.

Besides being hoodless, the Quarian female is covered from neck to toe in a latex simulacrum of the normal full body jumpsuit. On top of that, her arms are pulled behind her back, restrained in a rather humiliating fashion that causes her covered tits to jut outwards towards me. Blinking dumbly, I really feel like I'm allowed to be a little surprised.

"G-Greetings, sir. I hope that I'm too your satisfaction? U-Um, your pet is here and ready for whatever it is you wish of her."

… Huh. I had said that I was into latex play and pet play in the 'interview' back there, hadn't I? But then, I'd said I was into a lot of things. Was this just what THIS female in particular was also into. Well shit, I best just go along with it, right? Stepping forward, I bring up my hand and take hold of the Quarian's chin, running my thumb along her lower lip as I look into her eyes.

"Before we begin, I'd like to know your name."

"M-My name?"

I raise a brow, and she blushes before rushing to correct herself.

"A-Apologies, sir! My name… my name is Chala'Thelos. B-But you can call me whatever you want!"

Heh, I might just take her up on that. Cocking my head to the side, I run the hand down off her face and to her shoulder instead. Then, I guide her inside.

"Come along Chala. Let's get a good look at you."

Despite my words, I don't spend much time looking at her. She's just… she's just so fine. As soon as I can, I have her latex-bound form bent over the back of my new couch, running my hands up and down her body. She yelps first, but the yelp quickly becomes a moan as I touch all the right places. A grin spreads across my face as I reach her fine derriere and discover a zipper there.

So, not quite as airtight as the actual Quarian suit. But then, that was to be expected, given the lack of a hood. Regardless, I'm rock hard in my pants, and she's squirming beneath me, not like she's afraid, but like she definitely wants it. Pulling the zipper alone, I press my fingers to her purple cunt lips just to be sure, only to find her sopping wet. It startles a bark of laughter from me.

"Shit, Chala! I really wasn't expecting any of your race to be this kinky… but I'm glad to have been paired with you all the same."

"T-Thank you sir! Me… me too!"

Her earnest tone is really as much of a turn on as the latex, the constant 'sirs', and the wet cunt. I can't hold back anymore, and my cock is out of my pants and inside of Chala in the next moment. She squeals as I thrust deeply into her, and I wouldn't be surprised to find I was her first. Not that there's any hymen to look for, but then she's not human so I have no idea if Quarians have those to begin with.

Thrusting in and out of Chala at a fast, feverish pace, I know I'm going a bit too fast, a bit too rough. But she's into it, damn is she into it. Moaning loudly, Chala does her best to plant her feet so that she can push back into me. I maybe don't allow that as much as I should, my thrusts so forceful she eventually ends up MORE than halfway bent over the couch.

When her face is pressed into the seat cushion and her legs are dangling over the back as I fuck her from behind, that's about the time that Chala cums around my cock, mewling the entire while. I groan in response and let loose my own load.

It's hard to hold back, especially after I've been primed for this for the entire trip. I've been waiting for this moment for all my life, in a way… and now that it's finally come… well, maybe it's best to get it out of the way now.

Of course, Chala isn't done, it seems. As soon as I pull out of her cream-filled cunt, the Quarian pushes off of the couch and whirls around, falling to her knees before me with her arms still bound behind her back. She happily takes me in her mouth and sucks my clean as she stares up at me with an adoring gaze. I stare back at her for a moment, my hand sliding through her hair instinctively.

This? This I could get used to. Shit…


It was all her fault, ultimately. She'd gone into things too excited, too eager… and most importantly of all, too submissive. Chala'Thelos had always been a rather perverse Quarian. That was not in doubt, and there were too many times than she could count that her tendencies to be a naughty little slut got her in trouble. Sometimes it was the good kind of trouble. Sometimes it was the bad kind of trouble.

This should have been the good kind. But she hadn't just been naughty and in need of a punishment or anything as silly as that. No, she'd made a monumental mistake… one that had very nearly gotten her killed. The allergic reaction she'd had because she and her new human partner took things too fast had resulted in her spending a day in medical, and now that she'd been released, a week in a sealed full body jumpsuit. No going back to her sexy, revealing latex outfit for her.

Maximillian Alexander, the human she'd been assigned to and who had in turn been assigned to breed her, had been absolutely beside himself with concern and regret. He thought that he'd taken things too far, too fast. Chala had been quick to explain to him that no, it was her fault. And then the doctors had done the same, as had an official representative of the Habitat's management.

Basically, there'd been one final test, one that applied to both Chala and Max. It wasn't even so much as a test, as it was common sense. She'd been told that they had to wait a little while before actually becoming intimate. While Max had gone through the decontamination and come out just fine, there was still a small waiting period that they needed to observe, for HER safety.

Max on the other hand, had not been told this. Because they'd expected her to remember to tell him, and his reaction would gauge whether or not he could truly be trusted to remain in the Habitat or not. Except Chala had failed, she'd failed, and she'd let herself get swept away by the promise of such domination, such control… and her belly growing large with child.

She was an over-eager idiot who fucked everything up, in the end. She was lucky they weren't kicking her out of the Habitat altogether, lucky that the human she'd been paired with was kind enough to go to bat for her, even after her colossal screw-up. She barely even knew him, but already he was-

"Chala. I just wanted to say again how sorry I am."

Blinking, the quarian looks up from her musings. She'd been staring at the open codex page in her omni-tool for a good five minutes by that point, not really actually reading it of course. But now Max had just walked back into their domicile's main lounge area, and he was smiling at her and he honestly looked so regretful over what had happened. Of course, her face was hidden behind a hood and mask, and she was once again sealed into her suit as she sat there at the table.

Shaking her head, Chala lets out a sigh.

"And once again, it wasn't your fault, Max. You had no way of knowing. Unlike me. I should have stopped you. You're just very… domineering."

"Exactly. I took charge when I shouldn't have. I should have known better than to push for such things so fast, but I was too gung-ho to realize that I was jumping the gun."

"I didn't mean it as a bad thing. I liked it. I liked it quite a bit, or else I would have stopped you. Tell me this, would you have continued if I'd told you no, if I'd told you to back off?"

"Of course not."

"Then there's your answer. Only one of us is to blame here, Max. And it's not you."

The human male looks away for a second, letting out a low sigh before finally laughing slightly. He's sheepish, as he rubs the back of his head and finally looks back to her.

"Well, you might say that… but the Habitat decided to reimburse me for 'emotional distress' because of what happened, so I got some spending credits a bit earlier than expected. I was hoping to buy you something, to apologize. But if you won't even let me take responsibility for my actions… then I guess it's just going to be a gift."

Chala's eyes are wide behind her hood as she stares at the grinning human. He really is just… unbelievable.

"Max, you don't have to-."

"Does it sound like I'm being forced to do this, Chala? Though that does give me an idea. Stand up."

In the span of a moment, the human's voice goes from questioning to commanding. Chala immediately rises, and she shuts her omni-tool down for good measure as well as she gives the entirety of her attention to the man before her. He crosses his arms over his chest and frowns, and for a moment Chala feels so very small… but her legs tremble for an entirely different reason than fear, as her crotch begins to moisten right then and there.

"Ya know, after everything that happened, you got really familiar with me Chala. What happened to 'sir'?"

Blushing beneath her hood and mask, the quarian realizes she has dropped the respectful epithet in favor of his first name. He hadn't said anything about it until this point, but now he was back in that same mode that had seen her bent over the back of a couch and fucked within minutes of them meeting one each other. Finding herself as awestruck by the human male now as she had been then, Chala stammers out her reply.

"I-I… I'm sorry, s-sir. I shouldn't have p-presumed…"

He just nods, and then tosses his head towards the door.

"You're right. You shouldn't have. And now, the two of us are going to go out there and check out the market in the center of the Habitat. You're going to come with me. People will stare, because you're wearing your full suit. That will be your punishment, understood?"

"Y-Yes sir…"

As long as he was talking to her like this, she just couldn't bring herself to ignore him. It was… he was… he was so commanding, his mere presence drawing her in. It was probably at least half her as well, Chala had always been a submissive little sex freak, but still…

"Good. Come on, let's go."

She follows along after him with her head bowed, obeying without another word as they exit their domicile and make their way into the Habitat's marketplace. There's not too many people around yet. But there are some shops set up, and a few pairings of quarians and other compatible races here and there. In the end, it's exactly as he said it would be. They notice her dress, and plenty of quarians without hoods of their own give her strange looks, wondering what was going on.

Chala blushed, but luckily it was hidden, even as she followed Max through the market at a docile, sedate pace. Until eventually, they ended up at one of the most popular shops. Even here though, there wasn't much of a line. Popular, this early in the Habitat's existence, meant that there were maybe six or eight people perusing the store.

The store, which in this case, was essentially a sex shop. It made sense, given exactly what the Habitat was for. A place like this, along with places that sold food and clothes and other basic amenities, would be necessary to… break the ice, as the humans said. Of course, Chala didn't really feel like any ice needed to be broken between her and Max at this point. Yet, he dragged her here directly anyways. And to be a very specific part of the shop as well.

"What do you think?"

Once again, Chala found herself grateful for the hood and the mask that covered up for her blush. Of course, she couldn't quite hide the tremble of desire or the squirming that she was doing, as her eyes darted between the two collars he was holding up before her. One was red and rather… sleek, for lack of a better word. The other was black, thick, and even had spikes protruding from it. Of course, Chala immediately wanted to gravitate towards the red one, but she also… well, she also didn't want to choose.

"I… w-which do you think will look better on me, sir?"

Her voice is quiet, and no one is close enough to hear them in the shop at that moment. That doesn't mean Chala doesn't feel the eyes on the two of them as Max gives her a light smile and sets the spiky, black collar aside, causing her to breathe a sigh of relief.

"This one is definitely better… I just couldn't help teasing you a little. Come on now, let's get it emblazoned."

Oh god, did he have any idea what he was doing to her? It was all of the work of five minutes and just a few dozen more credits to place the red collar in a machine that would etch out lettering onto the outside. And then it was there, in Max's hand, right before her eyes. A collar, with her name on it. Chala. He had bought her a collar. She thought she might truly, actually love him in that moment. This human male she'd barely met. Their first encounter had ended so poorly too, and yet… and yet he was amazing.

"Do you like it?"

There was really only one answer she could give to that.

"W-Will you put it on for me?"

As she sinks to her knees, right there in the sex shop, Max's eyebrows lift as even more eyes move over to them, staring at them, watching them. His gaze flicks off of her for a moment and then he chuckles, before crouching down just a tad in order to slip the collar under her hood and behind her neck. For now, it can't go against her actual flesh of course. Instead, it has to go around the sealed collar of her jumpsuit. But due to the skintight nature of the jumpsuit, Chala can feel it all the same. She can feel the weight of the collar as he wraps it around her neck and tightens it up just a bit.

She can practically feel the letters that spell out her name, even as she shivers with delight. Their faces are inches apart when he finishes, and Chala knows he can see most of her features through her facemask as they look upon one another.

"Max… please, take me home."

He doesn't reprimand her for calling him by his first name. Instead, he gives her a nod, offers her a hand, and pulls her to her feet. They walk out of the store together, though this time she's curled into his side, and he has an arm around her. Whereas, before, she'd stayed slightly behind him at all times, mindful of her place. But now she had the collar for that. Now she had HER collar, given to her by HER master.

Needless to say, the crotch of Chala's jumpsuit was completely soaked by the time they got back to the domicile. Not soaked through of course, due to the nature of the sealed suit she was forced to wear for another week but soaked nonetheless. She was sticky and wet, sopping even, and as Max let them in and closed the door behind them, she moved to the nearest wall and reached back, pulling down a very particular zipper as she revealed her beautiful cunt… covered by a thin layer as she moaned in need.


"It's okay, sir. This… this is okay. It's like one of your race's condoms, of a sort. Nothing… nothing will get through. But you can fuck me like this. You just can't… impregnate me."

She's afraid to say it, but he needs to know. She won't lie to him, even by omission. Even if it's entirely possible Max will reject her because all she is to him is a breeding sow and if they can't fuck to breed, then it's not worth it. But she likes to think there's something more to their short-lived relationship then that. And when Max begins to unbuckle his pants a moment later, she's proven right.

Chala finds herself spun back around and lifted up onto the table in the middle of their kitchenette as Max's cock comes to rest against the very thin material between him and her pussy. It was barely there, but also completely impenetrable. The technology was… well, it was developed by a genius quarian whore a hundred years after the Morning Wars. Eventually though, it was picked up by just about everyone, and now all versions of the sealed quarian jumpsuit had such technologies for the purposes of casual sex.

Casual, and nothing more. But there was nothing casual about the way Max thrust into her, even as he rested his forehead against her facemask. They couldn't kiss, they couldn't do anything like that, but Chala was still touched by the way he was fucking her face to face all the same. She was also immensely aroused. Even as she gripped the edge of the table, Max's hands were on her sides and then up on her shapely, covered breasts. Through the jumpsuit, he happily, eagerly kneaded her tits, all while fucking her cunt with such wild abandon that Chala thought he might never stop.

She hoped he would never stop. It felt good… it felt great. Not as good as their first time together had been, even if that had led to… complications. But still amazing. Even with the thin material keeping him from ever truly cumming inside her while she was wearing this suit, Chala felt every last inch of his big fat human cock plowing her… and it was glorious.

"Yes! Yes! Yes, sir… please, sir, more! More!"

She moaned her desires even as he gave her what she wanted. Even as he rammed into her time and time again. She eventually came, and he felt it as her inner walls tightened around his cock all the more harshly. It caused him to groan in sheer pleasure, but it wasn't until her second orgasm that he was forced to let loose as well.

He pulled out of her right before it happened, and before Chala knew it, she was being splattered with human seed. A full frontal, as the humans might call it. She arched her back and jutted out her breasts and just TOOK it, even as his cum splattered across her facemask, across her breasts, and all over her taut stomach for good measure as well.

He marked her then, as his property. The collar might have been enough for that, but he went the step further and Chala couldn't have appreciated it more, even as he pulled back and watched her moan wantonly, running her fingers all over her cum-stained suit.

This was the true start of a beautiful relationship.


She was going to do things right this time. That was her promise to herself, and to Maximillian. Though she hadn't said as much to the human male. More like… well, it was a silent promise, okay? But either way, Chala had no intentions of screwing everything up again! She was getting ready to leave the suit, and this time everything would go perfectly.

Ah, but before that… Max was taking a nap, both of them knowing they probably wouldn't get any sleep the night before. This left Chala with the lounge area of their domicile all to herself. Given the purpose of the Habitat, it only made sense that they would have access to some of the best Quarian porn ever produced. Although, the video that Chala had queued up was… um, a bit more fringe than most.

Much of the Quarian race didn't like to acknowledge what it was that certain high-ranking members of their species got up to. But if the dear Admiral didn't want to be watched, she wouldn't have recorded it and loaded it onto the Extranet, now would she have? Regardless, Chala considered Admiral Shala'Raan vas Tonbay to be one of her idols. The fact that it turned out she had a fetish for being bred by Varren, one of the lowliest compatible lifeforms with Quarians in the known universe… well, Chala was a little perverted herself. She found it kind of hot.

And so, still in her suit, sprawling out on the couch, Chala started up the porno, staring at the massive screen on the far wall of the lounge area. Flushing with anticipation, the suited Quarian wastes no time in slipping open the crotch of her suit, leaving only the thin layer behind so she could touch herself through the 'condom' as she'd called it to Max just the other day.

On the screen, there's nothing but darkness for a moment. But then that moment ends, and the darkness begins to recede as it turns out the camera was pressed up against a fat, shapely Quarian ass all along. Said Quarian ass walks away from the camera, swaying its hips back and forth and Chala bites her lower lip, knowing immediately that she's staring at the very fine, very NAKED ass of one Admiral Shala'Raan.

Even before the admiral's upper profile is revealed, even before she turns to regard the camera with her glowing purple eyes and a wide, wicked smile, Chala knows who it is. Who else can it be, given the video she's watching? Blushing up a storm, Chala fingers her cunt, unable to feel her wetness on her digits, but quite able to feel her digits in her cunt, through the thin layer. She was so damn aroused… it wouldn't be long now before she got to get out of this suit again and experience a REAL cock. For now though, her fingers would have to do.

"Go on then. Let them loose~"

Shala'Raan's voice is seductive and breathless as she speaks, showing that the Admiral is just as eager and enthusiastic as Chala is. She's nearly vibrating with anticipation, even as the sound of cage doors swinging open comes from off camera. In moments, the Quarian female is surrounded by slavering Varren, the beasts surrounding her, stalking her, circling her like a pack of… well, hungry Varren, Chala supposed.

"Mm, there you are. Such big boys, aren't you?"

Shala'Raan coos at the Varren, and the Varren pant for a moment before growling as one in unison. Chala's eyes widen at the same time as her role model and idol's do, but where she feels a small spark of fear for the Admiral, Shala'Raan just ends up grinning even wider as she drops to her knees, holding her hands up.

"Sorry… sorry. I should be more respectful, shouldn't I? Mm. Big beastly creatures like you are all about respect. Well, I'm here for you to disrespect me, if you like. I'm here for you to use me… to breed me…"

Slowly, sensually, Admiral Shala'Raan turns herself to the side, at least on the camera's view. She leans forward afterwards, her hips rising into the air as she presses her cheek to the floor of where ever it is she is. Probably some cargohold from the looks of things, or so Chala things in the back of her mind. Most of her focus is on what's right in front of her though. Her idol, face down, ass up in the air… spreading her pussy lips wide with her fingers.

"This is what you want, right? Go on. Make a move, one of you. Take me as your mate, make me your woman. Breed me like the slutty Varren bitch I am."

… Chala could kind of understand why this was sort of ignored by the vast majority of the Quarian people. As a race, they weren't really in a position to turn away any of the brilliant minds that led them. Admiral Shala'Raan had served exemplary for all her time on the admiralty board, and if she was going to be so open about this part of herself, well… at least no one could blackmail her over it, right?

Regardless, at this early stage in their species' recovery, they simply couldn't afford to judge anyone. Everyone was allowed to be themselves, even a 'slutty Varren bitch'. And holy shit was Shala'Raan proving her own words true as the first of the Varren, the biggest from what Chala could see, mounted the naked Quarian right then and there, his thick, fat alien dick sliding up and down her slit for only a moment before finding purchase and slamming home into her cunt.


Shala'Raan's head tilts back as she cries out, and one of the smaller Varrens takes advantage of her, slamming their own cock into her open mouth and right down her throat. Judging by the widening of her eyes, this was unexpected… but given the lashing of her tongue back and forth along the underside of the cock stuffed between her lips, it wasn't exactly unwanted.

Chala pants inside of her suit, fogging up her faceplate a little as she watches the dear Admiral get dicked from both ends. Her fingers circle around her mound, pressing hard on her clit and her slit to get the proper sense of feeling through the thin layer separating her from herself. It was impossible to truly get it right, but there was nothing to be done about it, in the end.

That was fine, because even this, when combined with the absurdly hot gangbang she was bearing witness to, was enough. It was enough to have Chala humping her hips up into her hand in mere minutes as things between the Admiral and the Varren only escalated further and further on the screen in front of her.

"MMPH! Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

If she could, Chala has no doubt that Shala'Raan would be screaming for more. Instead, she can only scream out muffled incoherent ramblings around the dick pistoning in and out of her throat, her eyes rolling around in her head as she's right and properly fucked from both ends by the biggest Varren cocks Chala has ever seen.

… To be fair, they're the only Varren cocks Chala has ever seen, and Max is still bigger. But she imagines they're pretty big. Shala'Raan seems like she knows what she's doing. She wouldn't pick Varren with subpar dicks, right? Regardless, the one in the Admiral's cunt abruptly cums, and the mere expression on Shala'Raan's face sends Chala over the edge again as she watches her role model lose herself in sheer ecstasy.

She imagines she has something of the same look on her own face when she's being dicked hard by Max's cock. Her free hand comes up and toys with the collar around her neck. Chala loves it, this gift from Max. She loves it… and she loves him. She wants nothing more than to spend every moment of every day with the human. She wants to be what he needs, wants to be what he WANTS. She… she needs him to need her, if that makes sense.

Her feelings for him run deeper than Shala'Raan's feelings for the Varren pack fucking her silly, if Chala had to guess. What she's watching on the screen, this video of the Admiral getting bred like nothing more than a bitch by all those beast cocks… yeah, it's all lust and passion and perversion. And while Chala has plenty of that, she has other emotions for Max as well. He's just so… he's so good to her. She doesn't deserve him.

"F-Fuck! Fuck, fuck, FUUUUCK! Do it, cream me you bastard! Make it sure! Make it so I give birth to a dozen fucking Varren pups!"

On the screen, Shala'Raan is no longer dealing with a Varren dick in her throat. In fact, in the midst of Chala's introspection, things have moved along at quite the fast pace, and now the Admiral is literally riding the big Varren from the beginning with it on its back, panting heavily. Around her, the other members of the Varren Pack are all exhausted, sprawled out, their cocks drooping.

… the Admiral really is quite the slut, to manage to exhaust all of them like that. Chala blushes and continues to finger herself to the display, all the way to the end of the video… but she doesn't cum again. As nice as the porno was, her thoughts have turned towards reality now, and a certain someone. Hopping off of the couch and shutting off the vidscreen, Chala instead moves to another interface in the domicile. A quick check shows that everything is finally ready.

Not only has she been cleared to leave her suit again, the fertility drugs and the immuno-boosters she's asked for have arrived as well. The wall unseals for a moment, and there they are. Eyes bright and full of excitement, Chala slowly and reverently takes off the collar that Max had made for her. Then, she strips out of her suit.

Once she's done so, she follows the instructions on each of the injectors given to her, putting the fertility drugs and the immuno-boosters inside of her body without a second thought. Once that's done, and she's standing there naked, her body quivering with anticipation… only then does Chala pick up the collar again. But she doesn't put it on. Instead, she makes her way to the bedroom, collar in hand.

It's time to do this right.


Max is lightly dozing when he hears the door to the bedroom slide up into the ceiling. His eyes open and he regards Chala in all her naked glory for a second. Slowly, rising from the bed, he watches as she descends to her knees before him, lowering her gaze to the ground and raising her arms into the air in one smooth motions. Palms up, she presents her collar to him. The reason why is obvious, and Max happily takes the collar from her, sliding it around her neck a moment later as she holds her hair out of the way for him.

The red collar fits snugly around her neck and as Max looks down at his handiwork, he can't help but smile. Her name is emblazoned on the front of the thing. Chala. His pet.

"I'm yours now, Master. However you want to take me… I'm yours."

Well, with an offer like that, how else is Max supposed to respond? The needy Quarian slut on her knees before him is the height of beauty, and Max can't help but comment on that, even as he pulls his pants down and let's loose his big, fat cock. It's already growing harder and thicker and longer too, just from the sight of Chala's beautiful submissive body.

"You're gorgeous, pet. Absolutely gorgeous."

Chala blushes happily at that, looking up at him and then to his cock with a wide, pleased smile on her face. Then, without prompting she reaches out and takes hold of his cock, placing it in her mouth and beginning to suck on his dick for him, right then and there. He grows to full mast even faster under her enthusiastic efforts. Her tongue rolls around his cockhead and then she takes him properly into the depths of her hot, wet, velvety mouth.

Max's breath hitches, even as he places a hand in the Quarian woman's hair. Chala is so eager, so dedicated… and he can't deny that he finds that part of her spectacularly hot. Seeing her on her knees, happy to serve him… yeah, it kind of hits a lot of his major fetishes. But then that was the point, wasn't it? That was the point of everything they'd both gone through to get to this spot. They weren't just compatible, they might as well have been made for each other…


Max's voice gives the female Quarian pause, and she looks up at him with the gorgeous glowing eyes of hers, even as her lips suction down greedily around the midway point half down his cock.

"Chala, I want to… I want to fuck your face now. I-Is that okay?"

He doesn't want to hurt her. But if she really is perfect for him, then… Max's smile grows as Chala nods her head as best she's able. Her eyes give way to how much that arouses her, as does the muffled moan that she sends up the length of his shaft. Grinning wickedly, even as Chala drops her hands off of his cock and in between her legs to touch herself, Max grabs hold of the Quarian's hair… and begins to face fuck her to his heart's content.

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

At the same time, Chala is touching herself needily, fingering her cunt, playing with her naked body. She's all his, ripe for the taking… but for now, this is what Max wants. For just this moment, he's satisfied, happy even, with just her mouth and throat. Pistoning in and out of said throat, raiding and ravaging her esophagus and gullet, Max groans and tilts his head back, enjoying the tight, spasming feel of Chala's neck around his invading cock.

Ah, but it's not long before he can't contain himself any longer. With a shout, he cums in Chala's mouth. There's no other warning besides that, and yet the Quarian woman proves how perverse she is yet again as she swallows his seed down without spilling or hacking up a single drop. Not even a little bit of his cum exits Chala's suctioned lips as she inhales his cum and drinks it all down to the last.

And when she pulls back and licks her pristine lips… Max knows right then and there that he has to have her. He still has a grip on her hair, so he uses that to pull Chala up and toss her onto the bed. And as she lays there, sprawled out, waiting for him… Max considers his Quarian mate for only a moment before pouncing.

He was going to enjoy this. There was no doubt about that.


As Max falls upon Chala, his lips smash against hers. He pins the naked Quarian down, his hands sliding along her writhing alien form as he makes his way across her flesh. One hand ends up cupping her ass, while the other moves between her legs. Two fingers slide up into Chala's tight, needy Quarian cunt, and the female mewls into his mouth as she bucks her hips up into his thrusting digits.

She's already so wet for him, but then Max expected no less from the slutty, submissive Quarian. His own Quarian pet, how could he ever have expected life could get so good? Ah, but of course he had known it would be like this. He'd come to the Habitat for a reason after all, and they wouldn't have asked so many damn questions, so many very personal questions, if they weren't planning on matching him as closely as possible.

Still, Chala was everything Max could ever have hoped for. And as she cums around his fingers, her entire body spasming as her glowing eyes roll back in her head, Max knows he's going to run her through her paces now. He's not going to stop until she's most definitely pregnant. Confirmation of which could take weeks. The thought brings a wicked sort of smile to Max's face, and his hand reaches out to the headboard of the bed, closing around the silk ties there.

Separating his lips from hers, Max gets to work on restraining Chala to the bed at her wrists and ankles. The Quarian woman doesn't fight him on this, but then, this is something they've done plenty of times by now. Just… never like this. Chala has always been stuck in her suit when Max wrapped the silk cloth around her covered wrists and ankles. Now though, now she can feel it rubbing against her skin directly as he ties off both of her upper appendages, before moving down her body to do her lower.

Soon enough, Chala is spread-eagle before him, every limb tied off to one of the bed's four corners. He knows she loves it, even as she moans and squirms, the collar he had made for her the only thing adorning her otherwise naked body. Chala loved to be punished, she loved to be taken and treated like nothing more than a warm set of holes to be fucked. After messing up and being confined to her suit for such a lengthy period of time, she'd all but demanded he tie her up like this each night, making her sleep in this position more often than not.

Well, now that she was finally out of the doghouse, it only felt right to use the ties again, and take her in her preferred form of bondage. With her limbs stretched out and her gorgeous alien body on full display before him, Max slides into place between Chala's legs, bringing his cockhead up to her slit and slipping it back and forth against her sopping wet entrance. As he holds himself steady with one hand, his other hand goes up and pushes three digits insistently against Chala's lips.

The bound submissive Quarian opens up for him, allowing him to slide his fingers into her mouth as her tongue writhes against them quite needily. Her eyes stare into his eyes, her desire for more so blatantly obvious. Max just can't help himself. He can't help but tease her for just a bit longer. Eventually, she sucks down on his fingers as lewdly as she can, while bucking her hips up into his cock. But she's never quite able to get him inside of her, not on her own. No, only he can choose when he finally fucks her, and they both know that. She's completely and utterly at his mercy.

Finally drawing his fingers back, Max grabs Chala by her thighs and holds her still as he fits just the tip of his cock into her cunt. In response, the bound Quarian moans in anticipation, her gaze lidded with desire and anticipation.

"Do you want it, pet? Do you want my thick, fat human dick buried in your tight little Quarian pussy?"

"Yessss… more than anything. Please, Master. Please fuck your slutty Quarian toy, please breed me and knock me up with your massive, life-giving schlong. I need it… I need it sooooo badly."

Max just chuckles as Chala voices her desires, eagerly following along. Reaching up for a moment, the human man grabs one of her tits, squeezing it quite harshly.

"Do you deserve such a treat though, pet? Have you earned this?"

For a moment, there's silence as Chala bites her lower lip, whimpering from his abuse of her chest, even as she considers his words. Its obvious that she wants to answer one way, but equally obvious that he's not looking for the answer she wants to give. In the end, Chala shakes her head in the negative.

"N-No, Master. I was a s-stupid, foolish girl… I've been v-very naughty. I deserve nothing but what my Master wants to give me, nothing but what you decide to do with me. I can only b-beg that you see fit to breed your Quarian fuck toy to your heart's content."

Smiling, Max nods, even as he goes back to holding her by her spread thighs, rubbing soothing circles into her flesh with his thumbs.

"That's right… that's exactly right."

And then he thrusts forward, not making Chala wait a moment for exactly what she's been craving. Of course, the Quarian isn't expecting it, not after that little exchange. But Max likes being unpredictable. He loves bringing her to her lowest, only to lift her up again, all the way to the heights of ecstasy. That's exactly what he does as he fills her bound form with his big fat human dick, falling over her and kissing her deeply once more, even as he pistons in and out of her bound body.

Chala moans happily before he stifles her noises with his mouth, but even once they're kissing, she's eagerly participating as best she can in her current state. Her hips rise to meet his thrusting cock, her tongue intertwines with his. He fucks her, and she takes all of him, just as she should, the slutty Quarian bitch that she is.

Moving his hands up her body, Max grabs hold of Chala's tits and squeezes them quite roughly. The bound Quarian moans as she's so thoroughly used and abused, her noises filling his throat, up until he pulls back, looking down at her while still fucking her with deep, penetrating throats that reach all the way to the entrance of her womb.

As he pinches and pulls at Chala's nipples, Max grins ferally.

"What do you say, pet?"

"T-Thank you, Master! Thank you, thank you, thank you! Thank you for fucking this undeserving cunt! Thank you for plowing me senseless with your big dick, your massive human schlong! Please Master, please give me more! Give me all of it!"

Chuckling darkly, Max proceeds to do just that. He doesn't make her beg him for his seed again, instead he sees just how many orgasms he can force out of her before he finally cums. After fucking her face to start things off, his next release DOES take a little while. But eventually, it arrives. Only after Chala has squirted her pussy juices along his pistoning prick time and time again though. Only once she's lost the ability to speak coherently entirely, and is nothing more than a mumbling, incoherent mess beneath him.

Max cums inside of the bound Quarian and fills her womb to the brim with his seed, groaning as he arches his back and buries himself deeper inside of her than ever before. Eventually, his orgasm abates, and he pulls his messy cock out of Chala's drooling quim… but even as he strokes it for a moment, gazing upon the Quarian beneath him, Max knows this is just the beginning. They've got plenty of time together, after all. And he's not going to waste a moment of it.

They're just getting started.


A few days later, Max is humming to himself as he walks casually through his domicile. At his side crawls Chala, her collar the only thing adorning her gorgeous body, as it has been for the last several days. He hasn't allowed her to wear anything else besides it, but then Chala also hasn't actually asked. Max is pretty sure if he'd told her to, she would have happily crawled naked from the domicile and into the Habitat proper with him. If it wasn't considered inappropriate to be THAT lewd, Max very well might have done it.

As it was, they HAD gone for a couple walks so far, though with Chala wearing the bear minimum outlined as 'decent'. And Chala had crawled at his side, leashed and collared like a pet, rather than the sentient being she was supposed to be. She hadn't cared that people stopped and stared, in fact Max was pretty sure she'd enjoyed the attention. He certainly had. Not a single stare had been condemning, leading him to believe that pretty much every living being in the Habitat was as much a pervert as the two of them were.

Regardless, that was then, this was now. And though Max was walking Chala by her leash, attached to her collar, he wasn't planning on taking her outside or anything like that. Instead, he was trying to decide where he would fuck her next.

"Hm, we did the living room earlier this morning. Did the bedroom all of last night. Kitchen was late afternoon yesterday… shower sex was a day ago by this point too, but the leash doesn't really fit with that, now does it?"

Musing out loud, Max is mostly talking to himself, though he knows Chala is listening and hanging off of every word he says. So, in the end he turns to his Quarian pet and grins.


She immediately sits back on her haunches, staring up at him with her glowing eyes filled with desire and adoration, her mouth opening wide and her tongue lolling out of it in preparation for his hard-on, which even now is hovering inches from her face. Max just chuckles though, he's not looking to fuck her throat again, not right now anyways.

"Chala… where would you like me to fuck you? Why don't you show me, hm? Lead the way, I'll follow."

He keeps ahold of the leash of course, but even as Chala blinks at this, pulling her tongue back in and snapping her mouth shut as she considers his words, Max is fully prepared to let her lead him along for a moment, instead of the other way around. He's still in overall control, after all. But in the end, the gorgeous female Quarian doesn't lead him anywhere.

Turning away, Chala presents her ass to Max, even as she arches her back. One hand presses palm down on the ground while the other spreads her pussy lips wide. Even now, they're leaking his cum. But then, its been a good twenty-four hours since they last showered, and he's not about to go that long without fucking her again and again and again.

"R-Right here, Master?"

Smirking at his pet's lust-inspired decision, Max just shrugs and kneels behind her, right there in the hallway of the domicile. A moment later, he's pulling back on the leash as he slams forward into her cunt for the umpteenth time in however many days its been. Chala cries out, even as her back arches further, her head tilting backwards from the pull on her throat.

Wrapping the leash further and further around his hand, Max pulls it as tight as possible and then he begins to fuck Chala with all his might. His other hand comes down on her gorgeous, fat ass intermittently, and the Quarian female cries out again and again, when she's not choking a little from the constriction around her throat.

Her pussy has never been tighter though, and not once does she try to stop him, not once does she stop thrusting her hips back INTO his thrusts as he fucks her and rides her from behind while pulling on her leash with each and every pistoning motion of his big fat prick. This… this is the life. Max is quite pleased with his decision to leave everything behind for a chance at the Habitat.

If this is what he can expect to spend the next several years doing, if he's going to get to use and abuse some delicious submissive female aliens over and over again, yeah, Max can see himself enjoying his time here quite a bit. Chala is just the start, he knows and understands this… but fuck if she's not the best start he's ever seen. Fuck if she's not perfect in every way.

Hopefully the ones that follow her will be much the same, Max can't help but think as he continues to fuck his Quarian pet from behind, ramming into her as she climaxes around his cock again and again. Max imagines they will be, so long as the Habitat has submissives available for him to play with. And so long as that continues to be the case, he'll be content. There's no doubt about it… this is where he belongs.


"It is official. Chala'Thelos is now pregnant with Maximillian Alexander's child."

A wide smile spreads across Max's face, even as he turns to Chala and pulls the Quarian woman into a hug. It was good news! Or at least, it was supposed to be. Chala was a little stiff in his arms though, so eventually he pulled back to look at her, to see what was wrong. She had a sad frown on her face as she explained herself without prompting.

"I… I'm happy, I promise I am. I'm just… sad that this means I'll have to leave you, eventually."

Max nods slowly in understanding. Of course. It was still months down the road, to be fair, but eventually there would indeed come a time when Chala would be carted off down to the planet below for the last stages of her pregnancy, so that the Quarians could make sure no complications occurred, and of course so that the baby could be born on Rannoch itself.

Still, it wasn't the end of the world, and Max tells Chala as much, even as he cups her face in his hands.

"Yes, you'll eventually have to leave, Chala… but that's still a way off, is it not? We've got time together, even now, and I promise you, I intend to spend every moment of these next few months at your side. Will you do the same for me?"

Chala nods with wide eyes, knowing full well that he could easily set her aside and request another Quarian to impregnate, now that he'd done his duty with her. The fact that he wasn't sees the Quarian female smiling brightly, even as Max grins back at her. He wasn't quite done yet with Chala. And he'd make sure that the both of them enjoyed their time together, however much longer they had.


As the sound of heavy footfalls fills her ears, Hel'Firanos trembles, her hands clinging to her pistol grip quite tightly. While yes, the Quarian female was armed, that didn't stop her from being afraid.

"I can smell you, you know. I can hear you shaking in your boots."

Biting down on the impulse to 'eep!' at the sound of that deep, gravely voice, attached to the owner of the heavy footfalls that are growing every closer, Hel shakes and trembles in equal parts trepidation and anticipation. She should have been stronger than this… she was a security guard to the Habitat playing hide and seek with a violent visitor instead of confronting him head on, after all. What would her superiors say?

Biting her lower lip, Hel finally forces herself to move. The Quarian female rises from her hiding place and steps out from around the corner, her stance shaky but decent and her gun coming up and sighting on the being with the heavy feet and the deep voice. But then, given his species, is it any wonder? The massive Krogan Battlemaster standing before her takes up much of the hallway he just got done walking down, and he towers over her as she holds him at bay with her pistol.

For a moment, Hel forgets herself, her mouth going dry and her eyes slowly sliding over the great big hulking alien's massive body. He was so large, so… so muscular. It was… the Krogan snorts indelicately, tearing the female Quarian out of her moment of distraction. Forcing her eyes up to meet his, Hel swallows thickly and tries desperately to insert an authoritative tone into her voice when she finally speaks.

"Sir… you are currently standing in a r-restricted area of the Habitat. I- s-stop!"

The Krogan is grinning as he takes a step forward right in the middle of her declaration, only to pause briefly when she says stop. Flushed and flustered beyond belief, Hel swallows thickly.

"G-Get down on your knees and put your h-hands behind your head!"

For a moment, the Krogan considers her. Then, he grins a little wider.


Hel's eyes widen at this, even as her trembling grows all the more intense.

"N-No?! I… I have back-up on their way r-right now! They'll be here any m-moment!"

"No, you don't. You don't even have a way to contact them, do you?"

Stiffening, the Quarian female stares at the Krogan wide-eyed and frozen in place. How could he possibly… letting out a bark of laughter, the Krogan takes another step forward, only stopping when she straightens out her pistol again, the tip of it having been slowly wavering.

"You're all alone with me, female. All alone with the big bad Krogan. The things we could get up to…"

A shiver runs down Hel's spine and she whimpers before she can stop herself. He hears it too, she can see his grin widening even further at the sound. Gritting her teeth, she points her pistol right at the Krogan's face.

"D-Don't come any closer. Don't you d-dare… if you d-do, I'll… I'll shoot!"

Cocking his head to the side, the massive alien considers her words for a moment… and then steps towards her. Hel yelps and tightens her grip on her pistol, but doesn't fire. Then he does it again, and in response, she steps back rather than shoot him.

"You won't shoot, girlie. You know why?"

Despite knowing its playing into his hands, Hel finds herself shaking her head in the negative. The Krogan takes another step forward and then explains his reasoning.

"That dinky little thing has a pretty small chance of actually killing me, even if you shoot me right in the head. We Krogan are tough, and we don't have a reputation for being the meanest motherfuckers in this universe for nothing. There's a reason that when the pansy ass races on the Citadel finally decided to do away with us, they used a poison instead of good old-fashioned bullets."

He's not wrong. Her pistol, issued to her by the authorities that she was supposed to be a proud part of, was like a pea-shooter in the face of the approaching, hulking monster. The Krogan takes another step forward, and rather than tightening her grip on her weapon, Hel finds herself waving as he gets closer and closer.

"And the other reason… the reason we both know you won't shoot me…"

He's suddenly in her personal space, one of his large hands coming up and grabbing the gun from her. She lets go of it then, rather than force him to rip it from her grasp and possibly break fingers. Tossing it aside, the Krogan grins quite wickedly as he towers over her at the end of the hallway.

"You want what I've got, bitch. All you naughty little Quarian sluts do. I wasn't lying when I said I could smell you. Not just your fear… but your arousal too."

She was helpless now, and Hel whimpers as he leans in and makes a big show of sniffing up her scent. But still… she couldn't just admit it, could she?

"N-No… that… that's not true. It's not… I don't… I-gah!"

Suddenly, the massive Krogan has her by the shoulders and is spinning her around. Pressed face first up against the wall, Hel can't do much more than gasp and squirm ineffectually in his grip as he squeezes at her.

"Careful now. You Quarians are so damn small… wouldn't want to break something."

Trembling in fear and anticipation, Hel whimpers but stills, even as the Krogan's actions run contrary to his words, his large fingers surprisingly deft as they work at her clothing for a moment. He undoes the fastenings that keep her uniform on her, and then he pulls. The garments denoting her position as a Habitat Security Guard rip off her body and Hel cries out at that, tearing up at both the roughness and the complete disrespect for her position.

Of course, at the same time, she's never been wetter. Because he is right, damn it all. She's so damn turned on right now, especially when he treats her like she's nothing but a piece of meat. This Krogan bastard is going to rape her, and there's nothing Hel can do but take it. His fingers spread her legs apart forcibly and push up against her slit. She whines as he prods at her opening with one of his massive digits, ultimately coming away with it quite wet.

"That's what I thought, slut. Lick this off, you messy little cunt."

The finger presses into her lips, and though Hel tries to resist at first, the Krogan just slaps her bare ass with his other hand, drawing a cry from her lips that allows him to stuff the digit into her mouth right then and there. The tears do fall then, even as she sucks and slurps the finger clean, fearful of further retribution for disobedience.

The next thing she feels is his cock. Even as he's still sawing his digit in and out of her mouth, the Krogan's member has been released from his crotch and is rubbing between her thighs. She can tell just how big and girthy his dick is as her pussy lips spread open around the shaft, hot-dogged by the Krogan's giant fat prick.

He was going to put that inside of her. Oh keelah, how was it ever going to fit?

"It'll fit slut, don't you worry. I'll MAKE it fit."

Hel goes crimson at the realization she'd said that out loud. The Krogan withdraws his finger from her mouth and the female Quarian in turn hangs her head, filled with humiliation, shame, and embarrassment… but also so much damn arousal. She was enjoying every last bit of this, there was no denying that. And she enjoyed him using his thick meaty fingers to spread her pussy lips wide open, so he could fit the massive ridged head of his giant cock inside of her entrance as well.

Suddenly, she's seeing stars. Hel's vision outright swims and it takes her a moment to realize the continuous keening wail she's hearing is coming from her. Her entire body bucks and shakes as the Krogan slams into her, wasting no time on foreplay or mercy, filling her body with every last inch of his truly gigantic Krogan dick.

Her insides spread open wide for him, her inner walls lubed-up perfectly for the intrusion. He penetrates her… no, more like he IMPALES her on his cock, and all cognizant thought leaves Hel's mind as she claws at the wall she's pinned to, her cheek pressed up against it and her entire body bouncing as the Krogan almost immediately begins to thrust.

"Fuck yeah, nice and tight, just like I like em. You enjoying yourself, bitch? Yeah you are, heh. You don't have to tell me… your body is already snitching on you."

Hel squeezes her eyes shut, but that doesn't stop the pleasure. If anything, closing her eyes intensifies the entire experience, as her hearing and her sense of smell and her sense of touch are all enhanced by the temporary loss of sight. In no time at all, she's climaxing, as shameful as it is. She's orgasming HARD around the big fat, pulsating Krogan dick buried deep in her mewling, drooling quim.

"Shit! I felt that you naughty little minx! Fucking take my cock!"

And take it Hel does. The Krogan continues to rail into her what feels like an eternity, and if she had any sort of resistance to begin with, it doesn't last as he pounds her into the wall. Slowly but surely, she starts to push back. Climax after climax rush over her body and all coherent thought flees Hel's mind as she lets herself be washed away by the pleasure, as she enjoys being raped and used like nothing more than a piece of trash or a sex toy by the massive, hulking Krogan currently pinning her in place.

For a time, she has no concept of time, for a time, everything is bliss and pleasure and ecstasy. Then, the Krogan's voice fills her head again, his mouth right next to her ear.

"Going to cum soon, slut. You'd like that, wouldn't you? You'd like it if I bred you silly and knocked you up. You filthy Quarians can get pregnant off Krogan seed, can't you? Hell, you can get pregnant off of all sorts of aliens now. The galaxy's whores. Is that what you are, cunt? Just my naughty little cum dump breeder?"

Hel's eyes roll back in her head and she cums on the spot, her tongue lolling out of her mouth as her inner walls wring the Krogan's impending release from him, his seed pumped deep into her womb as she milks him for every last drop. He knew just what to say to drive her wild. There was no doubt about it, Hel'Firanos was a female who had some truly dark, nasty, depraved fantasies. The Krogan had pretty much satisfied almost all of them… but then that was kind of the point, wasn't it?

"… Hel! Hel, you with me?"

Slowly, as she comes down from her absolutely amazing climax, Hel registers the sound of her name coming from the Krogan's throat. He actually sounds concerned too, not at all the sinister rapist he was a few moments before. She's turned around as well, back against the wall, her cunt feeling equal parts empty and full as his seed leaks out from where his cock was moments before.

Smacking her lips a few times, the female Quarian looks up at the Krogan in a daze but ultimately smiles.

"Yeah… Yeah, Crux, I'm with you."

The Krogan, Crux, chuckles darkly and then scoops her up on the spot, carrying her bridal style as he heads to the left with her in his arms, ultimately carrying her to her bedroom. After all, this is HER apartment. They were indeed on the Habitat, and Hel'Firanos was a security guard for the Habitat. But… well, apart from that, none of this had been real. It was roleplay. Which of course, for Hel, meant rape play. The depraved female Quarian had always had a thing for being taken against her will. Being beaten down by a male stronger than her and just ruthlessly fucked like she was nothing? There was nothing hotter, not where Hel was concerned.

Slowly laying her out on her bed, Crux smiles down at her.

"You alright?"

Licking her lips, the Quarian reaches out.

"I will be once you're snuggling up with me, you big lug. Get out of the rest of the armor, won't you?"

Snorting at her demanding tone, her old Krogan war buddy nevertheless does what he's told. He'd only removed the codpiece of his armor to 'rape' her in the hallway, but now he goes about pulling off the rest of it as well, until he's as naked as she is. Her bed creaks a little when he climbs aboard, but she'd ordered this one with the need for heavy use in mind, so it wouldn't break any time soon.

Curling into Crux's chest, Hel sighs happily.

"Thank you for that, old friend. I really needed it… took the edge off."

Crux's responding chuckle is as deep as his normal voice, even as he curls an arm around her, laying back and resting comfortably.

"You've always been a pervert, Hel. But I was glad to help. If nothing else, getting to see this Habitat you Quarians have been working on has been an eye-opening experience."

That brings a smile to Hel's face. She really is proud of the work she and every other Quarian is doing on the Habitat. This… this is the future of their species. This is the beginning of a new chapter, hell, a new damn book in the Quarian Saga. She was just happy that her position had afforded her some… special privileges.

As a member of Habitat Security, Hel had the ability to extend a personal invitation to anyone who she wanted to for the sole purpose of knocking her up. It seemed a little wild, considering she'd be taken off duty if it happened, but at the same time, would she really be taken off duty… or was it more accurate that she'd be on a new duty, a more important duty? In a way… it was the most important duty of all.

Feeling very 'patriotic', Hel pushes out of Crux's grasp and then rolls over onto him, having to climb to sit atop him. The Krogan grunts in response, but simply lays back and watches as Hel bites her lower lip, slowly easing herself down onto his cock.

"You know… you know what the forms said. I-If you get me pregnant… you c-can still around longer. S-So we, mm, b-better get back to work, r-right?"

Snorting in amusement, Crux reaches up and grabs Hel by the hips. Then, he slams her down onto his cock the rest of the way, causing the female Quarian to cry out. His voice changes, and he sneers at her as he begins to roughly bounce her up and down on his massive meat rod.

"Stupid little Quarian slut. Already broken by my big fat cock, are you? Then be a good girl and be my cunt-sleeve. I'll put you to good use, you cum dump."

As he gets back into character, picking up their roleplay right where it left off, Hel gets back into character too. If her eyes rolling up in her head and a loud wanton moan exiting her throat as she cums around his cock is 'in character', that is.

In the end… this is going to be one fun little vacation. And if the odds are in her favor, Crux will have her knocked up before the weekend is through.


As fate would have it, Chala'Thelos and Hel'Firanos were in fact childhood friends. They'd grown up on the same ship together, and even ended up berthing on the same vessel after their pilgrimages. So, it wasn't too out of this world that the pair were having a spot of tea with one another for breakfast one morning, catching up as one does within the Habitat where they both technically 'worked'.

Leaning forward, Hel cocks her head to the side.

"I must admit to some measure of confusion, Chala. Why have you stayed when the job is done? You're pregnant, aren't you? You're certainly beginning to show by now."

Chala preens a little at that, leaning back and running a hand over her belly, while the other brings a tea cup to her lips. She sips from it for a moment before putting it back down again and grinning happily.

"I am indeed pregnant. The man I was paired with did a very good job of that, even if we had a minor hiccup along the way, thanks to my own stupidity. But yes… it's still several months out, but I AM pregnant… and when I get further along, I'll be sent off, sure. They won't want to risk the baby, and I don't want to either. But for now… well, I can't just leave, can I?"

Hel lifts an eyebrow at that, the female Quarian taking a sip of her own tea as she silently makes it obvious that yes, Chala could just go now, and more than that, she was kind of expected to. Letting out a slight sigh and blushing just a bit at Hel's reaction, Chala rolls her eyes.

"Look… it's like this. Max is more than I ever thought I could get. I think… I think I love him."

That gets BOTH eyebrows raised as the Habitat Security Guard just stares at Chala.

"It's true! They did a good job, matching us up. We're VERY compatible… and honestly, the more I've been thinking about things, the more I kind of want to… well, just think. This place, it was made with a lot of love in mind, right? It was made to make its inhabitants feel happy and normal and a dozen other things. We wouldn't be having this conversation outside of a small bistro over tea right now if it was more… clinical. Instead, I'd probably be up in stirrups and you'd be talking to me while my vagina stared you directly in the face."

Its Hel's turn to blush at the insinuation. It was certainly a stark mental image, but then, Chala had always been the more imaginative of the two of them. Not that they didn't both have their lurid fantasies… and Chala's narrative certainly brought interesting ideas to mind. Regardless, Chala continues on after a moment, the small smile on her lips the only sign she can tell how Hel's reacting to her words.

"Instead, we've got this place. The Habitat is meant to make us feel like we're still living our lives, but that's not really true. It's a very pretty wrapping, but the fact that its just an elaborate breeding facility at the end of the day is… inescapable. Not that that's a bad thing! We need this place, just like we need to resettle the world below. Our people need that, and I'm proud to be a part of giving our species its fresh start, its new chance at life."

Chala pauses for a moment, licking her lips and considering her words carefully.

"… But what about after? Or even before. Now. Whatever. What if this place could be MORE than just a breeding facility? What if this could be a place where Quarians could freely explore their sexuality and at the same time we can improve interspecies relations and create a new revenue stream for Rannoch on the side? They've already tried to dress this up as more than it currently is, so why not make it more than it currently is?"

Hel's mouth opens… and then closes a moment later as she actually gives Chala's idea the true thought it deserves. She contemplates it, even as Chala sits back smugly and sips at her tea while she waits. Eventually, the other female quarian begins to nod.

"… Could work. Though I'm no one special. You'd have to find a way to suggest that to the people in charge. And given just how important the Habitat is, that'd be the Admiralty Board, or at least members of it."

Swallowing, Chala nods in return, even as she sets her tea cup down heavily.

"I know… and I'm already preparing my report for them. My experiences and my recommendations. Maybe they'll listen… maybe they won't. But if they fail to take the opportunity present here, they're making a big mistake. This place is… it could be so much more. I want it to be."

Snorting slightly and grinning, Hel waggles her eyebrows.

"To be honest, sounds like you already made it into something more for yourself! This Max fellow is really all that?"

Blinking, Chala processes Hel's words for a moment and then gets a sort of goofy smile on her face as she bobs her head up and down.

"He is… its really not all about size you know. Even if you are a size queen, you slut. Not that Max isn't plenty big, and I'm sure he'd rock your world… but its about how he uses it. Its about how he uses everything. He knows JUST how to treat me… and I love every moment of being his horny, knocked-up pet."

By the time she's done speaking, Chala is leaning in and blushing furiously as she murmurs to Hel. Hel isn't much better, leaning in as well and hanging off of every word Chala says. In the end, she can't stop herself.

"Prove it."

Chala blinks again at that.


Still grinning, Hel licks her lips suggestively.

"I've got a friend of mine staying on the Habitat for a week. His name is Crux. He's… well, I'm sure you can guess. We've been playing around a bit, and it might just be that he gets me pregnant before his time here is done. Then, I suppose I'll be joining you in the happily bred life. Still… why don't we do a little swap?"

Chala cocks her head to the side questioningly but doesn't seem immediately opposed to it. Seeing this, Hel pounces.

"You spend the night with Crux while I spend the night with Max. We'll compare notes in the morning. Sound like a plan?"

Slowly, Chala nods.

"I'll have to ask Max first. This collar isn't just for show, Hel. But… I bet he'll be interested in it. He's not possessive or anything, and if I record it for him, he'd be fine with me taking it up the ass or something I bet. We're both big fans of quarian porn, as it turns out…"

Hel's eyebrows raise at that.

"You want to take Crux up the butt? Geez girl, and you call me the size queen."

Scoffing, Chala sits back in her chair again.

"Oh, come on… how big can one Krogan be?"


Kneeling there, staring at the massive Krogan cock with the quad-ball sack right underneath it, Chala finds herself regretting her over-confidence earlier. As it turned out, Max was perfectly fine with partner swapping, so long as he got to have fun with Hel while Chala was… busy. Once Chala explained exactly where Hel's tastes lay, he was even more on board, and she'd actually never seen that level of sadism in his eyes before… still, Hel was a rape fantasy size queen slut, so she'd undoubtedly have fun.

It was Chala that Chala had to worry about, because she was seriously beginning to think she'd bitten off more than she could chew with this choice. Just staring the Krogan's cock in the eye was… leaving her dry-mouthed and unsure what to do next.

"What? Too big for you? Your human not quite as large, slut?"

Chala's eyes flash up to Crux's face at that, and she grabs hold of his cock and balls as she glares at him. The Krogan lets out an uncharacteristic yelp when the collared, normally submissive Quarian pushes her fingers in on his ball sack in just the right way to remind him where he stood… and more importantly, where she was knelt.

Of course, she only squeezes hard enough to cause pain for a brief second. Then she's massaging that same ball sack and laying test-licks along Crux's shaft as he grunts and watches her suspiciously, now beginning to enjoy her ministrations, but still a little wary. Eventually, Chala pulls back and smiles at Crux as she continues to stroke and jerk off his shaft.

"Max might not be as big as you… but then you ARE a Krogan, and he's just a human. If he was as big as you, then that would either be grotesque for him, or just sad for you. Its not about the size, because that's not a contest a human should ever win against a Krogan… its about what you can do with it… so, what can you do with this thing, besides swing it around and brag about your size?"

Lifting a challenging eyebrow, Chala is half expecting it when Crux responds to her words by reaching down and dragging her up off her knees. The collared Quarian still squeals of course, as she's spun around and bent over faster than she can even blink.

"I'll show you what I can do with it slut… Hel told me that its your ass I'm taking… and I see you've been trying to prepare."

Reaching out, the Krogan grabs hold of the base of the massive butt plug currently buried in Chala's butthole. He wiggles it a bit, and then easily slides it out. The entire thing, along with much of Chala's anal passage, has been lubed up back and forth, fully prepared for this night. Crux just laughs when he sees this though, one of his palms coming down moderately hard on Chala's bubbly butt in a smack that sees her yelping.

"It won't be enough… but lets have some fun anyways."

His fingers push in first, and Chala bites her lower lip but manages to control most of her reaction as he slides the digits in and out. They're about as big as the anal plug was. So far, so good. But when he pulls back his fingers and instead replaces them with his cockhead, Chala gets her first taste of just how big the Krogan truly is. Seeing is one thing… feeling is another.

"Oh! Oh, oh, ohhh!"

Even as she groans and pants and moans, Crux continues on. He slowly but surely buries the head of his cock in between her ass cheeks, her poor tight back door stretched just enough and lubed just enough that he doesn't tear anything as he begins to push in. Leaning over the back of the couch, clinging to it as tightly as she can, Chala's eyes go crossed and she finds herself experiencing something just plain out of this world as the Krogan continues to impale her fat ass on his even fatter cock.

By the time he stops, she feels like she's been speared in the behind, though it doesn't hurt as much as it could have, even if it does still feel like she's being split in half. Pausing briefly, Crux reaches out and grabs a fistful of Chala's hair, leaning forward over her and causing his cock to sink in another half an inch as he does so.

"How's that feel, Quarian slut?"

Shaking slightly and trying to contain her moans, Chala trembles beneath the massive Krogan. She can't even feel his balls against her flesh, which means he's not even ball's deep inside of her right now. Even still…

"F-Fine… just… fine…"

The deep, dark chuckle is the only warning she gets before he suddenly grabs her up under her thighs and lifts her off the ground. The shriek that leaves Chala's throat as she slides several more inches down Crux's cock, thoroughly anally impaled on his massive meat log is loud and high-pitched. But that doesn't stop him from slowly pulling her off, only to drop her down again.

Chala's eyes roll back in her head and a bit of foam appears on her lips as she gurgles slightly from the experience. The amount of sensations she's experiencing right now are… overwhelming to say the least, and as Crux starts to REALLY give her a nice, hard butt-fucking, standing there and bouncing her up and down on his dick, Chala starts to come around a little to Hel's way of thinking.

It wasn't that she'd suddenly become a size queen or decided she LOVED rape fantasy or anything like that… but she was certainly able to appreciate Hel's point of view a bit more. As Crux continues to use her as a meat condom, fucking her ass in a way that he could never have done to her cunt because of the baby, Chala moans and climaxes from the experience, her pussy juices squirting out onto the floor as her anal passage clenches and squeezes down around Crux's cock.

At the same time, Crux growls into her ear.

"You're my chew toy for tonight, slut. We're gonna have LOTS of fun together…"

And even if he sounds a little sinister, Chala can't help but moan her agreement as she tilts her head back and thoroughly enjoys the anal plundering she's being subjected to. She can only imagine what's happening with Hel and Max. Even as the Krogan is fucking her, she's longing for the human male who put a baby in her womb. This is just a big dick… Max is something special.

Hel will know that soon enough, and like the Habitat Security Guard said, they'd compare notes in the morning. Chala could hardly wait to find out how her friend's night went. She knows she's certainly enjoying herself immensely.

Almost as if he can sense her mind is elsewhere, Crux begins to fuck her ass faster. He likely can't actually tell, but instead is just deciding to plow her silly even harder. Slamming his dick in and out of her bowels again and again, the Krogan gives it to her… and he keeps giving it to her all night long, just like he'd said he would.

Chala loves every last moment of it of course… partner swapping had been the best idea ever.


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