Bonny, the Bunny: A lewd LitRPG, with a monster-girl harem.

Vol 3, Ch 29. ♥ Bearly Passed (CW: BDSM)

Of the five centaurs, only Jaela was skilled with a shield. Her primary weapon was a spear, but she also carried a sword strapped to her sides, similar to Freja. Bonny didn’t comment on the obvious imitation.

Bonny rode Freja next to each of the centaurs and chatted, getting to know each of them. The two bay stallions were both archers and seemed to be a couple. The other two carried swords and shields, but favored long two handed halberds and a little more distance while on patrol.

The four centaurs all held Freja in high regard and didn’t seem to mind Bonny’s seeming lack of respect for Freja. On the other hand, Jaela stayed away and glowered at Bonny for most of the trip.

Just before they reached the forest, Zeal roared from the east.

They found a relatively shallow area to ford the river and headed that direction, staying just out of the underbrush. The edge of the forest was thick with new growth, which made traveling within it problematic, especially for the larger companions, like the centaurs.

Another roar sounded after a half hour of walking. It was much closer and quickly followed by a crashing noise from the woods.

Freja took charge, giving instructions to the trainees. Jaela would take the center, with the chestnut and gray on her flanks using their pikes to help control The two archers stayed back and readied arrows.

Bonny stayed on Freja. It wasn’t safe, for either of them, but she wouldn’t be in the thick of things unless someone needed healing, at which point both of them would need to rush in.

Besides, she trusted Zeal to find an appropriately leveled monster for them to fight. It didn’t have to be a demon, but they didn’t think there were many tier two monsters nearby, based on the average person’s level.

Bonny’s companions gathered behind them, also ready to step in if needed.

A huge bear burst from the underbrush.

The two archers drew and released, then repeated their actions, raining arrows down on the bear as it turned to rush at the group.

Jaela galloped forward to meet it with a shield to the face.

It stumbled and roared. Tentacles burst from it’s back, reaching out to wrap around her shield and arms.

She screamed in pain and shoved hard, but the bear stood it’s ground.

“[Analysis!]” Bonny wanted to keep a close eye on Jaela’s injuries. “It’s some kind of acid. It hurts, but it doesn't seem strong enough to put her in danger.

Freja nodded in response.

Jaela’s spear darted in, aiming for the bear’s eyes and other vulnerable points, but the tentacles deflected her thrusts.

The gray and chestnut centaurs circled and used the axe like heads of their halberds to chop at the tentacles when they had a clear opening.

More tentacles emerged, entangling the long spears.

The two archers circled for a clear shot, trusting in the other three to hold the demon bear in place.

A swipe of a huge paw knocked Jaela back and Freja twitched forward, wanting to rush to her aid.

Bonny pulled back on Freja’s braid. “Whoa! She’s still okay.”

Jaela stumbled back, but regained her footing, bringing her shield and spear back up despite her entangled arms. A lucky thrust embedded her spear in one of the bear’s eyes. She let go of the spear, then hammered it with the shield, driving it in further.

The fight ended soon after.

Freja trotted forward and Bonny hopped down to cast “[Mending!]” on Jaela.

“Thanks.” Jaela’s response was short and curt. She turned to Freja. “What do you think? I’m better, right?”

Freja smiled. “Yes. That was very well handled, except for …” She added some pointers and the two began discussing the details of the fight.

Bonny checked on the other four. The two archers had stayed back and were unharmed. The other two had minor acid burns that were quickly mended. All had received level up notifications.

“Great! What about you, Jaela?” Bonny returned and interrupted the discussion.

The centaur frowned. “No. I didn’t get a notification.”

Bonny sighed. “Why the fuck are you so much trouble.”

“Why are you such a cunt?”


“You’re just a snotty, self righteous rabbit from the woods. I don’t know why you think you’re so much better than the rest of us. I’d fuck you up if Freja weren’t here to defend you.”

Bonny sighed. “Freja, please go see if you can detect any Wrath scales.”

They had previously discussed detecting demonic energy using their divine auras. The bear was already starting to decay, unlike most of the demonic monsters they had encountered.

Freja looked back and forth between Bonny and Jaela, then nodded and trotted over to the rotting corpse.

“Now what?” Bonny asked Jaela.

The centaur glared at her, then halfheartedly thrust her spear forward.

Bonny easily stepped aside and sighed again.

“Fine, let's do this. Eloisss.”

The lamia slithered over. “Yes, Love?”

“Kill her.”

Eloisss flicked her tongue out, then struck.

Jaela flinched back and brought her shield up just in time.

Eloisss slammed into it, then dropped back and swiped her tail underneath, taking out Jaela’s forelegs. The centaur dropped and rolled to the side.

The gray and chestnut centaurs tried to intervene, but Eloisss tore through them like a tornado. The grey received the flat side of a falcata to the face and went down in seconds. The chestnut screamed and collapsed as Eloisss darted forward and bit into his neck a moment later.

Jaela used the time to regain her feat and scramble back.

Eloisss pursued, her falcata carving chunks from Jaela’s shield. Each stroke glimmered with a purple highlight just as it impacted, slicing into the shield like it was made of butter. When Jaela tried to deflect a blow with her spear, a single stroke sliced it in half.

Out of no where, Freja slammed into Eloisss and the two tumbled over together, arms, legs, and tail tangling together. When they stopped rolling, Eloisss was on top with Freja wrapped up beneath her, unable to move.

Eloisss flicked her tongue out, then extended her fangs and locked eyes with Jaela. She slowly bit into Freja’s neck, licked the blood spurting out of the twin puncture wounds while Jaela watched in horror.

“Eloisss. That’s enough, let her up.” Bonny turned from where she had just finished healing the other two centaurs. “Jaela, did you advance?”

Jaela flinched, then her eyes unfocused and she read off her notification.

“You have increased your Physical stats by surviving an extended attack from Eloisss. You have exceeded mortal limitations. Your Physical stats have improved. Plus 1 skill for Physical related classes. Really?”

“Good. I hoped that would work. Freja, what the fuck was that? You should have known what we were doing.”

The centaur had climbed back to her feet after Eloisss had unwrapped her.

“I-I’m sorry. I just, I couldn’t stand to see her struggle.”


When Freja trotted up, Bonny straightened the harness and bags, then rummaged through them until she pulled out the bridle, cuffs, and some rope.

Freja blushed, her white star turning pink as she looked at the other centaurs. She turned back to Bonny. “Do we have to?”

Bonny nodded. “This is your punishment. You could have disrupted Jaela’s advancement and stunted her growth until we could find another demon. We need to leave the city soon and don’t have time to keep training people to defend it.”

Freja’s shoulder’s slumped and she knelt down, allowing Bonny to cuff her hands behind her back and fasten the bridle with the tongue gag in place.

During the fight, Zeal had landed and shifted, unnoticed by the rest of them. She joined Bonny’s other companions and they all settled down for lunch while they watched the spectacle. The group invited the other four centaurs to join, but left Jaela out of it.

Eloisss positioned herself between Jaela and Bonny.

Once the bridle was fastened, Bonny attached the rope like a lead. She stepped back and tugged on it, indicating Freja should stand, then led the centaur several paces away from everyone.

She held onto the lead rope and summoned her lash. She brought it down on Freja’s rump, leaving nine parallel gashes.

Freja flinched and moaned into the gag.

Bonny flicked the lead rope and let out several feet of slack. “Run.”

Freja started trotting in a wide circle around Bonny.

Bonny flicked the lead rope again and snapped the lash like a whip. “I said run.”

Freja shifted into a canter.

Bonny snapped the lash again.

Freja started galloping, her circle widening slightly. Bonny turned in the center, lead rope taut, as she slowly counted seconds and laps.

After several minutes, Bonny tugged on the rope lightly. “Whoa, slow.”

She had Freja trot for two laps, then slow to a walk for several times. Freja’s breathing was slightly elevated, but not too heavily.

Bonny hopped over and patted Freja on her hip. “Good girl. Now we’re going to do the other direction.”

Once turned around, Bonny repeated the process, having the centaur gallop for several minutes, then slowing down to walk a few circles.

“Good. How are you feeling?” Bonny asked as she turned Freja to face Jaela.


Bonny laughed and bend to wrap the lead rope around Freja’s forelegs and tie them together. “Spread your back legs. Keep your eyes on your friend.”

Bonny trailed her fingers along Freja’s sides as she walked to the back. She pulled Freja’s tail up with one hand, pulled her fingertips together into a spear shape and jabbed her hand into the centaur’s pussy.

Freja stiffened and moaned. Her head rocked back slightly.

“Eyes on Jaela.” Bonny commanded.

When Freja lowered her head, Bonny slowly pushed her arm all the way in, until she could feel the back of of the canal. Freja was hot and tight and Bonny’s fingertips could feel the hard, smooth cervical entrance with her fingertips.

Freja moaned and shivered.

Bonny balled her hand up into a fist, forming a seal. She pulled back slowly, feeling the suction build, then pushed in, releasing the immediate tension. She pumped her fist in and out, short strokes, starting slow and building in speed. Her other hand remained on Freja’s tail, tight around the base.

Freja started quivering and panting. Her moans increased in intensity, but remained muffled by the gag.

Bonny continued with quick strokes, slowly increasing the distance and pressure. Freja hadn’t been ready when Bonny started, but her arousal quickly lubricated the process and froth was building up around Bonny’s forearm, arousal mixing with sweat from the run.

Freja muscles spasmed and she almost fell, unable to spread her forelegs to balance herself.

“Keep your eyes open.”

Bonny let go of Freja’s tail and shifted her hand below the first, her thumb pressing into the centaur’s clitoral pocket.

“Don’t come.”

Freja’s moaning had escalated to a constant squeal, the sound rising and falling with her harsh breathing. She was gulping in air, panting much harder than she had during her punishment. Her pussy muscles clenched and spasmed.

“I said don’t come.”

Bonny pressed harder with her thumb and continued pumping her fist in and out, forcing it despite the tightness trying to stop her hand from moving.

Freja let out a muffled wail.

“No! Don’t. Come. Until. I. Say. So!” Bonny pumped her fist and stroked her thumb across Freja’s clit with each word.

Freja disobeyed.

She cried out and sprayed girlcum back along Bonny’s arm, quivering and convulsing as she stumbled and lost her balance.

Bonny followed her down, stepping to the side as Freja fell. Once down, Bonny straightened her fingers and pushed, her middle fingertip found the dimple in Freja’s cervix and she pushed in, forcing the tight ring of muscle open.

Freja wailed again, her legs kicking at the air as she convulsed and sprayed Bonny again.

Bonny stilled, leaving her arm and hand in place until Freja stopped spasming and calmed down. Then she patted Freja's rump as she slowly withdrew her arm.

“Good girl. Good pony. Not for coming early though, we'll need to work on that.”

Bonny hopped up circled to face Freja.

The bit hadn’t allowed the centaur to close her mouth completely and drool had run down her chin and splattered onto the ground.

“Oh, aren’t you a mess.” Bonny leaned in brush some loose strands of hair from her face and kiss her, first on the lips, then on the wounds Eloisss had left.

“You’re a good girl. Yes, you are. But you’re also in trouble, so I’m not going to let you go yet. I want you to think about what you almost cost your friend.”


Bonny lay down and snuggled close, her head tucked under Freja’s chin. She threaded her arm around Freja’s torso, then under and through the centaur’s bound arms.

“It’s okay. They’ll be alright. We’ll be alright. I’m just going to hug you for a bit so that you know I still love you.”

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