Bonny, the Bunny: A lewd LitRPG, with a monster-girl harem.

Vol 3, Ch 20. ♥ Audience

Kanae, in Miu-two form, layered several colorful silk strips over Bonny’s eyes.

“Why do I need to blindfolded?” Bonny asked. She was naked other than the silks, which made her feel vulnerable in ways that she wasn’t used to.

“A secret.” Kanae responded. “Turn off your aura. I know you can sense us through it.”

Bonny and Kanae still meditated together in the evenings, when they could fit it in. Bonny wasn’t sure how much it had helped her progress, considering all the other stat jumps she had received in the past few days, but it seemed like a good practice to keep up.

“You can tell when I use it?”

“Sometimes. When it’s strong, I feel drawn to you. Sometimes I can just tell by your actions.”

“Hmmm. Can other people tell?”

“Probably not.” Kanae leaned in and kissed Bonny on the lips, startling the bunny. “I can tell you have it off now.”

Bonny ran her hands down Kanae’s body. The fox was naked as well, which was normal for her, since she mostly stayed in her animal shape and didn’t usually dress after assuming someone else’s appearance. She usually just changed for Bonny and any clothes would come back off anyway.

This evening Kanae had taken on Miu’s form and her fur felt softer and fluffier than usual. If Miu were a house cat, she would have medium length hair with extra soft fur. When Bonny’s hands reached Kanae’s ass, she felt four tails, three fluffy fox tails and an extra soft cat tail. She tugged lightly on each and Kanae moaned as she found Bonny’s lips again.

“Get a room! I mean, another room. This one’s taken.” Freja called out.

Everyone laughed, except for Willowbelle and Zeal, who were otherwise occupied, one with a challenge and one with a punishment.

“Fine! I can tell when I’m not wanted.” Bonny tried to fake a pout, but was smiling too much. “Girls, I love you. All of you. Thank you for being part of my new life here.”

There were a chorus of replies that continued as they left the room. Tamanna led the way, Kanae following and guiding Bonny by a hand.

The route was confusing, with steps down, then back up, then down again, the cycle repeating again. Various voices called out greetings and well wishes, with an occasional shout of appreciation or whistle.

They passed through a door, then a curtain, and were greeted with a loud chorus of cheers. Bonny guessed she was on the stage facing the waiting room. She smiled and waved and the cheering grew louder.

Bonny felt Kanae embrace her from behind, hands coming around to form a hand bra and pinch her nipples. She was already turned on by the audience and moaned softly, letting her head fall back onto Kanae’s shoulder and tilting her hips forward.

“Is your plan to have public sex? Should I do anything?”

“Just showing you off.” The fox whispered in reply.

She turned Bonny around and guided her to her hands and knees, ass facing the audience. Hands squeezed her ass, then spread her cheeks and ran a wet finger down the crack.

The audience responded with cheers and whistles.

“Kanae! That’s not …” Bonny blushed, her cheeks hot.

This wasn’t something she was used to. Even when she had worked at the strip club, she had a song and routine. She had time to look over the audience and see who was watching and mentally prepare herself. The difference between knowing the audience and this was profound.

“No aura.” Kanae reminded her.

“But …” There was life essence to harvest. She could gather the audience’s desire and grow stronger. Stronger meant safety for her and her friends.

“No aura!” Kanae’s voice was stern.

“Okay, fine. What do you want?”

“I want you to obey me this time. Lower your shoulders and spread your legs, please. Let them see your pussy.”

Bonny did as requested. Shuffling her knees wider and lowering her upper body, knowing that everything was exposed to the crowd behind her. More cheers, shouts and whistles.

“Good girl. Now spread your ass and open your mouth.” Kanae’s voice was soft and pleased. She sounded excited, but constrained, as if holding herself back from something.

Bonny’s head was lying on the floor now, turned to the side. She reached back to grab her cheeks and pull them further open. When she opened her mouth, a bulbous egg shaped object was gently inserted.

Fingers touched her intimate areas and slipped between her folds. They were slick from her own arousal and caressed her softly, circling, but not entering.

“MMMmmmph.” Bonny moaned around the gag. She couldn’t quite close her mouth and saliva ran down the object.

“You’re doing great.” Kanae’s voice was still next to her head. The wet fingers belonged to someone else.

The object twisted in her mouth, smooth and hard. She tried to seal her lips around it and swallow, but another finger hooked her lower lip and held it open. One cheek was wet with drool.

The slick fingers caressed her again, moving up, transferring arousal to her ass. They circled and pressed in, penetrating slightly. Her nerves tingled at the touch. The fingers dropped to her folds again and her mind screamed that it wasn’t sanitary, but another part of her wanted it, needed it. The fingers pinched slightly and stroked. They dipped low enough to touch her bud and a thrill shot through her.

She was drooling now, saliva running freely down the object. She could feel arousal running down her folds as well.

The fingers collected the moisture and traced a tingling path back up to her ass, slick and wet, pressing in, penetrating slightly, and she realized what the smooth, bulbous object in her mouth was and what Kanae intended to do.

“Mmph.” Bonny flexed the two butt plugs that she had given to Kanae and Miu. She had forgotten that she had control over them. Greater control now that she had stolen Lust’s power.

A grunt of surprise sounded in front of her and the fingers in her ass froze.

Kanae pinched her ear and hissed, “None of that! You can experiment later!”


She realized Kanae wanted to insert a large butt plug with saliva and arousal, since Violet wasn’t there to provide lubrication.

“Do you need a spanking?” The fox sounded amused, almost laughing.

Bonny nodded. The burn of a paddling, the shame of a public punishment, the excitement of the crowd, the rising Desire.

Kanae giggled, then louder, to someone else, “Spank her.”

Bonny jumped at the CRACK of a hand impacting her perineum. Her own hands were still holding her cheeks open, so the impact landed below them, across her lower cheeks and pussy. Pain flashed through her and left a warm burning sensation behind.

Another CRACK and she flinched again. This one landed vertically, cupping her exposed pussy. Arousal splashed out, droplets wetting the fur on her upper thighs. The hand didn’t lift away, but slid up, dragging more moisture into her ass crack.

“MMmmph!” The other person hadn’t pulled the strike and tears welled up at the flash of pain and burning sting.

The audience’s cheering escalated in intensity, but faded from her awareness.

“Had enough?” Kanae still sounded amused.

Bonny nodded.

“Okay.” Fingers caressed her lips, then tugged the plug out of her mouth.

A moment later, she felt the rounded tip pushing against her back door. She tried to relax, to open herself and allow it entry without pain. She failed.

The plug forced her open, forced her wider than she imagined. If it weren’t for the faint, insufficient lubricant on it, she would have sworn it was bigger than the one that had been in her mouth.

Her ass spread wider and wider, sharp pain lancing out, replacing the burning sensations. She opened her mouth to scream, but fingers caught her jaw and a thumb slipped inside her mouth, clamping down on her tongue. She moaned into the thumb and sucked on it.

The plug suddenly popped inside, her ass clamping shut around the notch. Her ass throbbed around the intrusion and the stinging, burning sensation from the spanking slowly returned. The plug filled her, stretched her insides.

Kanae left her thumb in place, letting Bonny suck on it. Another hand wiped sweat from Bonny’s face. It had beaded out at the sharp pain. The hand pulled her damp hair back and stroked it, scratching lightly at her scalp.

“We’re almost done here. Are you okay?” Kanae sounded concerned.

Bonny nodded.

“I’m going to lead you through the crowd. Is it okay if they touch you?”

Bonny hesitated. Touching wasn’t allowed in the strip club, not without permission. Of course, some people groped at the performers anyway. Sometimes they were thrown out, but they usually got away with it. Many performers allowed it as long at they got a big tip. Bonny had never welcomed it. At least not from men.

She hadn’t asked what the rules were here. Maybe groping was allowed. Kama seemed to want her girls safe though, so she wouldn’t allow customers to get too far out of hand.


“What if I allow you to use your aura?”

Another hesitation. Wasn’t that just a big tip? She would gain power rather than money. Of course, being blindfolded and not knowing who touched her was a little enticing. She could imagine the room was full of women - as long as the hands weren’t too rough or the voices too low.

Her pussy throbbed from the burning that hadn’t quite faded and her ass from the stretching and hardness inside her. It couldn't be the thought of strangers touching her. No. The excitement building had nothing to do with wanting their desire, of consuming their lust.

“Maybe? Do you really want to see people grope me?”

“Yes.” Kanae was greedy for attention, time, and as much cum as Bonny would give her, but didn’t mind Bonny enjoying attention from others. She wasn’t jealous like Eloisss.

“If I ask for help, will you stop them?”

“Yes. Tammy, Hana, and Rion are here and will help guide you. Don’t use your aura until I give permission.”

Hananoka was the otter kin that she had performed on stage with her the week prior and Rion was a middle aged human woman that often managed the audience. Bonny liked both of them.

“Okay. Who was touching me just now?”

“That’s a secret.” Kanae's voice was amused.

There was the sound of movement across the stage, steps both coming and going, then Kanae pulled Bonny to her feet. The plug shifted as she stood, stretching and pressing in unfamiliar ways.

Tamanna’s voice called out from the edge of the stage. “We’re going to lead Bonny down from the stage. You may touch her, but be gentle. Don’t touch the blindfold. If one of us gives a warning, move away immediately.”

The crowd cheered and Bonny shivered. Not in excitement and anticipation, no, definitely not.

Kanae pulled Bonny to one side of the stage. The plug shifted with each step, stimulating and filling. They took the stairs slowly, carefully, Kanae guiding with a hand on her stomach.

Voices quieted around her and she could feel comforting presences close in. Someone grabbed her other hand and she flinched slightly.

“It’s me.” Tamanna said. “We’re moving to a table.”

A whistle sounded close by in front of her. She took another couple steps and stopped when Kanae squeezed her hand.

Fingers touched her arms and shoulders, ruffling her fur, tickling lightly. A braver patron trailed fingers across a breast and pinched a nipple.

She gasped, but didn’t complain.

A gentle squeeze on her hand and she nodded. It was okay.

The mysterious hands grew braver, touching her stomach, her hips, the outsides of her thighs. A pair of hands stroked her ears. Another squeezed her ass and traced a finger along the crack.

She shivered again. She was doing this for Kanae, being groped by strangers was not at all exciting. A trickle of arousal ran down a leg and she knew she was lying to herself.

Tamanna and Kanae pulled her to another group. More hands reached out amid words of appreciation, more fingers teased at her fur and traced her abs, biceps, and traps. A pair of hands gripped her shoulders and gave a quick massage. The hands were big, heavy, obviously a man. She tensed, but the hands remained on her shoulders, working at the muscles.

“You can use your aura.” Kanae said from her right.

Bonny pushed her aura out, sensing the desires around her. Kanae was where she expected, tense and hot and ready to jump on top of her. Tamanna was to the other side, also excited and happy to be with her. Bonny wasn’t as familiar with the other two, but could identify both of them, excited but wary, watching the people crowding close.

The crowd was mix of desires around her. Some beat against her, hot and heavy. Others were more reserved, afraid of annoying her, but still interested, excited to be there.

After a minute, she was pulled along another few stops. New hands, new touches. Gentle caresses and hard pinches. A few more steps and another set of hands.

The desires thrummed around her and more fluid trickled out, matting the fur between her thighs. She pulled on the sensations around her, drank it in.

More steps, more fingers. One hand slipped in between her cheeks and gripped the base of the plug.

“No!” Rion’s voice rang out and the hand was slapped away.

The man stepped around Rion and grabbed Bonny in a hug, hands wrapping around to clutch at her breasts as he pressed himself against her. She could feel him, hardness pressed against her upper ass cheeks and lower back.

Bonny didn’t wait for another intervention. She yanked at the man’s desire. The full body touch wasn’t quite a strong of a connection as a kiss, but it was enough. She drank in his vitality until he dropped. She felt him convulse as he faded into unconsciousness. He wasn’t dead, but he wouldn’t be moving anytime soon.

There's always one.

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