Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Popura’s Beach Adventure (Working!!)

A/N: Popura's Beach Adventure was a commissioned one-shot originally written in June of 2018! Posting it up now for people to enjoy!

Summary: In which Popura is sick and tired of being treated as a child by everyone around her. So, she gets an adult bikini and goes to an adult beach. Surely they'll HAVE to treat her like an adult there! Careful what you wish for...

Themes: Gangbang, Pornography, Exhibitionism


As she arrives at the beach, Popura can't help being both a little excited and a little nervous. Today's the day, after all! Today's the day she finally gets treated like an adult! It's unfortunate that she can't show off to all her friends and coworkers, but alas, she supposes she shouldn't be surprised that they were all so busy.

And in the end, was this not better? Going by herself, no one would immediately think she's the youngest in the group, or that she didn't belong on an adult beach like the one she'd come to! Hah, there was no one to compare her short stature to if she was all alone, right? A-Ah, but the adult bikini she had on was… well, there was a reason the ponytailed brunette was wearing a cute little robe over it for the time being, even as she hovered at the entrance of the beach, presumably taking it all in.

It certainly wasn't the sign that said, 'No Robes Allowed!' that had stopped her dead, no sir! Apparently only bikinis and swim trunks were okay. Luckily, Popura had come prepared! Only because she'd gone online though… the young woman's cheeks puff up angrily and her hands curl into fists as she considers her failed attempts at swimsuit shopping. Every time she tried to get a swimsuit, the clerks would direct her towards the admittedly cute one-piece suits designed for middle schoolers.

But then, none of those one-piece suits were made for a middle schooler with HER chest size. And whenever she asked a clerk if they had any to fit her bust, they took one look at her and told her with disdain to look ONLINE! W-Well she finally had! She'd gone online, and she'd bought an adult bikini a-and… and she was still maybe a little surprised by just how skimpy it was.

Popura had just been so excited to even own an adult swimsuit that fit her. She'd bought the first one she could find. Which might explain why it was a non-descript white… but she really should've checked the sizes on it, because she felt like she'd made a mistake somewhere. Or, at least, she'd felt like she'd made a mistake back home while she was putting it on.

In truth, if Popura hadn't planned this beach day for weeks and set aside everything else just to go, she might not have ever left her house to walk down here. As it was, she didn't want to waste it, the precious free time she'd created for herself. In the end, that's what convinced her to give it a go anyways. And now that she was here, Popura was discovering the truth of the matter.

As it turned out, her bikini was exactly what an adult, mature woman would wear to the beach, if the other female beach goers she could see from where she stood were any indication! It was them that gave Popura the confidence to finally take off her robe and fold it up, putting it away in the small bag she'd brought with her.

Taking a deep breath, Popura steps forward and enters the beach itself… aaand why does it feel like suddenly everyone is staring at her? The young woman resolutely resists the urge to blush and fidget as she feels the wind brush across her mostly exposed body. The white bikini she's wearing is the definition of sparse. There's basically nothing covering her butt, and the front of the bottoms barely even manage to cover her special place.

Meanwhile, the only part of her breasts that's concealed is her nipples, the two triangles making up the bikini top doing nothing more to hide her substantial breasts. She's very exposed… b-but then so is everyone else, right? There are lots of people wearing just as little as her! She's no one special here, and if she looks around long enough, she sees guys checking out other girls rather than her. She just… has to look very far away. To the extent that they might not have seen her yet. Because every guy close to her has eyes only for her, until they notice that she sees them looking.

Though, not every male beach goer averts his gaze when she looks at him. Some grin at her and nod their heads. Some wink. Some even wolf-whistle!

"Looking good babe!"

And then there's the cat-calling. Popura can't help but blush then, but she resolutely refuses to hunch in on herself or hide from what's happening around her. No, instead she holds her head high, keeps her back straight, and walks along with quite the happy smile on her face. Because it's finally happening. She's finally not being treated like a child anymore!

As time goes on, more and more guys work up the courage to approach her. She actually gets flirted with, much to Popura's amazement, and the ponytailed brunette happily flirts back, though her skills are meager at best. But the guys never seem to care, all laughing at her jokes, seeming to truly enjoy her company.

Popura has never been happier. She'd had her reservations about all this, but in the end, it's turning out to just be a great idea after all. When she's invited to join a group of men in the water, Popura happily does so, wanting nothing more than to be the adult, mature woman that they're treating her as, that she knows she is. No one can take this away from her, not now!

The water's wonderful, the sun's bright, and the sky is clear as Popura lounges in the water with the guys. Of course, eventually things take a turn for the playful, and the young men around her begin to mess with one another, splashing at each other. Popura giggles at their childish antics. It's fine to act like children when they're all adults after all. No one here to judge them for their actions… or their looks.

Wanting to be a part of this as well, Popura splashes at the nearest guy, much to his surprise. But that surprises lasts barely a moment before he splashes her back. As she enters the fray, Popura laughs and laughs and laughs… until she finds herself glancing down only to see her hardened nipples poking out in the visible water.

Popura's eyes go wide at that, and it takes her a moment to process what's happened. Her first thought is that she's lost her bikini top. But no, that's not it. She can feel the skimpy fabric still on her body. Her breasts aren't free from their confines, not at all. And her bikini bottoms are still in place as well. What's happened instead is… her top has become translucent, or at least the triangles covering her nipples have.

A glance further down confirms an even worse fear. The triangle covering her special place is also translucent, leaving her lower lips visible for all the world to see… or at the very least, all the guys around her. Blushing deeply, Popura finally gives in to the embarrassment she's been holding away all this time. It wells up all at once, now that she knows she's even more exposed than she thought. Huddling down in the surf, the short girl tries her best to cover herself up, blushing bright red like a tomato.

It doesn't take long for one of the young men to notice her embarrassment or what she's doing of course. She's been the center of attraction for the group of guys for a while now.

"Popura? What's wrong?"

Whimpering, Popura looks up at the concerned beach goer with watery eyes, even as everyone moves closer, frowning in confusion at her distress.

"H-How much did all of you see?"

There's a look exchanged between her 'new friends', before the same one who spoke before speaks again. Instead of answering her, he asks a question of his own.

"Why are you hiding like that, Popura?"

Now Popura is confused. Why WOULDN'T she be hiding like this?! Ah, of course. She'd brought this bikini, so maybe they expected her to know what happened when it got wet. Ah, they must think the worst things about her! She had to explain before she lost what little remained of her new friends' respect!

"I-I just bought this b-bikini online! I-I wasn't really expecting to end up naked f-for everyone to see! I s-swear I'm not that kind of girl!"

There's another look exchanged between the guys all around her as they stand in the surf, their taller forms towering over her as she hunches down, surrounding her, sort of hemming her in… but not really. Because they're not trying to trap her, Popura can instantly tell that. They're only surrounding her in a half circle, and their backs are to the sea. She could turn and run at any time back to the beach.

Eventually, the seemingly designated spokesman for the group speaks again, gesturing behind her to the beach.

"Then why did you come to this kind of beach, Popura? This is an adult beach, don't you know?"

"A-And I am an adult!"

A sigh, and then a more direct point behind her.

"Of course we know that… but, look. Just look."

Popura finally looks back at the beach. And she finally notices something her mind had obviously skipped over before. There are people… doing that thing on the beach. H-Having sex. The short-statured brunette's eyes go wide as she gazes across the beach. Just from where she is, she can see at least three pairs of people going at it alone. T-That's… she….

"Popura… this IS an adult beach, but there's a reason it's for adults only. Nudity and sex are permitted… encouraged even. People are allowed to come here and have whatever fun they like, because there won't be any kids around to bug them."

Mind awhirl with this new information, Popura doesn't notice the spokesman wading through the surf over to her, not until he crouches down next to her and puts a hand on her shoulder. This snaps her out of her increasingly lewd thoughts, causing her head to swing around to face him, a truly atomic blush spread across her features. But he's not looking at her like she doesn't belong, even now. He's got a kind smile on his face, but it's not patronizing or anything like that.

"Popura… would it make you feel better if we all got naked as well, to make things fair?"

Popura's eyes widen at that, and her blush grows even brighter, if that's possible. But in the end, looking at all the eager men around her, all of them so ready to make her happy, make her comfortable… Popura can't help but shyly nod her head in agreement.


The one guy who's been doing all the talking helps her to her feet, and the group of men head back to the beach with her in the middle, as if they're protecting her or something. Once they're all back on dry sand, the men spread out in a bit more of a circle, and Popura stands there in the middle, fidgeting and squirming in her still-translucent bikini, blushing up a storm. One by one, the young men strip off their swim trunks to reveal the rest of their bodies.

Popura isn't sure what she was expecting, but erections on each and every one of them wasn't it. Every last guy is at full mast, even the one who spoke to her so kindly. He gives her an apologetic smile as she blushes deeply, unable to tear her eyes away from his cock. Up till this point, Popura's had still been trying to cover her breasts and her special place. Now though, now her hands move away from those spots unconsciously, one hand going up to play with her hair and the other rubbing along her belly. She bares her naked body to them all over again, but she doesn't notice the open leers until she finally tears her gaze off of their dicks.

I-It's just too much… but she can't run away now. She doesn't WANT to run away now. She'll only be ridiculed as a child by all of her new friends if she does that. She can hear them now, after she's gone, talking about how she just wasn't mature enough yet. It's what holds her in place, the surety that they'll think badly of her, that they'll think less of her.

The young men move in and guide her gently a short ways off from the other beach goers. It turns out they have a bit of a set up nearby, with a bunch of towels laid out. They sit down rather casually, though there's no extra towel for her. She ends up sitting next to the spokesman from before, even as they all begin to engage in idle chit-chat, obviously trying to put her at ease.

It doesn't work as intended, but she does relax just a little. Enough so that when they finally try to include her in the conversation, she confesses the truth to them.

"I-I only came here because I wanted to be treated l-like an adult. I didn't… I didn't know what an adult beach really was. I'm always looked down upon b-because of my stature, because of how short I am. I just… wanted to be seen as a woman, instead of a girl…"

The guy beside her wraps an arm around her shoulders and gives her a half-hug as he smiles down at her.

"No worries there, Popura. You're ALL woman in our eyes. Though… there is an easy way to show everyone that you're not a little kid."

Popura's eyes go wide, and she immediately finds herself hugging the man, staring up at him with stars in her gaze as she gasps happily.


The one eighty causes both him and the others around them to come up short for a moment. The moment lasts just long enough for Popura to realize that she's currently pressing her breasts, with the bikini still soaked and barely there, against his chest. At the same time, his hard-on is grinding against her thigh. Blushing crimson all over again, Popura tries to pull back, only for him to stop her and hold her close.

"No, wait. THIS is part of how you can show everyone you're a real, mature woman, Popura."

Furrowing her brow, Popura looks between his so-close cock and his smiling face for a moment, clearly confused as all hell. The young man just grins as all of his friends do the same.

"The best way to show everyone… would be to engage in some nice, consensual sex… while being filmed!"

It takes her a second to process what he's just said. Before she can muster up a rejection, the others, all of her new friends… they're agreeing with him!

"Yeah, that's a great idea!"

"Shit, we'd be happy to help out, Popura!"

"No one would think you're not an adult, ever again!"

As each of the young men says something along those lines, making it clear that they all believe her filming a sex tape is the best way, Popura finds her denial dying in her throat. Instead, a nervous laugh bubbles up from within her, and she looks down at the ground shyly.

"I… I'm a v-virgin though…"

Clearly, they wouldn't want to have sex with an inexperienced woman. She's expecting them to be the ones to reject her now… so of course, she's confused when the young man holding her by the shoulders just lets out a bark of laughter.

"That's even better, Popura! Hey man, go get your camera!"

As one of the guys runs off towards the parking lot to do exactly that, Popura finds herself blushing and fidgeting even more. She shouldn't… this isn't… she should leave before this goes any further. She's not sure about any of this anymore, and though she doesn't want to disappoint her new friends, Popura is too nervous to stick around.

However, before she can say anything to that effect, she finds her small form abruptly pulled into the lap of the spokesman from before. His lips are suddenly on her lips as he kisses her gently, just like that. Popura's eyes go wide… and then she finds herself melting into his embrace, even as aware of his cock grinding against her bottom as she currently is.

She'd always wondered how kissing felt, always wondered what it was like. Her friends at school would talk about it, and sometimes Popura would try to chime in, try to pretend she had any experience with the activity… but now she knew exactly what the others at school were talking about. This was nice… it was better than nice, it was making her feel all warm and fuzzy a-and… Popura's brow furrows as she feels something probing at her lips, but then there's a hand on her breast and it causes her to moan. Suddenly, there's a tongue in her mouth.

The dual assault robs Popura of her senses, removing any resistance from the short-stack as she sits in the young man's lap and moans pitifully, putting on a show to all of the other guys around them. More than a few are jerking off to the view, not that Popura sees this, her eyes heavily lidded as she's kissed and molested right then and there.

Only when the other guy comes back with a video camera is Popura allowed to breathe again as the spokesman finally pulls away to give the cameraman his attention.


"Yeah, just about. Aaaand, we're rolling."

Grinning, the guy holding her faces Popura to the camera.

"Tell everyone your name, cutie."

Blushing deeply as the fuzziness finally slips off of her thoughts, Popura presses the tips of her index fingers together.

"I… um, m-my name is Popura Taneshima."

"And how old are you, Popura?"

"I'm… I'm e-eighteen years old!"

His hands suddenly come up and grab her chest, his fingers squeezing down on her tits in a rougher manner this time as he chuckles into the nape of her neck. Popura gasps at the sensation, squirming and writhing in his grasp as the camera catches every last moment of it.

"Mm, with a rack like this, I don't doubt that you are, Popura. Why don't you tell us your measurements now too, yeah?"

Popura blushes deeper at that. Measurements were a thing girls compared with one another… except, her height had always made it so that her measurements weren't as important. Or so her friends at school had always said, when she tried to bring them up. Nevertheless, she DID know them.

"I… um, m-my measurements are forty-two, t-twenty-four, a-and thirty-six…"

There are impressed murmurings, wolf whistles, and catcalls at that, and Popura can't help but smile at the praise, even as she blushes all the more at the attention she's receiving. The young man holding her in his lap is still molesting her breasts as he chuckles darkly. Then, he begins to whisper in her ear.

"Now Popura, repeat after me for the camera, alright?"

As he speaks too quietly for the video camera to pick up, Popura does her best to repeat his words, speaking clearly and concisely… or as clearly and concisely as she can, given the lines he's feeding her.

"M-My name is Popura, and I'm an e-eighteen-year-old virgin s-slut l-loli with big titties. I-I'm about to g-get fucked on the b-beach by everyone, and I-I'm going to love every last second of it. I-I hope you all love it t-too…"

There's more cheers and applause from the assembled men around her. Her new friends all have big wide grins on their faces, and the butterflies are back in her stomach as she's guided into a new position atop the guy she was kissing. The camera focuses solely on her as her legs are lifted and spread apart. The spokesman's cock springs up between her legs, slapping against her translucent bikini bottom and her moist crotch as she gasps. The length ends up reaching all the way to her belly button, even as he gropes and plays with her breasts.

Popura can't do much but go along with everything at this point. She recognizes that her chance to leave has long passed… and besides, it feels too good to leave now. Still, she has absolutely no experience with any of this, so she has to rely on her new friends to show her what to do. When two more young men walk up on either side of her, Popura finds herself glancing back and forth between their sizable cocks for a moment.

Eventually, they take her wrists and guide her comparably small hands to their members. She blushes as they direct her to take their lengths in hand, but she does it all the same, stroking them up and down just like they show her. The man currently grinding his dick against her wetter and wetter pussy lips grabs hold of her ponytail gently but firmly and pulls her back around for some more kissing.

This is how things go for a little while, with Popura squeaking and moaning into the one man's lips, while stroking off the other two guys as they stand there with their cocks pointed squarely at her and her chest. For a while, Popura just gasps and wiggles and grinds her hips against the young man beneath her, moaning pitifully the entire time.

Then, things escalate further. The spokesman pulls one of his hands off of her breasts and guides it down her body, across her taut belly. His fingers slip between the see-through fabric of her bikini bottoms and then slide into her wet-and-waiting cunt right then and there. However, while her pussy might have been ready for him, Popura certainly wasn't mentally prepared for the intrusion into her 'special place'.

Squeaking even louder than before as his fingers intrude inside of her, Popura instinctively tries to get up, only to find herself barred by the other hand sliding down off her tits to circle around her waist, holding her still. Her own arms suddenly being brought closer cause Popura to realize that the young men on either side of her are stepping in now, and purposefully directing their cocks down towards her tits. Her bouncing, jiggling tits, now that they don't have anything holding them in place, like the spokesman's hands.

Popura whimpers and whines, but there's not much she can do as the pleasure builds and builds. The fingers inside of her feel surprisingly good, even as they brush up against her virginity and then pull back. A low, guttural moan leaves Popura's lips… and then they're cumming all over her, specifically aiming for her titties, unloading all across her breasts, covering both her tit flesh and the still-translucent triangles of her bikini top.

It's only a few moments later that the fingers inside of her bring Popura to her own orgasm. Her first, in fact. A keening wail escapes her as she shakes and spasms along those thick fingers, her eyes half-rolling up in her head. She falls back against the guy holding her, even as he chuckles in her ear once more. Whatever he says to her or about her is lost on Popura as she tries to recover from the pleasurable haze taking over her mind.

It just… it feels s-so much better than she ever thought it could.

"Hey… hey Popura!"

Blinking at the sound of her name, the short-stack looks up to see one of her new friends standing there with a grin on his face and his cock in his rapidly jerking hand. Of course, most of her new friends are doing that, save for the ones she herself just stroked off, and the one currently sitting beneath her. Of course, the cameraman is grinning and jacking it too, but he's also got the camera to be concerned with.

"Hey, why don't you show us all how much a mature, adult woman such as yourself likes cum! Rub it into your titties! Stick it in your mouth!"

He's over-eager, and one of his friends is quick to rein him in… but Popura is barely paying attention to that as she stares down at her cum-covered tits. Blinking dumbly, she reaches up and does as she's told. Much of the seed is caught on the bikini triangles, and she's able to collect it easily enough, rubbing some onto her titties before she brings them to her mouth and begins to lick at her fingers.

It… it tastes surprisingly good. A bit salty, maybe, but still good. Popura finds herself licking each and every one of her fingers clean, right there in front of her new friends and the camera that's currently recording her. Eventually, the young man beneath her leans in, his chin on her shoulder.

"Popura… it's time for the main event, don't you think?"

Blushing deeply, Popura ducks her head and nods shyly. Yes… yes, it's time now, isn't it? She's ready… or as ready as she'll ever be. The soaked through, translucent crotch of her barely-there bikini bottoms is easily pushed aside as she's lifted up. Her legs tremble, but there's no stopping what's to come. The young man who's helped her through all of this so far finally places his cockhead against her lower lips. His breath hitches in anticipation of what's to come, while Popura gasps for air in trepidation.

Then, he's sinking her down onto his member. Popura mewls pathetically, whimpering and whining and squirming as she finds herself being split open, inch by inch, by the big fat dick beneath her. Not that it's really all that truly big, in the end. Ultimately, all of the young men surrounding her are… average at best. But for a girl of Popura's stature, a short-stack like her? They might as well be hung like horses.

He splits her open, and Popura cries out as his member invades her special place, and her special place becomes not so special anymore. As he defiles her, as she loses her virginity, Popura is acutely aware of the fact that there's a camera on them. Her first time is being recorded for all the world to see… and why does that feel so good? There's something dark and hot welling up inside of her core as he penetrates her wet pussy inch by fucking inch. Popura can't describe it, but the entire experience is leaving her immensely aroused, incredibly turned-on.

The former virgin doesn't recognize this, doesn't truly know what it means… but she does know that she cums again, the moment that the guy beneath her thrusts up into her cunt, bouncing her on his cock. A second cry leaves Popura's lips and she moans pathetically, her voice carrying through the beach air, drawing more and more of a crowd as she loses her first time to the young man beneath her.

The noises Popura makes are not quiet, they're not muffled or stifled. The young woman wouldn't know to muffle them even if she was coherent, and the young men all around her have no desire to keep her quiet. They're perfectly fine having a crowd form around them, though they make sure that no one else tries to join in on their fun as they claim they're shooting a porno.

Everyone is allowed to watch, hell, people can masturbate and fuck in the background if they like. But no one is allowed to touch their 'actress' save for them. The video camera lends some credence to their words, and in the end, no one tries to interfere. After all, by that point Popura looks like she's enjoying what's happening very much.

And she is. She really is. The dick inside of her slides in and out as she's lifted up and down it's length by the young man bouncing her on his lap. It feels so good, and so does having so many eyes on her. Popura can't even begin to process what's happening, but through the haze of pleasure, she feels nothing but warmth and happiness at being acknowledged as a woman, as an adult by all those around them.

She cums yet again, and this time she's not alone in orgasming along the cock buried deep in her mewling quim. The young man cums as well, and Popura's eyes widen as she feels the warm sensation of seed filling her womb for the first time in her life. It's amazing. No, more than that, it's absolutely mind-blowing. Panting and moaning for more, Popura doesn't offer any resistance as she's lifted off of her new friend's cock, only to quickly be surrounded by all the others.

The men make sure to surround her at an angle that gives the cameraman and the onlookers room to see what's going on, but they're also eager to get started, and before Popura even knows what she's doing, she's taking her first dick in her mouth as they proceed to give her a blowbang right there on the beach. The sand shifts beneath her knees, but the short-stack doesn't find she minds all that much.

It's a lot to take in, but they don't really give her a chance to process as she finds herself stroking cock after cock with her hands, sucking on dick after dick with her mouth. She's not very good at it, to be fair… but that's okay, or so they say. Sometimes, the men will take her by her ponytail and guide her along. Sometimes they get a bit rough.

But it never lasts long enough to go beyond her eyes watering up before she's on to the next guy's cock. Bouncing back and forth between so many men, Popura does her best to please all of them, slurping wildly with her tongue, sucking with her lips. She can't stop, she can never stop… they won't let her. But that's okay, because Popura doesn't just want to make sure everyone knows she's an adult. She also wants to make her new friends feel good. As good as they've made her feel at that.

And so she does. The brunette short stack gets a few loads blasted onto her face and chest for her trouble, but she doesn't let that stop her. She even licks and scoops up some of the cum for the benefit of the camera and the crowd of onlookers. It's as tasty as ever before, in her opinion. Things only escalate from then on though, the blowbang barely the beginning. Soon, she's using her tits as well, and then she's using her cunt again, and her mouth, and her hands.

It's like they're using every bit of her, every womanly aspect of her form… and Popura loves it all. As cocks piston in and out of her cunt and her mouth, as she strokes two more and enjoys the feel of yet a fifth sliding between her massive breasts, Popura just moans and mewls around the member in her throat, even as she cums again and again and again around their shafts.

The one place they don't touch is her ass. Not that Popura would have even thought they might, in all fairness. The idea of them fucking her back door doesn't even cross her mind. But early on, it comes up as a murmured question among the young men, and it's decided that they won't fuck her anally… this time. Their defacto leader is already thinking about the future, already seeing what sort of fortune they could make off of this kind of video. And he's already considering a 'Part 2' featuring some delicious, delicious first time anal.

Instead, Popura gets every other part of a true gangbang experience. Her first time having sex is with eight men, as even the camera guy gets involved at one point to shoot some excellent POV shots. By the time it's all over, Popura has been creampied time and time again, and she's been taught all she needs to know about how adults have sex with one another.

By the end of it all, Popura feels both empty and oh-so-full, seed gushing from her cunt lips as she lays there in the sun atop the sand beneath her, covered in cooling, sticky cum.

"Popura… Popura, time to sign off now. Look at the camera, sweetheart."

Her new best friend's voice fills her ears again, and she smiles as she does as she's told. Once more, he feeds her a line, and she dutifully repeats it back, even as she brings up her hands and gives the cameraman double peace signs and a dopy smile.

"H-Hi~ I'm Popura Taneshima, and I was a virgin loli slut~ Now I'm just a loli slut addicted to men's cocks! I hope you enjoyed my debut~"

And then it's over. Popura is so giddy and light-headed, exhausted from her first sexual experience that she barely realizes it when they wrap her up in a towel and carry her bridal-style off of the beach and to a car. The group of men pile in around her, and Popura blinks as the car engine wakes her up just a bit. Looking into the eyes of one of her new friends, a sleepy Popura manages to ask at least one simple question.

"Where… where are we going?"

He smiles down at her, brushing a hand through her messy hair. Her hair tie was pulled out during the gangbang, and her brunette locks are now wild and all over the place as she lays across him and two other guys.

"We're going to take you back to our hotel room, so you can get some rest. That sounds nice, right?"

It does. It does sound nice. She's certainly in no shape to get home, that's for sure. So, with a smile and a nod, Popura lets herself drift off to sleep, a pleasant satisfied sensation running through every fiber of her being as she finally rests. This was a good idea. All of it. The beach, spending time with her new friends… she was happy, for the first time in a long while. She'd finally been treated like the adult she was, rather than the kid that her short stature made her out to be.


Hours later, cleaned up and dressed in a fluffy white bath robe, Popura finds herself wondering if she could convince more people of her status as an adult, mature woman if she DID indeed become an AV actress as the men around her had suggested multiple times. They weren't trying to push or pressure her into anything she didn't want to do, or so they said… but they had offered her a cut of the money they said they would make off of the video she'd starred in.

The thought of so many people seeing her, watching her have sex for the first time… maybe it should have stressed Popura out, or made her upset, or repulsed her. But it didn't. She liked the idea, she liked it a lot. One of the guys had called her a dirty exhibitionist when he'd seen the small smile and the blush across her cheeks, but there'd been no heat to his words. He'd been teasing her, just like all the others did.

Now, the young men all around her were drinking beer. She had one of her own, but she hadn't drunk any yet, just holding it in her hands instead. Honestly though, she was happier than she'd been in a long time. Maybe… maybe this was her calling after all. Maybe this was where she belonged. If she could convince these guys and all those people on the beach that she was a woman, just by showing off her body and having sex, then maybe she could use that to convince the rest of the world, or more importantly her friends, of that fact as well.

It was-

"Hey… whatcha thinking about?"

The guy from before, the first one to penetrate her, the young man who'd taken her virginity… he sidles up to her and wraps an arm around her shoulders, smiling as he easily pulls her in close. Popura blushes at the intimacy but can't bring herself to mind it as she glances down for a second.

"I… u-um… j-just thinking, I guess."

"You aren't drinking your beer. You not like it? Want me to get you something else? I'm sure we've got soda or water or juice. Something like that."

She doesn't see the bait, but she still chomps down on it immediately, the mention of juice causing her to startle and scowl.

"N-No, I'm not some kid, r-remember?"

She quickly takes a deep swig of her beer, much to the young man's enjoyment. He chuckles, and then takes her red cup from her hand as she sputters from the foreign taste.

"Hey, hey… maybe you just need to ease into it, yeah?"

Popura's eyes widen as he pulls apart his own robe and then sinks his cock into her beer cup for a moment. When he pulls it back out, the hardening length is dripping with fluid.

"Here. Try it this way."

His tone is gentle, but firm. Kind, but commanding. Popura realizes that all the laughing and joking and talking around them has stopped in that moment. She realizes that all of her new friends are watching them, to see how she'll react. And even though the brunette short-stack has a pretty good idea of what's going to happen next if she does as he says, she still lowers her face to his lap, and slides her tongue along his rapidly growing cock.

His hand curls in her locks, and Popura moans as she begins to fellate the young man right then and there. He's right, in the end.

She just needs to ease into it…


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Looking for something Original from me to read? Check out The Soul Engine!

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