Bonny, the Bunny: A lewd LitRPG, with a monster-girl harem.

Vol 3, Ch 16. ♥♥ Elemental Temples (CW: Ignore Play, Piss)

“What do you mean? Should I be careful with what I share with you?” Bonny asked as she traced the shape of water sitting in her lap.

“Yes. But you should fuck me again first.”

Bonny giggled and looked up to the three mermaids.

Kanae was still rubbing herself and squirming in place. She pulsed in Bonny's aura, satisfaction radiating off of her. Brooke and Lake were also aroused and floating next to each other, rapt and enchanted, though Lake also seemed concerned.

Bonny dismissed her cock and pushed herself off of the floor (ceiling), floating up (down) and drifting back slightly until she settled on the altar. She opened her legs, pulled the two silken strips further apart, then lightly pushed on the elemental, directing it off of her lap and between her legs.

“Please me and I’ll consider it.”

“I will.” Aqua’s voice was light and soft, a rush of a stream through rushes.

The elemental vortex collapsed in upon itself, the dense shape falling away, except for the eyes, which stayed visible, gazing up. She slid down Bonny’s body like ice on an incline. The vortex reformed a moment later, resuming it’s pull on the surrounding water, condensing into the now familiar shape between Bonny’s legs. Ripples and currents pressed against the bunny, pushing and pulling, sucking at her, spreading the silks and her folds open.

Bonny leaned back, hands on the altar, and looked at the three mermaids in front of her. She winked at Kanae and lifted one leg to rest on one of the elemental’s shoulders. The spinning vortex supported her weight and the twisting currents swirled the fur on the back of her leg in strange patterns.

Kanae giggled and continued stroking herself along the slit in her scales. She shifted sideways to get a better view and her eyes dropped to the shifting fur on Bonny's inner thighs.

Lake stepped forward. “Tha-that’s not … She’s a Goddess, you should be respectful.”

Bonny laughed. “She’s the one making requests, not me.”

Aqua took that moment to purse her lips around Bonny’s button. She sucked on it, a small whirlpool settling into place around the bunny’s most sensitive area, tugging, swelling, engorging.

Bonny gasped and closed her eyes, then shifted her hips up to disrupt the sensation. She focused on Lake and tried to ignore Aqua. “Tell me about the temple.”

Lake glanced up and down several times before settling on Bonny’s face. “The Temple? It’s off the coast of Saa, about three weeks south of here by boat.”

“Is that where you’re from? What brought you here?”

“Almost all of our family serves Aqua and we have a Maiden at each shrine. Brooke is an exception. She quit.”

“I hated the training and snuck out when I could.” Brooke spoke up. “I liked to sing and paint, so would swim to the surface and paint the sunsets and seashores.”

Bonny laughed. “My world has a story about a little mermaid who swims to the surface and falls in love with a human. Why did you go into sex work? Why here? So far from the ocean?”

Brooke beamed. “I like sex. More than you, I think. I like talking to different people and playing with them.”

Bonny laughed again. “More than me?”

“Yes.” Brooke nodded emphatically. “I like sex with everyone. Well, every species I’ve met. Boys and girls. You won’t have sex with men. Or me.”

“Hmmm, that’s true.” Bonny shifted her hips forward, flexing her pelvic muscles as she pressed into Aqua, into the vortex, allowing the strong current to swirl around her, tugging, teasing. She took a deep breath and pulled back. “It does feel good though. With the right partner.”

Brooke laughed. “Yes! I agree.”

“But why here?”

“I was assigned to this shrine. Lake came to continue my lessons and help, but I didn’t like the isolation and loneliness so I left it to her. Just kept going to visit the town until Kama invited me to work for her.”

“Does your family know?”

Brooke shook her head. “I don’t think so.”

“What about you?” Bonny asked Lake. “Do you regret being stuck here? Taking over her assignment?”

“No. I know she wasn’t happy. I’m glad she stayed though. It can be lonely. She doesn't visit often enough.”

Bonny dropped her hands to Aqua’s head, letting the elemental’s strands of watery hair curl around her fingers, whorls of current that carried Bonny’s breath up to the ceiling in long strings of bubbles. Each breath was pulled into the vortex, swirled around Aqua’s head, then exited through her flowing hair, no longer highlighting the elemental’s body.

Bonny closed her eyes and pulled Aqua in tight, guiding the elemental to where she wanted, fingertips penetrating into the whirls of head and hair, directing the rippled lips and twisting tongue up and back down.

Lake dropped her gaze to what Bonny was doing. Her smile dropped away. “That is disrespectful!”

Bonny opened her eyes to see Lake’s outraged face. “No, it’s helpful. Do you want to see disrespectful?”

With each breath, a small trickle of water condensed into Bonny’s mouth. After the long swim down and the time spent in meditation, her bladder was starting to feel bloated. She kept her eyes locked on the priestess and relaxed, letting her piss flow.

A pale yellow stream sprayed out, washing across Aqua’s face, swirling into the vortex. As soon as the stream touched the elemental, Bonny realized something had changed, that maybe this wasn’t a great idea.

Aqua seized control of the stream of urine and reversed it, forced it back in. It quickly filled Bonny up putting more pressure on her bladder than she had felt moments before.

Bonny dropped her gaze, finding Aqua’s eyes staring up at her. She felt bloated, full, and her lower back started aching a moment later. She had to pee, was trying to pee, but couldn’t.

Her next breath cascaded out, falling down and highlighting the elemental’s grin for a moment, before whirling out and up along the streams of hair once again.

Aqua winked, then sucked the urine out of Bonny so quick and forcefully that it burned.

Bonny moaned, both in relief and pain.

The pale yellow water spun around the elemental’s head, making her visible once. She was still gazing up, grin still in place.

A moment later, coolness worked it’s way back up inside her. A healing, comforting sensation that soothed the burning. The intrusive water expanded, spreading Bonny's urethra open and pleasuring her in ways she had never imagined or expected. Violet had slipped a tendril up inside Bonny's urethra a few times, but it felt nothing like the pleasure radiating out now.

Bonny looked up to see Brooke holding Lake back. One hand covered Lake’s mouth and the other was around her waist, the two mermaids spinning in circles as they tried to swim in opposite directions. The priestess was apoplectic, her face red.

“Wait! Stop!” Bonny held her hands up. “She’s into this.”

The words didn’t help. Lake was beyond outraged, her face shading into purple as she struggled to break free of her sister’s grip.

Bonny tried again. “Really! I found out recently that my dryad doesn’t view pee the same way that most people do. It’s not waste, but a resource. It’s a gift that contains personal essence and magic. I thought Aqua might think of it the same way.”

She glanced down again to see the pale yellow tint had faded.

“She likes it more, she’s … uh, oh, oh, Oh Fuck! MMMMMMmmmmm …”

Dense water penetrated Bonny in both her vagina and urethra. The flows pulsed, expanding and contracting, pressure changing as currents thrust in and reversed, flexing around her folds and sensitive areas, both internal and external. A whirl swirled around her clitoris, sucking gently, pulsing in time with the rest.

Bonny took a deep breath and tried to push the pleasure aside, deciding that pissing on the water elemental was one of the best ideas she had ever had. She focused on Lake and Brooke again.

Lake had settled down, Bonny’s last words had penetrated her anger. Either the words, or Bonny’s obvious pleasure at whatever actions Aqua was willingly participating in.

“Do you … have a partner … Lake?” Bonny was gasping for breath.

The priestess narrowed her eyes, not quite as settled as she seemed. “No.”

“Have … you ever … had sex?”

“Yes. Why does that matter?”

“Would you … join … MMMMM … us?” Bonny’s attempt at ignoring the euphoria radiating from her core wasn’t working. Aqua was too skilled.

“Can … I?” Lake’s eyes brightened.

“Of cour … oh, oh, OH! OHHH!”

The swirling suction suddenly increased in power and followed Bonny as she tried to shift her hips. The exterior current swirled around her clitoris, pushing in, caressing, demanding. At the same time, the penetrating fluidic tendrils pulsed and stroked her insides, pressing against the underside of her clitoris, stimulating … Overwhelming!

Bonny tightened her grip, muscles tensing and fingertips pressing into the currents surrounding her, feeling the tug, the cool pleasure washing over her, through her. She let go of her restraint and basked in the pulsing waves of pleasure that built and crested, crashing down like a tsunami of sensation.

She was shaking, fingers tensing and releasing, legs flailing and toes curling, and Bonny realized that some time had passed without her awareness.

The vortex of pressure lay on top of her now. It enveloped her, pulling at her fur and whipping her hair into a frenzy. She relaxed into the comforting presence, letting the tension fall away, sighing contentedly.

“Did I please you?” The soft burble was sounded satisfied, pleased with itself.

“MMMMM, yes.”

“Will you fuck me now?”

“I might need a minute.” Bonny let out a deep breath. “Where the fuck did you learn to do that?”

A soft splash of water, of laughter. “I am old. Very old. Older than your human gods. Very little is new to me, though I sometimes have trouble remembering.”

They lay silent for a long minute, Bonny still breathing hard. Her face was buried in the vortex and the air drawn from each breath of water felt clean and fresh, the trickle of condensed water tasted pure and sweet. Each exhalation briefly highlighted the curvy shape lying on top of her.

“Are there shrines and temples for Earth, Wind, and Fire?” Bonny asked.

“Yes,” Lake answered. She seemed to have calmed down. “Each element has several shrines and a temple. There is a volcano to the north for fire, in the mountains beyond the forest. Air is somewhere to the east, also in the mountains. There’s a big cliff, I think. I’m not sure about the earth temple.”

“Who built them? Does anyone know?”

“An outworlder.” Aqua answered in a happy burble. “A magician. Thousands of years ago. The temples helped gather us. They shaped us. Our names were carved into the temples when we awoke, but the outworlder was already gone.”

“That’s not in the histories. That’s … not …” Lake fell silent and looked from Aqua to Bonny, expectant and speechless.

Another burbling laugh, still wild, but calmer.

“She never talks like this.” Lake continued after a moment, speaking to Bonny. “This is … I don’t know what to do.”

Bonny laughed and motioned for Lake to approach. “I helped another priestess communicate with her goddess yesterday. Come. Let’s fix that."

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