Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

A Medical Situation (Naruto)

A/N: A Medical Situation is a commissioned two-shot originally written from May to June of 2018. Compiling it into a one-shot here and now for readers to enjoy!

Summary: Naruto has a very rare medical situation to be dealt with. On top of that, it's the worst case of this particular affliction Tsunade's ever seen. In the end... she and Shizune do everything they can to help the young ninja out.

Themes: Threesome, Brainwashing, Breeding


Tsunade lets out a low sigh as she shifts her shoulders a bit, grimacing. The medical notes on the clipboard held in her hand do little to alleviate the slight headache building in the forefront of her skull. Reaching up, Tsunade rubs her forehead with the pads of her fingers. Beside her, Shizune stands, fidgeting, a light blush on her face as she awaits Tsunade's verdict.

Still, there's nothing to be done about it. In the end, Tsunade tosses the clipboard onto the table in front of her and swivels around to face the third occupant of the private examination room. The Fifth Hokage takes in Naruto as he sits a few feet away, looking sheepish while squirming in place in honest embarrassment. At least he wasn't acting smug or cocky about his predicament. That made it a little more amusing than annoying.

The young man was trying in vain to hide the very noticeable bulge in his pants, and ultimately, he was failing quite spectacularly. Despite her age and despite her position, Tsunade couldn't help but glance down at that bulge more than once as she cleared her throat and finally looked up to meet Naruto's big blue eyes, his pleading look visible on his face as he whimpers.

"W-What's wrong with me, Lady Tsunade?"

Wow. If anything else, the fact that he hadn't called her 'Grandma' was a testament to just how out of sorts Naruto was. Blinking, Tsunade found herself questioning what she'd thought was a simple truth until now. Was Naruto… Was Naruto still a virgin? It would explain why this had happened, in truth. He'd just spent years traveling with Jiraiya of all people, and in all that time, he'd never gotten laid?

Jiraiya might have been an old perv, but the 'old' part was exactly what made him dangerous. Because he was also a skilled and more importantly famous shinobi. As such, despite his perverted ways, Tsunade wasn't ignorant to the fact that Jiraiya got more than his fair share of sex on his travels. She'd expected Naruto to get sucked into that lifestyle. She'd expected to have to drag the blonde boy back into reality once he got back.

When Jiraiya had informed her that Naruto had spent all of his time training in ninjutsu and the like instead of chasing skirts, Tsunade had been leery of believing him. But now the evidence was staring her right in the face, wasn't it? She could no longer deny the truth. Letting out yet another sigh, Tsunade just shakes her head, realizing both Naruto and Shizune are still waiting for an answer.

"You have an exceedingly rare form of Chakra Blockage, Naruto."

Before her protégé and assistant can pipe up from beside her, Tsunade cuts Shizune off with a raised hand and an answer to her inevitable question.

"And no, Shizune. He will not be able to exhaust himself using ninjutsu, or else the situation would not have occurred to begin with. Due to the exact tenketsu involved, he'll require specialized aid."

Naruto looks blank at that, but Shizune goes a far deeper shade of red that tells Tsunade the younger woman knows exactly what she's talking about. Fixing Naruto with an impassive stare, Tsunade gestures towards his crotch.

"Take it out, brat. Let's get this over with."

Naruto's eyes go wide, and he glances between his obvious bulge and Tsunade's expressionless face a couple times in shock.

"I… huh… w-what?! I can't do that, Grandma!"

Ah, and the disrespect is back so quickly. Inhaling sharply as her nostrils flare, Tsunade resists the urge to snap as she keeps her cool, her tone idle and casual when she ultimately responds.

"If the Chakra Blockage isn't dealt with correctly, it risks permanent damage, Naruto. Are you sure you want that?"

Naruto's big blue eyes go wide, and he shakes his head back and forth in fear. At the same time, he's not actually moving to pull his dick out. Letting out yet another sigh, Tsunade stands and tugs at her already loose shirt, allowing her massive, bare breasts to hang free in the open air.

"Shizune, assist me."

She doesn't need to say anything else to get her blushing protégé to follow her lead. She honestly would have expected more protest from Shizune than Naruto in this, but it seems today is a day for broken expectations. Shizune's own breasts spring free of her shirt, though she also has to pull the wrapping from around them as well. Then, together, the two medic-nins step up to a squirming, bright red Naruto.

When Tsunade kneels down before him, Shizune follows her lead and does the same. Trying to keep control of the situation and her general impassiveness, Tsunade remains somewhat serene, even as she stares at Naruto's bulging crotch.

"Shizune. Expose the patient's member."

The younger kunoichi does as she's told once more, and undoes the ties on Naruto's pants, batting his hands away even as he whines a little bit. Then, his throbbing, pulsating length springs free and slaps against Shizune's face with a meaty smack, causing the beautiful dark-haired girl to let out a shocked gasp. The sight of Naruto's sheer size has Tsunade's brow lifting and a low, appreciative whistle leaving her lips.

It's not her first dick, far from it. She's seen quite a few impressive specimens in her life time in fact. But Naruto's is in a whole new class of its own.

"Go on then, Naruto. I know what you need. Go ahead and get it out of your system. You can touch them as much as you like."

Naruto's eyes are perpetually wide at this point, but even as Shizune goes an even deeper shade of red, the dark-haired kunoichi doesn't try to counter Tsunade's words. In the end, Naruto just can't resist reaching out and grabbing hold of their tits. He gropes and kneads their breasts, one in each hand, alternating back and forth between them. Tsunade's breath hitches, but she manages to keep her composure, even as Shizune gasps and then lets out a startled moan.

She doesn't blame her protégé. Only years of experience keep Tsunade from doing the same. Naruto is… Naruto is surprisingly skilled with his fingers, almost as if he has a lot of practice correctly handling soft, springy orbs like the ones currently in his hands. It's becoming more and more difficult for Tsunade to keep her cool, so in the end she decides to move on and turn things towards a more educational route.

"R-Right. Next… next, I'll be showing Shizune how to properly handle a situation like this. Naruto, please remove your hands and lean back a bit."

The young man is reluctant to do so, but a direct stare from his Hokage has him ultimately backing off with a blush of his own on his face. Tsunade is the only one not blushing up a storm in embarrassment at this point, but even her cheeks grow a little pink when she leans forward and lifts her breasts with her own hands to wrap them around Naruto's massive mast of a pecker. His cock sticks straight out from his crotch, reaching an impressive length now that it's finally left the confines of his pants.

Tsunade can barely avoid the thing touching her face as she guides her breasts up and down his shaft, back and forth along his meaty member. Eventually, it becomes entirely unavoidable. In the end, Tsunade takes matters into her own hand and opens wide. The next time Naruto's cockhead comes by for a pass at her face, Tsunade lets it slide right past her lips and into her mouth.

She can sense Shizune's wide-eyed surprise from beside her, even as Naruto's jaw drops open and an involuntary groan leaves his lips from the sudden warm wet lips around his cock. Tsunade's tongue swishes and flicks this way and that across his dick tip, and the blonde throws his head back as he groans even louder.

"F-Fuck, Lady T-Tsunade!"

What, so all it took for the brat to go back to being formal was his dick in her mouth? Tsunade would have snorted derisively if she was in the position to do so. As it was, she simply continues to demonstrate for Shizune the proper way to service the patient's member. Thinking of all of this in medical terms helped her keep her impassivity for a little while longer.

Eventually though, she does pull back, wiping at her mouth with the back of her hands as she makes room for Shizune to move in.

"You're turn. Show me what you can do, Shizune."

Still blushing a deep scarlet, the younger kunoichi still doesn't protest or disobey as she shuffles into the place between Naruto's legs that Tsunade had occupied a moment before. Wrapping her own hefty, yet smaller tits around Naruto's member, the dark-haired woman hesitantly does the same with her lips around his tip, sliding back and forth along his length while also sucking and slurping quite noisily at his cockhead.

This continues for a bit, until she pulls back and gives Tsunade an earnest look of concern.

"A-Am I doing it right?"

As much as she hates to admit it… and thus, she won't admit it, Tsunade has been growing hot and bothered by the whole thing. And she… perhaps, maybe just a little, wants another go. So, despite the fact that Shizune is a quick study and has already managed to figure out the basics pretty fast, Tsunade shakes her head and steps in again.

What follows is a lesson in how to give a titjob-blowjob combo, in the guise of a medical procedure. As embarrassing as it is for the two medic-nins, Tsunade can tell its even more embarrassing for Naruto, as he blushes and covers his face at times, squirming beneath their ministrations. She and Shizune trade back and forth for what feels like an eternity, each of them working at wrapping their tits and their lips around Naruto's impressive size.

It's not until Shizune pulls back panting and suggests something a bit more unconventional that they get results though.

"Why don't… why don't we try to do it t-together?"

Tsunade blinks at that and has to valiantly resist the urge to blush as deep a shade of red as her apprentice is already blushing. In the end though, they give it a try. It requires Naruto to spread his legs a big more to give the two of them enough room to kneel before him together… but once they get into position, Tsunade quickly realizes that this was the only way to ever truly take care of such a mighty specimen as Naruto's cock.

Their breasts do not clash or struggle against one another. Instead, they end up complementing one another in a way Tsunade wasn't expecting to be possible. Ultimately, it's her mouth that ends up on Naruto's cockhead, while Shizune is content to slide her tongue up and down the underside of his magnificent dick.

In the end, it's only the two of them working together that brings Naruto to his limits.

"F-Fuck… U-Um… something… something's coming!"

Shizune's eyes dart to Tsunade's, but she merely gives her protégé a simple nod to keep going. The two of them proceed to use their breasts and their mouths to milk Naruto dry. The final straw is when Tsunade lifts her hand up between the young man's legs, her expert fingers gliding over his churning balls. With a shout and a holler, Naruto finally lets loose.

Pulling back at the last second, Tsunade escapes a mouth full of cum in exchange for a face full of the stuff. Shizune gets the same treatment as Naruto's seed practically geysers out of his cockhead, exploding all over the both of them, painting their faces and their naked tits white with cum. Some of it still manages to get in each of their mouths, and both women come to the same startling conclusion independent of one another.

Naruto's cum is delicious. Before even Tsunade knows what's going on, she finds herself licking down her young assistant, while Shizune happily reciprocates, paying homage and worship to Tsunade's massive, cum-covered breasts. They both ignore the patient for a little while as they lose themselves in the taste of his delectable seed, but ultimately there comes a point where they're each covered in more saliva than ejaculate.

Around that time, Tsunade comes back to herself, realizing belatedly what she's done even as Shizune's wide eyes stare at her in shock. Flushing just a bit more, the blonde kunoichi attempts to retake control of the situation, clearing her throat as she stands up and looks imperiously down at both Naruto and Shizune. Of course, she doesn't bother to cover her free-hanging breasts. Instead, she focuses on Naruto's cock. Which, surprise surprise, is still very hard indeed.

Given the amount of Chakra that Naruto had flowing through him, Tsunade had never expected a single load to 'fix' his blockage. That said, utilizing their mouths and their tits to get him off over and over again until he was finally fine would be unlikely to work all that well, since it would end in wear and tear on Tsunade and Shizune, their jaws getting sorer and sorer, and their tits experiencing rashes from all the friction.

That meant it was time to move onto the next stage of treatment. When she says as much to the room, Naruto looks embarrassed by confused, while Shizune's eyes go wider than ever before as she immediately understands what the 'next stage of treatment' would entail. Standing up as well, the dark-haired kunoichi blushes up a storm.

"W-Well then, L-Lady Tsunade. I'm happy t-to let you have the h-honor of showing me, um… how it's d-done…"

Tsunade lifts an eyebrow at that, along with one corner of her mouth.

"Cute, Shizune. But no. This is something that you learn by doing. Don't worry, I'll be there to help you every step of the way~"

Unlike Naruto, Tsunade didn't just think Shizune was still a virgin. She KNEW her introverted protégé was still virginal. And while this was certainly an important medical problem that they were solving together, it was also an opportunity for Tsunade to make sure Shizune finally had her cherry popped. As far as she's concerned, it's far past time.

Shizune continues to express her recalcitrance through wringing her hands and whimpering, but Tsunade isn't having any of that as she moves forward and takes the younger woman in hand. It doesn't take much effort for her to have Shizune bent over the table behind them, lifting up the back of her already-disheveled kimono without pause. Slipping her fingers into the hem of Shizune's panties, Tsunade all but tears them downwards, causing her apprentice to let out a rather undignified yelp as they end up around her knees, her legs shaking in trepidation and anticipation of what was to come.

Of course, Tsunade wasn't even done 'helping' then. Grinning a bit wickedly, the Fifth Hokage reaches down and uses her fingers to spread Shizune's glistening pussy lips wide open, right before an awestruck Naruto's eyes, even as the young man looked on in utter shock, his cockhead pointing unerringly towards Shizune's ready-and-waiting cunt from across the room.

"Come on then, Naruto. Place your member here and just push right on in. It'll feel even better, and we'll be well on our way to curing you of your affliction."

Naruto seems even less sure of this than Shizune, though he does stand up and make his way over towards them. Taking his big dick in both hands, the young man guides his cockhead to Shizune's blossoming flower, pushing right into the opening Tsunade is making with her fingers. But while he does place his tip there, he stops before he can truly push all the way in as Tsunade wants him to.

"U-Um… w-what about babies?"

That gets a blink from the blonde kunoichi, before she then smiles and lets out a light laugh, shaking her head and covering her grin with one hand.

"There's no need to worry about that, Naruto. All Kunoichi have a specialized seal placed over their womb at time of graduation from the Academy, in order to prevent unwanted pregnancies."

Naruto blinks at that, seeming surprised for a moment.


Still chuckling, Tsunade leans in, letting her breasts swing back and forth for a moment to draw Naruto's attention.

"Go on then, Naruto. Nothing to do but push now."

With his last-minute concern mollified, Naruto really has no choice. So, blushing up a storm, the young man pushes into Shizune from behind, his cock sinking inch by inch into the kunoichi's dripping wet cunt. Moans and whines and mewling noises erupt from Shizune as she claws at the table Tsunade has her bent over, but once he starts, Naruto just can't seem to stop. His eyes are wide, and his mouth is open as he breathes unevenly from the feel of Shizune's cunt wrapped around his dick.

There's no physical proof of Shizune's virginity for him to take, but Tsunade's eyes still twinkle a bit from finally getting her apprentice laid. Most kunoichi lost their hymens during training fairly early on in life after all, and Shizune was no different. But there was a difference between losing one's hymen and getting your cherry popped for the first time.

And despite herself, despite wanting to treat this as a completely professional encounter, Tsunade couldn't help the warmth blazing in her chest as she watched the two go at it. Well, it was more Naruto going at it and Shizune along for the ride. Her apprentice's cries were getting louder and louder as Naruto's grunts became harsher and harsher. She was no longer holding Shizune's pussy lips open for him now, and instead Tsunade found herself half-sitting on the table Shizune was bent over, watching the view as she idly touched herself to the sight of Naruto's hands squeezing down on Shizune's firm buttocks, all while he plowed her cunt from behind.

"F-Fuck… fuck, fuck, FUCK! Y-You're so deep, Naruto… s-so deep. Oh gods, not more, not MOOOORE!"

Shizune's head tilts upwards as she arches her back. Tsunade's brow lifts at the young kunoichi's loss of decorum and professionalism. But watching as Naruto forces every last inch of his cock into Shizune's body, she can only imagine just how deep he is now. Of course, Shizune's minor protest is only temporary, before she's moaning out Naruto's praises and begging for more instead moments later.

"Yesss, just like that. Oh gods yes, it feels so good. F-Fuck me Naruto… keep going. Just like thaaaat…"

Naruto is well into it now, and happy to oblige Shizune. His cock pounds away into her cunt with all the force the young man can muster. Given he's just been on a training trip with Jiraiya, that turns out to be quite a lot of force. Tsunade barely notices the way one of her hands has slid down from her breasts to beneath her own kimono. She touches herself to the sight of Naruto and Shizune fucking.

Luckily, the private examination rooms have seals to keep noise from escaping, or half of the hospital would know what was going on. In the end, none of it would be known by anyone except the three of them. Surprisingly, Tsunade actually felt that she could trust Naruto to keep silent about all this. He'd grown up a lot over the years he'd been with Jiraiya, contrary to all of her expectations. He might have still been shockingly naïve and innocent in regard to sexual manners… but he'd matured in other ways.

Both physically and mentally… Tsunade finds herself licking her lips as Shizune begs Naruto for more and he gives it to her. The young man pounds into his current lover, his very first from behind with a sort of reckless abandon that reminds Tsunade of very few of the men in her life. Judging by the way Shizune is talking and moaning and begging for more, he's doing it right too.

It leaves Tsunade more than intrigued, if she's being honest. She'd been curious since the beginning, and that curiosity had been more than just from a professional standpoint. Now though? Now she was honestly eager to see if Naruto would be truly done after only two times. She didn't think he would be. She rather expected him to need a more experienced woman's touch before the end of all of this.

Still, for now it was Shizune's time. And judging by the way the dark-haired girl's eyes were rolled back in her skull as her tongue lulled out of her head, Shizune was having the time of her life. Tsunade couldn't help but be happy for her apprentice, the young woman that she'd taken and practically raised all these years. Watching her finally get a good, hard dicking from a kind-hearted boy like Naruto… it was the most that a mother could hope for in the end, wasn't it?

Or perhaps Tsunade had no idea what proper mothering looked like. Regardless, all good things come to an end, and ultimately, Shizune's clenching, squeezing cunt, her orgasms causing her to constantly be gripping rhythmically at Naruto's cock, finally brings things to a close. Her pussy walls milk Naruto for all he's worth, until his second release finally arrives and he begins to fill her with his seed, letting out a surprised shout right before doing so.

"I-It's coming again!"

Shizune's response is nothing more than a moan as she shakes and spasms across the table, her hips grinding back into Naruto's crotch. She happily takes his cum deep inside of her, and from the looks of things, Tsunade suspects Naruto is depositing his seed right into her womb, practically filling the kunoichi up to the brim. And then some as it turns out, because even when he pulls back away from her, his seed trails after him, immediately beginning to drip and leak from Shizune's well-fucked pussy.

The younger kunoichi is in no position to get up and go again… but as Tsunade hoped and expected, Naruto is still quite hard and erect as he stands there, clearly a little stunned by what just happened. Even after the mess he'd made of Shizune, he was ready and raring to go. And Tsunade would be lying if she said she wasn't eager for her own turn. Sliding off of the table, Tsunade sways her hips as she moves over to Naruto, a lewd grin on her face and all trace of professionalism gone.

"Sit back down Naruto. Shizune did her best… but it looks like you need someone a bit more experienced to take care of this problem for you."

Naruto doesn't seem inclined to move at first, but that's just fine with Tsunade. Closing in on him, she smirks as she places a hand on the young man's chest, slowly pushing him backwards until he all but falls into the seat behind him. Then, she easily swings a leg over him as she sits down on his lap. Before actively lowering herself onto his cock, Tsunade starts by placing his member between the two of them, rubbing her pussy lips along his length.

"L-Like that, Naruto?"

Panting heavily, Naruto looks between their bodies and Tsunade's face as he stares at both with wide eyes, his mouth open.


Neither respectful nor particularly bratty this time. Heh, it seemed she'd broken the boy of some bad habits today. He was so far along that things were finally coming to a head. Taking some initiative, Naruto reaches up and grabs hold of Tsunade's breasts, groping and squeezing them in his hands as he stares at them as if awestruck. His cock twitches and throbs between her pussy lips as she slides her sopping wet cunt up and down the underside of his member.


He breathes the word out as he makes eye contact with her, and Tsunade can see the need in the young man's eyes. Well, nothing to it now, is there? She was just as horny, just as aroused as Naruto by this point. She certainly wasn't going to STOP all of this without getting a taste of his cock, beyond the actual literal taste she'd already managed to grab.

Slowly rising up his length, Tsunade all but stands as she reaches down between them and grabs hold of his cock near the tip. It takes a bit of effort, but eventually she manages to get his large, bulbous cockhead in between her pussy lips. Swallowing thickly, the blonde woman recognizes that she's never had anything as big as Naruto's shaft inside of her… and she probably won't have anything as big as it in the future either. Naruto is a one of a kind specimen, Tsunade can tell that much.

With that thought firmly in the forefront of her mind, the Fifth Hokage slowly begins to sink down Naruto's member. She's a little rusty, admittedly. It's been a few years since her last time. But in the end, it's just like throwing a kunai. You never really forget that, after all. Inch after inch of Naruto's massive length disappears into Tsunade's cunt. She descends down into his lap, keeping her breathing steady and her composure outwardly intact.

Inwardly is another story, but she's able to take some strength and amusement from Naruto's groaning reactions as she works her inner walls up and down his member. Unlike Shizune, Tsunade has plenty of control over her insides, her pussy muscles well-trained to respond to her commands. As such, she's able to massage every bit of Naruto's massive cock, even as he stretches her out beyond anything she's ever had before him.

Eventually though, she does hit the end of the line. Naruto's cockhead bumps up against Tsunade's cervix, and that's where the blonde stops with a sigh, licking her lips as she allows herself a moment to adjust to Naruto's sheer size before she begins to bounce up and down on his cock. She's going to ride him to kingdom come… she just needs a few seconds to-


Naruto's tone, and the way his hands suddenly land on her hips, are the first signs that Tsunade may have bit off just a bit more than she could chew. The blonde blinks as she looks down at him, only to find Naruto staring down between their bodies, at where a full fifth of his rock-hard cock remains outside of her cunt. She finds herself staring at that too, looking past her full breasts to where they're joined.

Then, Naruto's grip suddenly tightens as he squeezes at her flesh with his fingers. His digits push in and he pulls with all his might. Tsunade's eyes go wide and her jaw drops open as her outward composure is shattered in that moment. Naruto's cockhead busts right through her cervix and up into her womb, filling her most sacred of places with dick meat as he forces the rest of his shaft up inside of her, fully sheathing his meat sword in her body.

Tsunade is left speechless, but Naruto is far from done. He glances up at her face, but seeing no actual recrimination or anger there, he seems to gain a bit more confidence. The next thing Tsunade knows, she's being fucked. And not just fucked, she's being railed from below as Naruto uses every bit of strength in his body to thrust up into her gripping, squeezing cunt with his massive cock. He fills her womb again and again, and Tsunade quickly loses control of the situation as a haze of pleasure begins to drift over her mind.

The Fifth Hokage suddenly had a new-found respect for her apprentice, given that Shizune had not only taken this monstrous member like a champ, but also as her very first cock. While Shizune was still passed out on the table nearby, Tsunade couldn't help but be all the prouder of her protégé, even as Naruto swiftly brought her to her first orgasm.

"O-Oh, FUCK!"

Losing all semblance of dignity, Tsunade lets out a throaty, wanton moan as she cums around Naruto's member. She barely notices when he takes things up a notch and stands from his seat, but her body still instinctively responds all the same. Her legs wrap around Naruto's legs, and her arms wrap around his neck at the same time that he buries his face in her breasts. Licking and slurping and sucking at her massive mammaries, Naruto bounces Tsunade's voluptuous body up and down on his gigantic member without pause and without fail.

It feels good… it feels better than good. Initially, Tsunade simply can't handle the sudden loss of control. She freezes up, at least mentally. But once she's recovered, once she's gotten the rhythm of the orgasms that Naruto is forcing from her down, the Fifth Hokage begins to get ahold of herself. All the same, she still finds herself along for the ride at Naruto's mercy more than in control of the situation.

And in the end, she finds that to be a fine state of affairs, ultimately. Tsunade happily grinds her hips down into Naruto's thrusting member as she shakes and bounces and jiggles. When he walks her over to the table and lays her down on her back beside her apprentice, Tsunade moans wantonly, her eyes smoky and needy as he looks down at her.

"Go on, Naruto… give me more."

Her tone is deep and husky, and it only serves to spur Naruto forward. With her now on her back, her legs spread in such a lewd way, the young man begins to fuck her even harder. He thrusts forward with the same speed and ferocity he used on Shizune, pounding into her time and time again without pause, without hesitation, without mercy.

They'd unleashed a bit of a monster today, obviously. Not the kind of monster to be worried about though, at least as far as Tsunade was concerned. The way Naruto was fucking her… it was a positively addicting, and at the same time overwhelming sensation, but she can't possibly bring herself to mind. She could even get used to this, perhaps even scheduling repeat sessions with Naruto well into the future.

After all, this Chakra Blockage only came about because the boy wasn't taking care of himself. He'd focused so much on his training, on his dream of becoming Hokage, that he'd not only remained a virgin all this time, where most shinobi and kunoichi lost theirs in the first year or so of active service, but he'd also clearly never masturbated.

Even amidst all the lewd activities that the three of them had been engaging in the past little while, Tsunade's mind had still been focused on the ultimate problem at hand. There was only one reason that Naruto would have THIS bad a case of Chakra Blockage down there. He'd never masturbated, not a single time. It wasn't like the Academy didn't teach sexuality to their ninja-in-training though.

But… Tsunade could easily imagine Naruto missing that class, or simply not paying attention to it. Thus, he wouldn't know that this sort of 'maintenance' was necessary for both male and female ninja to keep up their health. Of course, there was another reason that Naruto might not have ever masturbated. His cock was so big, so massive when aroused… it was possible that he just couldn't get himself off with his hands.

This was what Tsunade preferred to believe was the case, even as Naruto fucked her silly right next to Shizune's passed out, face down form. Because if it was indeed a fact that Naruto couldn't bring himself to climax by jerking it… well, it would only be proper for his personal medic-nin to help him with his dilemma whenever they could.

Tsunade had no doubts that Shizune would be on board, after the way the dark-haired kunoichi had gone from reluctant to gung-ho over the course of her dicking at the end of Naruto's shaft. She could certainly imagine why the younger kunoichi had enjoyed herself so much, now that she was experiencing it for herself.

Moaning and mewling even as she thought all this over, Tsunade couldn't deny that she was being fucked silly. It was growing harder and harder to think, the more Naruto fucked her into orgasm after orgasm. Given her experience and her maturity, Tsunade was able to hold off the effects of the constant tidal waves of pleasure crashing into her mind for a little while… but not for eternity.

Well, no point in resisting forever, now was there? Giving up the fight that she'd never truly wanted to win in the first place, Tsunade lets out a fresh, lewd cry as she really lets herself go. Washed away by the sea of ecstasy that Naruto is visiting upon her, the Fifth Hokage's eyes begin to roll back in her head as she shakes and spasms beneath him. She stops trying to modulate her pussy muscles, stops trying to control the gripping and squeezing of Naruto's cock as he pistons in and out of her cunt and womb.

In the end, Tsunade just lets it happen. She lets him blow her away with his dick, and by the time she feels his member pulsating and throbbing in a familiar way, she's more than ready to receive his load. Naruto groans and throws his head back as he finally cums for a third time. His seed pumps out of his member and into Tsunade's womb, painting her inner walls white and filling her to the brim.

And then it keeps going, and Tsunade's mouth forms into a wide O as he fills her and fills her and fills her. It feels like more than she can ever handle, and she wonders if this is what Shizune felt when she was pumped full. Ultimately, Naruto's seed begins to leak out of Tsunade's mewling quim the instant he pulls free of her cunt. The Fifth Hokage simply lays back and enjoys it for a moment, letting out a shuddering breath as she begins to smile.

"Lady T-Tsunade?"

Naruto is back to respectful, probably now that he thinks he's done something wrong. Looking up at him, Tsunade lets out an uncharacteristic giggle and slides her way off of the table. She barely catches herself on wobbly legs, and Naruto rushes forward to make sure she doesn't fall over. The kunoichi takes advantage of this, turning his helping hands into gropes as she guides him to her chest once more, even while kissing him deeply.

She backs him up towards the chair yet again, and slides onto him when he ends up sitting in it. Resting atop Naruto, with him still full mast between their bodies, Tsunade takes a moment to relax, well-pleased with everything that's happened. It wasn't how she expected today to go of course. It wasn't how she thought any of this would happen.

But she can't deny she's enjoyed herself, more than she probably should have. But then, Shizune and Naruto certainly had fun as well, so ultimately there's nothing to be too worried about. A stray thought does enter her mind though, as she sits atop Naruto, feeling oh so stuffed with his cum. Out of idle curiosity, Tsunade runs a diagnostic jutsu on herself. Her eyes widen slightly at what she sees there, and she immediately runs a similar diagnostic on Shizune's face down form.

To the Fifth Hokage's shock and bemusement, it seems Naruto was indeed right to be concerned about children. She and Shizune both read as at high risk for pregnancy, despite the seal. His seed, filling their wombs to the breaking point, is fighting its way through their respective seals to make it to their ovaries so it can penetrate their eggs.

She could still stop it of course… but Tsunade makes no move to do so, even as she mulls over the entire matter. She finds herself far more interested in the why and the how of what's happening then in preventing it from happening, as odd as that might be. In the end, Tsunade realizes that it's the extreme case of Chakra Blockage that's truly done it.

Naruto's balls are so saturated with Chakra from the Chakra Blockage that, combined with how Naruto instinctively mixes the Kyuubi's Chakra with his own these days, it all must have been enough to give his seed the ability to overpower the seal placed on their wombs. A plot begins to form in Tsunade's mind. It starts out as nothing more than a whim, an idea she should probably never have truly entertained.

Ah, but she's Hokage now, isn't she? It's her responsibility to see to the future of Konoha, to take advantage of any situation that allows her to improve Konoha's standing in the world. And perhaps, on top of that, she can do something in honor of Naruto's parents as well, utilize the boy in a way that she actually knows for a fact would have made Kushina at the very least proud. Minato would probably have been a bit more… well, he'd always been a prude, until Kushina had loosened him up. Jiraiya's teachings had apparently left his students LESS inclined to get it on, rather than more.

At least, that's what Tsunade could see now in the case of Naruto, and what she remembered from some of her girl talks with Kushina before she left Konoha behind. All in all, it made all the sense in the world for the Fifth Hokage to use the Fourth's son in a way that would benefit both Konoha and Naruto alike. Perhaps Naruto a bit more in the short-term, and Konoha a bit more in the long-term, but one way or another, they would each come out on top.

With a wicked grin on her face, Tsunade suddenly rises, leaving Naruto to stare at her wide eyed, his cock still unbelievably hard. Fixing up her kimono, the blonde kunoichi covers herself and hides her leaking quim as more and more of his seed trails down the inside of her thighs. Then, she adopts an imperious gaze.

"It looks like I'll need some… 'assistance' in dealing with this medical issue. I'll be right back, for now, utilize Shizune to continue to seek relief, Naruto."

Naruto opens his mouth to protest, but before he can say a word, Tsunade places two fingers against his forehead, a bit of chakra pulsing through them as she uses a rather obscure ninjutsu, one that she'd invented and then never taught to anyone, to remove Naruto's silly moralistic inhibitions. His eyes go wide for a moment, and then grow hungry. He lunges for her, but Tsunade is already pulling back and darting out of the way, a rather childish laugh on her lips as she moves aside, placing Shizune's body in Naruto's path instead.

As he is now, the young man doesn't differentiate between females. He simply takes the set of holes in front of him and goes for it. Tsunade smirks for a moment as Shizune comes back to life only to find Naruto's hard cock once more buried in her. The dark-haired kunoichi moans loudly and cries out as Naruto begins to fuck her. At the same time, Tsunade moves towards the door, a few choice picks already in her mind for just who she can call in to 'help out' with Naruto's 'affliction'.

However, as Tsunade reaches the door to the private examination room, she finds herself pausing with her hand reaching out to pull it aside. The sounds of Naruto fucking Shizune fill the air. The sounds of Shizune vocally enjoying it fill the air as well… and Tsunade finds herself growing unbelievably wet at the idea of getting another piece of the action.

Licking her lips, the Fifth Hokage ultimately turns away from the door and back to the room itself. Another round or three with Naruto before she brought in some back up couldn't hurt, right? They would… they would just hog him anyways. And while Tsunade knew intellectually that she would eventually HAVE to call in back up, as it became increasingly clear that she and Shizune couldn't handle Naruto's 'problem' alone, for now… for now it was fine if she simply enjoyed the delicious prize before her alongside her assistant, right?

Striding forward before she can second guess herself, Tsunade bends over the table right beside Shizune, startling both the dark-haired kunoichi and Naruto as she hikes up her own kimono and reveals her cream-stuffed, dripping wet cunt. Reaching out, the Fifth Hokage grabs hold of her protégé's hand in support and smiles as she looks back at a feral, lust-filled Naruto without a single inhibition left to him.

"Go on then big boy. Fuck her up… RUIN HER… and when you're done, I'll be here, waiting to go next~"

Naruto stares for only a moment more before he gets back to railing Shizune from behind. Tsunade watches her protégé's face as Shizune gets fucked, enjoying the myriad of expressions she goes through as she's pounded harder and harder from behind. Biting her lower lip, Tsunade uses her other hand to slide down between her legs. She fingers her cum-filled pussy with three of her digits, pistoning them in and out of her sloppy quim with wild abandon.

At the same time, there's actually a fourth presence in the room that none of the trio truly realizes is 'watching'. Tsunade had considered of him just a little while ago, but she hadn't followed the thought to its inevitable conclusion. As an almost bestial Naruto fucks Shizune and then Tsunade into oblivion, before pounding them both again and again and again, there's a certain presence deep in his soul, trapped behind a set of massive bars, locked in a cage.

And that presence laughs as it observes what's happening in the real world beyond through a tiny crack in its cage. The Kyuubi laughs and laughs and laughs at what it's caused with just a bit of its TRUE essence permeating Naruto's seed.


It takes her a couple hours to pull away. Mustering the willpower to leave Naruto and Shizune behind so she can finally put her plan into action is a lot harder than Tsunade initially expects it to be. The young shinobi's cock is just so… good. There's no other way to describe it, though she could go as far as to say it was absolutely fucking amazing. But that would just be dressing up the simple honest truth. Getting fucked by Naruto was heavenly, and Tsunade wanted more of it.

She couldn't stick around forever though. Even for a woman like her, Naruto was pushing the limits. Honestly, the Fifth Hokage felt a little bad about leaving Shizune to his not-so-tender mercies when she finally DID get out of the room. But someone had to keep Naruto occupied. That little medical ninjutsu she used would eventually wane, but for the moment at least, he was still quite aggressive, quite animalistic… and better it be Shizune, then some other unsuspecting female at the hospital.

Not that Shizune would satisfy him for much longer either. But then, that was why Tsunade had left, and that was why she was now wandering the halls of the hospital, searching for more kunoichi to share the load. It was necessary, she somehow knew that deep in her heart. There was no way that she and Shizune would be able to handle Naruto's extreme case of Chakra Blockage by themselves, no sir. They needed assistance. They needed… assistants.

Tsunade's eyes light up as she hears a familiar voice from down the hall.

"No, Ino! You're still doing it wrong! Ugh, you've got to focus on mixing the chakra in the right way, or you'll only hurt someone!"

"Honestly, Sakura, I'm trying my best here. I'm just not getting it. Maybe I'm not cut out to be a med-nin like you."

Her feet carry her down the hall before Tsunade herself even truly realizes they're doing so. She finds herself pauses just a step away from the open door, listening to her younger apprentice and her friend talk. It's clear that Sakura is trying to teach Ino a few med-nin techniques, and now that Tsunade realizes that, she also remembers the pink-haired kunoichi telling her something to that effect earlier today. She'd sort of blown it off, merely paying enough attention to what Sakura was telling her to release the girl for the day.

Sakura had a good head on her shoulders, after all, and she'd grown up a lot since leaving the shadow of her much more powerful teammates. Tsunade was proud of what the girl had become… and that pride, that affection for her newest apprentice, is enough to give the blonde pause for a moment. Is this truly the right thing? Should she really be dragging Sakura and Ino into the fox's maw?

A shudder runs through the Fifth Hokage's voluptuous form, and she shivers not in fear, but in delight as her mind turns to thoughts of the two ruined by Naruto's cock. She can't deny that the mental imagery of Sakura and Ino made into Naruto's breeding sluts is intoxicating. Too intoxicating, in the end. B-Besides, she needs their assistance. There's no way that she and Shizune can handle Naruto's problem alone. It requires some… fresh blood, added to the situation.

Taking the last step forward, Tsunade places herself in the open doorway of the room Sakura and Ino reside in, knocking on the outside wall as she smiles, grabbing their attention immediately.


Both kunoichi bow before her, but Tsunade waves them off.

"No need for formality girls. Sakura, I can see that you're not having much success with Ino here… but I find myself requiring your help. Both of you, as a matter of fact, can assist me in this current dilemma. Think you're up for a small break?"

Sakura and Ino exchange a glance, but their answer is never in doubt. Who's going to say no to the Hokage, especially when she's asking for help?! Sakura nods for the both of them, and the two stand from where they were sitting facing each other, eyes filled with trust and curiosity as they move to where Tsunade awaits them.

She almost feels bad for betraying them like this. Only for a moment though, before she realizes belatedly that it's not a betrayal at all. Of course it isn't, this is necessary. All of it is necessary. She just has to remember that, and everything will be fine.

"Right through here you two."

It doesn't take long to get back to the special examination room. The seals on the inside of the walls make it so that no sound escapes from the room. Even when Tsunade opens the door, she doesn't hear what's happening inside until she steps through the doorway itself, an invisible barrier containing every bit of sound without fail. With her own form hiding their view, Sakura and Ino step right in after her before they can even see what she sees. A quick flare of Tsunade's chakra sees the door behind them slamming shut as she locks down the room and steps aside.

Sakura and Ino stop dead as Naruto and Shizune come into view. Naruto has Shizune laid out on her back on the examination table. Shizune is unconscious by this point, but that hasn't stopped Naruto. He's fucking her hard, her legs bunched up and her ankles in his grasp as he holds them to the side of her. This gives the gobsmacked kunoichi pair watching the debauchery an unimpeded view of Naruto's massive cock spearing into Shizune's stretched cunt again and again, as well as a look at his impressive churning balls, his nut sack smacking into Shizune's ass again and again as it hangs just a bit off of the examination table.

Neither Sakura nor Ino know how to respond, at least immediately. With enough time, perhaps they would have flushed in anger. Anger at Tsunade for bringing them here, anger at Naruto for being a pervert. Something like that. But they don't get the chance. Their nostrils flare as they breathe in the scent in the room, but it's more than just the heavy smell of sex and deviancy at this point. What permeates the room is the kind of thing that no kunoichi is truly trained to fight against.

Even Tsunade feels happier once she's back inside the special examination room. Though she does not truly realize why, she feels at peace as she breathes in Naruto's musk as well, a bright smile gracing her features even as a light blush spreads across her cheeks. This is where she belongs. This is where they all belong.

Though, for the two young kunoichi she's brought before Naruto, that process is just beginning. Neither Sakura nor Ino are necessarily falling all over themselves to hop aboard Naruto's cock yet… but they're a lot more interested than they otherwise would be under normal circumstances, staring with perturbed but undisguised fascination as Naruto pounds his way into Shizune's poor pussy again and again.


Naruto suddenly speaks, and the three kunoichi who are actually conscious all freeze up. It's not just his musk after all, not at this point. His very voice reverberates through the trio of women with a strange quality to it, causing each of them to grow wet from nothing more than the sound of his vocalization as he says Tsunade's name. None more than the Fifth Hokage herself, who almost falls to her knees right then and there as her mouth goes dry at being so addressed.

In that moment, some part of Tsunade recognizes that the medical ninjutsu she used on Naruto to release his inhibitions has completely worn off. But the Naruto who had been nervous and embarrassed when this whole thing started, back at the beginning of the examination… he wasn't there anymore. This Naruto was a lot more confident after all they'd done, and it was clear that rather than be animalistic at this point, it was more like he knew what he wanted and wasn't afraid to take it anymore."

Licking her lips, Tsunade quickly speaks up, even as Naruto continues to fuck Shizune while letting his piercing gaze drift from her to Sakura to Ino and then back to her again.

"Girls. As you can see, Naruto here has a problem that he needs our help with."

She pauses, and Sakura fills the silence with a dazed response.


Tsunade grins at that. Already, the pink-haired kunoichi can't take her eyes off of Naruto's cock. She only gets glimpses of it whenever he pulls out of Shizune ever so briefly before thrusting back in, but she's staring like a woman possessed all the same. Ino is the exact same way, and she doesn't even muster the will to speak as she stares, open mouthed, at the way Naruto is fucking Shizune without a care in the world.

"Yes. Naruto is suffering from an extreme case of severe Chakra Blockage. The only way to remove said blockage is to engage in copious amounts of sex, so that we can draw out release after release so that Naruto here isn't quite so… pent up. Unfortunately, Shizune and I are only human. We can't keep it up forever, and as I said, the Chakra Blockage is unexpectedly severe. That's where the two of you come in."

She feels bad for lying to them. But she isn't lying to them… right? Tsunade's brow furrows for a second, but then her face smooths over, and her developing frown is replaced with a smile a moment later. It doesn't matter what the truth is, not anymore. All that matters is Naruto, and Konoha. If she lets Naruto turn her and her apprentices and Ino into breeding sluts, broken by his big, fat cock, then Konoha will prosper. It all makes perfect sense.

Judging by the way Sakura and Ino are now squirming as they stare at Naruto's dick, they agree with her. Neither one raises any sort of protest as they both blush crimson, biting at their lower lips. Naruto looks at them for a moment, staring them both in the eye one more time before he speeds up his pace and finally cums again inside of Shizune's unconscious form.

The three other kunoichi in the room, Tsunade included, all nearly climax right there on the spot as they watch him seed the passed-out beauty. It's a very near thing, but they manage to keep their wits about them, even as Naruto pulls out and turns to face them. Or more specifically, turns to face Sakura and Ino. Belatedly, Tsunade realizes she's going to be left out of this little exchange, at least for now.

But then she always knew that, didn't she? She'd gone and gotten Sakura and Ino specifically to take over for her and Shizune. That's what she'd just told them after all. But then… why did she feel such disappointment as Naruto walked up to the pair of kunoichi, completely ignoring her. His hands come up and he caresses Sakura and Ino's cheeks. But Tsunade's attention is drawn away from what he's doing for a moment, by the sight of his seed slowly dripping out of her apprentices' mewling quim.

Shizune's cunt is beginning to leak, and Tsunade finds herself walking over in a daze, only to fall to her knees beside the examination table, in between Shizune's legs as they hang off the edge of it. Her face is only inches from that drooling, dripping cunt now… and Tsunade can't help herself as she leans in and begins to eat Shizune out, wanting HIS seed more than anything else in the world in that moment. This… this was right. Everything was going to be fine.


Naruto wasn't sure what he was feeling by this point. He definitely felt odd, but he also felt right, as if he'd finally unlocked something living within him for all these years. He might have been confused and unsure before, but Tsunade had shown him the way. And then she'd done something to him and it'd all been a haze of pleasure and animalistic ferocity as he fucked her and Shizune into oblivion.

He'd still been fucking Shizune when she slipped out, and it'd taken a bit of time for him to realize she was gone. By that point, Shizune was unconscious and he was pistoning in and out of her limp body like there was no tomorrow. All the same, Naruto couldn't bring himself to stop. It felt good, too good… and he'd been in pain for so long.

Tsunade had called it Chakra Blockage. Was that true? He'd ignored the discomfort developing in his groin for quite some time if he was being honest. There had been more important things for him to do, to accomplish, to achieve. Or so Naruto had thought. Now that he had a taste of what the female form had to offer, now that he knew what sex was… he couldn't believe he'd ignored his health for so long, he couldn't believe he'd ignored his DESIRES.

Luckily, the Hokage was willing to help. Luckily, she'd brought him two more kunoichi now that he'd completely worn out Shizune. Part of him thought that Tsunade wasn't quite as exhausted as her apprentice was yet, but that could wait. For now, he had Sakura and Ino in front of him… and they were staring at him with building lust, not hate or disgust or revulsion as he might have expected.

How could he not go to them? His cock was still hard, his balls still churning, his Chakra Blockage still a very real issue… or so he thought. Sakura and Ino… they would help. Tsunade had said as much. As his hands caress their faces, his thumbs rubbing along their cheeks and the corners of their mouth, Sakura and Ino instinctively lean into his palms.

When he pushes his thumbs against their lips directly, they open up without resistance, only to suction back down on his digits as they stare into his eyes. Naruto watches them, one and then the other, as he slides his digit in and out of their mouths, observing them as they suck and slurp at his thumbs so perversely, so sluttily.

He wants more, of course. He wants more… and he will get it. A moment later, the blond shinobi pulls his thumbs free of their lips and slides his hands into their hair instead. He grabs a fistful of Sakura's short pink locks at the same time that he snakes his fingers around Ino's ponytail. The two kunoichi barely have time to protest the removal of his digits from their mouths before he yanks roughly, pulling them off their feet and down onto their knees.

Whatever words they might have said die in their throats as they find themselves side by side, staring at his cock with wide eyes and open mouths. It slides into place between them with ease, the massive erection throbbing and pulsating right next to their heads. Naruto smiles, and it's not at all a nice smile as he watches the two kunoichi react to his member. He knows what he wants from them. Not just a quick fuck, or even a long fuck, oh no. Naruto wants a lot more than that.

"Go on then. Touch it. You both want to."

His tone is commanding, domineering. In truth, Naruto isn't sure where it's all coming from, but his desires run too deep for him to stop now. He wants this, just as much as Sakura and Ino do. Just as he said, neither are going to leave at this point, not when his cock is mere inches away from them. Reaching out in unison, the two kunoichi grab hold of his member. Even then, neither of them gets in each other's way. A testament to just how thick and meaty he truly is.

Naruto doesn't say another word as the pair slide their hands up and down his length. He doesn't need to, he knows that they'll do what he wants instinctively at this point. And true to form, the next thing both Sakura and Ino do as they run their fingers along his cock is lean in to nuzzle either side of his member with their cheeks.

Ino proves to be a bit more adventurous when she brings her other hand up under his shaft to grab at his balls. Naruto lifts a brow as she looks up at him with an impish smile, rubbing against his cock while also massaging his nuts. Sakura notices the way Ino is capturing his attention, and she scowls as she realizes what her blonde friend has done.

A moment later, Naruto groans and turns his gaze towards Sakura instead as she takes the tip of his cock into her mouth. Her tongue swirls around the head of his dick, and he hisses in delight as she looks at him, just as needy as Ino, just as lustful. The kunoichi pair want nothing more than his dick right now, but it's become obvious that they think they have to fight over it. Funny, given what Naruto plans to do with them next.

Still, he enjoys the way they seem to be trying to one-up each other. There's only one winner in such a situation, and that's Naruto himself. As Sakura sucks at the head of his cock, Ino latches onto the side of it, her tongue and lips dragging back and forth along his thick, girthy member as she slurps and licks and kisses at his prick, again and again and again. In defiance of her enthusiastic efforts, Sakura tries to go deeper… and encounters a problem of inexperience right away.

Naruto can't help but grin when Sakura gags on his dick only a few more inches down his length. Her jaw is already stretched open wide by his shaft, and it's obvious she's not going to be able to take him any farther without… help. His hand is still atop her head, though it's resting there now, rather than holding onto her pink hair as he was doing before.

Her eyes water as she tries and fails to take him deeper yet again. Naruto grips down on her hair then, and Sakura's watery eyes snap up to meet his gaze as he gives her a knowing smile. Then, he pulls.

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

There's something… liberating, about face-fucking a willing Sakura right there in the middle of the hospital. He had such the crush on her as a child, but now, even though it was only a few years ago… Naruto feels like a lifetime has passed. The trip with Jiraiya was exactly what he needed to get over himself. If only he'd known it was exactly what he needed to take care of himself as well.

The number of times he'd refused Jiraiya's offer of this or that brothel, this or that bathhouse… Naruto could have been fucking hot, sexy sluts all these years, and he'd completely and utterly dropped the ball there. No more though, he wouldn't make the same mistake twice. It was time for him to enjoy himself, time for him to fix what he'd fucked up… but he couldn't deny being just a little vengeful as well.

His crush had blinded him, all those years ago… but Sakura had treated him like shit starting out, hadn't she? Ino as well, though to a lesser extent. Neither kunoichi had realized, in their quest to gain Sasuke's affections, that they would one day find themselves lusting after HIM instead. Naruto himself hadn't seen it coming, to be fair. But now that he knew, how could he not take advantage?

Tears fall from Sakura's eyes as she chokes and gags on his big fat dick. Naruto thrusts forward into her throat time and time again, the bulge of his cock visible in her neck as he fucks her face hard and fast. Meanwhile, Ino has regulated herself to his balls, no longer able to keep up with the fast-paced movement of his cock as he buries it in Sakura's mouth and esophagus.

The ponytailed blonde's mouth and tongue are working wonders at his churning ball sack, and Naruto greatly enjoys the deference she shows as he pays a nonresistant Sakura back for all the shit he happily put up with as a boy. It's almost as if she knows that she's done wrong. She certainly doesn't fight him as he chokes her on his cock. Her hands fall away from his member as he gets rougher and rougher with her, and eventually they just sit in her lap. The tears fall and slobber drools from her lower lip onto her chest, but in the end, the pink-haired kunoichi just kneels there and takes it.

That's what puts Naruto over the edge, in the end. The way she just accepts it so submissively is undeniably hot for some reason. He can't help but cum, but then that's the point, isn't it? He wants it to be more than just another load of seed to relieve his Chakra Blockage though. He NEEDS it to mean something. With a growl, Naruto pulls out of Sakura's throat and mouth in the same moment that he reaches down with his free hand and grabs Ino's ponytail once more.

Dragging the blonde up from his ball sack, he forces hers and Sakura's heads side by side, pointing the end of his meat cannon right at them a moment before he begins to cum. Their eyes almost immediately close or are forced to close as his seed plasters them shut, covering their faces in their entirety. Their mouths on the other hand stay open, even Sakura's after so much abuse of her throat.

They take their cum facials with surprising willingness. Naruto was expecting some sort of disgust now at least, but all the two kunoichi do is moan as they swallow what seed of his lands in their mouths, before then turning their attention towards one another. Even as he holds them by their hair, the two lick and slurp up his cum from each other's faces as best as they can, happily so even.

Naruto watches this, taking it in, filing it away as he considers it in relative silence. The sight is certainly arousing though, but he's still hard as it is, so all it does is make him want more, faster. With a growl, Naruto releases the duo from his grasp. This, rather than anything else, is what actually draws their attention back to him. He takes a step back, and his member moving in any direction but towards them causes both kunoichi to jerk in its direction, eyes wide.

But Naruto just stands there, arms crossed over his chest as he frowns down at them.

"Don't you think you two owe me an apology? All those years of treating me like less than shit at the Academy… you think I've just forgotten it?"

Naruto is gratified when Sakura and Ino both adopt apologetic expressions almost immediately, independent of one another. At the very least, they can both recognize they've done him some wrong… and Sakura looks even more repentant and apologetic than Ino, as she should. Letting out a low sigh, Naruto keeps his arms crossed, even as he considers the two of them for a moment.


The one-word command sees the kunoichi duo moving as fast as they can. Sakura and Ino fly to their feet and immediately begin pulling their clothing off of themselves. There's no hesitation, no pause. There's certainly some embarrassment, judging by the blushes that reach all the way down to their upper chests, but they obey him nonetheless, revealing their beautiful bodies to his gaze. Naruto studies them for a moment, his cock standing straight out from his own body, twitching and leaking precum as he considers the kunoichi before him. Sakura, his former teammate, and Ino, the blonde flower girl. He probably would have pined after Ino if it hadn't been Sakura.

Who to fuck first? In the end, Naruto supposed it didn't matter very much. A quick hand seal is all it takes to summon five shadow clones, as he's always intended. In one moment and a puff of smoke, Naruto goes from one big, honking cock to six. And now that there's three of him for each kunoichi, now that they have no idea of knowing which is the real one, he can make a decision on which to fuck first at his leisure.

There is something strange though, when he creates the shadow clones. Something different, from how it feels usually. It's like he's giving a bit more essence to his clones this time around, enough to make them last through a little more wear and tear. Naruto isn't sure how he knows it, but he can tell that his clones are completely… functional in every way that matters. Basically, they can cum. Though if they cum too much, they'll disappear in a puff of smoke, just as they would from physical damage.

Good to keep in mind, but right now Naruto wants nothing more than to begin 'playing' with the two beauties in front of him. All five of his clones move in unison with the real him, two to go with him to Sakura, and three to go to Ino. He watches the kunoichi through six sets of eyes as they glance between his copies, clearly unable to tell which is the real one.

That's just fine though, in the end, Naruto prefers it this way. Sakura ends up grabbed by the hair by one of his copies and forced into a bent over position that sees his fat, girthy cock once again shoved down her throat. The other copy joins the first, and she's soon moving between shafts, bent over at the waist in a truly humiliating pose that leaves her behind on display before him, completely exposed.

Ino gets the same treatment, to keep things a little mysterious. As such, at the same moment that Naruto is bringing his real cock to bear on Sakura's tight little cunt, one of his shadow clones mimics the action over on Ino. Two identical cockheads press against wet, waiting pussy lips… and then thrust in at the exact same time.

Sakura and Ino cry out as best they can around the dicks in their respective mouths, even as Naruto and his clone take their respective virginities. Not that there's much of a hymen to tear or anything by this point, but somehow, he's confident in saying these two sluts are virginal as they come. One couldn't exactly expect a kunoichi to keep their purity intact given the stresses that they put their bodies through, but Naruto could tell that neither had been with a man before him.

He wasn't sure how he felt about that. On the one hand, it was a good sensation as his cock was enveloped by oh-so-tight walls. Both Sakura and Ino tried to push him out instinctively, not on purpose, but their bodies definitely rebelled against the surprise intrusion. Naruto wasn't going to take such a thing lightly though. In the end, their inner walls could no more resist him than they themselves could.

Fucking them from behind, Naruto and his clone settle for a fast, hard pace as they pound their way into Sakura and Ino's respective cunts with all the force they can muster. It feels good, fucking the pink-haired kunoichi who always looked down upon him. Naruto can't deny that filling her with his cock, claiming her as his own… there's something oh so RIGHT about it.

Though Tsunade's ninjutsu wore off long ago, something bestial still rises in Naruto's chest as he grins down at the back of Sakura's head. Her naked body is nice and fit, and her muscles ripple and undulate as he fucks her into the cocks before her. The clones playing with her mouth also see fit to fuck with her hair, and when she's not sucking on one cock, it's jerking off with her pink locks wrapped around it.

The sight is deliciously degrading, and Naruto finds himself squeezing down on Sakura's hips all the harder as he holds her in place, fucking her time and time again. Pounding against the entrance of her womb, Naruto works hard to penetrate it… but it's not until her first explosive orgasm arrives that he makes any headway. Once his rough treatment sees both women finally cumming, once he has them climaxing again and again around his and his clone's dicks, Naruto can finally penetrate Sakura's womb, while his shadow clone does the same with Ino's.

There's a new level of pleasure involved in this. Having their battered-down cervixes trying to force him out as well, when in the end they can do nothing but take it. He growls and pounds into the both of them with all the force he can muster, ramming them with greater and greater strength. They enjoy it, he can tell that much. Even if their voices are muffled and silenced by the cocks ramming into their throats, their cunts squeezing and tightening and spasming along his and his clone's lengths are all the proof he needs, as both Sakura and Ino orgasm time and time again around the bitch-breaking dicks buried in their wombs.

In the end, Naruto cums. How can he not, when such an inviting cunt is set before him? How can he not defile it with his seed? How can he not breed the hot pink-haired kunoichi bent over before him? His shadow clone does the same with Ino, his seed filling her womb to the brim just as Naruto does with Sakura. Though, the blond shinobi isn't sure that his clones have actual, virile cum. It's entirely possible they're shooting blanks. He does feel a bit of life energy in the cum leaving his clone though. It's entirely possible…

Ah, but that's a question to answer another time. Naruto isn't done with the duo, not yet. Far from it, in fact. As he pulls out of Sakura, his clones drag her dazed form down to the ground. The real Naruto switches places with the clone who just fucked Ino's cunt, while the two clones fucking her throat drag her down as well.

A moment later, all four of the clones who haven't cum yet do so, painting both Sakura and Ino in their seed. This only serves to further obscure what's happening, and neither kunoichi can truly guess at what's going on as they're easily manhandled into position. They do know that Naruto is not done fucking them yet, he can tell they realize that because neither of them resists as his clones force them down.

In the end, Naruto slides into place under Ino and allows his clones to drop her on top of his cock while another pair of the mimics do the same with Sakura. Both young women let out matching shrieks and moans and groans as they slowly but surely sink down onto Naruto's massive pecker, mirrored by the clone under Sakura.

He's already had his fun with Sakura now though. It's time for him to focus on the blonde bitch on top of him. Sliding his hands up onto Ino's shapely yet firm hips, Naruto thrusts upwards, even as she continues her journey of impalement down his member. This draws a yelp from the blonde, but that's quickly silenced when another of his clones grabs her by her ponytail and drags her mouth back onto his cock.

The final moves behind her, and it's only as she finally arrives at the base of his member, every inch of his prick in her already freshly fucked cunt, that the clone reaches out and spreads her ass cheeks apart. The same is happening with Sakura at the same exact time, and with the two kunoichi only a couple feet away, Naruto gets a nice view of both their faces when his clones finally begin to penetrate their assholes.

The fluids from the activities that have come before act as lubricant as they're both slowly impaled from behind, unable to escape due to their other impalement from below. They squeal and squirm and writhe atop him and his clone, and Naruto grins viciously as Ino in particular lets out muffled screams around the cock in her mouth.

Neither is ready to be fucked in the ass, but Naruto could care less. And just in case his clone's seed is inert… he's got another slut to fuck a load of hot, REAL cum into, right on top of him. Digging his fingers into Ino's sides, Naruto forces the girl up and down his cock, even as his clones penetrate her ass and mouth. He stops paying any attention to Sakura as the pink-haired kunoichi experiences the same triple penetration and turns all his focus towards Ino.

Watching the blonde go through such a myriad of emotions and sensations is a true pleasure. It's clearly uncomfortable at first, but then that's the point. What punishment isn't uncomfortable? Still, eventually there comes a time where the discomfort and the pain fades from Ino's features, and she begins to moan around the cock in her throat once again. Naruto fucks her all the harder from below, while his clone rams into her ass time and time again.

This… this is the extent of his power. He hadn't even realized it, but he knows now that this is what he's meant to do with his stamina, his godly endurance. Chakra Blockage is one thing, but when that's cleared up and this is all over… Naruto understands that it won't truly be over. He won't let it end, not like that. He's going to keep fucking Sakura, he's going to keep fucking Ino. Hell, he'll fuck Shizune and Tsunade as well, Hokage or not. They're HIS now, and the feeling of ownership, of domination, wells up in his chest as he growls and thrusts into Ino's womb all the harder.

His mind is filled with such thoughts when he finally cums inside of her. Filling her with another load of his seed, even as all of his clones begin to cum as well. But once that's done, Naruto can tell his five shadow clones still have a bit left in them… so, he uses them to fuck the duo some more. Over what feels like days, but is in the end only a few hours, Naruto makes use of every hole that Sakura and Ino have. His real cock pistons in and out of their orifices, one by one, replaced by a clone's prick whenever he wants to move onto the next.

He fucks them senseless, in a way. By the time he's done with them, by the time his clones finally disappear and leave just him and the two delirious women at his feet, Sakura and Ino have their eyes rolled back in their skulls as they pant heavily through their mouths, their bodies shaking and twitching with the after shocks of their endless orgasms.

A relative silence falls over the room, without five more of him to exist to create noise. It's in this relative silence that Naruto hears a quiet, familiar voice whisper from behind him.

"… W-What have I done?"

Slowly, Naruto turns to face Tsunade. She's on her knees, leaning against the examination table. She's staring at Sakura and Ino in horror, but it would probably mean more if her face wasn't a mess of Shizune's pussy juices and Naruto's seed. More than that, she's openly touching herself to the sight, even if she seems guilty over what she's allowed to happen to the two young kunoichi.

Taking a step towards her, Naruto draws her attention. She looks up at him, and the blond shinobi can see lust warring with something else in her eyes. It's as if she's torn, as if she can't figure out what she needs to do. Words suddenly niggle in the back of Naruto's mind. What to say to Tsunade is supplied to him by some unknown source, some part of himself that's a fair bit more perceptive than he usually is, probably.

They feel right though, so when Naruto steps forward again, his fat cock smacking Tsunade across the cheek and causing her to moan and nuzzle it, he reaches down and grabs her by her blonde locks, smiling almost gently… but also just a tad wickedly.

"You've done what you had to do, Hokage. For Konoha."

She looks up at him, wide-eyed. He can tell the effect his words have on her, and finally, she nods as much as his grip on her hair will allow.

"I-I… yes… f-for Konoha."

Naruto's smile becomes truly wicked then, and he brings up his free hand, doing the hand seal that will bring forth more shadow clones. Five appear once more… but this time, there's no pairing off. As she's dragged away from the still-unconscious Shizune, Tsunade finds herself contending with six Naruto's, each with his own big, fat bitch-breaking cock. It feels necessary, doing this. It's almost as if he knows the Hokage will try to stop him if he doesn't bring her in line right here, right now.

And so far, there only seems to be one thing that truly 'convinces' her. So, Naruto gives Tsunade his cock. He gives her six of his cock, and he fucks her in every hole, even as she gives handjobs to two of his clones, while the final clone jerks himself off with her long, flowing blonde locks. The voluptuous beauty is quickly stripped once more of her green kimono and stuffed in every end with a massive fucking meat rod.

Naruto finds himself buried in Tsunade's ass of all places, but then to be fair, he'd already came loads inside of her womb. He'd probably do so again too, before this was all over. He'd fill them all with his seed, and he'd make sure it took too. It was necessary. He needed… he needed to breed them. That felt right, like it was some mandate from on high that he HAD to accomplish.

Every kunoichi he could get his hands on would bear his children. And given he had the Hokage herself before him now, taking a cock in every hole… that shouldn't be too hard to achieve at all. Reaching out, Naruto grabs ahold of Tsunade's blonde locks for a moment, pulling her from the cock in her mouth so he can look her in the eye. Her gaze is glazed and unfocused, but he just pulls harder and forces her to pay him a modicum of attention.

"I'm going to need more sluts, Tsunade. But you'll help me, won't you? You'll help me… for Konoha."

Slowly, Tsunade nods.

"For Konoha."

Naruto just grins all the wider.


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