Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

An Unexpected Encounter (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)

A/N: An Unexpected Encounter is a commissioned story originally written in two parts from January-May of 2018. Posting it now as a completed one-shot for readers to enjoy!

Summary: Buffy chases a fleeing vampire into a series of caves she's never seen before. She eventually manages to dust the vampire, but then music draws her to a strange place. From there everything is really just one big misunderstanding...

Themes: Tentacles, Prostitution, Fucked Silly


It started with a vampire, as it always did. The problem was, it turned out to be a semi-intelligent vampire. The kind who ran when he saw her, rather than fight so that she could dust him quick. And that was how Buffy found herself chasing the fleeing bloodsucker through a series of caves she'd never seen before, deep beneath Sunnydale. It was honestly a bit weird, she'd been all over the small town since she'd arrived and started doing her thing. But this place? Completely new, as far as she was aware.

Didn't look new though, it looked pretty old, and more than that, it was complex. It'd started out as a small hole in the ground that she'd almost not wanted to follow the vampire down into. But in the end, she had, and that had turned out to be both a good idea and a bad one. It was definitely a 'pain in the ass' idea, that was for sure.

Growling, Buffy skids to a halt as she realizes that she's lost sight of the vampire. Lips curled down into a frown, the blonde Vampire Slayer wields her wooden stake and creeps forward, keeping her eyes peeled for any and all surprises. Even with her eyes peeled however, Buffy isn't expecting to hear music, not deep down here in a damn cave complex of all places.

The music begins to play nonetheless, and the blonde turns to face it, her brow furrowing. That's when the vampire clinging to a ceiling corner behind her decides to try his luck at attacking. Buffy's stake goes flying as she hits the ground, and its touch and go for a moment as she and the vampire tussle. But while the undead bloodsuckers might have a slight strength advantage on her, they ain't got nothing on Buffy's finesse. The blonde manages to wrap her legs around the vampire's torso and squeeze, rolling him over onto his back. Her backup stake is out and in her hand a moment later, and then it's in his chest.

That face a vamp makes as they realize you've staked them is absolutely priceless, and Buffy grins down at it quite savagely in the moment before the deader turns to dust beneath her. She savors that look of surprise and fear for a moment more, etching it into her memory alongside the others that she's managed to bring down.

Then, the blonde girl stands up. The music is still playing in the background, and after a moment, Buffy realizes that she's actually kind of lost. Whether she wants to investigate or not… that music is honestly her best chance of finding a way out of this maze of tunnels and chambers. Letting out a put-upon sigh, Buffy rolls her eyes and starts moving towards the hole that she's hearing the music from.

A half hour later, the blonde Slayer is honestly a bit afraid that the music is simply reverberating through the caves and she's not ever going to find it's source. Just as she's beginning to consider her next option however, the current tunnel she's crouch-walking through comes to an end and Buffy blinks as she finds herself in a place she'd not expected down here, even as the music gets all the louder now that she's located its source.

It's an honest to god apartment. Like, a high-class loft or something, one that Buffy had only ever seen in some fashion or home magazines. As she straightens up and brushes the dirt off her clothes, the blonde stares, absolutely shocked. She takes a step forward into the well-furnished room, only for a deep, masculine voice to call out from behind her.

"Finally, I was getting really impatient! Hope you don't mind me getting started right away."

Whirling around, Buffy spots a mass of tentacles connected to a floating demonic jellyfish of all things. The creature is unlike anything she's ever faced before, leaving her stunned by it's mere appearance for a moment. She opens her mouth to say something, though she knows not what. In the end, no words ever make it out from between her lips, because before she can speak, a thick, slimy tentacle thrusts itself forward, lunging into her open mouth and right down her throat.

Buffy's eyes go wide, and she immediately reaches up to grab the tentacle. However, once again she finds herself preempted by the creature floating before her. Right before she can try to pull the tentacle out of her throat, choking on it all the while, she feels the end of it bulge in her esophagus, and then something erupts into her gullet, filling her stomach.

The blonde Vampire Slayer's eyes roll back in her head as the demonic jellyfish's fluid drugs her, leaving her in a euphoric, and more importantly weakened state. Her strength is almost immediately sapped, and though she does her best to struggle against the tentacle in her mouth, her best is not good enough, not anymore.

Several more tentacles rise up to join the first, wrapping around her one by one. They slide beneath her clothes and slowly undo the buttons on her blouse and her jeans. Buffy barely notices as the jellyfish strips her naked, pulling her garments off of her quite carefully, one by one. As her clothing is passed along and folded up to be put on a nearby chair, the tentacles still on Buffy's body begin to slide across her naked flesh, leaving more of the jellyfish's secretions, his warm, slimy fluids, all over her body.

It feels like heaven, even though Buffy knows she has to fight, has to resist. It's so very difficult though. In a few short moments that feel like an eternity, everything has become so… hard to focus on. The tentacles writhing all across her body make her feel more pleasure than she's ever felt before. Her fingers, her dildo, even the sexual encounters she's had… none of it can compare.

The blonde doesn't even realize the tentacle in her mouth has retracted until an orgasmic scream leaves her throat as Buffy has the biggest climax of her life. The release wracks her body with spasms and seizures as she hangs there, wrapped up in the demonic jellyfish's grasp, shaking and shuddering, her eyes rolled back in her head and her tongue hanging out of her open mouth.

It's about then that Buffy finally gives up. She stops resisting, slumping forward like a ragdoll in the grasp of the tentacles holding her naked body in place, unable to fight back any longer, not that her struggle had meant much in the first place. It hadn't even been noticed by the jellyfish, as his deep voice reaches the tired, petite blonde's ears once more.

"Heh, wow, I've not had a reaction from a girl like that in a while. Just how pent up did they have you get, huh? If you had that much fun, I hope you enjoy what comes next~"

Barely cognizant of what is happening around her, Buffy nonetheless notices when her legs are spread wide and a massive tentacle thrusts up into her slippery, sopping wet cunt. Thanks to the jellyfish's fluids, her pussy stretches obscenely around the giant writhing appendage, rather than tearing as it normally would. After all, Buffy was flexible, but she definitely wasn't elastic… until now that is.

Two more tentacles spread the petite blonde's pert behind apart as well, and a third slams home into her asshole, breaking her wide open and taking her only remaining virginity away from her. Buffy screams at the top of her lungs in euphoric, orgasmic glee, only to have that muffled as another tentacle slips its way down her throat right through her open mouth again.

The drugged up, blissed-out of her mind Slayer can do nothing but hang there and take it as tentacles ravage her every orifice, all while playing with the rest of her body as well. A pair of tentacles wraps around her meager tits and two suction cup mouths stick to her nipples. At the same time, another tentacle winds itself around the ponytail that Buffy has her blonde locks up in, and uses it to force her forward onto the tentacle ramming its way down her throat.

Thanks to the secretions, the blonde's gag reflex is suppressed and the throat-fucking she's receiving is just as pleasurable as the tentacles up her cunt and ass. The demonic jellyfish's fluids fill her to the brim and then some as he plows her senseless, and in turn Buffy cums again and again and again as her own pussy juices flow along the tentacle battering at the entrance of her womb.

The fucking feels like it goes on for hours, or even days. Buffy takes it all, even when the jellyfish tests the limits of her flexibility by bending her a bit in two. The blonde ends up head down with a front-row seat to her own pussy being stretched by a massive tentacle. The sight of amazing in its own right, but by that point Buffy is completely out of her mind with pleasure, destroyed by the slimy appendages ravaging her holes.

As a result, she ends up squirting around the thick tentacle all over her own blissed-out face, her eyes crossed and a happy, dopey smile spreading from cheek to cheek. The demonic jellyfish eventually begins to cum as well, his own ejaculate far different from the drugging slime that was messing with her so badly. His seed is a thick, viscous substance, and he ends up filling her holes and her stomach to the brim with the stuff, pumping her until she's looking a couple months pregnant, and then some. Ultimately, more of it gets ON her than in her, as Buffy's body, albeit elastic, just isn't ready to take as much as he's capable of giving.

What feels like days is in fact only a couple hours of intense tentacle rape, the numerous, massive appendages railing Buffy into next week for every last minute of those two hours, before finally the jellyfish was satiated, and Buffy herself was laid down unconscious in a puddle of his cum and her own pussy juices. At some point during the process, the blonde had black out from the overwhelming orgasmic bliss that the demon was forcing upon her.

It's the pool of liquids that ultimately wakes her up, and when she leverages herself up on shaky arms and legs, Buffy can only stare blankly down at the amount of sexual fluids beneath her. Judging by the feeling coming from her slit and her asshole, it was going to get a lot bigger too. For a long moment, the beleaguered blonde Slayer just stares down at the liquid. All of that had either been inside of her or come from her?

It was… it was- whatever it was, Buffy didn't get to finish that thought, because the next thing she knew, a large, gold-colored brick was dropped in front of her, causing some of the puddle to splash up into her face as she flinches back.

"The payment, as usual. And tell the Madame that I rather enjoyed this session. You managed to play the role of inexperienced demon hunter expertly my dear, and I will DEFINITELY be requesting you again. I get ever so backed up, living down her all alone."

Buffy's senses are slowly coming back to her, but even with her mental faculties returning, the blonde can't really make heads or tails of what the demonic jellyfish is saying. Madame? Roleplay? Wha-? That's about the point where the door to the apartment, set in the far wall opposite of the entrance Buffy had come through, opens up and a woman rushes in looking very flustered.

"Mister Bigglesworth, I am SO SORRY I'm late sir! I know it's absolutely NO excuse but the girl that was scheduled got sick and the Madame couldn't get ahold of you to let you know I'd be de… layed…"

The escort, because that's what the other girl is dressed as, as Buffy looks at her through bleary eyes, trails off a bit as she takes in the state of the room, her eyes going wide at the mess the jellyfish has made of Buffy. In turn, the demonic jellyfish turns its eye-stalks between the new arrival and Buffy a few times in shock. Finally, 'Mister Bigglesworth' turns to face the outright flooded blonde Slayer, his deep voice tinged with horror.

"You mean you AREN'T the escort I ordered?!"

Still more than a little overwhelmed by the ravishing she'd received, Buffy settles for shaking her head no. Even that prompts a wince as the movement shows how sore she's going to be tomorrow when she finally wakes up.

"Oh my! I am SO sorry my dear! I can't help but wonder how exactly you came across my humble abode five miles beneath the surface, but I won't pry! I've accidentally assaulted you, and you never blame the victim! Please my dear, please make use of my bathroom to clean yourself up! There's a nice shower in there, a human one too for my uh… guests, after we're done. Go on, go on! Your payment will of course still be waiting for you when you get out. Tis the least I can do!"

Slowly, Buffy lifts herself to her feet. The demonic jellyfish helps her along with a few of his appendages, and though Buffy is a little leery of the slime coming off of them, it seems that without the initial burst of whatever he'd put in her stomach, there is no real effect beyond a slightly warm, tingly sensation where ever they touch her. She doesn't go coocoo for tentacles again, like before.

Regardless, he does indeed have a human shower that Buffy uses to it's fullest extent, but it takes quite a long time for all of his seed to wash out of her stretched out womb and her poor bowels. She's disturbed to discover she quite enjoys the process, and by the time she manages to get out of the shower and into her clothes, Buffy is happy to just leave the demonic jellyfish alone. Mister Bigglesworth is one monster she has no intention of trying to slay, at least not tonight.

She doesn't go without the actual, solid gold ingot though, and just hefting that big piece of precious metal in her hands as she takes the fast track back to the surface gives Buffy quite a lot to think about.

This is a hefty piece of gold… and its was just payment for one night…


Mister Bigglesworth has the equivalent of a smile across his 'face' as he bustles around his apartment. After that mess up last weekend, the demonic jellyfish has regretfully decided it would be best to cut ties with the escort service that had so thoroughly screwed up. While he expects he'll eventually need another one, for now he has something else lined up. Or rather, a particular someone else.

There's a knock on the door and the many-tentacled jellyfish scurries over to open it, his 'smile' only growing wider as the person on the other side is revealed. Buffy Summers has a smile of her own across her face, dressed as she is in a crop top and some tight-fitting jeans. Stepping inside, past the demon, she glances around and then turns to face him, a blush on her cheeks and a lewd, horny grin on her face.

"So… shall we?"

"Oh yes my dear, I think we shall!"

As the tentacles move towards her, Buffy spreads her arms wide and opens her mouth.


It was rather amusing, to find herself on a roof with Faith of all people, shooting the shit and talking about their daily problems. If you'd told Buffy that this was where she'd end up after all that had happened between Faith and her, she'd probably have laughed in your face. But then, grief and loss make for strange bed fellows, at the end of the day.

Not that her and Faith were fucking. No, Buffy was getting hers in a different way. Faith on the other hand.

"Worked my way through another pack of batteries today. The libido is definitely the worst part of being a Slayer. And here I originally thought it was the worst. How do you do it, Buffster?"

Buffy pauses at that, in the process of taking a swig of the hard liquor in the bottle she's holding. Huh. The answer to the question was rather simply, but also ultimately nothing she'd ever normally say out loud. But this wasn't the first time Faith had complained about things of late. After everything, or more specifically, after the collapse of Sunnydale, the brunette Slayer and Robin had broken up.

It was probably for the best, because even Buffy had been able to tell that they were really only together so that neither would be alone at the end of the world. Not exactly the basis for a healthy relationship, especially when the world simply hadn't ended. Ultimately, the survivors had all ended up in LA to rest, recover, and regroup. They'd commandeered an entire apartment building with their shared wealth and almost immediately set down roots.

Originally, it'd just been Buffy up on the roof each day, enjoying the peace and quiet as she watched the sunset. She couldn't exactly explain it, but that period of time, of quiet reflection and introspection… it made her feel closer to all the people she'd lost along the way. Her mother most of all. Of course, watching the sunset had turned into taking in the stars as they rose in the night sky, all while sipping from whatever bottle of alcohol she'd managed to procure that evening.

That'd really only lasted a week before Faith showed up though, fresh off her break up with Robin and looking to just get away from everyone. She'd been surprised to see Buffy there at first, and she'd also been fully ready to leave the blonde Slayer alone given their history together. Buffy couldn't have said what came over her in that moment, but she'd stopped Faith from leaving… and even gone as far to offer her one of the bottles of the good stuff.

That first night, the two had just sat in quiet reflection. The second, they'd talked. By the third, it was just their new paradigm, as far as Buffy could tell, and it became routine for her to greet Faith with a bottle, just as the sunset was finishing and the stars were coming out. There was too much between them for them to ever get to that initial bond. But then, Buffy wondered if that initial bond had ever been there to begin with.

Her relationship with Faith had never been the strongest, and probably never would be… but their nightly ritual became something that brought them a lot closer together then they'd ever been before. Close enough that Faith could complain about working the batteries in her sex toys out of power far too quickly to Buffy, and in turn ask Buffy how she handed the libido and the sexual hunger of a fully matured Slayer.

"Buffster? It was a dumb question, you don't have to answer or anything. Sorry if I went TMI on you."

Blinking, Buffy realizes she's been sitting there in silence rather than answering Faith's initial words. Letting out a light laugh, the blonde Slayer shakes her head.

"Sorry, no. I just got lost in my own thoughts. I… well…"

In that moment, Buffy comes to a decision. Honestly, it's an easy decision to make in the end. She could care less what people thought of her by this point.

"You really want to know Faith? You wanna go down my rabbit hole with me?"

Buffy pins her fellow Slayer with a serious gaze, trying to convey through intensity alone just what she was offering. Faith opens her mouth, perhaps to deliver some silly remark, but then closes it again when she realizes just how serious Buffy really is. Swallowing hard, the brunette takes a moment to consider, before ultimately nodding.

"Yeah… yeah, let's do it. You know I can't resist a challenge, B."

Snorting derisively, Buffy pulls out her phone and makes a call. It rings twice before being picked up, a familiar voice on the other end reciting a familiar phrase by rote. Of course, once she identifies herself, things quickly become not-so-rote.

"Hey. It's Buffy. Yeah, the Vampire Slayer. Yes, I'm interested in meeting with him again. I wanted to know if it would be alright to bring a friend."

The answer causes Buffy to smile a wicked little smile, even as Faith raises an eyebrow, mouthing the word 'him' back at the blonde Slayer. A few moments later, Buffy is hanging up and tucking her phone away, while Faith looks more than a little intrigued.

"Right then. You ready to go?"

Blinking, Faith flushes a bit and looks down at herself.

"N-Now? I uh, I'm not sure I'm presentable. I smell like booze. Matter of fact, so do you."

Buffy just laughs at that and shrugs, standing up and stretching her arms over her head.

"That's fine. Smell isn't a problem. And we're both going to end up way dirtier than this by the time the night's over Faith."

Faith just gapes at that, but when Buffy stops at the roof access door and looks back at her with a lifted brow, the brunette Slayer can't help but follow, blushing all the way. It amused Buffy more than a little, the way their roles had reversed with time. She didn't let that amusement stick though. She was far more focused on what was to come, and just how much she was going to enjoy it. Faith better like it to. If the other Slayer wasn't grateful, Buffy was going to be very annoyed…


When Buffy had talked to someone on the phone and mentioned a 'him', Faith hadn't known what to think, not really. The first thing to flicker through her mind was the possibility of an escort service. But those were expensive. If Buffy was paying male prostitutes on the regular, Faith felt like someone in the group would know about it. In fact, Buffy actually seemed to be the one with the most disposable income in the group, something that Faith had always figured came from the blonde's inheritance or something. Buffy's mom hadn't been rich or anything, but she'd probably been fiscally responsible at the very least, right?

Regardless, this was not what Faith had in mind. Hopping down into LA's sewers after Buffy wasn't exactly something new to Faith… but it was usually for the purposes of hunting demons and vampires and monsters… not to make contact with some mysterious 'him' to get laid. But then they go deeper still, and they end up out of the sewers and in a cave system. At that point, Faith was REALLY confused. And she felt like it was fine for her to express that confusion.

"Buffy… where the hell are we going?"

Glancing back over her shoulder at Faith, Buffy just shrugs.

"After Sunnydale, he had to relocate just like we did. I helped where I could. Not exactly easy for someone like him to make a move to the big city like this, but we got it done. His place should be just around the corner."

Now Faith was beginning to get worried. Buffy made it sound like she'd known this guy for a long time, but the way she kept being vague about details made Faith wonder if this wasn't a human at all. Was Buffy fucking vampires again? Angel definitely didn't live down here. Spike neither. Those were the two ensouled vampires that Faith knew about.

But then, if Buffy was ensnared by some sort of demon for any period of time, they'd know about it… right? There was no way that no one would notice the inevitable changes in Buffy's demeanor. But then, beyond just seeming supremely more confident even in sexual matters, plus having more spending cash than Faith had ever seen in her life, the Buffster seemed as normal as ever.

It was- Faith's thoughts are abruptly derailed as Buffy leads her around a corner and they're suddenly at their destination. The modern looking red painted door looks exceptionally out of place down here in the dark, wet depths of where ever the fuck they are. But there it is, complete with a small porch and a porch light as well. Faith's mouth opens and closes, even as Buffy saunters forward, suddenly putting far more sway in her step then Faith had ever seen before.

The blonde Slayer bends over to pull up the WELCOME mat on the front porch, and the next thing Faith knows, Buffy has grabbed a key and is unlocking the door in front of them.

"You coming or what?"

Swallowing thickly, but truly immensely curious by this point, Faith nods and follows the Slayer into a… nice, quaint, urban apartment? Seriously, it's like a decade or so out of date, but the place looks exceptionally normal, save for its location. Buffy walks in like she's been here a dozen times before, heading for the kitchen immediately to pour herself a glass of water, even as Faith just stares.

"What the hell is this, B?"

Before Buffy can answer, a deep masculine voice calls out.

"Oh my! You brought a friend along this time, my dear! I don't rightly know how to feel about this!"

Faith whirls and then freezes at the sight before her. A floating demonic jellyfish with a multitude of tentacles wasn't entirely out of Faith's ballpark. She could have handled that. The fact that the floating demonic jellyfish had a black top hat and a monocle on, while it whirled a cane in one of its many appendages was what saw Faith standing there, gobsmacked.

"Mister Bigglesworth. Hope you don't mind, but this one wouldn't stop complaining about not getting enough loving. And I know you have more than enough to go around. Though, I see you've been playing dress up without me again."

Faith finds herself doubly shocked when the demonic jellyfish actually seems to be capable of blushing, even as it snatches the top hat and monocle off of its head.

"Ah, yes, well… I do feel like I look rather dashing in them. Don't you agree?"

Buffy's laughter is infectious and bubbly as she saunters forward, and Faith's eyes move to the Slayer as she realizes with a start that Buffy has already shed her jacket and is wearing nothing but a tank top at this point, even as she gets up close and personal with the jellyfish.

"Of course, I agree. But then, you always look rather dashing, sir."

"O-Oh you're just saying that. Now! Introductions!"

Buffy smirks at that, even as she looks over at Faith.

"Introductions? Well, I think there's only one way to really introduce yourself, don't you? Faith, get out of those clothes. You wanted to find out how I handled my libido? This is it."

Funnily enough, Mister Bigglesworth seems to be the least happy with how fast Buffy is rushing things. That is until she takes one of his appendages into her mouth and begins sucking on it right then and there. Then, a full body shudder goes through the demonic jellyfish, and before Faith can even blink, he has Buffy in the air, his tentacles pulling and tugging at her clothing as she guides him along.

It's Buffy's control over the situation that finally sees Faith acting. She could have left in that moment… but ultimately, she does as she's told and strips out of her clothes. Then, a lot more hesitant than Buffy was, she walks forward and reaches out for some of the tentacles waving around Mister Bigglesworth. And just like that, she's in the air as well.

Faith quickly learns what Buffy meant by not needing to clean up. The slime that Mister Bigglesworth exudes gets all over the both of them in quite the hurry, only to end up inside of them as well as he really gets into the swing of things. The demonic tentacle creature uses his appendages in the most delightful ways, and in no time at all Faith finds herself being pounded in all three orifices right alongside her fellow Slayer.

She sort of understands now. Not everything, but she gets how Buffy could possibly handle the sexual needs of being a Slayer, if she had this thing waiting to pleasure her whenever she needed. Though, it almost felt like they were pleasuring him then the other way around. While Buffy controlled the pace of things at first, there came a point where the blonde simply gave that up and let the demonic jellyfish have his way with them.

By that point, Faith was too far gone to complain as well, and in no real state to resist or fight back. Her eyes seemed to be rolling around in her head completely outside of her control, and her tongue writhed along the length of the tentacle buried deep in her throat. And yet, she didn't feel suffocated. In that moment, she somehow had all the air she needed.

She felt weak… but also more alive than ever before. As Mister Bigglesworth pounded away into both of them to his heart's content, she happily submitted right alongside the Slayer who'd come before her. In the end, that was even literal. By the time things came to a close, they were both face down, ass up, shoulder to shoulder, hip to hip. Neither looked at the other, but they were touching and Faith had honestly never felt closer to anyone in her entire life, even as the tentacles continued to ravage their holes, before finally the demonic jellyfish finished with them both.

Faith was barely cognizant for what followed after. Buffy dragged her into the shower and hosed the both of them off. Then, she washed the sheer amount of seed in their wombs and bowels out of them as well. That was a bit more than Faith was expecting, but by the time the experienced blonde Slayer was done, she at least felt clean, and perhaps a bit more aware.

It was as they were leaving that it happened.

"Here you go my dears! For services rendered!"

Faith gaped as she barely caught the yellow-gold bar dropped into her hands. It took her a second to realize it was a literal bar of gold. Buffy got one too, and then they were sent on their way. As they walked through the cave system that was Mister Bigglesworth's home, Faith looked over at Buffy.

"B… are we whores now?"

Buffy glances in her direction and snorts derisively before shrugging, as if that was an answer. And maybe it was. Faith glances down at the gold bar in her hands once more and considers how she feels about everything that just happened. In the end, she can only really come up with one response to it all.



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