
Chapter 55: Laundry…

Melody and I settled down and she pulled my legs around, tugging my body with them, until I was seated normally to her right. With my hands still cuffed behind me, of course. While we sat beside each other, Melody fed us both, using the same fork and switch back and forth with small bites of pasta.

It took a very long time, but eventually, we each ate a decent bit and had enough. There was a little left in the container, but Melody just closed it and got up to throw it away into some trash bin somewhere. It was a little wasteful… but… not much I can do.

Once Melody returned, she asked, “Anything you want to do?”

Anything I want to do? Not really… other than cuddling with Melody, maybe kissing her again, maybe having her tie me up more, maybe having her whip me… pretty normal things, but not the things to randomly suggest.

Although, there was one thing we’d kept forgetting. Laundry. “The laundry bin is overflowing…”

“Ah… you’re probably running low on outerwear.” Melody nodded. “I’m not used to doing laundry. Never done it actually.”

“Really?” I asked… but it wasn’t that surprising. Seeing as she had maids at one of her random houses we visited. “I… could show you?”

“Hmm…” Melody thought for a moment, before deciding. “Sure, let’s go.”

She stood up and began heading to the door. I didn’t move. I was still naked, with my hands bound behind my back… “Melody?

Melody spun around in front of the door, gesturing for me to come. “Come on, kitty.”

I stood, pushing down on the couch and leaning forward so I could shift my weight onto my feet and stand, but still just stared. “Uhm… clothes?”

Melody put a finger on her chin, thinking, before tapping the ground and pointing down at her foot. “Come here.”

Reluctantly, I walked over with my head bowed in embarrassment. She wouldn’t really make me go out there naked, right? Surely not… even if it’s just a dorm filled with Melody’s friends…

While my thoughts raced, I had finally reached the indicated spot, and Melody returned to a normal poster, saying, “I’ll be right back.”

Then she ran upstairs.

Thank god. She was just trying to make me nervous. And now she was probably getting some clothes for me, which I’m sure will be all too revealing, but it’s better than nothing. Hopefully… there’s many ways it could be worse than nothing… if she tied me up in just rope or something. Naked you can make excuses for. Chained up and tied up? Not so much.

Once Melody returned downstairs, she was actually carrying the laundry basket which she sat by the door, then turned to me. “Spin around.”

I did… and as I expected, Melody took off my cuffs.

“Spin around again.” Once more, I did, and now I was facing a serious Melody holding the cuffs I was wearing seconds ago. They were basically just two metal rings connected by a chain, although I don’t recall the chain being cold… maybe I was distracted earlier. 

Melody dropped the cuffs beside the laundry basket, then knelt down and picked up black panties and a black bra, which she handed to me. I took the clothes and put them on, feeling much better… then stared at Melody, who didn’t bring out more clothes, but instead cuffs. The pink fluffy ones from ages ago… as in a few days ago… “Hands out.”

So she is going to chain me up… lovely. I extended my arms, and she grabbed my wrists, putting the fluffy cuffs on. They allowed for a lot of movement this time, she must have changed them, or maybe they aren’t the same. My hands could stretch around two feet apart. Probably so I could grab the laundry basket…

After securing my wrists, Melody knelt back down, picking up a different set of cuffs, which she brought to my legs. They were also pink and fluffy, but the chain connecting them was much shorter… a little less than a foot, I think. Not at all enough to walk.

Lastly, once Melody was back to standing, she brought out a black leash… looked into my eyes… smiled… and reached forward, clipping it onto my collar. The leash was also short… I’d guess three or four feet. Basically, I'd have to follow right behind Melody. And she gave me absolutely no time.

“M-melody?!” I shouted out as I was pulled forward, almost falling over as I tripped over the chains connecting my feet, trying to rebalance myself. “Wha… what about clothes?”

“You have enough,” Melody answered, giving the leash another quick tug. “Pick up the laundry.”

“B-but what about… the others?” I asked, but I still crouched down, grabbing the basket with my chained hands. Then I stood again.

“I guess you’ll need to teach me quickly,” Melody smirked, giving the leash another jerk. "Or come up with an excuse."

Unfortunately, I was still very concerned. Wearing just my undergarments… revealing so much skin… I could do it, I think. It’s easily explainable, it’d be fine, just deathly humiliating… but all the chains? Even worse, the damn leash! There is no way in hell I’ll ever be able to explain Melody holding my leash without admitting our kinks.

Sensing my reluctance, Melody’s smirk grew, and she said, “I’ll get a tail for you, wait here.”

“Wait!” I shouted out as Melody dropped my leash and walked past me, heading up stairs.

She turned around once she was a third of the way up, grinning. “I thought you wanted more clothes…”

“I… tails aren’t clothes?” I mumbled out. They aren’t. Yeah. They aren’t.

“Do you want a tail?” Melody asked, not arguing with my statement, surprisingly.

Yes. “No.”

“Okay, I’ll get a tail.” Melody nodded, beginning to turn back around.

“I said no!” I whined, and Melody paused for a brief moment until she replied.

“You look like you want one.” And with that ending statement, Melody ran up the rest of the stairs to go fetch a tail. A minute later, she returned with her hands behind her back.

I was still staring at the staircase, having done nothing but think about catgirls and tails while Melody was gone. As she walked down the staircase concealing her tail choice, she commanded. “Turn around.”

Completely not realizing I was still holding it, I spun around and set it down just in front of the door while staring at my tiny bare feet… which reminded me of Melody’s for some reason… more like how different they were, far more frail, and far more… ugly? They just weren’t perfect like hers. They were cleanish I guess.

Melody stepped up behind me, then pressed down on my right shoulder. “Bend down and grab your feet.”

With her guidance, I bent all the way down, as much as I could, and attempted to wrap my hands around my feet, which I couldn’t do, unfortunately. My arms weren’t quite long enough. I could touch my feet, but not hold them. At least not while maintaining my balance. Melody adjusted her orders after I struggled a little, saying, “Grab your ankles.”

Now that, I could do. So I did. I raised my hands a little and instead gripped my legs, just above my ankles. Satisfied, Melody moved on to the next step in her plan. She brought a plug right in front of my face. It was a pretty small one, I think. Similar to the one we used last time. Then she ordered, “Lick it so I can put it in.”

Uh… Okay… I guess I’m the lube. I opened my mouth a little as Melody pressed the metal into my face. I tilted my head up a little so it was actually at my mouth instead of above it, and then I began licking around it, spreading as much saliva as I could on the cold foreign object.

As I kept circling my tongue around the plug, saliva started to build up, dripping down from my lips in long strands, and Melody finally decided it was enough, pulling out the tail and bringing it back up to her, where my ass was.

The strands of spit started to hit the ground, while one of Melody’s hands landed on my butt, pulling the black panties she gave me moments ago down to my thighs. Then, she spoke and pulled on my left butt cheek. “Okay, time to pour some lube.”

Huh? If I just… she’s using lube anyway? “Why did I lick it?!”

“Because I wanted to see if you would,” Melody replied nonchalantly as slimy, slightly cold goo fell into me, which she rubbed in a little, relaxing my hole. Once she finished, I felt the metal of the plug press in, and my butt took it surprisingly well. Like… it kinda just slipped in without resistance. Something was up. Either that plug was smaller than I thought or… I guess I naturally relaxed a little once I felt her begin rubbing… weird. Maybe it’s my pose or something.

Melody gave me a light spank then reached down, pulling my panties back up, until they rested just below the tail. Which felt very… um… very much like I was not wearing anything. It left me feeling even more naked than naked, if that’s a thing. I was covered, since I had clothes… and a tail… but… well my underwear was falling off! It’s like I was in the middle of dressing and I ran out of my room or something. Not to mention that it would make it even harder to explain if we get caught.

Of course, Melody didn’t care. She walked past me and bent down to grab hold of my leash, then said, “Stand up, laundry time.”

And, to no one’s surprise, I stood, taking a step forward to grab the laundry basket again, and followed her out of the door and into the shared S tier spaces without another word of complaint. The longer I delay, the more creative Melody gets… god I hate and… love her so much.

I shuffled behind Melody as she very slowly led me toward the shared space, staying close enough that the collar was hanging loosely and I was right up against Melody’s back. Once we reached the open area, I scanned the room… and found no one.

Shuffling my way in front of Melody as fast as I could, I led her to the right side of the open area, where there was a bathroom door, and another door right beside that, which led to a small room that had some racks with spare towels, toilet paper, and other amenities, and, most importantly, washing machines and dryers. I couldn’t get in there fast enough.

Melody pulled open the door the moment we reached it, and we slipped inside. After closing the door behind us, I set the laundry down while she glanced around, eventually settling her eyes on the front-loading dryer. “So how do you use this thing?”

“Um…” I awkwardly pointed toward the other front-loading machine. “It’s this one.”

I guess they kind of look the same… they’re both just black boxes with circle holes…

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