Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Awakening the Dragon (High School DxD)

A/N: Awakening the Dragon was originally written in two parts from January-February of 2020. Posting it now as a one-shot for people to enjoy!

Summary: In which Issei isn't the holder of the Red Dragon Emperor. He doesn't actually have a Sacred Gear at all. But that doesn't mean he isn't special in a different way...

Themes: Rough Sex, Dragon Sex, Mind Break


"If you want to curse anyone for your fate… curse God himself for saddling you with a Sacred Gear. It's his fault, in the end."

Raynare of the Grigori cackles at that, and then turns on her heel, fully intending to leave Issei Hyoudou where he lies, dying from the light spear he'd taken to his gut. Gut wounds were an exceptionally painful way to go… but then, that was why Raynare had done it. She was after all, a sadist at heart. Still, her task was done, and she'd spent long enough gloating over her kill. An insect like Issei Hyoudou wasn't worth anymore of her precious time.

In another world, in another version of these events, Raynare of the Grigori would go on to think she got away with Issei's killing for some time. He would die, only to be resurrected as a Devil, his soul eternally damned and shackled to Rias Gremory… not that he would be unwilling in that regard. Raynare WOULD eventually get her comeuppance for killing him, but only after she also killed Asia, forcing Issei to beg Rias to bring the young blonde holy woman back as an eternally damned creature of the underworld as well.

In this world, in this version of these events… Raynare's comeuppance was about to come a whole lot faster.


A wave of something inexplicable slams into the Fallen Angel's back and though she manages to stay upright, it still catches her off guard as the audible beat of a heart comes from behind her. Whipping around, Raynare snarls in disbelief.


Waves of energy are coming off of Issei, energy that almost seems… holy in nature. But that's impossible. Unless…


Raynare watches as the waves spread out from his heart, all the way to his extremities. The hole that her light spear created in his guts heals up as Issei flies forward from his back onto his hands and knees. He grabs at the ground, and where he grabs, it cracks and spider webs from the pressure he's applying to it. He seems to still be indescribable pain, at least.


Good, she's glad that it hurts. Both because she's even more annoyed with this perverted boy then she was before now, and because its keeping him debilitated so that she can finish what she started. Half-snarling, half-sneering, Raynare begins to prepare another light spear. This time she would have to aim for Issei's head, because it was obvious his Sacred Gear was some form of regeneration. No matter, she would-


The audible beating of Issei's heart increases in crescendo as the young man lets out an incredibly powerful scream, followed by an explosion of light and energy. Raynare only has times to widen her eyes before that explosion hits her and sends her head over ass backwards flying through the air. Halfway through, the scream becomes a roar, and that roar sends a tendril of absolute fear and terror that Raynare can't explain right up her spine.

She lands on her back, HARD… but eventually, she manages to recover. Once the world has stopped spinning, the absolutely infuriated Fallen Angel springs up into a seated position to glare in Issei's direction… only to freeze up in shock, because the boy is gone… and in his place is a sizable golden dragon. Not truly massive, but still as big as a car, still larger than any human.

Except it's obviously Issei himself. The boy… somehow, he'd transformed into a dragon?! Raynare is flabbergasted… but no less enraged by this change in circumstances. Issei Hyoudou still needs to die, after all.

But here's the thing Raynare doesn't know or even begin to understand. The intel was wrong. Issei Hyoudou didn't have a Sacred Gear. In this world, in this version of events, Issei was destined to be the Red Dragon Emperor. That's because Issei, in this timeline… is something more than just a human-turned-devil saddled with draconic power. In this timeline, Issei is a dragon, all by himself.

An actual descendant of dragons who once mated with humans centuries, even millennia before, Issei's lineage was awakened by the light spear that Raynare had thrown through his gut. On top of that, because it was holy magic, albeit tainted, that was the cause of Issei's transformation, he is distinctly a Light Dragon above all else.

Not knowing this, not knowing any of this, Raynare of the Grigori does what she always does when confronted with something she can't possibly begin to understand, let alone control. She throws a light spear at Issei's new dragon body, aiming to decapitate his head from his shoulders by hitting him right in the side of that scaled neck of his.

It hits him full on, without him even trying to dodge. But then, he'd been a little distracted having a moment of peace in which he'd been gazing at his new form. It doesn't really matter though, because the light spear does nothing at all, splashing harmlessly against the side of his neck. Said neck, serpentine in nature, twists as Issei focuses his gaze on her, turning his draconic head in her direction. Reptilian eyes narrow and his lips pull back to reveal a fang-filled maw as he growls at her.

Raynare's heart begins to beat rather fast within her chest as the fear she'd been trying to bury grows beyond her ability to control. The pressure is all around her now, even as the golden dragon in front of her opens his maw wide and begins to suck in air. No, not air, her mind absently notes. Ambient mana. Raynare only has a moment to actually process that realization before Issei releases a torrent of energy at her in a roar.

Not fire, she notes, even as her wings wrap around her body and she raises her arms to shield herself. No, not fire… but instead raw magic, with all the power of a horizontal waterfall crashing down on her. When it ends, Raynare collapses to her knees, every single one of her feathers aching in pain. But her wings and arms didn't truly protect her, she realizes a beat later. Her clothes were entirely disintegrated in the blast, rendering her completely naked.

She needed to run. She needed to… get eyes back on the damn dragon she'd pissed off! Pulling her wings away finally, Raynare looks up just in time to see Issei Hyoudou as a big damn golden dragon galloping towards her on all fours, his neck stretched out and his maw still open, filled to the brim with sharp dragon's teeth and bearing down on her far too fast for Raynare to react.

In the end, she has all of a moment to realize that death is coming for her and there's nothing she can do to stop it. A coward at heart, the sadistic Fallen Angel cowers, squeezing her eyes shut as the vision of a tooth-filled maw tearing out her throat or simply ripping her head off fills her mind. She's never been one to face her own death with dignity and courage, that's for sure.

… But she's not dead yet. Confusion slowly replaces terror and fear as she keeps on living, her life not ending. Instead, hot breath pants onto one of her breasts and a tongue licks at her nipple, while smooth scales rub up against her other tit. Sounds of enjoyment and pleasure come from the reptilian mouth that by all rights, should have ended her existence.

Opening her eyes, Raynare looks down to see what she can already feel… that Issei Hyoudou, as a golden dragon, is currently feasting on her bared tits to his heart's content. In the sexual way, of course, not actually tearing them from her body and EATING them or anything like that. Raynare could easily imagine him doing it though, if she fought back. His maw of fangs is millimeters away from her tit flesh as he slurps all over with his serpentine tongue.

An unhinged laugh emits from Raynare's throat as she sits there, mortified by her predicament. Issei's perversions, the young man's love for big breasts… has overcome his draconic instincts and is allowing her to continue living. She can hardly believe her luck… right up until she sees his draconic cock emerging from the sheathe down below his belly.

The Fallen Angel's eyes widen to the size of dinner plates at that sight, and suddenly a quick death by fang and claw sounds MUCH more preferable to… to what's about to happen to her. With less of an angry roar and more of a terrified, frustrated cry, Raynare summons a light spear and does her level best to stab it directly into Issei's eye.

This does cause him to rear back in surprise, but only because the effect momentarily blinds him, an otherwise harmless flash of contact. It's bright though, bright enough to surprise him and cause him to rear back for a second, allowing Raynare to wiggle free from under him and scramble to her feet. Her feathers are still agitated to all hell by that blast of raw magic they took, so no matter how hard she tries, she can't fly.

She can run though, and that's what she does, though admittedly it's more of a stumble as she tries to race out of the park as fast as her legs can carry her. Raynare of the Grigori gets a grand total of twenty yards on foot before she's tackled to the ground and pinned face down in the grass.

"N-NO! K-Keep that thing away from me, d-don't you dare!"

Furiously struggling and shrieking at the golden dragon pinning her down, Raynare tries desperately to get free… right up until a claw curls around one of her wings and tightens, causing her to freeze. Not from the pain, though its certainly a shock to her system, but because the threat is quite evident, and Raynare has no desire to lose one or both of her wings. The number of wings that a Fallen Angel (or even an Angel) had denoted their rank and power. To be wingless was to be lower than a human. A Fallen Angel without their wings is just… worthless.

Swallowing her pride, Raynare stops resisting for fear of losing them. In her mind, even death by that massive draconic cock ravaging and ripping apart her insides was better than losing her wings and potentially surviving afterwards. A purr of contentment emits from the dragon above her as she stops fighting back, and his claw on her wings relaxes as he instead presses it down in between her shoulderblades.

This causes Raynare to gasp and shudder a bit in… well, in pleasure. Issei had no way of knowing this, she was pretty sure, but the spot on a Fallen Angel's back between the wings was in fact an erogenous zone. The muscles there, when stimulated properly, were a massive pleasure spot. Of course, she only has a few moments to enjoy the sensation of Issei kneading exactly that spot as he keeps her pinned down, before the cock she'd caught only a glimpse of and ran from swings up to smack against her undercarriage, slapping across her pussy lips.

She's… not entirely wet, yet. She's a bit moist, to be fair, from the earlier stimulation and now what's currently happening between her wings. But the fear of the entire situation is keeping her from being sopping. Luckily, Issei's size and new body means that he's still a little out of sorts. He runs his ridged, draconic member up and down her slit for a few moments rather than just jamming it in, increasing her wetness reluctantly and lubricating her against her will with his own precum as well.

This turns out to be purely because he's having trouble getting himself into her though, because the moment that his draconic cockhead presses up against Raynare's pussy lips and finds purchase in the entrance of her cunt… Issei thrusts in, practically lunging forward as he envelopes her with his body and fills her with his massive member.

Raynare is no virgin, of course. She's a Fallen Angel after all, and one that exults in debauchery and pain and pleasure. But getting stretched and filled by the golden dragon's massive cock certainly makes her feel like it's her first time all over again. The busty Fallen Angel screams in pain as she's filled to the brim and then some. Issei's cock, ridged and pointed like a spear, not anything like a normal human cock, slams right through her cervix on that very first thrust, the newly made dragon having no concept of chill or taking things slowly.

After all, while she wasn't a virgin, he definitely was. This was Issei's first fuck, his first rut… and there was nothing Raynare could do to stop herself from being a part of that. He's raping her… and truth be told, she's enjoying it. His massive draconic member hurts a lot, of course… but Raynare isn't just a sadist. She's a masochist as well, though until today, there was only a handful of people in the whole wide world that Raynare would actually submit to for pain and punishment and discipline.

But now, now she's being taken against her will. Now she's being hurt and raped and fucked hard by a massive car-sized golden dragon. His cock is filling her up, its pushing into her womb, its stretching her most sacred place wide like a damn condom around its length. It feels like he's fucking into her organs themselves with his every thrust. She's almost certain that his cock is pounding against her rapidly-beating heart through the thinned wall of her womb, all the way up in her chest.

He's so big, and he's relentless too as he fucks her and fucks her and fucks her… and yet, Raynare does not die. He's plowing her fast and hard, but she's not being torn apart by it, not being split open at the seams. He's stretching her wide, but not tearing her. Instead, the pain is perfectly manageable, and because of that the pleasure is getting better and better.

Against her will, Raynare is forced to enjoy her own rape, cumming again and again around Issei the Dragon's big fat dragon dick, her eyes rolling back in her head, her tongue lolling out of her mouth. Even as she ahegaos though, she's not smiling. Even as she cums her brains out, she's not happy. This is wrong. She's not supposed to be the weak one here, right? Issei was supposed to die, not transform into a light-be-damned dragon!

But in the end, what Raynare thinks was 'supposed to happen' is ultimately irrelevant. What is, is what is. And what is right now, is Issei turning her into a cocksleeve as he stretches her body obscenely along his draconic dick, fucking her all the way to her heart before ultimately cumming in an explosion of white, hot seed that causes Raynare to outright pass out from the pleasurable agony that comes with it.

In the end, the Fallen Angel has been irrevocably claimed by the dragon that Issei has become. The first of his harem, the first of his hoard of maidens. Not that she's exactly a maiden, but while Issei has become a dragon, he's also still Issei Hyoudou the Pervert. And Issei Hyoudou has always had varied tastes when it comes to women. He loves them and their breasts in all different shapes and sizes. He'll find a virgin eventually, he's sure.

Pulling out of the utterly spent body of Raynare of the Grigori, the newborn dragon pauses for a moment like a cat that has grown bored of playing with a mouse that its caught. He stares down at Raynare, who just lays there twitching as an increasingly large pool of cum flows out of her wrecked twat. Then, Issei catches scent of something on the wind and his nostrils flare as the Light Dragon begins sniffing around curiously. His cock, which had been beginning to flag, starts to inflate once more as he gets excited all over again.


If you'd told Akeno Himejima that she would be masturbating herself to multiple orgasms while watching a golden dragon rape a Fallen Angel today… she might have laughed in your face, or she might have asked you for more details. Regardless, that was exactly what had happened. Having been keeping watch from a distance for her Buchou, Akeno is just beginning to come down from a string of orgasms brought about by feverish masturbation, which had in turn been brought about by the screams of pain and moans of pleasure that the Fallen Angel had been giving off in equal measure as the dragon forced her to enjoy her own rape.

Pulling her sticky hand out of her soaked panties, Akeno smiles as she rests against her cover, the concealment spell she'd placed around herself pulsing healthily. She's been a bad girl, and she knows it. She should have evacuated the moment that Issei transformed. After all, Akeno is not so foolish as to not recognize what sort of dragon the boy has become, unlike Raynare. To be fair, the Fallen Angel was probably a bit more caught up in the heat of the moment, but there was no denying that it should have been abundantly obvious to her that this was a Light Dragon… and that holy magic would have no effect on it.

Regardless, she should have gone and gotten Rias and the others as soon as Issei revealed the power contained within him. Without a doubt, the moment Issei had transformed, Rias' initial plan to see what the Fallen Angel wanted with Issei and recruit him in the most likely fatal aftermath had been irrecoverably destroyed. Very much like the pamphlet that he'd been carrying on him before his transformation and the unleashing of all that power.

Power, that while not focused on her specifically, Akeno had felt in breadth. It'd convinced her to remain hidden and not draw any attention to herself. Good thing too, because she'd managed to avoid that stream of raw magic that had been unleashed by the dragon Issei had become. Unlike the Fallen Angel, who'd been left all but crippled by the blast.

Needless to say, from her hiding spot, Akeno had had an excellent view of Issei the Dragon pinning the Fallen Bitch down and fucking her cunt. She'd had decent audio as well. If only she could have recorded it all, she would have liked to have it around later for use during… personal time. Panting heavily, Akeno licks her lips and finally looks up from her cover. Now that the fucking has stopped, she needs to see what Issei is going to do next.

… Except he's not there. Blinking dumbly for a moment, Akeno Himejima stares at where the Fallen Angel is lying face down, ass up in a growing puddle of her own pussy juices mixed with dragon semen. The golden dragon that had put her in such a state is nowhere to be found, as far as Akeno can tell. Where could he have gone? That's about when she starts hearing the heavy breathing.

Slowly, the reincarnated devil and Queen of Rias Gremory's peerage turns around to find that the concealment spell she'd put so much of her faith in… had completely failed its job. Squatting right in front of her and sniffing at her is the massive, car-sized golden dragon that she'd just watched fuck a Fallen Angel into submission from afar.

Needless to say, his size is much more… apparent up close, and Akeno freezes up. Not just because of his physical proximity, but also because with him this close, she can feel the barely contained aura of Holy Energy withing him. If he decided to unleash his breath on her like he'd done to the Fallen Angel, it would likely erase Akeno from existence at this point, given that she was a devil these days.

So, she doesn't move, acutely aware that Issei Hyoudou could end her life in a moment, if he wanted to. He doesn't seem to, at least in this instance, so she's not about to give him a reason. His head eventually closes in on the hand she'd been using to masturbate, held up a bit right now as Akeno sits there, frozen. Dripping with her pussy juices, it attracts Issei's attention and he proceeds to lick it clean with his serpentine tongue, slurping at it until he's gotten every last drop of her fluids.

Once he's done there, he continues on in search of more, and Akeno doesn't stop him as he ends up sniffing under her skirt. With how she's currently positioned, all sprawled out, legs splayed, it's not difficult for him to get to her soaked panties, where he nudges his nose into the garment keeping him from her dripping, sopping wet cunt. He presses into her pulsing pussy lips through said panties and Akeno can't help but moan at the contact.

A moment later, she's without panties as Issei bites into them and rips them off of her with surprising precision. Akeno can only watch in awe and also mild amusement as the golden Light Dragon consumes her panties, swallowing them with a gulp before diving back under her skirt. His snout presses into her pussy directly this time, and a moment later his long, snake-like tongue is probing her depths. Akeno gasps and quickly finds herself grasping at his long, curved dragon horns to hold on from the pleasure.

"Oooh~ oh fuuuuck…"

It feels so good, especially when he lifts her off the ground entirely, arching his elongated serpentine neck back so he can taste more and get deeper inside of her. Akeno finds herself riding the dragon's snout and getting more and more excited from the tonguing. She grins down at Issei, his golden eyes staring back at her even with the rest of his head disappeared under her skirt.

"You're a good boy, aren't you? Mm, yes you are. F-Fuck, don't you dare stop, Issei Hyoudou. Yessss~"

Getting more and more confident, getting… arrogant, as a matter of fact, Akeno goes off the rails and makes a bit of a mistake.

"F-Fuck, this is such a better outcome then you joining Rias' peerage… I can have you ALL to myself now, hee-hee~"

It's said in the heat of the moment, to be fair. Akeno doesn't actually mean it. Or rather, she does, but even if she could have kept Issei for herself, even if she could have somehow tamed the sentient dragon, she would have eventually felt compelled to tell Rias about him. That was how the bond between King and their peerage worked, after all. Secrets stayed secrets only so long as they didn't hurt the King.

But at the same time, Akeno's words are a mistake because they ignite something within Issei. She realizes her mistake approximately half a second before she's suddenly thrown over the top of him and tosses face first onto the ground, skidding across the grass with a soft cry of pain. Before she can even begin to get up, Issei's dragon tail comes down on her raised ass, spanking her, and Akeno gasps in both pain and pleasure, eyes widening slightly.

… Unlike Raynare, Akeno is very much still a virgin. Oh sure, she's a self-proclaimed sadist just like the Fallen Angel, a total S as she likes to call it… but truth be told, while she's done a few jobs where she acted as a client's domme for devil power, she's never actually had sex before… and she's certainly never been on the receiving end of punishment and pain.

No one has ever spanked her before, and as the tail comes down on her opposite butt cheek, Akeno finds herself cooing and moaning in pleasure, rather than crying out in pain. Oh sure, there's plenty of squeaks and squeals as well, but there's no denying that… that she likes it.

"M-More… spank me more, Issei~"

Spank her more he does, bringing his tail down on her ass cheeks again and again, back and forth, like a pair of bongo drums. Akeno moans and mewls, squeals and shrieks, cries out and claws at the ground beneath her.

"Yesss! More! Please more, sir! I've been a bad girl! I'm a naughty little bitch! Oooh, I deserve it! I deserve to be punished!"

In mere moments, Akeno's switch has been fully thrown. It's not just the tail spankings she's receiving that do that, to be fair. Not just anyone could have come up to her on the street, spanked her, and had her begging for more in moments. But Issei is… he's a full-blown dragon, and he has her at his mercy, and he can do whatever he wants with her. After masturbating to the sight of him ravaging that Fallen Angel into a pleasure coma, Akeno is more than primed for this.

She keeps on begging him to spank her right up until he stops, causing her to whimper in disappointment. But she's on Issei's time right now, not the other way around. Rolling her over onto her back, the dragon almost casually shreds her shirt and her bra. Even as Akeno is excitedly trying to scoot her ass over to his draconic dong, her legs spread wide, Issei is lowering his head to her breasts and beginning to suck and slurp at them aggressively. Akeno welcomes him to it, wrapping her arms around his draconic, serpentine head and pulling him in closer as she coos at him.

"Yesss… have me as you will, Issei. Take me. Claim me. I was wrong to try to claim ownership over you… it's you who should be doing that to me!"

Drunk on lust and arousal and excitement, Akeno giggles giddily as she finally feels the ridged, tapered point of Issei's draconic dick pressing against her sopping wet pussy lips. She spreads her legs wider still and does her level best to wrap them around Issei's draconic body. She barely gets anywhere with that, but she still tries.

And then he's inside of her, and Akeno's entire world explodes in pleasure and pleasurable pain as he tears her hymen, takes her virginity, and then punches into her womb itself in one fell swoop, filling her with every inch of his massive cock, fucking her with the no holds barred enthusiasm of a boy who's only fucked one woman before her and hasn't yet been told that he's allowed to take it slow, once in a while.

Still, Akeno is much wetter than Raynare was at the start… and she's also much more willing. There's no reluctant orgasms here, no, when Akeno finally cums around Issei's cock, and it doesn't take long, she does so happily, her explosive climax causing her to shriek and scream in ecstasy, letting her eyes roll back in her head, her lips curled into a bright, wide, open-mouthed smile.

Issei takes her to pound town like that, on her back, pinned beneath him. He fucks her into the ground and Akeno takes it, she takes every single inch of his massive, fat, draconic dong. Not just because he could kill her in an instant if he wanted to, but because of how that realization made her feel… like a piece of meat, like this was all she was on this earth for, like she only existed to serve Issei Hyoudou and be the Light Dragon's fuck toy.

He rapes her long and hard, though unlike with Raynare, whether it can truly be called rape is more hotly up for debate in this instance. After all, Akeno is wholeheartedly enjoying herself, and cumming her brains out far more enthusiastically then Raynare did.

The whole thing ends with him creampieing her just like he did the Fallen Angel down below. Then, he carries Akeno over to said Fallen Angel and drops his second conquest beside his first. Needless to say, Akeno Himejima and Raynare of the Grigori glare daggers at one another, staring hatefully at each other, even as they ponder what's to come next for both of them.

A sudden flash of light fills the park, and it doesn't originate from Issei. Drawing the eyes of all three of them is the Governor General of the Grigori himself, Azazel. Needless to say, this provokes very different reactions from Raynare and Akeno. Raynare's eyes light up with joy and she reaches a hand out to her superior almost gleefully, and certainly reverently.

"L-Lord Azazel!"

Meanwhile, Akeno feels nothing but fear, realizing just how very doomed she is. Except… maybe not? Azazel only has eyes for the golden dragon looming over the both of them, and rather than acknowledging either Akeno or Raynare's existence and presence, he's far too busy talking to himself, staring at Issei in stunned disbelief.

"One of the Dragon Clan… awakening now?"

He completely ignores the girls to instead stare at the dragon Issei has become. Though, he's smart enough to keep his distance, even as he continues to mutter to himself about how everything changes now, and about how this will affect his plans for the future. Meanwhile, Issei gets lower and lower, at first looking like he's trying to protectively huddle over his conquests to keep Azazel from taking Raynare or Akeno… but eventually he collapses entirely, drawing all eyes to him as the golden dragon reverts back into a nude, unconscious Issei Hyoudou.

In an instant, Azazel is much closer, looming over Raynare, Akeno, and Issei… his gaze is no longer on Issei though, now that the dragon is gone, he's focused… on Raynare. Unfortunately, it's most definitely not the good kind of focus. Raynare has never seen her superior angry before. Azazel is, by his nature, a very laid-back individual, casual in the extreme, in fact.

And yet, she's reminded in that moment of just who and what Azazel is, as he snarls down at her in an instance of full-on biblical fury.

"What. Did. You. DO?!"


Caught between fully asleep and not quite awake yet, Issei Hyoudou is nonetheless very aware of the fact that his bed is more comfortable than normal. His entire body is relaxed and satisfied in a way he's not quite used to, while his head is nestled on some firm, warm, and round pillows. As he remains in that in between state of half-asleep and half-awake, Issei finds himself clutching at those pillows, groping and squeezing them even as he groans lightly.

His eyes fly open a moment later and his hands take on a more explorative nature as he realizes that he's not touching pillows at all… no, in fact, what he's currently resting upon is a very large set of naked breasts that he's being allowed to freely grope and play with to his heart's content. Flabbergasted, Issei nevertheless continues to squeeze and molest the gorgeous pair of tits, unable to help himself until finally, a groan diverts his attention away from the slice of Oppai heaven to the owner of said tracts of luscious land.

It's looking into the face of the female tiredly staring down at him in confusion that causes Issei to flashback to the previous day and remember. From getting a girlfriend, to the date with Yumi after school, to her transformation into a winged Dominatrix bitch… to finally the energy spear through his gut and bleeding out in pain as consciousness fled him.

Instinctively, Issei launches himself backwards away from Yumi, or as she'd named herself before killing him, Raynare. He regrets having to remove his hands from her tits, but when said tits are attached to his would-be murderer, the whole thing becomes a little… tainted, even for a big ole pervert like Issei Hyoudou. Of course, when he tries to launch himself away from Raynare, he finds that he doesn't get very far.

Instead of ending up across the room or at the very least off of the same bed as the evil woman, Issei's head smacks into another huge pair of round, warm, fleshy pillows, easily settling in between the second pair of tits and ultimately awakening the other occupant on the bed. A throaty feminine moan sounds out as a pair of bared arms wraps around Issei from behind, seductively feeling up his body.

That's about when Issei realizes the changes made to his own form, though he's still more than a little distracted by the naked Raynare in front of him, and this new feminine stranger behind him. Still, it's rather impossible to miss, when his eyes are following those dexterous slender fingers across his own flesh. He is… incredibly jacked, now. He's got muscles on muscles, though his body is still more of a swimmer's form than any sort of body builder.

Still, Issei was always just shy of being overweight, just shy of being out of shape. He was a young man with a fascination for hentai and perving on girls, so the only real exercise he ever got was when he and his two friends had to try to beat a hasty retreat from said girls whenever they discovered the Perverted Trio spying on them. Most of the time, he and the other two guys didn't even get away, usually they got beaten up by a bunch of angry girls instead, which also helped to tone Issei's body a LITTLE bit, nothing like a beating to toughen you up a bit after all.

Regardless, it's not just Issei's jacked physique that has him staring down at himself with wide eyes… it's also the big fat cock currently growing thick and hard in the hands of the woman he's resting against.

"Really, Issei… so eager to have another go at us, are you? Give a girl a break once in a while~"

The tone that the woman behind him uses makes it obvious she's not nearly as bothered or exasperated by his libido as her words might imply. And then it actually sinks in, what she's saying… ANOTHER go? Issei's eyes nearly bulge out of his skull as his body reacts to the knowledge that he'd apparently lost his virginity in a threesome. Even if he couldn't remember a single second of it, even if one of the two naked women on the bed with him had definitely murdered him last he was aware… it certainly seemed like there was no other explanation for why he'd wake up with two gorgeous naked beauties with him, save for the fact that they'd all had sex.

Three sets of eyes stare down at Issei's shaft. Issei in shock that it's his dick, the woman behind him continuing to massage and grip at his cock, and Raynare pulling back the sheets entirely to reveal the more sexual benefits of his physical change. But wait… wasn't the voice of the woman behind him sort of familiar, in a way? Brow furrowed, Issei finally twists his head around enough to look up from the mounts of titflesh its resting between and into the face of the naked beauty currently stroking his cock.

Akeno Himejima, one of the Great Beauties of Kuoh Academy smiles back down at him somewhat tiredly, but also with obvious lust and desire in her eyes as her slender, soft digits flex along his shaft. Issei's mouth opens and closes like a goldfish as no words come out, even as his cock pulls and throbs under her touch.

Raynare, meanwhile, lets out an exasperated huff from the other side of the bed.

"Look at what you've done, you stupid cunt. You've gotten him started again. Well, don't expect any help from me. YOU deal with it."

Akeno scoffs, even as she takes hold of Issei's cock with both hands, pointing it in Raynare's direction and stroking him off more vigorously than before, drawing a groan from the young man's throat.

"Gladly! I'd much rather Issei learn how to pleasure a devil such as myself. Better than him thinking that the best he can get is fucking the cunt of some aged Fallen Angel bitch."

Raynare stiffens at that, and a moment later she's off her ass and leaning over Issei, her fat tits mere inches from his face as she captures another part of his impressive member in her own hand, while using her other hand to begin to knead and massage his nut sack. She doesn't look at him though, instead she's looking over his shoulder at Akeno, glaring expressively.

"If you think you can turn him against me…"

"Against you? You're the one who killed him, you dumb bitch. You did that all yourself."

Issei can hardly believe his ears. Akeno Himejima and his girlfriend-for-a-day, Yumi-turned-Raynare… are fighting over him? It seems utterly ridiculous, completely impossible… maybe he's dreaming? Maybe… maybe this is a hallucination, all of it taking place while he continues to bleed out on the ground, killed by Raynare. And yet, one would think if he was hallucinating, then it was the part where Yumi turned INTO Raynare that would be a hallucination.

That had been so surreal, so unbelievable… and yet, it'd all felt so real. The pain from being stabbed through the gut had certainly felt real too. What the hell had happened, truly? Why did he suddenly look like an Olympic Swimmer? Why was it that he suddenly had an Adonis-level physique, as well as a cock that was almost twice the size of his previous member?

Issei's thought processes are abruptly cut off when Raynare escalates her current competition with Akeno. Akeno's last words seem to have really hit home, because the anger is gone from the Fallen Angel's face, replaced with something akin to trepidation and worry, even as she pulls back… and then drops her head right into Issei's lap.

The young man's eyes widen, as do the eyes of the devil he's currently laid against, as Raynare of the Grigori goes right ahead and takes him into her mouth then and there. Only the first couple of inches, of course, her and Akeno's hands are in the way of her going any further, and besides, Issei's new mammoth-sized member is so thick and girthy that Raynare's jaw is already creaking just from taking the baseball bat-sized head of the thing past her stretched lips.

Yet take him she does, swallowing those first couple of inches, slurping and sucking at his cock, swirling her tongue around his bell end right there on the bed as Issei groans, his head tilting upwards into Akeno's cleavage even further. Taking advantage of this, Akeno removes one of her hands from Issei's cock, running it up his chest and then just under his chin.

Keeping his head tilted back, the devil leans down and gives the young man turned dragon an upside down kiss, doing her level best to suck his soul from his body, not that she can actually do anything of the like. No, instead it would be more appropriate to say she gives Issei a very thorough tonguing of his mouth, making out with the young man even as Raynare goes further and further down his length.

Issei doesn't even try to fight back, of course. As the two women fight over his body and begin treating him as the newest battleground for the war between Fallen Angels and Devils, Issei freely allowed them to do so. He has the two of the hottest girls he's ever met fighting over him, and what could be the start of his harem in his lap, right now.

Of course, Akeno is a vicious, underhanded fighter at the best of times. Rather than trying to force Raynare away… the devil removes her final hand from Issei's cock, and quickly grabs a fistful of Raynare's hair with it instead. Pulling off of Issei's mouth for a moment, she looks down into Raynare's surprised eyes with a wicked, evil grin on her lips.

"You want it so much, you silly bitch? Then work for it!"

With that, Akeno begins to drive Raynare further down Issei's member, causing the young man, who'd also looked down to see what was happening, to groan all the louder in pleasure. Meanwhile, Raynare subsequently finds herself getting skull fucked as Akeno drives her down Issei's absolutely massive shaft again and again, forcing her to take inch after inch down her throat each time.

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

Akeno doesn't let up until she's making sure Raynare wraps her lips around the base of their shared lover's member, and even then, she only slows down because there's no more cock to force Raynare to take. Again, and again, Raynare is forced to bury her face in Issei's crotch. Again, and again, her throat bulges with the size of Issei's member as her nostrils flare uselessly against his pubic hair. Her eyes water and ultimately involuntary tears streak down the beleaguered Fallen Angel's face as she's used and abused by Akeno, who in turn uses Issei's member to punish the Fallen Angel for her crimes.

Still, as a torture implement, Issei might be top notch, but he's nonetheless a living breathing male with limits. He's also not very used to being with women though, so when his release finally does come, he's not really thinking about warning either girl who's currently using him as a battlefield. Instead, like a random weather effect, Issei Hyoudou begins to let loose before either Akeno or Raynare have a chance to react or plan.

His seed explodes out of his cock and into Raynare's mouth so violently that the Fallen Angel is ripped free of Akeno's grip and launched back, plastered in white, hot cum. Meanwhile, as she falls back, insensate, Issei's cum continues to geyser out of him, upwards like a water fountain… ultimately coming back down upon Akeno herself. He hits her face, right above his head, and Akeno gets a surprise facial that she's not at all expecting as his seed splatters all across her features.

A moment later, and Issei is no longer laid out between Akeno's tits, the dark-haired beauty having pushed him up onto his knees. His cock, just beginning to flag, suddenly has a new pair of lips around it as Akeno snakes around him, crawling into position and taking over where Raynare left off, looking up at him through a cum-coated face even as she slurps and bobs up and down on his member most enthusiastically.

Issei can still hardly believe any of this is happening… but seemingly by instinct, he finds himself grabbing hold of Akeno's long locks, gripping her hair tightly… and beginning to guide her along. She doesn't resist him, happily allowing him to take control, and Issei has to admit… it feels kind of right. Meanwhile, Raynare is just beginning to recover from the half a load she took down her unprepared throat, and with the Fallen Angel laid out nearby… she decides to go for enticing, licking her lips as she draws his gaze over Akeno's head and splays her legs apart.

"Why not finish the job, hm? Why bother with that dumb slut's mouth when you can have… ALL of me?"

Raynare runs her hands up and down her body to punctuate her statement, playing with her tits, fiddling with her clit, spreading her pussy lips wide. Issei's cock jumps inside of Akeno's mouth, even as Raynare's words hit the devil's ears. By then, Issei is nice and hard again, so Akeno pulls back and Issei lets her. But rather than allowing him to slip by her and into Raynare's waiting cunt, Akeno does one better… she glomps the Fallen Angel first.


As Akeno pins Raynare down, she slaps her own cunt down onto the Fallen Angel's sopping wet pussy, dragging a squeal out of her, even as she grinds their cunts together right before Issei's eyes. Looking back over her shoulder, Akeno gives Issei an expressive wink that, truth be told, tells him exactly what he should do next… then, she turns her attention back to Raynare, kissing the Fallen Angel aggressively and keeping her off balance so that Raynare can't fight her off.

Issei quickly moves into position, and unable to believe what he's about to do, nonetheless goes forward with it. Planting his cock against the gushing wet pussy lips of the two beautiful women he woke up in bed with, Issei… pushes. He penetrates neither of them, truth be told, but at the same time, in a manner of speaking, he penetrates both of them.

It feels rather good, sliding his cock along their slippery pussy lips, hot dogging their cunts as he pushes past them and rubs against their writhing abdomens. The two women are so closely pressed together that it certainly still feels like Issei is fucking a cunt, as he thrusts in and out of the hot, warm, altogether wet space that barely exists between their bodies right now.

Of course, after a few thrusts he does angle upwards, and finally penetrates Akeno. Lost in what Issei assumes has to be heaven, he plows the beautiful woman as hard as he can, ramming in and out of her even as Akeno moans in triumph and victorious glee into Raynare's lips. Raynare, meanwhile, is barely cognizant at this point, having been completely dominated by her devil rival by now. There's not much fight left in the Fallen Angel, though she cums just as much as Akeno does from the sensation of Issei fucking the woman atop her.

This is what sex is… and Issei simply can't get enough of it. He'll definitely fuck Raynare next, even if she did kill him, or tried to kill him, or whatever. He's going to fuck both of these women as long and as hard as he can, because while this all feels entirely real, Issei doesn't know how long it will last. Perhaps he really is hallucinating all of this. Perhaps he's still dying. Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps…

At the end of the day, Issei Hyoudou isn't one to look a gift horse in the mouth. He's woken up with two naked women in bed with him, with a newly enhanced body that lets him keep going for as long as he wants. So, he uses that and fucks Raynare and Akeno as much as he possibly can, not stopping for even a second as he cums again and again, sometimes inside of them, sometimes ON them… but never stopping, not even once, always continuing on to the next sexual adventure.


Hours later, Issei, Raynare, and Akeno all sit at a long dining table, mostly dressed. Only because seated with them at the other end of said dining table is Azazel, Governor General of the Grigori, as he'd been introduced to Issei. Issei and Akeno are decent now, properly dressed, though Akeno is visibly disturbed by the fact that Azazel set out a set of Miko robes and underwear for her that fit her measurements perfectly. Raynare, meanwhile, is entirely naked as well as utterly quiet and submissive at this point, tossing occasional glances to both Issei and Azazel before getting back to her own food.

"I must apologize, Mister Hyoudou. What happened to you should not have happened."

Issei, who has been consuming the food in front of him like a starved anime martial artist, pauses briefly in order to look up at Azazel. He knows he's supposed to be some big deal, 'Governor General of the Grigori' was an impressive title even if Issei didn't fully understand what it meant… but the older dude had been so polite and respectful so far that Issei was having a hard time taking him seriously.

After all, Issei was just a kid. He was a teenager, and a massive pervert beside. Literally no one had EVER treated him with anything so much as approaching respect before. He'd never really deserved it, to be fair. So, to have this dude sit down with him and Akeno and Raynare now and act all respectful… it was leaving Issei distinctly nonplussed.

In the end, he swallows his current mouthful and offers a single syllable response to the man's statement before returning to his meal.


As if this is exactly what Azazel expects, the Governor General nods, continuing on in his simple way of speaking.

"What occurred was the result of my utterly moronic subordinate creatively reinterpreting my very CLEAR orders."

Here, Azazel turns a distinct glare on Raynare, something not even Issei fails to notice, and certainly something Akeno picks up on, the devil developing a sadistic sort of grin at seeing her rival and enemy taken to task… even if it was by Raynare's boss, who also should have been Akeno's enemy. Raynare, meanwhile, visibly wilts and shrinks under Azazel's gaze, and for a moment Issei feels a modicum of respect at seeing the dude exercising some of his actual authority.

Then, it's all back to smiles and ass-kissing that Issei doesn't quite understand as the Governor General turns his gaze back onto the young man shoveling food into his mouth.

"As such, I will not interfere with your claiming of her. From now on, Raynare's duties will involve serving you and you along, Mr. Hyoudou. You may consider her a personal servant, fit only to see to any and all of your needs, in any way that you see fit."

… Sure, Raynare tried to kill him. And honestly, it still felt like she'd succeeded, even if he'd completely healed before he even woke up. The memory of bleeding out from the light spear slammed into his heart was still fresh in Issei's head, the phantom pain still tingling in his chest every once in a while. And yet… Issei is ultimately far too enamored by the fact that his dream of becoming a Harem King is finally turning into a reality to worry about a little thing like being assassinated. He's not about to let something like that stop him from achieving his goals!

Besides, plenty of hentai novels had extremely powerful women attempt to kill the MC before they ended up seduced by him. Swallowing another mouthful, Issei gives a decisive nod to Azazel's words.

"That works for me. I really like Raynare's breasts. And Akeno has an equally amazing pair!"

He quickly adds on that last bit, not because he's worried about upsetting Akeno by neglecting her, but simply because talking about Raynare's breasts reminds him of the other set of tits he now has access to. Both Raynare and Akeno have the best racks Issei has ever gotten his hands on… and while they are the only sets of breasts, he's gotten his hands on, that doesn't make them any less special!

On either side of Issei, both Raynare and Akeno react to his words by preening a little, even taking pride in their tits. But then… Issei continues.

"They're both blessed with such soft and fluffy tits! They make for the perfect pillows, judging by how good I slept last night! And they have that perfect give to them, as well as being just large enough that you can sink your fingers in without actually closing around the entire tit!"

Both Raynare and Akeno begin to blush a little in embarrassment at the excitement of their new… paramour? Was that the right word? Lover might work too, but even that felt a little… underwhelming. And yet, they couldn't just give in and use the word that lurked in the back of both their heads. Master… well, maybe Raynare could, since Azazel basically just sold her to Issei for the foreseeable future, but Akeno certainly couldn't! She already had a Buchou after all, she already had a King… even if she was certain that Rias would be happy for her, having found love even in such a strange place.

Things only get worse for the two girls when Azazel, rather than being nonplussed or disgusted by Issei's words, leans in with a wide grin and a nod of his head.

"Yes, they are two fine specimens, aren't they? I've certainly seen a lot of tits in my time, you can imagine. But Raynare and this young devil here, if I had to grade them… they'd certainly both be A-Rank when it comes to the breast department."

Issei's eyes widen at that, and his head whips left and right, as if to check on their tits. Instinctively, even as they're both dying a little inside, Akeno and Raynare each puff out their chests and straighten their spines under Issei's gaze, even as they flush in shame and humiliation at being ogled like pieces of meat.

"O-Only A-Rank, Mister Governor General sir?! Truly?!"

Azazel just chuckles and leans back in his chair, looking off into the distance for a moment in thought before nodding decisively.

"Oh, most certainly. You must understand young Hyoudou… there are many, many beautiful pairs of breasts in this world. And many, many beautiful women to go along with them. Raynare here isn't half-bad… neither is Ms. Himejima… but they both have a long way to go before they could potentially measure up to the greats. Of course, Raynare isn't going to grow any further… Ms. Himejima on the other hand…"

Even as she's looking at Azazel in shock and horror right alongside her Fallen Angel counterpart, Akeno is still feeling a bit of pride at being singled out as still having 'growth potential'. Even if it was the most embarrassed, she'd ever been in her life. Hearing the two perverts talk about their tits as if they were their only redeeming quality, both Fallen Angel and Devil have to remind themselves that they're currently seated at the dining table with the only surviving leader of the Three Factions War, and that the other had turned out to be an actual fucking dragon who'd fucked them both silly into a pleasure coma.

Slapping his hands down on the table, Issei abruptly stands up as he points a finger at Azazel.


Azazel grins knowingly and gives a slight nod, followed by a simple response.

"When the student is ready, the master shall appear."

Those words mean something to Issei, but nothing to Akeno or Raynare except more embarrassment. Unbeknownst to the two women at the table, Azazel, disguised of course, was the man that unintentionally started Issei on his path of perversion, at least in this universe. Issei's eyes sparkle with excitement and his jaw sets in determination at this realization.

Meanwhile, Raynare collapses on the table with a death rattle as her soul tries to escape out of her body from sheer embarrassment. At the same time though, Akeno reaches behind Issei's back and shocks the Fallen Angel back to life with a finger touching her back. There was no way that Akeno was going to deal with both of them by herself… and besides, the sadist in her was very much enjoying Raynare suffering through the trauma all the same.

Still, as Issei and Azazel continued to exchange perverted dialogue, a shocked-back-to-life Raynare and an exasperated Akeno exchange a rare look of camaraderie behind Issei's back. This was their life now…


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