Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Bowsette’s Revenge (Mario)

A/N: Bowsette's Revenge was actually a free write I originally wrote back in September of 2018 to take advantage of the craze at the time. Posting it up now here for readers to enjoy!

Summary: My take on Bowsette and Mario... with Peach sprinkled in just a little. In which Mario learns who his true love-interest should have been all along and has fun doing it.

Themes: Genderbending, Rough Sex, Fucked Silly


As he stands in front of a pair of familiar double doors, Mario stops for a moment to catch his breath and gather his strength. Every time he ended up in a castle like this one, it was a literal trial by fire… and more often than not, lava as well. But once again, the plumber had succeeded, once again, he'd triumphed where no one else could.

Straightening up, the stout, mustached figure lets out a derisive snort. Honestly, by this point they should just expect it of him, shouldn't they? Sucking in his gut and squaring his shoulders, Mario gazes at the foreboding doors before him, clear determination shining in his blue eyes. It was time to finish this, once again. Time to send his great nemesis packing and save the Princess.

Perhaps he'd get another kiss on his forehead for his troubles. The adoration and love of the general public didn't hurt either, even if Peach never had taken him up on his long-standing offer of a date. But then, she was a Princess. He was a Plumber. In the end, they were worlds apart, even if he'd traversed worlds to save her, time and time again.

Ah, but that way led to depression. Best to save such thoughts for later on when he was done saving the day and could relax in his worn armchair with his overalls down, his belly hanging out, and a nice cold beer in his hand. For now, it was up to Mario to roll up his sleeves, walk through the doors before him, and deal with a certain Koopa King as he'd done countless times before.

Mario does just that, his breathing nice and even and his strength recovered quite well as he pushes the heavy castle doors open and strides into the main throne room. His eyes immediately scout out the area, but as expected, it's just the same as most of Bowser's other castles. With all the same weaknesses, as well.

That said, as he walks into the room and readies himself for a fight, there are two key differences Mario does notice immediately. For starters, while Princess Peach IS there (thank fuck, if he'd had to hear one more Toadstool tell him she was in another castle this go around, Mario might have bit their head off just to see if it gave him a fucking one-up) she's restrained in a way he's never seen before. And to be fair, how Bowser ties up Peach is one of the things that's somewhat varied over the years.

Most of the time though, its just a ball and chains, an unanimated chain-chomp to keep the physically weak Princess in place. But not this time. This time, as Mario moves further into the room, Princess Peach is tied down to a chair. More than that, she's in a rather… exposed state. Mario blushes and averts his gaze from the beautiful Princess. She's not COMPLETELY naked, but Bowser has a lot to answer for this time, removing Peach's dress and leaving the poor woman in nothing but her stockings, her panties, and her bra.

If the Koopa King has done anything untoward towards her, Mario won't be letting him off easy… though, that's the other major difference that he's noticed. Put bluntly, usually Bowser is standing in the center of the room, between Mario and Peach. This time, there's no one out in the open. He's got a very clear line of sight to the captured Mushroom Kingdom ruler.

Maybe Bowser stepped out to take a shit? The thought is a bit silly, but Mario isn't sure what other reason the Koopa King would have for not being here to try and stop him one last time. Making sure to regulate the volume of his voice, Mario calls out across the room as quietly as he can to the bound Peach, eyes darting anywhere BUT her as he looks for traps and tries very hard not to look at her and her half-naked body.

"Peach! It's-a me, Mario! Are you-a alone? Where's-a Bowser at?"

For a moment, Peach doesn't answer, and, in the end, Mario has to glance at her, making sure to keep his eyes firmly on her face as he does so. In the end, this results in him realizing that the captured, stripped Princess is staring off to the side, a fearful, confused expression on her face.

"She… she's here Mario. She's i-in the shadows."

The mustached plumber barely has time to blink in surprise at that, as he processes Peach's words and grows all the more confused. Wait, she? That's about when a female cackle drifts out of the dark spaces that line the poorly lit room. Only really the entrance, Peach, and a path through the middle of the large throne room are actually lit up. The rest of the room is a lot darker. This is where the voice of a woman comes from, all growls and snarls, but distinctly feminine nonetheless.

"And there's our tardy plumber. You certainly took your sweet time, Mario. I've been waiting so impatiently for you."

Mario furrows his brow at that, frowning deeply as he curls his gloved hands into fists, looking around cautiously, ready for anything but also not sure what was happening. Had Bowser gotten a girl to look after Peach or something? Mario couldn't even think of who the female voice could belong to, though it felt like he should know it all the same.

"I came as fast as I could-a! Bowser's defenses didn't-a do much to stop me!"

There's a pause at that, and then another distinctly feminine cackle.

"Hm, I suppose in that way, you did. You were certainly faster than any time before. I'm just… more impatient than usual, aren't I? But that's fine. You're here now."

Alright, he was getting rather sick of being yanked around like this!

"Who's-a there? Show yourself, scoundrel!"

"Hehehe, well I suppose I should now, shouldn't I? The only reason I wasn't standing out in the open as usual was so I could properly control the manner of my reveal. Mm, time for you to see my new form, my dear plumber~"

Mario doesn't really have time to process what the woman is saying, before the voice's owner steps out of the shadows and into the light at the side of Peach's chair. The bound Princess jumps at her captor's sudden proximity, shaking and shivering in her restraints. But as Mario finds himself staring at the creature before him, she in turn pays Peach no mind, having eyes only for him as she steps past the Princess and moves at a languid pace towards the center of the room.

It was… it was a woman. It definitely was. And she looked kind of like Princess Peach, at least in the face. Sort of. That was where the similarities ceased though. This woman had familiar red hair, sharpened teeth, a wicked smile, and far larger breasts than the Princess. Hell, she was taller than Peach all around, and thus taller than Mario by a somewhat large margin as well.

She wore a gorgeous black dress that was sort of like Peach's pink one, except it was much lower cut in the front, leaving Mario with an expansive view of the newcomer's cleavage. At the same time, there were other oddities that became more and more obvious as she walked out to face him. Like for instance, the edges of the large, spiky green shell he could see on her back when she swayed side to side. And the massive lizard tail that came out from under her black dress, swishing back and forth along the ground behind her.

Of course, Mario was no fool. While he found himself focusing on the female's appearance and looks at first, his eyes did eventually catch upon her crown. Her crown, where he could see a pink mushroom just peeking out the top of the golden thing. Mario knew full well what a Super Crown was capable of, at least on a toadstool. But this… he could scarcely believe it. Except, it was right in front of him, and unless he'd actually hit his head and was hallucinating somewhere back behind him, this was real.


The female version of Bowser stops where she is in the center of the throne room, right where her male form usually stands. Smirking and placing a hand on her hip, she cocks her head to the side and flips her hair back over her shoulder airily with the other.

"I prefer Bowsette… but yes. It's me, Mario. Your long-time nemesis."

The way she says that is a little strange, and her smile… the glint in her eye… they speak of knowing things Mario doesn't know. But the plumber is a simple man at heart. Even if Bowsette is exceedingly beautiful, that doesn't change the facts. His mustache twitches as he frowns severely, and his fisted hands remain that way.

"It-a don't matter what form you-a take… so long as you-a do evil, it's-a my job to stop you!"

Bowsette's sharp-toothed maw widens into a truly terrifying smile at that, though Mario also can't help but feel a little stirring down in the crotch area. D-Damn it all, even if he did put on a brave front, where did his old enemy get off messing with him like this?! And why the hell had Bowsette stripped Peach in such a humiliating and lewd manner?! Bowser had never done anything like this!

"Yes, I suppose it is. Then we must fight, hm? I wonder, can you truly take me on, as I am now? You're not facing Bowser anymore, Mario! You're facing someone better, someone craftier, someone far more intelligent! Come then, my dear plumber! Come and show me your moves!"

As Mario tenses up, he can't help but smirk a little. His eyes hidden beneath his signature red cap, the plumber snorts loud enough for Bowsette to hear.

"Heh. Even after all this time-a… even after this new twist-a… you never learn-a."

And then he leaps. He leaps, because in the end, Mario's limbs are his greatest weapons. His legs especially are thick, muscular things, with more kick to them then a mule, despite his stout, stocky appearance. When Mario leaps for real, the tile beneath his feet cracks. He flies through the air, and as he's done a thousand times before now, he easily clears Bowsette's head in the same way he would Bowser's.

Landing behind the gorgeous Koopa Queen, Mario does what he does best. He stomps. And like a hundred throne rooms before this one, he hits the exact weak point he needs to hit to make the entire first half of the room's floor crumble at once into the lava that's inevitably installed below it. Because that's Bowser, and now Bowsette's biggest mistake. They always make the same design, and even after he's defeated them this way a dozen times, they don't fix the flaw in the construction of their floor.

Running his gloved fingers along the brim of his cap, Mario turns to watch Bowsette fall into the lava below. It won't kill her, just like it never kills Bowser, but it'll definitely give him enough time to collect Peach and return to the Mushroom Kingdom, a hero once more. Though he'll have to make sure that there's no untoward questions about Peach's current state of dress. Which probably means they'll have to forego the customary forehead kiss, unfortunately.

It would- Mario's thought process abruptly grinds to a halt when his eyes finally fall upon the now empty space behind him. Bowsette should be there, she should be falling right before him into the lava below. But she's not. Instead, Mario's gaze travels up and up and up, his eyes growing wider and wider as he finally manages to find Bowsette and tracks her as she in turn leaps over HIS head, making her own perfect landing beside Peach's bound, helpless form.

Luckily for Mario, Bowsette's landing doesn't destroy the floor HE's standing on. Unluckily for Mario, that was really his only move when it came to defeating the dangerous Koopa. It probably doesn't help that he stands there gaping for several long moments, shocked that Bowsette had moved so quickly, had managed to get away before the floor fell out of her. It was like… like she'd known it was coming or something!

Seeing his flabbergasted expression, Bowsette laughs. The red head even throws her head back to do it. But she only spends a few moments indulging herself before she cuts off the laughter and turns her gaze back onto Mario.

"Were you not listening, Mario? Did you not hear me? You're not dealing with the male version anymore. You're dealing with Bowsette now. And I have all the raw power and raw strength of Bowser… plus a whole lot more speed. I've got the one thing he always lacked. I have agility!"

Well… shit. This wasn't good. Not that Mario was giving up. His hands were still curled into fists and he was still ready to make a stand and try to fight. Not that he had much hopes there. His fists had never been able to do anything to Bowser before, and if Bowsette was telling the truth about being a sort of super-version of her male form, then… well, Mario was pretty much fucked. But he wasn't going to go down without a fight. Something that Bowsette quickly notices. The grin she shoots his way is almost fond as she once again steps in front of Peach and places herself before him. This time, there's a lot less space between them, given the drop into lava right behind Mario.

"You know you can't win, and still you're ready to fight, aren't you Mario?"

"I will never give in-a! The Princess and the Kingdom are counting on me-a!"

Bowsette giggles, something distinctly unsettling on such a buff, powerful-looking woman as she even hides her sharp teeth behind her hand for a moment, like some sort of dainty lady rather than the dragon-woman she clearly is. When she pulls her hand away, she's still grinning as she plants her fists on her hips.

"That's what I like about you, Mario. That's what I've always liked about you. That raw determination… mm, but surely you must know there's only ONE way you can defeat me now. Surely you must see the inevitably of what has to happen next!"

Here, Bowsette's eyes are positively twinkling with some sort of secret. Mario furrows his brow, his mustache once again twitching. Because… no, he didn't see the inevitability. He didn't see ANY way to beat her, let alone one magical way that would solve all his troubles. His silence speaks volumes, because after a few moments Bowsette lets out an exasperated sigh.

"Really?! There's only one way for a man to conquer a woman such as me, Mario! If you want to save the Princess… you'll have to fuck me into oblivion!"

Oh, right, that made sen- WAIT WHAT NO IT DIDN'T! Mario's red cap tilts back to reveal his wide eyes as he stares at the grinning Bowsette in shock. Just behind her, Peach is blushing up a storm, though the half-naked Princess doesn't seem nearly as surprised as she is embarrassed. Which meant she knew this was Bowsette's plan all along. The Koopa Queen had probably told her while they were waiting for him.

Still… what the FUCK?! Mario kind of wished things would go back to making sense now, even if his lower head was vehemently disagreeing with him, and against all odds, trying to take the damn reins. He didn't… he didn't want to fuck Bowsette just to get Peach home safely. R-Right?

"It's the only way, my dear plumber. I'm too strong for you. I'm too fast. But, well… I am a woman. And as a woman, I have a very distinct weakness for mustached men in overalls who are oh so capable of… laying some thick pipe."

Her tongue slides out of her maw then, and its just as thick and long as usual as she slurps it around her lips for a moment before pulling it back in. Mario is blushing now, though his cap and mustache hide some of his embarrassment. Not for long though, if Bowsette keeps this up, then his face just might end up being the same color red as his damn cap!

Seeing he's still standing there frozen like a statue, Bowsette pulls back and lets out a sigh as she switches from an aggressive posture to one arm across her body, an elbow in its palm, and her other hand waving in the air as she pointedly taps a foot.

"Look, Mario. I'm not giving you much of a choice here. Its simple enough, isn't it? Neither you or Peach are leaving here without my say so. I want your dick inside of me. If you're worried about size… how about this? If by some terrible stroke of misfortune, you have a small dick, show it to me and Peach and I'll let you both go. I'll go find your brother Luigi to relieve my sexual frustrations on instead. Deal? Hah, I don't care if you agree or not, just drop the fucking overalls and show me your cock!"

Well… she was certainly still aggressive. But at the same time, she HAD just struck a serious blow to Mario's pride. And bringing his brother into things? That was just low. Low enough that he kind of felt obligated to make sure she knew her insinuations were wrong. Sure, it was playing right into her hands, but with a determined glare on his face, Mario reached up and pulled his overalls off his shoulders anyways.

In no time at all, they're down to his stocky hips, and he's reaching into the depths of his pants, past his boxers, to grip his cock. His cock, which by this point is half hard and on the verge of forming an outline down one leg of his pants anyways. Damn Bowsette and her stupid sexy body…

"You-a want to see it? Then here-a it is!"

Dragging his dick out of its confines is more of a relief than just proving Bowsette wrong about his size. Because Mario isn't just hung, he's practically a tripod when one compares his length and girth to his stout height. His cock, half-hard, hangs out of his undone overalls and practically stares Bowsette and Peach in the eye, drawing gasps from both of them.

Of course, pure, innocent, naïve Peach's gasp is more shocked and surprised than anything else. Though notably, she doesn't look away from Mario's dick once its been revealed, not even once. Of course, Mario only has eyes for Bowsette at the moment, his gloved hands on his hips in fisted triumph as he smirks at the Koopa Queen.

Bowsette's gasp, meanwhile, is half-coo and half-needy mewl as she presses her hands onto either side of her face, staring at Mario's dick with clear desire and lurid intent.

"Oh, my dear, sweet plumber… I knew it. I knew you were packing heat. Or more accurately, I knew you were packing serious PIPE."

The more Bowsette gushes over Mario's exposed dick, the less confident he feels. She's not… she's not reacting with embarrassment or fear like he was half-hoping she would. No… instead…

"Give it to me! Gimme, gimme, gimme!"

Bowsette slides her turtle shell off her back and flings it aside in an impressive display of strength, before flopping down onto her ass. The gorgeous red head spreads her legs apart, hikes up her black dress, and exposes her crotch to him, covered in a pair of lacy black panties as it is. Mario's eyes widen, but Bowsette is far from done. While one of her hands works at pulling her panties aside to expose her gushing wet cunt, the other grabs the low-cut top of her dress and pulls sharply, almost causing it to tear as her massive, gorgeous breasts bounce free.

Needless to say, she looks exceptionally lewd like that, sitting on the floor just in front of Peach's half-naked form, presenting herself to him for the taking.

"Fuck me, Mario! Screw the plumber jokes! Stick that big fat cock in my tight, virgin cunt! I am Queen, and I command it! I-!"

Bowsette keeps on ranting, continuing to order him to fuck her, declaring her authority like she had any. Mario though… Mario finds himself tuning the Koopa Queen out in favor of staring at her body, more specifically at her pussy, spread open as it is with her fingers. She wants it so badly, right? And the more he looks, the harder he grows. By this point, he's really can't stop what is to come, can he? Bowsette had said it best… Mario finally saw the inevitably of what was to happen next.

Rather than run over on his short, stocky legs, Mario makes another leap. Bowsette's ranting and demands cut off as he crunches the tile under his feet on take-off again, and she watches with a wide, open-mouthed smile as he flies through the air, only to land between her legs. It takes the short, stocky, big-dicked plumber two steps to reach her cunt, and one smooth motion where he falls to his knees and guides his cockhead up to her ready-and-waiting pussy at the same exact time.

He's inside of her a moment later, his massive meat rod filling Bowsette inch by inch as she squeals happily and wraps her arms around his body. She pulls him in, and though Mario intended to treat this with the same sort of determined efficiency that he usually handled all of these Princess rescues, he finds his plans going to hell the moment Bowsette kisses him on his mustached lips. Her tongue invades his mouth and his tongue responds immediately, the two muscles dueling between their lips as his gloved hands closed around Bowsette's expansive hips and fat ass.

Gripping her tightly gives him better leverage to fuck her with, and even if the kissing is a surprise, Mario sets to work all the same, laying that 'pipe' Bowsette had talked about, plowing into her with all his considerable might. She might have been stronger and faster than him in this new form, but he was still pretty strong and fast himself. It was like Bowsette said… she had a weakness to men like him, one Mario HAD to exploit if he was going to defeat her!

Of course… it also felt really fucking good. Like, phenomenally good. Like, Mario couldn't even fathom how amazing it felt to bury his cock inside of Bowsette's cunt again and again. Her virgin cunt, she'd said, though he really hadn't noticed any tearing when he'd first thrust in. But to be fair, he'd been preoccupied by the kissing that was still going on even now.

Regardless, the red head was certainly tight enough to be a virgin. Her cunt had his cock in something of a vice grip, though she couldn't quite squeeze down hard enough on his length to keep him from pulling back, and every time he thrust inwards anew, it destroyed any progress she had, making her start over. It felt phenomenal, it felt amazing… and Mario couldn't deny that he was having the time of his life fucking the female version of his long-time nemesis.

Suddenly, Bowsette seizes up beneath him. Their mouths fall apart and Mario blinks as she slumps backwards until she's completely laid out before him. Her eyes are crossed, and her expansive tongue is hanging out of her sharp-toothed mouth as her arms end up flopping on either side of her, fingers twitching.

"Yesssh, Mario! Just like that, f-fuck me just like thaaaat! Yesssssh!"

As she slurs her words, Mario grunts and gives her what she wants. He's too far in now to stop, in a number of different ways. His cock slams into Bowsette's cervix time and time again, and that seems to be something of a pleasure button for the Koopa Queen, because she continues to climax from his deep, powerful dicking of her cunt, orgasming over and over and over until ultimately, her eyes are rolled back in her head entirely.

That's when Mario finally cums. He cums, and his seed explodes directly into Bowsette's womb, pumping in deep as he arches his back and shouts out incoherently. The two of them sort of tense up as a pair there, before ultimately collapsing together, both of them somewhat exhausted for the moment, and having to work to catch their breath.

Bowsette is quick to recover though, just as quick as Mario. Right when he's lifting his head up with intentions of pulling out of the Koopa Queen and standing up, Bowsette's hands come up and curl into the back of his brown hair, dragging him back down into another deep, passionate kiss. When she finally lets him go again, the first thing out of her mouth shocks him to his core.

"I love you, Mario!"

He stares down at her, his mouth agape. Bowsette is quick to follow that up with more, blushing furiously as she speaks a mile a minute.

"I-I think I've always loved you! I just… I wasn't in the right body, it was never the right body for us to be together! But… but its right now, isn't it? I'm gorgeous like this, I know I am! You certainly seem to enjoy my new form! So… so we can be together now! Forever!"

W-What… where is this coming from?! Mario's eyes flick up to Peach, still seated a few feet behind Bowsette's head, still tied up and stripped down to nothing more than her underwear. They meet one another's eyes for just a moment and Mario isn't really sure what he sees there, before she flushes with embarrassment and looks away. Is she… is she judging him?

"Don't look at her! Look at me!"

Mario looks back down into Bowsette's eyes, and the Koopa Queen reaches up and presses her palm into one of his cheeks.

"She doesn't love you, Mario. Not like I do. She never has. She'll string you along for an eternity, and in the end, she'll leave you all alone. W-Who's given you their body? Who's offered their everything to you? It's… it's me, Mario! She… she's just some girl who doesn't know what she wants!"

The strange thing is, Bowsette is making a lot of sense. Perhaps that has something to do with her tight cunt still squeezing down around his cock, which is even now growing thick again. But at the same time… is she not right? Peach… Peach really doesn't want anything more from him than to be there to save her when trouble comes calling, does she? Their relationship won't ever go anywhere… because in reality, they never had a true relationship to begin with.

That realization chills Mario to his bones. It feels like he's wasted a large portion of his life on… on nothing. Something of his feelings must show on his face, because Bowsette leans up and steals another kiss, tearing him from his thoughts as she presses her forehead against his, his red cap pushing up more and their eyes inches apart.

"Let's show her what she's missing, Mario. You and me."

And that's how Mario finds himself behind Bowsette as the Koopa Queen drapes her thick draconic tail off to one side of her massive hips and fat ass, giving him all the room he needs to grab hold and thrust into her once more, this time from behind. As she cries out, arching her back and tilting her head up for Peach to be able to see her ecstasy, Mario grunts and gives it his all, pounding into Bowsette with all his might.

Of course, what he doesn't see is Peach's true reaction, because though the tied-up Princess makes a show of looking away, blushing in embarrassment and only sneaking glances at the debauchery here and there, Bowsette's head covers up Peach's crotch. But at the same time, that means Bowsette can see. She can see EVERYTHING.

That was half the reason she'd stripped the blonde Princess down to her panties, in the end. Because just like she'd known deep in her bones that Mario had this in him, she also knew Peach quite well by this point. She's not surprised at all to see the darling Princess Toadstool practically gushing from her lower lips, the crotch of her panties soaked through by this point.

As she moans and begs Mario for more of his massive dick, as she bounces her wide, powerful hips back into his thrusting length, Bowsette makes eye contact with Peach, just barely. She knows the other woman sees her looking. She knows that Peach knows she can tell how much the Princess is enjoying being so thoroughly cucked.

Knowing that makes it so much better. Not only has she taken Mario from Peach, not only has she awakened a rough, primal side of him that is even now going to town on her body and bringing her pleasure… but she's also made Peach the biggest cuckquean in the room while doing it. And Peach is enjoying it almost as much as Mario and Bowsette are. Almost, being the key word.

And that… that makes it all worth it. Her revenge over the foolish blonde airhead… is complete.


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