Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

A Changed World (Worm)

A/N: A Changed World is a commissioned fic that was originally written in two parts from January to February of 2018. Posting it up now as a one-shot for people to enjoy!

Summary: Mr. Gladly is gushing over Earth Bet's most famous and most powerful Master again, and all Taylor can do is yawn and look at the clock... honestly, she's heard it all before. They all have.

Themes: Reality Warping, Free Use, Breeding


"Today class, we'll be talking about Meme again. I hope you'll all pay close attention. The greatest Master that Earth Bet has ever known, as well as a national hero of the highest caliber… well, I rather think he's deserving of our respect."

Taylor lets out a sigh as she rolls her eyes at Mr. Gladly's words. Sure, Meme was worthy of respect… but it didn't mean Gladly was. The idiot of a teacher was a pain in the ass, and she could find out more about Meme from PHO or other websites online than she'd ever learn in class. The man was pretty much a fundamental part of the Earth's history now, thanks to all he'd done.

"Now, we only know what we know because Meme left behind several journals, filled with his thoughts and his desires and his plans before he passed away. Unfortunately, not even he was immune to the Endbringers, though he certainly went out with a bang. But we'll get to that in a moment. To start with, let's go over Meme's power."

Ugh. Everyone else was just as bored as she was, she could just tell. Honestly, who didn't know Meme's power? It'd literally changed the entire world and everyone in it, multiple times even. But there Gladly was, rehashing it anyways. The guy was a Meme fanboy, that was for sure.

"Meme is called the greatest Master in the world because his power was global and he needed neither physical contact or line of sight to make it work. In the end, the only reason we know that his changes WERE his, was because of the diaries. Meme's power allowed him to simply snap his fingers and alter the very fabric of all of our lives."

Yep. That was a pretty cool power. Honestly, she kind of wished she'd gotten something like that… instead of bug control. Feeling through her bugs, Taylor is pleased to note that Madison isn't paying any attention to her. Not like the brunette girl can really lob spitballs at Taylor anyways at the moment, not with what they're both doing. Or having done to them, as the case may be.

"From his journals, we know he started out using his power for personal gain. In the beginning, he didn't fully understand how his ability worked, and in testing it, he… well, he had his fun at our expense, didn't he?"

Gladly chuckles here and Taylor valiantly resists the urge to roll her eyes as she glances at the clock on the wall behind him, willing it to go faster. Yeah, Meme had made some selfish changes to the world, and no one was actually unhappy about any of them, but people like Gladly were so stupidly thrilled. It was just plain dumb. Total fanboy, one hundred percent.

"He started by changing the standards of public decency and the like. People suddenly considered their own personal attractiveness, right alongside such things as the weather. Those with beauty, revealed themselves for the world to see, exposing their bodies so we could all appreciate them. And of course, intimacy in public is no longer taboo, so long as its initiated by a man."

Ugh, his tone… Taylor honestly didn't care if anyone wanted to fuck her. After all, she was being fucked right now, right there in the middle of the class. Half the girls, Madison included, were taking a dick of some kind. Madison was actually under the desk she'd originally chosen, bobbing up and down on Greg Veder's dick after the boy had walked up and stolen her seat as he pushed her to her knees.

Taylor at least wasn't stuck on her knees under a desk all period, and thanks to Greg, she wasn't in danger of getting spitballs in her hair either. But then, the big, beefy jock that had pulled her into his lap would have been between her and any attempts from Madison anyways. Sighing, Taylor glances back at the clock again, even as she bounces up and down on beefcake McNoName's cock. She might have bothered to learn it if he was as big downstairs as he was upstairs, but she's learned pretty fast that his muscles were compensating for something, BIG time.

"Of course, we all know Meme wasn't a bad man at heart. No, he was a hero, deep down inside. He proved that to us in the end, didn't he? Of course, before his heroic sacrifice, there was the time in between his first use of his powers and his realization of what exactly he'd done. It was a few months in fact, according to his journal."

Yeah, not to disrespect the hero, but Taylor couldn't help but think that was kind of dumb. How much of a recluse was Meme before everything that happened afterwards? How did he fail to notice his power had systematically changed society, until he decided to go out for some food, only to find people walking around naked and fucking on park benches?

"Still, once he finally understood just how great his power was, Meme used it for all of our sakes. He used it to make our lives better. Each and every one of us is healthier now thanks to Meme's power. Clothing in general is something only used during cold and tumultuous weather. When a man becomes horny, he may satisfy himself on the nearest woman. Rape, outside of fantasy and roleplay, is a thing of the past. And any children that result of such public couplings are taken care of by the government if the parents are unable to do so themselves."

There Gladly went again, making it sound nicer than it really was. To be fair, it was pretty nice. Though Taylor kind of found getting pounded by guys all day a little dull, she didn't exactly mind it. And she did love her daughter with all her heart. Little Hotaru was such a gem. Still, rape wasn't fully a thing of the past. Yes, men no longer could rape women thanks to Meme's changes, but women could still rape women, and could even still rape men.

It was an oversight on Meme's part, but not one that a fanboy like Gladly would ever point out. That was the kind of thing that Taylor had learned from PHO and the internet in general. Sometimes, one just couldn't expect to get all the facts from a classroom. All in all though, rape WAS significantly down across the board, and the change had freed up resources to investigate the few actual rapes that still happened all the more closely. Taylor could at least see the value in that.

"Unfortunately, Meme was lost to us before his time. He could have given us so much more, things like World Peace and the like… but no, we all know what happens to the parahumans who stick their heads up for the rest of us. The Simurgh eventually came for him, as she did for other bright, revolutionary capes. But Meme did not despair. No, he proved a hero to the last."

Well, she couldn't exactly disagree with that. Meme was definitely a hero, no matter what he'd done or changed. Everyone knew that, just like they knew clothing was optional and sex, when a man is horny, was just right and proper. Still, Gladly sure did like to drone. Taylor holds in a sigh, even as the beefcake beneath her reaches up under her shirt to play with her nipples, her chest slightly more developed, ever since she'd begun eating the healthiest of meals, right alongside the rest of the world.

"Meme ordered his people to run and he made one last change to our world. He gave us one last gift and from it, we can infer a simple, yet hope-filled message. Fighting among humans and parahumans alike has dropped off to nil. The last year has been filled with cooperation the world over that Earth Bet has never seen before. Cape deaths have gone down as well, only spiking in Endbringer attacks. Alas, in the end we still lost him."

Here, Gladly looks ready to tear up. Taylor finally does give into the urge, and rolls her eyes as the jock beneath her inexpertly pinches her nipples. The teacher doesn't notice though, lost in remembrance as he is.

"In the end, Meme did more than anyone else ever has against the Endbringers. But one day, I'm confident a parahuman will build on his accomplishment. In his last moments of life, knowing he would die by the Simurgh's hand or live as her puppet, Meme had a shaker launch him at the angelic monstrosity with a bomb strapped to his chest. It was no ordinary bomb though, and while the resulting black hole did not fully kill the Simurgh, she did lose everything below her waist, as well as several of her lower wings. It remains the greatest, permanent damage done to an Endbringer, even to this day, and like much of Meme's history and activity, it gives me hope for the future."

It's about that time that the beefcake beneath her cums. Taylor grunts as he fills her womb with his seed, groaning in her ear all the while. She's pretty sure that the jock isn't actually cumming because of anything Gladly has said, but it is fairly serendipitous timing, as the teacher's lecture, one he gives yearly on the subject of Meme and his accomplishments, comes to an end shortly after.

The bell rings and Taylor is finally allowed to climb off of the jock's lap, his hands helping to lift her up and set her down on semi-unsteady legs. All in all though, Taylor is pretty fit these days. Her healthy eating combined with her self-imposed exercise regimen has given her a runner's body, and she's even noticed Sophia checking her out more than once, the filthy pervert.

Of course, Taylor had heard about the track coach having his fun with the girls on the track team, Sophia included. She'd even stopped by once after school to watch Sophia try to run laps. Every time she'd come around the track, the coach would grab her and force her to the ground, fucking her right then and there. It was pretty fucking cathartic, but Taylor knew Sophia was sizing her up for the track team to alleviate the 'load' so to speak.

And that just wasn't going to happen. Gathering up her books and slinging her backpack over her shoulder, Taylor looks to the back of the room, where the sounds of Madison gagging on Greg's cock are filling the quickly emptying classroom.

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

Grinning ruefully, Taylor shakes her head. Nah, she's too busy to be stuck fucking after school as well as during school, like the Terrible Trio so frequently are. She's got her own thing to do. After all, Taylor Hebert is an independent hero.

It wasn't that dangerous anymore, being an independent in Brockton Bay. Villains didn't kill these days, and really, they were only still villains because Meme hadn't specified ending villainy, he'd simply made people to focus on the Endbringers above all else. But everyone sort of knew they were in this together. Greg had actually said it well one time, a simple three-word phrase he'd told her was an old internet meme imported from Earth Aleph.

Humanity, fuck yeah.

It made sense, in the end. They were one species, indivisible under the damnable monsters trying to destroy their race. Humans had to stick together, had to band together. That didn't mean they each didn't have their own desires, and it didn't mean they didn't still mess with each other, jockeying for power and money and the like.

People were less assholish, but not completely benign. Taylor didn't mind though. That was how she'd met her baby daddy after all, one late night by the docks. Her first night patrolling in fact, and she'd had the surprisingly pleasurable experience of running into Lung. Or as he preferred to be called now, Kenta. She couldn't really hurt him with her bugs, and of course he wasn't about to burn her face off. Instead, they'd ended up fucking, right there in that alley.

At first, Taylor had thought she was going to end up servicing every ABB ganger that was there, watching. Kenta had said as much in the beginning, and she'd sort of been resigned to doing it… until he'd fucked her and they'd both discovered a love for each other's bodies. Hers was tight as hell, and his dick was the biggest she'd ever seen, even after he knocked her up with her firstborn.

Kenta had used her all night long, and she'd given almost as good as she'd gotten, to the point that he'd eventually told his men to go home, carrying her on his cock all the way to his own place. He'd fucked her into the bed well into the morning, and from that fruitful union had come Hotaru.

Taylor loved her daughter, and in fact she was definitely going to head over to Kenta's to see the tyke now. It would probably be Lee taking care of him, if the ABB's draconic leader was out doing something else. One way or the other, Taylor's life had changed for the better. A happy mother, a happy independent hero… the world a better place with less pain, suffering, and death.

Yeah, Meme had done a pretty good job of things, all in all. Mr. Gladly was still a fucking fanboy though.


It's a fairly normal day in Brockton Bay. People are going about their lives barely wearing anything, and women are being fucked in all sorts of public situations, as is only right. Everyone is fairly happy, fairly healthy, and enjoying life. Everything is peaceful.

In a random back alley of the city, a sudden explosion rocks the street, kicking up trash and bits of dirt and rock. It's localized, in midair, and doesn't actually reach the buildings on either side of the alley. In the end, a lone man falls out of the 'explosion', and alongside him falls a pale white feminine torso and legs. Not only is it naturally white, almost translucent in fact… it's also covered in semen.

Not leaking from any holes of course. No, it doesn't have holes, much to the consternation of the long-haired, bearded man that fell to the street beside it. That man is none other than Meme himself, and after a moment of staring around at his surroundings, the long-lost cape lets out a disbelieving laugh, that quickly turns into something a bit deranged.

He doesn't remember his actual name anymore. So at this point, he truly is just… Meme. Laughing uproariously, the bearded man slowly gets to his feet, stumbling a bit, but ultimately managing to keep himself upright. He has a big, wide grin on his face as he looks around the dirty alley, solely happy to just be back in something resembling civilization.

Without any idea of where he truly is, or if he's made it back to his world or any other world, Meme is just positively thrilled to be among living, breathing people again. Specifically, living, breathing women. His gaze falls upon the Simurgh's lower-half, as that's what the feminine torso and legs are. The wings and feather he'd torn off in the process of his little suicide attempt had long since floated away in whatever sort of limbo that he'd ultimately flung himself into.

… But he hadn't let her lower half float away. No, Meme had hugged the Simurgh's ass cheeks to his body for the entirety of his exile to that god-awful place. He'd humped his cock against her rock-solid form more times than he could count during what had felt like an endless, torturous time of imprisonment.

He may have gone slightly unhinged. Just a little. Really, not too badly. But he had a plan and it was going to make everything better. It was… it was an AMAZING plan. He'd come up with it during that endless time he'd been floating in the void, and he'd had plenty of time to fine tune and hone it during the duration of his stay in limbo as well.

What he was going to do wasn't exactly conventional… but that was why Meme was SURE it would all work out in his favor! He was going to find a cape with a power over biology! Or maybe the world's greatest tinker! Either or, he couldn't be picky at a point like this. Whatever worked, he'd FIND IT! And then, he was going to have them make the Simurgh's lower-half fully functional. He was going to have them give the pale torso and legs a cunt and an asshole.

And then, he was going to fuck it for all the times it'd teased him while he was stuck alone in that damn void! He was going to plow it senseless for all the times his cock had chafed against it's unbelievably hard surface! Oh yes, he was going to teach the Simurgh's lower-half a lesson it would NEVER forget! And maybe, if he was feeling particularly good afterwards, he'd go finish the job with the Simurgh's upper-half as well. The bitch had to be floating around her somewhere. He'd silence that damn scream of hers with his cock shoved half-way down her throat!

Never mind the fact that the scream wasn't actually vocalized through the Endbringer's mouth. Meme wasn't exactly in the right frame of mind for rational thought at that point. But he was free… free… slowly it dawned on Meme that he was actually, finally back in civilization. He could… he could fuck, yes… but he could also eat and drink and maybe use the bathroom, even if his body still wasn't actually telling him it needed it.

Limbo had fucked him up something fierce, but now he was free and all was going to be well. Realizing he's also in a dirty alley, the bearded Master slowly makes his way towards the end of said alley, lugging Simurgh's bottom half with him as he goes. He steps out of the alleyway as naked as the day he was born, with hair down to his shoulderblades and a beard halfway down his chest.

And then his already half-hard cock springs to full mast at the sight directly in front of him, a few guys gangbanging some girl at a bus stop only a dozen feet away. Meme's eyes go wide and his jaw drops as his tongue hangs out like a particularly lustful dog. Sex? SEX! YES, FUCKING PLEASE! A shudder goes through him as he lets go of his precious prize for the time being, heading directly for the gangbang happening at the bus stop.

With his powers, this'll be a breeze! He's Meme, the greatest hero in the world! And before his disappearance, he'd figured out how to manipulate his power to avoid the global effects he'd initially caused, keeping things more localized to his person. Not that something as silly as making things global would have stopped him from claiming the hot, wet pussy only a few feet away from him.

"Hey! Guys! You want to go do something else so I can fuck that young thing you're currently spit-roasting!"

The gangbangers, who Meme realizes a moment later might actually be literal gangbangers, of the thuggish gang type, look up and blink, before smiling and nodding in agreement. He smiles too, even as the Asian men pull back from the young red head they'd been fucking, leaving her to almost crumple to the ground from the loss of support.

Meme happily hurries forward to catch her before she can fall, even as the Asian thugs walk off. He pushes the red head up against the inside of the bus stop and grins as he squeezes and gropes her nubile young ass. Damn she's a looker, though as he stares longer and longer, he thinks she might not exactly be LEGAL. But fuck, jail bait is called jail bait for a reason, and damn it, he's taking the bait!

… Also, he'd made it legal, hadn't he? Back before he'd gone on his self-sacrificing suicide mission. So yeah, this was totally fine! Grunting and grinning, Meme thrusts his cock inside of the freshly fucked pussy in front of him, causing a surprised cry of pleasure from the young red head as his massively enhanced cock finds itself wrapped in a genuine, tight cunt.

He cums immediately of course, and then doesn't stop cumming for quite a while as he fucks her into oblivion, without even knowing her name.


Emma had been waiting for the School Bus when the ABB members had walked up. There was a time where she would have been afraid… but then, there was also a time where she didn't have to take the damn bus to school more days than not. The reason neither was no longer exactly applicable was the same. Meme's changes to the world had made it so that she didn't really have to be afraid of the ABB anymore. They'd fuck her, but they wouldn't kidnap her or try to sell her as a sex slave. The Sex Slave market as a whole had practically dried up overnight as a result of the Free Use world they now lived in.

And of course, the other part… well, her father had been too busy fucking her older sister, and her mother had been too busy getting pounded into the floor by the men who'd spent the last six months 'remodeling' their guest bathroom for either of them to drive her to school. Seriously, those men were starting to get suspicious… it shouldn't take so long for a bunch of plumbers to finish a bathroom. And why were they staying over every night?

Eh, it wasn't Emma's problem. Either way, the end result was the same. Emma had to take the bus to get to school most days, and there was usually at least one man at the bus stop who she'd suck off. And if there wasn't, there'd always be some boy on the bus itself who'd have some fun with her. Today, it just happened to be some ABB guys instead.

So, like the good little girl she was, Emma had bent over, flipped up her skirt, and let them spit-roast her with their big, hard cocks. She'd been in the middle of that when some guy had said something and they'd abruptly pulled out of her and left. The red head hadn't been paying nearly enough attention to understand what was going on, and she almost ended up falling flat on her face. Her makeup and everything was already ruined by the thug who'd been face-fucking her, but it was still nice to avoid a faceplant when a pair of strong hands had reached out and grabbed her at the last second.

After that, she'd been forced up against the inside of the bus stop, and a far, FAR bigger cock had been thrust up into her cunt. Emma came almost immediately, and so did the stud inside of her, filling her with a truly terrifying amount of seed. Then he'd kept fucking her, and Emma sort of just lost it, her eyes rolling back in her head and her tongue hanging out and practically licking at the dirty bus stop wall in front of her.

That was where they were at now. The unknown hunk who'd somehow just SHOOED away some ABB members was outright rocking her world, bringing her to orgasm after orgasm after orgasm. She felt utterly bloated too, his seed filling her womb and then OVER-filling her womb… and then going a step beyond that as well.

There was nothing Emma could do but take it though. Nothing she even WANTED to do but taking it. She could practically feel her womb being seeded and impregnated right then and there. So much for the birth control pills her father had her on. They were even rich enough to afford the tinkertech birth control, but at this point, Emma felt almost bone-deep certain that they weren't going to do much against this man.

His cum positively sloshing out of her cunt and onto the pavement below, the hung stud finally stops fucking her long enough to let her catch her breath. By this point she's absolutely ruined, covered in sweat, her designer clothes sticking to her body. With a groan, Emma pulls herself up against the bus stop inner wall as the man's member finally slides out of her.

The sound of the school bus suddenly pulling up behind her startles Emma. Mostly because she knew better than to get to the bus stop anytime after about an hour before the bus was due to arrive these days. They'd seriously fucked for an entire HOUR straight? D-Damn, whoever this guy was, he was fucking GOOD.

Turning around, Emma reaches for her bag and picks it up, even as she takes a real look at the man who'd been fucking her for the first time. Huh… he's incredibly naked. Not against the law or anything, but he kind of looks like a caveman. Heh, he'd certainly used her like one. He was also looking at the school bus instead of her, a strange expression on what she could see of his face beneath his long hair and massive bushy beard.

"Hey… what school does this go to?"

Emma blinks at that and shrugs as she moves to hop on.

"Winslow High, mister. You wanna come with and maybe fuck me some more?"

Even as she says it, Emma is trying to sound as nonchalant as possible. In truth, the red head is torn between getting on the bus or just skipping school to spend the whole day with the hunk and his gigantic dick. She stops at the foot of the stairs leading up into the school bus and turns to look at him expectantly, waiting to hear what he's going to do before making her own decision.

He stares at her for a second, and then stares at the bus. Then, he grins.

"Yeah… yeah that sounds great. Hey, the bus driver is gonna wait a second and the back of the bus is gonna clear out, so you just wait back there for me, alright?"

Emma shrugs and does exactly that. Within minutes, she gets quite a shock when she finds herself riding to school with the hung, naked man sitting beside her… and what looks to be some sort of marble torso and legs of a woman sitting behind him. Having no idea that she's actually riding with the Simurgh's lower half on the way to Winslow High, Emma can't help but marvel at the way the marble is seriously weighing down the back of the bus, almost to the point where it's having trouble avoiding bottoming out.

She doesn't exactly know why the man is lugging it around… but he probably has his reasons. It's not her place to ask, of course.

"Hey, what's your name?"

Blinking, realizing that he's just asked her a question she'd been hoping to hear for a while, Emma straightens up and flashes her brightest smile, excited to get on first name basis with the massive hunk of a man beside her.

"Emma! It's Emma. What's yours?"

It would have been rude to ask before he did after all, but now it was free game. Only, rather than giving her a name, the man just stares blankly for a moment, before glancing away in deep thought.

"… Joe. Joe… Bob. My name… is Joe Bob."

He says it with such conviction. Emma can't help but believe him. Wouldn't be her first choice for a boyfriend's name (n-not that she'd presume to call this unbelievable Sex God her boyfriend or a-anything!) but she could live with it. Leaning in, the young, nubile woman smiles as she cuddles against Joe Bob's side.

"Nice to meet you Joe Bob… you're gonna have a lot of fun at Winslow! Tons of sluts to fuck, hehe! Just don't forget me, your favorite, alright?"

"… Yeah. Winslow… why does that sound familiar? Hm… they got a cafeteria at Winslow, right? Food any good?"

The strange question throws Emma off a bit and she furrows her brow as she considers it.

"I guess the food could be called 'good'… if you'd spent years upon years in some never-ending void without any sustenance, and it was the only option available to you when you got back to actual reality… then yeah, it might be 'good' then."

She said it completely sarcastically, throwing out an outlandish thing that would never ever happen to anyone in reality. So of course, she was a bit surprised that Joe Bob's reaction was to toss his head back and laugh.


He was a weird one… but that was okay. Emma was happy to deal with the weird, so long as she got to stay close to that magnificent cock.


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