Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Hidden Submissive Tendencies (Fate AU)

A/N: Hidden Submissive Tendencies is a commissioned two-shot that was originally written back in September of 2017. Posting it here now as a one-shot for readers to enjoy!

Summary: Rin, in dire financial straits, is forced to take up Luvia’s offer to become her maid. But after finding out what her duties as Luvia’s maid entail, she really can’t find it in herself to complain. In Chapter 2, Shirou joins in.

Themes: Dom/Sub, F/F, Maledom


To think it had come to this. How could she allow herself to have sunk this low?

"You truly are desperate, coming to me. It was in jest when I offered you that position as a maid Tohsaka. Yet here you are all the same. I suppose as a proper noblewoman, I cannot in good faith turn you out."

Rin Tohsaka gritted her teeth together as she stared down at the expensive rug she was currently kneeled upon. Her hands clutched tightly at her skirt. Luviagelita Edelfelt was not wrong. Rin WAS desperate, else she never would have come here to the other girl's mansion to ask for the job that Luvia had offered as a joke so long ago.

The Tohsaka girl's financial situation had never quite been stable. But now she was in truly dire straits and there was nothing to be done about it. With every other option exhausted, every possibly avenue besides this one explored, Rin found herself here. The road that had led her to this was long and ground at her sense of self-worth every step of the way. She preferred not to think about it. Better to focus on the future, even if the future involved debasing herself as a maid for her longtime rival.

"Nothing to say Rin? Probably for the best. Maids are a good background piece, to be seen and not heard. You're already falling into the proper mindset."

There's a purr to Luvia's voice that Rin doesn't quite understand, but the rest of the blonde beauty's tone is insufferably smug. Rin goes red with impotent rage, shaking slightly as she clutches all the tighter at her skirts. But she says nothing. Luvia is right; it is for the best that she not speak. Anything Rin would have to say here would endanger this last final option she is being forced to explore.

Letting out a sigh, Luvia uncrosses her legs, causing Rin to glance up. The blonde then stands, but not before the Tohsaka girl gets an inadvertent eyeful of her new employer's panties. Her already red face heats up even more for an entirely different reason as Luvia plants her fists on her hips.

"Well alright then, up on your feet with you Tohsaka. Time to get you into proper uniform."

Rin stands and keeps her head down as she follows Luvia out of the sitting room and down the hall. She can't stop sneaking glances at the blonde's body though, now that she's seen what she wasn't supposed to. Regardless of the bad blood between her and the Lady Edelfelt, Rin had never had any issue with Luvia's body. The blonde was hot and Rin had long since come to terms with the fact that she was bisexual. Now though, she was being forced to wrestle with new knowledge, only asserting itself now. Her glimpse at Luvia's panties had awakened fantasies in her head regarding her new station.

They were simply that, just fantasies, but Rin still could not help imagining herself serving Luvia in ways beyond a normal maid's duties. She was shocked to find herself getting all hot and bothered by the idea. Rin had never considered herself particularly submissive before, but now, backed into a corner and forced to serve, she couldn't stop fantasizing.

When Luvia led her up a flight of stairs and in turn gave Rin a nice long unobstructed view of her ass beneath her skirt as a bonus, Rin's fantasies ran rampant and her rage simmered down, all but replaced by embarrassment and arousal and confused lust. Her heart was beating rather fast, but at the very least she was able to maintain level breathing as they finally arrived on the upper floor that Luvia wanted.

Leading her further along to a room, Luvia gestured for Rin to enter and the dark haired girl did so, squinting as her vision adjusted to the dimly lit room before her. When Luvia then turned on the light, Rin's eyes widened dramatically. It was a costume closet of sorts, and there were heaps of outfits here and there. But there were also mannequins upon which full costumes were draped. And each and every one was quite lewd.

The one in the center was what inevitably caught Rin's eye though. Her jaw dropped open and her face heated up as she spun to face a smirking Luvia. T-that was not anything CLOSE to what the maids she'd seen working around the mansion were wearing. Not one bit! T-that was an indecent m-mockery of their outfits!

"You can't be serious!"

Luvia's smile just grew and she stepped forward. Despite them being the same height, the Tohsaka girl felt small in front of the domineering blonde, all of her arousal leaving her unable to react properly as Luvia reached out and took hold of Rin's chin. She managed to convey the appearance of 'looking down' at Rin in spite of the aforementioned similar height.

"I'm deadly serious my dear. I have enough regular maids already Rin. I don't need you to clean up the mansion or take out the trash or change the bedsheets. That's not the position I want you to fill for me. Still, I'm not forcing you to do anything. You have a choice to make. Strip, right here and now… or leave."

Rin recognizes the purr in Luvia's tone now. She should have seen this coming earlier, but she'd managed to blind herself to the reality of her situation, all while fantasizing about that same reality! Rin truly was the best at self-denial, though even now she would never admit that, even inwardly. Biting her lower lip almost hard enough to draw blood, Rin let out a whimper and pulled herself away from Luvia's grasp, taking a step back.

Luvia watched with a piercing gaze as Rin slowly reached up and began to unbutton her blouse. A smile spread across the blonde woman's face and Rin shuddered at just how hungry and sinister it was. It made her feel… desirable. Her pussy began to moisten on the spot and her arousal built even further. Her fantasies were indeed becoming reality. Had she not silently desired to serve Luvia in ways beyond a maid's typical duties? Now here it was, her chance to do so. The old axiom to be careful what you wish for came to mind.

Still, she stripped down all the same, pulling off garment after garment until she stood before Luvia wearing nothing but her underwear and a deep blush that stretched all the way down her neck and covered her bared upper chest.

"You can keep the panties but the bra comes off Rin."

Another whimper, but she obeyed. Her twin pigtails bobbed slightly as the Tohsaka girl reached back behind herself and unclasped her bra. Pulling it off, she immediately made to cover her now naked tits, but a cleared throat from Luvia saw an end to that. Rin flushed deeply and looked down and away as she grasped at one arm with the other self-consciously. Her breasts were on full display and Luvia immediately took advantage of that, stepping forward and reaching out to grasp and caress them.

Rin's breath hitched at the other girl's forwardness and she looked sharply at her new employer with wide eyes. Luvia just smirked at her.

"I like your hair in pigtails, so you can keep those the way they are. And your white panties are just too cute for me to make you change out of them… yet. But you won't need a bra anymore. The bodice on your new outfit sees to that. Understood?"

She wished she could stop whimpering, but now with Luvia assaulting her directly, there wasn't much Rin could do beyond accept the molestation. She nodded to show she understood and Luvia paused.

"When I give a command or ask a question, I want a verbal response, followed by Mistress. Is that clear?"

Rin really didn't trust herself to speak right now, but the expectation was obvious.

"… Yes… M-Mistress."

The domineering blonde's face split into a big wide grin even as she continued to grope Rin's chest like it was no big deal. She cooed at Rin and Rin flushed an even deeper shade of red.

"Aww, you're so adorable! This is it Rin. Last chance to back out. Once you put on the costume, you aren't Rin Tohsaka anymore, not to me. You'll answer to Servant or Pet or whatever I feel like addressing you as on any given day. Is that clear?"

A shuddering breath escaped Rin's parted lips and her eyes closed tightly shut, but she nodded all the same before remembering to answer properly.

"… Yes Mistress."

Luvia cooed again but then let go of her tits and spun around, walking towards the door and throwing a dismissive hand over her shoulder.

"That's a good girl! Now get dressed Rin, and then meet me in my bedroom for your first task! And don't leave off a single piece of the costume, I WILL notice!"

And then she's gone. Rin stares at the door her employer… no, her mistress has just walked through in abject disbelief. What the fuck had just happened? Was she truly going to go through with this? Luvia had said it herself, if Rin wanted to, she could still back out so long as she didn't put on the costume. The dark haired girl turned and looked at the fetish outfit. Low cut and short skirted, it would show off more skin than she'd ever revealed to anyone. More than that though, it was clearly made to humiliate and degrade the wearer, while providing easy access to anyone who might want to take liberties.

The longer she stared at it, the wetter she got. Rin Tohsaka had to face the truth, no matter how much she didn't want to. She was a submissive little slut and she desperately wanted to sexually pleasure Luviagelita Edelfelt in any way the blonde woman demanded of her. Shuddering, the girl stepped forward and reached out for the mannequin that held her new uniform. Shame and arousal warred within her, but she began to put on the costume piece by piece all the same.


When Rin finally made it to her new Mistress' bedroom, she was beside herself with embarrassment. Luvia looked to her as Rin slipped inside and while her eyes lit up in delight at her rival's new form of dress, the set of her lips in a thin line did not bode well for Rin.

"I will let it slide just this once Pet, but you must always knock and ask for permission before entering a room you know I am in. Now, tell me about your trip from the costume closet to my quarters."

There was clear delight on Luvia's face and once she was done reprimanding Rin for her error, a wide wicked grin spread across the blonde's features that had Rin blushing all the deeper.

"I… I ran into Shirou, Mistress."

Rin looked down at the floor, her hands curling tightly into her short skirt as she relived the embarrassment and shame of being caught in this sort of garb by the young man. Shirou worked as a part time cook in Luvia's mansion, so Rin really should have seen the possibility. Unfortunately, she'd been too focused on her own issues and what Luvia planned to do with her. In the end, she'd been completely blindsided.

"Oooh, he's a big hunk isn't he? And how did it make you feel Pet?"

Luvia was stalking closer to her, acting like a big cat prowling towards its prey. Rin whimpered and played dumb.

"Feel… Mistress?"

The blonde slid behind her smoothly and then hugged Rin from behind, nuzzling her face in Rin's dark hair and grasping at the other girl's tits, straining as they were against the bodice of her new outfit.

"Yes you big dumbie! How did his gaze upon your flesh make you FEEL? I love letting him get glimpses of me when I'm in a towel or my bath suit. He's a man amongst men, isn't he? So humble and so chivalrous, yet there's a hunger hidden behind his shyness. He may not look for long, but he does look."

Rin blushed deeper; a mixture of Luvia's words and her hands bringing the poor overwhelmed girl closer and closer to something that had been building for a while now. The fact was, now that she thought about it, Rin knew her new Mistress was right. Shirou had averted his gaze only AFTER his eyes had raked up and down her scantily clad form a single time. He'd blushed and stammered a greeting and then been on his way, but the once over was unmistakable now that she thought about it.

And it made the Tohsaka girl all the more aroused to imagine Shirou fantasizing about her. As a result, when one of Luvia's hands slid down Rin's front, past her short skirt, and into her panties, the primed, readied girl came as soon as her Mistress' finger touched her pussy lips. A cry spilt free from Rin's mouth as she shook in Luvia's arms, her juices making a ruin of her pure white panties.

The domineering blonde that held such control over her paused before chuckling lightly.

"Ah, such a sensitive new servant I've picked up. But cumming before your mistress? That requires punishment. Go, plant your hands on the bed and bend over for me slut."

A flush of fresh arousal ran through Rin at the degrading term. She moved to the bed and did as she was told. This caused her full, firm ass to be abruptly on display, as her short skirt barely went below the bottom of her butt cheeks even when she was standing up straight. Spreading her legs wide, Rin hung her head, fully committing to her new role as a submissive little maid pet. The dire financial straits that had brought her to Luvia in the first place couldn't be farther from her mind as the domineering blonde came up behind her.

A sharp pain on her left buttocks was the only warning a surprised Rin got as her Mistress reared back and struck her ass. The pig-tailed girl cried out in shock, but the spanking continued. Five smacks across one cheek and then five more across the other. Luvia was NOT gentle, but by the tenth strike, Rin was enjoying herself a bit too much. Luvia paused on that final blow and listened as Rin moaned wantonly.

"… Normal punishment isn't going to work for you I can see. Pull your panties down you silly little whore."

She was wasn't she? Doing this for money, it made her a whore. She was mistress' silly little whore. Not even realizing just how deeply or how fast she was falling into her new role, Rin reached back and grabbed her panties, resting her face on the bed for support, her ass still up in the air as she slowly slid the ruined underwear down her legs and then kicked them off. Luvia was quick to snatch them up and mock her.

"Hah! Look at this! Just how much are you enjoying this Rin? Damn! If I'd known you were like this, I would have pushed harder a long time ago!"

Rin actually kind of wished she'd known earlier too, so that she could in turn have dropped hints for Luvia to push harder. But the past was the past and all she did now was whimper, biting her lower lip as she wiggled her naked ass and gushing pussy lips back in Luvia's direction.

"Oh you horny little minx. Tempting me like that when I still need to properly punish you for cumming before me! … Fine, I know just the thing. Don't move a muscle Pet!"

Rin stilled her wiggling butt, but she did disobey just a little in order to shift her head so she was looking back behind her to see what Luvia was doing. The blonde girl was practically ripping off her clothing as she headed for the closet, leaving a trail of discarded garments in her wake. Rin's attention focused on Luvia's wide hips and nice fat ass as she disappeared deep into the walk in closet before ultimately bending over to grab a box from a dark corner.

The pigtailed girl bit her lower lip as she stared at her mistress' long smooth legs and beautiful bubble butt. When Luvia straightened back up, Rin's eyes widened as she saw what the domineering blonde had in her hands and she quickly faced forward before Luvia could catch her peeking. Shivering with anticipation, Rin stayed silent while Luvia quietly did the same, clearly wanting to surprise her.

When her Mistress finally placed the tip of the big black lubed up strap on that she'd pulled out of her closet up against Rin's pussy lips, it wasn't as surprising as it may have been otherwise, but Rin still jumped in the air at the feel of the cold wetness along its length. Luvia just giggled and grabbed Rin by her hips, before slowly beginning to slide in.

Rin gasped and groaned and moaned as she was penetrated by what had once been her rival in all things magus. Now here she was, bent over, taking it from behind by the other woman. Was this always her place? Was she destined to arrive here in submission to the Lady Edelfelt? The thought that that might be true actually gave Rin more comfort than one might suspect. This was where she belonged, a toy for her Mistress to use.

Though at the moment, the strap on was the toy Luvia was using ON her. Rin actually didn't understand how this was supposed to be a punishment, at least not at first. She'd not been a virgin, but Luvia hadn't seemed surprised at that as she pushed inside of her. As her domineering Mistress began to slowly slide in and out, Rin felt her next orgasm rapidly approaching, her breath getting shorter and shorter until suddenly, Luvia stopped.

Rin's eyes widened and she looked back over her shoulder at the other girl to find Luvia smirking down at her wickedly.

"Problem pet?"

Rin shuddered as she finally understood the punishment. Turning her focus back towards the bed in front of her, Rin shook her head and mumbled her response.

"N-No Mistress…"

Luvia just laughed and laid a smack across Rin's ass that caused her to gasp in pleasure.


And then she continued her agonizing, inspired form of torture. Rin had never considered something like this to be possible, but apparently it was. From just one simple orgasm and a short spanking, Luvia had somehow learned just how sensitive Rin was and how to properly gauge when her climaxes were approaching. For the next thirty minutes, the blonde edged her new pet right there on the bed, fucking her with powerful, long thrusts of the strap on at times, while at others, simply staying still, holding Rin in place as she calmed down.

The Tohsaka girl was going wild with desire. She moaned and groaned and whimpered and whined, but no matter how badly she pleaded for it, and eventually she DID begin to beg, Luvia would not let her cum. Finally, the submissive, yet still proud girl realized what her new Mistress wanted. It wasn't something Rin Tohsaka would ever do under normal circumstances. It was anathema to her very being. And yet, dire times call for dire measures, right?

"I'm S-SORRY Mistress! I'm sorry for cumming b-before you!"

The words spilled out unimpeded for the most part. Rin Tohsaka apologized and Luvia froze up, the big thick strap on deep inside of Rin's sopping wet cunt freezing along with her. When the blonde then proceeded to pull out of Rin's aching needy pussy, the dark haired girl almost wailed in despair, but ultimately she managed to keep it contained to yet another whimper.

The large strap on fell to the ground with an audible thunk and Luvia's hands grabbed at the base of Rin's pigtails a moment later. The dressed up girl found herself pulled off of the bed and onto her knees. A moment later, her face was buried in her Mistress' pussy. After a moment of shock at the sudden change in scenery, Rin got to work hastily, licking and lapping at Luvia's wet slit as best as she could.

The beautiful young woman was not expert at eating cunt, but she was also not completely inexperienced. Luvia groaned as Rin's enthusiasm made up for any lack of skill she might have had and ultimately the blonde doubled over her new pet's head, grinding Rin's face even harder in between her thighs as she reached out with one hand to catch herself on a nearby bedpost.

"F-fuck, that's a good little pet. Right there you damn slut, right there."

Rin took her words to heart, her flexible writhing tongue digging deeper along the spot that she'd been working at. Luvia was getting closer and closer, until finally she cried out in relief and came all over Rin's face. The pigtailed girl took it like a champ, flinching only slightly and shutting her eyes as she received a flood of pussy juices for her troubles. Luvia was quite the squirter too, leaving the upper part of Rin's costume drenched. More than a bit of the fluids got down her cleavage as well. Ultimately, Rin was a sticky, dazed mess when Luvia finally pulled back to look at her handiwork with a wide smile.

Rin looked up at her with a vacant, worshipful expression on her face and it made Luvia want to push the girl's head back between her thighs all over again. After a moment, the domineering blonde realized there was no reason NOT to do this, given Rin Tohsaka now belonged to her in every way that mattered. Grabbing on for round two, Luvia ground her wet pussy lips down on Rin's mouth again and as the other girl began to lick once more, Luvia tossed her a bone.

"That's enough punishment I should think. You can touch yourself as you service me pet."

Rin's hands moved at lightning speed between her own legs and soon Luvia was groaning all the louder because Rin was moaning happily into her pussy, sending reverberations through her inner walls. When Rin climaxed a few seconds after digging her fingers into her own cunt, the cries of pleasure that erupted from her throat succeeded in sending Luvia over the edge once more as well, causing the blonde to gasp and double over Rin's head yet again as her legs grew a bit wobbly.

To avoid appearing weak before her newest servant, Luvia flopped forward onto the bed and none-to-gently dragged Rin up onto it as well by her hair. Laying back on her pillows and panting slightly from the exertion of everything they'd done so far, Luvia pulled the black bows holding Rin's hair in pigtails away and then ran her hands through the other girl's beautiful dark locks.

Rin continued to finger herself on the bed, while at the same time eating Luvia out. The girl's fetish maid outfit was completely disheveled and stained in a number of different places by this point, but Rin didn't seem to care. She was focused almost single mindedly on bringing her Mistress and herself pleasure. Smiling down at her new pet, Luvia let her do as she liked, enjoying the physical worship and adoration quite a lot.

As she lay there, being eaten out by her newest servant, Lady Edelfelt's mind turned to another matter entirely. That of Shirou Emiya. The handsome hunk had kept out of her hands for long enough. And now Luvia felt like she had the perfect bait with which to draw him in. A slow wicked smile spread across the blonde's face as she considered how to best take advantage of these new circumstances.


Being called to the Lady of the Mansion's personal chambers was not a good thing. Even Shirou Emiya, dense as he could be, understood that. Especially when said Lady was Luvia Edelfelt and she'd made her interests in him quite clear already. Still, she hadn't put too much pressure on the young man and so he'd let it slide, figuring the money for working in the mansion part time was worth a small amount of harassment.

This was a new escalation though. And only a few days after he'd seen Rin looking like she had too… Shirou blushed furiously at the memory. Rin didn't tell him everything, so he really had no idea what she was doing in the Edelfelt Mansion. But he could guess, especially given her form of dress. The fact that the Tohsaka girl was having money problems so dire that she had to go to Luvia for help… well, it didn't bode well for her.

That wasn't even mentioning the outfit. Shirou had to resist the urge to reach down and adjust himself as he walked along one of the large mansion's corridors, face flushed red in mild embarrassment. There were other servants working around him or passing him by, and he saw a few of the women who cleaned around the place glance down for a brief moment. Then their eyes would meet and Shirou would blush all the harder at the wide eyed looks he would receive.

Yes, the young man was well-endowed. Shirou knew that, even if it wasn't something he put much stock in. He wasn't proud of his size, but he also wasn't ashamed of it. It was simply a fact of life. Sometimes, it was a very uncomfortable fact of life. Seeing Rin stepping past the open entrance into the kitchen wearing a skimpy maid outfit had made the next hour or so of Shirou's life rather painful as his cock strained against his boxers and pants.

Luckily he'd been able to hide his hard on behind the counter well enough. Rin had been beautiful and pretty, but then she was always those two things. The difference this time was that she'd also been slutty, something Shirou had never really seen of the composed, proud young woman before. He could scarcely believe the girl had agreed to wear such an outfit, but given that he'd seen her around the mansion the past few days still dressed up in it, he supposed the proof was right in front of him.

Though oddly enough, Shirou only caught short glimpses of the girl and as far as he could tell, she wasn't doing any of the usual maid work. He didn't know what Luvia was making her do, but Shirou was sure it was demeaning. Perhaps Rin was in the attic or something, organizing boxes. It wasn't any of Shirou's business at the end of the day, now was it?

Coming to a stop before Luvia's bedroom, Shirou let out a low sigh and put thoughts of Rin in her skimpy outfit as far out of his mind as possible. It wasn't easy and it took some doing, but eventually the red head was able to get his boner down to half-chub, so that it wasn't quite so obviously tenting his pants. Once he was no longer showing off the goods to so speak, Shirou took the last step forward and knocked politely on the door.

"Come in!"

Luvia's voice rang out from within the room and with permission given, Shirou grabbed the doorknob and twisted it, pushing the door open with a sense of foreboding growing in the back of his mind and stepping into the room. Without even looking up right away, the crimson haired young man turned and closed the door behind him as gently as possible. Then he looked up.

Whatever Shirou was expecting, it was not this. His mouth dropped open and his eyes widened in shock. Luvia Edelfelt was there, yes. But she was not alone. Nor was she in any sense of the word, 'decent'. The beautiful blonde magus was dressed in what could only be called dominatrix attire, though not as much latex as leather, and no spikes to be found.

Wearing nothing but a lacey pair of black panties as well as a matching pair of high heels and a corset, the rest of Luvia's body was on full display. The top halves of her breasts were bulging, strapped into the corset as they were, and Shirou glanced a peek of areola just over the edge of the garment before he looked away. Of course, looking away did not help in the slightest.

Rin Tohsaka was the room's other occupant. She still wore the costume Shirou had seen her in these last couple days, but it was disheveled rather provocatively, her breasts almost on full display, her already short skirt hiked up and her panties pulled to hang off one ankle. More than that though, the young woman was tied up and floating in midair. Not hanging, not suspended, no nothing like that. Luvia had made use of her skill as a magus here, that much was clear.

The pigtailed girl was lifted up into the air by her ass, her legs stretched out beneath her and spread wide by a bar restraint while her arms were tied behind her back in what looked like complex rope bondage. There was a gag in her mouth and when she looked at Shirou, her eyes widened in shock. A muffled, dejected groan left her throat at the sight of him. She clearly was not happy he was here.

"Ah! Shirou~ So good for you to come along."

"Lady Edelfelt… what is this?"

Luvia was still his employer so while Shirou dared not step another foot into the room and he kept his eyes firmly on the ground rather than the two beautiful women in front of him, he did maintain his manners.

"A gift! From a thankful mistress to her hardest working cook! Do you like her Shirou? Come here; show me what you want to do to her. Let's discuss your gift in… detail."

Shirou was shocked, beyond the surprise and stupefaction he was already experiencing. Luvia truly thought he would appreciate this? She thought he'd take the same joy in humiliating Rin as she did? It made Shirou angry, angrier than he'd ever been before. His hands clenched into fists as he stalked forward, finally moving deeper into the room, but when he got to the blonde and her suspended captive, Shirou's eyes snapped up not to look at Rin, but towards Luvia.

His hands lashed out and he grabbed onto the wannabe dominatrix's arms, drawing a gasp from the blonde. But Luvia's surprise quickly turned into arousal and lust as she looked at him with smoldering eyes and an oh so coy smile.

"Ah~ I was going to ease myself into the fun, but if you want to take me first Shirou, I'm all yours!"

"Stop this! Let Rin go, now!"

His yelling wiped the seductive look off of Luvia's face… for all of a second. The Lady Edelfelt would not be denied and she was quite used to getting her way. So, with Shirou holding her by the arms, the blonde woman leaned in close to him, her lips curved into a wicked grin.

"Make me."

Those two simple words were like a record scratch in Shirou's mind. He stared at the pretty girl before him with wide, wild eyes. Slowly but surely, the young man understood. Shirou would not get anything out of Luvia, unless he forced it out. The blonde wanted him to fight back, but for what? So that she could smack him down and teach him his place?

The best thing Shirou could do at this point was turn around and leave. Rin may not have wanted him here, but she wouldn't BE here if she didn't want to be here. This wasn't a kidnapping or a rape; this was Rin sacrificing her body to Luvia Edelfelt for money. He should just go. They couldn't keep him here and he didn't want to be a part of any of this.

And yet, why couldn't he will himself to do it then? He continued to clutch at the smirking blonde before him as silence stretched on. Shirou's mouth opened and closed, his brow furrowed in confusion and irritation. Suddenly, he moved. It was half-instinct, the way he attacked the smug blonde. Regardless of whether she was primed to use magic on him or not, Shirou was simply too fast for her.

Before anyone in the room, even Shirou himself knew what was happening, the red head had Luvia bent over his lap as he sat on the bed, bringing up a hand and then smacking it down on her ass, his palm striking right through her lacey black panties and drawing a gasp of shock, pain, and arousal from the blonde magus.

"W-what?! What do you think you're doiAaaaah!"

Shirou didn't let up, even as Luvia squirmed in his lap and made half-hearted attempts to pull away from him. He kept right on spanking her ass, until eventually she was moaning. When Shirou realized the blonde was enjoying herself, he growled and tugged down her panties so that he could bring his hand into direct contact with her plump buttocks, smacking down all the harder in the process. Her cries went back to pain and discomfort, but the undercurrent of lust and arousal never left and soon enough, Shirou was watching wide eyed as Luvia came right there on his lap.

Unable to help himself, the curious boy brought his fingers between her legs, pressing them up against her mound only to find her sopping wet. Experimentally he slid one finger into her, and then another, causing a mewl of pleasure to escape Luvia's lips. She wiggled around him, tightening up delightfully on his digits as she looked back at him with a hooded gaze.

It took Shirou a few moments to realize what he was doing. He hastily stopped fingering the blonde magus, clearing his throat as his face heated up. Luvia was looking at him with subservience now, but Shirou definitely still didn't want any of this. He'd just… he'd just been intrigued, that was all.

"Let Rin go now Luvia."

She was no longer Lady Edelfelt and it was clear from the way her eyes lit up that Luvia noticed this. He let her hop off his lap and the beautiful young woman stood, her panties pulled down and her corset in disarray as she reached out and pulled Rin out of the air, the magic keeping the pigtailed girl suspended dissipating. Rather than starting with her arms or her legs, Luvia reached out and pulled the gag from Rin's mouth, smirking as she turned the other girl to face the only male in the room.

Both young women focused on Shirou's crotch. Rin looked shocked, while Luvia simply looked hungry. After all, why would she be surprised when she'd felt the massive cock currently straining against Shirou's pants against her belly while he railed at her now red ass? It had been part of the reason she got so turned on from the spanking.

Shirou flushed a deeper red at the two staring at his hard on and gritted his teeth as he looked between them.

"Luvia, I said to let Rin g-!"

"I-I want it! M-Mistress isn't doing anything w-wrong Emiya! She t-treats me fine!"

If the red head had been shocked before, hearing the proud Tohsaka girl talk like that was bringing him to a new level of surrealism. He stared at Rin in silence and Luvia took that moment to take charge just a little. She hugged her lovely little pet maid from behind, molesting Rin and nuzzling into her neck with a wicked smile on her face. Shirou was treated to quite the show as Rin moaned happily and backed into her mistress.

Luvia's hands played with one of Rin's tits as well as her cunt, showing Shirou the slutty Tohsaka girl's most intimate treasures. They were on full display right before him and he swallowed thickly.

"That's a good girl pet. But you made one mistake. Shirou isn't Emiya, not to you. He's Master. Understood?"

Rin's eyes widened and her pupils dilated as she began to breathe heavily. Shirou watched as she nodded rapidly, only for Luvia to push her down to her knees, the restraint bar on her ankles holding her legs apart.

"Good. Now go apologize to Shirou like a good little girl."

The red haired boy didn't move, even as Rin crawled awkwardly over to him. He didn't stop her from pulling down his pants and his boxers. He didn't even stop her when Rin took him in her mouth without question, trying and immediately failing to take as much of his shaft as she could get. Shirou was, as mentioned before, exceptionally well-endowed. In the end, Rin ended up gagging on his dick as she took over a third of it down her throat at once.

Forced to retreat, the embarrassed submissive moved a little slower as Shirou watched her in shock. He never would have imagined that Rin would kneel and blow him, not in a million years. Luvia, the same conniving smirk on her face as before, slid onto the bed beside Shirou, reaching out and wrapping her soft smooth hand around the base of his cock. She stroked the lower half of his member even as she pressed her breasts up against his side, all while Rin continued to work at the top with her tongue and lips.

It was heavenly and Shirou tossed his head back as he groaned, his hands closing into fists and then opening up again at his sides. The young man wasn't entirely sure what to do with them. At least, not at first.

"Don't ignore the balls pet. Work them for a bit while I take over on Shirou's big, thick cock."

Rin mewled in disappointment but did as her Mistress told her, sliding her mouth off of Shirou's prick with a pop and moving down beneath to his hanging nut sack. It felt heavenly, having her lips suckling at his balls, her tongue tracing around his sack. But even as Luvia leaned in and delicately placed her own lips around Shirou's cockhead, the red haired boy finally found something to do with his hands.

He gripped Luvia's blonde locks with one and the back of her neck with the other. The blonde magus froze up, her lips pressed tightly around the tip of his member as she looked at him with the one eye that could be angled towards him. The look on Shirou's face wasn't one he'd ever had before. Filled with lust and something a bit darker, it turned Luvia on all the more.

"If Rin is going to call me Master from now on, I only think it's fair that you do too. Rin might be okay with you bullying her… but you're both equal in my eyes. Got that s-slut?"

Even though his tone was confident up until that last word, Shirou couldn't help stumbling over the insult. It just wasn't in him to insult a woman… not usually. Still, the stammer went unremarked as Luvia shivered and nodded as best she could. Licking his lips, Shirou pushed her head down while at the same time thrusting up with his cock. The blonde noblewoman acquiesced immediately, her mouth opening wide as she took over half of him right down her esophagus.

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

Fucking Luvia's throat was heaven. She choked and gagged on his cock, but offered up no resistance as he dominated and abused her. The blonde's eyes watered and her saliva began to dribble down the length of his dick without anywhere else to go, but Shirou didn't seem to care. He continued to fuck the beauty's face, even as her slobber and his precum mixed together and ended up dripping all over Rin. More humiliation and degradation for Tohsaka may not have been what Shirou intended, but it's what he got. And Rin loved every moment of it.

Soon both women were moaning happily as they worked to complete their respective tasks. Rin couldn't touch herself, not like Luvia could, but she still rubbed her thighs together, her pussy getting wetter and wetter without any direct stimulation. Meanwhile, Luvia was most definitely fingering her naughty little cunt, much more roughly than Shirou had been doing a little while earlier. The blonde hadn't been told not to, and she was definitely the kind of pet that would push the boundaries as far as they could go.

Shirou wasn't yet fully in the mindset of a Master, so he didn't try and stop her. Instead, he was simply a young man, enjoying himself as two beautiful women worshipped his cock and balls. No more, no less. And eventually, it became too much for him. He'd already been throbbing with need before they'd even gotten to this point. To say Shirou's nuts were churning in Rin's mouth would be an understatement.

In the end, the only warning either girl got was a shout and a holler as Shirou instinctively gripped Luvia's hair and pushed her down his dick. As such, much of the resulting cum blast was contained in her mouth and throat. But not all of it, not even most of it. In the end, just as much of Shirou's seed spilled out of Luvia's nostrils and mouth as she managed to swallow, causing an avalanche of the white stuff to fall onto Rin's face. Both of them ended up quite the mess as Shirou let out a long, loud groan of contentment.

There was no distinction between mistress and pet after that. Instead, there was Master and his two cum-covered whores. Shirou quickly found himself sitting on either side of a shapely behind, as Luvia positioned herself on the edge of the bed and Rin, seeing the blonde present her ass and cunt to Shirou's gaze, did the same.

Standing up, the red head turned around to watch Luvia and Rin move closer together, their bodies side by side. Rin was still bound tightly, leaving her legs spread wide and her face down on the bed. This didn't seem to cause the young woman any sort of discomfort though. In fact, if anything Rin seemed to be enjoying her face down, ass up position. Shirou certainly found it to be quite appealing. Luvia on the other hand, was in a more classical doggystyle pose, though the young man wouldn't have known to call it that.

On her elbows and her knees, the blonde beauty was flaunting her slightly larger bubble butt beside Rin's, shaking and jiggling it back and forth as enticingly as she could. It was obvious that Shirou was meant to choose. He stepped up and placed his hands on both of the beautiful bottoms before him, licking his lips and groping their soft, pliant buttocks to his heart's content.

They were each delicious in their one way. How was one supposed to choose? Shirou supposed there was one way to go about things. He'd already spent much of this time denying and bringing Luvia Edelfelt low. While he didn't have the same rivalry that he'd THOUGHT Rin had with the girl, the blonde HAD always been pretty stuck up. So, with a rather out of character wicked grin on his face, Shirou moved to Rin and a moment later, his large cock was inside of her moist, wet, ready cunt.

Luvia mewled in displeasure but fell silent after Shirou gave her a look. The look said it all and soon the room was filled with nothing but the sound of flesh smacking again flesh and Rin's happy cries as she took his cock deep inside of her. Shirou gave it his all, grunting as he gripped her wide hips with both of his hands, plowing deep into her cunt, right up against her womb. Even still, there was a part of him that was outside of her always, his massive member bottoming out inside of her tight young cunt and not able to fully hilt inside of her.

Rin came quickly, and then she came again and again. Orgasming around Shirou's member over and over again, the pigtailed girl was ecstatic, mewling and panting and moaning needily. It was everything of Tohsaka that Shirou had never seen before. Had she always been like this? Had Luvia brought this out of her? Had it always been lurking beneath the surface, only to bubble up now at her lowest point?

These questions ran through Shirou's head one after the other, before he ultimately decided that such things didn't matter in the end. Rather, instead wasn't the fact that he was enjoying himself while also pleasuring Rin far more important? Shuddering as her tight pussy spasmed orgasmicly around his cock for the umpteenth time, Shirou grunted and finally came, his second release resulting in Rin's pussy being filled with his seed.

The red head painted the walls of Rin's womb white with his cum and she cried out, eyes rolling back in her head and tongue lulling out of her skull as she climaxed one last time from the sensation. When Shirou pulled out of her, he was still hard, just as he'd been after the double blowjob he'd received. As such, he moved to Luvia immediately, the blonde having waited patiently, albeit while touching herself as she knelt there watching the two of them fuck.

When Shirou placed one hand on her ass and guided his cock to her sopping wet cunt lips with the other, Luvia removed her fingers and looked back at him.

"Please Master… don't hold back with me. I've been a bad girl and I need a nice, hard fucking. Not that gentle lovemaking you just gave my pet. Take me! Use me! Fuck me!"

Shirou paused. Because the truth was… he had been holding back. And with Luvia, he actually felt like maybe he could let loose. Fitting the tip of his cock against her lower lips, Shirou grabbed Luvia's big fat ass and then drove inwards. The blonde cried out as he pierced to her core immediately, slamming up against her cervix on that first thrust before pulling back.

Then he began to pound her. He'd fucked Rin pretty hard, but it was nothing as brutal as what he did to her mistress. Luvia had asked for it though and when Shirou's cock plunged through her cervix and into her womb, he still didn't pause. When his entire length hilted inside of her, his ball sack launching up to smack against her clit, he still did not pause.

Shirou fucked the Lady Edelfelt like she was a two bit whore down on her luck and willing to do anything. And Luvia took him, all of him, with none of the grace or composure one might expect from a lady of her stature.


He did as he was asked. Luvia got everything Shirou had to give her and then some, and the climaxes eventually came, the same as Rin. She orgasmed over and over again, but Shirou had already cum twice that day. His third release took longer to arrive. By the time it did, Luvia was a mess. She was more than a mess, she was a broken slut of a woman, her ruined, messy face pressed against the sheets and her whole body twitching as Shirou pulled out of her, his cum slowly sliding free of her cunt.

It was done and only as Shirou stood back and stared at the backside view of the two women he'd just defiled did he understand what exactly IT meant. He'd just treated the heads of two magical families like they were his slutty little whores. And judging by the way they were moaning and panting and mewling out their enjoyment of his actions… they would want him to do it again.

Shirou suddenly felt very in over his head.


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