Bonny, the Bunny: A lewd LitRPG, with a monster-girl harem.

Vol 3, Ch 30. Flash Cut

Bonny rode Freja back toward the city. They walked slowly, the rest of her companions and the patrol easily keeping pace. Jaela had run back alone, but the other four centaurs followed close behind.

She had unbound Freja and removed her bridle so they could talk.

“Do you think she’ll be okay?” Bonny asked.

“Jaela? Yes. She’s strong. She’ll be fine.” Freja answered. “If I were the younger one, I would be the one looking up to her.”

“Good. I didn’t want to have Elss attack her, you know. We need better options for breaking the advancement wall. I think she trusted in you too much, that's why she didn't break through with the other centaurs. She knew that you would never let her face something that she couldn’t handle.”

Freja sighed. “I know. I’m sorry. It was difficult to see her struggling with Eloisss and I didn’t want her to suffer an injury like I did yesterday. I’ve always kept an eye out for her, you know.”

“Elss wouldn’t have hurt her. Not badly.”

“I know. But I didn't want her think I would abandon her.”

Bonny laughed. “I don’t she actually got the notification until she saw Elss wrap you up. That’s probably when she realized how powerful Elss really is.”

“If I hadn’t tackled Eloisss and faced her on even ground. I might have won. I think. As long as I don't lose my footing.”

“Maybe. You and Elss should spar more. She should have been aware of you charging at her. I wonder if she allowed it.”

"I'm sure she did." Freja answered. "I doubt she wanted to hurt Jaela and there wasn't much left that she could do without striking her."

Bonny thought back over the day.

“Jaela has a crush on you. That would explain her dislike of me.”

“Maybe.” Freja considered for a minute, then nodded. “Probably. I wasn’t aware. I’m all yours though.”

“Would you be willing to let her join us? You and me?”

Freja thought for another minute and shook her head. “No. I don’t think of her that way.”

Bonny poked Freja in the side with a finger. The centaur jumped.

“Are you sure?” Bonny teased. “She’s cute. You called her pretty.”

“She’s like a sister. I … if you really want her, I won’t stop you. You’re good to me, to all of us, and I know you’ll be good to her too. I don't think I can sleep with her though.”

“That’s fine. I won’t pursue her.” Bonny squeezed Freja tight around the torso. “I love you, pony.”

Freja laughed, though she would have words and sharp steel for anyone else who called her that.

“You love all of us. I don’t know how to take that.”

“I have a lot of love, but you mean more to me than most.”

Freja stayed silent for a long while and Bonny let her think.

“I love you too, Bonny.” Freja’s admission was quiet. Shy. “We’ve only known each other for a few weeks, but I don’t think I could live without you. Not now.”

Bonny squeezed her tight again in answer.


== Haruto ==

When Haruto entered the Beaverton council building, a disgruntled beaver kin clerk blocked the way. There was a small makeshift desk with a large pile of paperwork on it.

The room smelled like smoke and without an obvious source, it was a sure sign of demon infestation. He itched to draw his sword, but restrained himself.

The problem with demons is that they fled when they recognized his greatness. If he started killing them now, his real prey may escape. He had to find her first, then he could hunt the rest.

“Take us to the lord.”

The clerk started at him for a moment and sighed and dug out a form from under a pile of papers. “You have not been summoned. You must make an appointment to go before the council.”

“I must speak with the lord regarding a rabbit named Bonny. I have reason to believe she is a demon.”

The beaver’s face twisted in disgust.

“She is, but the council is not in session. Go out the north gate. The new building is her school.”

“A school? Demons don’t build schools.”

The beaver kin shrugged. “That’s where you will find her when she returns.”

Haruto spun and left the building, his entourage following.

Word had spread upriver of the demonic conflict in this city. Haruto hadn’t expected there to still be animosity between demonic factions, considering the peaceful state of the city so far, but the beaver clerk clearly didn’t like her.

Perhaps Bonny wouldn’t flee if he started to purge the opposing faction, but he couldn’t be sure. He had to wait.

The stories the merchant relayed had spoken of healing and an ability to tame gods and dragons. He didn’t believe the man, after all, there was only one god in this world and Haruto was the Chosen One. He glanced disdainfully at the two temples bordering the plaza as he turned north. They needed to be purged as well, but that could wait.

He found the school was where the beaver had indicated. There were two new buildings partially surrounding a practice yard. Voices came from the closest one.

A dryad was curled around a potted sapling, basking in the sun. She was clearly a demon and was probably associated with Bonny based on her nudity.

“Kori, take three attendants to capture her. Break limbs from the plant if she resists.”

He didn’t remember the names of all of his attendants. They weren’t important enough to warrant his full attention. However, having more assistance was very important, since each of them gave him a point to enhance his skills with. He currently had twenty-four attendants, one from each city or town he had purged of demons.

He adjusted his katana and opened the door to the occupied building.

Two human priestesses stood in front of five guards and a harpy. A chalk board held a crude anatomy reference drawing and there was some sort of oppressive aura in the room. Another sign of demons.

One of the women addressed him. “Are you here for …”

He interrupted her. “Where is the demonic rabbit Bonny?”

The two women looked at each other. “She’s on patrol.”

He frowned. The beaver clerk had indicated she would return here, but hadn't said what she was doing or given him a time frame.

“How long?”

The taller of the women shrugged. “We don’t know.”

He sighed and motioned to his attendants. “Capture and bind them.”

His girls flooded into the room.

One of the guards stood and drew a sword. "Stop!"

Haruto turned to face him. Demons never listened.

He stepped forward.

“[Flash Cut!]”

He drew his katana with both hands, his right hand pulled the sword forward while his left hand pulled the sheath backward.

The blade flickered out in nukiuchi, the draw and cut, rising at an angle. It sliced through the man’s neck, severing his spine. Haruto spun the sword in a chiburi flourish, to flick the the blood from the blade, then shifted to noto, the sheathing. He caught the mune, the thick back of the blade, on his left wrist, pulled the sword slightly forward, to catch the tip with the scabbard, then slowly and smoothly slid it halfway home.

The full motion lasted a fraction of a heartbeat. If someone blinked as he began the draw, they would miss the cut, miss the flourish, miss the recovery.

The guard’s head thumped to the floor and blood sprayed across the room, still spurting with each heartbeat of the dead man’s body.

Haruto had already stepped out of the splash zone when the guard’s body fell. His white kimono and hakama stayed dry and clean. There was a click as he finished sheathing his blade.

The room was frozen, staring at the fallen guard.

He straightened and looked around. "Does anyone else wish to die?”

The guards and priestesses stared at Haruto, then shook their heads. The guards carefully unbuckled their belts and let their swords fall.

“We will wait outside.” Haruto said as he turned and left the building.

Once everyone was captured and bound, he knelt in the road, facing north. He sat back and meditated, waiting.

The wind ruffled his mane and tugged at his clothes. It smelled fresh, auspicious.

He had four active, class skills, and several general skills.

[Flash Cut] was his favorite. He had chosen it based on a series of old movies about a blind swordsman with a hidden cane sword. [Quick Step] was also valuable and allowed him to close distance to his opponent or retreat as needed. He also had an active skill for running and a charm skill to claim loyalty and show mercy to those he spared.

He had allocated five of his twenty four points to [Flash Cut], each point increasing the speed and strength of the skill by ten percent. Another three points were allocated to [Quick Step], and five to General Swordsmanship. Three other points were allocated to other general skills, putting him well ahead of the average demon.

He kept the remaining eight in reserve for new skills or if he found himself in trouble. He had used points during an emergency once before, spending the five he had available at the time on increasing his swordsmanship, during a tough fight against several angry demons. The eight currently in reserve had all been gained since then.

He may need to spend those eight in the fight against Bonny. He thought over the rumors he had heard about her.

A dragon? Ridiculous.

It was several hours before he heard the party approaching. He opened his eyes to see a rabbit riding a centaur.

A spotted centaur had already approached from the north. She had been alone and nervous about something, carrying a broken shield and spear shaft. She had surrendered after verifying Bonny would be returning soon.

His captives were lined up across the road behind him. Attendants waited next to each of them with a drawn blade, ready to cut them down if Bonny didn't stop and listen. He could take no chances.

The approaching party slowed, then the rabbit dropped off the centaur and walked forward alone, shouting at him. She was naked and weaponless. Armorless.

His aura was new, but rapidly improving, and she felt arrogant, confident. She also felt strong. Dangerous!

He breathed deep and allocated his remaining points. Two went to [Quick Step] and and the other six to [Flash Cut]. He had to be sure.

She was twelve steps out of his new, extended range.

Then eight, then six.

Four steps.

He stood and bowed slightly, his left hand loosely holding his katana.

She took three steps while he showed her a warrior's respect, though he wasn't sure she deserved it.

He straightened and allowed her to take several more steps, putting her well within his range.

He breathed in to steady himself and gripped his sword, then he shifted his left foot forward and activated his skills. 

“[Quick Step!] [Flash Cut!]”

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