Bonny, the Bunny: A lewd LitRPG, with a monster-girl harem.

Vol 3, Ch 15. ♥ Deep Currents

A vortex formed over the altar. Not so much seen, as felt.

All the water in the room pulled toward the vortex, tugging them gently forward. When Bonny breathed out, the cloud of bubbles were sucked into the whirl, where they disintegrated into a fine foam that spun around in a tight upward spiral, briefly outlining a voluptuous humanoid figure sitting on the altar.

The lights around the room refracted along the edges of the figure, glimmering along shear lines where the vortex concentrated the water into a denser form.

Blue orbs appeared and opened in the figure’s head, water solidifying into light blue eyes with dark irises. They focused on Bonny.

“Another rabbit kin?” The voice of the elemental was low and gentle, the soft burbling of a spring mountain stream.

Bonny’s mind immediately went to the only other rabbit kin she knew. “Another? Did Hyzenth come here?” She remembered that the other bunny had some sort of water power.

“Yes. She required more healing than I could provide here.”

“Healing?” Each time Bonny spoke, her exhalation briefly silhouetted the elemental’s body as the air bubbles were pulled into the whirl of water.

“She had a soul wound. I sent her to the Temple.”

“What temple?” Every comment from the elemental seemed to add questions rather than answer them.

The elemental ignored the question, her gaze roaming up and down Bonny’s body.

“I recognize you, Bonny. I have touched your soul. Healed you as well.”

“You have?” She glanced around, confused.

The two sister mermaids had backed away, not worried, just giving her some space. Brooke winked and smiled at her. Kanae swam closer and laid a supporting hand on Bonny’s shoulder.

“In the Forest. Oakleigh requested my assistance.” The elemental burbled.

“Oh!” Bonny recalled the odd pool of water under The Oak. It had been warm, like a hot spring, but weirdly out of place. She had had several erotic encounters in it, including her and Eloisss' first experience, when the lamia had sworn to serve her. “That was wonderful. Thank you.”

The bubbles of Bonny’s breath traced across the elemental’s body again, revealing a smile and soft jaw line.

“I have tasted your essence in my pool, Bonny. Felt the pleasure of your companions. I understand that you have pleased the human gods as well. Will you share yourself with me once again?"

“Uh. I, umm, promised not to sleep with Brooke, and …”

“You do not need to. Come.” The currents in the room changed, pulling stronger.

Bonny hesitated and glanced back at Lake to ask, "Why did you summon her?"

Lake laughed. "To improve your water mastery. I didn't expect this, but based on the stories ..."

"Oh." Bonny smiled at the elemental. "Will you help with that?"

"Yes!" The burbling otherworldly voice rose in volume, excited and ready, and the currents within the cave changed again, forcibly tugging Bonny forward.

Bonny’s next breath highlighted the arm reaching toward her, the foam of her exhalation spinning in tight circles as it raced along the currents of the elemental's body, briefly highlighting a delighted smile before dissipating.

The elemental’s fingers caressed Bonny’s arm, felt but no longer seen. The currents ruffled Bonny’s fur, swirling around as the elemental’s hand moved up to her shoulder.

Kanae gave Bonny a squeeze, then swam away, her fingertips lingering for a moment before they fell away.

Bonny flashed Kanae a brief smile and reached out to the elemental, feeling her way along the unseen arm as she traced it up to a shoulder.

The invisible currents felt like the wind through an open window of a moving car, forceful but yielding. Bonny reached out with her other hand, sliding her fingers along lines of force, feeling the shape of the woman before her. She breathed out again, foamy bubbles whirling, outlining, and tickling her where they brushed under her palms.

Since waking up in this world, Bonny had experienced the impossible, had seen and used real magic. She had slept with various animal kin, mythological beings, gods, and demons, but this - this was otherworldly in a whole different way.

Bonny traced the elemental’s firm breasts, pushing her fingertips in, squeezing lightly. The hidden currents yielded to her pressure, then passed over and around her fingertips as she pressed too hard and her hands sank into the figure’s body. The elemental’s nipples were small eddies that swirled in a reversed direction from the rest of the body, denser, but still pliant.

She trailed her fingers up, tracing the shear lines, feeling the soft cheeks of water, touching the ripples of force that delineated lips and a nose. She leaned in and pressed her lips to the elemental’s, a light kiss. Aqua was made of the purest water, flawless and gentle.

The elemental kissed her back, ripples parting, a soft whirl of a tongue reaching out, caressing, tugging at her own.

Bonny breathed out again, watching the bubbles spin into foam, illuminating the elemental’s lips and tongue, then her face as a whole. The tiny bubbles spun up into her hair, splayed out above them, before separating into individual lines and spinning in curls and spirals along the watery locks.

“Holy fuck, you’re amazing.”

She couldn’t help it. This was magic. Real magic that she could feel, but not quite see. A glimpse of something beyond knowledge, beyond understanding. The elemental was more magical than instantaneous healing, more than tree roots and lightning that decimated monsters, more than reincarnation and a new world, more than gods or demons.

She had at least heard of things like gods and demons and resurrection back on Earth, but this - this invisible, impossible woman in front of her felt like pure imagination.

Aqua’s laugh was the crash of a wave against a rocky cliff, sudden and wild.

Bonny leaned in again, touching her lips to Aqua’s, breathing out as she did, watching as her breath revealed flashes of the elemental. She trailed kisses down Aqua’s neck and shoulder, exhaling with each touch, delighting in the brief exposures, tiny peeks at something indescribable. She moved lower, tracing her way along one breast, then suckling at the forceful eddy of the elemental’s nipple. When she blew out, foamy bubbles swirled one way, then the other, transitioning from nipple, to breast, to body and neck, before dissipating.

Aqua’s hands stroked Bonny’s ears and caught in her hair, pulling it into the whirl of currents, tangling it inside the elemental’s body, outlining her hands and forearms with Bonny’s own body.

Bonny slipped lower, kissing her way down Aqua’s stomach, until she reached the elemental’s center. She knelt before the altar and the water goddess, parting the expected ripples with her tongue. She felt the hard counterflow of the liquid clitoris, an eddy reversed and more forceful than the rest of the currents that made up the unimaginable being above her.

Aqua’s legs came up, resting on Bonny’s shoulders, pulling more of her hair into the strong, whirling currents. The vortexes along the elemental's legs spun in opposite directions and stirred up the fur on Bonny’s shoulders. Her hair stretched out, tangling together in the complex flows where the two currents met.

Bonny lapped at the elemental with her tongue, tasting the pureness of the water in front of her. She breathed out, silhouetting the form, the ripples, the twisting currents that formed a tight whirlpool. A peek at a transient three dimensional map of the elemental’s most sensitive area. She closed her lips on the whirl at the top of the rippled folds, momentarily disrupting the flow.

Aqua shivered, her thighs and hands tightening around Bonny’s head as she moaned with the echoing, haunting sound of water coursing through a tunnel.

Bonny tried to pull back, but Aqua’s hands tightened and pulled her back in.

The bunny giggled and allowed it, licking in, running her tongue through the folds and ripples of force. She glanced up as she breathed out again, her breath revealing the taut body, its head thrown back, eyes now closed.

Bonny brought one hand up and slid two fingers inside the maelstrom in front of her, stroking the undulating surge whirling around her as she licked the sensitive eddy above it. The deep currents spun and twisted, internal ripples squeezing against her fingers. She stroked along the top of the whirl, not penetrating into the current, but sliding her fingers along it, crossing lines of pressure with fingertips.

Aqua shuddered again, moaning louder.

Is water wet?

The question intruded suddenly, distracting Bonny into another giggle. She had an answer, yes.

The maelstrom at the elemental’s core grew slick and the taste transitioned from the purest water to the tangy sweetness of arousal, impossible and magical.

Bonny’s tongue and fingers stroked along the whirlpool of pleasure and Aqua sang in response. Her wild, haunting cries escalated as the hidden currents tugged Bonny’s head back and forth, the elemental quivering in pleasure.

Bonny's next breath revealed that Aqua was coming apart, literally. The currents fluctuating, no longer contained and defined. A shudder ran through the elemental, foamy bubbles escaping as she came … undone.

"You're not done yet. Pull yourself together." Bonny stood, hands tracing up the sides of the turbulent flows, amusement and delight clear in her voice.

She separated the two silk strips that formed her bikini bottoms and manifested her cock. It jutted out of the silken slit, solid and demanding.

The currents of the elemental vortex were weak, but still present. She leaned in,  hands cupped the back of Aqua’s head, her lips finding matching ripples. She lost herself in the kiss.

Aqua slowly reformed, the currents strengthening again, the shear lines redefined. Her arms and legs wrapped around Bonny’s back and waist and pulled her tight, the whirls ruffling and twisting Bonny's fur in strange patterns.

Bonny rocked her hips forward and sheathed herself in the maelstrom. The currents shifted, to better align and wrap around her cock, the clumsiness of real bodies surpassed by elemental magic.

The whirlpool tightened around around her, not smooth, but textured with internal waves and hidden flows. The maelstrom clutched her tight, pulling down, sucking her in.

Aqua laughed again, bewitching and enchanting, haunting and powerful.

Bonny’s hands dropped to Aqua’s ass and she picked the elemental up off the altar without thinking about the impossibility of her actions. She turned, facing the three mermaids and leaning back against the translucent stone.

Aqua dropped her head to Bonny’s shoulder and she flexed her core, grinding against Bonny. The currents of her head and streams of hair tugged at one of Bonny’s ears and tangled into Bonny’s own hair, once again pulling it up and out, outlining and defining her, allowing herself to be seen.

The three mermaids watched with excitement, the fox tailed one grinning like a banshee and licking her lips. Kanae dropped a hand to the slit in her scales as her eyes locked on to Bonny's.

Aqua’s maelstrom tugged and twisted, caressing and milking Bonny’s shaft.

Bonny bit down, her teeth penetrating into the currents of Aqua’s shoulder. She rocked her hips forward, then relaxed, bouncing Aqua slightly. She felt the elemental arch against her, low moans coming from both of them.

She bounced the goddess again, then worked herself into a rhythm, the vortex gripping her shaft slipped up and back down, tugging at her cock head, then sliding back down.

The knot holding the borrowed silks together pressed into the sensitive eddy at the top of Aqua's ripples on each decent, causing the elemental to moan louder with each stroke, crying out, a slick liquid wetness at the center of the maelstrom flooded out. Ripples and flows tightened, sliding along Bonny’s very visible, veiny shaft and swollen purple head.

Aqua raised her head and leaned in. Their lips met, needy and wanting, the pressure between them quickly rose as Bonny bit at the elemental's bottom lip, pulling it in between her own. She sucked harder, both physically and metaphysically, tasting the elemental fully, both body and soul.

The world opened up to her, seen from the perspective of water. She could sense the endless cycle - the long rivers and deep oceans, the heat pulling her up and the cool condensation falling back to earth. The Sea of Courage called to her and she felt a beacon of energy to the southwest, the Temple of Water, Aqua's seat of power.

Potential beat around her, within her, like a second heart. Swollen tides around the world rocked with their bodies, waves rising and falling, then rising again, growing wild, drowning the shore.

Their combined moaning escalated into wild cries that crashed together like competing tides.

Bonny tensed and curled forward as she crested and cried out, cum pumping into the vortex in a thick spray. Unlike the bubbled foam, Bonny's essence didn’t spin up along Aqua's vortex, but remained centered, whirling around a tight cavity within the elemental, spinning in tight circles until it dissipated, absorbed and consumed.

Aqua’s body lost cohesiveness again and she sagged against Bonny, the currents slipping through the bunny's fingers and down along her body. They stayed like that for a long moment, eyes closed and still joined, both feeling the elemental flow fluctuating as Aqua's concentration wavered.

Aqua made no move to stand as she pulled herself back together, instead she remained wrapped around Bonny, still impaled, even though Bonny’s cock was no longer erect.

Aqua kissed Bonny along her neck, working her way up to Bonny's ear. When she reached it, she whispered, “Lust may have outdone herself in choosing you. Be careful who you share your power with.”

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