Blossoming Path - A Xianxia LitRPG

108. Wit & Wuxing

I should have expected the scarcity of ingredients as we moved through the zones, but not to this extent. My frustration mounted as I glanced around the fire zone, struggling to think of useful combinations to make. The once plentiful and varied array of ingredients had been picked clean by the people before me, leaving behind only the most basic components.

“Come on, there has to be something,” I muttered to myself, sifting through what little remained. The embers of determination flickered, but the reality of the situation doused them. Most of the potent fire-based ingredients like the Sunfire Blade Grass were gone.

I ended up only being able to make simple Ember Pills. While useful for a quick boost in fire-related alchemy, they lacked the potency and versatility of the more advanced concoctions I had hoped to create; the fire zone had the most potential in regards to offense, after all. I hoped it would be enough to pair with the Sundew Sticky Bomb...

Looking at it optimistically, the others were likely suffering from the same conundrum.

When Ma Hualong's voice echoed through the arena, signaling the time to move to the earth zone, I felt a mix of relief and trepidation. The earth zone, like the fire zone, had been thoroughly ransacked. Only the most mundane ingredients were left, the treasures of the earth long gone.

I rummaged through the remnants, pulling out what little I could find from the shelves. Activated Charcoal was plentiful, its dark, gritty texture a stark contrast to the vibrant, rare ingredients I had hoped for. With little choice, I decided to focus on detoxification pills. Though not flashy or overtly powerful, they could serve as a counter to the potential poisons my competitors might use.

As I ground the charcoal into a fine powder and began the refinement process, I couldn't help but think.

'This is it. The best I can do here is prepare for defense.'

The clock ticked mercilessly, each second a reminder of the time slipping away.

The process was monotonous, my hands moving on autopilot. Grinding, mixing, refining – a dance I knew all too well. Finally, the detoxification pills were complete, small black orbs that could neutralize toxins and poisons. They were functional, practical, but hardly the game-changers I needed.

“Time to move to the next zone!” Ma Hualong's voice cut through the air once more. I exhaled deeply, a mix of relief and anxiety. Gathering my tools and ingredients, I moved quickly to the final zone – metal.

To my surprise, the metal zone was relatively untouched compared to the others. I glanced around, my eyes widening at the sight of the various metallic ingredients still available. I grinned, seeing that I could work with a familiar ingredient – pyrite.

I grabbed it, along with bottles of liquid mercury.

Elder Wei Lian's demonstration during the pyrite round had been a masterclass in exploiting the unique properties of the metal, despite his unsavory reputation. His ability to harness the power of pyrite left a lasting impression on me. Pyrite, with its explosive potential, could be a game-changer if used correctly.

"Alright," I muttered, my eyes gleaming with anticipation as I snatched a hefty chunk of pyrite from the table, its metallic surface glinting under the arena lights. "Let's see what kind of havoc we can unleash with this."

Beside the pyrite, I arranged a small mound of finely-ground iron ore powder, its dark hue starkly contrasting with the shimmering gold. Then, with a delicate touch, I lifted a vial of Oreweaver Spider Silk, its contents preserved in a viscous, silvery liquid. Spun from the metallic threads of a peculiar arachnid that thrived off metallic substances, it was renowned for its extraordinary strength and near-instantaneous hardening properties – the perfect complement to my volatile concoction.

The final touch, liquid mercury, would infuse the concoction with its transformative essence. Its fluidity and ability to bind with other metals held the key to the reaction I sought – a transmutation that would turn a simple thrown vial into a rapidly expanding, viscous trap, solidifying upon contact into a prison as unyielding as iron.

Unlike my Sundew Sticky Bomb Elixir, this metallic snare would resist ordinary solvents once the pyrite combusts and the liquid hardens. It was a risky gamble, a dance with the unpredictable nature of mercury and pyrite, but the potential reward was too great to ignore.

It was a risky, untested recipe, but my Refinement Simulation Technique would guide me, predicting the shortcomings and potential of the mixture.

With them placed before me, the technique worked reflexively. My mind's eye projected possible outcomes, guiding my hands as I worked.

"...Here goes nothing," I whispered. "Let's start with these."

The chaotic noise of the arena faded into the background as I visualized the Two Star Pagoda Pill Furnace in my mind. It became a dynamic, three-dimensional space where ingredients interacted, merged, and transformed.

The iron ore powder and liquid mercury were the first. I adjusted the temperature slightly to ensure the mercury remained in its liquid state, maximizing its bonding properties without risking vaporization.

Next, I added the pyrite. This was the most delicate part of the process. Pyrite's explosive nature introduced a volatile element to the mixture. I saw the concoction bubbling and threatening to destabilize in my simulation. With a quick move, I lowered the heat to a specific temperature that would prevent it from exploding.

To the crowd, it probably looked like I was methodically making the recipe, but in reality, every second was a battle against potential disaster. The pyrite slowly settled into the mixture, its energy contained but ready to be unleashed upon impact.

Finally, I introduced the Oreweaver Silk. Due to it's unique property, my Essence Extraction skill worked on it the same way it has with other metals. I pushed continuously, forcing the essence to bend under my will and extracted it slowly into the palm of my hand.

The simulation showed the essence weaving through the liquid. I adjusted the heat once more, ensuring the essence fully integrated with the mixture.

My hands moved with practiced precision, guided by the simulation. I could see the mixture was complete. It pulsed with a metallic sheen. I had to work fast to store them in the vials with an air-tight seal.

Upon feeling the bottles, still hot to the touch, I felt a surge of confidence. These would be a crucial item for the round.

"The first phase is OVER!" Ma Hualong shouted at the top of his lungs. "Look under your alchemical stations and you will find a leather belt with which you can secure all your concoctions with. Prepare yourselves!"

I hurriedly followed their instructions, taking out the leather belt from where they said it would be. It had multiple pouches and mini-pockets, each perfectly designed for alchemical vials. I slipped my vials into the slots, appreciating how they clicked securely into place. The larger pouches held my sturdier creations, while the smaller ones snugly fit the more delicate concoctions.

We watched the muscular men, each the same size as Ping Hai, begin pulling on the chains throughout the arena. Their muscles bulged and veins popped as they pulled downwards. The heavy clanking of metal echoed as the floor beneath us started to rise. The arena floor ascended high into the air, bringing us closer to the roaring crowd for a better view. I was now at eye-level with the crowd.

Ma Hualong, Elder Wei Lian, and Elder Mingmei stepped forward, slapping their palms down on the ground from three distinct points around the arena. A translucent barrier encased the crowd, shimmering with protective energy. Ma Hualong’s voice boomed, cutting through the excitement.

“The second stage is set! Contestants will lose if they are knocked out of bounds and fall off the stage, get knocked out, or are otherwise made unable to continue. Feel free to use the surroundings to your advangtage! With that in mind, let the battle begin!”

The crowd’s roar shook the Marble Jade Arena, the energy palpable. I tightened my grip on the newly prepared vials, feeling the weight of the moment settle on my shoulders as I off-handedly placed my pill furnace back in the ring.

Here we go.

I glanced left and right. To my left was Jingyu Lian. To my right was Fang Xiang. I stepped backward, allowing me to see both of them at once. My eyes snapped over to see Fang Xiang making his move.

But it wasn't towards me.

Like it was pre-planned, Tian Zhu and Fang Xiang both struck at Zhi Ruo, throwing vials at him simultaneously. The man yelped and ducked for cover behind his pill furnace as fiery and icy explosions erupted around him. Tian Zhu's concoction created a blazing inferno, while Fang Xiang's released a burst of frost, the combination creating a volatile mix of steam and flame.

"Zhi Ruo!" I shouted, my heart racing as I saw him struggling to maintain his footing amidst the chaos.

Without hesitation, I sprinted towards them, my mind racing to formulate a plan. I couldn't let them take my friend out so easily. As I closed the distance, Tian Zhu noticed me and sneered.

"Look who decided to play hero," Tian Zhu taunted, readying another vial.

Before he could throw it, a blast of icy mist struck him from the side, catching him off guard and freezing him in place momentarily. Jingyu Lian stepped forward, her presence commanding as she wielded her alchemical prowess with precision.

"You should watch your back," she said coldly, her eyes locked on him.

Fang Xiang called out in alarm, "Tian Zhu, fall back!"

Seizing the moment, I tossed my Serpent's Breath Smoke Bomb at Fang Xiang. The pill broke apart with ease, releasing a thick, turquoise smoke that quickly enveloped him. He staggered back, coughing and waving his arms to clear the air, but the hallucinogenic effects were already taking hold.

As he struggled to regain his composure, I turned to Zhi Ruo, who was emerging from behind his pill furnace, his face pale but determined.

"Did you really think that I wasn't prepared for you?" Tian Zhu said from afar, pouring a liquid that melted the frost covering his body. "It was your mistake for leaving the fire zone to me."

Flames licked at the translucent barrier protecting the crowd. Jingyu Lian's frown deepened as she stared at the wall of flames created by the man.

I turned to Zhi Ruo. "Go! Deal with Tian Zhu!"

I remembered Zhi Ruo's starting point. Earth. Each of the five elements reacted with each other in various ways, countering or strengthening one another. But one thing I knew for sure, was that Earth smothered Fire. Zhi Ruo was the perfect match against him.

Jingyu Lian began at Wood, she was at a direct disadvantage with Tian Zhu.

As though he grasped my intentions, he nodded firmly and moved forward.

But then I saw Zhi Ruo freeze for a moment, his eyes darting between me, Tian Zhu, and Jingyu Lian. Instead of immediately engaging, he placed his heavy pill furnace back onto his cart and began lugging it towards the chaotic battle zone.

'Is he planning to make pills in the middle of a fight?' I wondered, momentarily confused by his actions.

However, my attention was quickly pulled back to Fang Xiang. Expecting him to be reeling from the hallucinogenic effects of my Serpent's Breath Smoke Bomb, I was shocked to see him seemingly unaffected.

"Did you think your petty tricks would work on me?" Fang Xiang taunted, his voice steady and clear. He held up a small, shimmering pill before swallowing it. "Antidote for your little smoke bomb. Purple Eel Venom? Nice try, though."

I should've known he prepared some sort of counter to hallucinogens. After all, he was... Well, he's a finalist. Of course he'd have one or two tricks up his sleeve.

"You seem surprised," Fang Xiang continued, a smirk playing on his lips. "Did you honestly think I wouldn't be prepared for such a basic tactic?"

There was a long silence. He raised an eyebrow, feigning offense. "Honestly, Kai Liu, do you even know who you're dealing with? Have you even bothered to learn my name?"

I blinked, caught off guard by his sudden outburst. "Uh... yeah, you're Fang Xiang, right? You... er, made it into the top five during the second round. With the pyrite crystal that collects sunlight?"

He threw his hands up in exasperation. "That was Tian Zhu! Hold on a second! You barely even know who I am! We've been in this competition together for weeks, and you act like I'm some random passerby!"

A wave of guilt washed over me. I had to admit, I hadn't paid much attention to Fang Xiang throughout the competition. He had always been somewhat of a background figure, overshadowed by the more flamboyant personalities of the other contestants. I just grouped him up with Duan Jian and his ilk.

Speaking of, what happened to him?

Fang Xiang continued his rant while I spaced out.

"—Do I seem like some nameless extra to you? Some forgettable background character you can just throw a potion at and expect to win?"

"Look," I said, trying to appease him, "I didn't mean any disrespect..."

Fang Xiang cut me off with a dramatic sigh. "But let me tell you, Kai Liu, I'm not just some side character in your little story. I'm a force to be reckoned with! I'm Fang Xiang, a finalist in the Gauntlet, not some nameless lackey! I have a backstory, motivations, even a secret family recipe for candied ginger!

"Listen," I said, trying to bring the focus back to the task at hand, "I'm not here to debate your role in some sort of story. I'm here to win."

Fang Xiang scoffed, his eyes hardening. "And you think you can win against me? A mere village herbalist who stumbled his way into the final round?" He flexed his hand, shattering the vial in his hand and allowing the mixture to cover his skin with liquid metal. "I'll show you the true power of a seasoned alchemist."

I dropped another Serpent's Breath Smoke Bomb, and he stayed in place.

"Fool! You think it'll work on me twice?"

I tossed the Entangling Vine seeds down on the ground, waiting for the perfect moment. As soon as I saw his silhouette in the smoke, I hurled my Elixir of Rapid Growth down. The seeds sprouted instantly, snaking all around Fang Xiang's body and immobilizing him. The thick vines wrapped around his limbs, tightening their grip with every passing second.

For a moment, I thought I had him. But Fang Xiang didn't remain idle. He used his fists, now covered in liquid metal, to grasp the thorny vines and rip them off with brute force. Despite his efforts, the vines continued to grow rapidly, regaining their grip as soon as he tore them away.

"What did you put in this potion?" Fang Xiang growled, frustration evident in his voice.

Seizing the opportunity while he was distracted, I threw a vial of Slickweed Kelp Essence at him. The liquid splashed over his metal-covered fists, breaking down the liquid metal rapidly and rendering his defensive tactic useless.

Fang Xiang retaliated with a large orb that he launched directly at me. The orb shattered mid-air, breaking into shrapnel that blew me backward and left multiple cuts on my body. The cuts stung with a familiar burn—poison.

Gritting my teeth against the pain, I immediately consumed one of my Charcoal Essence Detoxification Pills. The effects were almost immediate, the burning sensation dulling as the pill worked to neutralize the poison in my bloodstream. I watched as the alchemist continued ripping the vines off him, albeit much slower with the pain of spiked vines piercing into his palms.

I hurled another potion while he was distracted, and the glass vial shattered into powder, releasing a warm yellow mist throughout.

"I don't know how many times I need to tell you, poison won't—"

Fang Xiang sneezed, his eyes watering as he fell victim to the Tormenting Pollen Mist. He doubled over, sneezing uncontrollably, his face contorted in irritation and discomfort.

"Unfortunately, it's not a poison," I said, a smirk tugging at the corner of my lips. "It's much worse."

Fang Xiang tried to throw something at me, but his constant sneezing affected his aim, and the vial fell to the side, shattering harmlessly on the ground. Seizing the moment, I pulled out another vial, the one I created in the metal zone. I hurled it at him with all my might.

The vial exploded on impact, and the liquid expanded, covering Fang Xiang and the vines that bound him. Within seconds, the substance solidified, rendering him immobile. He struggled against the hardened mass, but his efforts were in vain.

"Curse you, Kai Liu!" he yelled, his voice muffled by the sticky substance. "This isn't over!"

I couldn't help but grin, a surge of adrenaline coursing through my veins. "Sorry, Fang Xiang," I called out, my voice tinged with mock sympathy, "but it seems your spotlight moment has come to an end. Try to be a bit less forgettable next time."

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