Bonny, the Bunny: A lewd LitRPG, with a monster-girl harem.

Vol 3, Ch 19. ♥♥ Rules (CW: Piss)

Bonny ended up interrogating Nestor about different designs for crafted magical items until the rest of her group arrived. There were four main phases to working with mana attuned items: Accumulation, Storage, Attunement, and the Matrix overlay.

Accumulation was the process of gathering mana from the surroundings, something Bonny had discussed with her companions on the trip south. Storage didn’t always need to be a mana crystal, but it was one of the most efficient options and was required for small items like wands or amulets. Attunement was the process of the core adapting and applying raw mana to the spell Matrix.

It required a skilled craftsman to fit it all together and Bonny didn’t think Nestor was that smart or detail oriented. He had learned a lot from the tomes lining the walls, but she wouldn’t trust him to work on something complex, like her former armor or shield.

She hadn't seen the shield since Zeal attacked the city and wondered where it was.

Thinking of the armor and shield reminded her of Lindisss. Another reason they should head back into the forest and check on everyone. She hoped Eloisss’ sister and the rest of the lamia weren’t hurt by Matt or Wrath.

Nestor waved his hand and caught her attention. He was still talking, like he had been for the last fifteen minutes, “… with a wand, the command work is embedded into the matrix. Then, when you use it, the matrix pulls mana from the crystal, through the core, and triggers the spell.”

Bonny frowned. “A command word? Is that the same as a skill? Like when I heal someone with mending?”

“In short, yes, but when you learn a skill through the system, the spell matrix is stored along with it. They are unique to each individual, so the same command word used by two different people may refer to different spells.”

“We’re amazing! Praise me!” The voice came from Bonny’s left shoulder. She glanced over to see Courage sitting there with a smug look on her tiny face.

“Did you really create the system?” Bonny asked, forgetting about Nestor again.

The skill and magic required to create the System seemed too complex for spirits that interacted with feelings and ideals. No matter how powerful they were, something like that required forethought, planning, and attention to detail.

“YES!” The goddess shouted.

“Courage, I’ve been you. It doesn’t make sense. You don’t … I mean, you can’t … build it.”

The goddess eyed Bonny for a moment, then vanished.

She sighed and hoped the tiny goddess wasn’t mad at her. Their relationship had been a little strained since that night on the giant rock, but she knew the gods still supported her. Maybe she should do something to make up with Courage.

The System obviously required some sort of magical architect. Even if the gods had helped, she didn’t see how they could have designed it. Maybe Grandma Oak would know. Yet another reason to go north.

They continued to discuss spell matrices and item creation until the rest of the Companions arrived, then the girls headed back to their room at the brothel.

Freja filled Bonny in on the events of the day. They had sparred with some of the guards and centaurs, then gone on patrol with a mixed group. A few of them were close to tier two and Freja wanted to see if they could arrange an encounter with a monster that could push them over the threshold. They had found a few demonic tainted critters, but nothing that helped beyond system experience.

Iolana had spent the day at the Healing Temple, helping as she could, in return for staying near the new priests.

When they entered the room, Bonny purified everyone, taking care to avoid the sapling, then pointed Zeal to the wall. Once the dragon girl assumed her throne position, Bonny sat down and relayed her own tale between bites of dinner. Of the knowledge gained in the depths of the lake and the heights of the tower.

“It sounds like there are temples for each of the elements and we can use them to help with affinity and mastery. There may be other treasures or things to learn too. Aqua sent Hyzenth to the Water Temple for healing. The Fire Temple is north of the forest. Do any of you know anything about it?”

“No, nya.” Miu answered.

No one else responded, but logically only Eloisss, Lupa, or Zeal would have any reason to know about it.

“Zeal?” Bonny half turned in her seat, shifting her weight over the dragon girl’s knees.

“There is … a volcano … not far from my cave. It could be there.” Her legs were beginning to shake.

“Can we investigate?”


“Great. It’ll be an adventure!” Bonny hopped up. “Stand and stretch, then eat quickly.”

As Zeal moved to the table, Bonny beckoned Willowbelle over. “I think we should wait till sunset to water the sapling, start keeping a regular schedule. What do you think?”

Willowbelle shrugged, pulling Bonny’s eyes downward for a moment. “It shouldn’t matter what time we use as long as she gets adequate fluids.”

“I think first thing in the morning and sunset are the best times. Unfortunately, Kanae wants to take me somewhere and I don’t think we’ll be back before then.”

“What do you want to do?” Willowbelle asked, head tilted slightly, quizzically. There were a couple hours until the sun set.

Bonny grinned and started removing her robe. “I’ve had a lot to drink today and I really need to pee now. I want you to hold it in your mouth and wait. Don’t swallow. Think you can do that?”

Willowbelle paused, before answering. “I … don’t know.”

Bonny motioned her down and started removing her robe. “Go ahead, kneel. I’ll give Zeal some to hold as well, so if you accidentally swallow or spill some of it, you can take more from her.”

Once the dryad was in position, Bonny stepped in and pulled her in tight, upper lips locked to lower lips. She didn’t summon her cock to help direct the flow this time. “Tongue fuck me. Let me know you want it.”

Willowbelle’s tongue was longer and rougher than it looked. She parted Bonny’s folds with the tip, sliding it up and back, then slowly thrust inside. She curled her tongue up, stroking, caressing the bunny’s insides.

“MMMmm, that feels good.” Bonny grabbed ahold of Willowbelle’s hair and held her still while the tongue worked in and out. After a minute, she let out a long breath. “Okay, that’s enough. Leave your tongue inside me. Take a breath and close your throat. Ready?”


Bonny squeezed her pelvic muscles around Willowbelle’s tongue, then relaxed and let the stream go. The trickle of urine was muffled, but grew louder as Willowbelle’s mouth gradually filled up, like pouring water in a cup. When she felt warm liquid splashing against her, she slowed the stream and pulled back slightly. She let another small stream dribble out until a trickle ran down Willowbelle’s cheek.

She stepped back and admired the view. The dryad had her head tilted almost all the way back, eyes looking up at the ceiling. Her mouth open.

Bonny adjusted Willowbelle’s head slightly, to keep it level, then pulled the dryad’s tongue out as far as she could. Holding on to it, she cast “[Create Water!]”, and added just enough water to completely fill up the dryad’s mouth and then some. The surface of the liquid was elevated above her lips and corners of her mouth, held in place by surface tension.

“There we go. If you move or tilt your head or try to relax your tongue, it’ll spill over. Try not to do that. If you make it till sunset and manage to water your sapling without spilling any, I’ll give you a reward, okay?”

Willowbelle blinked, unable to nod or speak.

Bonny laughed and clapped, then turned. “Zeal are you done eating?”

The dragon was chewing on some sort of steak that Tamanna had brought in. She had ignored the plates and utensils and was holding half of a steak in her hands. Grease ran down her chin and fingers.

Bonny shook her head. “Put that down and come here. You can have the rest later.”

Zeal did as asked, kneeling beside Willowbelle. She paused her chewing to lick her fingers.

“Stop!” Bonny directed.

Zeal did, one finger still in her mouth.

Bonny pulled Zeal’s hand away and leaned in to lick up the grease running down the dragon girl’s chin.

She didn’t enjoy meat like she used to in her previous life, but the taste brought back memories of her and her friends stopping in at an all night diner after work. A memory of Matt intruded - a fancy steakhouse, an expensive dinner she didn’t finish, arguments, manipulation, yelling, pain.

Bonny sighed. Why did Matt have to fuck everything up? He was dead. All the way dead. But here he was, still finding ways to ruin her evening. His death was the only one she didn’t regret, even if she sent him out gracefully.

She thought of Susan. It had been almost a week and Death hadn’t come back to her yet. She wondered when …

“Bonny?” Zeal interrupted her thoughts.

She blinked down at the dragon girl kneeling in front of her. “Sorry. The steak … the flavor reminded me of something. Go ahead and swallow.”

Zeal gulped down the chuck of meat in her mouth, not bothering to chew it further.


When Zeal opened her mouth, Bonny stepped forward, spread her labia, and let the stream go without the care she had taken with Willowbelle. Pale yellow urine splashed across Zeal’s face, until Bonny pulled her hips back slightly, spraying most of it into Zeal’s mouth. She filled it about halfway and squeezed off the stream, the last trickle leaving a wet line down Zeal’s chest.

“Rinse your mouth and swallow. Willow’s sapling doesn’t need the grease.”

Zeal closed her mouth and swished Bonny’s urine several times, paused, then swished it again. She swallowed and opened her mouth.

Bonny leaned forward to examine Zeal’s teeth. They were sharp and narrowed to jagged points, but didn’t seem to have any meat caught in them. “Good girl. We may need to see a dentist though. Do you have dentists? Nevermind, don't answer that.”

Bonny grabbed one of Zeal’s horns and used it to level her head, then filled her mouth. She didn’t stop, letting the urine overflow and run down the dragon’s cheeks and body, pooling up under her.

“Stay still and don’t move. Sitting in urine is a minor punishment for not asking to stretch before you collapsed. It doesn’t matter that you didn’t fall. When your muscles start to feel weak, let me know. Okay?”

Zeal started to nod and more urine spilled out of her mouth.

“Stop!” Bonny grabbed Zeal’s horn and repositioned her head. “Save it in case Willow needs it. If she doesn’t, then hold it until I get back. In either case, I’ll reward you if you're successful. If you spill any more, you’ll get a punishment.”

Zeal didn’t move or try to talk.

“Good. I’ll take that as acceptance.” Bonny turned back to her companions.

Most of them were still eating, either at the table or sitting on the bed. Kanae had transformed into Miu-two and was bouncing on her toes, holding onto the silk strips they had worn earlier.

Bonny held up a finger and turned to Miu. “Before I leave with Kanae, I want to go over some rules with you. For you. They’re not too difficult and should be fun. Okay?”

Miu nodded and put down her food, turning to give Bonny her full attention.

Bonny took a deep breath and started, “First, I want you to always call me ‘mistress’ in public. Here in the room you can be informal if you want. Second, I want you to give me a kiss each morning and evening, the first and last things you do each day. Three, serve me dinner and breakfast. Starting tomorrow. Four, groom me after dinner. We’ll keep it short and simple. And Five, I want you to sleep with your leash on, either at my head or feet. I’ll let you decide. I can hold the leash or we can tie it to the bed frame. How do those sound?”

“Yes, mistress.” She smiled up as a blush crept up her cheeks and her tail quivered.

“If you do these things, I’ll always give you extra attention. You should also have some time off, how about on your romantic days? We can be equals that day and you can take the collar off if you want. If you fail at any other time, I'll find a punishment for you. Probably something embarrassing, but not as bad as ..." Bonny glanced over at Zeal, still kneeling with her head tilted awkwardly back. "... that. Is that okay, Kitty of mine?”

Miu started purring and nodded, her face fully red.

“Good. Let me know if you want to change any of the rules. I want us both happy with them.” Bonny bent to kiss Miu and bump foreheads gently. “I love you, Miu. I’m glad you’re mine.”

“Me too, nya. Mistress.”

There were originally three main phases in mana flow: Accumulation, Storage, and Shaping.  Maybe I should have kept it for the acronym. :)

I started working on crafting rules during the trip out of the forest, but then decided it was too early in the story and came up with a weak excuse to delay it.

Thanks for reading,

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