Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Another Source (Tangled)

A/N: Another Source was a commissioned story originally written in three parts from October of 2018 to March of 2019. Posting it here as a one-shot now for readers to enjoy!

Summary: In which Flynn Rider is a lot more important to a certain witch who lives in the woods than he could ever even suspect.

Themes: Oral Sex, Breeding, Magical Seed


With a big old grin on his face, Flynn hums to himself as he saunters through the forest, swinging his bag of ill-gotten loot around in one hand, not a care in the world. After all, he'd finally done it! He'd finally made off with a shiny bit of treasure, one of his adventures had finally been a success! To be fair, this was a big moment for Flynn Rider, born Eugene Fitzerhbert. He'd tried his hand at a few major capers like this before, but something had always gone wrong and he'd usually barely managed to escape the guards by the skin of his teeth.

Oh sure, he'd succeeded a dozen times or more on smaller heists, making just enough to get by and live on his ill-gotten wealth. But this? Stealing a beautiful bejeweled tiara from the castle itself, belonging to the long-missing princess? Oh yeah, this was definitely a first for Flynn. This was the start of a new life for him, and he fully intended to use the wealth he would get from hocking the crown to fund all sorts of adventures and hijinks. Flynn Rider did not and would not settle down, no sir!

It was a shame that he'd had to leave the Stabbington Brothers behind to get away though. It really hadn't been Flynn's original plan, but if there was one thing he'd learned over the years, it was to take every opportunity given to him. Better that his hired help got caught, rather than his hired help AND him getting nabbed by the guards.

God, riding high on this success has Flynn thinking about all the dumb things he'd done in life before this. From grand bakery capers when he was but a child to trying to tunnel into the kingdom's bank with subpar tools once he was older… he was honestly quite lucky to even be here today. Hah, one time he'd even stuffed a bunch of flowers in his mouth just to get a girl's attention back at the orphanage! She'd not even paid him the time of day besides a quick glance of disgust, and Flynn had ended up swallowing some of the damn things in the process. A crapshoot all around, to be sure.

Ah, but those things were in the past, weren't they? There was no reason to dwell on what had been, not when Flynn should instead be thinking about what could be! His potential was endless, the possibilities before him limitless! Though… he was also a little tired. Glancing about, Flynn blinks and then holds a hand up to his ear as he leans one way, trying to see if he hears anything.

Its just the sounds of the forest though. No knights on horseback, no angry Stabbington Brothers finding a way to come after him. He'd well and truly made his escape, it seemed. His lips curling into a wide, wicked grin, Flynn decides he's earned a rest, picking the nearest, thickest-looking tree and settling down against it, his bag of loot held securely in his lap as he dozes off.

An adventurer always had to be prepared for a quick nap, after all. He'd just take five or so minutes to relax and then he'd be on his way. Just… five… minutes.


The day turns to night as the sun falls, and the moon rises. Flynn remains asleep, even as a shadowy figure makes their way through the woods, neither aware of the other quite yet. Mother Gothel hums a little song of her own under her breath as her eyes dart too and fro, searching for herbs and the like for her concoctions. Of course, as her thought processes often do, the beautiful older woman finds herself thinking of Rapunzel, back at the tower.

A flurry of emotions bubble up within Gothel at the thought of her stolen princess. But more than anything else, desperation conquers all. Desperate to not lose Rapunzel, desperation to not lose her youth. The power from Rapunzel's hair worked still, thankfully, but the girl wouldn't live forever, unlike how Gothel intended to. As such, it never hurt to look into other methods of longevity and revitalization.

Not for the first time, Gothel bemoans the loss of the flowers that had once granted her youth eternal, and that had given Rapunzel her golden, magical hair. If only she could discover more, if only she had seeds with which to plant and nurture more. While she didn't necessarily HATE Rapunzel, Gothel had always been a solitary sort of creature. Witches such as herself often had to be. But instead she was forced to raise a girl in total seclusion, fitting Rapunzel into her life and making things work between them, even as she kept the growing girl from ever leaving her. It was becoming more and more difficult to do so, as Rapunzel got older…

As such worries pass through the beautiful woman's mind, Gothel finds herself unconsciously beginning to hum the song needed to make the magic work. Normally, it wouldn't matter. It only worked on Rapunzel's hair after all. Except, as Gothel meanders along, a glow catches her eye from the corner of it, a very familiar glow indeed as her head whips around and she immediately switches to consciously singing the activation song.

The glow is real, though its coming from around a thick tree, leaving whatever is causing it hidden away by the trunk. Could it be? Had she found more of the flowers? It seemed impossible, given their rarity, but the other option, that it was Rapunzel out here, was even more impossible. Gothel had put the girl to bed with one of her signature sleeping draughts before even daring to leave the tower and Rapunzel behind.

But then, what could it be? Singing quietly and sneaking up, Gothel comes around the tree trunk, only to find a Flynn, not that she knows his name, lying against the tree. Standing over him, the witch just stares in abject confusion, continuing to sing but not quite understanding what was going on. Yes, the young man was glowing the same glow as the youth-granting flowers of old. It was the same way that Rapunzel's golden hair glowed. Though, this glow was concentrated on his lap.

Now a bit annoyed by just how baffling the situation was, Gothel squats down and slowly begins to pat Flynn down, singing all the while. Luckily, he seems to be in a rather deep sleep, allowing her to go through his pockets and even open the bag in his lap. There's nothing in the pockets though, and all she finds in the bag on his lap is some old crown. Probably a fake, given the look of the boy.

Having extracted the bag from Flynn's grasp and setting it beside him, Gothel continues to sing, staring down at the young man's… crotch. But yes, there's no denying that the biggest concentration of the glow was in his pants, not his pockets on either side, but in the direct center of his middle. Beginning to realize what was happening, Gothel couldn't help but be bemused at the turn of events. How? How had this happened? Rapunzel's hair was one thing, but this? How on earth…

Still, it was an opportunity, wasn't it? A new source of eternal youth, despite its unfortunate placement. She would need to test it of course, and she would need to be patient… but it was a possible back-up to her growing Rapunzel problem. As plans begin to form in Gothel's mind, she notices the young man she's currently kneeling over stirring from his sleep. Ceasing her singing, Gothel watches the glow dissipate, even as Flynn wakes up.


The first thing Flynn sees when he opens his eyes after far too long of a nap is a woman in a red cloak. Pulling down the hood of said cloak reveals beautiful black curls and a face just on the cusp of aging, while still managing to be absolutely exquisite in its beauty. For a moment, Flynn finds himself staring… then he remembers how he got here and his treasure, and his hands immediately go out to grab the bag that's no longer on his lap where he put it. His fingers close around the familiar shape of the crown though, so he simply tucks the treasure behind him and gives the woman a cute grin.

"Well, hello there gorgeous. Fancy meeting someone like you out in these woods. The name's Flynn… Flynn Rider."

In response, the older woman rolls her eyes at his actions, before speaking in a mysterious tone.

"I know who you are, Flynn Rider."

She didn't, but it would give her the vibe she was looking for, and in truth, it did work, making Flynn blink a little, taken aback as Gothel continues on.

"You have been enchanted, Flynn Rider. Magic has been done upon you."

Furrowing his brow at the seemingly nonsensical accusation, Flynn can't help but scoff outright at the idea. However, before he can even open his mouth to call the lady crazy, she begins to sing. It's a really beautiful melody, and her voice is top notch… but that's all secondary to the glowing that suddenly comes from his groin, catching his eye almost immediately. Glancing down at his crotch, Flynn stares as he feels something within him, something centered around his genitals.

"What… what the hell is going on?"

The witch ceases her singing and the glow dissipates as she goes back to that mysterious, grave tone of yours.

"As I said… you have been enchanted. I may have some idea of how, but I will need to confirm it first. For that, you will have to remove your pants."

For a moment, Flynn just stares up at the woman before him. But she's serious, he can tell. She's well and truly serious. And that's when the young man has an epiphany. This was a dream. This was just a dream. It had to be! Glowing pants was one thing. Glowing dick, another. But a hot woman showing up to make it glow and then offer to tend to it (because what else could she be offering)? Oh yeah, this was one hundred percent a wet dream.

Now, knowing that, Flynn also 'knew' he could 'wake up' any time he wanted. But hey? Why waste a good thing? With a raunchy grin and a bit of his showoff flair, Flynn stands up and practically whips his pants off as the gorgeous older woman straightens as well. Exposing himself reveals quite a bit of leg hair and his sizable cock, which at this point, is still soft. Flynn isn't embarrassed though… after all, he knows this is all 'just a dream'.

For a moment, Gothel stares down at his cock. When she speaks again, the mysterious tone is gone, replaced by something a bit more… trepidatious.

"Sit down so that I may begin."

Sitting back on the grass, Flynn tries not to move around too much, not really wanting grass stains on his behind. Luckily for him, he doesn't have to think too long about that, because instead he gets to enjoy the sight of the witch pulling off her red cloak, revealing an equally red, low-cut dress that did wonders to draw attention to her ample cleavage and her wide hips.

Striking up a conversation, still feeling supremely confident now that he believed this was all a dream, Flynn gives the gorgeous older woman a roguish grin, even as she kneels down beside him.

"So, you got a name, beautiful?"

"You may call me Gothel."

She's not too worried about giving this Flynn boy her name. She can always erase that tidbit of their meeting, if need be. Regardless, when Flynn tries to talk more, Gothel gives the young man a look, cutting him off and tapping at his legs to get him to spread a bit more. Once again, Gothel sings as she knees between Flynn's thighs, staring down at his crotch where his cock is indeed growing The youthful rejuvenating energy that she so desperately wants is most definitely inside of him, though why its concentrated THERE of all places, Gothel doesn't know.

More than that, singing seems to make him slowly grow harder and harder, the energy flow like blood flow to his prick, his erection soon staring her in the eye. Biting down on her hesitation, Gothel reaches out and grabs Flynn by the base of his cock, placing her other hand near the middle of his growing, glowing length.

Then, she begins to jerk him off right on the spot, singing all the while. For Gothel, it's a necessary evil. For Flynn, its almost akin to a religious experience as he feels himself getting closer and closer to… something. The young man doesn't know what it is. But then, he's never masturbated while his dick was glowing before. It doesn't feel like a normal release, whatever this is… it feels almost like he's coming undone.

Flynn tries to hold off, wanting to enjoy this as long as she can, but Gothel can see him weakening, and even if she doesn't necessarily want to be doing this, there is a bit of a thrill in bringing a young, handsome man off with nothing but her hands.

"Don't hold back now, Flynn Rider."

She only stops singing long enough to taunt him, before returning to the magical melody, even as she jerks him the rest of the way to completion. Her words have their intended effect, though far beyond what Gothel was expecting. Flynn's cum shot is bigger than either of them could have ever guessed it would be, much bigger than Flynn ever remembered any of his releases being before now.

But then, he supposed that made sense, this was after all just a dream, right? Still, its rather ridiculous, the way Flynn's cum covers Gothel, getting all over her face, seeping down into her cleavage from where it spurts across the exposed half of her chest, even managing to land in her gorgeous black curls in a few places. Shocked by the sheer amount that she's just extracted from the boy before her, Gothel's tongue slips out and she inadvertently tastes a bit of Flynn's cum on her lips.

The witch's eyes widen as she immediately feels the restorative properties of the youth-granting flower. It truly was a part of him, even if it was in a completely different way from how it was a part of Rapunzel. Thoughts of how it could have happened like this are far from Gothel's mind as she giddily slurps up Flynn's cum, just thoroughly pleased to have found a new source of youth.

Of course, drinking Flynn's seed causes her to rejuvenate just a tad right then and there. It's not much, just a wrinkle here, a gray hair there. She was already quite youthful as is, but before Flynn's eyes, she goes from a woman on the cusp of aging to a woman in the absolute prime of her life. If she was gorgeous before, now Gothel is absolutely spectacular.

Lapping up every bit of his seed, the witch eventually turns her eyes back onto Flynn, only to find the boy was hard again, and of course watching her like a hawk. Seeing this, she couldn't help but smirk, her plump, full lips curving into a wicked little smile as she preens under his gaze. She felt empowered by his stare just as she felt empowered by his cum. And why shouldn't he stare? She was young again, absolutely beautiful. Most men would be willing to lose an arm just to have one night in her bed.

But Gothel wouldn't demand that of Flynn. No, there was only one thing that she wanted from the young man, and it was no great hardship on his part. Well, it was hard, but that was a different sort of hard. Leaning forward, the beautiful woman allows her cleavage to grow more and more prominent, her breasts, slightly fuller and plumper, almost spilling out of her top now as she leans over his crotch.

Making sure that she still has Flynn's attention, Gothel sings a few bars to ignite the golden glow of his length before smirking and then making a nice, big O with her mouth. She takes Flynn to the base right on the spot, even as she hums in the back of her throat, her maw now stuffed with his cock, but the magical song needed to activate the youthful energy within him still coming through. If anything, while it might be muffled, it was muffled by the thing it was meant for in the first place, meaning that the sounds were going right to Flynn's cock, ultimately. She'd cut out the middle man.

Groaning, Flynn tilts his head back as Gothel gets to work. This was undoubtedly the best wet dream ever, though part of Flynn's mind wonders how it could be so realistic when he'd never experienced a blowjob THIS good before. The witch was sucking him off quite superbly, her black curls bobbing up and down with her head as she suctions down her lips and slides her tongue back and forth along the underside of his cock.

Once again, Flynn tries to hold back his release, wanting to enjoy this dream for as long as possible. To be honest, he didn't know why he hadn't woken up after the first load, as he usually did with these things. But he also didn't want to risk it. Unfortunately, what Flynn wanted wasn't what Flynn got. Gothel was like a damn succubus of the finest order, and as he looks down at her, she in turn looks up at him and gives him a particularly long suck that ends his struggles and milks his load from his glowing ball sack.

Flynn cums as Gothel's cheeks concave, and she in turn swallows it straight, gulping down his life-giving seed to the last. Once he finishes, she takes her time pulling back, her lips still suctioned down around his girth and her tongue swirling along his length. When she finally pulls off of his cockhead with a pop, Flynn's dick is pristine save for a thin film of saliva left behind by Gothel's mouth.

At this point, Flynn is tired. Two releases, two absurdly large loads in quick succession would do that to most men. Flynn was beginning to wonder if this really was a dream, because he was really feeling it, and he really should have woken up by now. But even as he contemplates that, Gothel shows that he's far from done with him. That same old musical magical melody from before sounds out, and the glow returns as Flynn's cock once again grows nice and hard from the flow of energy to his loins.

Standing up, Gothel lifts her skirts with her, raising her red dress high enough to show a glimpse of a naked cunt and a neatly trimmed bush that lie underneath it. As Flynn stares, Gothel stops singing and gives him a knowing smirk.

"The treatment is bearing fruit, Flynn Rider, but you must release more of that golden magic before I can be sure of how best to handle your enchantment. Shall we?"

With an offer like that, it really was a no brainer, right? Chasing away his exhaustion, Flynn stands up and seizes the gorgeous older woman before him by the hips, dragging her in for a kiss. Their tongues intertwine and Gothel idly toys with his cock, her smooth palm stroking up and down his length as they makeout for a time.

Enjoying herself more than she thought she would, Gothel lets this continue for a bit more, before deciding to truly put his apparently magical sperm to the test. With a push, Flynn is back on his ass and Gothel is standing over him with her skirts raised once more and a triumphant grin on her face. Lowering herself down until his cock is kissing her folds, Gothel reaches out and cups Flynn's face in her hands.

"Give it to me. Give me EVERYTHING."

Then, she slams down on his length, trapping his member within her tight, wet cunt. The witch howls in pleasure, tossing her head back as she enjoys the first cock in what has been ages for her. She'd never truly NEEDED sex before, and it'd always been easy to go decades without it. But this… she'd never truly felt so FULL with a man's cock before.

As Gothel begins to sing again, she starts off slow. Very slow, in fact. It was all part of her still-forming plant to keep Flynn with her, to tease him and keep him interested. She needed this young man under her thrall, she needed his youth-giving sperm in her pocket. As such, her movements are slow, almost torturous as she rides Flynn's cock, teasing him and keeping him on edge.

Its at this point that Flynn decides he's had enough of being bullied like that, especially in his own dream! (If this even is a dream…) Reaching up, Flynn grabs the front of Gothel's lowcut dress and drags it down off of her shoulders and her truly gorgeous tits. His hands both grab at her breasts then, and Flynn drags them down to his level so that he can slobber and suck at her nipples while squeezing her hefty tits.

Gothel's eyes widen at the aggressive display, but before she can stop him or reprimand him for his actions, a surprised moan escapes her throat, her arousal spiking as her young, tender, and most of all, sensitive nipples are played with to Flynn's heart's content. The spell was working… her youth was staying longer. And… and she was getting FUCKED!

An uncharacteristic and altogether embarrassing squeal exits the witch's throat as Flynn suddenly switches up their positions, leaving her on her back and him on top of her, thrusting into her and squeezing her titties for all he's worth. The song stops and is replaced by pleasured noises coming from Gothel's lips, even as she lays back and just takes it.

In the back of her mind, the black-haired woman knows she should be trying to take back control, she knows she shouldn't be letting the young man get away with this. But it felt so damn good, and with her body rejuvenated and fully young again, rough sex was… amazing.

"G-Getting… getting close, witch. Gonna cum soon…"

The unasked question of WHERE he should come is apparent, and Gothel instinctively finds herself wrapping her legs around him and pulling him close. At the same time, a small verse of the magical song exits her mouth and her pussy walls squeeze down HARD around his cock. Flynn groans as Gothel sings, and a tide of cum floods Gothel's passage, overfilling her womb and flowing back out of her as she takes all he has to offer.

And then its over. Flynn pulls out of her and flops down beside her, leaving them both lying on their backs on the grass, panting heavily and staring up at the forest canopy overhead and the starry night sky beyond it.

"… This isn't a dream, is it?"

The sudden question throws Gothel for a loop for a moment, before she laughs and shakes her head.

"No… no it isn't."

Both of them are completely spent by now. But they're also each immensely satisfied. Still, that doesn't mean either of them don't have other things on their mind.

"Right… well, so what's the deal with this enchantment thing? Why is my dick glowing when you sing?"

For Flynn, of course it's the fact that he's 'enchanted' as Gothel labeled it. Now that the young man knows this isn't a dream, he can't help but be a little concerned. It's not like his life has been devoid of singing, but he never noticed any glowing crotch before now while hearing a melody or the like. So, what was different now? Had he been cursed by stealing the crown or something? Was that how they intended to find him, by singing all over the kingdom until they found the man who's cock glowed in his pants?

… It seemed nonsensical, but that was where Flynn's over-imaginative mind ultimately went, even as Gothel found herself thinking about similar, but ultimately different things. Taking a moment to reorganize her thoughts and consider his question, the rejuvenated witch places a hand on her womb and presses her lips tightly together.

She wasn't sure what Flynn's energy-filled cum would do to her inside of her womb, but the chance to experiment and get more of that stuff… not that Gothel realized it, but she was rapidly becoming addicted to Flynn's magical seed. If she didn't stop now… well, she wasn't going to stop, now was she? No, she would continue to extract Flynn's golden, glowing ejaculate, imbibing it to keep herself youthful. And perhaps even if she did know the side effects, even if she did know what would ultimately happen by doing so… she would have done it anyways.

Regardless, Gothel knew in that moment that she had to get him back to her tower. Idly, Gothel finds herself worrying momentarily what she would have to do if Rapunzel and Flynn ended up meeting, but ultimately, the witch dismissed the idea. She would keep them apart, it wouldn't be too hard. Or she'd figure something else out. Plus… the thought of combining Rapunzel's hair and Flynn's seed was all too tempting. She wanted to experiment, she NEEDED to experiment.

For knowledge, for youth… Gothel turns her most seductive, bewitching smile in Flynn's direction.

"I do not know… yet. But you are still definitely enchanted, my young friend. Do you have somewhere to go? I have a place where you could stay… with me."

Flynn stares into the shining eyes and the wide smile of the most beautiful woman he's ever met, and his cock twitches in his pants at the thought of what she's proposing. Its… well, if his outlandish theory is correct, then he does need to lay low until he can take care of this glowing cock problem. Or, even if its not correct, he's still likely wanted for thievery.

He's sure that the Stabbington Brothers have ratted him out by now, which means he's not likely to be welcome anywhere respectable in the kingdom anytime soon, and anywhere NOT respectable won't like having him around either for the danger he represents to their way of life.

In the end, he's received an offer from an exceptionally beautiful witch to come stay with her while she 'takes care' of him. So far, nothing she'd done had been painful, and in fact, that last time had been absolutely spectacular. Flynn would have been a liar to say he didn't want more, and while he WAS a bit of a liar and a thief and a cheat… well, this was one time when he'd tell the truth.

"I'd like that. I'd like that a lot. Lead the way?"

Gothel's eyes brighten with glee and the woman rises so that she can fix up her dress and grab her cloak. Flynn stands up as well, dragging his pants back up his legs and over his ass and dick as he fits them into place. Then, he grabs the bag with the crown in it and follows Gothel deeper into the forest, never once looking back.


Rapunzel might not have been very worldly in many ways. She was well-aware of that. How could one be worldly when they spend their entire life locked away from… well, the world? So yes, Rapunzel knew there were gaps in her knowledge, she was smart enough to acknowledge that simple truth. But she wasn't blind or deaf, nor was she particularly oblivious.

Specifically, she'd been hearing strange noises coming from the base of the tower that was her home for quite a while now. Days, perhaps even weeks. Mother was up to something, for sure… but for some reason, she wasn't allowed to know what it was. She'd been told to stay in her room at certain times, and not to ever come down unless she was allowed to come down.

For Rapunzel, who'd had relatively free reign of the tower for most of her life, this was entirely intolerable. How was she supposed to accept something like this? She was already chafing under her confinement to the tower as it was, but now her prison was growing smaller still, even more restrictive? Oh, but she knew that wasn't necessarily fair to Mother. This wasn't a prison, this was Rapunzel's home, and she knew that her mother was just trying to keep her safe from the dangers outside their tower.

But then… did that mean the dangers had come into the lower levels of the tower? Was the world encroaching on their humble abode after all this time, and Mother was trying to protect her even now? The thought sent a tendril of fear down Rapunzel's back, but also piqued her curiosity. What could be going on downstairs that her mother wouldn't want her involved with?

Rapunzel couldn't just stay away. She couldn't allow her mother to make sacrifices for her even now and have her own living space more and more curtailed and restricted. In a surge of teenage rebellion, the blonde young woman gathered up her massive long locks and crept downstairs, practically tip-toeing her way down.

This was one of those times that Mother had told her to stay in her room, but Rapunzel was disobeying. So of course, she was being as quiet and as stealthy as she possibly could. She didn't know what she would find, she didn't know what was going on… but as she made her way into the main hall of the tower, she found no one.

It was empty, though the fire was burning in the fireplace, the embers giving some dim light to the room. Rapunzel's gaze slides over the main hall for a moment, but both it and her hearing draw her over to her mother's bedroom, where she can hear strange sounds coming from a slightly ajar door. Slowly, Rapunzel creeps over. Slowly, Rapunzel peeks in, her brow furrowed as she tries to make sense of what she's hearing.

Of course, what she sees causes her eyebrows to shoot right up as she goes wide-eyed, and a light gasp to escape her lips as a hand comes up to cover her mouth instinctively. There before her, is her mother as she expected. Mother Gothel looks as young and beautiful and gorgeous as ever. But… she's kneeling. She's kneeling before someone else, a man sitting in a chair off to the side of the room with no pants on.

Rapunzel is initially a little confused as she watches Mother bob her head up and down on his lap. She doesn't quite understand what's happening. But then her mother pulls back and with a slick pop, lets the man's phallus slip out of her mouth as she strokes it with one hand, smiling up at him. It's the first… the first male genitalia that Rapunzel has ever seen.

She had no idea that men had other things d-down there. It wasn't exactly part of her education, given to her over the years by her mother. She'd never seen anything like this before, and yet… Mother Gothel was putting her lips around it. She was stroking it with her palm and her fingers. She was smiling as the man who the phallus belonged to groaned, tilting his head back.

It made Rapunzel curious. It also made her feel somewhat strange, down in her tummy, down between her legs. There was a heat in her belly that wasn't there before, and the more Rapunzel stared at the large length in her mother's grasp, the more it grew. The man's genitals were so… big. How did he even walk comfortably? Why did men wear pants and women wore dresses if THAT was what each example of the male gender was packing between their legs?

"You're… you're sure that she can't hear us, right?"

Blinking, Rapunzel is torn from her inner thoughts as the man finally speaks. Her eyes flicker to his face, and for the first time she realizes how young he looks. Growing up with a woman like her mother, its safe to say Rapunzel doesn't have a STRONG idea of how age works. What with Mother Gothel going from slightly graying to the prime of her life day in and day out, Rapunzel really just… well, she only has two sample sizes. Herself and her mother.

Even then, this newcomer looks younger than her mother does in her prime. He looks more like he's Rapunzel's age, or at least closer to it then anything else. And as the young man speaks, her mother looks up at him and chuckles throatily, her tone and her voice sounding different than Rapunzel had ever heard her. It was lust and arousal and need that she heard in her mother's voice, but the blonde girl didn't know that.

"Do not worry about Rapunzel. She's a good girl, and she'll do as she's told. I've taken care of it."

Rapunzel watches the young man's mouth open, undoubtedly to say something else. But before he can get a word out, his face contorts in pleasure and a groan leaves his lips instead as he leans back in his chair again. Looking down at his crotch shows the peeping blonde whine. Her mother has taken the big phallus back in her mouth and is once more bobbing up and down on it. Only now Rapunzel knows what she's doing, rather than being confused.

… Well, physically she knows what she's doing. In a more specific context, Rapunzel has no idea why her mother is doing this, only that… it feels rather… rather perverse? She'd never consider having anyone put their lips or their tongue on… on HER special place. But there her mother was, putting male genitals in her mouth and even going so far as to suck on the young man's phallus as he clearly enjoys her efforts greatly.

She was transfixed by the act. Rapunzel simply couldn't look away. She didn't understand it, she didn't know what was happening, but somehow, she could instinctively tell that this was something interesting and… and worthwhile. Rapunzel fidgets and has to bite her lower lip from whimpering. There was so much heat coming from between her thighs now, and she wasn't sure what to do. Except that wasn't quite right, because her body seemed to know what to do.

When Mother Gothel suddenly speeds up and Rapunzel watches in awe as she slurps and sucks her way all the way down to the young man's cock and then back up again, the blonde peeper can no longer hold herself back. Her hand goes beneath her dress, and a finger slides past her panties and into her folds. The moment she's done so, Rapunzel knows she's made the right move. It feels good, pushing into her hole, fiddling around with it. It feels REALLY good, especially when combined with what she's watching now.

The young man's groans and grunts echo through the tower, through their home as Mother bobs up and down his length faster and faster, the noises from her throat and lips growing but also staying relatively contained as she swallows continuously in order to suppress her gag reflex. Rapunzel doesn't know any of that though, all she knows is what she's seeing, and what she's seeing is…

"Getting close… cumming!"

Rapunzel nearly jumps as the man suddenly cries out. But his words aren't towards her, they're towards her mother. And Mother Gothel reacts admirably as she pulls back with one last slurp and pops his cock out of her mouth once again, stroking him with both hands rapidly now and tilting her face up, smiling at him widely.

Then, the young man begins to cum. Rapunzel has no idea what she's looking at, no idea what's happening… but she knows its something special as this white, viscous substance explodes from the tip of the male genitalia, and then doesn't stop coming for quite some time. In great big spurts, the newcomer covers her mother's face and chest with his ejaculate, some of it quickly seeping down into Mother Gothel's cleavage.

Rapunzel finds herself staring in amazement, before ultimately blushing as she realizes she's looking at her mother in a way she's never done before, feeling things she's never felt before, touching herself in ways she's never BEEN touched before. She watches as her mother not only seems pleased with what's happened, but actively begins to lick and slurp up the substance off of her chest and face. She even uses her fingers to wipe off entire dollops of the white stuff that she then sticks in her mouth to suck clean.

Rubbing herself more and more, sliding that finger in her special place in and out of her, Rapunzel could tell she was getting close to something. Really, really close. She didn't know what it was, but there was something rising up within her and she wanted to find out what. She wanted to know what all of this meant. So, she continued on. She continued on and got closer and closer and-

Mother suddenly begins to sing, and Rapunzel freezes as she sees something truly amazing. The song is nothing special. It's the same song her mother had sung to her every day, all her life. But the fact that the man's genitals began to glow from the song, just like her hair did… THAT was new. That was weird. And… oh. Rapunzel slowly comes to the realization that her hair is now glowing as well. Brightly glowing, in the otherwise dark crack she's using to peek through the door.

Her mother is staring right at her now, as is the man. And Rapunzel still has a finger up inside of her folds. Swallowing thickly and blushing red, she slowly pulls it out.


As Rapunzel kneels in the middle of the room, staring at the floor, Flynn sits on the bed, still pants-less and clearly feeling awkward. Gothel was the only one standing right now, even as she paced back and forth with her arms crossed under her ample bosom, a large scowl on her face as she stares down at her 'daughter'.

Inwardly, Gothel is already celebrating, already cheering her victory. Once again, all of her plans had come together perfectly, once again, everything was going according to HER designs. She'd had a feeling it was only a matter of time before Rapunzel found out about Flynn. She couldn't keep the two apart forever, no matter how hard she tried. So instead, Gothel had hatched a scheme that hinged on Rapunzel finally meeting the very special young man… but under HER watchful eye and HER control. Now it had come to fruition. Rapunzel had been caught peeping, leaving the context of all of this as her being a very naughty girl who disobeyed her mother. To that end…

"What were you thinking, Rapunzel? Sneaking around when you should be sleeping! You nearly gave your poor mother a heart attack! Do you not care for my health? Do you not think I care for yours? My instructions are for your SAFETY! What were you THINKING?!"

Rapunzel trembles a bit under Gothel's carefully constructed wrath.

"I-I… I'm sorry Mother. I didn't… I wasn't… I'm sorry."

Having received an apology, Gothel pulls back a bit. She drops most of the anger and allows herself to take on a more considering, commiserating stance.

"I'm sure you are, sweetheart. I forgive you, my dear child. And I know why you've done this."

Watery, bright-green eyes lance up at that as Rapunzel finally looks at her. She tenses at the expression she sees on her mother's face though, while Gothel slowly begins to smile.

"Yes, I know why you were sneaking around, don't I?"

Spinning on her heel, the witch walks over to Flynn. Reaching down, she ignores the young man's squawk as she takes hold of his meat rod. Its still relatively hard, though its last a bit of its heft by this point. It begins to get it back, even as Gothel pulls Flynn to his feet by his cock and leads him over to Rapunzel. He follows mostly willingly, and they both stop in front of the kneeling, long-haired girl, who looks rather shocked at suddenly having a large phallus brought right up to her face.

"You're interested, aren't you Rapunzel? Do you even know what this is called? This is a male's genitals. This is a cock. The man it belongs to is named Flynn. Say hi to Flynn and Flynn's cock. Be polite now, darling."

Rapunzel trembles again, but there's not as much fear this time as she licks her lips unconsciously. Like Gothel thought, her charge is at that age where, even as ignorant of how the birds and the bees work as she is, she still feels… urges she doesn't understand.

"H-Hi Flynn… Hi F-Flynn's… c-cock…"

The young man glances over at Gothel and then back down at Rapunzel, his member growing back to full mast in Gothel's grasp in short order, even as he gives a quiet reply.

"… Hey."

Smirking wickedly by this point, Gothel brings the erection forward a bit more, until the tip of it is but an inch from Rapunzel's trembling, pouty lips.

"If you're so interested in the adult games that your mother gets up to Rapunzel, then you can try them for yourself."

Gothel's voice is light as silence falls at her words. She watches Rapunzel's green eyes widen in shock, she watches as the girl looks between her and Flynn and the cockhead right before her lips. All are quiet as they await someone else's next move. But it was Rapunzel who was going to have to act. She could tell the dear girl had an idea of what Gothel was expecting from her, but at the same time she could also tell that Rapunzel was confused. The witch couldn't help but be amused by this. Was Rapunzel afraid of 'stealing' from her mother or something?

Or perhaps she just didn't truly know what to do. She'd been peeping on them while Gothel was giving Flynn head not ten minutes before though, so that was unlikely. Regardless, a little more positive reinforcement seemed to be in order. Rapunzel goes completely still as Gothel pushes Flynn's cock forward an inch more, leaving his tip now ON Rapunzel's lips.

With the blonde girl practically kissing it now, Gothel could tell it was beginning to have an effect. And to be fair, it was. Poor Rapunzel couldn't help but feel a little odd as she went cross-eyed just staring down at the throbbing, pulsating member. It was hot to the touch, but not at all… bad. Seeing at it was now right in front of her, Rapunzel finally opens her lips. Blushing all the while, the blonde lets more of Flynn's… cock into her mouth.

As she sucks at the tip, Flynn groans and his hands come down in her hair. Rapunzel startles at the abrupt touch, half-expecting her mother to flip out at the sudden grabbing of her golden locks. But Mother Gothel is simply smiling as she watches Flynn take hold of what Rapunzel had always secretly felt was the most precious thing in the world to the older woman.

Flynn pushes forward a bit, and Rapunzel's green eyes return to the cock between her lips. She sucks on it, just as she saw her mother do, and she finds the experience not at all intolerable. In fact, it's not that unpleasant either. There's… there's something about sucking on the male genitals that gives Rapunzel somewhat of a rush. And that's BEFORE Mother begins to sing.

The moment Mother Gothel starts to sing, releasing Flynn's cock and stepping back to clasp her hands together, Rapunzel's hair and Flynn's crotch both begin to glow that familiar, amazing glow. Seeing this, and feeling something… change, Rapunzel finds herself spurred on to ever greater heights, working to suck on Flynn's length in the same way she saw her mother suck on it.

Of course, unlike her mother, Rapunzel is not at all skilled or experienced in this particular activity. She is singularly inexperienced in fact, and it shows in the way she chokes slightly as she tries to take too much of Flynn's cock too fast. Her blowjob, in comparison to her mother's, is slobbery and rushed, her tongue wild as it tries to go every which way and her cheeks suctioning in as she sucks as hard as she can on the big phallus pushing into her mouth.

Flynn loves every minute of it of course, groaning as his grip on her hair tightens and he has to resist the urge to just throat-fuck the cute little blonde slut right then and there. Her long hair and her pink dress and her innocent expression… fuck, it's all so great. She's a direct contrast to her mother for sure, and Flynn is THERE for it, enjoying the change of pace quite immensely.

Meanwhile, as Rapunzel bobs up and down on Flynn's cock a lot more haphazardly than she'd been doing, Gothel steps forward and sinks to her knees beside Rapunzel, still singing for a moment longer, the melody filling Rapunzel's ears and pushing the blonde to go faster and faster. Then it stops as Gothel ceases her singing, instead leaning in and running a hand down the longer parts of Rapunzel's hair, the parts draped across her back.

"You're doing so well, child. Keep it up, make Mother proud."

As Gothel coos and pets her hair, a swell of happiness and satisfaction rises up within Rapunzel. Her green eyes flicker upwards and she can see Flynn is enjoying her mouth and her tongue and her lips as much as he enjoyed her mother's. The way his eyes are drifted shut and his mouth is slightly open as he tilts his head up a bit definitely speaks to that. She's doing well, an-

"Ah… but you CAN do better…"

Rapunzel's eyes widen as her mother's hand closes on the back of her head, just barely avoiding Finger's fingers gripping in the top of her locks. Then, the older woman pushes forward, and Rapunzel finds herself gagging a little bit as part of Flynn's cock goes right down the back of her throat, her over-eagerness meaning that her body doesn't quite stop it as it should.


Rapunzel's muffled squawk draws Flynn's attention though, and when the young man sees what Gothel's doing, thoughts of doing it himself wipe from his mind and he frowns at seeing the blonde's eyes watery and near tears.

"Hey, hey… take it easy…"

Mother Gothel's eyes flicker up to Flynn and for a moment, for a flash, there's anger there. But then she's all smiles again as she lets up a bit, relaxing her hold on Rapunzel's hair. At the same time though, she leans in and murmurs in Rapunzel's ear.

"You know what to do, dear. Make Mother proud."

A muffled whimper leaves Rapunzel's filled mouth, but she does as she's told all the same. What follows is an inexperienced, innocent young girl trying to mimic the way that her mother had just deep-throated a big fat cock not but fifteen or so minutes before. She fails of course, but she keeps trying to appease her mother, not wanting to disappoint the older woman, wanting to feel that surge of happiness and recognition again.

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

Seeing Rapunzel gagging and choking herself of her own accord sends shivers down Flynn's spine, and he raises no further complaint as he groans and lets the long-haired blonde do as she will. At the same time, Gothel sits back and smiles, before resuming her song a moment more. As Flynn's cock buried in Rapunzel's throat begins to glow again, as well as Rapunzel's hair grasped tightly in Flynn's hands, the two young people find themselves entranced once more by each other's aura.

Much to Flynn's surprise, Rapunzel doesn't just deep throat his cock after that, she takes him to the hilt in one brief surge of will, her nose buried in his glowing pubes and her chin coming to a rest against his churning ball sack as she holds herself there, his entire gargantuan cock lodged down her tight, convulsing, inexperienced throat.

Flynn lets out a louder groan than before and explodes once again, cumming right down Rapunzel's throat. The blonde is unprepared for it, but some instinct sees her swallowing a majority of the load anyways. At the same time though, a bit still dribbles out of her mouth and down her chin as she drinks and drinks and tries to drink some more.

Her cheeks chipmunk outwards adorably from the back-up, but in the end, she gets most of it down. Once Flynn is done, he pulls out and sits back down on the bed, clearly a little… out of it, eyes wide as he pants and slowly recovers from the inexperienced, yet enthusiastic and eager blowjob. Rapunzel meanwhile, has never felt more… ALIVE. As she feels the golden glowing cum settle in her stomach, something seems to react with her hair, a strange heat suffusing her body. She feels… she feels amazing, and kneeling there, swaying back and forth, Rapunzel can't help but want to do it again.

Its her mother's patting of her cheek that pulls the blonde from her revelry.

"You did spectacular, darling. Well done… well done indeed."

That surge of happiness comes back, and Rapunzel's back straightens a little as she begins to smile. Her cheeks are still rosy, but altogether, she feels absolutely fantastic. Of course, then her mother leans in and murmurs to her again.

"Do you want more, Rapunzel? Because this is only the beginning. The very basic of the adult games Flynn and I have been playing. If you're interested, I could show you…"

As she whispers those last words, her fingers come up and press over so slightly into Rapunzel's cheeks as she takes hold of the cute young blonde's face and makes sure that Rapunzel's bright green gaze is focused solely on Flynn's cock. As soon as he realizes that they're both looking at him, Flynn blushes… but his erection also begins to rise again, much to Rapunzel's amazement and piqued curiosity. He's… he's ready for more, clearly. And she thinks she is too.

Slowly, the blonde nods to her mother's query, which only leaves Gothel laughing internally as she grins a little. It was finally time to move to the next stage of her little scheme. Slowly, Mother Gothel lifts Rapunzel to her feet. There's something special about all of this. Something to be said about the beauty of giving the girl she's raised for so long to a special man like Flynn. She's almost like a mother giving away her daughter on her wedding day…

Slowly, Gothel brings Rapunzel before Flynn, leaving the blonde girl standing and fidgeting just a foot away from where the young man is seated on the bed. Then, she reaches up and slips her fingers under the collar of Rapunzel's dress. Pulling briefly brings the collar back and lets her slowly peel the top of the dress off of Rapunzel's pale, slight shoulders.

The girl tenses under her mother's touch and remains frozen as Gothel slowly undresses her, pulling away the dress and letting it slide down off of Rapunzel's arms and along her rather petite, still-developing body. The young woman is not without her curves of course, but she's got nothing on Gothel herself, something the witch takes some small measure of pride in, even as she exposes Rapunzel to Flynn's eyes.

There's no bra to cover what slight chest Rapunzel has, they've never needed such things here in their tower. But there are a pair of panties hugging Rapunzel's burgeoning hips, which are just starting to widen with the coming of true womanhood. Gothel hooks her fingers into those as well and pulls them off of Rapunzel's rigid body at the same time. The blonde doesn't help, too frozen stiff with embarrassment to do so, but she also doesn't fight her mother as the witch pulls one foot up and then the other, before tossing both dress and undergarments aside.

Once she's done so, Mother Gothel straightens up to her full height once more and then wraps her arms around her darling charge. She slides her fingers over Rapunzel's naked flesh, causing the blonde to shiver and tremble at the goosebumps that her mother causes. Eventually though, Gothel's hands slide down between Rapunzel's legs, and she pulls them apart to reveal a hair-free crotch to Flynn's eyes.

This entire time, Flynn has most definitely been watching everything that Gothel is doing to her daughter. He can't look away, he's enraptured by the sight before him. In the back of his head, part of him knows this is wrong in some way, part of him acknowledges that there are amoral acts at work here. But he can't bring himself to care. He should say something, he should put a stop to this before it goes further… but he won't. Because he wants it. He wants HER.

Flynn snaps back to reality only when Rapunzel moves forward. Gothel has just whispered something into the young woman's ear, and now she's stepping up to the place. It only takes two steps to have her all but hovering over his dick, biting her lower lip and flushed with embarrassment but also arousal. He can see the need in Rapunzel's green eyes as her mother takes hold of her hips and guides her into place.

The young man finds himself scooting back until he's practically laying down on the bed. Rapunzel crawls on after him, climbing atop him as she does so. Her mother helps her, as odd as that seems to him, but it's also one of the hottest things he's ever witnessed. His cockhead is fitted into Rapunzel's flowering petals through no act of his own and then Gothel is pushing the young woman down onto his cock, almost vicious as she forces Rapunzel to take a few inches of him up inside of her, just like that.

Rapunzel screams at the penetration, and Flynn winces, both at the volume of her words and just how tight she is. He knows he felt something tear as his cock pushed up into her, and even though Rapunzel's wet, he can tell she was also a virgin. It doesn't bring him any pleasure to relieve her of her purity, not when it seems to have caused her such pain. The desire and the need in her eyes is flickering now, as if she's not sure she wants this anymore.

Flynn is about to say something, about to do something to try to help when Gothel begins to sing again. For a moment, all this does is make Rapunzel's hair glow, leaving the young woman still in pain. But then that moment passes and Flynn watches as the pain simply… washes away from the young woman's face right before his eyes. Her pleasure comes back and her eyelids flutter as her cute lips form into a small o from which the softest of mewling moans leaves her mouth.

At the same time, Flynn isn't unaffected by the song either. With his crotch glowing and the part of his cock not currently up inside of Rapunzel's cunt visibly glowing as well, there's something to be said about how it feels to be buried inside of the young woman even as Gothel sings. Its… he hates to say it, but its better than when he's inside Gothel as she sings the song.

There's something about filling Rapunzel with his cock that just leaves him utterly blindsided, his eyes wide and his own mouth agape as he groans from the tight, spasming grip of Rapunzel's inner walls around the first few inches of his cock. Then, they begin to move. Neither of them knows who moves first, and in fact its actually Gothel who gives Rapunzel just a bit more of a push before pulling her hands away and continuing to sing.

But once that first push is given, without any pain to come with it, Rapunzel is all too happy to begin bouncing up and down on Flynn's dick. He finds his hands going to her hips, to her waist a moment later, replacing Gothel's as he grips gently but firmly, feeling how soft and feminine Rapunzel is beneath his grasp. Slowly, surely, Rapunzel rides his cock, clearly just as inexperienced with this as she was with the blowjob, but willing to experiment and figure things out all the same.

She rides him, and Flynn thoroughly enjoys every last moment of it. Not that he's completely still himself. As she continues to bounce on his dick, the young brigand thrusts upwards in time with her undulating, gyrating movements. Pushing his hips up into the air each time Rapunzel pushes back down speeds up the process of burying more and more of his glowing cock inside her tight, gripping cunt.

And the more he fills her, the better it feels. Rapunzel can't even really explain it. In the most basic of terms, its very much that she's full. But that doesn't do this sensation justice. Being full is one thing. It's a satisfying thing, to be sure. But this is beyond satisfaction, this is beyond simple contentment. This is ecstasy made manifest, bliss given form. Its as if she's biting into chocolate for the first time in her life again, like she's drinking sweet wine.

All those little things that her mother had let her do when she talked of wanting to leave the tower and see the world, all those wondrous experiences made all the more gorgeous by how limited and restricted and confined her life was… it all paled in comparison to this moment, to this feeling as Flynn's cock filled her again and again in the best way possible.

She cums around his member after just a few minutes, and Rapunzel can't even say what it is that happens. She's never touched herself before tonight, just as she's never seen or touched or sucked a man's cock. She's certainly never had one inside of her, and the pleasure that it brings her as the pain is washed away by her mother's song is… too much. Rapunzel reaches climax and the explosive orgasm leaves her wide-eyed and mouth-open as she stares straight forward in shock, like she can't quite believe what's happened.

But then Flynn bounces up under her again, another thrust to remind her she's currently… currently impaled on his big c-cock, and he's filling up her insides as her juices flow down the length of his member, making the already slick passage up into her cunt all the slicker. Of course, it only gets better when Flynn makes the decision to move his hands from Rapunzel's hips to her modest chest.

His calloused fingertips feel strange but in a very good way as they brush over her soft tit-flesh. He's gentle as he cups and gropes her bust, not too harsh but still rather firm. His palms rub against Rapunzel's hardened nipples and the sensitive little nubs send her into another spasm as she experienced a slightly less spectacular orgasm a moment later.

It's not the last either, not by far, and Rapunzel finds herself happily being washed away in a tidal wave of pleasure that crashes over the rocks that are her mental fortitude, slowly eroding all cognizant thought as she loses herself in the activity, in this… her first time having sex.

Meanwhile, Gothel continues to sing, even as she watches the two young people she's brought together fornicate with one another. She watches with wicked glee written across her face, and growing arousal budding in her eyes. But… as much as she might want to join in, as much as she wants to stop singing and just finger herself instead, she knows she can't stop yet. She has to wait a little longer, she NEEDS to let this happen in order to test a theory of hers. If she's right, she'll have it all… if she's wrong, she'll still have Rapunzel and Flynn, now won't she?

The witch can scarcely contain her excitement, and one could hear it in the song she's singing if they truly listened. Neither Flynn nor Rapunzel are though. While they're certainly hearing the music, its so much background noise at this point, not even worth paying attention to as they focus their all on each other instead, staring into one another's eyes as cock slides up into cunt and Rapunzel bounces while Flynn thrusts.

Speaking of Flynn… he's been trying to hold back for a while now. But its hard. Oh, it's getting VERY hard. He can feel the pressure within him coming to a pitch, he can feel his balls churning like never before as his glowing cock slams up into Rapunzel again and again. However, the one place he can't quite reach is her womb. He's smacking against the cervix now, almost the entirety of his cock buried in her cunt.

But there's a couple inches left, and the entrance to her womb is the only thing keeping Flynn from hilting himself inside the nubile young blonde. Normally, he would ask. Normally, he would announce when he was getting close. Right now, though, in a fit of selfishness, Flynn doesn't do either of those things. High on magic and life and the pleasure of the act he's currently engaged in with Rapunzel, the young man instead reaches back down, grabs her by the hips again, and on the next bounce, SLAMS Rapunzel down onto his cock.

This has the effect of penetrating right through her cervix and into her womb, as well as sealing his entire cock within her cunt, the base of his member now kissed by a pair of stretched-wide, formerly virgin pussy lips. Rapunzel's green eyes go wide for a moment, and the small o her mouth has turned into becomes a very BIG O indeed as a silent scream emits from her throat for a brief second.

Then, her eyes roll back in her head and she begins to cum, which in turn finishes setting him off, though in truth, he was already well on his way. Still, Rapunzel's cunt walls tighten and squeeze down on his cock like they never have before, even her battered-open cervix milking his length. In turn, Flynn cums deep inside of Rapunzel's womb, filling her with his seed, pouring his glowing, golden-white ejaculate into her without pause and without care.

Both of them have their eyes closed, so all they see through their lids is a bright flash of light that signals their mutual climax. What Gothel sees is the whole picture, the glow between them igniting like the sun as they both cum together, their entire bodies seeming to glow as she continues to sing. Slowly, Gothel lets the melody fall away. Slowly, she stops singing. As she does so, the glow dies down again and then eventually disappears altogether.

For a moment, there's silence, made more apparent by the sudden absence of Gothel's beautiful, melodic voice. The quiet is filled with nothing but the sounds of panting as Rapunzel and Flynn both let out heaving breaths, their chests jumping up and down with each one. Gothel finds herself stepping closer, only to stop and lift both brows as they start back up again right before her eyes.

No glow this time, no song… but that doesn't stop Flynn from rearing up off the bit, sitting up and wrapping his arms around Rapunzel's nubile young form as he kisses her deeply and begins to bounce her up and down on his cock once more. At the same time, Rapunzel seems quite thrilled to reciprocate, her own hands coming up to rest on Flynn's chest as she kisses him right back, her hips circling around and gyrating along his member as she's soundly fucked in his lap.

They move almost feverishly, meeting thrust with thrust, action with action, need with need… Gothel can't help but study them, watching them. It was like they were in their own world of carnal pleasure, and as she took in the sight of the two of them, she observed them both cumming again, once more in unison.

Flynn's essence was leaking out of Rapunzel's drooling quim by this point, running across his still churning ball sack. Yet he never softened or slowed in his actions. He never once stopped. Something had very clearly happened between the two of them, and Gothel wanted to learn more. Stepping closer again, trying to get a good angle so she can properly study them, the beautiful dark-haired older woman leans in, only to find herself suddenly swept up in the debauchery.

Flynn's arm hooks around her waist before Gothel can even react, and he pulls away from Rapunzel's lips to capture the witch's, kissing her deeply even as he continues to pump into Rapunzel herself. Meanwhile, the blonde isn't all that idle either. With her mother now pressed up against their naked bodies, Rapunzel's nimble fingers dart out, and Gothel can fee it as the younger woman begins to work at untying her dress and pulling it off of her.

It seems she's awoken a pair of monsters… not that Gothel is at all put off by this. She has a lot to think about, and more experiments to run. But to see if her greatest experiment has been a success will take time… for now, she might as well get in on the fun and enjoy herself as well. So, the older woman lets the two young people she's ensnared into this debauchery that they're engaged in ensnare her in turn. She lets Rapunzel and Flynn pull her close and undress her, and she enjoys very much as things take an even greater turn towards the perverse.

All according to plan…


Everything was going according to plan. It had been a few days since she'd finally seen Flynn and Rapunzel get together. The way that the magical essence of youth reacted within them both as they joined together in lovemaking was… exquisite. Not because Mother Gothel was any sort of romantic or anything, far from it. But even she had to admit that watching them go at it was one of the most beautiful things she'd ever seen. Namely because it gave her so much damn power.

Flynn and Rapunzel, meanwhile, had been riding at an all time high since the first time she had them have sex. The feedback loop created by the golden energy housed in both their bodies was keeping them going nonstop, almost all day long. It was making the two behave akin to teenagers in heat, barely spending any time not exploring each other's bodies in some small way.

Meanwhile, Gothel watched it all with no small amount of amusement, even as her health and age reached a sort of… equilibrium. No more was the woman having to sing every few hours just to keep the grey away, just to reverse the wrinkles. Just being near the two young lovers, just being involved in a good portion of their sexual escapades… it was enough to turn back the clock, and Gothel had a feeling that it might very well be permanent.

There's something coming. She can taste it. It's almost time… just one more push, and she would have her permanent youth and so much more.


"So, you've literally never left the tower?"

"Um… no, I suppose I haven't. Mother always says it's dangerous out there, and that there are lots of people who would try to hurt me if I did."

"… Well, I suppose I can't exactly say she's wrong on that. Still, while there's a lot of bad in the world, there's a lot of good, too."

"Oh! I know, I've seen plenty of beautiful sights from my window that I would like to investigate further! B-But is it really worth it? Worth the danger?"

Flynn seems to consider that for a moment. The two of them, Flynn and Rapunzel, are in Rapunzel's room at the very top of the tower. They're naked, of course, and laid out on either side of Rapunzel's bed, resting from their latest… rendezvous. Flynn had decided that he was going to try and talk with Rapunzel a little bit, and the golden-haired girl had jumped at the chance.

Together, they were slowly dispelling the awkwardness that came with their first meeting being a deep-throat session basically put on by Rapunzel's mom. It's nice, having a chance to talk amongst themselves, having a chance to learn about each other. Even still, Rapunzel had a habit of asking hard questions.

"I honestly couldn't say. Life before I arrived here at this tower was okay. It was manageable. But that's about all I can say for it. Now that I'm here, I can sort of see why you and Gothel might want to live here forever and ever."

Rapunzel blushes at that, all the way down to her tits. She has a pretty good idea of why Flynn enjoys his time in the tower so much. Biting her lower lip, the blonde looks over to his cock, which even now is half-hard. And yet, he's not demanding anything of her. He's never demanded anything, to be fair. The one who gave orders was her mother. Not that Rapunzel minded. She'd spent all her life obeying Mother Gothel. It just seemed right to do so here as well.

Just as things are starting to feel somewhat relaxed and casual between the two of them, just as Rapunzel is considering initiating things for the first time and leaning over to put a hand around Flynn's cock and the head of his member in her mouth… the door opens. Mother Gothel steps into the room as both of the young people inside of it freeze for a moment, before remembering that they're not doing anything wrong, and especially not doing anything that she doesn't know about.

Gothel just smiles as she clasps her hands together in front of her.

"My daughter, dear boy… there is one final spell that we must perform, to keep things from unraveling."

Flynn and Rapunzel both blink at that. It sounds vague, but also suitably ominous. Unraveling? Rapunzel has been conditioned all her life not to ask questions, but Flynn hasn't.

"What do you mean? Wha- oh…"

Of course, Mother Gothel knows exactly what to do to shut the young man up. She reaches up, undoes the clasp on her red cloak, and lets it flow off of her shapely, voluptuous, perfect body. Smirking at Flynn's gobsmacked expression, she moves towards the bed, climbing on board and slipping easily into the space between the two of them.

What follows is several minutes of foreplay, groping and mutual kissing galore as Rapunzel and Flynn fall into the swing of things, slowly going along with Mother Gothel's desires. How can they not? It feels so good, giving in. Rapunzel has never felt such pleasure, while Flynn has never had two beautiful women who want nothing more than to satisfy him. Especially not a mother-daughter duo. The concept of forbidden fruit has never been stronger.

Lips smash together, hands adventure over each other's bodies. In the end though, Gothel takes command of the situation as she's wont to do, pushing Flynn back against the wall at the head of the bed and then pulling Rapunzel into position on one side of him, while she leans forward on the other. With their tits out, Gothel instructs her 'daughter' on how best to use her breasts to satisfy the boy.

"Take your chest and push it together like this my dear. Wrap it around his cock."

Rapunzel blushes, and looks upon her mother's larger chest with clear envy, but in the end, she still manages to do what Gothel tells her to do all the same. Their nipples end up rubbing together as they give Flynn a dual-titjob, while Flynn himself is left groaning and tilting his head back in pleasure at how their soft titflesh feels wrapped around his shaft.

"Don't slack off now, Rapunzel. You need to keep it up, sweetie. Otherwise, dear Flynn might think you don't care about him."

Rapunzel flushes at that, and hastily speeds up, showing her eagerness to make Flynn know how much she likes him as she slides her breasts up and down his cock. Flynn, seeing this, opens his mouth to contradict Gothel and tell Rapunzel that he already does know she cares about him, but another groan exits his throat instead, as Mother Gothel's hand falls below his shaft and she fondles his balls at exactly the right moment.

He's getting close now, and the witch can tell it. Smiling wickedly, Gothel reaches out with her other hand and slides her fingers through Rapunzel's hair, forcing her 'daughter's' head down onto Flynn's dick tip.

"Suck on it, darling. Give it your all."

Rapunzel squeaks, but does as she's told. A few moments later, Flynn lets out one last groan and then begins to cum. With his cockhead trapped between Rapunzel's lips, and Mother Gothel's instructions firmly entrenched in the young blonde's mind, Rapunzel drinks every last drop of his seed down. Gothel watches this, but does not interfere, simply smiling as the blonde does as she's told. She hadn't sung the melody, so it wasn't like Flynn's seed was particularly energized. It certainly wasn't golden.

Regardless, once Rapunzel has drunk down Flynn's seed, Gothel changes things up yet again, moving the two young people into position once more. This time, Rapunzel is left between her mother and the man she's fallen for, and as Gothel leads, Flynn follows, the two of them tending to her, leaving her awash in pleasure. Flynn sucks on one of Rapunzel's tits, while Gothel slides two fingers up into the blonde's cunt to make sure she's ready.

Only once she's ascertained how wet Rapunzel is does Mother Gothel sing her melody. She sings, and Rapunzel and Flynn both glow, her hair, and his cock. Though, Rapunzel's chest also glows gold, but that's only because his seed is just beginning to travel down her gullet. Regardless, Gothel makes sure to turn Rapunzel over onto all fours, and then she leans over her daughter and spreads her thighs apart for Flynn.

"Go on then, Flynn. Put it inside of her. Make love to my beloved daughter."

He looks slightly nonplussed, given the fact that she's having him take Rapunzel from behind like this, rather than on her back as most lovemaking would be done. At the same time though, his cock is unbelievably hard and glowing gold as Gothel resumes her song after giving her command. Not able to hold back anymore, Flynn moves forward, fits his cockhead against Rapunzel's dripping wet cunt lips, and thrusts forward.

The blonde girl cries out as she's filled with Flynn's thick member. She moans, even as he begins to fuck her, plowing Rapunzel from behind. He starts out slow, of course. He doesn't want to hurt the girl. But then, Gothel changes the tempo of her melody, increasing the speed at which she's singing. Flynn finds himself wanting more, no, NEEDING more. He has to go faster, he has to match the tempo.

Rapunzel shrieks and screams, but not in pain. Rather, her cries are of bliss and ecstasy as Flynn gives it to her harder and harder. And yet, she does not cum. No climax arrives for Rapunzel. Instead, she finds her mother's cunt right in front of her eyes as Mother Gothel positions herself before the blonde's face, taking hold of her daughter's long blonde locks and pulling Rapunzel in close.

This time, she doesn't stop singing, not even for a moment, certainly not to give commands. She doesn't need to, not when it's easier to just force Rapunzel to do what she wants. The witch grinds her 'daughter' down into her cunt, and in response, Rapunzel begins to kiss and lick at her pussy, her eyes somewhat confused but also slightly afraid as she stares up into her mother's wide smile. The witch never stops singing, never stops giving off her melody.

As the three sync up, their bodies moving in unison, Gothel summons just a bit of magic. The song once again changes in rhythm and tempo. Faster and faster. Brighter and brighter. This is the moment she's been waiting for. This is the moment that she's been trying to bring to pass. Having connected herself to the act now, with Rapunzel eating her out and Flynn fucking Rapunzel from behind like a man possessed, Gothel looks upon her work… and lets the crescendo hit.

The three reach climax at the exact same time, and Rapunzel's orgasm in particular is incredibly explosive as her eyes roll back in her head. Her tongue sticks straight out of her mouth, but because her mouth is connected to Mother Gothel's cunt, it's not visible, really. Regardless, she climaxes HARD as Flynn floods her insides with his seed, while at the same time, her mother does the same with her pussy juices.

Rapunzel's womb is pumped full of Flynn's glowing golden cum, and her mouth has to suddenly deal with Gothel's gushing sexual fluids. Needless to say, when they finally pull away from her, Rapunzel is very tired, and utterly spent. Gothel pulls her up and cradles her in her arms as the blonde falls asleep, a smile of satisfaction on her face.

Flynn too, feels more than a little drained. However, before he can do anything, Gothel is on top of him, slowly but forcibly pushing the young man onto his back as she climbs on board, Rapunzel sleeping in the pillows behind her.

"The spell is only half-finished, Flynn. Once you cum inside of me, the magic will be complete."

Blinking blearily, Flynn opens his mouth to protest, feeling unaccountably tired. But Mother Gothel's next words bring him back to full awareness, giving him a boost of adrenaline as she slips his cock inside of herself and leans forward, caressing his cheek.

"Once the magic is complete, you will have me and my daughter at your side forever…"

The thought of having the mother-daughter duo at his beck and call forever is enough to rejuvenate the young man. Gothel just giggles as his hands come up to clasp around her waist, moving between her thin waist and her wide hips as she just sits still for a moment, savoring the feeling of having him inside of her, and at the same time letting him enjoy the feel of her inner walls clenching and squeezing rhythmically up and down every last inch of his cock.

Eventually though, she begins to move. She gyrates her ass. Up and down, side to side, Gothel rides Flynn with all her might, bringing the best of her carnal knowledge to bare. With this, she would master Flynn and Rapunzel. With this, she would make them both hers, forever more. She wanted nothing less than to have them permanently under her control. She had to keep her youth. She had to be strong.

Of course, Flynn is no slouch either. The exhaustion he'd felt before is gone now as Gothel begins to sing again. The melody flows from her lips and the power within him grows in response. Growling, the young man drives up into the hot, wet cunt currently caressing and grinding around his cock. He meets her drops with pumps and thrusts of his own, as much as he can possibly give.

And yet, he does not cum easily. Both of them begin to notice it, as the fucking continues on for what feels like an eternity. Eventually, Gothel begins to grow tired, and Flynn recognizes this, and takes advantage of it. With another growl, the young man usurps Gothel's position of being on top. He pushes up, and she ends up falling back onto her side.

Taking one of her legs, Flynn slides the long, slender, pale thing up onto his shoulder and fucks Gothel on her side, even as she does her best to keep the melody alive through her moans and mewls. Her hands clutch at the bedding as Flynn fucks her, his gaze fixated on the way her body bounces and jiggles with each and every thrust he makes.

If her tits look that glorious when he's fucking her on her side like this… what might her ass look like if he fucked her from behind like he had her daughter? If they were both going to be his forever anyways, why not, right? With a wicked, roguish sort of grin on his face, Flynn once again switches positions on Mother Gothel, the poor witch barely able to keep singing as he pushes her onto her front and then pulls her hips up.

She ends up staring right at the sleeping figure of Rapunzel, even as Flynn thrusts into her from behind. Still though, Mother Gothel sings. Still, she maintains the melody. She has to. The magic is already initiated, even if the way Flynn is pounding and plowing her from behind is making her eyes cross, even if all she wants to do is give into the pleasure.

She HAS to keep singing… so that's what Gothel does. Though, of course, Flynn is having the time of his life now, watching her fat, gorgeous ass bounce and jiggle with every thrust into her tight, clenching cunt.

"You've got a nice ass, Mother Gothel. Very… generous."

She stiffens at the backhanded compliment but keeps singing. Still, that doesn't mean she can't look over her shoulder at him, adopting a truly indignant expression as she glares back at him. Flynn just grins cheekily, seeming to understand the power he currently has over her. As she tries to express her outrage, Flynn gives her ass a slap, causing a different sort of expression to cross Gothel's face, as in the middle of her song, she ends up squeaking and squeezing down on his cock all the harder.

Flynn just laughs as the witch turns back around, hiding her shame and focusing her efforts on the song coming from her lips, while he continues to fuck her and abuse her ass. His hands come down on both of her butt cheeks like a pair of drums, until they're red and imprinted with his handprints. Still, eventually he gets tired of that too. They're STILL fucking, and while Flynn is beginning to wonder at how long it's taking for him to cum this time around, at the same time, he's never felt stronger, never felt more energized. This one… this one is going to be a kicker. He can already tell.

Part of him wants to see Gothel's face, when he finally cums inside of her. That part slowly overwhelms the part of him that's enjoying spanking and groping her fat buttocks, so finally, Flynn pulls out for a moment and flips Gothel over onto her back for one last stretch of fucking. His hands close around her ankles, and he pulls her legs up, forcing them backwards into a classic mating press.

In this new position, Flynn has framed the dark-haired woman's pale, bountiful chest perfectly, and he stares at her jiggling, exquisite titties, even as he hammers into her harder and harder and harder. At this point, Gothel is singing at that quick, fast-paced tempo again. It makes sense, Flynn can feel himself getting closer and closer. Hell, he can practically feel the magic in the air around them as his glowing golden cock pistons in and out of the MILF's delicious cunt.

"Here it comes…"

He mutters those words under his breath, so sure of himself. Of course, he's not expecting Gothel to suddenly reach up and wrap her arms around his neck, pulling Flynn down into a deep, tongue-filled kiss. The two of them make out, their tongues intertwining, even as Flynn lets go of Gothel's ankles, and her legs come down and then around to lock behind his back.

She tightens her pussy as hard as she can, still singing into his mouth as they both come undone in that moment. Just as Flynn thought, this was one for the books. He cums a mighty geyser inside of Mother Gothel's womb, pumping his golden seed into her to the point that the witch ends up overstuffed. They're both climaxing explosively, and eventually, Gothel can no longer maintain her hold on him either, her grip running out.

Flynn pulls out, even while still firing off. The last of his load ends up spraying all over the older woman, but he's not really able to appreciate it, as he's already falling backwards, completely tapped of energy, passed out on the bed in a sort of dueling opposite to Rapunzel's sleeping form. His cock slowly stops glowing, and then begins to fall limp, just as spent as the rest of him.

Gothel herself is laid out between the two, though she slowly sits up and smiles, regarding her own naked flesh. The last of Flynn's cum had landed all over her, covering her from her stomach to her breasts, to her face. She sets about lazily licking and lapping it up, using her fingers to scoop cum into her mouth, even as she watches her snatch leak a truly excessive amount of the stuff.

An evil sort of triumphant smirk spreads across Mother Gothel's face, and she weaves a small spell before stepping off the bed and heading downstairs. Opening a small side table drawer, Mother Gothel pulls out a vial and downs the contents within, feeling the concoction, a supplement if you will, rushing through her.

She cackles then, secure in the knowledge that she's far enough away that neither Rapunzel nor Flynn will wake up to the noise. Everything was perfect now. Everything was exactly as she needed it to be. And who knew… perhaps in nine months, she would even get to experience what it felt like to be a true mother, right alongside Rapunzel.

Sliding her hand over her abdomen, right above her womb, feeling how full she is of Flynn's seed, Gothel just grins. Oh yes, there was no doubt in her mind that she was pregnant now. And Rapunzel likely was too. Gothel could feel it, rushing through her form. The golden energy of youth… but also of virility and fertility.

With a little bit of help from her concoctions and her magic, she could manipulate that golden energy. She could make every shot of cum from Flynn's glowing golden cock a sure-fire hit. Now, her and Rapunzel would be pregnant. And Flynn wouldn't be going anywhere, because that would mean abandoning the children that she and her 'daughter' had been given by his wonderful seed.

Giggling a bit to herself now, Mother Gothel does a little dance, twirling about the bottom floor of the tower in pure ecstasy. Everything had gone according to plan. Everything was as it should be. She… she was finally complete.


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