Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

The Krogan’s Suit Slut (Mass Effect)

A/N: The Krogan's Suit Slut is a commissioned one shot that was originally written in May of 2018. Posting it here now for readers to enjoy!

Summary: A Mass Effect AU in which there's one other species that can still interact with Quarians on an intimate level. It's not a good thing.

Themes: Dom/Sub, Mind Break, Fucked Silly


There was a human saying. Hindsight is twenty-twenty. It had something to do with how they chose to measure the quality of their eyesight. In essence, twenty-twenty was the best vision one could have. And in hindsight, she should have known that this was all too good to be true. But she'd been foolish. She'd jumped at the chance to join up with the first human Spectre, practically leapt into his arms looking for safety.

If she'd known, perhaps she would have decided differently. But then, how was Tali'Zorah supposed to know? How was she even supposed to think that the Normandy, an experimental ship crafted by a mixture of Turian and human hands, commanded by the first human Spectre, would pick up a Krogan? Not many knew about the situation between Krogan and Quarians. There weren't too many Krogan who knew, in fact. But Wrex made it clear that HE knew pretty damn fast… and Tali's life aboard the Normandy had become a hellish trap she couldn't escape.

She didn't pretend to understand how it worked, but thanks to her father's status on the Admiralty Board, she at least knew the risk and the threat that so many others weren't aware of. Put simply, Krogan were the only species in the known universe that could come into direct, intimate contact with a Quarian without sickening them, without compromising them.

It didn't make much sense to Tali. Something to do with the genophage maybe, or the radiation from the Krogan species bombing themselves and their planet for so long before the Citadel uplifted them to fight the war against the Rachni. In the end, the why and the how didn't truly matter. All Tali knew was that Krogan and Quarian were essentially compatible in a way that not even Quarian and Quarian were.

One might have thought this was a good thing, but Krogan were belligerent creatures at the best of times. Often, they could be cruel and callous to terrifying degrees. On top of that, the few Krogan scientists that the species had left to it were FAR more focused on reversing the genophage or building new weapons of mass destruction than anything else.

Put bluntly, Krogan were not readily available for Quarian scientists to use in figuring out a way for the migrant species to fix their immune systems and escape the solitude and loneliness of their suits. So that avenue was simply cut off from them, as so many others had been over the centuries that they'd been adrift in space.

The problem came from what Krogan who found out about their 'compatibility' preferred to do instead. Tali… Tali knew, as many female Quarians did, that her appearance was arousing to most species. While her face was covered, and her natural beauty hidden, her form-fitting suit did little to truly hide away her curves. The body that lay beneath her suit might as well have been exposed to every pair of eyes that fell upon her, for all it did to keep her safe from the danger that was the outside world.

Of course, the others knew that they couldn't really get anything out of it besides a few looks. There was no way to fuck a Quarian without a clean room, which the Normandy didn't have. So, all Tali SHOULD have had to deal with were the lustful expressions on some of the human faces that made up the Normandy's crew.

'Should', being the key word there. Because it wasn't just humans making up the Normandy's crew anymore. Urdnot Wrex had joined around the same time as her, and the first thing that had happened after they'd all gotten back onto the ship and blasted off to chase down leads in the hunt for Saren, was a smack across her suit-clad ass cheeks, causing her to let out a yelp as Urdnot passed her by, looking back with a wicked, knowing grin on his face.

She'd glanced around, but no one on the Normandy saw. And from the look in Wrex's eyes, she knew that no one ever would see. In the end, Tali didn't say a word. She ducked her head and made her way towards engineering, where she'd been assigned to. The Quarian knew her place well enough after all. No one cared what happened to a suit rat. The only reason she'd been useful to Shepard was because of the information she had for him.

The only way she'd remain useful to the human Spectre was by proving herself in engineering. This became increasingly obvious as days onboard the Normandy turned into weeks, which then turned into months. Shepard went on mission after mission in the hunt for Saren… but he never came for her. Never asked her to join him. She did her best to keep up in engineering, and she liked to think her best was more than good enough there.

Ultimately though, Shepard's ground team consisted of him, the C-Sec Turian he'd also picked up on the Citadel, and one of three people. First, it'd been a toss up between the human male and female, then when he'd collected Liara T'Soni, it became one of those three. All in all, Tali was never in the running. She recognized this early on, and kept herself to engineering as much as possible, trying to keep her head down.

It was possible that the human Spectre, if he realized she was still on his ship, would kick her off at the very next port. For all she knew, he only saw her as another thieving suit rat, like so many before him. The fear kept Tali in a small little box, unwilling to draw attention to herself, unwilling to so much as utter a peep about what was happening when Shepard and his team were off on missions.

Because there were things that happened. Where she tried to keep her head down, Wrex had absolutely no problem with making a nuisance of himself. But then, he did go on missions once in a while with Shepard. While he wasn't part of the 'usual' team that Shepard had put together, Wrex still had his place as the heaviest of heavy bruisers. When Shepard needed the Big Guns on a particularly difficult Op, he sent for Wrex... and Wrex always delivered.

That meant the Krogan had no concerns about his place on board the Normandy. He walked around like he was perfectly comfortable among the humans. And he probably was, given the way they WEREN'T so comfortable around him. Hell, he probably got off on it. He certainly got off on messing with her. Not that he ever touched any of Shepard's real crew.

That was how Wrex described it, whenever he cornered her in some out of the way corridor. Shepard's REAL crew. Which she wasn't a part of. Tali could do nothing to stop the Krogan from doing whatever the fuck he liked with her. When he pushed her around, she simply bore with it. When he dragged her out of sight and pawed at her with those big thick fingers of his, she squirmed, but ultimately didn't resist.

Because it was as Wrex said. Shepard had his real crew. He had his specialists, like Wrex and Garrus. And then he had her, the useless suit rat he'd rescued from a sure death back on the Citadel. Tali wasn't anything more than an obligation to the Commander, just like Wrex said. If Shepard realized it, if Shepard remembered her, he could easily get rid of her at any point now, leave her behind stranded on the first civilized planet he came across.

As much as the idea probably should have appealed to Tali, she didn't want that. She had nothing to her name, in the end. Nothing but the suit on her body and an incredibly diminished supply of credits. This was supposed to be her pilgrimage, and she'd nearly wasted all of her savings before finding the information that had almost seen her dead.

Now here she was aboard the Normandy, with free room and board and a chance to be a part, no matter how small, of what was undoubtedly a bright new future. If she stuck with the first human Spectre, if she laid low and continued to prove herself useful in engineering, then maybe, just maybe, she'd be able to get something that she could take back to the Fleet, be it information or technology or… she didn't know, but she hoped she would know what it was she was looking for when she saw it.

One way or another, Tali HAD to stick with the Normandy. Which meant putting up with Wrex and all of the Krogan's advances. Not that he ever took things too far. At least, not yet. At this point, he'd simply been conditioning her to his touch. She was intelligent enough to recognize what he was doing, but no amount of genius or brilliance would allow her to resist it forever.

Tali knew for a fact that his fingers digging into her breasts had not felt good from the beginning. She knew for a fact that her body hadn't instinctively moved INTO his palms as he smacked or groped her shapely behind whenever he pleased. As days became weeks became months, Tali began to enjoy Wrex's demeaning, degrading behavior. Reluctantly of course, but to her shame, she did enjoy them.

And then there were the orders. He'd started off small with the orders, but eventually he'd escalated. Giving him massages of all sorts, dancing for him in his cramped quarters late at night when no one else was around. Buying things for him when they were given shore leave while Shepard and his team were elsewhere completing a mission.

It had led to her already diminished credit store growing even lighter still, but she couldn't help it. She knew better than to cross Urdnot Wrex. The Krogan had made it clear that he wasn't going to tolerate disrespect, both utilizing corporal punishment when she'd whined and protested his harsh treatment of her early on, and more recently utilizing verbal threats as he sussed out that she was afraid of losing her place aboard the Normandy.

Tali knew that it would only take a few words in Shepard's ear at just the proper time for Wrex to see her removed. And even if it would deprive him of his fun, he'd do it to her too, just because he could. That was what all Krogan did. They took, and they took, and they took until there was nothing left. All Tali could hope for was a possibility to escape with some measure of her dignity intact and something to show for her pilgrimage, before Wrex used up everything she had.

This latest trip didn't bode well for her, though. They were back on the Citadel, supposedly for an in-person briefing with the Council. Shepard had taken two of his normal crew with him, leaving everyone else to have shore leave. Tali would have liked to stay on the Normandy, in engineering. After all, the last time she'd been on the Citadel, it had resulted in mercenaries trying to kill her.

She doubted Saren cared any more for her at this point than Shepard did, but all in all, she would have preferred not to risk it. But what she wanted, what she preferred did not matter.

"Oi, suit rat. You're with me."

Tali's shoulders hunch in as Wrex's voice rings through engineering. There's no one else there to hear the degrading epithet, but then most of the crew refers to her as such behind her back and even in front of her at this point anyways. Wrex has said it in public enough time by this point without contradiction or challenge from her, that no one thinks much of it. No one thinks much of bullying her around.

Still, most of engineering is out on shore leave. It's just her in the actual room at this point, and she figures just maybe she can use that, as she looks up from her work to where the Krogan is standing at the entrance to the bay.

"W-Wrex… I can't just leave this place unattended."

The Krogan snorts derisively at that.

"You think I'm stupid or something? You think they'd leave YOU unattended? This place is automated, I know enough to know that. Get your fine ass over here already before I have to come and make you."

Tali flushes at that, and she hates that it's because his domineering tone turns her on, at least a little. She's still more ashamed of her own reaction than actually aroused, but Wrex has put a lot of work into her these last few months. She still doesn't know why. She's not sure she wants to know. Still, at least this would probably be nothing more than another shopping trip. She wasn't sure if she had enough credits to buy Wrex yet another gun, especially on the oh-so expensive Citadel, but maybe he'd just want ammo instead. She… she could probably do ammo.

Letting out a shuddering breath, Tali cleans up her work and finally moves to join Wrex at the door. As she does so, his thick fingered hand comes down on her back side, smacking and gripping one of her ass cheeks as he pulls her in close, forcing her up against his hard, armored body.

"That's my girl."

The way he practically purrs the words, the amount of affection he interjects into his tone… it shouldn't fill Tali with this strange warm sensation of doing good. It really shouldn't. But it does anyways and Tali hates herself all the more for it, even as she allows Wrex to guide her off of the Normandy and onto the Citadel proper.

She's not all that surprised when they leave the upper parts of the Citadel behind in exchange for the Wards. This IS where she would expect a Krogan like Wrex to have contacts or whatever the fuck he wanted to do down here. She knew she was probably only along as eye candy for the lecherous Krogan, a bit of groping and playing whenever he liked. As they went along, he stopped more than once to do just that, kneading her through her suit like she was nothing more than a whore. To her shame, she leans into his touch in front of countless eyes, none of them attached to very nice people.

In the end though, he stops in the middle of some filthy alley and just looks at her, and Tali isn't sure what's going on.

"Kneel, suit rat."

Blinking behind her helmet, Tali pauses for a moment.


Wrex sneers.

"Did I stutter? Get down on your knees. Now."

It's the now that does it. He modulates his tone in just the right way, and Tali finds herself dropping to her knees in the muck and the filth. Due to the way Quarian's lower legs are bent inwards, kneeling is a fair bit more uncomfortable for Tali than it would be for a human or Asari. Not that Wrex seems to overly care much, even as he steps forward. Tali's eyes widen beneath her helmet as his crotch gets closer and closer.

When he grabs onto her helmet, she protests for the first time in a long time, her hands coming up to latch onto his thick, musclebound arm.

"W-Wait! What are you doing?"

"The fuck do you think I'm doing, slut? Whatever the fuck I want to do! Been playing with you long enough. Time for you to really earn your keep."

A whine builds in Tali's throat, and she continues to struggle even as Wrex forces the front of her helmet to connect to his groin plate. It was clear then and there that he'd been planning this for a while because he would have had to have the groin plate specially made for it to lock with a Quarian face mask like it is now. And then it forces the circular part of her helmet to open, and Tali realizes that Wrex has been planning this from the very BEGINNING. He's hacked into her suit itself, and there's nothing she can do to stop him.

Her squirming continues, but as the groin plate on Wrex's end opens up as well and his musk hits her, Tali's resistance falters and then shatters in moments. There's something utterly terrifying about having a scent reach her nose unfiltered for the first time in years, but there's also something utterly intoxicating about it. It wouldn't have even had to be Wrex's, ultimately. Any Krogan could have done this to her with the right prep work.

As his cock unsheathes, it slides out of his armor and past the hole he's made in her helmet. It presses against her lips and then begins to force her head back as she doesn't immediately open it. In the end, there's nothing Tali can do but open wide, the big fat Krogan dick having nowhere else to go as he stuffs it into her mouth and down her throat.

"Huglhk! Huglhk! Huglhk!"

If he cares about her choking on his cock, Wrex doesn't show it. Instead, he grins down at her with a tooth-filled smile that stretches across his face, all while holding her head in place with one hand.

"Swallow, slut. Or you'll just keep choking."

She tries what he says. It doesn't quite work at first, until she realizes he means swallow continuously. Luckily, Tali has always been good at problem solving. She figures it out and begins to do as he's told her, and slowly but surely she manages to get some of her equilibrium back. The big fat Krogan cock remains in her throat. She has to breathe through her nose as she swallows and swallows and swallows Wrex's meat for what feels like an eternity. Of course, the constant flaring of her nostrils means she just gets more and more of Wrex's scent.

His musk, combined with the taste of his cock… it makes Tali unbelievably wet, as horrifyingly shameful as it is. He's got her right where he wants her, her helmet connected to his groin. She's completely and utterly unable to escape him. The only upside is the fact that she's not having to deal with his quad balls four testicles likely churning beneath his armor still as his massive member throbs and pulsates in her throat.

For a moment, Tali wonders if he's going to ejaculate like this. But he can't move, not as he is now. He can't do much more than harden his dick using her tight, clenching throat as his hole, her constant swallowing massaging his length until it's full. He pulls back, eventually, but not to push forward again. His cock flops out of her mouth and the hole made in her helmet, and that hole closes up right behind him before anything else can get inside.

Tali is left panting, heaving for breath as she kneels there on the filthy floor of the alley in some out of the way corner of the Wards. The Citadel is massive, and she truly has no idea where they are. Even now that she's disengaged from Wrex's cock, she can't even think to run, can't even think to flee. He stands there for a moment, stroking his massive shaft with one hand and working at the groin plate it's poking out of with the other.

A groan of relief leaves the Krogan's throat when he finally disengages the specialized groin plate in full, releasing his length and his quad-sack from their confines completely. He sets the armor piece aside and just stands there for a moment, looking down at her. A bit of precum finally begins to slip from the head of his cock. Tali stares at it, mesmerized for a moment at its slow path, until suddenly Wrex shakes his cock, flicking it onto her face plate, causing her to flinch back.

A cruel chuckle leaves the Krogan's lips and he settles back onto a crate behind him, a makeshift chair that groans under his weight as he beckons her forward with his free hand.

"Come her, suit slut."

Is it an upgrade from suit rat? Does it really matter? And ultimately, does Tali have the ability to say no? The answer to all three questions is probably negative. In the end, Tali crawls to her feet and makes her way forward hesitantly, fearful of what's to come next. Wrex grabs her when she gets close enough and pulls her onto his lap. Tali gasps as she ends up between his chest and his cock, her fat ass riding his thick length as she plants her hands down on his chest piece.


He just grins at her, seeming to enjoy their proximity at this point. They've been this close before, to be fair. But he's never had his dick out. He's never just got done showing her his willingness to use it either. And right now, Tali's heart is beating a thousand miles a minute as she takes in where they are. She was always aware of the general dirtiness of an area. Every Quarian was. But she hadn't truly been afraid until Wrex started this… whatever this was.

Now the germaphobe-by-necessity was terrifyingly aware of just how disgusting their surroundings were. The slightest misstep could mean death for her now, multiple sorts of death. But she reckons she'd prefer it quick and by Wrex's hand, then slowly over the course of days or weeks as her body shut down from disease and infection. Wrex grins as he hears the terror and the fear in her voice. He reaches down to his belt and pulls something up, showing a strange circular shape to her.

"Relax, slut. I got you covered."

Tali can do nothing but watch as Wrex pushes her back a bit, causing his cock to press lengthwise along her ass crack just a bit more. He exposes her crotch and places the circle against it. Tali lets out a particularly undignified shriek when it begins to hiss, and she feels something suddenly pressing against her cunt lips and the area surrounding it that's NOT HER SUIT, but then Wrex pulls his hand back and smacks her across the faceplate with it, dazing her and shutting her up.

"Shut the fuck up, bitch! You aren't dying!"

Coming down from her sudden spike of fear and horror, Tali looks down at what Wrex has done to her suit. The crotch has been burned away by whatever the fuck that device was, but in its place is a… membrane of sorts? It shimmers and glistens a bit in the overhead lights of the alley, Tali staring down at it, trying to figure out what it is.


Before she can get even that word out, Wrex interrupts her, shrugging as he reaches up to grab at her tits, groping and kneading them harshly through her suit. It immediately sends her into a small fit, as a moan leaves her throat.

"Don't know, don't care. Some new human thing, apparently. I don't give a fuck. It'll let me do what I want to do, and that's all that matters."

No… no it really isn't. Because whatever this thing is, if she's truly protected from outside infection vectors, it would be revolutionary for her species. The humans had invented it? Tali would need to find out more about this once Wrex was done with her. She would… she might have to do truly despicable things to get information from him. But that was fine, wasn't it? Whatever sacrifices she had to make for this would be incomparable to what it could mean for the Fleet if she brought this technology back to them, and what it would mean for her since she would be the deliverer.

"Fucking suit rat, you day dreaming on me?"

Tali comes back to herself right as Wrex wraps his hands around her fat ass and lifts her up. She yelps, her eyes widening as he rides her along the length of his massive shaft, until finally, his tip presses against the membrane he's placed over her cunt… and then slides right through. Tali's jaw drops open as Wrex's cockhead splits her cunt lips apart and then travels deeper into her body. Her jaw remains dropped beneath her helmet as inch after inch of Wrex's massive mast disappears up inside of her.

It feels like he's splitting her in half, but then Tali WAS a virgin. This is her first cock and she has no idea how big they're supposed to be. She can't imagine any Quarian male having a dick this big though. It'd fucking tip them over every time they walked. Ultimately, Tali's only saving grace is how shamefully her body has been in reacting to all of this. She's more than just wet when Wrex begins to push into her, she's sopping, dripping even. Her inner cunt walls are slick with her arousal, and she's unbelievably turned on as Wrex fills her with his meat, sheathing himself inside of her like she's nothing more than his cock-sleeve.

As far as he's concerned, that's probably all she truly is. Tali finally finds her voice when he reaches her cervix and simply bashes his way right on through. She cries out in both pain and pleasure as he buries himself in her womb, bulging her stomach in a truly obscene manner along the way. He's so thick, so deep inside of her… and there's nothing Tali can do about it but try to hang on.

"Heh, there's your voice, suit slut. You like that, don't you? Like having me inside of you… well, let's see how much you like this, you filthy little whore."

Then he starts to bounce her. A combination of his fingers digging into her ass and lifting up before dropping her down, as well as his own hips thrusting upwards to meet her body. A low keening wail leaves Tali's throat as Wrex begins to force her to ride his gigantic dick right then and there. It draws some eyes from around the alley, but when people see what's happening, they go the other way. Most of them anyways. Some stick around. Some find their own hiding places and jerk off to the sight of a Quarian bouncing up and down on a Krogan cock.

Tali doesn't notice any of them though. She's far too focused on the matter at hand, the fact that Wrex is fucking her, raping her with all his might… and the fact that she's enjoying the rough treatment far more than she should be. Arousal and shame well up in her breast side by side as Wrex pounds his way up into her womb again and again.

Eventually, the bliss overcomes the humiliation, or perhaps even draws from it. Tali is not turned on by being degraded, humiliated, used and abused. She's aroused by being forced to do whatever Wrex wants. She's been conditioned to enjoy these things against her will, and there's not much she can truly do to stop the orgasm when it finally arrives. A fresh cry leaves Tali's throat, this one different than the others as she tilts her head back, her breasts jutting outwards towards Wrex at the same time. She climaxes along his cock, and her inner walls clench down and squeeze around his member as he continues to fuck her all the same, completely unabated.

However, Wrex isn't done with her yet. When one of his hands comes up and grabs hold of her helmet again, Tali finds herself staring the Krogan right in the eye as he grins at her evilly, continuing to fuck her from below.

"You like it, don't you? I felt that, you silly little suit slut. Tell me what you just did."

Tali lets out a shuddering breath, even as she finds herself answering Wrex.

"I-I came…"

"You did, didn't you? Came around MY cock. You love my cock, don't you, suit slut?"

A whimper leaves her throat, but in the end, she can't lie to him.


"Tell me! Tell me with your own words! Tell me what you want, what you NEED!"

"I w-want your cock! I need it! I need you to FUCK me, Wrex! Fuck me with your big, fat DICK!"

It feels good to get the words out. Humiliating too, but even that feels good at this point. Tali shivers as her own words send her through another climax. She begins to fear for her sanity, this release even more powerful than the rest. Just… just what is Wrex doing to her? What is he planning for her? Judging by the grin on his face as he continues to fuck her, Tali probably doesn't want to know.


Hours later, Tali has found out anyways. Wrex doesn't want much more from her than her body… and perhaps her heart and soul as well while he's at it. He certainly doesn't want her for her mind, given how he's practically fucked it out of her ears at this point. No longer bouncing on his cock, the fucked silly Quarian now finds herself standing up, bent over one of the larger crates in the alley at a ninety-degree angle.

Unbeknownst to her, there are a lot more perverts watching now. Some have even recorded video and uploaded it onto the Extranet for all of the deviants across the cosmos to see. Many have managed to capture her begging Wrex for more quite vocally on that same video, and everyone who watches gets to see as Tali'Zorah gets pounded in all sorts of lovely ways by the big fat Krogan cock she's so desperately jonesing for.

Right now, Wrex is simply fucking her from behind. With her face down on the crate before her, Tali simply clings to the heavy container for dear life, and even with it's weight, the thing ends up jarred along with her by every powerful thrust Wrex makes into her from behind, his massive member bulging out of her belly beneath her as he fucks her womb directly, just as he's been doing for the past several hours.

Not once has the Krogan cum. Tali has climaxed countless times, to the point where she's lost count. But Wrex? Wrex just keeps fucking her, pounding away inside of her like he's nothing more than an animal or machine, railing into her like he's got a grudge or something. But Tali knows better. She understands now why her father warned her away from Krogan. Because Krogan… Krogan fucked best.

That's something she's come to believe with all her heart over these last few hours. As Wrex fucked her and fucked her and fucked her, something broke in the Quarian's mind. Something critical. But she didn't care anymore. It didn't MATTER anymore. There was no more thought of what would come after Wrex. No more thought of finding out what Wrex had procured so he could fuck her in such a filthy, unclean place without causing her death.

She would not seek out the human's new technology so that she could take it back to the Fleet and end her pilgrimage. That, in the end, would be the privilege of some other Quarian, considering the humans weren't exactly trying to hide the tech, selling it openly and all that. Tali'Zorah didn't want to go back to the Fleet at all anymore. She didn't want it to end… she didn't want THIS to end.

Wrex's fingers close around her helmet again, and he drags her head up, forcing her to arch her back as he continues to fuck her from behind.

"You want it, suit slut? You want it inside of you?"

Her breath hitches at the question, and Tali hurries to answer.

"Y-Yes… YES! Please, Wrex… please cum inside. Please, fill me with your seed! I want it! I want it so badly, I've been waiting, pleas-!"

Tali cuts herself off as Wrex suddenly increases his pace, before abruptly beginning to cum. Her voice dies in her throat and her mouth hangs open beneath her helmet, even as her eyes roll back in her head. His cum erupts out of his big fat dick in waves, filling her womb and then some, stretching her body to the breaking point as he pumps his load up into her. His massive load of Krogan seed. It fills Tali to the brim, it bloats her stomach in a way that makes her look like she's already several months pregnant.

And then it's over and Wrex has pulled out of her as he grunts, his cock finally sliding back up into its sheathe, leaving just his quad balls behind as he fits his groin plate back into place, securing it to the rest of his armor. Tali, meanwhile, is a lot slower to recover. Her legs shake for a second, before they collapse from under her. She falls to her knees then, sliding down the crate as she slowly catches her breath.

Coming down from the pleasure high is hard for the Quarian, and it takes her a little while to realize while. She still feels so FULL. And that's because Wrex's cum isn't gushing out of her, isn't leaving her like his cock did. Reaching down hesitantly, Tali runs gloved fingers across her crotch. The membrane is still there. It's… it's holding Wrex's seed inside of her, leaving her bloated… and feeling utterly at peace.

"Get up, suit slut. We're leaving."

Tali finds herself scrambling to her feet as she does just that. If anyone bothers to really look, they'll see what's been done to her crotch. At a cursory glance however, it isn't too noticeable. In the end, Tali manages to escape too much notice, and by the next day she's repaired the suit. Wrex just promises her he'll ruin it again whenever he wants… and Tali can't help but be filled with anticipation on just when that time will come.

Of course, she has no idea that half the Normandy knows about her and Wrex's little back-alley escapade on the Citadel. The video has been distributed across the Extranet, downloaded and re-uploaded a thousand times. Most people wouldn't immediately recognize either Wrex or Tali, given they weren't main members of Shepard's teams. That was the only reason news of what they'd done didn't get back to Shepard himself, or any of the straight-arrowed people who would have told him.

Instead, it's the skeevier elements of the Normandy Crew who share the recording amongst themselves, watching it and jacking off to it… and admiring Tali from afar with a new appreciation for her sluttiness, and a new respect for Urdnot Wrex's ability to bite into such a tasty, forbidden fruit. Tali doesn't know she's become something of an amateur pornstar overnight… but even if she did, she probably wouldn't have cared.

The suit slut knows her place now after all, and that's on her knees, her helmet connected to Wrex's groin plate and his cock buried in her constantly swallowing throat, whenever he wanted it. She wouldn't deny the Krogan a thing, couldn't deny him at this point. In the end, Tali'Zorah had finally found where she belonged. Her own little destiny amidst a group of people who would go on to save the galaxy. Wrex had shown her, he'd broken her… and there was nothing more she wanted than to service the Krogan and his massive member for the rest of her days.

Kneeling in his cramped quarters, staring up into his eyes as she swallows his erection down her throat, her helmet locked to his crotch, Tali'Zorah smiles as best she can. With her jaw stretched to the breaking point, it's not much of a smile. But the happiness shines through in her eyes all the same, even as Wrex looks down at her and grins wickedly right back.


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