Bonny, the Bunny: A lewd LitRPG, with a monster-girl harem.

Vol 3, Ch 27. ♥ Evening Wood

“So, Zeal burned the clerk’s desk.” Bonny laughed. “He tried to put it out and burned his hands. I healed him before we left, but all his paperwork was ruined. I don’t think he’s going to try to interfere again.”

She was eating dinner back in the room with her companions. Bonny had already met with Eris and was relaying the events of the day.

Miu stood beside her, naked except for her collar, feeding Bonny by hand in between comments. Kanae was at the table, but remained in fox form, waving her four tails around and preening when anyone looked at her. The rest of the party were all crowded around the small table as well.

“What did the counscil ssay?” Eloisss asked.

“Cassius complained about damages and loss of productivity. He said he’s going to fine us each time Zeal frightens anyone.” She sighed. “I know it’s a problem, but I don’t think he can enforce that. He also said word was sent out about the school and he expects people to travel from other territories to attend. He wants us to charge admission and will tax it to help with infrastructure and stuff. Anyone who immigrates or signs a contract for a year or more of service, will get a discount or something.”

“We worked out most of those details already.” Freja said. “So far it’s just local guards, but we expect other workers to reclass as well.”

“It would be great if more people could fight. The Council thinks the demonic taint is spreading. The town south of us, Rivers--or something, was attacked recently. I don’t think the monsters down there are very strong, but more people will probably be needed to cover more territory. We should probably have someone compile reports of attacks, so everyone knows where to go.”

“We can do that.” Freja said. “Nestor and some craftsmen came to talk to us this morning about harvesting magical materials. As long as we don’t run into anything like the giraffe thing, hunting should be profitable. He seems to be trying to convince them and the council to invest in crafting magical equipment.”

Bonny smiled. “Maybe it’s a good thing we didn’t kill him.”

“We’ll see. Better equipment would be nice if we keep running into demons. We may need you to remove the taint.”

“The temples should be able to do that now.” Bonny thought for a moment. “You and Eloisss can too. Anyone with a divine aura should be able to. We’ll have to add that to our training.”

“Are you coming with us tomorrow?” Freja asked. “One of my friends will be with us, Jaela. She’s three years younger than me, but our families are pretty close.”

“Yes. I think so. How pretty is your friend?”

Eloisss cleared her throat and Bonny laughed.

“She’s very pretty. White with black spots.” Freja blushed. “She’s like a sister. I won’t … I don’t want to do anything sexual with her.”

“I won’t ask you to do that.” Bonny laughed again and patted Miu’s ass as she held up a hand to wave off the next bite. “But speaking of, I shouldn’t eat too much. I need Willow to fuck me. The, uh, client earlier got me all worked up, but she got overwhelmed and I didn’t want to take advantage of her. We just cuddled until she felt better.”

“Who wass sshe?”

“I can’t tell you. You know that.” Bonny stuck her tongue out at Eloisss. “I do have some fun ideas about our play next time. Especially if Freja will join us.”

“Mmmmm.” Eloisss hummed and flicked her tongue out, then she smiled and giggled with an odd broken hiss, “Ss-ss-ss-ss. I will allow it thiss time.”

Freja blushed.

“For now though, Willow, are you ready?” Bonny stood and pulled Miu into a hug and kiss. “Thank you for the food, Miu.”

“I am.” The dryad set her sapling down in the corner and moved to the bed, where Bonny met her. “What do you want?”

Boony leapt into her arms and kissed her hard, sucking at her tongue. Willowbelle always tasted sweet and Bonny couldn't get enough of her. When they finally came up for air, Bonny grinned and said, “I want to eat you up, then fuck you. No, I want to fuck you while I’m eating you.”

The dryad’s hair was made of stems, vines, and willow leaves. Bonny dived in, biting her neck and nibbling at her hair. The dryad’s body looked tough, like bark, but was soft and warm to the touch.

They tumbled onto the bed and Bonny landed on top. She started slowly working her way down Willowbelle’s body, nibbling at small water sprouts that grew along her torso. When she found the dryad’s nipples, she bit hard enough to make Willowbelle gasp, then covered the rest of her breasts in small bites, leaving tooth marks.

Willowbelle’s hands grabbed at the bunny’s ears and tangled in her hair. She tightened her grip and pulled Bonny’s head up.

“Bonny! Some of those bites hurt.”

“I know.” Bonny grinned back. “I said I was going to eat you up.”

“Can you be more gentle?”

“Are you a pussy, Willow?”

The dryad giggled. “Yes.”

“Let me see.”

Bonny reached down, sliding her arm between them, until she reached Willowbelle’s center. Bonny stroked her fingers through the hot, wet petals and pushed the heel of her palm into Willowbelle’s bud.

The dryad stiffened and moaned softly.

“You definitely have one.” Bonny curled her fingers inside and squeezed, fingers and palm compressing Willowbelle’s sensitive areas together.

Willowbelle moaned again.

“It seems to be working.” Bonny’s lips found Willowbelle’s nipple again and she sucked on it, then bit down until the dryad gasped again.

“How does that feel now?”

“Mmmmm. Better.”

“So you do want to be eaten up?”

“Yes. But use soft bites.”

Bonny straightened to kiss Willowbelle, then started working her way down again, alternating soft bites with strokes of her fingers. When she reached the dryad’s petals, she replaced her fingers with her tongue and lipped at the tiny bud.

The dryad moaned.

Bonny set her teeth to the sensitive nub.

Willowbelle tensed. “Noo.”

Bonny raised her head. “No?”


“Are you sure?” Bonny wrinkled her nose and grinned.


“Yes? I should bite it off?”


Bonny mock sighed. “You’re so confusing.”


“You know I’m teasing. I won’t hurt you. Much.” Bonny bent to kiss the bud again, then jerked up. “You can control wood growth, right? What about your body shape?”


“Can you grow this?” Bonny stroked the dryad’s bud with her thumb.


“Do it!”

Willowbelle looked at Bonny and didn’t answer.

“Please?” Bonny let her ears flop down and bent her head to look up at the dryad with sad bunny eyes.

“How big?”

Bonny held up her fingers about three inches apart, then widened them. “Somewhere around this big.”


“To fuck me.” Bonny said. Then, when the dryad looked skeptical, added, “It’ll be fun.”

Willowbelle closed her eyes and concentrated.

Bonny reinserted her fingers and curled them up, stroking at the sensitive spot just inside.

Willowbelle’s core grew hot and pulsed, then the bud started thickening and pushed back the clitoral hood. It quickly expanded from a bump to a small branchlet.

Bonny dropped her head and engulfed it, her lips sealed around the base and her tongue stroked it as it grew. Willowbelle's enlarged clit tasted like new freshly picked spring produce.

Willowbelle spasmed and moaned.

Bonny sucked on the dryad’s new branch, but carefully kept her teeth away. When the dryad jerked again, Bonny sucked harder.

Willowbelle went into a frenzy, clutching at Bonny’s head and thrusting up with her hips. She clenched around Bonny’s fingers, her pelvic muscles convulsing uncontrollably.

Bonny swirled her tongue around the dryad's oversized clit as she drew back, slowly exposing it. She reached up with her other hand and grabbed it around the base as she continued to swirl her tongue around the tip.

Willow went rigid, freezing in place, muscles straining for a long moment, then convulsed again, her whole body shuddering. She yanked at Bonny’s hair, trying to pull her off.

“St-stop! Stop! Stop!”

Bonny released the dryad and looked up, a delighted grin lighting up her face. “Stop?”

“Just … give me a minute.”

Bonny crawled forward, letting her fur brush across the tip of Willow’s overly sensitive member, until she could sit down on Willow’s stomach. She could feel the dryad’s abs still fluttering underneath her.

She leaned forward to kiss her. A long, slow kiss, as the dryad slow calmed down.

“Ready?” A few minutes had passed and Willowbelle had finally stopped twitching.

“Mmmm. Go slow.”

Bonny carefully moved back, avoiding the erect four inch growth and sat back down on the dryad’s thighs.

She eased forward until Willowbelle’s new growth touched her folds, then rotated and rocked her hips, rubbing their clits together, her eyes locked onto the dryad's silver ones.

Willowbelle’s erection wasn’t quite hard as a cock, but it felt just as good. They both twitched at each touch until Bonny’s arousal seeped down, further wetting Willow’s already soaked folds.

“I’m going to put it in.”

“O-kay.” Willowbelle sounded like she was gritting her teeth.

Bonny raised her hips, then slowly lowered herself down on the dryad. When Willowbelle shivered almost immediately, Bonny stopped moving, letting her get used to the feeling.

“Too sensitive?”

“I will be okay.”

“Too much pleasure and you’ll ‘be okay’?” Bonny grinned and dropped the rest of the way, fully sheathing the oversized clit.

Willowbelle moaned and convulsed. Bonny clenched around her and the dryad shuddered into a another orgasm, bucking and twitching as Bonny held on and tried to stay as still as possible until the dryad lay panting and drenched in sweat.

“Well, this is more of a problem than expected. I can reduce feeling if you want.”

Willowbelle nodded. “Please.”

“[Analgesia!]” Bonny was already in contact with Willowbelle, so she just closed her eyes and visualized the dryad’s body, focusing on the member inside her. Her previous skill, [Pain Management], had a visualized dial, but with the upgrade she had much more control, especially in how it was applied. She numbed half the nerves, concentrating on keeping it applied evenly across the organ.

It only took a moment, then Bonny opened her eyes, smiled, then lifted herself up and sat back down in one smooth motion.

Willowbelle moaned, but it sounded more pleased and less painful.

“Is that better?” Bonny rotated her hips, feeling the dryad move inside her.

“Yes. Thank you.”

Bonny leaned over for another kiss, then sat up and leaned back slightly, supporting herself with her hands behind her, braced on Willowbelle's knees. She started rocking her hips forward.

The dryad’s clit was small for a penis, about half the width and slightly shorter than Matt had been, but in this position it was perfect.

As Bonny thrust, it slid up and down her front vaginal wall, stroking her G-spot. It was smooth and slick and just hard enough to be amazing. Lightning jolts built in intensity and Bonny was soon panting, her thrusts becoming irregular.

Willowbelle grabbed Bonny’s hips and started working them, keeping the pace constant as she thrust up in time with Bonny.

Both were panting and moaning, their combined vocalizations harmonizing together. When they crescendoed, Bonny leaned forward, hugging and kissing Willowbelle, nibbling at the dryad’s lips, even as she continued thrusting against her.

They lay together afterward, still intertwined, still sheathed, until they both caught their breath.

Bonny lifted her head and gave Willowbelle a peck on the lips.

“That’s only one for me. I need a lot more.”

“One more.”

“One isn’t enough. It’s not ‘a lot’.”

“Bonny, I’m tired. Three is a lot for me. More is too much.”

“Tired of me?” Bonny brought a wrist up to her forehead and sighed. “Alas, is our love so soon forsaken?”

Willowbelle giggled and poked Bonny in the side.

Bonny tried to put on a serious tone. “Okay, one more and I’ll let you go, but I’m going to need someone else to finish. I still want you to come back to cuddle with me tonight.”

“I wood like that.” Willowbelle giggled again when Bonny wrinkled her nose and stuck out her tongue.

“If you start that again, I’m going to make you leaf.” Bonny replied.

They laughed together for a minute, until Bonny hugged the dryad tight and rolled over, putting Willowbelle on top.

She tightened her arms and legs around the dryad and squeezed even tighter.

“If I only get one more with you, you’re going to do the work.”

Thanks for reading.

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