Blossoming Path - A Xianxia LitRPG

2. Dreaming Gardener Kai

"Are you talking to the plants again?" A feminine voice said behind me. I turned to see who it was.

A girl stood a small distance away, just past the fence, and clearly holding in her laugh. She was a pretty one; with her hair styled in a loose braid that dropped past her shoulders and soft, rounded facial features, I flushed lightly upon being caught mimicking the young master act I had been working so hard to perfect.

Lan-Yin's warm, brown eyes looked at me with mild amusement. I got up slowly, thinking of the right thing to say.

"No, just...I'm just preparing for the day when the Whispering Wind Sect finally sees my innate talent and lets me become one of their own!"

Doubling down. That should save me some face.

Lan-Yin giggled madly, bringing up her sleeve to cover her smile. My heart skipped a beat. Although I never bothered to tell her, I had a massive crush when we were younger. But I'm past that now. She was already betrothed to Wang Jun.

No room for some gardening brat like me to interfere.

"There you go again. This is why we've been poking fun at you since we were kids. Remember Yang Tao's nickname for you? Kowtow Kai?"

I rolled my eyes, resisting the urge to crawl away and hide in embarrassment. It certainly didn't help when the girl brought up old memories from their childhood.

Times of their youth. The days when everyone played together, but I was content acting out my fantasy of being a master cultivator. Armed with a sword. Or rather, a nice-looking stick, and pretending to continue my gallant adventures across the continent to slay Spirit Beasts and wayward bandits. But due to transportation issues I had to limit the scope of my imagination to the confines of the village.

"Ugh. What do you want, Yan-Lin? I don't think you came here just to humiliate this young master, I assume?" I turned my nose up, putting away the watering can and hoe. Nailing the haughty voice and demeanor had taken quite some time, but I was sure I had it down to a tee.

Lan-Yin opened the fenced gate and let herself in, carefully avoiding the plants I had carefully laid out. She appraised my garden with an impressed stare. It was neat, organized, and flourishing. Nobody in the village knew about plants more than I did. Except maybe the Village Head. He's been around and even helped kickstart this place back when my parents ran it.

"I wanted to buy some ginseng. Grandmother's come down with something sickly."

I frowned, remembering Yan-Lin's grandmother. She was the nicest one out of all the village elders and played cultivator with me when nobody else wanted to. Her little candied apples were the best! Hearing about the frail, older woman's situation made me sad.

"Coming right up," I whistled, turning serious for a moment as I took her to the building which doubled as my home and shop. It was a small, simple space with a rustic charm. Wooden shelves lined with various plants and products covered the sides, and along the countertop were woven baskets and pottery jars holding fruits and vegetables.

The interior was well-lit with paper lanterns, decorated with simple patterns that I made.

It smelled earthy and herbal inside, providing the shop with a relaxing atmosphere. It was easy to get people to buy more when they had their guard down, after all. An extra sale or two didn't hurt anybody, right?

"Tell me about what she's got. I can give you something more than just ginseng if you need it."

Lan-Yin tilted her head cutely. A few strands of hair fell down, making her look even more beautiful than before.

Kai, that is a betrothed woman. Have some decorum!

I put my thoughts away and listened to her talk. Hearing the symptoms and physical appearance, I more or less guessed it was Ghostly Chills or something of similar nature. I glanced around, searching for something that could help alleviate her symptoms.

"Ginger, ginseng, green onion, and goji berries," I informed Yang-Lin, meticulously placing them into the basket she carried. "Brew a tea from these ingredients, and it should alleviate her condition. If it's still insufficient, add some honey to the mix."

Lan-Yin appeared mildly impressed by my swiftness. Naturally! I am an erudite scholar!

True, most of the books I read were tales of legendary cultivators from epochs past, but that's beside the point. I didn't maintain a store like this without acquiring extensive herbal and medicinal knowledge.

"Thank you, Kai. How much do I owe you for these?"

"For the disgrace you've inflicted upon me, addressing me with such contemptible monikers like 'Kowtow Kai,' it shall cost you a silver coin! Hopefully this will teach you a lesson in respecting your betters."

Lan-Yin rolled her eyes, fully aware that the price I quoted was lower than it should have been. But I had a soft spot for Lan-Yin and, in particular, her grandmother. They were good people.

"Honorable Dreaming Gardener, I am forever indebted to you," she bowed deeply, playing along with my performance. I couldn't help but grin. "I shall etch this lesson into my heart, for now, I have truly tasted the bitterness of fear."

I bade her farewell, leaving me in the shop with my thoughts.

There was plenty of gardening to do, but I felt a bit explorative today. Picking up my gear, which consisted of a woven basket, a leather pouch, a small knife, some rolled-up cloth, I was ready to go and find some herbs in the forest.

I opened the fence gate and closed it behind me, leaving my humble abode to make my way down to the village. It was a short walk and I took the moment to enjoy the warmth of the sun bearing down on my back. It was a bit humid today, but I don't mind. So long as it wasn't cold. I hate the cold. I've been trying to figure out a way to make a greenhouse to grow some during the winter, but glass is still way too expensive. Fifty silver for a single pane? I'm more fiscally responsible than that!

All too soon, I reached the main cobbled streets of Gentle Wind Village. I was greeted with the same old sights I've seen my whole life. Wooden houses with thatched roofs, with plenty of shops and markets out in the open selling their wares. It was fishing season, so I could see many boats off in the distance collecting a variety of seafood. I should buy some on my way back.

I greet my fellow villagers with a smile and they returned it with the same vigor.

"Morning, Kai!" Old Mrs. Wang called out as she hung her laundry. "Going herb-hunting?"

I chuckle and nod. "Yes, Mrs. Wang. Looking for the Celestial Star Lotus. I've got a good feeling about today."

She laughs, shaking her head as she got up on her tippy-toes to hang another article of clothing. "Ah, little Kai. You've grown so big and so have your dreams. Best of luck as always, dear."

As I continued down the cobbled streets, I saw a group of children playing near the village square. Upon spotting me, they ran towards me, their eyes gleaming with curiosity and excitement.

"Hey, Kowtow Kai! Are you going to find that super rare plant today?" asked little Xiao Bao, the youngest of the bunch.

I chuckled, playing along with their teasing. "Ah, my young friends, today might be the day I finally uncover the Celestial Star Lotus! And when I do, I shall share its miraculous properties with all of you!"

The children exchanged excited glances and began chattering amongst themselves, their imaginations running wild.

"Wow, Kai, you're so cool! I want to be like you when I grow up!" said a girl named Mei-Li, her eyes sparkling with admiration.

I laughed, ruffling her hair. "Well, young one, to be like me, you must study hard, respect your elders, and always dream big!"

With a final wave, I left the children behind, their enthusiastic voices fading into the distance. Just a few steps ahead, I approached the blacksmith's shop where Master Qiang was hard at work.

He was tall and muscular, wearing a simple leather apron as he worked on the anvil. Short and greying hair, and a bushy beard framed his sweaty face. As he wiped the sweat from his brow, he caught sight of me and grinned, shouting in a boisterous voice.

"Kai! Getting more plants for your quest to defy the heavens?"

He was a little too loud. I turned my nose up and did my best to look down on him, even though he towered over me. Somehow, I managed to make it work. "You may mock me now, but the day shall come when you shall lament your folly. In that moment, you shall rue not having crafted a divine weapon for Kai, who shall have ascended to the Divine Pinnacle Stage!"

Master Qiang chuckled and I waved goodbye.

Other people nodded their heads and acknowledged me, and I returned the gesture. I could see Yang-Lin's home a few paces away. It brought back good memories of when we were children and used her home as the gathering spot for games and such. I shook my head and passed through without a word, going from a leisure walk to a brisk jog. I didn't want to be out for too long, anyhow.

I could hear the sounds of children from afar as I left the confines of the village, roleplaying and acting much like I used to. Not to brag, but I was sure that I played a factor in popularizing the young master act. They teased me like always, but the villagers meant well. All in good fun. They were there when things got rough, coming together to help me get the garden shop running when my parents passed. I remember Master Qiang handcrafting the hoe I use to this day! I'll never forget their favor, even if they poke fun at my dream of being a cultivator.

I entered the Whispering Leaves Forest. It was rich with plants, herbs, and wildlife. But I've never had to worry about anything overly dangerous lurking within. We are in the Tranquil Breeze Coast, after all. Anything akin to a Spirit Beast would've starved to death from how lacking the place was of innate qi. Just regular animals, and I was sure I could fend the likes of a coyote off with my knife. I was quite adept with it, if I do say so myself. The trees here were tall and ancient, providing ample shade and relief from the summer heat.

As I walked deeper into the forest, I couldn't help but remember my childhood dream of becoming a cultivator. I thought about the stories I had read about legendary cultivators who traveled the world, slaying Spirit Beasts and protecting the weak. While I knew that becoming a cultivator was far out of reach for someone like me, a small part of me still clung to that dream. I wanted to find a way to prove my worth and maybe even catch the attention of the Whispering Wind Sect, even if I've only seen one disciple ever pass by this part of the province once.

I let out a quiet chuckle, thinking about the absurdity of the idea. "Imagine if I found the Celestial Star Lotus," I mused to myself. "That would get their attention. But who am I kidding? That's about as likely as me sprouting wings and flying." Shaking my head, I let out a quiet sigh as I began my task of foraging for some good herbs.

The area was filled with the scent of damp earth and the sweet aroma of blooming flowers. Out of all the places nearby, the Whispering Leaves Forest was my favourite. It was my sanctuary, where I could escape from all the noise and just be myself.

I still remember the time I tried to meditate here. I didn't have half a clue of what I was doing. Staying still was a challenge! And cultivators could do that for days on end? Crazy. I even got crapped on by a bird while I was attempting it.

Glancing atop the towering branches, I made sure there were no birds looking to repeat the event. Thankfully, they seemed to have moved themselves elsewhere for the time being.

Focusing on the task at hand, I began searching. It didn't take long for me to find my first batch of plants, spotting a group of pale, luminescent flowers a small distance away. Moonbeam Petals! I was running pretty low on my supply, as the kids had been bugging me for the paste that soothed mosquito stings and what not. Taking my knife out, I used it to cut the stem just below the flower head, leaving the root and stem intact. Had to make sure they survive and grow back in the future, after all. That was a gardener's duty! Preserve the environment, and make sure we have a way of collecting some more for next time when we need it.

A simple life, which I didn't mind all too much. Becoming a cultivator was far out of reach, and although I'd never turn down the opportunity, spending my days in this village wasn't so bad. I'd need to find a woman to settle down with, however. Running the shop by myself does get dull at times.

As I hummed quietly, foraging and placing the Moonbeam Petals in my basket, something moved in the corner of my eye. It was so quick I had thought it was a trick of the light. But just a few paces away, I saw a butterfly with iridescent wings, shimmering in the dappled sunlight. It was unlike anything I'd seen before in my entire life. But I had seen its likeness being described in a book. A rare creature, exclusive to the Tranquil Breeze Coast. It was one of the few that could take advantage of the qi in the surroundings because of it's diminutive size. The butterfly could evolve and grow into something more. A Spirit Beast. A weak one, but still nonetheless.

The Azure Moonlight Flutter.

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