Blossoming Path - A Xianxia LitRPG

107. The Crucible Begins

The screams and shouts of the crowd could be heard from the contestant's lounge. I sighed, feeling too mentally tired to even get nervous. Zhi Ruo stared at me curiously, his pill furnace lying beside him on a cart.

"You're still not gonna tell me what Feng Wu did to you?"

I shivered, the memories of that night too harsh to remember. "If you three idiots getting me drunk last night didn't work, what makes you think I'd say it now?"

The second-class disciple hadn't laid a hand on me, but the mental scars I received that day... It was enough to prevent me from interfering in any politics anymore. Duan Jian could punch me in the face right now and I'd preach pacifism and the Buddhist sutra to his face, so long as it prevented Feng Wu from punishing me again.

"You know you can tell us everything, right? We're sworn comrades! I wouldn't tell another soul about what happened!"

"It's not that, I—"

"Could you two be quiet?" A voice interrupted snidely from afar. I turned to see Tian Zhu, wearing the new gloves he got from the vault, turning around to look at us grouchily. "Some of us actually have important things to discuss."

I rolled my eyes. It seemed the two were hell-bent on colluding to take Jingyu Lian out. But we didn't discount the possibility of them dealing with us first. Me and Zhi Ruo had promised that if it turned to that, then we'd band together to defeat them before proceeding with the rest of the match fairly.

"Oh, like your plans for a two-on-one ambush?" I retorted, a smirk playing on my lips. "Now that's important."

Tian Zhu's face reddened, his fists clenching. "You—"

The rest of his words were cut short by the arrival of Jingyu Lian, who entered the lounge with her usual air of cool composure. Her presence seemed to silence the room, as if the very air itself bowed to her icy demeanor. Tian Zhu, who had been on the verge of a retort, abruptly turned away, his anger seemingly evaporating under her gaze.

Fashionably late, as always.

I couldn't help but grin, all while trying to ignore the strange fluttery feeling in my stomach that popped up when I saw her.

She turned to me and Zhi Ruo, giving us both a nod of acknowledgment. I waved to her casually, and Zhi Ruo politely smiled back. It seemed she was warming up to us. Being in her good books would be a boon for the both of us, I suppose.

Not that I'd need it! They'll look at this in the future and be glad they have a connection to me, the great Kai Liu!

The door swung open to reveal an official; his tired eyes scanned over the room.

"Please, follow me. The introductions will soon begin."

One by one, the contestants began to follow the official out of the lounge. As Tian Zhu and Fang Xiang walked past us, they shot us dirty looks. I shrugged it off, but couldn't help but notice Zhi Ruo's grip tightening on the handle of his cart as he maneuvered his pill furnace. We walked at the back, the heavy cart slowing him down.

"Guess we didn't get much sleep these past nights, huh?" Zhi Ruo said, his voice strained from the effort.

"Yeah," I replied, feeling the fatigue settling in my bones. "But we've made it this far. No point in complaining now."

Zhi Ruo chuckled. "True. Just promise me one thing, Kai."

"What's that?"

"Let's give it our all. No holding back, even if we're up against each other."

I smiled, appreciating his sportsmanship. "Agreed. Good luck, Zhi."

"Same to you."

We reached the edge of the arena, where the official stopped us. The air was thick with anticipation, the roar of the crowd just beyond. The official turned to Jingyu Lian, bowing slightly.

"Miss Jingyu, you'll be the first to enter the arena."

She nodded, stepping forward with her usual grace. As she walked into the open arena, the crowd erupted into thunderous applause and cheers. Ma Hualong's voice boomed over the noise.

"Hailing from the Whispering Wind sect! The Lian clan's alchemical genius who stands as the favourite to win the title! JINGYU LIAN!"

He motioned to her, indicating the circular arena divided into five distinct areas, each representing one of the elements. Forming a pentagram, around the circle, chains were tethered to the floor and raised all the way to the ceiling. From here, I could see a massive array of ingredients, and my mind was already whirling with potential recipes I could work with.

"Miss Jingyu, please choose the element you'd like to begin with."

I watched nervously as she surveyed the arena. I prayed silently, desperately hoping she wouldn't pick the one I had my eyes on. But to my dismay, she announced her choice with a confident smile.

"I will begin with the wood element."

She began to make her way to the green section of the arena, symbolizing wood. Just before stepping into her designated area, she turned and looked directly at me. Then, with a playful wink, she proceeded to her spot.

I cursed under my breath, unable to hide my annoyance. "Shouldn't have been so nice to her if she was gonna be like this," I muttered to Zhi Ruo, who laughed softly.

Before I could dwell on my frustration, the official called my name. My heart pounded as I stepped forward, the noise of the crowd now a distant hum in my ears. The bright lights of the arena blinded me for a moment, but I forced myself to focus.

"Representing the Verdant Lotus Sect, the young alchemist who revived the ancient Essence Extraction technique, once used by the legendary Master Li Tao to usher in a new era for alchemy! Kai Liu!"

A wave of dizziness washed over me. Why did my introduction feel ten times louder than Jingyu Lian's? My knees wobbled slightly, but I steadied myself, forcing a confident grin onto my face. From the stands, I heard two distinct voices cut through the roar.

"KAI! YOU'VE GOT THIS! I'VE BET THE HOUSE ON YOU!" Tao's boisterous cheer nearly knocked me off my feet.

"Don't let him down, Kai!" Bai Hua's voice, though quieter, was filled with warmth and encouragement. "I'm rooting for you, even if I did put my money on Jingyu Lian!"

I chuckled, shaking my head at their antics. A quick scan of the crowd revealed Feng Wu, his face beaming with pride, Tianyi perched on his shoulder, and a flash of white and blue from Windy tucked in his sleeve. A surge of warmth spread through my chest. I wasn't alone in this.

Ma Hualong's voice brought me back to the present. "Kai Liu, please choose your starting element."

With my ideal option taken, I had no choice but to go for the next best thing.

"'I'll choose water."

Settling down by the blue-themed section of the arena, I gave Jingyu Lian a small frown.

"Really? Choosing the wood element?"

She smiled mischievously. "I don't know what you're trying to say. Weren't you the one talking about facing each other fairly?"

The others placed themselves among the other elements after they were introduced. Tian Zhu chose fire, Fang Xiang chose metal, and Zhi Ruo chose earth.

"Contestants will have thirty minutes on each section to create as many pills as they can, before moving clockwise to the next section!"

I glanced over. After water, I'd arrive at wood, fire, earth, and then metal. In my mind, the round had already begun, as I worked to analyze all the ingredients and plot out which ones to make, in what order, and how to incorporate them into my strategy for the rest of the round.

"This goes on until each contestant has had the opportunity to work at each elemental section once! There are only a limited amount of ingredients, so they must choose carefully! From there, the second phase begins!"

"Tidecaller Vine, Bubblebloom Algae..." I muttered to myself, seeing all the familiar ingredients from past rounds at our disposal.

"The second phase will be a battle royale! All contestants must compete to knock each other out of bounds, or render them unable to continue using the concoctions they've prepared! There will be absolutely no martial arts or cultivation techniques allowed during this trial!"

The crowd roared like thunder, and all I felt was a burning sense of determination. This was it. All my hours spent at the Million Books Pavilion, my tribulations at the Verdant Lotus sect...they would all come to a conclusion right here.


Using the storage ring, I spawned the Two Star Pagoda Pill Furnace right beside me on the floor, because of its sheer size in comparison to regular pill furnaces, I couldn't place it on the table.

But because of that, it meant I could create larger batches of pills, and due to it's special nature, I'd be able to start two different recipes at the same time!

Before the Pill Furnace even properly settled onto the ground, I was seizing ingredients I'd need.

The first one to begin with were Ice Obsidian, Purple Eel Venom, and mint. The first two were potent ingredients, but also the hardest to prepare. I'd begin with them first. Like second nature, my Refinement Simulation technique activated, showing me the most efficient way to my goal, telegraphing my future moves while being mindful of the time.

I immediately went to preparing them, crushing the obsidian into a fine dust, extracting the mint essence, and diluting the venom. The water element section was full of versatile ingredients.

Within minutes, I had the ingredients ready and placed them into the bottom layer of the pill furnace. My fingers danced over the intricate knobs and dials, adjusting the condensation valves and infusion conduits to ensure the perfect balance of qi flow. I activated the dual-tiered alchemical reactor, a mechanism that allowed simultaneous processing of different concoctions. I thanked the heavens this pill furnace came with a manual, otherwise I never would've figured out how to use it.

With the lower chamber set, I quickly selected a second set of ingredients for the top layer: Lotus Nectar, Aqua Vine Essence, and Celestial Ice Crystal. The nectar and vine essence would form the base, providing a stable foundation.

Time was ticking, and the pressure was on. I imbued the furnace with my qi, kickstarting it to life.

Only simple recipes, cut down to the barest essentials, could be created within the thirty-minute limit, and even then, only two or three products at most. I needed to be efficient and precise.

Preparing the second set of ingredients, I was able to focus fully on the task, dependent on my Refinement Simulation technique's ability to keep an accurate track of the time. The process was meticulous, requiring me to extract the nectar from the petals, concentrate the Aqua Vine Essence, and finely crush the ice crystals.

As I carefully placed the prepared ingredients into the top layer of the furnace, I assessed the progress of the first batch of ingredients. The mixture was melding perfectly, the solution gradually reaching the ideal consistency. I gave it a final stir to ensure uniformity before transferring it to the upper layer where the liquid would condense and clump into powder.

I meticulously cleaned the bottom half of the furnace to prevent contamination.

Unlike the other rounds where quality and perfection was prioritized, efficiency and quantity was the name of the game. It didn't matter how our products were preserved if we were going to use them immediately.

Glancing around, I noticed the other contestants adopting a similar philosophy. Jingyu Lian moved with a fluid grace, her hands a blur as she handled the ingredients with practiced efficiency. Tian Zhu and Fang Xiang, though usually meticulous, were cutting corners wherever possible, their faces set in determined expressions. Even Zhi Ruo, usually methodical, was speeding through his preparations.

Returning my focus to my furnace, I placed the second set of ingredients into the now-cleaned lower chamber. Steam began to escape from the holes throughout the furnace, signaling the start of the second recipe's transmutation process. My hands blurred as I managed both layers, adjusting the heat distribution and qi flow to maintain optimal conditions for both batches.

Minutes passed in a blur of concentrated effort. Finally, I removed the top layer, revealing a turquoise clumpy powder. It wasn't my best work, but it would serve its purpose as Serpent's Breath Smoke Bombs.

With those completed, I turned my attention back to the second recipe. When the mixture reached the right consistency, I extracted the potion and poured it into neat vials. This concoction would be an Elixir of Rapid Growth, designed to make plants sprout and grow instantly. I'd need to grab certain ingredients in the wood zone for this elixir to be of any use.

Seeing a bit of time left, I decided to prepare another useful concoction. I grabbed some Slickweed Kelp, its glossy leaves shimmering under the arena lights. I used my hand to draw out an orb of pure essence and transfer it into two vials. The distinct memory of using it to dissolve Duan Jian's Breath Gel was still fresh in my mind, and I knew it'd come in handy as a perfect counter to the other contestant's concoctions.

"Time's up! You have one minute to move to the next zone!"

Pressing the storage ring to my furnace, I drew it back into place before moving quickly into the wood section. I sighed, seeing how Jingyu Lian took the most valuable products already. But my strategy was adaptable, and I re-adjusted accordingly.

Wood was the most versatile among the elements, capable of poisons, healing elixirs, and even restrictive traps. It didn't matter what she took, I could make potent mixtures even with the most basic of ingredients here.

I grabbed the most intriguing ingredient in the section, the Sundew plant.

Its vibrant crimson stalks and glistening, dew-drop covered leaves pulsed with a deceptive beauty. Its predatory nature was evident in the sticky droplets that adorned its foliage, each a tiny trap waiting to ensnare unsuspecting insects. I plucked a handful of the leaves, careful to avoid the delicate hairs that triggered them.

With practiced efficiency, I harvested the droplets, their viscous texture clinging to my fingers like honey. I then combined them with a mixture of crushed bark from the Ironwood tree, known for its sturdiness, and essence of the Moonpetal flower, renowned for its binding properties. The resulting concoction swirled in my mortar, a mesmerizing blend of crimson, brown, and silvery-white hues.

I poured the mixture into several small vials, sealing them tightly. This concoction, while incomplete, would serve as the foundation for a powerful immobilizing agent. Once exposed to heat, the mixture would rapidly harden, encasing its target in a shell akin to stone, effectively restricting their movements. I'd need to find an appropriate ingredient to pair with this in the fire zone.

A sly grin spread across my face as I imagined the chaos this would cause in the arena. The thought of my rivals struggling to break free from my sticky, hardening concoction filled me with a sense of mischievous glee.

"Ten minutes left!" Ma Hualong's voice boomed through the arena, jolting me back to the present.

I quickly surveyed the remaining ingredients, my mind racing to devise additional concoctions to bolster my arsenal. The wood zone offered a plethora of possibilities, but time was of the essence.

Among the remaining ingredients, one caught my eye—the Runny Nose Orchid. A grin tugged at my lips. This unassuming plant had a potent pollen that could send anyone into a sneezing fit. It was a hidden gem, often overlooked due to its mundane appearance, but I knew its true potential.

Carefully, I harvested the pollen, using a delicate brush to collect the fine grains. The Runny Nose Orchid required gentle handling, as any rough movement could release the pollen prematurely. I carefully plucked the orchid's delicate stems, their faint floral scent tickling my nose. A sudden, uncontrollable urge to sneeze bubbled up within me. I froze, holding my breath, my eyes watering.

"Not now," I hissed under my breath, praying that the urge would subside.

I cautiously resumed my task, my movements slow and deliberate as I brushed the pollen grains into a small vial. The grains shimmered like golden dust, their potency almost palpable. With a sigh of relief, I sealed the vial, the urge to sneeze finally receding. With the pollen safely collected, I turned my attention to another key ingredient, the Horsetail Pine. Extracting its resin would provide the perfect binding agent for my concoction.

I worked swiftly. Using a small blade, I carefully made a shallow incision in the bark. A thick, amber-colored resin slowly seeped out, filling the air with a pungent, piney aroma. The combination of the pollen and resin would create a powerful irritant. I placed the resin and pollen into the top layer of the furnace, adjusting the heat and qi flow to ensure a smooth blend.

The Tormenting Pollen Mist was my goal. It would diffuse into the air, creating a cloud of fine particles that would induce uncontrollable sneezing fits in anyone unfortunate enough to inhale it. Perfect for disrupting the concentration of my competitors.

Finally, the furnace signaled the completion of the process. I carefully removed the top layer, revealing a fine, golden powder. I quickly funneled it into small vials, sealing them tightly. The Tormenting Pollen Mist was ready.

"Oh, I almost forgot!"

I looked at the shelves, looking for any interesting ingredients to use with my Elixir of Rapid Growth. I seized a small bottle of Entangling Vine seeds.

"Time's up! Move to the next zone!" Ma Hualong's voice echoed.

My palms were sweaty, as I hurriedly packed up my tools and ingredients, slipping the vials into my storage ring. The fire zone awaited, and I couldn't afford to waste a single moment.

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