Bonny, the Bunny: A lewd LitRPG, with a monster-girl harem.

Vol 3, Ch 26. Anger and Fire

After burning the corrupted giraffe thing and backtracking to also burn the remnants of the troll corpses, they headed back to the city.

Bonny, back in her rabbit form, hopped on Freja’s back, then untied and removed the centaur’s breastplate. She strapped it to the harness and gear that Freja usually carried, then massaged the centaur's shoulders and back muscles as they walked, trying to concentrate her regeneration aura into her hands as she worked the knotted muscles.

None of the escorted guards protested. If Freja, the famed centaur that protected the city, didn’t mind the bizarre bunny riding on her, who were they to complain?

None of them had advanced to tier two due to Zeal’s interference, but Freja would probably have died if Bonny and Zeal hadn’t arrived when they did. Bonny didn’t care that the guards didn’t class up. Their advancement wasn’t worth her companion’s lives.

There were no other incidents on the return trip and, when they passed Colette’s dairy farm, Bonny stood, balancing on Freja’s back and leaning forward. She pressed her cheek into Freja’s and rested her chin on the centaur’s shoulder.

“Thank you for protecting everyone. It wouldn’t look good if the guards died during training.” She lowered her voice to a whisper. “I would rather lose them than you though.”

Freja snorted. “My role is to protect. I suspect Courage wouldn’t appreciate me abandoning my duty.”

Bonny waited for a moment for the goddess to appear. When she didn’t, Bonny said, “No, probably not. Well, I probably owe you a reward for what you did.”

Freja blushed, her cheek heating up against Bonny’s. “I … okay.”

Bonny giggled. “Is that it? Just ‘okay’?”

“I would protest, but I know you wouldn’t agree. I’ll be happy to accept your … reward.”

“I’ll be busy tonight, so maybe tomorrow.”

Freja nodded. “Anytime.”

Bonny hopped off of Freja’s back and checked in with her other companions, giving each of them a kiss and thanking them for their efforts for the day. Eloisss blushed as well when Bonny offered an extra reward for her risking her life to let the others escape.

Once she had spoken with everyone, Bonny pointed Zeal to the side of the road and waved to the group. “I’m going to fly the rest of the way and visit the leather guy. I’ll see the rest of you back at the room. Miu, I want you to come with me. Do you have some money?”

Miu nodded as Zeal obediently moved to where Bonny pointed and started to transform.

“Good, thank you.” Bonny winked at Miu. “We need some additional equipment.”

The escorted guards sped up to get away from Zeal when she shifted. Despite her saving them and their obvious interest when she was in girl form, they were still wary of the dragon. She ignored them, as always, and crouched low for Bonny and Miu to mount.

Bonny hopped on Zeal’s snout, climbed her neck to the dragon’s shoulders, then extended a hand to help Miu climb up using one of the dragon’s legs. Once they settled down, Bonny slapped Zeal’s side and they lifted off. Bonny waved to her companions again

Minutes later, they landed in the merchant district, near the leather shop they had visited a few days prior. The city's alarm bells were ringing again and citizens fled the streets as they landed.

Bonny sighed. “I need to reassure the council and guards. Those alarms are annoying.”

They waited a few moments for Zeal to transform back into her girl form, then entered the empty store. It still smelled of ammonia.

Zeal dropped to her hand and knees beside Bonny.

“Hey, shopkeeper!” Bonny called as she sat on the dragon girl.

A beaver head poked out from the back room.

“We need some assistance.”

He ogled at the two naked girls with a sleazy grin as he hurried out. “What can I do for you ladies?”

Bonny summoned her largest dildo and mimed fucking the thumb and forefinger of her other hand, then pointed the dildo at him.

He paled and shook his head. “No, I-I’m not into …”

Bonny laughed.

“We need a harness that will fit this.” She stood and held it up against Miu’s groin. “Actually, we need two. No, three of them. How long will that take?”

“Three? I will need to take some measurements, but … do you need it today or is tomorrow acceptable?”

“Tomorrow is fine. We need another leash as well. Miu, do you have yours?”

“Yes, Mistress. Nya.” Miu opened one of her belt pouches and produced it.

Bonny gave her a kiss as she took it.

“Just like this, but embossed like Miu’s collar. I want it to match. Also,” Bonny grabbed Zeal by a horn and turned her slightly, so she faced the beaver. Bonny measured out a hand and two fingers down from the tip of Zeal’s horn. “I want a leather band to fit here.”

Zeal blushed. Miu and the beaver looked confused as Zeal’s whole body slowly turned pink.


“She can’t wear a collar because it won’t fit when she transforms, but the thickness of her horns stays the same size, they just get longer." Bonny tilted Zeal’s head to show off the horn a little better. “This is how far she fits inside me.”

Zeal’s skin darkened further and a wisp of flame flickered from a nostril as a wave of heat wafted off of her.

Bonny kicked Zeal’s arm and yanked her off balance, then let her fall onto her side. Bonny stepped on the horn. “No!”

Zeal shivered, then closed her eyes and took a deep breath. The heat and blush slowly faded.

“Good girl.” Bonny squatted to pat her head, but kept her pinned to the floor with a foot. “Stay down until I let you up.”

“Yes, mistress.” Zeal kept her eyes closed and breathed slowly.

Miu stared down at Zeal and licked her lips.

Bonny grinned as she reached over to pull Miu’s chin and eyes back up. “Do you want me to force you down as well?” 

“Nya. Mistress.”

“I’m not sure if that’s a yes or a no. But we need you standing for him to measure you.”

The shopkeeper had backed away, but played it off like he was picking up a small board. He made some notes on the board, then pulled out a marked string and took some measurements.

“Oh, one of the harnesses should be big enough accommodate a centaur, but they should all be adjustable to fit several women.” Bonny held her hands out in an approximation of Freja’s hips and whithers.

He nodded and made more notes.

“Also a paddle and a ball gag.” Bonny turned to Miu. “What else do we need?”

“Nya.” Miu meowed softly and blushed. “Blindfold, nya.”

“Oh, right. We left the scarves.” Bonny kissed Miu, which caused the catgirl’s blush to darken. “Blindfolds. That cover the top half of the face. Oh, can we get a mount point to attach the dildo to the mask? And do you have gags?”

The beaver scribbled furiously taking notes. He nodded, then paused and shook his head. “I don’t have any, but I can make some. Like the one I made for your centaur friend?”

“No, more like balls." Bonny made a fist and held it up to Miu's mouth. It wouldn't fit.

"A little smaller than my hand. With some holes in them. And one with a dildo mount. That’s for Zeal.”

Zeal was still laying on the floor. Bonny lifted her foot and nudged her. “You can stand up. Let him see your mouth, so he knows how big to make it.”

The shopkeeper made more notes and gave a total price of two large silvers squares, or four full days of pay for a dock laborer.

“Is that fair? Do we have that?” Bonny asked Miu.

“Yes, Mistress. Nya.” She pulled ten small silvers and handed them over.

“I can finish most of this by tomorrow afternoon, but the day after would be better.”

Bonny nodded. “As long as we get it before we leave, it’s fine. Thank you.”

“If I …” He licked his lips and started to ask a question, then paused when all three girls focused on him. “I-nevermind.”

“Do you want to touch us? Touch me?” Bonny flared her desire aura and felt a throbbing need coming from him. A glance down showed his pants were tented out.

He nodded.

“Didn’t we go over this last time? If you ask again, we’ll find someone else to do business with.” She lowered her voice, “Because you won’t be able to.”

“No. Ma’am, uh Mistress.” He backed away. “I won’t ...”

“Good. You can look, but don’t touch. Never touch.”

Bonny pulled Miu in by her collar, then kissed her. A deep, hungry kiss, with one hand running up Miu’s back and gripping her hair.

Miu moaned.

The beaver moaned.

Bonny reached out with her aura and pulled at his Desire, his Need. She consumed it. A monster devouring the life essence of its victim. When the flow of energy lessened, she yanked harder, demanding more.

He collapsed, panting, as his vitality flowed out and left him weak.

Bonny let him go, then released Miu. She glanced over as she turned to leave. “You should be fine, but we'll give you an extra day to finish the work.”

“Yes.” He rolled onto his back and stared up at the ceiling. "Forgive me, Mistress."

"You've already paid. You're forgiven, but I'm not sure I like you calling me that." Bonny frowned at him, then grabbed her two companions by their hands and pulled them to the door.

A dozen guards waited outside.

Bonny waved. “Hi, guys. How's the training going?”

Miu squeezed Bonny’s hand. “Mistress, nya. These aren’t the guards we trained.”

“They’re not? Then why …? Oh, are you here about the alarms?”

One of the guards stepped forward. “We have orders to arrest you and bring you before the council.”

“Oh, we can go right now. Zeal go ahead and change.” Bonny let go of Zeal’s hand.

“No! That’s not ... Don't!” The guard blanched and rapidly backed away as Zeal transformed.

One moment, a small naked girl was stepping away from them, then a dragon crowded the street. The dragon stood upright, easily a story and a half tall. Her wings extended out above the leatherworker’s shop and her head angled down at the guards, wisps of flame lighting up her open mouth.

“Zeal! Down!” Bonny snapped her fingers and pointed. “We just talked about this.”

Zeal roared and the guards scattered. She dropped to all four legs, then lowered herself for Bonny to mount.

Bonny walked around and put a foot on Zeal’s nose. She tried to remain calm.

“If you haven’t noticed, the city is afraid of you. I shouldn’t have let you roar this morning and you definitely shouldn’t have done it now. We’re going to go apologize to the council and the head of the guard. Don’t make me regret rewarding you this morning.”

Zeal wilted. Her ears and wings both sagged and her tail curled under her body as she lowered herself to her belly.

Bonny giggled. She wanted to act mad, but the dragon looked like a scolded dog.

“Fine.” She stepped up, onto Zeal’s nose, then slowly climbed to the dragons shoulders and helped Miu up. “Take us to the plaza, try not to scare too many more people.

The plaza was crowded. A line of guards kept the crowds near the temples and away from the town hall, where the Merchant Council met.

The hungry and poor still gathered at the Temple of the Seven each evening, where Gloria handed out meals and preached about Hope.

The Temple of the Healer also had a small crowd of injured that waited on the acolytes to come by and help them.

Iolana was there as well, handing out cups of water to those waiting. She had been staying near the priestesses during the day in order to benefit from their regeneration auras, since she couldn't walk or fly with the rest of the companions.

The crowds scattered when Zeal’s shadow crossed over them. She beat her wings to slow and hover, then settled down near the town hall. By the time she landed, the plaza was almost empty except for a few people near the temples.

Bonny waved at the remaining people while Zeal transformed back into a girl, then led the way into the building.

“Stop!” The clerk ran around his desk to block them from entering the council hall. “You can’t go in.”

“We were just summoned.” Bonny looked at the clerk quizzically.

“You are supposed to be arrested! You can’t go in without guards.”

“Whhyyy?” Bonny said the word slowly, dragging out the question.

“You are barbaric and dangerous.” He drew himself up straight and tried to glare down his nose. “And, you are naked!”


“Yes!” He pointed back at the exterior door. “Go out and call the guards.”

“If I’m so out of control, why would I do that?”

He stammered.

The air started to shimmer as Zeal flashed hot. The room started heating up and Bonny turned to see Zeal’s eyes flash with anger and fire.

"I'm not the dangerous one."

Miu moved to the other side of Bonny, giving Zeal more room. The clerk backed away, but stayed in front of the door, still blocking their way.

Bonny pointed at the clerk’s desk. “Burn it.”

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