Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Dealing with the Handler (Monster Hunter: World)

A/N: Dealing with the Handler was a commissioned one-shot originally written in October of 2018. Posting it now for people to enjoy!

Summary: In which the Hunter is given very specific orders in regards to his Handler, with full expectation that he carry them out immediately.

Themes: Rough Sex, Breeding, Fucked Silly


"… Sir is this absolutely necessary?"

The moment the words leave his mouth, the Hunter knows he's spoken out of turn. The Commander of the Research Commission affixes him with a narrowed gaze, a frown across his lips. Given his greyed hair and his general demeanor, it makes him look quite intimidating. This is a man who's spent his entire life in danger, and he survived all of it too. Not the kind of man that the Hunter, even as veteran at this game as he is, to cross.

"Yes, son… I'm damn sure. Do you not know why this Expedition to the New World pairs Hunters and Handlers of opposite genders together? Had that escaped your notice?"

Blinking, the Hunter grits his teeth at the Commander's condescending tone. Of course, he knew the duty that all Hunter-Handler pairs had in the New World, beyond their publicized one. It's just… he sort of thought he'd like the handler he was assigned better. And maybe he'd thought he could get away with getting a new handler before the time to do his duty came around.

"Sir, I know what's expected of me. I'm not some new-blood. It's just… does it have to be her? She's just so…"

The Commander grunts as the Hunter trails off, not sure what to say. Crossing his arms over his chest, the gray-haired man shakes his head.

"Whatever the hell your problems with your handler, it seems to me that you don't understand exactly why this duty exists. So, I'm only going to tell you this once, Hunter. Hunter and Handler pairs are always expected to breed. Just as a huntress, once she's confirmed pregnant, is expected to stay in the damn camp and not risk her life needlessly against the beasties out there."

For a moment, the Commander pauses, his nostrils flaring as if he's remembering something. Then, he shakes his head and continues on.

"We're the best, son. The best and the brightest. Our hunters and huntresses are the most physically capable people we have, and our handlers are the smartest, most intelligent. How do you think we secure funding for this commission?"

The Hunter furrows his brow slightly in confusion, before ultimately shaking his head to indicate he has no idea. No, it's not that he has no idea, it's more that he just never stopped to really think deeply about it. Scoffing in return, the Commander shrugs.

"Well, it's not as easy as it looks. Put bluntly, the folks back home are only willing to let us risk ourselves if we make sure to secure our genes for the next generation. The reason you and your Handler are being called to duty now is because you've managed to put a few hunts under your belt and proven your worth to that gene pool."

The Commander smirks slightly.

"You might have been a big shot back home, but this is the New Fucking World, son. If you'd not made it past your first handful of hunts, we would have known you were all talk and no show, wouldn't we have?"

… Should he be insulted or flattered? The Hunter really isn't sure. It's also not fully relevant to the matter at hand.

"I… I understand sir, but does it have to be with HER?"

That gets a lifted brow from the Commander.

"She is the handler assigned to you, son. If you have a problem with her looks, you can always put a paper bag over her head and do the deed from behind."

Blinking at the casual callous tone, the Hunter's surprise must show on his face, because the Commander smirks easily, leaning in as if to share some great secret.

"You're the physical side of the duo. Be they female or male, its always the hunter of the pair that takes the lead on this sort of thing. The handlers know better than to disobey. They're prepped for this part of the relationship, just as you should have been."

That… brings up some interesting ideas. His thoughts on that must show on his face as well, as the Commander leans back and snorts derisively.

"I trust you'll handle things before sun down. You'll be expected to continue trying until she's confirmed pregnant. Good luck, son."

Swallowing thickly, the young Hunter nods his head once.

"Yes sir. Thank you for your time, sir."

Waving a dismissive hand at him, the Commander turns back to his work and the Hunter leaves the room. He's still in a little bit of a daze, but at least he'd gotten some sort of reasoning behind why he has to fuck his handler until she was good and bred. In the end, the Hunter could kind of see how it made sense. He was strong, she was smart. Put together, any children they made should have a predilection for at least one or the other, if not both.

It still surprised him that the Research Commission was willing to have any of its Expedition Members unavailable for duty for any length of time, but in the end, the resources they were supplied with had to come from somewhere, didn't they? And while Monster Hunting was quite lucrative, it was also very risky and dangerous. They needed a safer bet, something more tangible to get themselves set up so that they could actually start the Monster Hunting.

Still… why her? Unlike what the Commander had insinuated, the Hunter actually had no real issues with his handler's looks. She wasn't drop dead gorgeous or over the top sexy or anything like that, but she was… cute enough. In a sort of natural, over-eager way. But then, the over-eagerness was part of the problem.

His handler was an enthusiastic, reckless girl who tended to rush forward whenever she saw something she found interesting, regardless of whether or not it was dangerous, regardless of the fact that she wasn't armed, nor was she fucking trained to fight. He'd been baby-sitting her and her motormouth ever since they arrived in the New World… and now he was stuck with his new orders, in which he'd have to spend a LOT more time with her then necessary.

Still, what the Commander had said was sticking with him. As the Hunter… he was in charge, wasn't he? Which meant he decided exactly how things between him and his handler went down. What was she going to do? Say no to a direct order from the Research Commission? Grinning a little at the thought, he begins to prepare a list of needed items in his head, angling not back towards his home in the village, but instead towards the store. Hopefully, they would have what he needed.


As soon as the Hunter walks through the door, his handler is in his face.

"You're back! Did your meeting with the Commander go well? I was hoping we could get out there and go check out that Aptonoth Nest we saw the other day! I know you said we were too busy at the time, but surely now we've got a free moment after you did so well on that last big hunt, right?"

For a second, the Hunter just stares at his handler as she runs her mouth a mile a minute. Then, with great inner satisfaction, he shakes his head and shuts her down.


Blinking, the young woman's almost perpetual smile slips a little bit.

"N-No? Why not?"

It was always 'why' with her. Why, why, why. Luckily, this time he had a ready-made excuse that was actually TRUE!

"Because we've got new orders from the Commander. It's time for me to breed you."

Eyes widening, the young woman takes a step back, and for a moment the Hunter wonders if his handler truly is going to try to refuse a direct order from their superiors. What exactly would he be allowed to do then to… ensure her compliance? But no, while there's hesitation for a moment there at the beginning, it quickly fades away… into shy excitement?

"O-Oh, well I… I wasn't expecting this so soon! But I guess it makes sense, they did say the order would come once my hunter had proved themselves, and you… well, you're the best, right? Hehe, and it's not like I'm particularly averse to obeying, um…"

The Hunter just stares at his handler as she blushes and presses her index fingers together, twisting this way and that as her eyes very obviously trail up and down his body. Was she… was she inspecting him like he was some piece of meat? HAD she been inspecting him all this time? She'd probably had the same training as him, and unlike the Hunter, his handler had not been looking for a way out of their particular pairing all this time. Given the way she was blushing… had she been looking forward to this?

Huh. Well… might as well get down to business, right? Before the girl can keep on chattering, the Hunter holds up his hand and cuts her off with a single command.


That makes the blush across the young woman's face incandescent, but she doesn't pause for longer than a few seconds before slowly reaching up and beginning to strip off her layers of clothing.

"R-Right, of course, um, just so you know, I'm a virgin, so… please be gentle. I just, I've read a lot about this and I know that they say its supposed to hurt your first time, and…"

Shit, does she EVER shut up, growling, the Hunter steps forward and places a palm over his handler's mouth.

"Be quiet. And strip."

For a moment, all he can see is her wide eyes and the fringe of her relatively short hair beneath her goggles. Deciding to put that mouth of hers to better use, the Hunter removes his hand, only to replace it with his lips, even as he tugs her goggles from atop her head and tosses them aside uncaringly. His handler whines at that but doesn't try to pull away from him as they kiss.

Its nice knowing she's a virgin. Because so is he, and truth be told, he's never even so much as kissed a girl before. It helps though that this is ordered. Its not like he wants to do this or anything, but if he has to, he might as well enjoy himself. When his handler tries to pull away, the Hunter reaches up and laces his fingers through the back of her hair, holding her close and continuing to kiss her. She mumbles into his lips, trying to talk even now, but he doesn't let her get a single coherent word out as his other hand roughly yanks at what's left of her clothing, reminding her that she's still got more of it to take off.

Backing her up against a wall is the work of moments, and then he's able to use both hands to help the young woman strip the rest of the way, until she's wearing absolutely nothing at all. A whine emits from her throat, but he pays it no mind, still kissing her, still keeping her blissfully silent. That's the thing. That's the problem the Hunter had with all of this. It wasn't her damn face, it was the fact that she just never stopped TALKING.

Reaching off to the side where he put down a bag of things after entering their little abode, the Hunter slides a hand in and searches by touch for what he's looking for. When he finds it, he drags it out and only when he has it between them does he finally pulls back from the naked young woman he's trapped against the wall.

His handler stares at him with wide eyes and an open mouth, panting heavily, her supple breasts heaving along with her, down below her chin. Of course, the silence only continues for a few more moments before…

"That was… that was am-mmph!"

Bringing the makeshift gag of knotted cloth up, the Hunter stuffs it into his handler's mouth before she can even finish her next word, cutting her off as he quickly secures the ends of the cloth gag back behind her head, tying it off and pressing his body into hers as he looks in her eyes.

"No more talking. And since you can't seem to obey that simple instruction, I'll help you. Remove the gag, and you won't like the punishment. Understood?"

Trembling in his grasp, the young woman who he's been assigned to breed ultimately nods. With a growl of satisfaction, the Hunter spins his handler around and presses her naked body up against the wall. Or her upper half anyways, her lower half comes outwards towards him, and he quickly pulls out his hardening prick with one hand as he searches between her legs. Eventually he finds it. Her slit, which is growing quite wet.

He might have been a virgin, but he understood Tab A into Slot B well enough. With a growl into her ear, the young man presses his cockhead up against his handler's cunt lips… then he thrusts in, without pause and without warning. She's wet enough that it feels good for him, even as he tears through her hymen, drawing a squeal of muffled pain from her.

But he doesn't stop there. Like some sort of wild animal, the hunter grabs his handler by her sides and fucks her with deep, long strokes. Each thrust into her formerly virgin cunt produces a muffled yelp from the young woman, but the gag does its duty quite well. No more talking, no more chattering. Just him and her body as she whines and whimpers incoherently.

Of course, as he continues to fuck her, those whines and whimpers turn into something more. They turn into moans and mewls and before the Hunter knows it, his handler is pushing back into his thrusts, her hips moving to meet his cock as it pistons in and out of her. She's also growing wetter and wetter, and the way her cunt is tightening around his thick shaft is…

The Hunter groans right as the young woman he's plowing up against the wall squeals and climaxes for the first time in her life, her insides clenching down and tightening HARD around his member. It just feels too damn good. The inexperienced young man cums on the spot, his load splattering across his handler's insides, filling the bright, but far too talkative girl with his seed.

For a moment, neither of them moves… then, the Hunter grabs his handler up, lifting her off the ground as he turns with her in his arms and his cock still lodged inside of her. The sensations cause her to moan through her gag anew, even as her inner walls clench and squeeze down on his cock with every thrust, quickly bringing new life to it.

As they near his bed, the Hunter leans in and whispers in his handler's ear.

"We're not done yet… we're FAR from done."

Her only response is to tighten up around his cock even further, and the Hunter grins as he falls with her onto the bed before them, pinning her down and fucking her from behind anew as he gets down to the business of breeding his reckless, all-too-enthusiastic handler. As for her? She seems to be enjoying it all quite a bit. It wasn't necessary for her to enjoy it… or so he thought at first. But now that they're actually doing the deed, the Hunter can't deny that its more fun to make her squeal and squirm and climax around his cock than it would be to have her laying there like a limp fish while he did the deed.

So long as that gag remains in place, this could be the start of a beautiful relationship…


He was tired, he was wet, and he was cold as he returned from an exceptionally long expedition in the Ancient Forest. Of course, the Hunter wasn't going to make it back to Astera in this weather. No, instead he ends up returning to the camp he and his handler had set up the day before. When he arrives, his handler is stood outside, shivering and wet herself, and he finds himself wondering at the girl's decision-making skills as the rain pours down on them both.

"Y-You're back! Um… c-can I… can I sleep with you tonight?"

Ah, that's why. He and his handler had developed a new sort of relationship in recent weeks. Ever since their first time together, they'd basically been fucking every night. However, he was rather happy with his new-found sense of power over his handler. Not wanting to give it up, the Hunter had categorically shut down every attempt by the handler to get frisky with him of her own accord. He would stop her, and then he would make her wait until HE initiated things. Sometimes, he'd even have to gag her for a good half hour before she remembered to shut the hell up.

The result was this. A somewhat trained young woman who knew better than to assume anything. Still, leaving herself outside at the mercy of the elements wasn't a good idea, even if she was afraid of punishment. Rolling his eyes, the Hunter tosses his head towards the tent, giving her permission to join him in their shelter.

Brightening up, his handler happily does so, and soon enough they're both stripping down out of their rain-soaked outer layers, hoping to get dry and warm again. On top of that, the Hunter is just so damn exhausted. While he'd managed to collect a good amount of resources, he had definitely pushed himself a little too far, and now he was rather exhausted.

A nap sounded really good, right about now. He could rest and sleep the storm away, and then get back out there and get some more hunting done under a clear blue sky come morning…

"H-Here, drink."

A cup of piping hot liquid is suddenly thrust at him, and the Hunter finds himself reflexively inhaling the delicious scent. Without even thinking, he takes the cup and swallows the warmth down, chasing after it to try and keep the cold away now that he's out of the elements. Its only after the fact that he realizes exactly what the cup is filled with. The energy drink derived from nitroshroom and honey is one the Hunter is VERY familiar with at this point, especially since its helped save his butt more times than he can count, out in the field.

However, he's not out in the field right now… and the effects of the energy drink chase away any exhaustion he might have had as he turns an accusatory glare towards his handler, only to find the young woman grinning impishly, her breasts already exposed as she licks her lips.

"Um… f-feeling alright there? Anything… anything you want to do?"

He's half-tempted to throw her out of the tent right then and there and let the elements take her, if not the monsters. But no, not only is she probably pregnant with his child by this point, he kind of still needs her. And if anything were to happen to her, it would be on his head, whether or not he'd actually engineered it. Still, such impudence cannot go unpunished.

Growling, the Hunter reaches out and grabs a fistful of his handler's short hair, dragging her close as she gasps in both surprise and excitement. Her eyes are bright and filled with obvious need, and she reaches down to rub her palm into his crotch, licking her lips suggestively.

"M-Maybe we should-ah!"

He's not about to hit a girl. But that doesn't mean he won't silence her with his fingers gripping either side of her jaw, squeezing slightly on her cheeks. Frowning severely, the Hunter can't deny that he's growing erect within his pants, especially thanks to her touch. After stripping his wet outer layers, all he's left with is a thin cloth between his cock and her hand, and his handler is very much taking advantage of that fact.

"… You're a naughty little minx, aren't you?"

Blushing slightly, but also grinning, the Handler shows just how much she's grown sexually as she moans and nods within his grip.

"Uh-huh. I'm a naughty little minx who deserves to be punished~"

And just when he was thinking about how well-trained she was. Letting out a tch, the Hunter nods down at his crotch.

"Take it out."

She grins giddily at that, and eagerly does so.

"Does that mean you'll fuck me? Ooh, I fantasized about you while you were gone. I needed you inside me, I still do. Please, just-mmph!"

Silencing her with his lips, he kisses her deeply, dominating her mouth with his own. At the same time, she removes his cock from its confines and strokes it up and down, even as she happily submits to his tongue sliding in between her lips and pressing down her own. After a moment, the Hunter pulls back, only to drag his handler down to his cock right as she's opening her mouth to speak AGAIN, stuffing it with his meat rod instead, in place of a normal gag.

"You still don't know when to shut up! So, let's put that mouth of yours to better use, shall we?"

The Handler moans as he buries his length in between her lips, her cheeks chipmunking outward and her eyes flicking up to him, even as her tongue begins to slide all over his thick shaft obediently. Letting out a pleased groan, the Hunter tilts his head back, thoroughly enjoying her burgeoning technique for the moment. She'd not been that good the first time he'd had her give him oral, wanting to shut the girl up for a moment and not having a gag around to do so.

But now… now she was beginning to learn just how to please him. No teeth, all tongue, all lips. Moaning around his cock, the Handler bobs up and down his length, swallowing as much of his rod as she can before ultimately hitting the back of her throat and stopping. Of course, he's not inclined to let that be it.

"That all you got, slut? Fucking take it… take it you conniving bitch!"

With a growl, the Hunter forces his handler's head further down his cock, thrusting upwards at the same time as he begins to rail into her throat and esophagus. Her hands come up and grab at his legs, but she knows better than to try and push him away, even as she begins to choke and gag on his dick.

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

Groaning in delight, the Hunter sits back and just enjoys the immense pleasure that comes from his handler's tightening, spasming throat, her hot, wet mouth, her tongue, which even now wiggles along the underside of his prick. With the energy drink racing through him, he's got plenty of stamina to continue to fuck the girl's face all night long if he wants… but he doesn't. Nah, he's got another idea for how to properly punish the naughty little chit.

With a grunt, he begins to cum. There's no need to worry about being able to get it up again, with the stamina from the drink she'd tricked him into consuming, so the Hunter truly lets loose, pumping a nice, thick load of seed right down his handler's gullet. Of course, she's not nearly experienced enough to actually manage to swallow it all. More than a little of his ejaculate ends up exploding out of the Handler's nostrils and the sides of her mouth, making an utter mess of her face and leaving her blowing cum bubbles after he pulls out of her throat.

For a moment, the Hunter amuses himself with slapping his fat, saliva-covered cock across his handler's cute features as she slowly recovers. But eventually the glazed look in her eye begins to fade and her tongue traces out to lick up all his seed and she starts smacking her lips like she's about ready to talk again. Not wanting to hear it, and having better things to do to her anyways, the Hunter acts fast.

Before she can get even a single word out, he's grabbed her panties and torn them clean off her body without so much as a 'how do you do'. As she opens her mouth wide in protest, he uses that moment to stuff the torn underwear right in between her lips, placing his palm over her mouth afterwards and holding her by her hair so she can't spit it out and so he can in turn look down into her watery eyes.

"Don't say a word, slut. You know better… and if you think that was your punishment, we're far from done. Keep those panties in your mouth… and present yourself to me. Face down, ass up."

Blushing up a storm, his handler moves to obey him as he lets go of her hair and her face. Slowly, keeping her panties lodged firmly in her mouth, the half-naked girl turns away and bends over, her face and her tits pressing against the ground as her naked bubble butt raises in the air. Where she lacked just a little in chest-size, the Handler more than made up with her fat derriere, her gorgeous badonkadonk.

Smirking, the Hunter grabs hold of his handler's ass cheeks with both hands, groping and squeezing them for a moment, even as he brings his cock up to her drooling quim and rubs his dick tip along her slit. The Handler moans through her make-shift gag as he teases her, and her hips wiggle this way and that, pushing back at him in an effort to get him inside of her.

But that's not the plan. Not even close to it, in fact. Of course, the Hunter isn't about to tell her that. No, more fun to… show her instead. Without warning, the young man pulls his cock back and then aligns it up higher as he spreads his handler's ass cheeks wide. Then, he buries himself in her back door, thrusting forward against her sphincter before the young woman can even truly react.

A muffled scream leaves her throat as he burrows into her anus, his cock nice and lubed up from the oral, but still quite large and more than her poor little asshole has ever had to handle. As she kicks her feet out, the Hunter leans over his handler, pinning her beneath him and fucking her with deep, penetrating thrusts.

"This is your punishment, you horny little slut. Who's in charge here, hm? You wanted me to fuck your cunt… well now you're getting it up the ass instead. Take it! Take it you little bitch!"

The Handler squeals, but she takes it nonetheless. She has no choice, trapped beneath him as she is. And as he fucks her, her attitude slowly changes. It's not long before her muffled pleas for him to slow down turn into muffled moans for him to speed up. Eventually, the Hunter pulls back enough that he's no longer quite on top of her, holding her down with his weight. He no longer needs to be, not when she's happily pushing her hips back into his, just like the first time they went at it, her anus tightening and squeezing around his cock as her pussy juices flow out of her needy little cunt.

Snorting derisively, the Hunter grabs hold of his handler's ass cheeks again and returns to groping and squeezing and kneading her fat, pale behind, which under his ministrations, is rapidly turning red from the abuse. Not that she seems to care, if her moaning and her shaking and spasming are anything to go off of. She's enjoying it, getting fucked up the ass. So much for punishing the naughty little bitch.

Still, he's enjoying it too. She's so much tighter back here, though the Hunter can't really compare the two, not truly. Her ass and her cunt… they're both so different. But he's enjoying himself all the same, fucking her from behind as she rubs her face into the ground, her body bouncing along with his thrusting cock burying itself in her bowels over and over again.

With a grunt, the Hunter cums once more, this time filling her asshole with his seed. He makes a point of doing so, and even as the handler climaxes along with him at the sudden sensation, she lets out a pitiful, disappointed moan at the loss of his cum. Growling, the Hunter leans over his handler, bringing his lips to her ear.

"In the future, if you want me to fuck you, you ask very nicely. Hell, you can even beg. But you DON'T trick me. Got it?"

Nodding, his blushing handler responds in the affirmative, even if she can't quite say yes.


Smirking, the Hunter pulls back, his cock popping free of his handler's gaping butthole as he sits back on his bed roll, panting slightly. Slowly, the Handler rises from her face down, ass up position. Slowly, she sits back on her bed roll as well, the seed leaking from her ass immediately beginning to seep into it as she spreads her legs wide and then reaches down between them. Her fingers in turn spread her pussy lips wide, and she presents herself to him like that, torn panties still stuffed into her mouth, but every fiber of her being doing what she can't with words.

It makes the Hunter grin all the more wickedly, as she tries to convey what she wants, what she NEEDS with nothing more than her eyes and her body language. Rising from his bed roll as his cock rises as well, the Hunter moves towards his handler with a pleased expression across his face. As he laces his fingers in her hair again, placing his forehead against hers and using his other hand to guide his cock to her waiting pussy lips, the Hunter looks into his handler's expressive eyes and chuckles darkly.

"That's more like it."


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