Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Blackmail, Supposedly (RWBY)

A/N: Blackmail, Supposedly, is a one-shot commission I wrote back in August of 2018. Posting it now for people to read here!

Summary: An AU of RWBY in which the SDC is just a bit more intelligent, and all that more progressive for it. All you need to know is that Neon Katt's dad works in the SDC's middle management, and she'll do anything to make sure her father keeps his job. Anything.

Themes: Virgin Sex, Misunderstandings, Humor


Things could always be worse. That's what her dad always said, and normally she hated it. But right now, it was all that was keeping a girl like Neon Katt sane. The feline faunus was so out of her depth right now, it wasn't even funny… and no greater a tell was this then the fact that her long cat tail, her distinctive animal trait and honestly her favorite feature about herself, was currently hanging limply from beneath the dress she was being forced to wear.

Her normal style was nowhere to be seen at that moment. At the very least, Neon had been able to keep her hair done up in the big, poofy ponytails she so loved, as well as her white bell collar around her neck. But those two things were the only concessions she'd managed to ring out of her father for this event. Her father, who worked for the SDC. Her father, who practically lived by the mantra that things could be worse.

Oh sure, faunus were treated poorly, but 'things could be worse'. According to her father, his very own employment showed just how far the SDC was coming along in terms of faunus rights and the like. If a faunus could be hired as a mid-level manager within the corporative structure of the Schnee Dust Company, then anything was possible, right?

That was ignoring the fact that her father was part of barely a handful of such hires. Or the fact that she was stuck at this stuffy party full of big wigs with nobody to talk to. Not a single person her age, faunus or otherwise, was attending a corporate event like this. She'd only come along because her daddy had insisted, telling her how important it was that their family be seen as supporting the SDC where ever at all possible.

Neon wasn't too happy about that. There were so many other things the huntress-in-training could be doing. Such as… training, for instance. That would be nice. What she wouldn't give for the chance to get away from all of this and be working on her rollerblading technique. And yes, no matter what her father said, that was part of her huntress training. Her rollerblades were as much a part of her arsenal as her nunchaku were, damn it!

If only he understood that… but no, he wasn't a hunter and he would never truly be a hunter. Still, it was his hard work and effort that had given her the opportunity to become one herself, so she couldn't really look down upon him. Her dad was everything to her, especially after her mom passed. All they had was each other, and she supposed if he needed her support tonight, she'd give it.

Just as Neon's shoulders are slumping and she's letting out a low sigh of resignation, a very pompous voice fills the air.

"Hmph. I suppose you're that one manager's daughter? Arthur Katt's girl?"

Whirling around, Neon finds herself going straight at the sight before her. She'd thought the voice to be just a little higher pitched than one might think an old bastard with too much money might be. No, instead she was face to face with the only young bastard with too much money at this 'party'. Whitley Schnee stares at her with such derision in his eyes that Neon can't decide whether to wilt under his gaze or puff up and try to intimidate him into submission.

The latter would only get her in trouble with her father though. This was the son of her dad's boss… and the only person here that was her age to boot. Not that that would normally be enough to see Neon approaching the boy, even on a particularly bad day, but Whitley had approached her, and now she was essentially trapped with him.

Flashing her best smile to cover up for her hesitation, Neon Katt cocks her head to the side, feeling her puffy ponytails bouncing as she does so.

"Good evening, Mr. Schnee."

Whitley stares at her for a moment, before letting out another 'hmph' sound as he glances out to the crowd.

"Mr. Schnee is my father. I suppose you can call me Whitley."

It might have been charismatic or flirtatious coming from anyone else, but the way the white-haired boy spoke… it was just all dramatic and pompous and overblown. It was like he was making some great concession by allowing her to call him by his first name. Whitley Schnee really was a piece of work… but she had to put up with him, for now.

"Arthur Katt… yes, I heard my father talking about him and a mistake he'd been disciplined for recently enough. I suppose that's how I picked you out of the crowd so easily. Luckily for him and you, the SDC is a gracious employer."

Neon was already tense, her back straight… but now she freezes up as she processes the pompous young man's words, trying to read between the lines. Her own gaze flies out across the crowd as well, but where Whitley is just looking out aimlessly, Neon's eyes immediately move to her dad, where he's smiling and talking with some other SDC employees.

He'd… he'd made some sort of mistake? He'd done something that had almost gotten him fired? Was that why he'd decided he needed her here tonight? A show of force to prove his loyalty by bringing his daughter along to the big corporate event of the year? But then, why was the Schnee boy telling her about this? Just how badly had her father screwed up?

Was his job hanging by a thread? Was their livelihood, her future… under threat?

"I hadn't… heard anything about that."

In the end, she decides that the truth along with a cautious, demure tone is the best possible attitude to take right now. When Whitley's head turns towards her, she glances his way and finds him with that same smug, disdainful look on his face that he'd had since he approached her.

"Hmph, I suppose you wouldn't have. Perhaps you and your father don't have the sort of relationship that me and mine do. But then, my father is training me to take a rather large leadership role in the company someday. It makes sense that he would allow me to weigh in on such situations so that I can learn how to properly manage those… beneath me."

That's right. Whitley Schnee isn't the heir to the Schnee Fortune from what Neon knows. While the eldest daughter has been disowned, or forsook her birthright or something, there's still the middle child, another older sister of Whitley, to be considered. Though if Neon didn't know any better, she'd say the way Whitley is speaking, he IS going to one day take over for his father completely.

But even if he doesn't, he'll probably end up in the upper echelons of the company, in some extremely high upper management position. Nepotism at it's finest, and if she were alone Neon would let her lip curl into a sneer at the thought. But she's not alone, so instead she's forced to continue to maintain the façade as she smiles politely and tries to understand just why Whitley is telling her all this.

It's possible he's just bragging for the sake of bragging, but that doesn't quite ring true, at least not to Neon's ears. He's told her that her father's job and their family's livelihood is hanging by a thread in so many words, and now he's explained to her that he has some say in whether her dad gets to keep his job or not.

He wants something from her. The realization hits Neon like a lightning bolt, and she freezes as she stands there. Whitley is still speaking, but at this point its mostly just white noise… expect no, it isn't. He's complimenting her… but not just for the sake of complimenting her.

"You look nice tonight, I suppose. Nice enough anyways, given your and your father's means. That dress looks quite fetching on you.

'But it would look better off of you'… that's what he's REALLY saying. And suddenly, Neon knows what Whitley Schnee wants. He's not even looking her way as he essentially propositions her right there off to the side of the event. He's so damn casual about it, and for the first time, Neon feels actual hate for the Schnee boy. But that hate is quickly replaced by fear, and worry.

It's obvious now what he's decided she has to do. Whitley is playing the 'Let me fuck you and your dad gets to keep his job' card. The pompous prick… it's probably a fantasy of his, the damn bastard. The son of a rich CEO blackmailing the daughter of an employee to be his slave or her dad gets fired… it's like the plot of one of her racy, dark, erotic novels.

Except now that it's actually happening TO her, Neon isn't nearly so aroused as when she's in bed, reading one of the novel downloads off her scroll as her free hand ventures down between her legs. Instead she finds herself quite pale as she considers the ramifications of this conversation… and the choice she makes next. She can walk away still. But then what will happen to her father?

She definitely can't confront the Schnee boy on just what he's demanding of her. He's been vague enough with his words that he can deny any accusations she makes, and then where will she be? Where will her father be? Neon is quickly running out of options. What else can she do… but agree to Whitley's unspoken demands? Her dad… her dad has sacrificed so much for her. He'd sacrifice even more if he felt it was necessary.

Perhaps it was time for Neon to show she could do the same for him. Turning towards the Schnee boy, she keeps the smile plastered across her face as she sidles up to him, acting as eager as she possibly can given the circumstances. Whitley tenses up of course, but his look is not one of surprise or confusion, but more disdain and perhaps even disgust.

But she knows what he wants, even if he's looking down on her like she's less than an insect beneath his boot. Batting her eyelashes, the feline faunus rubs against the Schnee boy.

"Hey… why don't we get out of here? Go somewhere a bit more… private and continue our talk?"

When he doesn't immediately respond, Neon figures he's just waiting for her to give up something more. But damn it all, she still has her pride to consider. It's not like she's going to drop down to her knees in a crowded ballroom and suck Whitley Schnee off in front of everyone. Instead, the huntress-in-training takes the boy by the hand and guides him out through one of the side doors.

An event like this has security, but it's easy enough to slip through the patrols as she practically drags Whitley into a darkened conference room off to the side. Since the rest of the building besides the main ballroom is shut down at this time of night, the glass walls of the conference room are already darkened and tinted. Thank god. Neon lets out a low sigh as she makes sure the door is securely closed behind them.

Meanwhile, Whitley is still just looking at her… clearly waiting for her to make good on her tacit promise by dragging him here. He hadn't resisted her pull, but he also hadn't seemed overly eager. Was she not good enough for him? Or perhaps she was just good enough for him to fuck, but he was still irritated that he had to settle for a faunus. Under normal circumstances, that would have seen Neon's hackles rising. Under these circumstances… she couldn't do much beyond reach down to her side and pull at the zipper along the side of her white dress.

Whitley doesn't say a word as she strips out of her fancy dress. Not too fancy of course, but it was the best her dad could buy, and the most expensive thing Neon owned. As she reveals her body, clad only in a bra and panties beneath it, Neon fidgets under Whitley's gaze. She doesn't immediately remove her underwear thought. Maybe… maybe he doesn't want more than a bit of a blowjob?

Her legs tremble just barely as she steps forward. Whitley has his back to the conference table that dominates the center of the room at this point, his hands gripping tightly at the edge of said table as he watches her with an unreadable expression on his face. Slowly, Neon Katt sinks down to her knees. Slowly, she reaches for his pants. A button and a zipper are all that stand between her and her humiliation… but once she satisfies him, this will all be over. She's sure of it.

"What are you doing?"

His words cut through her thoughts and her hesitation like a particularly sharp knife. Neon flinches as she hurries to undo his pants faster, assuming that he's growing irritated over how long she's taking.

"Just… getting you ready."

She mutters it and is thankful that she doesn't stutter or stammer any of it out. Confidence… confidence is key here. It's not like Neon wants the Schnee boy to think she's some slut who puts out at the drop of the hat, but she also doesn't want to show an ounce of weakness. Even still, she can't help the gasp that erupts from her throat when she finally pulls Whitley's cock out of his pants, holding it in her hands. He's… not inconsequential in size. In fact, Neon is suddenly worried about her jaw, even as she leans in and begins to give Whitley's length tentative licks.

He's growing bigger too. He's not fully hard yet, as Neon quickly finds out… but as she strokes at his length with her hands as well as laps at it with her tongue, he gets there. He gets there… and soon enough, Neon can't put it off any longer. If she wants to get out of this with some measure of dignity intact, she has to be willing to go farther. Hiding her grimace, the feline faunus opens wide and engulfs the Schnee boy's cockhead in between her lips. Now she's sucking him off. Now she's finally giving Whitley what he wants… at least, she hopes so.

As she looks up into his eyes, she finds herself wondering what evil, vile things he's thinking. Even now, Whitley Schnee's face is blank, not a single sign of his true thoughts bleeding through. And as she bobs up and down on his dick, her poofy pigtails bouncing with her, Neon can only hope he's happy with her. Happy enough that her dad will get to keep his job.


Of course, what Neon doesn't know is that none of this was actually by Whitley's design. As the Schnee boy stands there with his hands clutching at the conference table behind him, his knuckles white, he stares down into the feline faunus' eyes feeling both hopelessly confused… and a little afraid. The girl had led him off into this secluded area, and then she'd started stripping and talking about sex.

Whitley hadn't seen it coming at all, in truth. But then, contrary to Neon's beliefs, he hadn't actually been trying to convince her she had to provide him sexual favors to keep her father employed. He'd merely been making small talk, and it was true that Arthur Katt had made some small, minor error that had brought him to the attention of Whitley's father. But it wasn't the kind of mistake that would see anyone fired, let alone one of the token faunus hires that Jacques was using to promote the SDC's new 'progressive' outlook on life.

No, firing Arthur Katt was never in the cards, and because Whitley knew this, he couldn't even comprehend that Neon might not know it. As far as he was concerned, a huntress-in-training was now sucking him off quite aggressively and judging from the piercing stare she was giving him, she wasn't taking no for an answer. Whitley really doesn't understand how they've come to this situation. And given the fact that the huntress before him could easily break him in half, he's a little worried about what will happen if he tries to end it.

But her mouth does feel quite good around his cock. As she continues to bob up and down his length, Whitley groans, tilting his head back. One of his hands falls instinctively to her hair, landing right between the four poofy ponytails that she has her orange locks done up in. He pants even as she tenses up for a moment, but Whitley is very careful NOT to grip at her hair.

That doesn't stop her from pulling back though. There's a look on the feline faunus' face that he can't decipher as she stares up at him in silence. Whitley stares back, making sure to keep nothing of his true emotions on his own face. She was like a cat, wasn't she? More than that, she was like a cat with aura. Whitley had had pet cats in his life. And one must never show a cat your fear.

More than that, he couldn't very well show the daughter of one of his father's employees how much she'd gotten to him so far. Especially not when her dad was practically unassailable right now in the company's corporate structure. He was Whitley Schnee, and soon, once his father passed over Weiss just as he'd passed over Winter, he'd be the heir to the SDC and the Schnee Fortune as well.

But none of that eventual power, nor his current political power, would help him if this huntress-in-training decided to get abusive here and now. And Whitley was very allergic to pain. So, even as he kept his face properly schooled, he chose his next words carefully. Or so he thought.


Yeah. Not the most eloquent OR properly thought-out response in the end. But to be fair to the boy, Whitley was doing his best. His best just isn't good enough to properly rectify this misunderstanding as Neon Katt's face goes scarlet at what she believes is his 'insinuation'. While Whitley is still trying to figure out what the feline faunus is playing at, Neon believes she has the Schnee boy's measure down to a tee.

A blowjob isn't enough for him, she thinks she 'knows' that now. No, it's 'obvious' to her that Whitley wants more, and as desperate as she is, Neon is willing to give it to him. Slowly, the huntress rises from her knees. She licks her lips, and just as slowly reaches up behind herself, unclasping her bra and pulling it off her tits. She covers herself with an army as she drops the bra on top of her discarded dress, but Whitley still gets a nice eyeful of her breasts, even as she moves onto her panties next.

Needless to say, Whitley is not so confused anymore. The intentions of the seemingly unstable huntress before him are quite obvious now, even as she strips out of her panties as well. He's not sure what to say anymore. Not sure what to do, either. Even if she's now naked, Whitley doesn't like the idea of what she might do to him if he tried to leave now.

Not to mention, she's between him and the doorway, so even if he made a break for it, she might catch him before he could yell for security. Damn it all, he'd let himself be led right into a trap, and now there was nothing Whitley could do but try to play along. So of course, he remains silent and still, his hands still white-knuckled as they cling onto the conference table for dear life.

Neon Katt misses this obvious visual clue. Instead, she takes the Schnee boy's silence in a completely different way, more akin to how she's been reading his words and his actions all night long. This is the classic 'I want you to ask for it' sort of trope, exactly from her erotic novels. Honestly, could Whitley Schnee be anymore cliché?

But she wasn't going to say that to his face. Not when she had her dad's career to consider. She'd come this far, and now that it was 'clear' to her that Whitley wasn't going to be satisfied with just a blowjob, Neon had to harden her resolve and give him what he truly wanted. Hiding her grimace behind that same faux smile from before, she slowly reveals her body, forcing her arms down to her sides.

"Like what you see, Whitley?"

He'd told her to use his name after all, back at the start of all of this. He hadn't told her to say 'sir' or 'Master' or anything degrading like that at least. But as his eyes flow up and down her naked form involuntarily, Neon certainly gets the feeling like she's a piece of meat. Of course, she has no way of knowing what Whitley is truly thinking. He can't quite help himself when she exposes her nude front to him like that, but he's still worried about what she might do to him. So, he answers both the way he thinks she wants him to, as well as truthfully for good measure.

"Yes. Very much so."

Once again, not a hint of his fear is in his voice. He's honestly a little proud of that, but then the first thing you learned growing up a Schnee was how to hide your emotions, how to hide everything. Theirs was not a family that could ever be prone to outburst, either private or public. Because for people like them, their privacy was never truly private. Everything they did was public.

Hopefully this would not be one of those things though. Surely no one was paying any attention to them as they left the ball room. As Whitley finds himself thinking on that and fretting over it just a little, Neon takes his silence after his answer as more evidence that he wants her to keep going, that he enjoys seeing her initiate her own debasement and humiliation. He's blackmailing her… but it's clear he doesn't want her to act like she's being blackmailed.

A shiver of disgust goes through Neon Katt, thankfully unnoticed by the son of her father's boss as she bites her lower lip and slowly walks up to him. Stepping past him, the feline faunus bends over the conference table at his side and juts out her ass.

"Do you want to touch it?"

She hates that she's having to do this, even if there's something about his eyes on her naked body that does actually feel good. This isn't one of her erotic novels though, this isn't roleplay. This is real life. This is really happening to her. She shouldn't be enjoying it, even if she is just a bit wet by this point. It's not like… it's not like she wants the Schnee boy to take her virginity o-or anything.

Of course, Whitley Schnee had no intention of fucking her tonight. If Neon had only known what was going through the young man's head, she'd probably have fled in embarrassment right then and there. Whether she would have remembered to scoop up her clothing as she ran would certainly be up for debate, and that alone would have made for quite the comical sight.

Unfortunately, it was not to be. Neither of them understood the other's true desires or motivations, and in the end, Whitley felt obliged to go along with things as he finally let go of the conference table… and placed his hands on Neon's ass instead. The thought of running should be stronger than ever before at this point, but it's hard to even consider such a thing when… well, there is a pretty hot naked girl bent over before you.

Neon Katt might be unstable, and she might be able to snap him in half without even blinking, but Whitley still has a raging hard-on at this point due to her sucking and her nude form. And if she so desperately wants it… well, there are worse ways to lose his virginity, aren't there? And her ass is surprisingly firm… incredibly taut. Its another reminder that she's a huntress, her athletic body laid bare before him, bent over and his for the taking.

Whitley finds his mouth quite dry as Neon looks back over her shoulder at him, her eyes stormy and filled with what he thinks is need.

"What are you waiting for? An invitation?"

… He doesn't know how to answer that. In the end, he doesn't answer that. Whitley is out of words by this point. Instead, he just continues to stare at her, all while his hands grope and knead and molest her fit, tightly-packed rump on autopilot. Of course, Neon doesn't see this for the indecision and confusion over the situation that it really is. All she sees is what she's been seeing since the beginning. His silence is merely another way of saying 'yes'.

Flushing a new shade of scarlet, Neon reaches down between her legs and uses her fingers to spread her pussy lips apart, doing so draws his attention towards that glistening, untouched hole as Neon rests her face against the conference table and bites her lower lip.

"G-Go on then, Whitley. Fuck me."

It's the first time she's let even a trace of a stutter enter her voice, but the Schnee boy misses it entirely. His gaze is instead fixated on her exposed cunt. Her wet cunt. She really is getting off on this. Dragging him away from the crowd, taking advantage of him… a bit of anger wells up in Whitley Schnee, and in the end, that anger dictates his next action.

Gripping Neon's ass harshly with one hand, the Schnee boy grabs hold of his cock with the other and presses the tip of his hardened length up against her waiting opening. And then he thrusts right in. He feels it as he tears through some sort of barrier in the way, and Neon cries out as he fills her in one go… but neither of them truly understands what's happening. Neither of them has ever had sex before.

Of course, that just leaves the both of them having very different thoughts regarding the experience. Whitley finds himself wide-eyed and speechless as his hands slide onto Neon's hips and he instinctively humps forward a bit into her back side. Was this truly sex? Was this what it felt like to lay with a woman? Not that either of them was lying down, but holy shit… this was amazing.

Neon Katt on the other hand, felt betrayed, if she was being honest. Not by Whitley, oh no. She was expecting cruelty from him, so having him thrust forward without a care for her own feelings was to be expected. But none of her dark erotic novels had prepared her for the pain of losing her virginity. It was supposed to feel good, reluctantly so. It wasn't… it wasn't supposed to hurt so much.

Squeezing her eyes shut as she pants for breath, Neon hangs her head. Whitley, meanwhile, doesn't notice her pain, though she assumes he does and just doesn't care. But no, the Schnee boy finds himself too focused on how tight Neon is to actually see that she's trying to hold back tears. And as he pulls out and pushes back in experimentally, her gasps only make him think she's enjoying things. After all, she was the one who'd wanted all of this to happen in the first place, wasn't she?

Fine then… he'd give the slutty cat what she wanted. Gritting his teeth, Whitley begins to thrust into Neon a bit harder. Of course, he'd waited just long enough that the feline faunus was able to recover from the pain of losing her virginity. And now… now, with her juices slickening the passage just enough, the discomfort was fading away and being replaced by pleasure.

Neon's blush returns in full force as her tail swishes back and forth and her nails claw at the conference table before her. Whitley is quickly building up speed, and Neon can do nothing but take it as he thrusts into her, jarring her into the edge of the table each time. The whole conference table jumps her weight on it. But Whitley doesn't seem to care, at least in Neon's eyes.

He's finally getting what he wants from her, and now she's nothing more than another bitch to fuck. She has no idea that he's flying by the seat of his pants right now, no idea that he was as much a virgin as her just a few moments prior. In the end, all she knows is that Whitley has a big dick, and it's ravaging her tight insides. And for some reason, that's really starting to feel good.

Moaning, Neon tilts her head back as her entire body arches. She doesn't know she's doing it, but she's essentially presenting her poofy pigtails right to Whitley's face. And of course, given everything that's happened so far, Whitley assumes that she's doing so on purpose, that she wants him to do something with what she's offering him.

In the end, one of his hands leaves Neon's hips, and he instead grabs hold of one of her pigtails. Gripping it tightly, Whitley grits his teeth as he speeds up the pace. Neon never tells him to stop, but she also doesn't tell him to go faster. Shit, she doesn't tell him anything. So, Whitley does what he wants. Even if he never intended for this sort of thing to happen in the first place, even if he's still very aware of Neon's ability to snap him like a twig if he does anything she doesn't like… he can't help but enjoy himself.

She really was quite beautiful in that dress, even if Whitley's practiced eye told him it was made by a second-rate seamstress with shoddy materials. But she's more beautiful out of it. She's absolutely gorgeous in fact, even if Whitley has already decided she's a little deranged on top of it. Regardless of how unstable the huntress-in-training clearly is, the Schnee boy resolves to enjoy himself as he fucks her hard, his peak already in sight as his balls churn.

At the same time, Neon decides the same sort of thing. The pain is gone now, and even as rough as Whitley is being with her, her body is reacting in a positive manner. That has more to do with the fact that her aura doesn't allow rough sex to truly hurt then it does with any latent masochism, but in the end, it doesn't truly matter. What matters is, even if Whitley is blackmailing her, even if he's holding her father's job over her head in order to rob her of her virginity… Neon isn't going to let her first experience be totally awful. She'll take what satisfaction she can from this. And that means giving into her body's reactions and the pleasure coursing through her as her rock-hard nipples rub against the surface of the conference table she's bent over.

Needless to say, both of the young people manage to cum at the same time. Whitley belatedly realizes that no matter what Neon wants, he can't actually give her a Schnee child. So, he pulls out and sprays her back and her ass with his seed instead at the last second, fully prepared to accept the consequences of that action if she grows angry with him.

But Neon is more resigned than anything else, even as she comes down from the momentary bliss of her own orgasm. He's covered her in his seed, marked her with his sticky, hot semen. It's not unlike her erotic novels, to be fair… and in the end, she's really not surprised that he did it. Of course, she also knows he doesn't want her to clean it off, so when he steps away from her and uses some nearby tissues to clean himself off, Neon rises and moves to her discarded garments without saying a word.

Luckily, her dress' zipper was on the side, so once she has her panties and bra in place on her freshly fucked body, the feline faunus is able to put her dress back on without any fuss… or any need for help. As such, his cum ends up spread across her back all the more evenly by the form-fitting white dress, and when Whitley turns and sees her, his eyebrow lifts at the realization that she's just dressed without cleaning herself off.

For Neon, she thought she had no choice. For Whitley, it's just more proof that the huntress-in-training is crazy. They both just stand there for a moment, re-dressed and staring at one another. Neither knows what to say, or perhaps both of them are waiting for permission to leave from the other. In the end, Whitley decides he's not going to ask for permission. He's gone along with what she wanted, so there's no point in remaining anymore.

Keeping his back straight, Whitley Schnee walks right past Neon Katt, leaving the conference room behind and returning to the party. Only once he's back among the guests that fill the ball room does he let out a soft sigh of relief. The huntress hadn't stopped him. He'd escaped with his life and his health intact. The experience had been quite surreal to say the least, but it was over now.

Back in the conference room, Neon stands still for a moment after Whitley has left, both surprised and not that he would just ignore her. He'd gotten what he wanted from her after all, hadn't he? But he hadn't even given her any indication that her dad's job was now secure or not. Letting out a shuddering breath as her shoulders slump, Neon hangs her head and sneaks out of the conference room a moment later, slipping back into the ball room with seemingly none the wiser.

She doesn't look in Whitley's direction for the rest of the night, sure that he'll be staring at her, afraid that he'll want more and demand it of her with his eyes or something. Of course, because of this, Neon doesn't realize that Whitley is avoiding looking in her direction as well. Neither of them understands the truth. Neither of them knows what really happened between them.

And neither of them realizes that another saw them both leave the ball room as well. If they did, if they could see the thoughts running through his head in that moment… they both would surely have balked at what Jacques Schnee was planning.


"You want me to WHAT?!"

To say Whitley's outburst is uncharacteristic would be an understatement. Especially when the outburst is directed towards his father of all people. Jacques Schnee does not fly into a rage though as Whitley stands before his desk, eyes wide and jaw dropped in shock. Instead the seated man simply leans back in his chair and steeples his fingers together.

"Was I not clear the first time? I want you to pursue a relationship with the Katt girl. Or did you think I didn't notice the two of you at the event last night? Did you think I failed to notice you both sneaking out of the ball room together, hand in hand?"

Whitley's face shutters a second later, all of his emotions disappearing in a moment. Doesn't quite keep him from being extraordinarily pale of course, but then, Schnees were naturally a bit pale as it was. Still, Jacques grins a little at the expressionless look on his son's face.

"Not bad, my boy. But a little late now, don't you think? The Schnee propensity for hiding one's emotions won't help you here, not when I know what I know. Now, don't fret. I won't demand you tell me what you and Ms. Katt got up to while you were away from prying eyes. I assume you were smart enough to avoid impregnating her?"

Feeling just a bit numb, Whitley can only nod. He's reminded in that moment that his father, while still his father, had married into the Schnee family. His mother didn't have the mind for business that his grandfather had needed of his heir, and in the end, Jacques had been chosen to take over when grandpa was gone.

Still, Jacques was a Schnee now. And he was the head of the SDC, as well as the Schnee family. Whitley would do well to remember that.

"Good. Then I don't see the problem here. It's clear the two of you enjoy one another's company. And think of the PR boon it would be for the SDC's most loyal son to be dating a faunus. I'm not asking you to marry her, Whitley. I simply wish you to court the girl for a time, so we can make the most of the publicity. Can I count on you?"

Whitley just stands there for a few seconds. With each passing moment, Jacques' smile fades a little. After all, Whitley is his golden child. His favorite, even if Jacques would probably not admit it out loud until he'd officially passed Weiss over as his heir. Whitley was Jacques' good boy, the yes child who had followed in his father's footsteps. Unlike grandpa, Jacques WOULD have a worthy heir in his son. He'd made sure of that by molding Whitley into such.

This was probably the first time that Whitley had not immediately leapt to do his father's bidding. Jacques had never had to actually word his 'requests' as commands before, because Whitley had never refused to obey. But that didn't mean the young Schnee boy was stupid. Whitley understood that his father wasn't asking him to do this, he was TELLING him to do it.

There was no choice here… but even still, Whitley hesitated. Because… because once was fine. Even if it was his virginity, it meant less to him than it might to a woman in his position. His dad had already made that clear enough by saying he wouldn't ask for details. But the fact was… Neon Katt was insane. The girl was mentally unstable. How could he…

But in the end, there was no choice was there? And Jacques was openly frowning now as he glared at his disrespectful son. Swallowing his fear, Whitley bows low at the waist… and agrees to his father's 'request'.

"Of course, father. It will be done."

And just like that, the frown and glare are gone as Jacques returns to all-smiles.

"Excellent! While I'm sure the girl is back at Atlas Academy by this point, it IS Saturday which means she shouldn't have any classes. Go and pick her up for a date. Make it as public as you can, take the limo and an escort with you in fact. I'll leave the details to you, but if you need any help swooning Ms. Katt, I suppose you can come to me. My marriage with your mother has certainly not been a loveless one… you and your sisters are proof of that."

Jacques' smile actually looks genuine by the time he's done talking. And smug… oh so smug. Meanwhile, Whitley thinks he's going to be sick, though he manages to keep that hidden as he gives Jacques another bow and flees the room and his father with it. God, what a mess… but he has his marching orders. And his father HAD authorized an escort…


"Come on, you didn't have even a little fun? I've heard those SDC get togethers are some of the best catered events of the year!"

Neon rolls her eyes and shakes her head as she lets out a sigh.

"The food was fine, Flynt. But it's not all about eating. The people were old and stuck up and rich… and more then a few of them were closet racists at that who didn't even think I should have been there. Hell, I didn't think I should have been there, but you know how it is. Had to support family."

Flynt Coal, her team leader and all-around best friend at Atlas, waves a hand dismissively.

"Yeah, yeah. Family first, definitely. But still… don't tell me the food was just fine. Come on, I'm dying here!"

Neon groans and palms her face. Her team leader was such a damn foodie, it was ridiculous. However, before she can respond to him, a voice suddenly calls out.

"Hey, Neon! They say there's someone waiting for you at the entrance to the Academy!"

Neon blinks, looking up at the random student for a moment. She and Flynt exchange a confused glance, and then they both rise to head towards the Academy Entrance. As they continue on, they find quite the crowd gathering there. It almost looks like half the students are gawking at whatever's outside. Or… whoever.

The feline faunus' heart begins to sink as she and Flynt push through, only for her worst fears to be realized. The white SDC limo, as well as the white SDC cars all around it give away exactly what's going on. Of course, Whitley Schnee standing there with a smile on his face and a bouquet of white roses in his hand also kind of gave it all away.

And now he's looking at her and everyone's looking at her and she's blushing up a storm, even as she hears her team leader say her name in a questioning tone behind her. But Neon can't focus on him right now. She understands what's happening, even if she doesn't understand why it's happening. So, she plasters that same fake smile on her face from last night, and she stumbles her way out of the crowd lining Atlas' front steps and makes her way down to where Whitley is standing.

"A-Ah… Whitley."

He's as unreadable as ever. As pompous as ever too, as he thrusts the bouquet in her direction with just the right amount of contempt, at least in Neon's eyes.

"Ms. Katt. Would you accompany me on a picnic?"

Of all the things she expected him to say, that was not it. Even as she takes the bouquet, she's staring at him in shock.

"A-A picnic?"


That's the most she's going to get in the way of an answer from the looks of things. But the underlying message is as clear to Neon Katt as it was last night. She only really has one option here, and Whitley has made that very clear indeed. She's his bitch until he says otherwise. So long as she wants her dad to keep his job, anyways. So, keeping up a brave front, Neon accepts the flowers and uses a sniff of them to cover up a thick swallow as she nods her head.

"Sure… I'd love to."

And just like that, they're off. Neon doesn't know what to think about it all. Whitley doesn't say a word to her in the limo, but then that might have something more to do with the big burly men that are seated in the limo with them. His security guards, perhaps? At least they aren't squishing them together or anything, but they are there and they're kind of… well, she's not about to do anything in a limo full of guards, even if the thought of sucking him off on her own initiative had crossed Neon's mind as a way of staying on Whitley's good side.

Of course, the thought of him ordering her to suck him off despite the audience had also crossed Neon's mind, much to her embarrassment and shame, but in the end, he didn't do that. He simply stared out the window as the limo and SDC cars pulled away from Atlas Academy in a convoy, taking them all the way to a forested bit of country-side a way away.

To say Neon was nervous would be an understatement. She was practically vibrating with tension. And Whitley noticed it too, though the Schnee boy incorrectly thought that the unstable huntress-in-training was vibrating from excitement instead of trepidation. He wasn't sure how this was going to go, but at least for now he didn't have to put up with her aggressive deprivations, what with the security in the limo with them. She wouldn't make a move until they were alone… but then a date had to have some alone parts to it, he was sure.

In the end, that came half an hour later, after a particular part of the forest had been cleared of Grimm and a small, quaint clearing had been secured for the impromptu picnic. A truly massive, absolutely extravagant quilt was then laid out, and catering was provided that made the whole picnic feel more like a dine-out experience than anything else.

It was around then that Whitley had to order his guards away from them, despite having no desire to truly do so. It would be suspicious if he happily went along with being chaperoned by a bunch of suits while on a date. And if that got back to his father, Whitley was sure… well, there was also the Katt girl to be considered as well. He was sure she would see it as a sign of weakness if he didn't send the guards away.

So, in the end, as they began to eat, that's exactly what he did. And Neon Katt, seeing him do so, incorrectly assumed that this was the moment where he was going to slake his perverse, depraved lusts on her again. This was only compounded by Whitley being at a loss for words as he tried to think of what to say to the girl who had taken his virginity just the night before.

"… So…"

Of course, Neon immediately took that less as him not having something to say, and more as him expecting her to once again initiate things. Settling down her food, the huntress-in-training pulls down the zipper on her light blue crop-top. She wasn't wearing her dress this time around. No, she was at Atlas when he came for her, and it was a weekend, so it's not like she was in uniform. Instead, he'd snatched her up while she was dressed in her usual skimpy attire. Her light blue crop-top, her pink short skirt… and her combat undergarments beneath them.

She dressed so scantily because she liked to draw the eye of her opponents. It was a mental advantage of sorts. But beneath her top and bottoms, Neon still wore a bra that held her otherwise large tits close to her chest, as well as a pair of shorts instead of panties that very nearly peeked out from beneath her short pink skirt.

Basically, she probably looked like a whore to his eyes. But knowing what he wanted from her, Neon simply went about methodically taking off her crop-top and her bra, exposing her bountiful breasts to Whitley's gaze once more. The Schnee boy stares, and though Neon Katt blushes, she doesn't try to hide herself this time. In fact, knowing the game now, knowing that last night wasn't a one-time deal and she has to do everything she can to make the boy before her happy so that her father doesn't get fired… Neon kicks things up a notch.

Reaching up, her hands cup her own breasts and she hefts them as she bites her lower lip.

"They're all yours, Whitley."

The white-haired boy pauses for a moment at that, and then leans forward, setting his own plate aside as he reaches out and takes hold of them. Of course, Neon has no way of knowing that Whitley is just trying to make sure she's happy. She has no way of knowing that the Schnee is trying to juggle his duty to his father and his concern that she'll break him in half if he so much as pisses her off.

Just like he has no way of knowing that Neon is already pissed off, but also resigned to her situation. He believes her anger will be his undoing, while Neon believes her anger is impotent, and useless to her here. If either recognized the power that they have over the other… well, the situation might be a lot different. Or perhaps it wouldn't have happened at all.

Instead, what you get is two young people blushing as the male plays with the female's breasts for the first time. It's Neon's first time being molested and caressed in such a way, and Whitley's first-time groping and kneading a woman's tits. Both of them are enjoying it a lot more than they thought they would, actually. Whitley's fingers squeeze a little harder, and Neon lets out a gasp followed by a moan. Then she yelps when he fiddles with her nipples a little.

Its then that Whitley pulls his hands back, frowning slightly. Neon takes this as a sign that he wants her to offer more, while in reality, the Schnee boy is worried that she's about to attack him. Of course, he has to hide his surprise when Neon instead stands up and pulls her dark purple short shorts down from beneath her skirt. She doesn't remove the skirt itself though, instead blushing up a storm as she keeps that garment on, figuring maybe he'd like her better if she acted like the wanton whore he seems to want her to be.

So, wearing nothing but a pink skirt, Neon Katt lays back down on the admittedly quite soft, quite comfortable quilt that covers a good portion of the clearing. She spreads her legs wide, and then she does the same with her pussy lips as she looks Whitley in the eye.

"Here it is… Whitley."

If he hears her hesitation in her voice, he doesn't show it. Whitley stares at the offering before him, and his cock throbs in his pants. Her breasts still jiggle a bit as Neon pants. The feline faunus is still a bit breathless from his molestation of her chest. But to Whitley, it just looks like she's begging him for his cock, like she NEEDS him inside of her. And maybe she does. That doesn't change the fact that she could hurt him if he refuses. Doesn't change the fact that she's dangerous, and he'll never be able to overlook that.

To have attracted the attention of this horny, slutty, huntress… Whitley must have the worst luck. But he knows what he wants, and better than that, he knows how to give it to her. Unbuttoning his pants and pulling down the zipper, Whitley draws his cock forth. He crawls forward, stroking it as he goes, but then he's already mostly hard anyways. When had that happened? Was it while he was squeezing her tits?

Said tits look awfully appetizing to him even now, even as Whitley places himself between Neon's legs, her thighs much more present this time around then they had been the night before. He's suddenly quite aware of how strong her legs and thighs probably are. He doesn't have his aura unlocked… he's just a baseline human. She could probably squeeze and break bones, if she so chose.

But he doesn't let his fear show, he can't expose his wariness or his trepidation now. He has to keep calm… and give her what she wants. His cockhead slips across her wet pussy lips, and then he's inside of her again, wasting no time in filling her with his length. That was how she'd liked it last night after all, right? Best to just keep things familiar.

Neon Katt moans this time, when Whitley once again thrusts forward without a care in the world. It feels a lot better than it did the night before, but then she's no longer a virgin now, is she? This boy claimed that from her already. He took her, and he made her his toy, his pet… and now he'd decided to keep her. She might as well make the most of it, right?

It'll probably be indefinitely, too. As Whitley continues to fuck her there in the middle of their 'picnic' plowing her with deep, hard thrusts that she has no way of knowing is the frenzied movements of an inexperienced young man with no actual technique, Neon looks to the future, wondering just how long Whitley will keep this up. How long will he use her like this… but more importantly, how long will he treat her so nicely?

It couldn't be forever. The latter, not the former. It was entirely possible that Neon would find herself the mistress of Whitley Schnee well into the future. For as long as her dad worked at the SDC, she would need to keep his position secure… with her body. The thought brought her more excitement than it should, as the lines between reality and her dark erotic novels blurred more and more.

Even once Whitley's dad retired, Whitley would still have power over her own father… and thus her. All Neon could do was go along with it. But the flowers and the picnics couldn't go on forever. Neon couldn't have said what Whitley was playing at now, but she knew he wasn't truly in love with him. And eventually he'd have to marry someone else, and their relationship, whatever form it took after that, would have to become much more private.

Neon could scarcely hope that Whitley might let her go after marriage. No, she was likely to be his mistress even then. For now, though, she was apparently his girlfriend. How long? How long could that las- Neon's eyes go wide when Whitley bends down and suddenly kisses her. It's an inexperienced kiss, but even this Whitley can't help but doing all pompous like.

His lips smash into Neon's, and his tongue presses against her mouth until she lets him in. He ends up dominating the exchange without even meaning to. Neon assumes of course, that he did it on purpose. That he's kissing her so roughly, so savagely, to remind her of her place. She lets him do so, her tongue intertwining with his where it can and submitting to his where it must as he flails his own mouth muscle about past her lips.

In reality, Whitley has no idea what he's doing. But he figured Neon would appreciate something like a kiss, right? The girl had had this big, wide, almost manic smile on her face since he'd shown up at Atlas for her. It was clear she expected a real relationship now, at least in his eyes. Just like his father wanted. And in real relationships, they kissed, right?

So, Whitley kissed her as he fucked her. And at the same time, he put his hands back on her breasts because in all honesty, groping Neon's titties had been the best part of this whole experience so far. Well, second best part. Her insides were so tight around his cock, and fucking a hot young woman was now firmly at the top of things Whitley liked to do. He just wished it wasn't a hot young woman who could also break him in half with a squeeze of her hips.

But the longer that her legs remained limp and bow-legged, sprawled out around his waist, the more Whitley grew in confidence as he fucked Neon in such a lewd, rough way in the middle of the forest clearing. It really did feel quite good, he couldn't deny that. It all felt good… and he might as well enjoy himself. Neon was certainly enjoying herself.

And she was, even if she felt like she had a lot less choice in the matter than Whitley thought she did. Neon Katt could not deny that getting fucked, kissed, and groped at the same time was a pleasurable experience. Once again, it had a lot to do with her aura taking away most of the bad. If Whitley were doing this to one of his maids back at the Schnee Mansion for instance, the girl would probably come away with bruises and tears, brutalized and roughed up.

But Neon is built tough. She's a huntress… and in the end, Whitley Schnee's lack of technique is quickly bringing her to her first orgasm. She cries out, and he grunts as her head tilts back and a loud moan fills the air. The next thing she knows, her legs are wrapped around his waist, but not too tightly as her inner walls squeeze down around his member… milking him of his seed.

Even now, she's conscious of her own strength. Even now, she knows that any harm she does to the Schnee boy will be the death of her and her father. Maybe not literally, but the consequences of such an act certainly wouldn't be good. Unfortunately, Neon doesn't realize that she's still holding Whitley close. And with her eyes shut from the pleasure, she completely misses the panicked look that spreads across Whitley's face as he fills her with his cum.

But there's nothing the boy can do. The huntress has him in a vice grip, and he's lucky she's not breaking bones as she holds him in place. Ah, but then this was always her plan, wasn't it? Whitley can't help but inwardly curse himself for walking right into it. Now she has his cum filling her womb, and there's no helping it. If he's unlucky, he might just have given the feline faunus a damn bastard.

When she finally goes limp and her legs fall away from his waist, Whitley pulls out of her, but finds there's not strength left in his own body. Falling forward, he ends up faceplanting in Neon's tits, much to the feline faunus' bemusement. Pushing himself up takes a bit, but by that point, Neon has already decided he's made his next order clear. So, when Whitley flops off of her and onto his back, staring up at the gorgeous blue sky overhead, Neon is quick to curl close, cuddling into his side and wrapping her tits around his arm as her freshly fucked pussy grinds against his leg.

"Thank you, Whitley."

She initially says it to make it clear that she doesn't mind him cumming inside of her. But there's also something that feels right about thanking him. Something that speaks to her, even as she cuddles closer to his side. When Whitley wraps an arm around her and pulls her even closer, she figures she's made the right move to keep him happy.

But… though Neon is loathe to admit it, part of her is happy as well. Even if all of this is a farce, even if it has an expiration date, she kind of likes it. She likes being Whitley Schnee's girlfriend for the time being. And she might as well savor it for as long as it lasts. Unbeknownst to her, similar thoughts are running through the Schnee boy's head.

He's trapped, at this point. Caught between this unstable huntress and his father's 'request'. There's nothing Whitley can do but try to ride this bucking bronco to its conclusion. But for a bucking bronco, Neon Katt is definitely not ugly. She's hot, something he noted last night. He might be sticking his dick and crazy, but there was no reason not to enjoy it while he could, right?

He didn't know how this ended. He couldn't see a future in which there wasn't some kind of pain coming his way. But Whitley would see it through nonetheless.

Of course, neither of them was at all ready to acknowledge the burgeoning emotions growing in both their hearts. It would be a long time before the two of them would realize a simple, basic truth. They were meant for one another. Two of the most oblivious, unaware people on Remnant? Yeah, they were meant for each other.

Their relationship was based off of a misunderstanding that would eventually be resolved. But that resolution would only come after their love for one another had grown enough for them to acknowledge the individual faults of their earliest meetings with each other. And by that point… it was far too late to turn back.

Poor Jacques. He would never have suggested his son date the faunus girl if he'd known it would lead to children and marriage, a joining of Schnee and faunus that would turn the world on its head. He'd thought he had a measure of his boy. He'd thought Whitley was like him, that the boy knew how to have a casual fling and then toss the unworthy chit aside.

But while Jacques had long since gotten a measure of how to read the unreadable Schnee façade that his wife and children all could instinctively pulled off, he never actually bothered to get a measure of his son. He just assumed the boy was exactly like him from the beginning, that because he'd raised Whitley, Whitley would have his values.

By the time he realizes he's wrong, it's too late. Neither Winter nor Weiss are even in the running anymore, and Jacques isn't about to have another child at his age. Whitley is his heir, for better or worse… and the faunus children that he fathers off of that annoying brat, Neon Katt… will see him lead the SDC in an entirely different direction. A better direction, not that Jacques would ever be able to see that through his prejudice and his bigotry.

But that was okay. Because by that point, Whitley will have grown out of his father's shadow and become his own man, with Neon by his side throughout it all.


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