Blossoming Path - A Xianxia LitRPG

3. Chasing Butterflies

My heart skipped a beat upon seeing the creature. They had said it was a creature of great fortune, with only one other person in our village having seen one for themselves. It stood out like a sore thumb from the lush greenery, with its wings shimmering like the purest sapphire.

It was a sight to behold. I knew that it wasn't much compared to the fantastical Spirit Beasts like the World Tree, or the Celestial Ape. But it was the first time I'd seen anything remotely close to the books I had read. The Azure Moonlight Flutter seemed to leave a trail of glitter as it flitted between the trees. Another awe-inspiring sight of what nature has to offer.

"Wow." I whispered to myself.

'I need to get that damn butterfly!'

The coins I could get from selling it would be enough to get some headway on that greenhouse for the winter! Determination and desire surged in my body as I stared at the Azure Moonlight Flutter.

Little butterfly, you will be a stepping stone for this young master's goals!

I ruffled through my leather pouch which contained a few tools and knick-knacks. Every other second, I glanced back at the butterfly, hoping it hadn't moved from its position.

I carefully bruised the Moonbeam Petals, rolling them delicately between my fingers to release the essential oils within them and cause their fragrance to intensify. I placed them inside a cloth, securing them with a bit of vine from a nearby tree. It was tight enough to keep the rolled petals from falling but had enough room to let the scent waft over me.

Shaking it over my head, the aroma of jasmine and a hint of vanilla spread through the air. My bruising technique really helped make it even stronger to cover the distance between me and the Azure Moonlight Flutter.

After a few seconds, the sapphire butterfly began making its way toward me, following a non-linear flight pattern. I hadn't thought I'd be trying to capture an insect today, otherwise, I would've gone ahead and brought a net designed for the task. But a cloth should be more than enough to keep it steady before I could deposit it into some sort of glass jar. I've worked with plenty of delicate plants before, handling the Azure Moonlight Flutter shouldn't be too much of a problem.


With every beat of its wings, it drew closer and closer. My arms were twitching in anticipation, waiting for the moment it landed on my Moonbeam Petal bait to try and grab a hold of it.

There was a fleeting thought that crossed my mind, wondering if the Azure Moonlight Flutter could somehow aid me in my pursuit of cultivation. I quickly dismissed the notion, as I knew that they were unlike other Spirit Beasts whose bodies held immense value. This ethereal creature was a mere butterfly that had managed to absorb a trace of qi, a far cry from the mythical beasts spoken of in ancient tales.

But it would go for a nice sum if I could capture it. Alive, preferably. Maybe I could even figure out a way to breed them in my garden! I have plenty to keep it nice and happy in my home.

Almost as if it sensed my overwhelming desire, the Azure Moonlight Flutter recoiled from the Moonbeam Petal essence I had laid out for it, darting away deeper into the forest. I gaped at the sheer speed the butterfly retreated with, leaving a faint glimmering trail in its wake.

It left me alone in the clearing for a few seconds, and I could hear my dream of having a nice and fancy greenhouse collapsing into pieces.

"My money! Come back here!"

I followed the trail it left, letting my feet carry me through the Whispering Leaves Forest. That damn butterfly was fast when it wanted to be. I wouldn't exactly call myself a slouch but it took all I had to keep up with its swift retreat.

Dreaming Gardener, one of the many monikers bestowed upon me. Indeed, I was a gardener who dared to dream. In my fantasies, I had envisioned grand escapades where I would chase after ancient Spirit Beasts, journeying across perilous hills and valleys before cornering the ferocious creature that had tormented the common folk for ages. Such grand visions filled my mind time and time again.

Kai, a prodigy that appeared only once in a century, in his majestic dark-red robes and wielding a divine weapon, would vanquish the Mist Serpent of the Jade Mist Valley or confront the Celestial Ape that roamed the peaks of the Celestial Summit Plateau.

Yet, here I was, utterly exhausted from chasing a mere butterfly. My robes had become soiled with grime and dirt. Fortuitously, I had chosen my attire wisely – dark maroon with black undertones, which made the stains less conspicuous. Such was the sagacity of I, Kowtow Kai!

But really, this is getting annoying.

I don't know how long its been since I continued the chase. Sometimes I lost sight of it, but followed the glimmering trail to get a headway of where it went. But I always caught a glimpse of it again, enough to keep me committed. I quickly realized I ventured from the route I always took, but it was too late to stop. I would capture the Azure Moonlight Flutter or die trying!

Well, dying was bit extreme. Maybe if I completely lost sight of it, then I'd consider going back.

The chase continued and I was starting to feel the strain. My breathing became heavier and my running form became disjointed as I reached the point of total exhaustion. At one point, I fell to my knees.

I had no clue where I was. Judging from how long I'd been running, I could be several li away from the village. Getting back would be a mighty pain.

I forgot to bring a water canteen with me as well. Of all the days–!

No. That damned Azure Moonlight Flutter had to stop eventually.

I pushed off from my kneeling position and ran through the forest. Its trail had gone seemingly cold. The glimmering sparkle trail had dwindled as I recovered from exhaustion, but it was faint enough for me to see and move forward. The sound of rushing water attracted my ears. I didn't recall a body of water being in the area. But it should be enough to satiate my thirst.

As I continued, I couldn't help but notice the distinct aura that enveloped the area. The forest seemed to radiate a serene tranquility that was unlike anything I had ever experienced elsewhere in the forest. The trees stood tall and proud, their bark free from any signs of scarring or damage. The canopy above was dense, with sunlight filtering through the leaves, casting a myriad of dappled patterns on the forest floor. The air was crisp and pure, devoid of any trace of human disturbance.

The vegetation was lush and vibrant, with a diverse array of plants I had thought were scarce. Wildflowers, in a dazzling array of colors, adorned the ground, while the melodious songs of birds filled the air. Even the undergrowth seemed to be arranged in a harmonious symphony, as if orchestrated by an unseen force.

It was as if I had stumbled upon a long-lost sanctuary, a hidden gem tucked away from the prying eyes of humanity.

But this wasn't what I came for! Where's that damn butterfly?

As I continued, I stumbled upon a breathtaking sight – a clearing with a mesmerizing waterfall, its crystal-clear waters cascading gracefully down the rocky cliffside. The Azure Moonlight Flutter danced in the air.

"Damn you," I pointed at the insect flying around in circles. "You've led me on a goose-chase for too long! You're mine!"

The Azure Moonlight Flutter continued to ignore me, as always. I glanced at the water. It would be a pain to capture it while floating there, close to the waterfall. My clothes would get wet! Then I'd have to trudge back home, drenched and miserable.

I took off my robes, making sure to do it as quickly as possible while keeping an eye on the Azure Moonlight Flutter. With nothing covering my privates, I grimaced, knowing that it would look absurd from an outsider's perspective.

I prayed that my theory of this place being barren of humans was correct. I didn't want anybody seeing me naked chasing after a butterfly like some sort of madman.

But just as I finished folding up my clothes neatly off to the side, I watched as the Azure Moonlight Flutter flew into the cascading waterfall and disappeared.


My heart sank. That Spirit Beast would sooner commit suicide via a waterfall's downpour than let me profit off its existence. How terrible! I wasn't even going to kill the thing, just keep it in a jar and sell it off to the nearest bidder!

I stood there for a moment, lamenting the loss of such a beautiful being and the fortune it might have brought me. I hoped that playing a part in its demise wouldn't result in some horrible curse being put on me.

But as I was about to turn back, something caught my eye. The glimmering trail the butterfly had left behind seemed to extend past the waterfall and further into the distance. Inside of where I had thought the butterfly had been crushed. It was only because of the clarity of the water that I was able to spot the tell-tale glimmer of the Azure Moonlight Flutter. Curiosity piqued, I approached the waterfall, my eyes squinting as I tried to make sense of what I was seeing.

As I got closer, I realized that something was off. The waterfall still appeared as a normal cascade of water, but the fact that the glimmering trail extended beyond it made me question my initial assumption. From what I could assume, it was only stone and dirt behind the wall of water. Could the Azure Moonlight Flutter have survived the force of the waterfall? Or was there something more to this scene than met the eye?

I approached the downpour and reluctantly pushed my hand into it, expecting a flat surface. But contrary to my expectations, something shimmered and I fell forward, flat on my face. Ow. That would leave a mark.

Drenched in water, I spotted the glimmering trail leading deeper into a cave. No, this wasn't natural. There were steps! This was manmade! And from the looks of it, it had been untouched for years. I shook my head and squeezed the water out of my hair. I turned to look back, seeing the waterfall continue as is. Waving my hand through caused a small shimmer and I drew back, seeing that there was some sort of illusion in place.

"Something more than an Azure Moonlight Flutter...Could it have led me to the secret base of a martial master? Maybe the WInd Sage used to live here..."

Ah, who am I kidding? I shouldn't get ahead of myself. Let me just see if I can find that butterfly once and for all. There'd be some traces around here if the Wind Sage actually came around. He wasn't that ancient. Probably a century old, at most.

But still, the idea of finding something in this cave formation intrigued me. Maybe not a cave master looking for a disciple, but who knows?

"Azure Moonlight Flutter, you will not escape me that easily!"

Determined to capture the elusive butterfly, I followed the glimmering trail deeper into the cave. The farther I ventured, the more uneasy I felt. The air was damp, and the darkness seemed to close in around me, making the cave feel even more claustrophobic than it already was. Yet the trail continued, and I couldn't help but be drawn further in, my curiosity piqued by the mysterious environment.

As I delved deeper, I began to notice something strange. The walls of the cave were etched with markings and symbols, unlike any language I had ever seen. It was clear that this place was no ordinary cave. It had once been the site of a lost civilization, their secrets and stories hidden away beneath layers of dust and time.

Or some sort of crazed scholar went ahead and hid his archive here.

I couldn't help but let my imagination run wild, as I whispered to myself, "Could this be a secret hideout of a legendary cultivator? Or maybe the tomb of an ancient king?"

Ancient artifacts lay scattered about, covered in cobwebs and grime. Some were broken, others still intact, but all of them seemed to hold a deep connection to the past. I couldn't help but wonder what had happened to the people who once lived here, what drove them to create such a hidden sanctuary. They didn't emit any sort of qi or energy. But even then, my skin tingled upon being so close. I could tell they were unlike anything I'd seen. They looked far too abstract, even for cultivator artifacts.

As I ventured further, the cave opened up into a larger chamber. The air grew colder, and an eerie silence settled over me. There, floating atop a pedestal in the center of the room, was the Azure Moonlight Flutter. It seemed to be drawn to an artifact that rested beneath it – a large, intricately carved stone tablet. The tablet was adorned with the same mysterious symbols I had seen etched into the cave walls, yet they seemed to hold a greater significance here.

I stared at the artifact, my imagination running wild once more. "This... this must be some sort of... legendary treasure? An ancient cultivator's legacy? Maybe..."

The Azure Moonlight Flutter continued to float above the artifact, seemingly unaffected by my presence. I cautiously approached it, my heart pounding in my chest. As I reached out to capture the creature, I couldn't help but wonder if it had brought me here for a reason.

The Azure Moonlight Flutter finally in my grasp, I gazed at the mysterious artifact before me. For some reason, the butterfly on my palm didn't seem as eye-catching. I knew that I had stumbled upon something extraordinary, though the true nature of it was beyond my comprehension. My life as a humble gardener had been simple, but now, with this discovery, maybe I...

I chuckled nervously, "This is how it usually goes, right? I touch the pedestal and a flashing light overcomes me?"

I asked the butterfly in my palm, but it seemed content to just stare at me with eerie intelligence. Seeing no response, I gulped down my anxieties and got closer to the pedestal marked with engravings of a lost language.

"Well, here goes nothing."

I placed my palm on the tablet and closed my eyes, waiting for something to happen.

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