Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

A Tight-Knit Family (Fate AU)

A/N: A Tight-Knit Family was a commissioned story originally written in three parts from June of 2018 to April of 2019. Posting it all in a one-shot here and now for readers to enjoy!

Summary: An AU of Fate in which Kiritsugu died, Saber stuck around, and Irisviel still adopted Shirou after the fire. Of course, when Irisviel starts doing things in private with Saber, Illya decides, along with Miyu and Chloe, to find out just what the hell is going on.

Themes: BDSM, Domination, Futanari, Voyeurism


"Saber, attend me."

As soon as she hears those fateful words, Illya perks up from her meal, eyes wide as she watches her mother rise from the table and move towards the hallway that would take her to the master bedroom. At the same time, Saber rises as well from her cleaned plate without complaint or even saying a word. Her hands in front of her, her head bowed, the blonde Servant follows Irisviel to the hallway, only for Irisviel to turn around and look back to Illya with a smile on her face.

"Illya. Remember to finish your homework before bed. I'll be checking it in the morning."

Illya flushes scarlet at that. She's not a little girl anymore, regardless of her stature. She's very nearly the age of maturity, and even if she can't lay claim to the title 'woman grown' and likely will never be able to thanks to the facts of her existence, she can't help but get annoyed when her mother insists on babying her. Puffing out her cheeks angrily, Illya has no idea how adorable she looks as she growls at her mother cutely.

"Moooom! I'm not a kid anymore! You don't have to check my homework!"

Irisviel's smile remains on her face. She doesn't grow upset with Illya, nor does she reprimand the young woman. Instead, she simply lifts a brow. It's all that she has to do. In this household, Irisviel's word is law. It always has been, for all of Illya's life. And in the end, Illya can't help but crumple before that kind smile and that lifted brow. Her cheeks unpuff and her angry growl turns into a lower lip pout as she looks back down at her food.

"It'll be done for you in the morning, mama…"

"Good girl. I love you, Illya."

"I love you too, mama."

And then Irisviel and Saber are gone, down the hall, to a place where Illya cannot follow. Or at least, she's not supposed to follow. As soon as the two older women have disappeared out of sight, Illya pulls out her phone and eagerly sends a message off to Miyu. Then, she rises from the dining table and heads down the opposite hallway from the dining room, leaving the plates behind, knowing the maids would handle them.

Illya makes good time to her 'sister's' room, Miyu's response arriving just as she knocks on the door, hissing out the name of the girl who'd started out as her doppelganger but ultimately become so much more to her in the years since that time.

"Chloe… psst, Chloe!"

"Go away, Illya!"

Rolling her eyes, Illya doesn't do that. Instead, she does the opposite and enters Chloe's room without permission. Normally a major no-no, but before Chloe can do more than go wide-eyed and angry, Illya overrides her.

"It's time, Chloe! Mama is having Saber attend to her tonight! We might not get another chance any time soon!"

Chloe's anger melts away, and she quickly rubs at her face to try to hide the tear tracks. But Illya's already seen them. Her 'twin', because after all this time she can't really consider Chloe von Einzbern to be anything else, was sent to bed without dinner by their mother just an hour ago. She'd been caught kissing boys again at school… and she'd gotten in trouble for it.

Still, this was BIGGER than that. This was so much bigger. Even if Chloe technically isn't supposed to be out of her room, she eagerly departs with Illya, and they move to the back entrance of the mansion to let Miyu in as the other girl arrives as well. The trio then move to the mansion's massive air duct system together, heading for the one over the master bedroom.

This is a big day, as far as Illya is concerned. They'd been planning this for months now, maybe even a full YEAR. Ever since Irisviel had started having Saber attend to her once in a while after meals, declaring the master bedroom off limits or else. Illya and Chloe had had their interests piqued by this, of course they had. And in the end, they'd dragged Miyu into their curiosity-led plans to find out just what was going on between Irisviel and Saber. Just what did 'attend me' mean when it was their mother and their mother's Servant from a Grail War long past.

Now they were going to find out. Creeping along, the trio of young women make their way through the air ducts slowly and carefully, as to be extra stealthy so that they don't end up alerting anyone to their presence. Eventually, they make it to the grating high in the north wall of the master bedroom. It takes a bit of squeezing and crowding, but all three of them are able to get their faces up against the grating so that they can look upon what's within.

Illya's eyes go wide at what she sees. It's been maybe twenty minutes since Irisviel and Saber left the dining room and Illya rushed to get her sister and their friend. But in that twenty minutes, it's clear that THINGS have been happening. Her mother is dressed… very provocatively, while Saber… Saber is barely wearing anything at all, stripped out of most of her upper layers and left in nothing but her bra up top, and her leggings down below.

But more than how each woman looks, the thing that stands out to Illya the most… is the fact that Saber is trembling as she stands there as still as she can. But then, that might have something to do with the riding crop that Irisviel is smacking against her gloved palm. Their mother is wearing some sort of… of dominatrix get-up. Illya knows she's not supposed to know what that is. Irisviel would tan her hide if she ever so much as said the word 'dominatrix' in her mother's presence.

But she's not a little kid anymore, and she has access to computers, just like Chloe does. She's ventured into some of the darker places of the web, and her twin has even shared some sites that they've ended up… perusing together. There's no doubt about it, with her all white ensemble, her corset and her panties and her heeled boots and her gloves… Irisviel looks like a dominatrix.

The riding crop, also white, simply completes the look as she smacks it against her palm, one leg crossed over the other, her ass seated on the edge of the large four-poster bed that dominates half of the master bedroom.

"If you wish to be involved with my Shirou, Saber… you're going to have to do better than this."

Illya's eyes go wide at that, and she exchanges a glance with both Chloe and Miyu. This… this was about Shirou? Their adopted older brother was away studying abroad at the moment, but all three girls had their own feelings regarding Shirou, all of them positive… but not all of them innocent. The red head was a great big brother, and an even greater friend.

If Saber wanted something from him… well, it explained why Irisviel would want to test the 'family Servant'. But in this manner? Just what was going on? And d-damn it all, Illya needed to stop getting so wet from it. She was going to end up leaking onto one of her friends at this rate. Trying to hide her blush, while not noticing that Chloe and Miyu are both trying and failing to do the same, Illya focuses once more on the women in the bedroom below.

"M-Mistress, I-ah!"

When Saber tries to answer Irisviel, their mother's riding crop lashes out, and the trio of sneaky peepers get quite the show as the crop slashes across Saber's bare stomach, causing the Servant to nearly double over from the blow. The end of the crop glows with power as it does so, giving way to just how exactly a simple device is supposed to damage a heroic spirit. It's not simple, that's the trick. Irisviel's riding crop is enchanted…

Illya can't help but be a little awed by the display of magic, even if she knows the byplay between her mother and Saber is probably more important. It's always exciting to see her mother using magic. Irisviel is just… well, she's getting distracted. Best to focus.

"Did I tell you to speak?"

Irisviel rises from the bed then, stepping around a trembling Saber as the blonde Servant slowly straightens back up.

"N-No, Mistress."

The riding crop comes up but doesn't come down with any force. Instead, Irisviel slides it across Saber's exposed skin, before sliding it up under her bra and between her breasts. Illya's face is most definitely bright red by this point, and she knows that her sister and friend at the same way. There's no denying that this isn't what any of them truly expected. But should they have? Irisviel going off with Saber at late hours of the day, telling the Servant to 'attend her' in the master bedroom… maybe in hindsight, it should have been obvious.

But then, what's Shirou got to do with anything, huh?

"That's right. You do not speak unless spoken to. As a good Servant should. If you want my Shirou, you'll obey him as you would me… won't you? Only I can decide if you are worthy of my son."

"A-As you say, Mistress…"

Irisviel nods with a smile on her face. It's the same kind smile she always has, Illya notes. While Illya has always respected her mother, she's never been afraid of her before. She's still not necessarily scared of Irisviel, not even this one… but she's definitely feeling a little wary. Beside her, she can feel Chloe trembling, but when she looks over to her twin, she doesn't find the dark-skinned girl crying… no, if anything, Chloe is staring intensely down at the exchange between their mother and the family Servant… and one of her hands is suspiciously beneath her as she lays out in the airduct. Her hips are shifting and-

Illya swiftly turns her attention back to what's going on in the room below as she finally realizes what Chloe is doing right beside her. Face crimson, the young woman focuses on the byplay between Irisviel and Saber. Despite it being incredibly lewd, it's better than watching her own sister masturbate up close like that. Even if she's still incredibly aware of it happening right next to her.

Letting out a low sigh, Irisviel pulls with her riding crop, the front of Saber's bra pulling with it for a moment before the crop slips out with a snap.

"Take it off."

What 'it' is, is obvious, and Saber flushes as she reaches back behind herself to unclasp her bra. The Servant's small breasts bounce free of their confines then, though they barely jiggle before coming to a stop. Saber's petite profile has always made Illya feel better about her own underdeveloped body. But now, seeing her mother and Saber side by side, even if Irisviel is more covered up… Illya can't help but see the way her curvier mother is dominating the petite Servant below and feel a strange feeling in her gut.

She has the sudden urge to reach down between her own legs to test just how wet and sticky she is between her thighs, but she valiantly resists the urge and instead clings to the grate before her to keep her hands from wandering anywhere they're not supposed to go. With Saber only wearing her leggings and her panties now, Irisviel seems pleased. The riding crop comes up and runs across one nipple and then the other, causing the blonde Servant's breath to hitch with anticipation.

The riding crop comes back down again, and Irisviel seems to almost forget about it as she stops in front of the still Servant, sliding one leg up between Saber's thighs, grinding her knee into the crotch of Saber's leggings as she rests an arm over Saber's shoulder and leans in close. Their breasts touch, though Irisviel's are contained by the corset, leaving white leather between their chests as she brings her lips only half an inch away from Saber's own.

The words she speaks next are quiet, but in the deafening silence of the room, all three of the young women peeping from the air vent hear them loud and clear.

"That's a good girl. Always such a good girl. You've been with me for so long now, Saber. I appreciate that. I appreciate everything you've done for me and my family. I always will. But only one can be the Mistress, and only one can be the Servant. Even the King of Great Britain knows that, doesn't she?"

Illya blinks at the reminder. They never really talked about it all that much, Saber's true identity. It was pretty wild of course, knowing that the woman that helped raise you was one King Arthur, or as Illya now knew, Artoria. Saber was Artoria Pendragon, and in her original life, she'd been King of Great Britain!

Now though… now she was her mom's Servant. And Illya had never truly stopped to think about what that entailed before. Maybe… maybe she hadn't wanted to. Chloe is making soft mewling sounds as quietly as she can beside Illya now, but 'as quiet as she can' isn't enough to stop Illya from noticing. The young woman does her best to focus on her mother and Saber, even as the stickiness between her own legs gets worse and worse.

"Yesss, Mistress…"

Irisviel's smile only widens at Saber's hissed response, as the blonde Servant trembles from the contact with between Irisviel's knee and her cunt, even if said contact is happening through a couple layers of cloth.

"Such a good, good girl. Do you have something to ask me, Saber? Go ahead and tell me what you want. If it's a reasonable request… I'll consider granting it."

Saber flushes at that, and Illya does as well. She can only imagine how Saber will respond to such a boon, especially with how things are right now. She is still a little confused by what the Servant ultimately asks for.

"Please, Mistress… could we p-practice, again?"

Saber's tone is imploring, and for the first time Irisviel's kind smile takes on an edge as she pulls her leg back and steps away from Saber.

"Very well. Assume the position, pet."

"Yes, Mistress!"

Saber is particularly eager as she quickly pulls her leggings down. Chloe moans a little louder as the three of them get an excellent view of Saber's petite yet shapely behind from their hiding place. Saber, unaware of their presence, bends over perfectly at the waist as she drags first her leggings and then her panties down her shapely pale legs and off of her now bare feet. She's completely naked now, her petite body on full display.

For a moment, Illya is struck by the frank ridiculousness of it all. Saber has always been a rock in their lives. Always been a powerful, almost unstoppable force. There have been bad, evil people who have tried to hurt their family over the years, tried to get back at mama for being an Einzbern. Saber had deal with many of them, and Illya had even had the privilege of seeing her do so, from time to time. Yet, here Saber is, reduced to a petite naked woman, begging for her Mistress' favor.

All that power packed into such a small frame. Even if Illya herself wasn't any better in the size department, it was a little wild to see Saber naked and unsure, submissiveness and vulnerability on full display. Licking her lips, Illya clutches at the grating a little more harshly, having to resist the urge to touch herself even more now. Chloe, meanwhile, is gnawing at her knuckles to keep herself quiet… and Miyu has also fallen to lewdness, as a quick glance to her other side shows Illya.

This… maybe this was a bad idea. But she can't bring herself to voice that thought out loud. Nor does she try to pull back and leave. Instead, Illya continues to stare through the grating and into the room beyond as a now naked Saber moved over to the edge of the four-poster bed where Irisviel sat minutes before. The blonde Servant crawls up onto the bed but stops with her feet still dangling over the side as she kneels there, her pert posterior on full display.

She looks back over her shoulder at Irisviel as the other woman approaches, and her eyes widen along with the three peepers as the white-haired homunculus reaches down between her legs, pulling from beneath the white panties she's wearing. Illya watches as her mother grows an actual phallus there, using her magic, pulling with her fingers until a sizable length is built up, hanging out of her panties. And she keeps growing it too, until it's way bigger than Illya would have ever thought possible.

Smirking at the look on Saber's face, Irisviel holds her new cock in her gloved hand, stroking it to full mast as she tilts her head to the side.

"You did say you wanted practice, didn't you Saber? This right here is three-fourths the length of my beloved son's member. Last time, you handled half somewhat well. This time, we'll see how you do with this."

Illya knows that Chloe and Miyu are just as shocked as her by Irisviel's seemingly blatant admittance that she knows such intimate details about Shirou, because both girls freeze for a moment, before their actions down between their legs become a bit faster, a bit more frantic on either side of her. Illya is as red as a tomato by this point, and likely to get redder still. J-Just what had her mother and her big brother gotten up to without her knowledge?

H-How could Irisviel produce a c-cock that was three fourths of Shirou's s-size unless… unless… Illya finds herself torn from that particular thought by a particularly throaty moan on Saber's part. Down below in the master bedroom, Irisviel has pressed the head of her fake cock up against Saber's waiting cunt lips and is now slowly pushing into the waiting Servant from behind.

The white-haired homunculus' free hand suddenly comes down on one of Saber's pale butt cheeks with a smack, drawing a cry from the blonde that has all three of those peeping in the air duct nearly jumping out of their skins in surprise. But Irisviel doesn't stop there as she spanks Saber, all while thrusting into her with deeper and more powerful thrusts.

"You must understand my position, Saber. I am the Mistress of this Household. To have my Servant lusting after my child… I would be a truly terrible mother if I let something like that go uncontested.

"Mmm, y-yessss, Mistress…"

It's clear from Saber's response that this is a spiel Irisviel has given before. Another smack across Saber's pale yet reddening behind causes the Servant to squeal again, even as Irisviel's fake length thrusts forward in the same moment, burrowing deeply into the petite blonde's insides.

"Still, better you than some harlot that doesn't know her place, don't you think? My Shirou deserves the best… and you HAVE served me well, Saber. I love you… and I love Shirou. To have you lust after him, to have you want and need him… I should be happy, shouldn't I?"

"I-if you say so, Mistress."

Irisviel growls and her next smack is particularly vicious as she nearly pulls all the way out of Saber's cunt, leaving just the tip lodged inside of the other woman.

"If I say so? If I say so, Saber? Is that any way to talk to me?"

Saber mewls pathetically, and Illya can tell even from her vantage point that the Servant was close to a release… but no longer. She claws at the bedding beneath her, even as she apologizes in a pathetic-sounding tone.

"M-My apologies, Mistress… I… I m-misspoke."

Irisviel remains still for a moment longer, probably to drive the punishment home. Then, she begins to thrust forward again.

"Hmph. Yes you did. Still, this is important. If you're going to serve my darling Shirou, you need to be able to handle him. Now, where was I?"

"Y-You should be happy, M-Mistress…"

"Ah, that's right! I SHOULD be happy, that my darling beloved Servant wants to be with my darling, beloved son. But perhaps… perhaps I'm also jealous. Perhaps I'm envious. Perhaps I'm even… afraid."

As Irisviel muses, she continues to fuck Saber with powerful, deep thrusts that are all followed up with rapid-fire spankings. Saber mewls and moans and squirms beneath Irisviel as the white-haired homunculus fucks her from behind, but whenever she gets too close, Irisviel slows down, pulling back just enough to keep Saber right on the edge of blissful oblivion.

"I suppose I am. Afraid, that is. I'm worried that you and Shirou will steal each other from me. Is that silly? Perhaps. But I can't lose either of you. Not even to one another. I love you, my darling Servant. And I love him, my dutiful son. You both mean the world to me, you know. You two, Illya, Chloe… you're all my family. I can't bear to part with you."

"Yes, M-Mistress…"

Saber it seems, is well-used to this monologue. It's the first time Illya is hearing it though and judging by the way Chloe freezes up beside her, it's the first time her twin is hearing it too. And it's… um, a bit awkward. Neither young woman is sure how to feel, as they watch their mother dominate and edge the closest thing to an aunt in their lives. As they watch their mother discuss said 'aunt' fucking their older brother.

It's all a bit much. And in that moment, Illya and Chloe exchange a glance… and realize they're both finally ready to leave. Any longer risks discovery, especially since Irisviel is clearly coming closer and closer to a close. Miyu doesn't necessarily feel the same way, but their friend is understanding enough to pull back when they prod her to do so.

The trio of young women go back the way they came, Saber's cries and squeals and moans following them until they finally leave the mansion's ventilation system. Miyu is seen out the back the way she entered from, and Illya makes sure Chloe gets back to her bedroom without any of the maids catching them, before swiftly retreating to her own.

She can no longer hear Saber, or her mother of course, safely ensconced within her own room, laying on her own bed. But she doesn't need to be able to hear them to imagine them. The memories of what she's just seen are burned into her mind, etched across her thoughts. She can't dispel them… nor does she truly want to.

Even with the option to forget, Illya wouldn't take it. No, these were things she wanted, NEEDED to know… and now she did. Blushing deeply, there's only one thing left for the young woman to do. She resisted back in the air duct, but her hands no longer have a grating to cling to. In the privacy of her bedroom, they begin to wander across her body, ultimately slipping beneath her clothes.

Closing her eyes, Illya envisions Saber and her mother. And to those images, to the memories of what she'd watched the two of them doing together, she begins to pleasure herself with her hands. Chloe is doing the same in her own room, though Illya isn't aware of it. And Miyu, when she finally gets home, will also fall to her bed and finger herself into oblivion as she masturbates to all that she'd seen.

The trio now knows what 'Attend me' means. And they can never unknow that.


The girls were off at school, and Saber was out on an errand… which meant Irisviel had the house to herself. So of course, she was going to make use of that personal time to the fullest extent!

"Sella, Leysritt! Please attend to me my dears~"

It takes them a bit, perhaps longer than it should, but eventually, her homunculi maids stand before her. Sella, with her longer, straight white hair, and Leysritt with her short, wavy locks. They both have red eyes of course, just like Iri does. But even if they all might look exactly the same, there is a pecking order, and Iri is at the top of it, as she always will be.


"How may we serve you?"

Bringing up a hand, Iri giggles into it.

"That's a silly question, don't you think? Mm, how do you think I want you to serve me? Hee-hee, go ahead and take all of those clothing off~"

Despite being homunculi, and only about two years old each at that, the pale maids still manage to blush as they comply with their mistress' instructions. Iri watches on with a hooded, lustful gaze as Sella and Leysritt strip down, pulling off their uniforms piece by piece and exposing their bodies to her. Where Sella is nubile and petite, altogether flat-chested, Leysritt has much more going on in the curves department, from her voluptuous breasts to her slightly wider hips.

Iri sometimes wonders what she would look like, pregnant with a child. It's certainly in her power to breed Leysritt, but she's held off on it so far… for reasons. Once the two homunculi maids are naked before her, Irisviel steps back and sits down on the loveseat behind her, crossing her legs for a moment and spreading her arms across the back of the couch.

"Well? Let me see you, girls. Show me what you're working with."

Blushing a bit more profusely, and more visibly now that Iri can see below their necklines, the pale homunculi go about presenting themselves to her. Sella spreads her legs wide and runs her hands along her thighs, well aware that they're her best features. Meanwhile, Leysritt brings her hands up to her breasts, groping them and pushing them together.

Both of them moan for her, knowing that she likes to hear their voices, knowing that she likes it when they get… vocal. Smiling, Irisviel eventually uncrosses her legs, and spreads them wide. Up until now, she's been wearing a silk bathrobe, but to be fair, she DID just get out of the shower. Now though, the mistress of the house reaches down and unties her robe, sliding it apart to reveal her own unnaturally pale body to their eyes.

"Sella, knees. Leysritt, come sit by me."

As the long-haired, flat-chested of her two maids falls to her knees and crawls over to her mistress, Leysritt hurries over on foot, sliding onto the loveseat beside Iri. She makes no effort to resist when Iri grabs her by her short, wavy locks and pulls her down to her breasts. Said chest is a bit bigger than even Leysritt's, and Irisviel so does love to remind the maid of that. To her credit though, Leysritt never rises to the occasion, instead sucking on her nipples and slurping at her tits just the way Iri likes it, just as she KNOWS her mistress wants.

Smiling slightly, Iri lets out a little gasp when Sella finally makes it to her place between her legs. Looking down, she watches a pair of red eyes stare up at her, even as Sella buries her face in Iri's mound, her lips sucking down on her mistress' cunt, while her tongue pushes against Iri's slit, eventually sliding right in. Her hands press palm down into the ground between her legs, and she kneels there, focused entirely on pleasuring Iri with her mouth, and absolutely nothing else.

Sliding a hand through Sella's hair, Iri hisses in enjoyment, even as she grips firmly and pulls the maid in all the further.

"That's right, pet. Right there. Make your mistress proud. Mm, keep going~"

At the same time, she holds Leysritt closer, all but forcing the other maid to suckle at her teat. It's been so long since any of her darling children were young enough to do so, unfortunately. Irisviel misses it so much, but she can always have her maids, or even Saber, mimic the action, and that makes it all better. Letting her eyes drift shut, Iri tilts her head back and just… enjoys for the moment.

Her moans fill the room as she bucks her hips up into Sella's mouth, and as she grinds Leysritt's face into her tits. It's not long before she reaches climax, but Sella is a good, clean girl. She happily drinks down Irisviel's pussy juices, rather than making some sort of mess. To be fair, if she DID make a mess, it would be her job to clean it up after the fact, so really, Sella is just being proactive. Iri approves, of course.

Mm, she loves playing with her maids. Perhaps she should have some fun with them in other ways? Ooh, she could take them downstairs and tie them both up. She could torture and tease them to her heart's content, until they BEGGED for mercy. Of course, being her delightful servants, they would resist if she asked them to. So long as she told them not to give in too easily, they would fight it and they would squirm and scream rather than breaking.

But eventually… eventually, she would make them bend to her whims. Eventually, even if they were fighting with all their might, they would submit to her, totally and utterly. The thought makes Irisviel climax yet again across Sella's face, her pussy juices squirting into the homunculus' mouth, and with that, she decides that yes, she will go about playing with her maids all day long, given that the girls won't be back from school for hours.

Of course, before she can put this plan into action, there's a sudden voice that reaches her ears from elsewhere in the mansion.

"Mother? I'm home early! Where are you?"

Irisviel's red eyes snap open as she hears her son speaking. Shirou… Shirou isn't supposed to be back for a while, and yet here he is. Oh… ohhh, she can't help but be happy. Even if she's in this compromising position right now… but then… why not invite him to join?

"I-In here, honey~"

Both of her maids freeze up at hearing their mistress calling the young master of the house to them. But Irisviel has a solid grip on their heads and their hair, and she holds them to her, humping Sella's face and grinding Leysritt's lips into her breasts as she waits patiently. She can hear him now, can hear his heavy foot falls as he makes his way towards the sound of her voice.

And then, there he is. Shirou, her beloved son, stands before her. Irisviel smiles at him and slides her fingers from Leysritt's curly locks. Shirou in turn stares at the scene before him, speechless for a moment, but no less reacting visibly to the sight of three naked, beautiful, pale bodies. Irisviel can see her darling son's erection growing even now in the form of a bulge making itself known in the front of his pants.

Chuckling throatily, Irisviel pushes Leysritt off of her. The homunculus maid looks to her mistress in some confusion, but Iri just points to her son.

"Go, Leysritt. Use that sloppy tongue of yours to please my son, won't you?"

Blushing up a storm, and not once looking Iri or Shirou in the eye, Leysritt slips off of the loveseat, away from Irisviel's side, and crawls over to the young master of the house. He watches her approach but makes no move to stop her or reject her. Instead, as Leysritt kneels before him much in the same way Sella is kneeling between Iri's legs, he turns his gaze back to his adoptive mother, staring into her eyes while the homunculus maid begins to unbuckle his belt and pull down his zipper.

Irisviel can't help but smile back at her son, even as she continues to use one hand to grind Sella into her hot, sopping wet cunt. The other hand, now free, comes up to her lips, and she bites into her index finger cutely, not quite hard enough to draw blood. Shirou's face grows red with a mix of embarrassment or arousal, but he still never takes his eyes off of her, even as Leysritt pulls his cock free of its confines and promptly envelopes the tip of his member with her mouth, sucking in her pale cheeks and sliding down his length with ease.

He does groan though, and the more enthusiastic she gets, the more grunts come out of Shirou's mouth. Eventually, the young man just reaches down and slides his fingers through Leysritt's wavy hair, much like Iri is doing with Sella's long, straight locks. The two continue to stare at one another throughout this, mother and son sharing an extremely perverse moment as they gain satisfaction from the mouths of their maids.

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

Poor Leysritt definitely has the short straw on that front though, Iri can't help but thinking. While Sella might not ALWAYS be able to breathe as she grinds the maid's face into her drooling quim, she gets enough air that she's not struggling in any way. Iri isn't smothering her, that's for sure. And to be fair, Shirou isn't smothering Leysritt either. He's choking her.

A cock that size is not made to go down a woman's throat. Her Shirou is nice and large, thick and meaty… and Leysritt is struggling quite visibly, despite the fact that she's not even a woman, not truly. At the end of the day, she's a homunculus, a maid with only one purpose in life… service to her mistress AND her master. Even as Shirou forces her to gurgle and gag on his big, fat dick, pushing Leysritt's lips all the way down to the base of his cock before pulling her back, only to do it all over again, she doesn't fight back.

Instead, her hands remain in her lap, gripping the tops of her legs. She kneels before Shirou naked, allowing him to make use of her throat for his own pleasure as drool and precum and saliva alike all drip down onto her perfectly rounded, pale breasts. She makes no attempt to resist him or stop him from doing as he pleases with her. That is loyalty. The same kind of loyalty Irisviel has been making sure is instilled into Saber before she lets the other woman anywhere near her beloved Shirou.

Soon enough though, Saber will be ready. Perhaps sooner than even Iri intended, not that her darling son has come home early. She'll have to move the time tables up a little bit, have to change things around so that everything still runs as smoothly as possible. But that's no matter. Irisviel is nothing if not adaptable. She knows how to make sure these things work in her favor. She'll-

A loud groan from Shirou, followed by a lot more gurgling and choking from Leysritt, interrupts Irisviel's thoughts. She blinks and watches as her beloved son cums in the maid's throat, only for Leysritt to ultimately be unable to keep it down. She tries, oh she certainly tries, and she probably even succeeds partially… but a vast amount of seed still flows out of Leysritt's nose and the sides of her mouth as her cheeks chipmunk oh so cutely from the large cum load.

When Shirou pulls back, the maid brings a hand to her lips to keep the rest in, and the room is still for a moment, silent even except for the sound of her swallowing. When she's done, before she can clean up the mess that's been made of her face, Irisviel calls out.


The homunculus freezes up, awaiting instructions.

"Stand up and turn this way for me, would you?"

Slowly, Leysritt does as she's told, turning and revealing the mess that is her front to Iri's eyes. There's slobber and drool and cum all over her face and her tits at this point, and she looks positively filthy… as well as utterly radiant.

Unable to help herself, immensely turned on now, Iri slides her own legs up Sella's arms and then onto her shoulders, before wrapping them around the back of the maid's head and squeezing tightly with her thighs. Sella finds herself singularly trapped in this new position, but she never once stops eating out her mistress while staring up at her with those oh-so-familiar red eyes.

Iri just basks in the sensation, even as she cums again across Sella's face. This… this is what she wants. This is what she's working towards. Her family, her loved ones… all together. Forever.


"Me next! Me next!"

"But you just got to go, that's not fair!"

"You snooze, you lose! Mmph!"

Irisviel blinks as she hears the voices of her daughters, just down the hall. Illya sounds insufferably smug, before her mouth is occupied by something else, while Chloe sounds whiny and petulant. Curious now, and not least of which because she'd been looking for the girls as well as Shirou for the last fifteen minutes anyways, the Matriarch of the Einzbern family creeps up to the open doorway of the room they're all in and sneaks a peek inside.

What she sees causes her delicate white eyebrows to lift on her forehead. It's not just Illya and Chloe in the room beyond, but Shirou as well. And on top of that, Miyu Edelfelt is there with them, blushing and looking on alongside Chloe as Illya sits in her big brother's lap and holds him by his shirt while kissing him fully on the lips.

There's definitely a little bit of tongue involved, but it's clearly inexperienced, more like an experiment to see how inserting tongue into the equation feels, than an actual effort to be exceedingly lewd. Though, Irisviel has to admit, the entire scene still IS exceeding lewd. She very nearly pops a nosebleed right on the spot at seeing all of her children finally getting together.

… Not that she always wanted that or anything. She uh… she totally would be barging in there right now to break them all apart, but that would be wrong, wouldn't it? After all, Illya, Chloe, Miyu… none of the three are girls any longer. They've all grown upon, and they can all be considered young women in their own right at this point.

Though only Miyu actually looks the part. Despite all three of them being in their last year of High School at this point, Miyu is the only one with anything approaching a woman's body. She has something in the way of a chest, at least, and her hips have flared outwards. She's also got a cute, perky, but also slightly rounded buttocks.

Meanwhile, Illya and Chloe are mentally matured into young women, but physically… they still have petite bodies, flat chests, and skinny hips. Not that that seems to be stopping either of them, as Chloe eventually pulls Illya away by the shoulder, her dark-skinned face ablaze with both embarrassment and indignation.

"M-My turn!"

Illya pouts, but in the end, she pulls away and lets Chloe takes her place. Shirou looks… not quite uncomfortable with the entire situation, but definitely like he's not sure what he's really doing with his sisters and their friend. Even as Chloe kisses him and their tongues begin to duel between their mouths, Shirou is barely participating, as if he's trying to decide how far he should go and has ultimately landed on the position of letting the girls have their way while he just lies back and takes it.

Well, that won't do. No, that won't do AT ALL. Irisviel may not be about to barge into the room in righteous indignation or something like that… but she's all too happy to step over the threshold with her arms across her chest and her brow raised as she clears her throat, drawing the attention of everyone inside towards her.

Shirou looks somewhat relieved that she's arrived, while Illya, Chloe, and Miyu all look like they've seen a ghost. Or perhaps their own deaths, given the way they all go completely pale as they turn to stare at her. Even Chloe gets lighter as the blood drains completely from her face, and she looks at Irisviel from Shirou's lap with bugged out eyes.

For a moment, Irisviel lets them stew in their shock and budding horror. She waits until Illya, the actual child of her body, opens her mouth to say something, before cutting the pale young woman off with a sharp smile and even sharper words.

"Well then… I suppose I should have expected something like this, shouldn't I have? Even still, if you're going to learn about your sexuality with Shirou here, you should do it properly. Come along, you four."

"W-Where are we going?!"

Irisviel looks back over her shoulder at them, having already turned around to depart the room.

"My room, of course."

Judging by the incandescent blushes that spread across the girls' faces as Shirou gently but firmly lifts his dark-skinned sister out of his lap and rises to follow their mother, Irisviel suspects that Illya, Chloe, and Miyu may just have seen more than they should have. It's entirely possible that they'd watched one or more of her sessions with Saber, given the way they all react to Irisviel proclaiming their destination as 'her room'.

Even still, Shirou doesn't hesitate for even a moment to follow her out and down the hall. As such, Irisviel knows that she doesn't have to worry about the girls keeping pace as well, and true to that, by the time they make it to the Master Bedroom, she opens the door and holds it open for not just her handsome, beloved son, but also both of her daughters and their friend, who each walk into the room with their heads down and their faces absolutely red.

Irisviel just continues to smile, even as she closes the door behind them all, turning the lock with a satisfying click that causes her daughters and Miyu to flinch and nearly jump out of their skins. Once that's done, however, the Einzbern Matriarch bursts into motion. Not that she's at all frantic or reckless or anything like that, she's simply… fast, while at the same time being very efficient with every movement she makes.

The first thing that Irisviel does is pull out a chair, set it down facing the room off to the side, and sit Miyu in it. The Edelfelt girl doesn't dare protest, just clutching at the chair with both hands like a lifeline, her face red as a tomato and her blush traveling down her neck and beneath the collar of her shirt, from the looks of things.

Though, Irisviel notes that even as embarrassed as she very clearly is, Miyu never once looks away. She watches what happens next the entire time. Regardless, with Miyu sat down, Irisviel turns her attentions to her children. Shirou is sitting on the edge of the bed now, while Chloe and Illya are standing in the middle of the room, fidgeting and squirming and blushing up a storm.

But neither is really afraid, per say. Nor are they all that reluctant. In fact, Irisviel can gauge, just by looking at the two young women, that the biggest thing either is feeling right now is… anticipation.

"Well, we can't have a lesson about sex with our clothes on now, can we? Go ahead and strip down, you three."

Illya and Chloe both freeze at that though for a moment, as if they can scarcely believe their ears. But Shirou rises from his perch and immediately begins to pull off his clothes. Irisviel gives her darling son an appreciative nod, knowing that she could always count on him to be a good, obedient boy. At the same time, her own hands are already divesting herself of her garments. When her daughters see that both their brother and mother are getting naked, they too begin to move to strip down, hesitant at first, but then speeding up when it becomes clear they've lagged behind.

That's alright though, in the time between when Irisviel finishes stripping down and Chloe and Illya finish, she spends a moment reaching down and using magic to elongate her clit into a nice, thick prick, growing a phallus down between her legs, just like she would use on Saber. Illya and Chloe don't fail to notice this. It even makes them take a little longer to finish getting undressed, when they see her stroking her member on one side, while Shirou does the same behind them.

Eventually though, they're both naked, their cute, stunted bodies on full display. Stepping forward, Irisviel reaches out and brushes her fingertips across their tiny chests, a mothering smile filled with love on her face. Chloe and Illya shiver, but they also lean into her touch.

"Such good girls… you'll help me, won't you? You'll help me teach your big brother all about sex?"

Illya and Chloe exchange a wide-eyed glance, before looking to Irisviel and nodding as one.


"O-Of course, mama!"

Irisviel just chuckles, having shared a more furtive glance with Shirou while they were looking at each other. She sees the understanding in her son's eyes in that moment. This isn't so much a lesson for him as it is for Illya and Chloe… but it's easier to convince them otherwise. With that settled, Irisviel gently pushes Illya in her brother's direction.

"Wonderful. I'll act out everything I want you to do with little Chloe here, alright Shirou? You just follow along with Illya."

Both young women are positively shivering in anticipation as Shirou takes hold of Illya's shoulder's in the same way Irisviel has latched onto Chloe. It's definitely not cold or anything like that that's making them shake like this, while the mansion is kept cool, the master bedroom is currently STEAMING with all of these bodies in it.

Slowly, Irisviel slides her hands off of Chloe's shoulders and down to the dark-skinned young woman's slight chest. Shirou copies her on Illya, and the two sisters both hitch their breath at the same time as Irisviel and Shirou run their fingers across their chests, as they play with their nipples. Irisviel nods with approval to Shirou, before focusing all of her efforts on Chloe, knowing at this point that Shirou and Illya will mimic everything they see her and Chloe doing.

"Chloe… reach down and take ahold of it, will you? It's important that the lady in the relationship be as involved as the gentleman."

Chloe, flushed with lust and embarrassment alike, pants lightly as she reaches down and takes hold of her mother's temporary futa prick. She strokes it, clearly inexperienced… but not TOO inexperienced. It's as if she's mimicking what she's seen, rather than anything she's actually ever done before. Irisviel's smile widens further at the evidence of her daughters' peeping.

Meanwhile, across the way, Illya is repeating the movements of her sister with Shirou, causing the young man to groan as his sister strokes his member up and down, hesitantly but altogether eagerly, at the end of the day. All the while, Irisviel still has her hands on Chloe's body, and Shirou is still touching Illya's. She slides a hand down to between Chloe's legs, which Shirou copies, making both young women moan in unison as fingers part their slick, wet lower lips and push up inside of their tight little cunts.

For a while, this is all Irisviel has the four of them engage in. 'Harmless' foreplay, building up the suspense, increasing anticipation. Eventually though, she does lean in close and whisper into Chloe's ear, quietly enough that only the dark-skinned girl can here.

"Someone has been watching me and Saber, haven't they? Or perhaps a couple of someones?"

Chloe's breath hitches, and she tenses up for a moment. Shirou and Illya are too lost in their own ministrations to notice though, and Irisviel is quick to put her dark-skinned daughter at ease.

"Not to worry, sweetheart. I'm not mad with you. It's perfectly natural for young women of your age to want to… seek out answers and experiment. Mm, but I'm afraid your sister is going to get Shirou's cock first, and you'll have to settle with mine… so I'll let you have this one thing. How do you want me to take you?"

Chloe trembles for a moment before answering back just as quietly.

"I-I don't mind that my first time is with you, mama… c-could you take me like you did S-Saber?"

Irisviel lets out a throaty chuckle, something that catches even Shirou and Illya's distracted attention. Ah, she hadn't been wrong in her instincts. Chloe WAS the kinkiest of the girls. Well, she could certainly do what the young woman requested. Pulling her fingers out of Chloe's dripping, drooling quim, Irisviel nods in approval to Shirou as he does the same with Illya, even as Illya herself whimpers in disappointment.

Frog-marching Chloe over to the bed, Irisviel releases her and watches as Chloe climbs onto the large mattress, bigger than the biggest commercial size by far. The dark-skinned young woman looks back over her shoulder at Irisviel, even as she places herself on her hands and knees, reaching back with one of those hands to spread her pussy lips nice and wide.

Shirou comes to a stop beside his mother, and releases Illya as well. The paler of Irisviel's two daughters blushes even deeper than before at her sister's lewd pose, but a glance to Irisviel tells her that her mother expects her to continue mimicking her sister, just as Shirou is meant to mimic their mother. Climbing up onto the bed, Illya presents herself in the same way as Chloe, leaving them side by side, with both of their cute little pussies on full display to Irisviel and Shirou.

Of course, her dutiful son still looks to her for guidance. Irisviel has no doubt in her mind that Shirou knows what to do here. After all, it's as simple as sticking tab A into slot B. But he still lets her climb up onto the bed behind Chloe before doing the same behind Illya, and he continues to make a grand show of mimicking her actions for the girls watching, as she grabs hold of Chloe's hips and places the tip of her futa cock up against her dark-skinned daughter's virgin cunt.

Shirou does the same with Illya, and for a moment, the Einzbern Matriarch stops to smell the roses so to speak. This is a big moment, if she's telling the truth. It's a moment that Iri has been working towards for… quite a long time. N-Not that she was PLANNING this or anything… ah, now even she's getting a little nervous.

To combat the encroaching nerves, Irisviel thrusts forward. No more foreplay, no more hesitation, no mercy. She doesn't take it slow, but then, she really doesn't need to. While there is an initial cry from dear little Chloe as Irisviel takes her daughter's virginity, tearing through her hymen, that cry of pain is quickly followed up by throaty, wanton moans of pleasure as Chloe's tight, but extremely wet inner walls clench and cling around Irisviel's temporary cock in a satisfying sort of way.

Beside them, Illya has the same reaction to her big brother taking HER virginity. Shirou thrusts in at the same time Irisviel does, or perhaps half a moment later, and while Illya does cry out alongside her sister, she also moans with her too, both of the young women gripping tightly at the bedding with their hands, even as their pussies squeeze down HARD around their mother and their brother's cocks respectively.

This is what Irisviel was waiting for, and as she holds Chloe by the hips to make sure that her dark-skinned daughter doesn't go anywhere, she also loses some semblance of control over herself. It just… it feels too good, and she can't help pounding into Chloe with deep, penetrating thrusts, again and again and again.

Shirou, still taking his cues from her, ends up engaging in some rather rough first-time sex with his younger sister as a result. Both Chloe and Illya get a rather harsh experience, but not one that either of them mind. Of course, if they'd both been watching as Irisviel dominated and trained Saber for the other woman eventually becoming Shirou's bed-warmer, than it made sense that this was what they would expect and anticipate sex in general to be like.

And they certainly were both enjoying it. It's not long before Chloe cums for the first time around Irisviel's cock, causing the Einzbern Matriarch's breath to hitch in pure happiness as her dark-skinned daughter arches her back and tilts her head up, mewling and moaning her release. Illya is right behind her, the two girls so very similar in how they express their ecstasy, even as Shirou and Irisviel both rock them with the big, fat cocks between their legs.

Of course, Irisviel's is just temporary, fake even. Someday… someday soon, Shirou will fuck her too. He's the real man of the house, and on that day, she will come to him as nothing more than a woman, no magic, no nothing… she can hardly wait. For now, though, it's enough for the Einzbern Matriarch to watch as Shirou fucks his sister, while at the same time, Chloe continues to clench and squeeze most rhythmically around her magically created futa member.

In the end though, all good things must come to an end. Irisviel is better able to keep track of how long they fuck then the others, given it's all of their first times, Shirou included, but even she can't say exactly how long they bang for, before eventually Chloe and Illya are just plain exhausted, as well as both creampied by their mother and brother respectively.

As Irisviel pulls back, panting slightly, Shirou does the same beside her, slightly red in the face from the exertion, but still going strong. A glance down at his groin tells her that he's going strong in another way as well, which makes Irisviel smile, even as she turns her gaze towards the 'elephant' in the room. Miyu Edelfelt freezes as the Einzbern Matriarch's eyes fall upon her.

Even now, the black-haired young woman is still seated in her chair, waiting, squirming… clearly immensely turned on, if the hand stuffed under her skirt is any indication. Of course, now she's no longer fingering herself, as she was before. Though, the fingers are still likely buried in her gushing wet twat. Grinning, Irisviel cocks her head to the side.

"Don't you think you're a little overdressed, love?"

She's never seen anyone get naked faster in her entire life, if she's being perfectly honest. The hesitation and trepidation both Chloe and Illya clearly felt back at the start has obviously already passed for Miyu, because the Edelfelt girl is nude in record time, her more matured and developed body on display as she stands there, fidgeting. She's still smaller than both Irisviel and Shirou, but she's got height on both Chloe and Illya, and her tits are actual tits, her hips actual hips.

Regardless, Irisviel beckons the beautiful young woman forward, and as soon as she's close, snatches her up. With a bit of reinforcement to bolster her personal strength, the Einzbern Matriarch spins Miyu around and then lifts her up into the air. The Edelfelt girl lets out a yelp as this happens but doesn't struggle or resist beyond some light squirming. She has some cause to regret that a moment later, when Irisviel promptly impales her asshole on the futa cock between her legs without even a moment's warning.

Miyu squeals like a stuck pig as she has her anal virginity taken from her, right then and there. But at the same time, Chloe's pussy juices and Irisviel's own previous ejaculation has left her more than lubed-up enough to split Miyu open without actually hurting the young woman. Once she's got her properly situated on her cock, while Miyu squirms and writhes and whimpers, Iri turns to Shirou and all but presents him with the girl, her naked front and dripping wet pussy lips on full display.

"Well, Shirou? Care to join me?"

Her dutiful son has a rueful smile on his face, and he does shake his head at her… but he also steps forward and slots his cock right into Miyu's virgin cunt, pushing through her hymen the same way he did his sister previously. And like that, the Edelfelt girl is double-stuffed, penetrated in both of her lower holes and held up between Irisviel and Shirou as they both fuck her, bouncing her up and down on their cocks to their heart's content.

Needless to say, it's not long before Miyu's eyes are rolled back in her head and her tongue is lolling out of her mouth. She's not built for such pleasure, not nearly experienced enough with sex to be ready to handle such a thing easily. Irisviel doesn't go easy on her though, not even for a moment, and Shirou follows her lead on that front. This right here? This isn't training or teaching anymore. This… is a conquest.

Miyu is going to be her darling son's consort. One of them, anyways. Irisviel won't force them to marry, or anything like that, and she's sure that there will likely be another woman that comes along that Shirou will take as his wife. But even still, she knows her son is not made for a monogamous relationship. He's not made for one woman. He's built to satisfy several, and Irisviel has always known that, she's always planned for it.

The Edelfelt girl, along with his sisters, the maids, Saber… and even Irisviel herself will all be part of Shirou's harem. This is Irisviel's desire. This is her goal. Thus, as she watches Miyu's mind break with pleasure, knowing that the younger woman will never truly recover from this, will never be able to live without Shirou's big fat cock again once they're done… she smiles.

All according to plan.


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