Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

A Bevy of Beauties (World of Warcraft)

A/N: A Bevy of Beauties is a commissioned one-shot that was originally written back in November of 2017. Posting here for readers to enjoy!

Summary: Jack is just their pack mule... or so he thinks. The young man has no idea exactly what the five female adventurers he travels with truly think of him... or what they want to do to him. After all, they know his secret, the one he thinks nobody but him is aware of...

Themes: Moresome, Breeding, Domination


"RwlRwlRwlRwl! RwlRwl-urk!"

Maya Sunblade smirks as she slides her sword free of the last of the Murloc scum. Wiping it off at least partially on her shield, the beautiful Sin'dorei Blood Knight straightens up and rolls her shoulders. Well, Ex-Blood Knight. The Holy Warrior had long since forsaken her loyalties to both the Order and even her own people. She lived for herself and her companions alone at this point.

Looking up as the rest begin to clean up after themselves, gathering what little of use can be found from amongst the corpses of the Murloc tribe that they've just massacred, Maya's smile widens a bit. They truly are a motley bunch, even if she's the real odd one out. Still, her green eyes might mark her as Sin'dorei, but her friends are able to vouch for her as a 'loyal' member of the Alliance, when necessary. Which is funny, because despite their own races, each of her companions is far from loyal to the Alliance.

The one she finds herself closest to, a Kal'dorei Huntress who calls herself Moon-Scythe, barely ever speaks about her path. The beautiful elven woman has even forsaken her own name for the moniker she now holds. It's not something Maya thinks she could ever do, but she's not about to stand in judgment of her comrade. Then there's the Worgen, a druid named Valla Savage. From what Maya understood, the cursed woman didn't remember much of HER past, leaving her to take a new surname when she regained her sanity.

… Personally, Maya felt that Savage was a bit on the nose, but who was she to talk? Shaking her head with a rueful smile on her face, Maya looks past Valla to Korra Frost, their resident mage. As the name implied, Korra had a propensity for frost magic, and even now she was having to melt her own magical ice in order to loot the murlocs frozen to death within it alongside Valla. The human female was certainly a talented practitioner, and someone Maya was proud to fight alongside.

And of course, last but certainly not least, was Baria. Baria Kopesh was probably the member of the group that Maya had struggled to connect with the most. As a Draenei, she was more alien than the rest of them, more unapproachable. Still, she was also a healer, a shaman who used the elements to restore their strength and bodies after major fights.

And she was currently fussing over someone who Maya still wasn't too sure about her feelings for. With a simple name like Jack, the young man didn't seem like much. He wasn't even truly part of the group, or at least he hadn't been at first. Maya hadn't been sure about it when they'd initially done the deed, but she hadn't stopped the rest of the group from buying the boy two years ago at a slave auction in Gadgetzan. Heh, they were about as far away from that place as they could be right now, but down there in the deserts of Tanaris, the land was lawless, and slavery was not punished.

They'd not treated the boy too poorly though of course. He'd been useful as a pack mule at first, but they'd also fed him and paid him in small amounts of coin. Eventually, Jack had grown on them. It'd started out small. A lesson in sword-fighting from her, a hunt to gather food for the group between him and Moon, some playful wrestling with Valla…

Altogether, Jack had grown in the two years he'd been with them. Maya couldn't truthfully call him a boy on appearance along anymore, even if he was far younger than the age at which her people considered their children to be matured into adults. In appearance, he had grown tall and his build was athletic, though not overly bulky. He was lean, but he was also all muscle, much like most of them save for Korra and Baria.

And right now he was also hurt, which was the reason their resident healer was fussing over him in the first place. Maya scowls as Jack looks up and their eyes meet for a moment, she frowns at him and he blushes in embarrassment, but he doesn't avert his gaze. The young idiot probably thinks he's got nothing to be sorry for, given he was hurt protecting Valla from a blow to the back of her head.

Still, he's far too reckless when it comes to protecting them, even though none of them need his protection. Letting out a put-upon sigh, Maya uncrosses her arms and looks away from Jack to the others around them.

"Alright everyone, let's finish up the looting and then head back to camp. We'll return to Fenris Keep and get our gold come morning."

There are murmurs and nods of agreement, and everyone gets to work.


Jack winces as Baria continues to heal him, now that they're back at camp and both safely ensconced in the main tent while the other go over the loot gained from the Murloc Tribe. The dark-blue skin of the beautiful Draenei woman draws his eyes towards her cleavage time and time again, though perhaps blaming her skin color in this instance was incorrect. In the end, it was more the fact that Baria straight up had the biggest rack of all five of the women that he travels with. Regardless of what color her skin was, he'd be tempted to stare, time and time again.

All five of the females who make up the adventuring group he's a tentative part of are beauties though of course. Moon, with her light purple skin, her sizable rack and her absolutely gorgeous ass. Maya with her muscular build, her extremely tight ass, and her perfectly sculpted tits. Valla's human form was nothing to scoff at either, though in her worgen form she was an utter beast of a woman and Jack was a little embarrassed to admit it, but he found her to be indescribably hot as a Worgen.

Korra was far less exotic than the others, but Jack wasn't sure if that was simply because she was a human going up against beautiful non-humans. Perhaps she was absolutely gorgeous by human standards. Most of Jack's life had been spent around non-humans, so he didn't really have any other frame of reference. She was still quite sexy, and he was secretly in love with her long, blonde hair. And then finally, there was Baria. With her silver hair and her small horns, curved atop her head, the Draenei was a vision of beauty, a plump ass and a massive chest to match it.

As she heals him, Jack isn't wincing or discomforted because of her magic. No, it's more her presence that's leaving him uncomfortable. As her glowing green hand slips across his injury, slowly making it close up and disappear, Baria admonishes him with a knowing look in her glowing eyes.

"You should know better by now Jack. Valla can take care of herself. You do not have to take on every attack that comes our way. We are big girls, after all."

Ugh, and her accent doesn't help, not one bit. Jack grimaces and nods in silent agreement with Baria, not trusting himself to speak at this point. Instead, he's doing his absolute best to keep his erections down. Yep, erections as in more than one. Jack has a small secret, one that he doesn't realize all of the women he travels with already know about. Basically, he has two cocks. The young man has always had two dicks, and while they've caused him trouble once or twice, he's been able to live his life fairly well in spite of the strange mutation.

It's just extremely hard for him to maintain his composure whenever Baria or any of the others are this close to him. As the Draenei shaman finishes healing his injury and leans back with a smile on her face, Jack swallows thickly and gives a hesitant smile back.

"I-I understand Baria… I'll try to do better…"

The blue-skinned alien nods happily and places a hand on his shoulder, rubbing him in a way that does NOT help his current efforts to keep his dicks in check.

"That's all I ask my young friend. Think before you leap, as you humans say."

And then she stands up and turns to leave. Jack can't help but watch her go, and as she departs, he swears that he sees an extra sway in her hips, her tail swishing back and forth across her skimpy battle skirt. D-Damn it all, it just isn't fair… as she finally disappears out of the tent, Jack's hands almost immediately thrust directly down his pants.

As he grips both of his cocks, the young man groans, his eyes drifting shut. He jacks off like that, trying desperately to relieve himself before one of the women come to check on him. This is the biggest problem with traveling in a group that consisted of nothing but five women and himself… Jack very rarely got the alone time needed to take care of his incessant, constant arousal.

The trend continues when a familiar growl fills the air and Jack's ministrations come to a screeching halt as his eyes snap open. A moment later he's being dragged out of the tent by a massive cat. Not just any cat though of course, no, it's Valla's druidic cat form that grabs him by his shirt and pulls him out of the tent and into the middle of the camp with his dicks literally hanging out.

Jack yelps and then immediately shuts up in order to try and keep the others from noticing him… but that ship has already sailed, because Valla isn't just dragging him OUT of the tent, she's dragging him INTO a circle of all five of the beautiful females that make up the group he travels with. The young man's eyes go wide as saucers as the girls look down at him. Valla takes her place in the circle of women and morphs back to her worgen form as she grins wolfishly.

"Did you think we didn't know Jack? All this time? The goblin who sold us to you made a point of using your mutation as a perk after all. We paid extra for a human boy with two cocks, amusingly enough."

A flush of red spreads across said human boy's face and down his neck as he processes that.

"And of course, you weren't quite as secretive as you thought when you said you were going off to shit and piss. It probably didn't help that your face was red at the time, EVERY time Jack."

"Hah, right? You jerk it to us at least once a week! And we know it because you talk in your sleep Jack. You've confessed your love for each and every one of us while sleeping right beside ALL of us. Honestly, it's pretty cute."

Jack has never felt smaller. He hunches in on himself, only to pause at that last bit. His eyes move towards the one who said the words and Korra gives him a sexy little smirk as she waves her fingers at him. Then, each and every female begins to remove their armor and clothes. Jack's jaw drops open and he can't decide whether to avert his gaze or stare in mind-boggled shock. In the end, his arousal wins out and he finds himself staring at each of the beauties before him as they expose themselves to him.

"W-What… what is this? What's going on?"

Maya smirks as she drops her breastplate to the ground and begins to unwrap her considerable chest.

"What does it look like you idiot? We appreciate you, and you ARE the only male around who we can trust to treat us well. Those big dicks of yours are just icing on the cake."

Moon-Scythe scoffs, the normally stoic Kal'dorei rolling her eyes at that.

"Speak for yourself Maya, I'm ONLY in this for those massive schlongs. You hear me boy? Fuck me good, or there will be consequences."

Jack's eyes widen a bit more and he swallows hard, his Adam's apple bobbing in time with his head as he nods it up and down.

"Don't scare the poor boy away, honestly Moon…"

And then the women are closing in on him, each and every one of them naked. Their hands close over his clothes and Jack ends up just as naked in short order, sitting on his ass with his double dicks standing straight up in the air, their size causing more than one gasp from the beauties surrounding him.

"I knew it was big… but this is…"

"Just lay him back already, let's get to it!"

Before he really knows what's happening, Jack ends up on his back and every member of the five warrior women is taking up a piece of him. Valla and Baria wrap their large racks around a cock of his apiece, while Moon and Maya move to his sides, taking hold of his wrists and guiding his hands to their bodies. The unspoken order is clear and Jack begins to grope and knead their firm, toned flesh even as Korra leans over him, her tits hanging over his eyes and her lips pressing against his lips as she kisses him upside down.

It's like something right out of his biggest fantasies. Jack isn't entirely sure that this is even real, if he's being honest. Maybe he's fallen over back in the tent and passed out after he hit his head on something. Maybe none of this is actually happening, maybe it's all a dream. But he can't just pass up the opportunity presented to him. If this is a dream, he's going to enjoy the fuck out of it for as long as he can, and damn the consequences!

Of course, right now the women are more enjoying him than he's enjoying them. They're all over him and there's not much Jack can do but lay there and take it, his hands groping and squeezing Moon's tits and Maya's ass respectively as Valla and Baria bring him closer and closer to a double orgasm. In the end, the sensations and the pleasure and just everything prove to be too much for the boy as he finally cums, releasing a veritable explosion of seed all over the faces and chests of the Draenei and Worgen.

The women are stunned for a brief moment, and they pull back to just STARE at how much Jack had cum from just one double-release. Valla is the first to recover and the Worgen, currently in her dark-haired human form, leans in with a grin on her face and clear intentions in her eyes. Almost in a trance, Jack finds himself rising to meet her as the others lean back. The beautiful woman's eyes widen as the young man's arms wrap around her body and he pulls her into a deep, deep kiss.

Valla won't ever admit it, but in that moment she's a little disturbed by just how domineering Jack is. As such, she's completely taken off guard by the words that fall from his mouth when the kiss ends.

"V-Valla… will you let me fuck you in your Worgen form?"

The cursed woman's eyes widen and he smiles at her, shrugging his shoulders and elaborating.

"I want to fuck the sexy beast I know you can become… if that's okay."

There are looks exchanged by the others around them, but nobody says anything, truly interested in seeing how this plays out. Eventually, Valla, a blush on her face, nods and pulls back, morphing into her beastly, furred form. Before she can even fully recover, Jack is behind her, grabbing her hips and fitting his two cocks against the entrances of her lower holes. The beautiful Worgen has enough time to look back at him with wide, shocked eyes, but nothing more than that before he's suddenly inside of her.

As he rams into her, Valla lets out a loud howl, followed by a wanton moan as the young man leans over her, using his height to properly reach her neck with his mouth as his hands wrap underneath to grab at her tits. He thrusts into her cunt and asshole with great force, fucking her roughly, savagely, even as he kneads and gropes her furry breasts and bites and suckles at her equally furry neck.

Within seconds, Valla is cumming around his cocks to both hers and the shock of those around them. Everyone watches as she climaxes again and again, suddenly acting like a submissive bitch in heat rather than the strong, dominant woman that the rest of the girls knew best.

"Please! Please Jack, fuck me harder! Cum inside of me! Fuck, fuck, FUUUUUUCK!"

As the female Worgen experiences yet another explosive orgasm, the others watch on in shock and no small amount of anticipation and arousal. Each of them is wet, moist, dripping even in one or two cases. Jack obliges Valla's lust-filled demands by pounding her all the harder, all the faster. His mouth comes down on her neck and he bites her even deeper than before, confirming his dominance over her as only a beast could and causing her to spasm and orgasm all the harder around his cocks.

"Yessss! Yes! Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me! Knock me up Jack, pump your baby batter into my fertile cunt!"

The young man's eyes widen and his nostrils flare as Valla takes things up a notch by practically confirming that she wants to be pregnant with his child. It's far more than he was expecting from this day… but it's also everything he's always fantasized about. Growling in a way that would have made a male Worgen proud, Jack fucks Valla even harder and begins to cum hard from both of his dicks. Valla howls and convulses around his cocks as orgasm after orgasm hits her, her body reacting each and every time she feels even the slightest bit of cum painting the inside of her womb and her bowels.

In the end, as he pulls out of her Valla flops over onto her back, her eyes rolled up in her head and her long tongue hanging out of her muzzle as she lays there, sprawled out and twitching as his cum pours from her stuffed, gaping cunt as well as her loosened asshole. Jack stares at the beautiful sight for a moment, but ultimately his dicks are still hard, still throbbing with need… it's as if they know he has four more women ready and waiting for him.

And to be fair, maybe his body does know, given the arousal and the scent of lust he's breathing in from each and every one of them. As he stands up, Jack feels more confident than he's ever felt before. His back is straight, his shoulders are unhunched. He looks at the four remaining women and finds them masturbating to him and what he just did to Valla. The strength and pride that each of these beauties has always exhibited around him is gone in this moment and their eyes are wide and slightly glazed over, their lips parted as they pant needily in anticipation of what he's going to do to them.

Unable to hold himself back any longer, Jack moves in on Korra next. The blonde mage's eyes widen a bit more as he approaches her, and almost belatedly the naked human girl turns as if to run away at the last second. Jack grabs her before she can do so, his hands on her arms as he pulls her in. Her head ends up twisted around and their lips smack together, even as he grips and kneads her tits a moment later. Korra melts into his grasp like that, moaning loudly, even as his cocks rub against her holes from behind.

A moment later, the tips of both his dicks find purchase against both her gushing pussy lips and her virgin back door. And then, he's inside of her and Korra is screaming in a mixture of pain and pleasure as his massive schlongs slide up into her tiny body. The blonde shakes, forced up onto her tip toes due to their different in height and his dicks plunging up into her. Jack grunts as he lifts her up, gripping her breasts still and quite literally bouncing her up and down on his cocks as her feet fully leave the ground.

Korra's eyes roll back in her head, and in turn her head lulls back to lay across his shoulder. Her body begins to spasm and seize up as her back arches, and she climaxes again and again and again on Jack's dick in the same way that Valla did. In that moment, Korra isn't sure she's ever been happier. As Jack's lips suck at hers and his tongue plunders the inside of her mouth, Korra moans wantonly against him, her body like a rag-doll as he uses it for nothing more than her pleasure.

She just can't get enough of the feelings his dicks are invoking inside of her. These truly are the cocks that broke Valla Savage in mere moments. Korra is nowhere near as dominant or strong-willed as Valla either. In fact, she's perfectly happy to ultimately submit to the massive peckers slamming up into her holes right off the bat.

By the time Jack cums inside of her like he did with Valla, she's climaxed so much that her pussy juices are forming a puddle beneath their feet. His seed explodes into her lower holes and Korra's eyes once more roll back in her head as her jaw drops and her tongue hangs out of her mouth. His fingers grip hard at her small tits and her belly distends slightly from the sheer amount of cum that he's pumping into her. The human mage is probably the most fragile of the five women… and it shows when she simply drops down and slumps to the ground face down, ass up after Jack drops her off his cocks.

With two down and five to go, the young man looks about. While both Baria and Maya are still masturbating to the sight before them, Moon has preempted them both. She's facing away from him now on her hands and knees, shaking her firm, tight purple butt in his direction and spreading her legs wide to finger her cunt as she looks back over her shoulder at him with an expectant, challenging expression on her face.

Well, when given a challenge like that, how can he possibly say no? Stepping up, the young man falls to his knees behind the Kal'dorei Huntress' ass and reaches out, grabbing hold of it and kneading it harshly with his fingers. Moon grunts in response, and then she grunts again when Jack pushes forward. He doesn't penetrate both holes like he did with Valla and Korra, at least not at first.

Instead, as his lower cock slams home into Moon's cunt, his upper cock hot-dogs her ass crack, sliding up and down between it and getting her sphincter nice and lubed up from him as the mess of his fornication with the previous two women slips down between her butt cheeks and gets rubbed into her back door. For the first time, Jack feels the need to speak, especially since Moon seems unwilling to at the moment.

"Gods you're so sexy Moon… I love your skin color, I absolutely adore it. You're gorgeous, exotic… so fucking beautiful."

Despite trying to maintain a stoic front in the face of his ministrations, Moon begins to pant as he speaks, her lips parting and her breath leaving her in unsteady gasps. At the same time, her pussy walls begin to clench down harder around his thrusting prick and she bounces her hips back towards his pistoning member, in time with his thrusts forward.

"I have to… have to admit something now… w-while Korra is nice and all, my true love lies with other races. I just can't help it, I'm fascinated by elves a-and Draenei and the like. I want to be with you, all of you. You're so much more attractive and so much sexier than normal boring human women…"

Moon's lips spread open to comment on his words, but in that moment Jack's hands slide along her blemish free, undulating back and she moans as he suddenly hits a particularly sensitive spot for her. Jack pauses at the sudden moan that leaves her throat and Moon freezes up, until of course he does it again and she once more responds in a positive manner, a half-whimper, half-moan escaping her lips yet again.

Now knowing just where to target, Jack leans in as he continues to fuck her cunt and hot-dog her ass. He suckles and licks at the spot and the Kal'dorei loses it, climaxing on the spot as she orgasms not once, but thrice in quick succession. It's during her third release that Jack finally pulls back, his cock almost entirely leaving her cunt.

Moon whimpers in confusion and loss for all of a moment before Jack thrusts in again, brutally hard and this time in BOTH of her holes. His top dick slams into her loosened sphincter and the purple-skinned huntress howls as she's fucked doggystyle in both of her holes, her poor virginal back door stretched open obscenely wide in the space of seconds. He plows her senseless, fucking her harder than before and stretching out her tight back door in the same way he'd already stretched her pussy.

The once proud and stoic Kal'dorei climaxes repeatedly from the intense, overwhelming experience. Jack grunts as her pussy walls and ass muscles finally manage to milk his fourth release from him. Both of his shafts ejaculate yet again, filling Moon up in the same way that he's filled up Valla and Korra, pumping her womb and her bowels full of seed.

The Elven Huntress simply can't handle it. The orgasms cause her to pass out and she slumps forward, ending up prone as she lays there unconscious beneath him. Jack's dicks slide out of her as she falls forward and he stares at her for a second with a wide grin across his face. Then, a pair of familiar hands press against his chest as a pair of equally familiar arms wrap around him.

There's hot breath against his ear as Maya's voice reaches him.

"Normally, a Sin'dorei would never stoop so low as fucking a human, even a human with two long, gorgeous, thick cocks. But you've worked hard for us Jack… you've taken many a blow not meant for you, and I hate being indebted to anyone, least of all a man. This is just repaying your heroism though, alright? Don't think I like you or anything…"

Normally, Jack isn't very good with women despite traveling and living with five of them. He's not too good at reading their moods, their thoughts, their true desires… but in this instance it's as if a torch has been lit in his head. He understands exactly what Maya is saying… and he fully believes that she's talking out her ass at the moment. Spinning around, the young man grabs the surprised Sin'dorei by her petite, yet muscular frame and he pushes her nonresistant form up against the nearest tree.

A gasp leaves Maya's throat, but it's quickly swallowed up by his lips as Jack kisses her heatedly. His hands grab at her beautiful breasts and Jack grabs and grips and gropes her tits even as he kisses her hard, rubbing his cock up against her crotch. The Sin'dorei shudders, and her body betrays her true desires even as he feels just how sopping wet she is. Jack reaches down after a moment more and grabs one of Maya's long, legs. He hefts it up by her muscular thigh and he spreads her wide in order to expose her lower holes.

Both of them pull apart for a moment and the former Blood Knight stares down at where his cockheads are pressed against her holes in silence as Jack does the same, before finally she looks up at him and snarls.

"Do it! Do it you damn, human bastard! Fuck me!"

Jack doesn't like her tone. Eyeing her for a second, he grins wickedly… and reaches down with his free hand to grasp his top cock and bottom cock together. Gripping them both as one, he fits the first cockhead against Maya's sphincter, and then the other. The Sin'dorei has all of one second for her green eyes to widen and her mouth to open up.

"W-Wait, what do you think you're doIIIIIING?!"

Maya's words dissolve into a shriek loud enough to make the birds in the trees above fly away. At least, those that didn't depart on account of any of the other previous cries of pleasure anyways. The Sin'dorei has quite a voice on her, screaming her head off as Jack double-penetrates just her virgin back door. He grins ferally, and once he's half-way inside he begins to thrust back and forth, all while using the hand not currently holding up her leg to grab her face and squeeze her cheeks.

He forces her to look at him, to look at his savage smirk.

"I always knew you were a tight ass Maya… I just didn't know how much until now. Let's dislodge that stick buried in your rectum, shall we?"

The Sin'dorei's eyes roll back in her head as he pounds her up against the tree. Her mind dissolves into nothingness, the pain and pleasure of the act mixing together until eventually the pleasure out weighs the pain and Maya begins to moan like a wanton whore rather than the holy warrior that she's supposed to be.

When the beautiful elf climaxes from the rough double anal pounding for the first time, she's just as surprised as he is… but it's far from the last orgasm he's going to force out of her. By the time he cums inside of her ass, Maya has fallen in love with being ass-fucked, her mind completely and utterly corrupted by the delicious back door pounding. His cum fills her bowels but when he pulls out, he only does so with one cock. The other remains inside of her and the first rubs up against her slit as he leans in and grabs her by the throat, not quite choking her but holding her in place nonetheless.

"What are you to me, Maya?"

Maya Sunblade shudders, but in the end she looks Jack in the eyes and says the words.

"I-I'm you're tight little anal pain s-slut, sir…"

Jack's satisfied grin is wide and savage as he thrusts his unoccupied cock up into her cunt and the Sin'dorei immediately cums, seeing stars as he begins to finally pound both of her holes like he did with the others.

"What do you want from me Maya, what do you want?!"

"Your cum! I want your cum inside of me! Knock me up Jack, make me your bitch like you did with V-Valla and Korra and even M-Moon! Yes! Yes, yes, YES!"

Jack grunts as her pussy walls get tighter and tighter, her poor ass still a little gaping from his intense double penetration. The Sin'dorei cries out and climaxes more and more and more, until finally Jack's next release hits. She gets yet another filling of cream in her bowels, and at the same time his virile cum paints the inside of her fertile womb. Instinctively, the Sin'dorei knows she's pregnant now.

Jack pulls out of her holes and gently lowers her down the tree trunk as she collapses onto her no-longer quite so tight ass, head lulling this way and that. The tree supports her so that she doesn't end up in quite as humiliating a position as the others… but it's still fairly whorish, the way she's sprawled out up against the tree, her pale legs spread wide and his cum spilling free of both her holes in a puddle beneath her sore ass.

She looks up at him as he stares down at her, and after a moment she speaks in a tired, exhausted voice.

"I… I hate human cocks… e-except for yours… I love my Jack's big, honking d-dicks."

He chuckles at her and shakes the last bits of his cum out of his members and onto her face and chest before turning away from her. The Sin'dorei's eyes subsequently begin to flutter shut and the last thing she sees before she passes out is Jack, making his way towards a waiting Baria.

The Draenei in question smiles placidly as Jack approaches her. Her massive tits defy gravity as they bounce and jiggle with ever slight movement she makes. The cleft of her pussy lips is dripping wet, and it's clear that the alien female is more than ready to take his cock inside of her. Ultimately though, while Baria is not quite as domineering or aggressive as the others, she has her own sort of quiet confidence to her… and in Jack's mind, this beautiful, gorgeous, naked alien woman has been the closest thing he's ever had to a mother.

As such, when he embraces her it's far more tender than with the other four. He leans in and kisses her on the lips, having to lean up despite his height. For a human, Jack is tall… but for a Draenei, well, Baria still has several inches of height on him. When he pulls back, he smiles up at her and the horned dark-blue beauty smiles back at him, her lips full and inviting… but no, there something he needs to say, more kissing can wait.

"Baria… I-I do love the others, each in their own way… but you will always have a special place in my heart. I've saved you for last so that I could say it… you've been like a mother to me since you guys bought me that hot day in the desert."

Baria's smile widens and she runs her fingers through his full head of hair. Before she can respond however, Jack blushes and continues on.

"A-and you're the sexiest woman I've ever known!"

There's a heart-felt quality to the well-hung, double-dicked human's words. It draws a blush out of the millennia old alien woman and Baria's heart soars as Jack leans in and kisses her yet again. As he draws her down to the ground atop him, the Draenei healer follows his lead and she soon ends up straddling his cocks as he runs his hands over her waist.

It takes a second, but eventually his massive dicks push up into her holes. Jack's eyes go wide as Baria's pussy and ass suck each of his lengths up inside of her without any trouble. Baria just gives him a knowing smile, even as her holes tighten up around him and squeeze rhythmically at him. Jack never knew just how much control a Draenei could have over their body. But now he's finding out. Baria has lived a long time and laid with many a male, both of her own species and of others.

It had not always been consensual either, and she still carries some scars, not physical, but on her soul from the time she'd spent as a prisoner to orcs back in Draenor. The gangrapes she'd endured day in and day out for weeks before being rescued had left permanent marks on her mind. This though, this was far, far better than that.

Jack's hands on her hips barely move as she rides his cocks. His thumbs rub warm, comforting circles into her flesh but all in all, he's leaving her in control of this encounter. Where he'd fucked the others senseless, he's allowing Baria to control the pace of their intimacy. The fat-tittied Draenei moans wantonly as she slides up and down his cocks, her fat, plump bubble butt smacking against his legs again and again.

Tossing her head back, Baria cries out as she cums for the first time. Her pussy walls tighten and squeeze all the harder at his first dick, while her butt muscles clench down rapidly along his other shaft. Panting heavily, Jack groans from the exertion, until finally he can't take it anymore. His hands come up off of Baria's waist and he grabs hold of her voluptuous rack, squeezing and kneading it as best he can.

Her breasts are so large that Jack can't even fully reach his fingers across the surface of her fat, dark-blue mammaries. He gropes her as best he can, and his digits dig into her flesh as he moves them back and forth across her tits, but in the end there's just too much boob for one man to handle. When Baria leans forward with a knowing grin on her face, Jack immediately shifts one hand to the base of her tit, squeezing hard as he places his lips against her nipple and grazes her teat with his teeth.

As he suckles at one breast while still kneading the other, Baria moans even louder and swiftly begins to increase the pace at which she's fucking her lower holes on his cocks. Eventually, she cums again from his ministrations and the massive shafts burrowing up into her cunt and ass, and when her walls clench at his dicks once more, Jack can feel his own orgasm approaching. His lips part and his tongue traces out to wet them as he abruptly pushes Baria's tits away from his face. The Draenei looks at him in confusion and their eyes meet, even as he once again speaks from the heart.

"B-Baria… I want to… I want to cum inside of you."

The Draenei blinks at that and then smiles kindly.

"You don't need my permission to do that Jack… what kind of woman would I be if I refused you after the others all took your loads like the good little sluts they are?"

Jack bites his lower lip and shakes his head back and forth.

"B-But I don't actually really care i-if I get them pregnant or not B-Baria… It's YOU that I want to knock up most of all."

And then, as if to illustrate his point, Jack grabs Baria's waist and lifts her up off his cocks, a moment later, he's slamming both of his pricks up into her sopping wet cunt, double-penetrating her pussy in the same way he just got done double-dicking Maya's extremely tight back door.

Baria's eyes go wide as her belly distends, his cockheads showing in an outline as he rams up into her womb, right past her cervix. Draenei are made of fairly tough stuff of course, but even for Baria, two massive phalluses like Jack's are enough to partially break her. The orgasm that hits the Draenei healer's body is massive and she shrieks at the top of her lungs as she shakes and spasms on top of Jack's dicks. Her massive tits jiggle and bounce and threaten to fly all over the place, but Jack keeps a firm grip on both of them, a savage grin on his face as he squeezes them and begins to hump up into her extremely tight pussy.

"J-Jack! By the Naaru! Fuck me Jack, do it! Breed me, pump me full of your seed!"

With such a 'request', how could he say no? Jack growls and begins to bounce Baria up and down on his shaft again and again and again, thrusting up into her with both dicks throbbing and pulsating and ready to blow. She climaxes around his members repeatedly, until finally he fulfills her command and cums deep inside of her womb. Because of his massive schlongs filling up her pussy, none of his cum can slip out of her, or at least what can is miniscule in quantity.

In the end, Baria ends up looking several months pregnant, the Draenei's belly quite literally distended from just how much seed he's put inside of her. To her credit though, Baria doesn't pass out like the others. Instead, she has a nice, kind smile on her face, a tender, motherly sort of look as she leans down and kisses him.

Jack kisses her back and he squeezes at her massive mammaries, imagining them filled to the brim with delicious milk. He loves the idea of drinking from her teats each day, almost as much as he loves the idea of her heavy with his children. In this moment, Jack has never been happier.

"Are you done yet?"

"Yeah, when is it going to be my turn again?"

"Hey, it's been longer since he last fucked me!"

Blinking dumbly, Jack looks past Baria as the smirking Draenei pulls away and looks back as well. All four women are beginning to recover, though Maya is still trying to struggle to her feet and not quite managing it yet. The others though, they're all looking at where Jack and Baria are joined together with a hunger that strikes just a bit of fear in Jack's heart.

… Just what sort of monsters has he inadvertently created here?


A year later, Jack is happier than he'd thought he'd be. Five girls might be a lot of work, but in the end it'd been worth it. Two months of fucking throughout their subsequent mercenary work and adventuring, had left all five women pregnant with his children. As it turned out, humans could breed with Draenei, Kal'dorei, Sin'dorei, and Worgen with ease.

In the end, the five knocked up females had held a small council and ultimately decided it was time to 'retire' and settle down to make a life for themselves. Jack didn't really get a say of course, but he really wasn't against their ultimate decision. No, instead he happily went along with it and though the trip took some time, eventually they made it down to Stranglethorn Vale.

With the combined wealth all five female adventurers could boast, it was quite easy to secure a plot of land from the goblins that lay close enough to Booty Bay for them to get supplies easily, while also being far enough away for them to have their own anonymity. Jack kept up his own 'adventuring' in the area, and he did his best to provide for the women he'd impregnated even as they grew heavier and heavier with his children. Not that they really needed it, but given his propensity for heroics, none of the five truly expected to be able to get him to stop risking his life to protect them.

In the end, all they could do was prepare him as best as possible for the dangerous world they all lived in. Up until the point where she could no longer move easily, Maya made sure to drill Jack in fighting with a sword and shield every single day. Moon taught him how to fire her very own elven bow, an enchanted weapon that, once mastered, would allow him to bring home game each day for them to make feast of.

Valla, until the time came where she could no longer transform for fear of hurting the baby, made sure to ambush Jack regularly in order to keep him on his toes… and the subsequent revenge fucks where he pounded her asshole and her into the ground were certainly a boon as well, one that she enjoyed quite a bit. Even Korra tried to help out, and though Jack had no true aptitude for the greater magics, he did learn how to cast a simple explosion of frost emanating out all around him that helped more than once against overwhelming enemies.

In the end, they made a life for themselves on that plot of land in Stranglethorn Vale, building a nice large home to house the six of them and their children. By the time the babies were born, everything was ready and waiting for them, and there was no complications to be had, whatsoever. In the end, his girls gave him three sons and two daughters and while each of them was more like their mother than he, his own features, such as his eyes and his nose and his jawline, shown through in more than one of them.

Now, after months of the babies crying and screaming each night, much to the dismay of their mothers who truly wanted only one thing that had been denied to them so long, the children were finally asleep, one and all. There was no crying, at least not from the infants. The women that formed up Jack's little harem on the other hand…

Well, they'd gone long enough without his cocks, abstaining from sex after a certain point so as to not hurt the growing babes in their wombs. And now they were finally able to fuck him once again, and they were undoubtedly taking advantage of that fact. All five women crowded around the man as he sat back against the headrest of the bed, grinning wickedly.

Baria bounces up and down on his cocks and Valla rubs her furry tits against his face. Jack alternates between drinking from one after the other, both women lactating quite heavily still at this point. At the same time, Maya and Moon are rubbing their beautiful, curvaceous bodies against his sides in an effort to distract him from the Draenei currently captivating his attention and Korra is laid out prone on the bed, working at his nut sack happily as she suckles and licks and laps at his churning balls.

Jack lets out a purely contented sigh. The young man has never been happier.


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