Bionic Era

Chapter 45

Chapter 45 Genius is on the left

that year.

Li Jiangang graduated and got a job in an insurance company.

There was an accident in a van, and the owner once bought auto insurance.

He was sent to investigate.

“Minshui Village?”

Li Jian has never heard of this place.

After several hours of driving, there are hard and difficult roads along the way, as well as thrilling mountain trails.

Li Jian finally came to Minshui Village in that snowy winter.

The child whose eyes were full of eagerness shocked him.

That was the first time he had the idea of ​​funding these children to go to school.

“What is your name?”

“My name is Jiang Xiaonian.”

Li Jian left after the inspection.

Not long after, Jiang Xiaonian received a sum of money and a letter.

He read the letter carefully, then began to count the money, counting many times, tossing over and over, counting the whole night.

That was the first time he saw so much money in his life.

Later, he went to the town to complete elementary school and was admitted to the middle school in the city.

On the day he graduated from junior high school, his father was knocked down by a galloping car and never got up again.

It was Li Jian who came to pick him up at the graduation ceremony.

It was also Li Jian who litigated him.

During that time, he heard a lot of familiar words, such as drunk driving, speeding, and retrograde, but the final judgment…

“The car broke down?”

“Is it just that?”

He saw Li Jian’s silent expression after getting the verdict, like the silence of the old man sitting in front of the school.

On the day his father was buried, the boy cried for the first time and for the last time.

He passed out in front of the cemetery.

woke up in the villa rented by Li Jian.

“Uncle, is this villa yours?”

“No, but one day, my uncle will buy it.”

“Uncle, why do you always look at the other side?”

“There is a girl my uncle likes on the other side.”

Jiang Xiaonian became more silent.

Classmates said that he has a weird temper and may have mental problems.

But he just studied quietly. It took a year to complete the three years of high school, and it took another two years to get enough credits.

He is always number one.

He will always be the smartest one!

“But it’s still not enough…”

He wants a lot.

Jiang Xiaonian was walking on the street at dusk, coming and going around, he suddenly felt very sick, why did he want to live in the same world with these mediocre people? Why are those fools born with countless resources to cultivate? Work hard all my life just to serve those pig-like things?

He looked at the magnificent palace-like villa, and suddenly found that Uncle Li Jian, whom he had always admired, was just a mortal.

Mortals should not have so much money.

These money should be his.

“Fairness is only for the weak. If you are strong enough, you should redefine fairness…”

He saw the news of the death of Li Jian on the 1st.

So he planned a scene.

In the    play, people initially believed that No. 5 Li Jian was also a victim.

In the play, Xia Chuluo used clues to analyze that No. 5 Li Jian was still alive.

In the play, on the 5th, Li Jian committed suicide in fear of crime, leaving a suicide note, and leaving all his property to him.


Love Dou Chukai was in his teens.

Li Jian was born in a worker’s family, and the family was not rich.

He studies hard, day and night.

He would envy those couples who hold hands and go home after school, and those who fight after class.

But he dare not, he is worried that falling in love will affect his study.

“If you have money in the future, you can have a good relationship.”

He built a high wall outside the door of his heart to protect a illusory beauty.

There is another man named Li Jian in the high school class. They met by name, and they were both children from poor families. They encouraged each other and became good brothers.

In the third year of high school.

Li Jian saw the girl accidentally.

Then the wall collapsed.

At this wrong point in time, a small flame ignited in my heart, endlessly.

Li Jian wrote a letter, in a very old fashioned way, few people write letters in this era.

in my expectation.

No reply.

“fair enough……”

Li Jian began to study harder.

In the dark night, when he is tired, he thinks of that girl.

Occasionally, I would ask someone to ask which university the girl would like to go to.

graduated from high school.

New students are sitting on the playground, and the people they like confess to each other.

Li Jian sat on the grass, among the crowd.

He saw a pair of familiar figures kissing and receiving blessings in the distance.

He suddenly understood.

“So there was a reply…”

wrote back to another Li Jian.

He felt uncomfortable, as if a cold knife was pierced hard in his chest, piercing it again and again.

He was drunk that day.

stumbled to find the couple.

He is missing a brother.

Four years of university, he has never been in a relationship.

After graduation, he never had anyone he liked again.

After getting married, it is still a separated life.

Pain and entanglement ate Li Jian’s body and mind. The flame was never extinguished back then. He fumbled in the Vanity Fair, numbing himself with his busyness.

He rented a villa opposite that cheap elevator apartment.


He bought the villa.

He became a small well-known entrepreneur, philanthropist, his name occasionally appeared in newspapers, and the media would come to his home for interviews.

This luxurious villa is always brightly lit all night.

Li Jian holding a red wine glass, standing in front of the window, looking at the elevator apartment in the distance, thinking about the person inside.

He only hoped that she had noticed.

Solitude and wealth cast a cold castle. Amidst the noise and achievements, he walked up to the height of the castle and looked at the place that was clearly low, hoping to wait until that person.

There is a book on the head of his bed, “The Great Gatsby.”

“Uncle, did you know that someone with the same name and surname as you died.”

Jiang Xiaonian stood in front of the villa.

He looked at the grown-up child, and said the words of the devil at the moment.

“Uncle, your beloved things can’t be waited until you grab them!”

“All guilt can be passed on to the first Li Jian’s murderer!”

“Uncle, don’t you want to get back everything that belongs to you?”

“That person is just a food factory worker, he is not worthy of her!”

“Uncle, do you know the person you like, how hard it has been all these years?”

Li Jian looked at Jiang Xiaonian who was a little crazy, and suddenly thought of the letters from those teachers over the years.

The letter will first praise the child for being smart, and then euphemistically express his concern about the child’s mental health.


Twelve districts.

In the abandoned high-rise building Numerous bionics are standing in the dark.

The faint light of the halo on their hands flickered slowly in the silence.

Jiang Xiaonian seemed to be crazy, crying and laughing, screaming inexplicably.

I don’t know how long it has been.

He regained his peace.

With a stiff smile on his face, he came to Lu Wen.

Sort clothes a little.

“Do you know, I always thought Xia Chuluo could become my opponent during this period of time.”

Jiang Xiaonian muttered and muttered.

How many clues did he leave to Xia Chuluo, but Xia Chuluo didn’t even see it.

“She even wasted a whole day’s rest?”

“Mediocre people will need to rest…”

Jiang Xiaonian seemed to have suddenly changed from a madman to a talkative.

He couldn’t find anyone to listen to.

He kept talking.

said how he persuaded Li Jian.

said how he used bionic mosquitoes to inject control programs into those bionics.

Jiang Xiaonian lied to Li Jian, told Li Jian that the suspended animation would deceive all executives, told Li Jian that the anticoagulant would not be detected, and told Li Jian that he would be able to get away.

“Xia Chuluo disappointed me.”

“And you, let down Zero…”

Jiang Xiaonian looked at Lu Wen with calm eyes.

seems to be looking at a pile of broken copper and iron.

can be a moment later.

His face suddenly changed.

As if being manipulated, Lu Wen, who has been expressionless, actually slowly raised a smile.

“I am truly disappointed.”

Xia Chuluo stood up from the pool of blood, his face full of indifferent expressions.

With that relaxed look, he almost said “this is it”.

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