Bionic Era

Chapter 44

Chapter 44 Madman on the right

“Xia Chuluo is so smart. From the first day she saw Uncle Li Jian, she should have begun to wonder, why didn’t she?”

“Doesn’t she find it strange? Why does the old fortune teller she knows meet Li Jian who wants to change his name?”

He smiled and smiled, tears dazzling from his eyes.

This person’s facial expression management failed.

I don’t know if I am laughing or crying.

“Uncle Li Jian’s expression was pale on the cliff that day, don’t you doubt it?”

“Why is the expression pale? Didn’t it mean that I drew my own blood into a blood pack and tied it in front of the body armor?”

“Why are you not willing to test the blood spilled on the cliff to see if there is anticoagulant in it?”

“This is the flaw I left for you!”

“He wrapped himself up tightly, so why didn’t he suspect that he was wearing a bulletproof jacket? It’s so thick! There are blood bags! Just because he is fat?”

“Just because he was a victim?”

He leaned against a bionic, clutching his hair desperately.

bowed his body, trembling slightly all over.

He was laughing wildly, but the tears were falling.

“Wearing body armor, and not wearing body armor, the impact is different, you are all professional, why can’t you tell?”


His voice was full of pain, a little hoarse.

“Even if…” He tremblingly stretched out his finger, “Even if there is only one person!”

“If a person is willing to check his interpersonal relationship, he can know that he has a high school classmate also named Li Jian, and then he can think of whether they had any grudges, but no!”

“not a single one!”

“You are all waiting, wait for the next Li Jian to die, and then collect more useless evidence!”

“Useless evidence!”

He roared suddenly, and the veins on his Qingxiu face were violently twisted.

“Just last night, I had to personally deliver the evidence to the villa to let you know that he had a classmate named Li Jian in high school!”

“This head!”

“Fresh heads!”

“How fresh…”

He suddenly fell to the ground, ignoring the gray dust.

held up the head.

Calm look, as if to appreciate some artwork.

“Why don’t you think of it?”

He muttered to himself, there was no joy in calculating success.

The feeling of frustration filled the whole body.

No one can understand him.

“You said, why didn’t they think of it?”

He seemed to be asking this head, shaking it vigorously.

The six mechanical legs of the human head swayed weakly.

Unfortunately, I can never get a response.

“You answer me!”

“Why do not you speak?!”

“The evidence is so obvious. They are still investigating and collecting evidence, and they are still comforting the families of the victims. How long do they want to wait?”

“I can’t wait!”

Did he suddenly stand up and hit the head of the person in his hand on the ground.

looked ferocious, and his eyes were full of anger.

The head smashed a bright red mark on the hard concrete floor, and then rolled away.

But this still doesn’t seem to get rid of the anger in his heart.

The third floor of the empty abandoned building echoed the young man’s roar, no one knows why.


“Are all the pigs in the Executive Board?”

“So many resources…so many resources give those pig-like things, why…why…”

He grabbed his hair in pain, crying and laughing.

He left a lot of details and wanted to tell everyone that No. 5 Li Jian disguised his death. No. 5 Li Jian was not a victim but a murderer, but no one paid attention to those details.


The twelfth district.

Minshui Village.

This is a village far away from the city. Nine households in the ten rooms are all impoverished.

The remaining tenth is not much better.

Whether it was more than 20 years ago or more than 20 years later, the harvest all year round depends on the face of God.

This small village seems to be sealed by time.

The rapid development of technology in the outside world has forgotten this poor place.

One small New Year’s Eve 22 years ago, Jiang Xiaonian was born.

is that young year’s eve, he lost his mother.

Many children drank breast milk as the first bite after they were born, but they drank blood.

Jiang Xiaonian grew up gradually.

Like other children, he came to a school in the village.

“Sir, what’s the use of reading?”

“Self-cultivation, family harmony, country management, peace of the world.”

The old gentleman smiled, very kind, and touched Jiang Xiaonian’s head.

Mr.   ’s hands are rough, but very warm.

“Can I make money from studying?” Jiang Xiaonian asked again.

“Why do you ask?” The old man was startled, seemingly puzzled that a child asked such a question.

“After I have money, I can… I can stop my father from working, and I can also… I can also build a big school for my husband.” Jiang Xiaonian answered seriously with his eyes wide open.

The old man laughed, stroking his long beard.

The innocence and happiness of children are always enviable.

The village is so small, there are more than a dozen children studying in this dilapidated school. What use is the school if it is bigger?

“Yes, of course you can make money by studying!”

“Then I take first place in every exam!”

Jiang Xiaonian did it.

Throughout the first grade, he was first in every exam.

and far beyond the second place, Yiqi Juechen.

that year.

A small town far away gave a place.

An opportunity to study in the town for free, all tuition fees are free, and even board and lodging are free.

The village said that he wanted the most promising child to go.

Jiang Xiaonian was full of joy and spent the whole night in anticipation.

the next day.

The village chief’s son boarded the dilapidated van.

“Sir, why isn’t it me?”

The old man sat at the door of the school and was silent for a long time.

That night, some people heard quarrels coming from the village chief’s house, and others saw the old gentleman walking out of the village chief’s house angrily the old gentleman was sick.

seems to be ill.

Jiang Xiaonian brought a bowl of steamed eggs to visit Mr.

The old man was lying on the sickbed, his face was sick, and he touched Jiang Xiaonian’s head.

“Xiao Nian, money is a very good thing…There are still some things in this world that are as good as money.”

The old man did not eat the bowl of steamed eggs, he left this night.

The children in the village have lost the only way to learn.

Jiang Xiaonian squatted at the entrance of the village.

Day after day.

This poor place is like a swamp, and generations of people cannot escape.

He feels that he is just an ant. He really hopes that someone can trample him to death, so that he does not have to struggle day and night in this muddy quagmire.

That dilapidated van will send the village chief’s children back every weekend.

went to town again on Monday.

There was snow falling from the sky, and the white road was crushed by wheels with black marks.

The head of the village invited the driver and the teacher in the car into the house for dinner.

On that day, when the van went back, the tire burst, the road was slippery in the snow, and the child of the village chief’s family was among them.

Later, a nail pierced mark was found on the exploded tire, presumably from a mountain road.

The insurance company sent a very young salesman over to investigate.

The salesman came to the village and saw a group of children whose faces were blue from the cold. They took out some candies from their backpacks and handed them out one by one.

Jiang Xiaonian saw it from a distance.

He tore his worn-out quilted jacket a little bit more rotten, and then ran over.

“Uncle, I don’t want to eat candy, I want to read.”

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